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If you forgot your email password. Official support request

Problems with access to arise for various reasons - the user has forgotten the password, login, or the mailbox has been hacked and important data has been changed. The question of how to recover a password in a mail is solved in several ways, described below. The easiest way to recover an account is to use a cell phone number or the answer to one of the security questions provided, if the account owner has not forgotten it.

Ways to recover a forgotten password

There are several options here at once. Everything will depend on what data you indicated when registering the box. This can be the answer to a secret question, using a mobile phone, mail for forwarding, or contacting the support staff directly. Let's consider each of the options.

Answer to the security question recovery can be started right from the authorization window. You need to act according to the standard scheme:

Please note that the described recovery of credentials is only suitable for those e-mails that have not been used for the last three days. Otherwise, you will either have to wait or use another method.

Additional mailbox and e-mail forwarding

When registering with, the user can specify a different email address, which, in case of problems, will allow you to get a new password. Working with this tool is also very simple:

It can also be configured to forward letters from the current mail to another. Then, if the account owner has forgotten the password, he will only need to write down the forwarding address in the required field, where a letter with a link to change the password will subsequently come.

Here you will also be offered to verify your current personal data with those available on the server. In the future, in a similar situation, this will help you quickly recover your password. If everything is correct, click "Yes", then "Continue", after which you can change the credentials.

Entering a cell phone number

This is a simple and reliable method that can be used if the user has forgotten the credentials from, but entered his mobile during registration. For this:

This confirmation method is one of the most reliable, so if you did not specify your phone number during registration, you can fix it at any time, for which you can do the following:

  1. Go to e-mail settings;
  2. In the personal data section, enter your valid number by clicking on the add phone button;
  3. After about 5 minutes or earlier, a confirmation code will come to it, which you immediately enter in the appropriate field.

Using the phone number in, you can not only recover the password if necessary if the owner has forgotten the mail, but also link the account to the phone, which will make the box better protected from hacking. If necessary, you can always delete the added number by going to the settings page.

Forgotten login recovery

This problem does not happen so often - after all, users forget the login from much less often than the password from it. Nevertheless, it is usually impossible to restore the login in some standard way or even by contacting the service administration. This is exactly what the employees themselves answer in the help section of the service to the question: “Can I make a request from you to restore the mailbox?”.

Therefore, when you need to restore the login from, you will have to rely only on yourself and on the acquaintances with whom you corresponded. Contact them in some way and write that I, for example, cannot do work because of a forgotten email name. Probably, your colleagues will be able to find the lost mailbox in the correspondence list and tell you the forgotten login.

Contacting Support

This method will help recover the password on, perhaps sometimes the login, when the user not only forgot this information, but did not indicate the phone number during registration, an additional e-mail and does not remember the answer to the secret question. Before contacting the support service, create a new mailbox, the login of which is desirable to choose on, in order to have a channel for communication with the service specialists.

You can send a request to for password recovery through a special form:

Please provide as much detail as you can remember below:

  • folder names in addition to the standard ones that you yourself created for the account;
  • recent incoming and outgoing letters, the date they were sent and recipients;
  • approximate year or time period since the account was registered, etc.

Hello dear friends! Today we will discuss another important issue that worries many users, namely, how to recover a password in Mail. Agree that e-mail is now used by many who have a computer or any other device with Internet access. Some have more than one. Often the password is simply forgotten, we are not robots and we can forgive it. And so now I will explain in detail to you how to return access to the box. We will use as an example, since it is one of the most popular resources. It is worth noting that the procedure for recovering any mail is the same.

So, we go to the main page and on the left under the code word input field we find the inscription: “Forgot your password?”. We click on it.

After that, the system will prompt you to enter your login, that is, the email address. Do this and click the "Restore" button.

If during registration or in the mail settings you specified an additional address, then in the next step you will need to click "Restore", after which you will be sent an instruction to this mail, by which you can change the password for the recovered mail.

If a phone number was specified, then further instructions will be sent to your cell phone.

Above, I showed how to recover a password in Mail, but there are a number of nuances that need to be discussed.

In the event that you do not have access to additional mail, then click on the link "I do not have access to the specified mailbox." A page will open where you will need to enter detailed information about the mail, as well as about yourself. I see no point in listing all the questions and data in this form. It is only worth noting that all of them are focused on trying to identify you as the real owner of the mailbox, and not an attacker. There is very little chance that the mail will be restored, since it is usually very difficult to answer all the questions. But it might work. The main thing is to indicate as much personal data associated with the box as possible. For example, you can indicate which last emails you sent, etc.

Enter all the data without errors and as reliable as possible, since the moderator's decision depends on this when checking this letter. When all the fields are filled in, click "Submit" at the bottom.

If you managed to enter the mail, then I recommend that you indicate your cell phone for password recovery (if it was not specified), I consider this method the most correct, since you can forget the password from other mail, then the situation comes to a standstill. There is only one minus that SMS may arrive with a delay than a message to another mail when requesting mail recovery.

To specify your phone, click on "settings" at the top.

To specify your phone, click on the "Add Phone" button.

On this note, I will end my story today. Don't lose your passwords anymore!


To recover your email login, you will need the help of friends and acquaintances. While using the email box, you could exchange messages and files with them. All it takes is to find one of the messages you sent them and extract the username from it. You can also analyze your social media post history. If you have a search by messages, enter your mail domain in the search bar, for example, Once you know your email login, proceed to the next step.

Go to your email site. Next to the login and password input field there will be a button to restore access to the mailbox. When restoring access to a mailbox located on the website, this is the "Forgot?" button. Click on it and you will be redirected to the password recovery page.

Enter your login and select the domain where your mailbox was registered. On the next page, you will be prompted to enter the answer to the secret question provided for registration. If you remember this answer, enter it in the appropriate field, after which you will be prompted for a new one. Otherwise, contact technical support by clicking on the appropriate link.

Fill out the password recovery form, paying particular attention to all fields marked with a red asterisk. In addition, be sure to fill out the field additional information, as well as the address of a working mailbox to which you can write. Will contact you later. To recover your password, provide all the information requested, carefully following all the instructions that you receive.

After recovering the password for accessing the email box, log in to the mail using the login and password obtained as a result of the previous steps.

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Social networks are taking up more and more space in our daily lives. We come to our favorite resource every day, and log into our account automatically. And suddenly some kind of failure occurs, you try to enter the site and find that the settings are down, and your login you forgot. Unpleasant, but fortunately, you can restore it in two ways.

You will need

  • You will need internet access.



Useful advice

If you changed your login from your email address to some other one, either write it down, or it should be associative for you and well remembered.


Often, many sites on the Internet offer their visitors to register. And then in the process it will be possible to log in under your login and password. The situation is similar with e-mail or online games. However, if you do not use your login, it is either lost or forgotten. In such cases, you have to use the recovery system.

You will need

  • Personal computer, internet


For example, if you have lost your login from the Rambler mail, then you need to do the following. Contact users you have corresponded with before. They definitely have your past correspondence. They should have headers in which your login is indicated. So you can quickly restore your data. Such actions can be done on any, not only on Ramblere. You can view your browser. Many of them save data such as password and login. In Mozille, this can be done fairly quickly. Go to the "Tools" section. There, select "Settings". Go to the "Protection" option, and then select "Saved passwords". By default, the browser saves all passwords and logins. Find the one you need.

If the data was lost from any social network or some other site, do the following. Go to your email, find the registration that is usually sent. It will contain your login details for the site. Also, you can use . He will always help. Refer to it from the page. Write a letter asking for the recovery of lost data. If you forgot your username, try your address instead. Sometimes this move helps. With the help of e-mail you will restore your login.

If you have forgotten your login details, please use the recovery form. To do this, there is a button "Forgotten?". Some offer their users help. Find information to contact the administration. Call and ask for help. They will help you. Data such as login and password to enter the game may also be lost. To restore your account, you need to fill out the form provided. In it, indicate your mailing address and other information that will be required. You will receive a message in which a recovery form will be offered. Fill out and submit all requested information again. In this way, you will restore your data and be able to enter the game.

Now a lot of information is concentrated in e-mail. It happens that you forget password from the mailbox. But there are several ways to restore it.


Restore forgotten password, providing an alternate email address. This e-mail is you when you register your mailbox. After that, a message arrives at the specified Internet address, which confirms that such an e-mail will be auxiliary for restoring the main electronic box. If you forgot password mail, then after the request, a letter with recommendations for recovery will be sent to the address specified as an additional one.

Answer the security question. This is the traditional way to recover the password of an email account. You indicate the answer to the secret question when registering the email. It can be standard - from the proposed list - or your own. For example, " Mother's maiden name" or " Your favorite". After all password, consisting of a simple set of characters, is easy to crack, so questions should be unusual and easy to remember.

Use your mobile number if you forget your email password. Often postal services offer to enter your mobile phone number, which you indicated during registration. Usually the last four digits are requested. Your request will receive a message with a code that gives access to the password recovery system.

Contact the site administration if you did not remember the answer to the secret question, did not register an additional e-mail address, did not indicate a mobile phone number during registration. Remember, you must prove to them in your email that you have the unique right to use your email. You need to provide a lot of information. For example, the date of the last use of the mailbox and the information that was provided during registration. Try all the options offered.


  • forgot email password

Tip 5: How to reset your password if you forgot the answer to a question

If you are unable to access your mailbox for any reason, and when you try to restore password can't remember answer on the question- do not worry. It is enough to write a letter to the technical support service, confirm your identity and prove that you are the owner of this e-mail.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - a copy of the passport (if necessary).


Enter in the address bar of your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or, for example, Safari) the domain where the mailbox is located. Next to the form for entering an email address or login, find the link: “Forgot”, “Remember password” or “No access to my account”, enter your username and click “Next”. After that, the system will request the information specified during registration, namely answer to the secret question. Type any combination of letters or numbers and click Next.

A window will appear informing you that the entered data does not match. answer match those specified in the profile. After that, you will most likely be prompted to enter information about yourself: an additional email address and / or mobile number. In case of correct answer Yes, you will have access to change your password. Otherwise (for example, you changed or did not specify the second mailbox), to restore access, write a letter to the support service (Users Support) by filling out the contact form. The answer will come within 3-5 days.

If the information you sent is not enough, write another letter. In it, provide more detailed information that will help confirm your rights to this mailbox. These can be the names of the folders you created, the addresses saved in the address book, the approximate date of registration, the ip addresses from which access was most often performed, etc.). In the event that during registration your reliable data was indicated, send a scanned copy of your passport or other document confirming your identity.

Useful advice

Try to remember as much information related to your mail as possible. If possible, check by phone or in person for the addresses of your acquaintances and colleagues whom you entered in the address book. Remember what days you sent them letters. If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, then you can find the mail password quite simply, it will be enough to go through: “Tools” - “Settings” - “Protection” - “Saved passwords” - “Display passwords and find the right one”.

  • - money to pay for services.
  • Instruction

    Domain registration authorities usually set recovery periods during which domains deleted due to non-payment can be returned. At the end of this period, the domain enters the deferral stage, when it cannot be restored. To find out what period your domain is in, log in to the control panel at the address specified in the contract and on the website of the domain registration center. Upon completion of the removal procedure from the registry and the expiration of the grace period, the domain can be re-registered by any person. Please note that the procedure for restoring your domain is expensive and lengthy - up to 5 business days or more.

    If you are registered as a domain administrator, please pay for the restoration and renewal of your domain registration. Also send an e-mail request for recovery with the domain name. In response, you will receive a link for authorization, which is valid for 24 hours. By clicking on it, you confirm your consent to the restoration of the domain and payment for the relevant services. You will be informed about the restoration and renewal of the domain by e-mail, the address of which you indicated in the contract. See the instructions on your domain registrar's website for recovery details.

    In all other cases, to restore the domain, personally visit the office of the registrar with a passport. At the office, write an application for domain restoration and pay for this service according to the registrar's tariffs. If for some reason you cannot visit the office in person, please send a notarized letter. Notarization is required to verify your identity. Please also include notarized copies of the pages of your passport, an application for domain restoration in free form and a receipt for payment for the restoration and renewal of registration services.

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    In the last article we talked about, today we'll talk about recovery. Restoring a mailbox from is required for various reasons, but mainly this is due to the lack of a password. Without writing down the data, it is difficult to remember them later. There are also cases when a mailbox is deleted, and then the user wants to restore it. Is it possible to get your data back? There are several ways and everyone will find the easiest for themselves.

    How to restore access to mail if you deleted it?

    There are cases when mail is not needed, and after some time, it turns out that without it it is impossible to access some service or it is impossible to establish communication with other users. How can you do it?

    In this case, you first need to go to the main page of the search engine. Then enter your username and password in the data entry field. If you remember them, then you do not need to do anything else. The mailbox will be restored and you can use it again. True, there is one caveat - you can no longer recover the data that was stored in the box.

    This is perhaps the easiest and most obvious way to restore mail on But only ideally, you can remember the username and password. And what about those who do not remember these data?

    In this case, there are several options for resolving the issue, but everything will depend on what data you remember about your mailbox and profile.

    Phone mail recovery

    Well, if you know your login from mail to First, click on the link "Forgot your password?"

    You will be offered ways to reset your password. Among them, you will also find the option to restore access via mobile phone. But this method will only work if you entered this information when registering your profile.

    Usually the phone number is connected to the mail and account immediately. Phone data is not shown to anyone and is only needed to confirm entry in such cases. If you used a phone number during registration, then simply select the “recovery by phone message” method.

    SMS confirmation is already practiced in many services and is no different in the same VKontakte or Google. You enter the phone as usual, and the last four digits are entered in the field provided for this purpose.

    The message comes quickly enough. The code must be entered in the window that appears and your mail will be available to you again.

    What to do if the phone number does not help in your case? For example, you did not enter your data and now you cannot use such a function? Then choose the answer to the security question.

    It was entered initially when registering an account and mail. You had to choose one of the questions and write your answer. This is one way to identify users so that the system can grant access only to the user who remembers the answer to the question asked.

    If you know both the question and the control answer to it, then just select your question from the list and write your answer that you entered during registration. Only he will work.

    After entering the required data, the system will ask you to enter the code in the image. At this stage, after confirming the data, you will resume access to your mail.

    If you do not remember the answer, you need to click on the link "I do not remember the answer" and choose other options.

    If the option with a security question and answer is not your option, then try contacting technical support for help. In fact, this is a common practice, and it is supported in many other services, such as Skype.

    The website has a special form for this. After you clicked on the link “I don’t remember the answer”, you will be offered this very form for contacting.

    In order for you to be able to access the deleted mail, enter the personal data that you used when creating it. That is, you will have to remember what you can. Specialists will use this data to not only make sure that this is your mail, but also to quickly find the data that you used to register and restore access to you.

    For example, you will have a question - "when the mail was created." Of course, you will not remember a specific date, but you can certainly indicate an approximate range. Choose the most appropriate value and continue to enter the rest of the data.

    Among the data, you will also see a line with a password. It will be called "Password at registration". It will need to be filled in, and if you do not remember your password, then enter a new set of complex characters and be sure to write it down in a separate file.

    Also here you need to consider that you have an additional mailbox. If it is not there, then it is unlikely that you will be able to restore access to in this particular way. When you registered mail for the first time, you specified additional mail so that in case of problems you could get access to the second mailbox. If you missed this moment during registration, then there is nothing to be done. If it was indicated, then specialists from the support service will send you data for recovery. Specify the mail and specialists will send you a link to it if the mail can be restored.

    When all the data is filled in, click on the "Submit" button and now you will need to answer a number of questions.

    Although the recovery process through the helpdesk seems to be lengthy, this is exactly what protecting personal data and your personal information looks like. You will need to answer questions that will help the support team understand that you are the account owner.

    The more information about yourself you write, the more likely it is that you will restore access to mail.

    After filling out, you will only have to wait for a specialist from the support service to answer. Time is always different and depends on the workload of specialists. An email will be sent to an additional mailbox with a link. Follow the link and enter your new password in the window that appears. This will restore access to deleted mail.

    Video-instruction for email recovery

    Watch the video instruction to understand exactly how to restore a mailbox from

    Thus, it is possible to restore remote access to the mailbox, but for this you need to remember the maximum information that was entered when registering the mail. If you can remember the data, then recovery will not take you even two minutes. Otherwise, you need to contact technical support, and what decision the specialists will make will depend on the correctness and completeness of your answers.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    What should we do if we forgot the password to our email account? Our article will tell how to recover mail password via phone. Let's start with the fact that we will definitely need access to the Internet. Otherwise, it is no more difficult when information is accidentally deleted from it.

    How can I recover my Mail password through my phone?

    On the page, we can find instructions for password recovery. Click on the link "Forgot your password?" and enter our login, and also specify the domain from the drop-down list.

    The specific recovery method depends on what information we specified when registering an e-mail. For example, we can answer a secret question. If the answer is correct, we will be prompted to enter a new password. If we don’t remember the answer, we should select the “I don’t remember the answer” option, and we will be offered an alternative method.

    In the event that we indicated an additional email address when registering the main one, a link to reset the password can be sent to it. Enter your e-mail and click the "Restore" button.

    If we do not have access to an additional address, but there is a link to a mobile device, you can request a recovery code. Select a phone number and click "Get code via SMS". We enter the sent code in the appropriate column. After that, we can come up with and enter a new password.

    After recovery, we will also be asked to verify personal data. This is necessary so that in the future we can just as easily recover the password, if necessary. We add that it will be necessary to confirm all the data on the page without exception.

    Now let's talk about how to recover the mail password through the phone in other ways. And they certainly exist.

    How to recover the password to the Mail box via phone if we forgot it?

    So, you can solve the problem online by answering the security question, requesting an SMS code, or using the additional email address that we specified when registering the main mailbox.

    There is another way that will help us in restoring access through a mobile device. Right on the site, we can fill out an online support form. To do this, go to the following address: and select the problem that we encountered from the list. This method is relevant if we also failed to recover the password by any of the above methods. A response from the support service should be received within three days.

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