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Is there 3d touch on iphone 6. Quick settings in control center

In reviews of mobile devices from Apple, you can often find such a term as 3D Touch. But, at the same time, it is far from always explained what 3D Touch is, why this technology is used in the iPhone and how it works.

3D Touch is a technology from Apple that allows you to track different levels of pressure on the . 3D Touch was introduced in the fall of 2015 and has been used in all iPhone models since then.

The technology works on the basis of sensors that are built directly into the screen of a mobile device. Determining the pressing force is due to the measurement of the slightest changes in the distance between the screen glass and the backlight level. Also, 3D Touch technology uses an accelerometer and other sensors. Using all this information, the device can determine the level of pressure and user intent.

The use of 3D Touch greatly expands the possibilities of touch control of a mobile device. Thanks to this technology, in addition to classic gestures (touch, swipe, pinching and spreading fingers, etc.), you can use gestures with different levels of pressure on the screen, this allows the user to interact with content without leaving the current application. For example, you can click on a page and see its preview, then you can press harder and go to a full view.

In addition, the use of 3D Touch allows you to speed up the interaction with applications. The user can click on the application icon and, with the help of hard pressing, immediately select one of the proposed actions. Thus, you can call a subscriber from the list of favorite contacts without even opening the Phone application.

How to use 3D Touch

3D Touch can be used in different situations. Now we'll look at some of the most illustrative scenarios in which the use of 3D Touch can be really very useful.

With 3D Touch, you can quickly turn on some function of the application without wasting time launching the application itself. So, if you forcefully click on the "Messages" application, a list of users with whom you communicate will appear. Clicking on any of these users will take you directly to a chat with that user. Similar "quick actions" are available for many other applications.

In some cases, along with the list of quick actions, a small widget with information from the application appears on the screen. For example, if you forcefully press the Weather app icon, a weather widget and a list of quick actions will appear.

Quick actions are also available for application folders. If you forcefully click on such a folder, a menu will appear with which you can rename the folder or launch one of the applications.

You can open the Notification Center and use 3D Touch on the X button. As a result, a button will appear with which you can delete all notifications at once. You can also use 3D Touch to preview the content mentioned in the notification.

3D Touch also works in the Control Center. For example, you can open the Control Center and press hard on the flashlight icon. As a result, a menu will appear in which you can select the operating mode. In addition, in the Control Center 3D Touch can be used on the icon of the timer, calculator and camera.

As you can see, 3D Touch opens up a lot of additional possibilities for controlling the iPhone interface and saves a lot of time.

iPhone users are accustomed to navigating between open apps by double tapping the home button. 3D Touch allows you to replace the double tap with a faster swipe system.

Press firmly on the left edge of the screen and swipe. An area for selecting the active application will open in front of you.

Switching to the last used application is even easier. With a little pressure, swipe your finger from left to right.

2. Working with notifications

Probably each of us starts the day by checking notifications on our smartphone. 3D Touch makes working with notifications much easier.

If the application can, then when you click on the notification, you will see a miniature version of the program's interface. Otherwise, a pop-up window will appear that duplicates the text of the notification.

You can completely clear the notification field by pressing hard on the cross above the first of the notifications.

3. Trackpad mode

Writing long texts, or rather highlighting part of what is written, is inconvenient on the iPhone. Not only do you need to take your fingers off the keyboard to do this, but sometimes you have to show the skills of a jeweler to correctly mark the boundaries of the selected area. 3D Touch solves this problem too.

Hold your finger on the keyboard area. The keys will turn gray, and you will be able to move the cursor without dragging your finger over the text itself. A strong press will lead directly to the selection. You can change the selection area by releasing pressure on the screen and using strong pressure again.

4. Working with applications

Many applications offer additional features related to 3D Touch. Those that don't offer respond to a hard press with a Share button to instantly send a link to the program. Using 3D Touch with a Trello icon, for example, displays an app widget.

It is impossible to enumerate all the possibilities of programs that open up with 3D Touch - just test your applications with a hard press.

From what Apple offers us, it is impossible not to note the flashlight intensity control and the choice of timer presets on the central control panel of the iPhone.

Using 3D Touch when clicking on a folder reduces the number of taps: a drop-down menu will offer a quick way to rename the folder or open the application in which you received a notification.

3D Touch not only speeds up your iPhone experience, it also introduces new features that were previously out of place in iOS. So, a strong press on the downloaded application will allow not only to pause or cancel the download, but also set its priority when downloading several programs at the same time.

5. Work with links

3D Touch also makes it easier to work inside Safari. Pressing hard on a hyperlink opens a mini version of the page for preview. The same thing happens when applying 3D Touch to an image.

The page preview opens when you hard press not only on a hyperlink: with the help of 3D Touch, you can also view the contents of bookmarks, favorite links or recently visited sites in thumbnails.

What application of 3D Touch did you find?

And 6s Plus speak of it very well. And here's something else - a very new technology. Who knows what solutions for their applications based on it will be offered by Apple or other developers. If you want to know everything about, we will tell you.

How to use 3D Touch on iPhone 6s

What is 3D Touch? In short, 3D Touch-enabled Apple devices are able to recognize the force of pressure on the screen and react accordingly. Thus, on the basis of this “pressure sensor”, we get new control gestures, in addition to the already familiar tap and swipe, and a completely new level of interaction with our phone.

What you need to use 3D Touch effectively:

Turning 3D Touch on and off

3D Touch was designed to make iPhone control faster, more convenient and smarter than ever before. Therefore, 3D Touch is, of course, enabled by default. But if you want to turn it off or use it only as needed, it's easy to do so. Pass in Settings > Main > Universal access > 3D Touch.

Adjusting the 3D Touch Sensitivity

Sensitivity settings rarely suit everyone the same. If you have ever had 3D Touch not work or work at an unnecessary moment, you can adjust the sensitivity through Settings -> Main -> Universal access -> 3D Touch in the 3D Touch Sensitivity section. Move the slider and see if the settings work for you with a test image.

Using Quick Actions with 3D Touch on the Home Screen

The home screen is the main control of your phone. 3D Touch's Quick Actions let you use it more often, faster, and in fewer swipes. You will often need one tap to complete the desired action on the home screen. Stock apps such as Camera, Maps, Messages and Phone already come with a quick action menu.

To use 3D Touch, gently press on the app icon (like ringing a doorbell). The quick action menu will appear. Now click on the action you want and it will be executed. Everything is very simple.

Using Peek and Pop

With Peek and Pop, you can not only view previews of messages and mail, but also view the content of links, plane tickets, places on maps, and more. Through Peek and Pop, quick actions are carried out within applications without launching the applications themselves. During the Peek action, the active element is highlighted while the rest of the screen is blurred.

Peek and Pop is probably the most useful feature of 3D Touch.

peek starts pressing to the desired element.

Stronger pressing leads to the activation of Pop.

Switch apps with 3D Touch

Switching applications is also conveniently implemented through 3D Touch. App Switcher can now be called up by hard pressing on the left side of the screen. You can switch to the previous active program by clicking on the left side and swiping from left to right.

Turning a keyboard into a trackpad

A typo in the middle of a sentence is not such a big problem. But changing or deleting typed text on iPhone has been quite a difficult task so far. With the advent of 3D Touch, everything has become easier. Instead of bulky bubbles for convenient text selection, you can now use the trackpad that appears from the keyboard. Press hard on the keyboard and it will turn into a trackpad.

Taking live photos

Live photos are taken in the same way as regular photos, you just need to make sure that Live mode is on.

View Live Photos with 3D Touch

Live photos have been one of the most talked about features of the new iPhones. Such photographs include a short (1.5 seconds before and after the moment of shooting) video. Animation when viewing live photos is enabled using 3D Touch. Launch the Camera app and find a live photo; they are easy to find, they move a little while browsing the album. Press, with some effort, on the photo, and it will come to life. The sound will also play if it has been recorded.

If you have an iPhone 6s or a newer model of an "apple" smartphone, you probably know about such a feature as 3D Touch. If not, this is when you press the screen with force and a context menu appears with additional functions. But we bet you don't use all the features of 3D Touch! This article will help you learn more about the function and make your life easier.

What is the 3D Touch function (3D touch)?

3D Touch is an Apple technology that allows you to determine the force of pressure on the display. Thanks to this feature, it is possible (by pressing the iPhone screen with force) to call up some functions of the application without launching it. For the first time, 3D touch appeared in the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus smartphones. The technology is based on another Apple development called Force Touch, used in the Apple Watch and Macbook trackpads.

Which iPhones does 3D Touch work on?

3D Touch is supported on iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.

How to use 3D Touch (3D touch) on iPhone?

Below you will find a comprehensive list of scenarios for applying 3D Touch.

1. Application icons

The simplest action. Just tap the app icon harder than you normally would. You will see useful shortcuts (quick access buttons) to useful and frequently used functions. Some applications also display a mini version of their widget.

Information on what 3D Touch provides for individual applications:

App Store- quick access to store search, entering the iTunes code, the "Update All" button and going to Purchases.

Music- a widget with recently played songs and a search field.

safari- opening a new tab, "private" tab, launching the bookmarks bar and the Reading List;

Telephone- quick access to 4 contacts, search and create a new contact.

A photo- a widget for the Memories tab, and sections for recently viewed photos, favorites and search.

iBooks- recently opened documents, books and audiobooks.

Weather- Widget with your current location, shortcuts for adding three favorite cities.

Camera- Shortcut for quick access to create a selfie, portrait, video recording, slo-mo and create a simple photo.

Calendar– a widget with upcoming tasks and a shortcut for adding new events.

Watch– shortcuts for quickly creating an alarm clock, starting a timer or a stopwatch.

Notes- recently opened notes, shortcuts for creating a note, to-do list and sketching.

2. Open the multitasking menu

This works best when your iPhone doesn't have a case. Make a 3D Touch gesture in the left corner of the screen, wait for a haptic feedback and swipe to the right. As a result, the multitasking menu with running applications will open. If you continue to swipe to the right, you will go to the last open program.

3. Notifications

Starting with iOS 10, notifications in Apple's mobile operating system have become interactive. Some programs - for example, Viber or Messages - after a 3D Touch gesture, display a large preview of an incoming message on the lock screen. 3D Touch also brings up a context menu with additional options for use - for example, retweet in the Twitter application.

3D Touch also allows you to quickly remove all notifications from the Notification Center - to do this, you need to gesture and click on the "x" icon in the Center.

4 Safari

If you 3D Touch a link, a pop-up window will appear with the information available on this page (i.e. you may not even go to another site). If you still want to go, just press the screen harder or take your finger off the screen. Apple calls this feature Peek and Pop. The name, of course, is funny - but you will appreciate the convenience very quickly. And in instant messengers, this function displays a preview of the dialogue.

5. Control point

3D Touch-clicking on the sound adjustment opens a window for finer adjustments:

Clicking on the mini-player opens it in a new window in more detail:

The flashlight changes the light intensity:

The Brightness button allows you to change the intensity of the screen brightness, and also displays control of the Night Shift and True Tone functions:

Clicking on Calculator allows you to copy the last result:

Pressing the Camera button - allows you to quickly take a selfie, record a video or take a portrait:

Clicking on the card with wireless modules reveals more options:

6. The keyboard turns into a trackpad

This is one of the most valuable features of 3D Touch. If you need to work with the cursor, just press hard on the iPhone's virtual keyboard and it will turn into a trackpad touchpad! Move the cursor around the screen in any direction - the newly minted “trackpad” will understand everything.

7. Folder with notifications

Let's say you have folders on your iPhone with a dozen apps - and several of them have at least one notification. 3D Touch gesture on a folder - and all programs with a red circle above them will line up on the screen. Hover your finger over the desired name and release it - the application will launch immediately.

8. Application download

A 3D touch on an app that is currently downloading an update from the internet will give you access to additional options - pause downloads or prioritize (useful when the App Store updates 30 apps at once and you want to launch one of them as soon as possible) .

9. Phone app

Clicking on any contact brings up a context menu with useful options - call via FaceTime, send E-mail or SMS. Convenient - no need to once again climb the menus.

10. Music

The ability to call the context menu by clicking on any song.

11. Messages

Sending effects in iMessage (“bubbles”, etc.). To do this, you need to make a 3D Touch-click on the blue “up” arrow.

Contact icon. When you make a 3D Touch gesture on a contact icon, a menu is displayed with all the ways to contact the person.

Conversation preview. Requires touching the icon with a dialogue between you and the desired interlocutor.

12. Third Party Apps with Good 3D Touch Implementation

Instagram. Whenever you see a thumbnail, force click on it and view the full content.

Whatsapp. Displays the last 4 chats and an option to start a new conversation. There's also an option to display all the featured posts you've ever starred.

Telegram. Widget with recent chats, as well as shortcuts for Search, new message, taking a photo or video, etc.

runtastic. Widget for statistics of recent workouts, as well as shortcuts for quick access.

Apple. offers a quick transition to the most popular sections of

Customizing 3D Touch

If you think that using 3D Touch requires too much physical effort, you don't have to give up the feature! It can be customized the way you like. To do this, open Settings, select General, then Accessibility and 3D Touch, and then set the appropriate pressure (sensitivity).

Use 3D Touch

Every year, iPhone owners are increasingly using the 3D Touch function. And this is not surprising - after a short period of getting used to, you simply cannot do without 3D Touch, because this is actually a very convenient and time-saving "feature". Do not put off getting to know her indefinitely - try it right now!

How to disable 3D Touch

If you still could not get used to using 3D Touch technology, switch the toggle switch of the same name, located along the path Settings -> General -> Universal Access, to the Off position.

According to yablyk

I'll tell you in detail about the 3D Touch function. Today we will touch on 5 essential topics for iPhone 6S owners:

3D Touch - what is it?

3D Touch is a technology built into the iPhone 6S display that allows you to navigate the iPhone screen not only in the plane, but also in space, thereby recognizing the pressing force at various levels of pressure. 3D Touch is a new technology created by Apple that aims to make working with your iPhone even easier. Apple has big plans for its new brainchild, they say that the 3D Touch feature has a great future. But it’s no wonder, because the Cupertino people made a splash with a new killer feature and now everyone is wondering what it is capable of. Just with the release of the iPhone 6S, 3D Touch technology is gaining demand. In the future, Apple plans to expand the capabilities of 3D Touch, and it is also expected to update almost all applications from third-party developers and game companies. But even now it is already possible to use the new feature in full, though only in the iPhone 6S, for now. Next year, 3D Touch support is expected for the iPhone 7, iPad Pro 2, and iPad Mini 5. Today, 3D Touch technology in the iPhone 6S is an accelerated and comfortable experience with the iPhone.

How 3D Touch works

The 3D Touch display is designed as follows:

  • The display is topped with a durable Corning protective glass that is scratch resistant and flexible for pressure detection.
  • Retina panel with built-in 3D Touch
  • Touch sensors
  • Beneath the display lies the unique Taptic Engine vibration motor, which is responsible for vibration feedback for a more comfortable use of this technology.

3D Touch is 96 individual sensors assembled into a grid, which is located between the protective glass and the screen backlight panel. These sensors measure the distance from the top of the glass deflection (when pressed) to the sensors themselves and this distance equals a certain pressing force.

There are 2 basic pressure forces that Apple personally came up with for their 3D Touch technology, these are the “Peek” and “Pop” functions.

Peek– less strong pressure on the display.
Pop– stronger pressure on the display.

If, for example, you press on a letter in the “Mail” application by simply lightly pressing “Peek”, then the letter will open in preview mode and while you hold your finger with the force of pressing “Peek”, the letter will be shown, and if you remove your finger, then the letter will be closed, while it will not be read, because you didn't go to him. But if you decide to open it all the same, then you will need to press until the “Pop” pressure is pressed, and then the letter will open. It is the same with links in the browser - they pressed “Peek” on the link - a preview of the contents of the link opened - until they pressed harder (“Pop”) - the link opened. Simple and comfortable working principle.

How to enable and configure 3D Touch?

To enable 3D Touch on your iPhone 6S, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > 3D Touch. Here you can turn it on and off, and customize it however you like.

Setting up 3D Touch
Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > 3D Touch and there you can configure this feature as you wish. There is a weak, medium and strong pressing. Those. you can choose how much pressure you need to press on the 3D Touch screen for the function to work.

Below is a test run on 3D Touch - a picture of which you will have to press on the screen to try out 3D Touch. Already known to us “Peek” will preview the picture, and “Pop” will open it.

Applications that support 3D Touch

Apple 3D Touch technology is already supported by many standard applications on the iPhone 6S and a few applications from third-party developers, although the latter will become more over time. 3D Touch technology is a young and promising technology that will gradually gain more popularity and greater demand, so there will be more applications and games over time. Today, developers are actively working on embedding 3D Touch into their games and applications, and someone is even creating new applications directly for this feature.

Let's take a look at the list of applications with 3D Touch and learn how to use this feature.

And here is a list of free 3D Touch applications from third-party developers:

And this is not the whole list of applications that already use the new 3D Touch technology. Given that the number of apps and games is growing every day, soon all apps and games in the App Store will support the 3D Touch function.

Especially, the new technology will appeal to gamers on iOS. Those who like to play on the iPhone will now be able to use the new chip in games. Games with 3D Touch are much more interesting and exciting than without this feature. You can download such games now, the main thing is to search well.

Where can I immediately try and test 3D Touch?

Go to the Safari browser, for example, and press “Peek” on the bookmark, and you will immediately open this site in preview mode - remove your finger and the preview will end - do not remove it, but press harder (Pop)
and the bookmark will open.

You can try opening the multitasking mode, this is when a list of recently launched applications is displayed - press down on the left side of the iPhone screen And drag to the right. Now you do not need to press the Home button twice to open the multitasking menu. Just? - Just.

Go to the Photos app and click "Peek" on any photo in the list of all photos, and the photo will be previewed. Similarly, if you press harder (Pop) the photo will open, and if you remove your finger, the preview will close and you will continue to work with the Photos application.

And of course, all the icons that are on the desktops of your iPhone can also be used in conjunction with the 3D Touch function.

Tweaks 3D Touch

You don't have money for an iPhone 6S, but you want 3D Touch so much that you are ready to jail your good old iPhone of previous generations, then a 3D Touch tweak that mimics this popular technology will be useful to you.

You need the Force Touch Activator tweak from Cydia. On devices that do not support 3D Touch, you will now have a semblance of this feature. It could be an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. After installing the tweak, you need to go to the settings and enable the "Force Touch" gesture in the Activator section.

The technology of this tweak is pretty interesting - Force Touch Activator recognizes the area of ​​​​the finger with which you touch the screen. If you simply press on the display, as usual, quickly and with your fingertip, then the usual “tap” will be performed, and if you put your finger like on Touch ID (larger area), then the tweak function is activated - imitation of 3D Touch.

This is better than just holding it for longer, as some applications on android smartphones offer. Indeed, in iOS, if you hold down on some application, a mode for deleting and moving application icons will appear. It won't work here.

And yet, this tweak does not have a haptic response (feedback), which in the original 3D Touch in the iPhone 6S is generated by the built-in Taptic Engine. But in the future, tweak developers can connect the usual native vibration and imitate even the tactile response of the Taptic Engine.

Just watch the video to see how the “Force Touch Activator” tweak works and how to use it.

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