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ELiteSort - order in your home photo and video archive. Sorting audio files

Many people dislike the messy arrangement of elements. Therefore, we will analyze such a moment, how to organize files in a folder in Windows 7, namely sorting and grouping.

If there are not many elements, you can still figure it out, but it happens that there are a very large number of files with different extensions or folders. Such an extensive list will be difficult to read. Of course, when everything is laid out on the shelves, it is much more convenient. For this, the OS developers have come up with special settings for ordering filters.

Basic filtering of files and folders: sorting and grouping

You can organize your lists using options:

-sorting - with this setting, you can quickly organize files by size, type (documents, program shortcuts, images, etc.), and more. To use this option, right-click on any empty spot in the explorer. In the context menu, hover over the item "sorting" and select the option you want.

You can also use other sorting filters. To do this, select the "details" item in the context menu. You will see a window "select columns in the table". Check the boxes which options you want to add. Press the "up", "down" buttons to determine their location in the context menu.

Do not forget about the items "Ascending" and "Descending". If we select the first option, then the sort will be from 0-9, from A-Z, if the second then from Z-A, from 9-0.

When combining the type of sorting, you can get an excellent organizing files in a folder in Windows 7... For example, a filter will arrange groups of files by type, and at the same time in ascending order.

- Grouping- with this setting, you can create groups of files and folders by size, name, type. This means you can separate the items you want from others.

To take advantage of this opportunity, right-click on an empty space in Windows 7 Explorer. From the menu that appears, select "Grouping" and set any grouping item.

Note: The above methods apply only to the current folder. All new added additional ordering parameters will be displayed both in the "Sort" item and in the "Grouping".

To get rid of the grouping elements, click on "(No)", then all changes will disappear.

Sorting and grouping options can be used simultaneously. For example, you can group by size or type, and sort the group by date, name, or other properties.

If you left-click on the group name, then the elements.

Windows 7 Advanced File and Folder Ordering Filtering: Sorting and Grouping

For the following filtering options, it is imperative to use the tile view. Advanced options can be viewed as a continuation of the grouping by filtering. You can use this even for filtering based on very specific criteria.

In tile view, you have multiple columns such as name, data, size, and so on. If you hover over the column, you will notice a small arrow on the right side. Click on it and you will see several options that allow you to organize by specific groups (for example, files with names from A to K).

Select the option and you will see how only files, folders according to the specified criterion will remain. In addition, you will see a small checkbox on the right side of the column, indicating that the filter is active.

You can select multiple columns based on various criteria. In addition, it is possible to use the search box to filter even more precise results. To disable extended grouping, simply uncheck the option.

As you can see, the explorer window can be quite powerful. arrange files in a folder in Windows 7... After a little experimentation, you will get used to all the options available and quickly find the items you are looking for.

Almost every imaging program has organizing tools. You can often find programs that are viewers, editors, and catalogers at the same time. These are, for example, Zoner Photo Studio, ACDSee, Nero Kwik Media and many others. No doubt, all-in-one tools are convenient for many users. But if, among the many of their possibilities, the main ones for you are those related to organizing photos, it might be worth looking at specialized programs.

Firstly, such applications are not overloaded with unnecessary options - and therefore, in most cases, they work faster and more stable than multimedia combines. Secondly, specialized programs usually offer more tools for finding photographs based on different criteria. Read the overview for five apps that make organizing your photo collection easier.

⇡ Daminion 1.0 RC

  • Developer: Daminion Software
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

Under its current name, the Daminion cataloger has been in development for over five years, but the experience of its creators in writing applications for organizing photographs is much greater. Previously, the developers of Daminion released the PicaJet program, but later decided to write a completely new application with multi-user access to the photo database and other interesting features. At the same time, a single-user version of Daminion is also available, which is distributed free of charge. The multi-user version is called Daminion Server.

Daminion works with catalogs - databases of photographs, and adding files to the catalog is the user's concern. This means that you need to manually specify the path to the folders with snapshots. In this case, files can be physically copied or transferred to the folder that is used to store data, or they can simply be added to the directory without copying. At the same time, Daminion remembers relative paths to files, therefore, when transferring photos to another drive, all data in the directory will be saved. When adding photos to the catalog, you can immediately assign tags to them, or you can do this later - everything is at the discretion of the user.

As soon as the files are entered into the directory, they are displayed in the program window in the form of thumbnails with signatures. In the signature, you can see the basic information about the file: name, resolution, size, exposure, ISO. In addition, each thumbnail contains tools for organizing: you can quickly set a rating, tag an image, add keywords, set a color label, view detailed metadata. The user can change the way of displaying files, displaying only images without additional information, or, conversely, removing thumbnails and calling a list of files with information about them.

If you select an image, you can see more information about it in the Properties panel. There is also an opportunity to supplement this information: indicate the people who are captured on it, the event during which the photo was taken, the location of the shooting, and the category. For professional photographers such fields as "Project", "Client", "Copyright" are provided. You can also fill in the fields on the "Properties" panel in batch mode - for this, you just need to first select the necessary photos. All changes in tags are synchronized with the metadata of the files, so information about the files is always presented both in the database and in the files themselves.

If the right panel is informational and at the same time serves to enter data, then the left panel - "Tags" - is intended for search. All file search criteria are at a glance. For example, you can display only pictures located in one folder, expand the "Date of creation" list and quickly find a photo by month of shooting, display only the files with the highest rating, and so on. It is very important that, in addition to the user tools for the organization, the program also offers many automatic ones. For example, it is very easy to select geo-tagged images taken with a specific camera using a specific lens. There is nothing difficult in using several conditions at once.

There is also an advanced search in the program, which allows you to use up to fifty parameters, including operators AND, OR and others.

There are no image editing tools in Daminion, you can only rotate thumbnails for better viewing. If any changes were made by mistake, you can always roll back to the previous version - the program keeps track of revisions. This is especially true when working with an application on a multi-user basis.

Daminion works not only with graphic files, but also with video, PDF documents. At the same time, the program is optimized for working with very large collections of images (the test base consists of 500 thousand images), so you don't have to worry about the stability of its work when adding new files. By the way, for convenience, you can use several independent directories that can be opened in the program at the same time - each on a separate tab.

⇡ IMatch 3.6

  • Developer:
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: no

Despite the fact that the latest version of IMatch is dated at the end of last year, looking at the program's interface gives the impression that it is already many years old. Indeed, the appearance has always been the weak point of IMatch, and against the background of modern interface solutions, small buttons with graphics in the style of Windows 2000 look scary. The author has long promised to redesign the appearance of the application, but so far he has not done so. However, many users still prefer this particular program.

The main reason is the support of scripts, thanks to which you can connect to the program almost any function that is not implemented in it by default. For example, there are scripts for versioning files, for finding files that have been tagged incorrectly, for checking the correct names, and so on. Scripts do not have to be created manually - many useful add-ons have already been written by other users of the program and are available on the forum.

Another important feature of IMatch is stable work with large collections of files. The program easily copes with databases containing hundreds of thousands of photos, does not slow down and works quite stably. In addition, IMatch implements a periodic reminder to create a backup.

Like Daminion, this program works with databases of photographs that need to be manually populated with photographic content. The processes of creating a database and importing images are implemented in the form of a wizard, but despite this, it is difficult to call them intuitive. Too many boxes have to be set along the way. By default, the database is sorted into folders in the program window. You can also browse by category, by saved templates for search, by the history of selected files, and so on.

⇡ MyPhotoIndex 1.24

  • Developer: My Photo Index
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

MyPhotoIndex is inferior in functionality to its more advanced competitors, but the program has several important advantages. First, the program is free and open source. Secondly, it is very simple, and the user does not need to puzzle for a long time over where to find here or another option - they are all at hand.

The program offers organizing photos by category, by tags and by rating. Tags can be added to a slice when importing images into the program's database; moreover, several tags that are used most often are already added by default.

All main functions are accessed through the context menu. With its help, you can add and remove tags, add and edit comments, change the date of the snapshot, send photos to print, encrypt them, set them as wallpaper on the desktop. Separately, it is worth noting the possibilities of data exchange: with one click of the mouse, photos can be uploaded to Facebook, Flickr and other services.

Using the built-in search tools, the user can search for photos by tags, title, and other criteria. A convenient function is to search for images that were taken between two specified dates.

⇡ Photo Event Organizer 1.3

  • Developer: GearMage
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

Of course, it is very good when you have the time and desire to keep your photo collection in perfect order: set ratings, sort pictures by categories and add tags. But, unfortunately, even a simple parsing of hundreds of photographs into folders for some takes months. Thanks to the large memory cards, we do not have to worry about the lack of space and often copy photos to our computer every two months. And then all the events recorded during this time end up in one heap.

Photo Event Organizer is a simple program that helps you easily sort your running photo archives by date. Specify the directory in which all photos are stored, and also set the time interval that determines the duration of one event. After that, the program will show the photos for what period will be in each folder, and will offer to give a name to each event during which they were taken. If you wish, you can sort the photos simply by month or by year.

After completing the operation, you will see new folders with neat names like "October" and "November". Photo Event Organizer can both copy photos to new folders and move them, which is of course faster. If duplicates are found during copying, they will not be transferred to the new folder. Thus, the program can also help free up some hard disk space.

⇡ Namexif 1.6

  • Developer: Digicamsoft
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: no

Finally, there is another simple free utility that helps you organize your photos by adding information about the shooting time to the file names. The information is taken from the metadata written to the file at the time of its creation. As soon as you receive files with names like 2013-04-01-17h56m56.jpg, it becomes a little easier to navigate through them.

Namexif is organized as a wizard: first, the user is prompted to specify files or folders. Since the program can look into subfolders, you can immediately select the root directory, and then Namexif will find and rename all the photos at once.

The second step is to select the renaming format. For example, an application can leave the original name at the end, or add arbitrary characters to all names.

Unfortunately, there is no change preview or rollback functionality, so it's best to practice on small folders first.

⇡ Conclusion

The requirements for programs for organizing images may vary, but the end goal for the user is always the same - the ability to quickly find the desired photo. Each of the programs discussed above helps in this in its own way, so it remains to choose the one that suits you best. Do not forget that the photos that you cannot find are how useless, how long deleted.

level 80 developer January 31, 2014 at 07:10 PM

Automatic sorting of files

I think most users have encountered the issue of an overflowing Downloads folder. Admittedly, there are so many files accumulating in this folder that manually deleting them is not an option. In this regard, I want to tell you how to write a program that allows you to automatically sort these files into folders. I have already seen various scripts that do the same thing many times, but the difference between the program that we will now write from these scripts is that the files are sorted only when the script is run, and with our program they will be sorted as they appear.

To accomplish this task, I chose the C # language. This is due to the cross-platform nature of the language, ease of use and a huge number of ready-made classes.
Let's start.

First, let's connect the necessary libraries

Using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO;

Let's declare the variables we need

Public static string folders = ("Images", "Music", "Video", "Documents", "Archives", "Executable"); // Names of folders into which we will drop files // Types of files that we will move to specific folders public static string ImageTypes = (".png", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".gif"); public static string MusicTypes = (".mp3", ".wav", ".m4a", ".flac"); public static string VideoTypes = (".mp4", ".avi", ".flv", ".wmv"); public static string DocumentTypes = (".doc", ".ppt", ".xls", ".txt", ".pdf"); public static string ArchiveTypes = (".zip", ".rar"); public static string ExecutableTypes = (".exe", ".bat", ".com"); public static string Trash = (".torrent"); public static FileInfo info; // Information about the file

Now let's create folders

Foreach (var f in folders) (if (! Directory.Exists (f)) (Directory.CreateDirectory (f);))

We need the FileSystemWatcher class to constantly track the appearance of files.

FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (), "*. *"); watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false; watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.Attributes | NotifyFilters.CreationTime; watcher.Created + = new FileSystemEventHandler (OnCreated); watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

And now the most important thing is the file creation event handler.

Public static void OnCreated (object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) (info = new FileInfo (e.FullPath); if (e.FullPath == Application.ExecutablePath) / * Check if the file is the one that is currently executing, so as not to throw an exception * / (return;) foreach (var type in ImageTypes) (if (info.Extension == type) (info.MoveTo ("Images \\" + info.Name);)) foreach (var type in MusicTypes) (if (info.Extension == type) (info.MoveTo ("Music \\" + info.Name);)) foreach (var type in VideoTypes) (if (info.Extension == type) (info. MoveTo ("Video \\" + info.Name);)) foreach (var type in DocumentTypes) (if (info.Extension == type) (info.MoveTo ("Documents \\" + info.Name);)) foreach (var type in ArchiveTypes) (if (info.Extension == type) (info.MoveTo ("Archives \\" + info.Name);)) foreach (var type in ExecutableTypes) (if (info.Extension == type) (info.MoveTo ("Executable \\" + info.Name);)) foreach (var type in Trash) ( if (info.Extension == type) (System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (100); info.Delete (); )))

And also, in Main (), you need to add an infinite loop so that the program does not close.
while (true) ()

Now you need to compile this code and place the executable file in the Downloads folder. The plus is that this code can be compiled under Windows, Linux and Mac (using Mono).

I hope I made your life easier.

Tags: c #,. NET, Administration

If you periodically review all the folders on your computer to find a specific file, then it is worth considering how to create your own file storage system and organize your workspace once and for all.

It will take more than one hour to organize files and folders manually, but in the future this time will pay off, since you will know exactly where this or that document is, and this will inevitably affect the efficiency of your work.

Before you start, you should take a piece of paper and draw a future system of organizing folders and files on it.

Decide on which disk you will store the information, whether you will duplicate it, and where and how to archive it. It all depends on how many logical drives you have and what cloud storage you use.

Create a hierarchical structure. Think over the names of your main folders: home, work, personal, music, video, pictures, photos, games (there should be a minimum number of them). Next, you should decide on the names subfolders... There shouldn't be a lot of them either - no more than twenty.

For example, the main folder "Home" might include: finance, education, travel, health. Music, videos and books are sorted by genre, pictures - by themes: nature, animals. It is better to store photographs separately from pictures.

Cleaning your computer from unnecessary files

Review your files and delete those that you haven't looked at for over a year. If you don't want to delete, archive it. Rename important documents, group or vice versa, split files by content.

Transfer all documents and folders created on your desktop (if any) to your hard drive. It is recommended to create only shortcuts to documents and programs on the desktop.

You can also use the popular CCleaner program to clean your computer.

Organize easy access to all your folders

Using the explorer tree: just drag and drop folders you use frequently to Favorites. For quick access, this folder can be pinned to the taskbar: right-click on it ⇨ Panels ⇨ Create toolbar.

Use file managers if you're comfortable.

Create desktop shortcuts.

How to make a shortcut: right-click on the desktop ⇨ "create a shortcut" and in the window copy the path to your folder, file, url-address.

Shortcuts can also be created in folders - for example, a link to another, related folder to quickly move between them. For example, in my "Music" folder, which is located on the C: drive, there is a shortcut to the music that I store on the Yandex drive.

A program for recognizing and sorting musical compositions - at
Remove duplicate files with free programs such as DupKiller and Auslogics Duplicate File Finder.

In Windows 8 and 8.1, it is possible to place a shortcut to any folder in the tiled start menu: right-click on the file or folder icon and select “Pin to Start Screen”.

Once you've set up your system and organized your files and folders, and cleaned up the trash, follow some simple rules to help you keep the new order.

How to organize files and folders on a computer, infographics

File and folder storage rules

The main rule is that the name of each folder and file should correspond to the content as much as possible.
Work with files and folders "at the entrance": it is better to spend time and immediately come up with an adequate name than to revise a lot of documents, trying to understand what and where.

Use text files for sticky notes and notes. Create in each folder text documents (.txt) with the name "Read", where briefly describe the folder structure, whatever you think is necessary: ​​which files are duplicated, which version of the document is newer or how one document differs from another.

Create the "Archive" folder and drop irrelevant files there. Do not forget about the structure of the archive: in order not to clutter up this folder and quickly find the desired document, create folders in it with names that duplicate your main ones: home, work, photos, etc.

The downloaded files, such as programs, either immediately rename, or again create the file "Read" in the folder and briefly describe what kind of program it is. I'm sure this is a problem for many - I downloaded the program and forgot what it is, and why it at all.

Do not store a prefabricated hodgepodge on different topics in one file, it is better to break them up according to text documents with appropriate names, if you have no time to deal with them.

You can organize the content of large text files by creating tables of contents in them. Thus, to find out the contents of the file, you only need to move the cursor to the file shortcut and the first page with the table of contents will appear in the preview.

If the file contains an article or an excerpt of an article from the Internet, a link must be provided to it so that you can return to the original if necessary.

In each folder, you can create a special document where links from the Internet will be posted on the topic, so as not to search in browser bookmarks.

For working files that are subject to frequent editing and have more than one version, it is worth creating separate folders with the txt file, where their history will be briefly described. And instead of the names, put the project number and the date of receipt of the order.

For example, PR8_10-03-14 can mean “project number eight from the tenth of March”.

Review all files once a month and get rid of unnecessary ones: delete or send to the archive. Old, unused files are distracting and interfere with efficient work.

And don't forget to duplicate the files that are most important to you.

I hope these tips will help you organize your files and folders, which in turn will increase your productivity.

, get tags from filenames, etc. On the other hand, you can use the information from the tags to rename the audio files, so that instead of names like track01, the program will write sensible filenames according to the pattern you specified.

Sorting music files is directly related to renaming. In the related article, we discussed how to change filenames using information from tags. But all of this can also be extended to sorting songs if we use the folder-creating format.

We will take a bunch of MP3 files stored in one folder and use mp3Tag Pro to create a clear folder structure. All songs will be sorted into their respective folders (by music albums). Other supported formats can be sorted in a similar way.

Song selection

As usual, we start by selecting the audio files. In the "Directories" area (1), select the folder with the audio files you want to sort.

Files from the selected folder will appear in the main area, on the right. If there are subfolders and you want to process audio files from these folders as well, click the "Scan Subdirectories" button.

To select all displayed files, press the button with a green check mark (2) or Ctrl + A on your keyboard.

After that click "Rename" under the list of files (3).

Rename and sort MP3

mp3Tag Pro will open a new window. All the files we selected in the previous step are shown along with their tags in the main window area:

Now you need to select or enter a template in the "Format" field (1). We discussed this in more detail in the renaming article, but now we will additionally create folders. As usual, all variables can be viewed in the list next to the "Format" field.

To create a folder, use the backslash character (backslash) in the Format field:


For example, we can sort all songs by album without changing the filenames:

This format tells the program to use album names (% L) to create folders. The files of each album will be sorted into their respective folders without renaming (% O stands for "Old filename" - not to be confused with% 0 (zero), which stands for track number).

If we sort our music files this way and then open the folder in Windows Explorer, we see the album folders sorted alphabetically. In most cases, however, it is more natural to sort all the artist's albums chronologically by release year.

We can change the format above to add release years:

% Y -% L \% O

This will create folders like "1988 - Greatest Hits" and sort the songs into their respective folders without renaming them.

But our filenames don't follow any particular pattern, so renaming might not hurt. Let's change the format again:

% Y -% L \% # -% T

This will rename our files to the template<Номер трека> - <Название>so the real filenames will look like "01 - Higher Place.mp3".

Now all our songs are sorted by album. This is better than the unsorted pile of files that we had before. But albums are usually released by artists, so we can improve our format by further sorting albums by artist:

% A \% Y -% L \% # -% T

This will create a folder for each artist (% A), in which the program will save all albums by that artist, sorted in chronological order.

Click Rename (2) to sort your music files.

The rename window will close and our MP3s are now sorted.

Further formats

You can easily create your own folder templates, just like you create them for filenames. In our example, we saw how to create a two-level folder structure (Artists / Albums / Songs), but you can also create 3 or more levels. For example, we can additionally sort everything by genre:

% G \% A \% Y -% L \% # -% T

You can always see future file / folder names in the preview area of ​​the rename window.

As with file names, you can use any variable from the list next to the Format field for folder names. Additionally, there is a special element for folders: ".." (two dots). It is used to go up one level in the current folder structure. For example, we have the folder structure created in the previous step: Artists / Albums / Songs. Now, if we want to move all songs from individual album folders to the parent folder of Artists, we can use this format:

Note that the "one level up" rule applies to the folder selected in the "Catalogs" area of ​​mp3Tag Pro. If you clicked the "Scan Subdirectories" button, you can work with all files from all subfolders. No matter how deep the files are in the subdirectory structure of the selected folder, they will all be moved to the parent folder.

Another special item for folders allows you to move files from subfolders to the current one: "." (one point).

If we use this format instead of the previous one, all songs from individual album folders will be moved to the artist folder (and not to the parent folder of it, which is "Unsorted" in our example).

Using the methods described above, you can easily sort and reorganize songs and other audio files on your discs.

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