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E-commerce on the Internet. Electronic commerce

We are sure that all users reading this article are aware of how important the Internet is in their lives. Global network opened up for people not only a number of cognitive opportunities, but also brought communications between users to a completely new level. new level! Therefore, it was not news to anyone that the Internet began to be used for online business.

At present, almost every serious and diligent person is able to earn with the help of the World Wide Web. "How?" some will be surprised. The answer is simple - with the help of e-commerce!

The concept of e-commerce and its main components

Electronic commerce - the concept is very broad and includes many categories, which we will definitely discuss later. If we give the most generalized interpretation of this term, we can say that this is a system of economic relations that are carried out using the Internet. In a narrow sense, e-commerce is online entrepreneurship.

E-commerce includes the following global categories:

  • online trading
  • electronic data interchange (because in modern world One of the most valuable resources is information
  • electronic banking and insurance services
  • money transfers and electronic money
  • electronic marketing (systems for collecting user data, electronic catalogs, directories, bulletin boards)

Today, almost every physically existing commercial organization (even the smallest one) has its own website.

It can be a regular information site with basic information about the organization, services, answers to frequently asked questions, contact information. Or it could be.

It all depends on the specifics of the organization, its scope and goals. Also, this direction is a great chance for individual entrepreneurs who decide to try themselves as network businessmen.

In the modern world, more and more processes are becoming automated, so it is obvious that this area of ​​Internet business will continue to develop successfully. Let's talk more about the advantages and disadvantages of network commerce.


1) Its main advantage is its ability to achieve global market without necessarily implying large financial investments and costs. The restrictions of this type of trade are not defined geographically. This allows consumers to make global choices, get the information they need, and compare offers from all potential suppliers, regardless of location.

2) Through a direct connection with the end consumer, online entrepreneurship reduces the chain of intermediaries, sometimes even eliminating them completely. This creates a direct channel between the manufacturer or service provider and end user, which allows us to offer products and services tailored to the individual preferences of the target market.

3) E-commerce allows suppliers to be closer to their customers, resulting in increased productivity and competitiveness for companies. As a result, the consumer receives an improved customer experience, resulting in greater intimacy as well as more effective pre- and post-sales support. With these new forms of e-commerce, consumers now have virtual stores that are open 24 hours a day.

4) Cost reduction is another very important benefit usually associated with e-commerce. The simpler and more convenient a particular business process is, the more likely it is to succeed. This results in a significant reduction in transaction costs and, of course, prices charged to customers.


The main disadvantages associated with e-commerce are the following:

1) Strong dependence on information and communication technologies. This question is especially relevant for Russian market. Not present in all remote regions high speed internet, which would contribute to the development of Internet commerce;

2) Lack of legislation that adequately regulates new e-commerce activities both nationally and internationally. This also includes the high percentage of fraud in the field of e-commerce and the lack of effective methods to combat it.

3) Not all consumers are inclined towards e-commerce. For many customers, the opportunity to "feel" and visually evaluate the product is key factor when buying certain products. The inability to fully assess the quality of the purchased item is the main factor hindering the development of e-commerce.

4) Loss of loss of privacy by users and insecurity when conducting online transactions. With the development of security technologies, the risk of this factor is significantly reduced. However, losing your money when paying over the Internet is much easier than losing it by personally handing it over to the seller in some store.

5) The threat of problems with the delivery of goods, return processing, etc.

E-commerce in numbers

The birth of e-commerce began to take place smoothly in 1998. Today, after almost 20 years, the total turnover of online commerce amounted to 2.36 trillion dollars. The first place in terms of online sales among all countries, of course, is occupied by China. Russia is only in 9th place, which means that there are development prospects in this area.

E-commerce is conditionally divided into more than 14 types. Let's highlight some of the most common and interesting ones and talk about them in more detail.

  1. B2B - in decryption, the abbreviation means "business to business"
  2. B2C - "business to consumer"
  3. C2C - "relationships between consumers"
  4. C2B - "relationships between consumers and trade organizations"
  5. B2A - "business administration"
  6. C2A - "consumer administration"

Business to Business (B2B)

In this type of e-commerce, both participants are commercial enterprises. As a result, the scope and value of B2B e-commerce can be overwhelming. As an example of such a model, the following situation can be described: a smartphone manufacturing company is looking for wholesalers to sell its products.

Thus, in this scheme, goods are sold for their further resale to end consumers. main goal systems with B2B is to improve the efficiency of online cooperation between companies.

Any business model is characterized by its own platforms through which trade relations are implemented. For the B2B scheme, such platforms are exchanges, auctions and catalogs.

With the help of the catalog, you can get maximum information about the characteristics and properties of the purchased product. Also, buyers can compare products by price, terms and conditions of delivery, reviews, etc.

Such information transparency can greatly facilitate the choice of the client. Most often, catalogs are created in areas where there is a sale of low-cost goods for which demand can be predicted, and the price of which hardly changes.

Auctions are usually held for items of a unique type. For example, they can be rare items, specialized Technical equipment etc. Pricing here is never fixed and occurs right at the time of the auction.

The seller puts up all his lots, and numerous buyers offer an ever-increasing price if they are interested in the product. The auction for the lot ends after a predetermined time, after which the goods are given to the client who offered highest price last.

On the exchanges, prices are formed in accordance with supply and demand, and therefore they are very rarely stable. The exchange is perfect for selling popular, common and simple products with easily standardized characteristics. The exchange is also suitable for industries where price and demand fluctuate frequently. Often, exchanges provide the opportunity to trade anonymously.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

When we hear the term "e-commerce", most people think of the B2C model. It can be said that this scheme is a logical continuation of the B2B system, because it is the B2C type that ensures the delivery of goods to the end consumer.

Thus, the type of "business-to-consumer" corresponds to our ideas about traditional retail. The only difference is that in this case, trading is carried out via the Internet.

This type of relationship is most common in online commerce. There are already many virtual stores on the Internet that sell all kinds of consumer products such as electronic devices, software, books, shoes, cars, food, entertainment products, services and more.

The business-to-consumer scheme brings many benefits to both the buyer and the seller:

For the seller, this scheme is beneficial mainly because there is no need to hire a lot of paid staff, as is the case in conventional stores. The buyer does not need to spend time visiting the store: any product can be bought on the Internet, having studied the characteristics and reviews.

Another well-known fact - through the Internet, any item can be purchased cheaper than in a regular store. On the household appliances the difference in prices can be several thousand.

Examples largest online stores operating on the "business-to-consumer" system are: Amazon, ozon, Aliexpress, etc.

Based on the B2B scheme, another offshoot in e-commerce has emerged. Since 2010, the sale of goods through social networks has been actively developing. networks, so this type of trade is called "social commerce".

The B2B type is implemented using the following trading platforms:

  • online shopping
  • web-showcases
  • social media

Consumer e-commerce (C2C)

This area affects trade relations between people who do not conduct entrepreneurial activities. Drawing an analogy with ordinary life, we can say that this is something like an advertisement in a newspaper for the sale of a particular product.

In Russia, well-known bulletin boards act as trading platforms for the C2C format: Avito, Yula, etc. Also, the C2C format began to spread widely in in social networks. Are being created special groups, in which users place ads for the sale of things from any category.

Consider a few more existing schemes. Immediately, we note that they are much less popular and make money on them. ordinary user very hard. The following diagrams are presented mainly to broaden the general outlook.

Consumer business (C2B)

This type of e-commerce is very common in projects based on crowdsourcing. A large number of people make their services or products available for purchase to companies looking for these particular types of services or products.

Examples of this practice are sites where designers submit several options for a company logo and one of them is selected and purchased.

Other platforms that are very common in this type of commerce are marketplaces that sell photos, images, multimedia, and design elements.

Business Administration (B2A)

This part of e-commerce covers all online transactions between companies and public administration. This area is typical for areas such as fiscal, social Security, employment, legal documents and registers, etc.

Consumer Administration (C2A)

The "consumer-administration" model covers all electronic transactions conducted between individuals and the state apparatus.

This scheme can be applied in the following areas:

  • Education- Spread of information, distance learning etc.
  • Social Security- through the dissemination of information, making payments, etc.
  • taxes- feed tax returns, payments, etc.
  • healthcare– making an appointment, online consultations, paying for medical services

Both models related to public administration (B2A and C2A) are closely related to the idea of ​​efficiency and usability of services provided to citizens by the government supported by information and communication technologies.

Main conclusions

Based on the information presented in the article, we highlight several key points, which characterize the main provisions of e-commerce.

— for the implementation of business transactions, there must be at least two participants. One of them will always act as a seller, and the other as a buyer.

- B2B system (business - business) - represents wholesale trade, and goods are sold here legal entities. The B2C type (business to consumer) is retail and brings the product to individuals(end consumers)

- Any user without special information and computer training will be able to earn using B2C (business-to-consumer) and C2C (consumer-to-consumer) schemes.

— Type of commerce B2C is the most common type of e-commerce. Each user will be able to earn in this way by creating their own online store. You can read more about creating your own online store without investments in this. We also wrote an article about - this is a great example that personifies the receipt of income through the C2C system.

- In total, there are a lot of schemes online business. You can expand this list to 30-40 schemes, depending on the subjects of economic relations. For example, if we consider the government to be a separate entity, then we can come up with many more types of online trading: B2G (business to government), G2B (government to business), G2E (government to employees), G2G (Government to government), G2C (government to citizen), C2G (citizen to government). We remind you that all the main and generally recognized types have been discussed in this article.


Summing up all the above, we can only say one thing: continues to develop successfully, penetrating into narrower specialized areas of trade. The future belongs to the Internet and technology. Perhaps in a few decades, users will no longer need traditional retail stores at all. In the meantime, this has not happened, you just need to know that e-commerce is a great chance to earn and create own business with minimal investment.

E-commerce is a rapidly growing activity. What opportunities does it provide for entrepreneurs? What are its features and benefits? Find answers in this article.

What it is?

E-commerce is new way running a business that provides more profit, benefits and opportunities. There are no or few intermediaries between the manufacturer and the end user. The visitor enters the site, selects the product he likes and orders it. Then he receives it with home delivery. This is convenient for both the client and the entrepreneur.

Why e-commerce is a significant cost reduction?

With this type of entrepreneurial activity, existing costs can be significantly reduced. In particular, the number of intermediaries is decreasing, each of which wants to get its share. As a result, the final cost of goods is significantly reduced. So, the entrepreneur can use it for profit. One of the options - you can significantly reduce the price of your product, thereby attracting large quantity clients. Another option is to lower the price a little and use the rest of the difference for business development. For example, to carry out developments or to introduce new technologies into production.

Why is e-commerce profitable?

It is much easier for the buyer to go to the site and view all the information of interest to him in a relaxed atmosphere. It saves time, because he doesn't have to go to the store. It saves money because the price in the online store can be significantly less. No one rushes him, the buyer can safely make a choice. It is also beneficial for the entrepreneur. After all, he does not need to rent premises, equip a store, pay for public Utilities. Also, it is usually not required to hire salespeople. In some cases, you can use the services of an online consultant. But neither security nor payment for warehouses and other costs is required. Products are delivered directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, bypassing many intermediaries.

Where can e-commerce be used?

In various types of business. For example, if you are not the manufacturer of any product, you can act as an intermediary. You enter into an agreement with a company that manufactures any goods necessary for consumers. Next, you create an online store in which you provide comprehensive information about products and organize the acceptance of orders. You also need to think about the methods of payment and delivery of goods. The billing system (Master Card and Visa Classic) is considered the most reliable way to receive payments. However, to use such a calculation, a number of conditions must be met, which is not always possible. A method that many customers like is settlement upon receipt of the goods. You can also use electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Ya.Dengi, etc.). Much depends on what product you are selling. After all, the product does not have to be physical. Now information is highly valued. E-commerce is an opportunity to sell various courses, trainings and other materials.

The owners of online stores are familiar with the concept of "electronic commerce" firsthand, they certainly know the answer to the question "e-commerce - what is it". But if you understand the essence, then many nuances emerge and this term takes on a broader meaning.

E-commerce: what is it?

The general concept is as follows: e-commerce is understood as a certain approach to doing business, which involves the inclusion of a number of operations using digital transmission data when providing goods or providing services/works, including via the Internet.

Thus, it is any commercial transaction that is carried out with the help of electronic means connections.

The scheme of work is arranged as follows:

  • anyone can be a blogger or any other owner of his own Internet page) registers in this system;
  • gets its own link;
  • places special code on your web page - an advertisement of the selected official partner eCommerce Partners network;
  • monitors website conversion;
  • earns a certain percentage for each purchase of a visitor to his site who clicked on an affiliate link.

WP eCommerce

A large number of people are now passionate about e-commerce, primarily because of the desire to create their own website, a unique online store to sell their own products. To meet this growing demand, developers have focused on creating e-commerce templates (e-commerce templates). What is it we will consider further.

One such example of templates is WordPress e-commerce. It is a shopping cart plugin for WordPress (one of the most famous web resource management systems, intended primarily for creating and organizing blogs). It is provided completely free of charge and allows site visitors to make purchases on the Internet page.

In other words, this plugin allows you to create an online store (based on WordPress). This e-commerce plugin has all necessary tools, settings and options that meet modern needs.

To connect Ecommerce you need:

Representation and data transfer

In Ecommerce, any product is an object with which certain actions are performed. For example, viewing the full description of the product or adding to the cart. This data is passed in the form of JavaScript objects containing the action identifier and a list of product descriptions with which this action was performed. In the context of the JavaScript API, we will call such objects Ecommerce objects.

To transfer data in the form of Ecommerce objects to Yandex.Metrica, you need to place them in a special JavaScript array using the push method. We will call such an array a data container.

Attention. Do not transmit data at the time of the visitor's transition to another page of the site. For example, when using the onclick event on a button "Checkout". In this case, the next page may load before the counter code sends data to Yandex.Metrica. As a result, event information will be lost.

The data container must be in the global namespace, and its name must match the name specified when setting up the counter or when initializing the counter. If the data container is named dataLayer or the Metric counter was initiated with the ecommerce parameter set to true , then the window.dataLayer array is assumed to be the data container.


The name of the data container and the structure of the Ecommerce objects nested in it correspond to similar entities in Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce . This means that if you have already configured data to be sent to Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce, including through Global Site Tag , and enabled Ecommerce in Yandex.Metrica, the latter will also start collecting data.

Note. The data container must not contain more than 2048 characters.

The ecommerce object looks like this:

Window.dataLayer.push((" \n

Required container field

\n"))"> e-commerce

": { "\n\n

\n"))"> currencyCode

": "RUB", " -\n

Possible values:

    \n \n \n \n
  • purchase - purchase.
  • \n


" : { "\n\n"))"> products " : [ , , ...] } } });

Field Type Description
e-commerce * Required parameter."}}">

Required container field


If another currency is being transferred, will be sent null values instead of currency and amount.

* Required parameter."))"> -

Field name (substituted for ) is the ID of the action performed on the product set.

Possible values:

  • detail - view the full description (card) of the product;
  • add - adding an item to the cart;
  • remove - remove an item from the cart;
  • purchase - purchase.

If Yandex.Metrica is provided with information about deleting a product, a negative number of products may appear in the report (during calculations, the number of products removed from the cart is subtracted from the total number of products added). If at the same time the cost of the goods is transferred, it will also be displayed as negative in the report.

actionField ** Mandatory parameter for transferring purchase information."))">
Field Type Description
e-commerce * Required parameter."))">

Required container field


If a different currency is sent, zero values ​​will be sent instead of currency and amount.

* Required parameter."))"> -

Field name (substituted for ) is the ID of the action performed on the product set.

Possible values:

  • detail - view the full description (card) of the product;
  • add - adding an item to the cart;
  • remove - remove an item from the cart;
  • purchase - purchase.

If Yandex.Metrica is provided with information about deleting a product, a negative number of products may appear in the report (during calculations, the number of products removed from the cart is subtracted from the total number of products added). If at the same time the cost of the goods is transferred, it will also be displayed as negative in the report.

actionField ** Mandatory parameter for transferring purchase information."))">

* Required parameter.

** Mandatory parameter for transferring purchase information.

Product data

An object that describes a single item.

The structure of an object describing a product is denoted as .

Object fields
Field Type Description
id "}}">

You must specify either id or name

name "}}">

You must specify either name or id


Unit price


Number of product units

Object fields
Field Type Description
id You must specify either id or name"}}">

Item ID. For example, SKU.

You must specify either id or name

name You must specify either name or id"}}">

Product Name. For example, "T-shirt"

You must specify either name or id


Brand, trade mark associated with the product. For example, "Yandex / Yandex"


Hierarchy of categories up to 5 levels of nesting is supported. The level separator is /. For example, "Clothes/Men's clothing/T-shirts"


Promo code associated with the product. For example, "PARTNER_SITE_15"


The position of the item in the list. For example, 2


Unit price


Number of product units


Product type. For example, "Red"

Action Data

Processed only if the action is a purchase ( -purchase).

The structure of the object describing the action is denoted as .

When transmitting data about an action, Metrica creates a goal. It allows you to receive data on income from a Yandex.Direct advertising campaign. In Yandex.Direct, in the list of available goals, such a goal is displayed as "eCommerce: Purchase (Counter No. . At the same time, you can track the achievement of the goal yourself by passing the field goal_id .

Object fields
Field Type Description
id Required."))">

Purchase ID.

Mandatory to fill.

Example: TRX#54321


Promo code associated with the entire purchase


The goal number is available in the Yandex.Metrica web interface, in the Settings section (Goals tab).


Income received.

If not specified, it is automatically calculated as the sum of the prices of all products associated with the purchase.

Object fields
Field Type Description
id Required."))">

Electronic commerce. e-commerce systems. Development of e-commerce

Electronic commerce is the sale and purchase of goods and services over the Internet. This is a set of technologies and services that provide the ability to present your goods and services on the Internet, accept orders, issue invoices, as well as receive payments and transfer money to counterparties via the Internet.

The two main categories of e-commerce are:
- online stores - allow you to place a catalog of your goods and services online, as well as manage their sale
- Internet payment systems - Internet money services that allow you to make mutual settlements via the Internet

There are also various ancillary e-commerce services:
- merchant services - allow you to automate the acceptance of payments in the online store
- exchangers - allow you to exchange one electronic currency to another, as well as deposit/withdraw electronic currency
- billing services - allow you to generate invoices, send them to customers and control payment

2015. Skynell Cloud Marketplace Adds Website Builder

Initially, the company's page on the web trading platform Skynell had a product catalog structure. A new version service allows you to create a full-fledged company website with necessary information without spending a lot of time and money. You can add own pages where you can place any information about the company, news, useful articles and much more. It also became possible to manage the main menu items: they can be added, removed, swapped. The sidebar is now also customizable at the user's request, here you can change the display order of modules or completely remove those that you do not need. Special attention was paid to the flexibility of the settings of the main page of the site: now the user decides what to display on home page your site: product catalog, company news, information about your products and services, etc.

2015. The Promarket online trading platform has updated its interface, released mobile applications

The professional B2B trading platform Promarket has updated its interface. Numerous additional features, which help participants to conduct their activities and 7,000 additional branches of various sectors of the economy. Promarket mobile apps for Android and iOS have also recently been launched, allowing members to communicate and manage their sales from smartphones and tablets. A desktop client for Windows makes it easier to use the business messenger in the system. The main tasks of Promarket remained unchanged - assistance in finding new business contacts and the freshest offers on the market in real time.

2014. - online marketplace for small businesses

A new electronic trading platform for small businesses has appeared on the Runet - The creators were not too lazy and collected a large (1 million) database of companies with addresses, phone numbers and emails, sorted them by region, industry, product and service. And if you need to buy something, you can register on Sulp, place your order, describe the product or service you want and indicate the region. The order is automatically sent to potential suppliers via e-mail. Suppliers receive an application and put their offer on the online trading platform, or directly to the customer (contacts on the site are open). As a result: some companies find the goods and services they need in just a few minutes on the very favorable price, other companies receive an additional flow of customers. On average, 5 responses are left per order.

2014. Strip Commerce: Want to strip a girl? buy something from her

Marisa, a lingerie company, came up with an original way to increase sales. IN electronic versions magazines Playboy and VIP, they added the ability to undress the models in the pictures, buying the underwear they wear. The user needs to click on the accessory they like, after which an order form appears on the screen. In case of its successful completion, the model parted with the purchased item. They called this technology Strip Commerce. And, it seems, have not yet been patented, so you can use it. For example, you can place on your site girls who hide behind air conditioners, satellite dishes or what do you sell there? By the way, professional advertisers have already appreciated the Strip Commerce technology - it received bronze in the Mobile category at Cannes Lions 2014.

2013. E-commerce 2013 will tell about e-commerce false trends

Soon in Moscow (namely October 10-11) the conference E-Commerce 2013 will take place. What usually happens at this event - look at the video. The key topic this year is trends and “false trends” in e-commerce. The organizers say that: yesterday we were fed with fairy tales, the names of which no one remembers anymore. Today there are also a lot of new beautiful terms: RTB advertising, retargeting, SMM, omni-channel, affiliate marketing, mobile sales. What is worth investing in, and which trends will die before they were born (and take away the money invested in them)? At the conference, the CEOs of Ulmart, E5,, E96, VseInstrumenty will try to answer these questions.

2009. Digital River starts working with WebMoney

The largest e-commerce service provider Digital River and payment system WebMoney Transfer announced the launch of a joint project. Now the E-commerce services owned by DR: Share-It and Regnow will allow selling goods for WebMoney, and sellers will be able to withdraw the money they earn to WebMoney wallets. Recall that these services are intended for the sale of digital goods only: software, e-books, web services (or any related services). For their services, services charge a commission of about 5% of the value of the goods. Until now, they only allowed payment with bank cards and via PayPal. At the same time, since cards were checked very strictly, buy something through Shareit or Regnow with a card Russian bank was problematic. Therefore, the services were mainly used to sell goods to Western buyers. Now the number of buyers from the post-Soviet space will also increase.

2009. Electronic commerce - best opportunity the Internet

In many cases, e-commerce through the world wide web makes traditional business more accessible to everyone. In addition, not only businesses benefit from e-commerce, consumers also benefit from it. Just as the owner of an online store can now sell a product to a buyer on the other side of the world, so the buyer can freely buy the specialty product he needs from a store located hundreds of kilometers away, which he would otherwise have to order for additional cost or purchase through catalogs. With the help of the web, users can compare prices from dozens of retailers just by looking at the screen. The Internet provides a huge advantage for businesses, and e-commerce continues to grow. One day, in a few years or decades, we will see how the bulk of the business will be online.

2009. Moneybookers are on sale again

The American company Investcorp sells the provider online payments Moneybookers, bought by her in 2007. British Moneybookers is one of the most popular EPS in Europe with over 6 million users. The sale of the company, apparently caused by the crisis in the market, is the first loss of Investcorp in the first half of the financial year. The negotiated price for the Moneybookers business is 400 million euros. Who will be the new owner payment system- not yet known

2009. The line of WebMoney applications has been replenished with a new keeper - WebMoney Keeper Mini

WebMoney Transfer Company has launched new tool to work with wallets - WebMoney Keeper Mini. This is a special site that gives the user access to the account. Keeper Mini does not have the features that the Classic or Light versions have, but it is simple and convenient for novice users of the payment system. Mini allows you to transfer money, make purchases, pay for the services of various providers. All operations are performed in a few clicks. The registration procedure is simpler and faster than its predecessors. Mini allows you to log in using a regular login-password pair or use the E-num system. The novelty is adapted for devices with small screen, supports all common operating systems.

2008. About e-commerce in Ukrainian

On October 28, 2008, the second conference "The Business of Online Stores and Online Services" will be held in Kiev. This is the largest specialized event in Ukraine dedicated to e-commerce issues. Recall that the first conference took place on November 8, 2007 and brought together more than 300 participants from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland. Recently, the organizer of the event - the company OWOX - announced the opening of registration for the second conference. Like last year, the goal of the conference remained unchanged, namely, the development of e-commerce in Ukraine, providing online stores and online services with information about the possibilities of promoting and increasing sales, communication and exchange of experience among market participants. Among the conference speakers are experts from well-known Internet companies and leading online stores.

2007. What is Google Product Search?

Google Product Search is a price comparison service currently in beta testing. Its interface contains search string, in which the user can enter the name of a product to view lists of sellers that offer this product, as well as pricing information and reviews. Google Product Search differs from other price comparison services in that it doesn't charge any fees for listings, it doesn't accept payment for showing products at the top of the list, and it doesn't charge commission for sales. Any company can submit individual product information through Google Base or suggest products for inclusion. Search results can be sorted by relevance (best) or price (ascending or descending). You can also search for products in selected online retailers (provided they have submitted Product Search data).

2002. MTU-Intel leases OSG WebShop for its online store

MTU-Intel got the opportunity to rent the OSG WebShop software designed for organizing e-commerce systems. All work with the database of Internet-shop products, with orders and customers is carried out from WebShop Manager. The process of preparing, changing information and processing received orders can be carried out in offline; an Internet connection is only required to update information about products or prices in the online store and receive information about new orders. For the convenience of customers, payment for software rental is carried out through the MTU-Intel user's personal account, which is replenished by activating the company's Internet-cards.

2001. GAR eCommerce Kit - sell beer online

EGAR Technology has created the site for Russia's largest brewery. The implementation of the site was based on the business package EGAR eCommerce Kit (EECK), which is a set of modules that can satisfy wide range the real needs of an online trading system. The package includes a system for placing a product line in an electronic store and allows you to implement complex processes for changing the structure of catalogs, analyze the business activity of its visitors and, on this basis, identify factors that stimulate the growth of online sales.

2000. Sun will do e-commerce without AOL

iPlanet, a joint venture between AOL and Sun Microsystems, has been completely taken over by the latter, becoming its e-commerce applications division. The company will further improve the iPlanet family of solutions as a core component software platform Sun Open Net Environment. All iPlanet employees go to Sun.

1998. AKKORD-Intermarket e-commerce system announced

Epsylon Technologies and Atlant-Inform announced the start of the development of the ACKORD-Intermarket system designed to build e-commerce Web sites. The e-commerce complex will be built on the basis of the Bailkonur software from Epsylon Technologies and integrated system management of the enterprise "ACCORD", developed by Atlant-Inform. In the latter, the whole complex of tasks is solved warehouse accounting, sales and purchase management: supply planning, registration of purchase contracts, invoices and invoices received, posting of goods received under these invoices, receipt operational information about stocks in warehouses, about payment of invoices and debts to suppliers, mutual settlements, sales planning, reservation and write-off of goods on issued invoices and invoices, formation of sales prices and discounts from these prices, obtaining information about the shipment of goods, their write-off, payment of invoices and settlements (mutual settlements) with buyers, as well as income for any period of time, etc.

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