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Online on-screen keyboard. Changing the hotkeys used to switch between input languages

How do I change my keyboard layout? Simultaneous pressing two keys:

  • Alt + Shift(more often and more standard)
  • Ctrl + Shift(less often, you need to configure Windows - but it's more convenient).

The "Control + Shift" keys on the bottom right of the keyboard are more often used by those who are familiar with the computer: it is easier to aim with your fingers at the bottom extreme buttons than to find Alt key somewhere near the space. And not all keyboards have Alt conveniently located: especially on small laptop input devices, you often get your finger on Windows key, but not the one that will change language layout.

How to change buttons to switch keyboard layouts

Eng-Ru keyboard layout icon is located in the Windows tray

Have Windows keyboard 7 has its own "dashboard" - the language panel. The easiest way is to call it by right-clicking on the icon with the language layout, then - "Options ...". This icon (Rus / Eng) is located in the lower right corner of the monitor, near the clock in the tray.

How to customize the keyboard in Windows

The Languages ​​and Services dialog box appears. text input"- the" Switching keyboard "tab we need is located to the right of the others.

In the dialog for changing keyboard shortcuts, everything is clear at an intuitive level. Changing the input language is done by the default Alt + Shift combination; it is more convenient to switch the layout change to Ctrl + Shift. The right side of the menu, where it is written about changing the keyboard layout, should not be touched. Pair familiar buttons"Ok" and "Apply" - now the Russian-English layout will be changed by the extreme left buttons of the keyboard.

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In Windows 7 and newer operating systems, everything is already built-in and is at your fingertips. Right-click on the icon for switching layouts in the menu Options we call the window Text Input Languages ​​and Services... Usually the main language pair is already listed there - Russian and English. It is not difficult to add additional national layouts as well.

  1. Open the Language Panel ( right click on the language icon).
  2. Here is the "Add" button.
  3. Choose from huge list desired language and the corresponding layout (on the right - a drop-down plus sign).
  4. As usual - "apply". Ready!

When adding a third (and fourth, etc.) languages ​​to operating system Neither the English keyboard layout nor its Russian variation will go anywhere.

By the way - by the icon for changing the keyboard layout, you can find out the Windows version in a second. If the language is displayed as three letters(Eng or Rus), then we have Win 10. If there are only two letters (En / Ru) - we are in Windows 7 or an older version of the OS.

Photo of Russian-English keyboard layout

Oh, and is it difficult to assemble the buttons in the correct order after taking it apart? The fingers know the location of the letters, and the eyes refuse to remember. Or another case - on english keyboard you need to apply transparent stickers with Russian keys - and this is difficult to do from memory.

For such cases, we present a photo of the order of letters for the Russian layout and for the English keyboard layout. You won't have to remember anymore - everything is before your eyes.

IBM / Windows 105-key keyboard layout

Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PrtSc
Ins Home PgUp Num / *
Del End PgDn 7 8 9 +
4 5 6
1 2 3 Ent
0 ,


Automatic switching... By itself, it will not change the language you enter, for this it needs help. You will need a special Punto program Switcher, which, after installation, automatically detects the word you enter and sets the layout you need for it. If the program changes the language by mistake, you can cancel the change by pressing one key, which you specify in the program settings. You can do it on the Internet - the program is distributed.

Switch the input language using the combined keystroke. In order to change the language to, you need to perform a synchronous press of the keys "Shift" + "Alt", or "Shift" + "Ctrl". Try to press the "Shift" key with the first button, since the first pressing "Alt" activates the control panel open window, which makes it difficult and at times knocks down the caught working rhythm.

You can also switch the keyboard layout through the language interface, which is entered through the control panel. In the panel, you will see displayed on this moment input language. Click on it with the left mouse button and put a checkmark in front of the English language. More detailed settings are carried out when you right-click on the shortcut.

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Even those who know well English language, sometimes they give up when they have to translate something. It is often easier to speak a foreign language than to write, all the more so - to translate specific text... Let's try to figure out the techniques that can help when translating into English.


To translate a text into English, it is worth first of all to compile a glossary, i.e. a list of words that are unfamiliar to you or that cause you doubts. These words need to be translated using any dictionary, in case of difficulties, you can also use English-English dictionary- a dictionary of definitions (definitions of a word). However, the English-English dictionary can only be used by someone who knows English quite well. You will spend time compiling a glossary, but this will save it during the direct translation of the text: you do not have to look into the dictionary too often.

Whichever method of translation you use, your text is unlikely to be "English" enough, since those who do not have translation or experience living in an English-speaking country, as a rule, are unfamiliar with the intricacies of translation of certain expressions. To keep abreast of live English and follow the intricacies of translation, of course, it is not necessary to go to England, although this is The best way... According to university professors, quite effective method there will also be listening to English-language news, watching films. All this will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the English language and translate better into English.

If you want to change the language entered on the keyboard, all actions will take you no more than a minute. Today, there are three ways to quickly change the language mode.

You will need



  • translation of the keyboard into Russian

Translation into foreign language complex terms, abbreviations and abbreviations that are used daily in business and informal vocabulary often become a daunting task. Most often, when translating such a plan, they use specific dictionaries, including electronic ones.


Select the dictionary with which you will translate the word. It could be classic Russian-English dictionary, made in paper form. You can buy it at a bookstore or use the services of a library. If you translate a lot and often, then it will not be superfluous to purchase such a dictionary and use it at home or on the road.

It is often more convenient to translate using electronic dictionaries. This is a device that actually stores a base of words with translation. Unlike a paper dictionary, where you have to find each word, flipping through many pages, the electronic dictionary provides the ability quick search words or phrases according to the first one.

A good and inexpensive alternative electronic dictionary is a program that can be installed on Personal Computer, smartphone or PDA. Such a program provides for the ability to connect various dictionaries, including medical, legal, technical and others. Possible choice different languages... Thus, the dictionary will always be at your fingertips. In addition, there is a large number of- dictionaries that can be used on the Internet.

Try to translate the term piece by piece. The word "society" in English can be translated as company, considering it as an economic term. The phrase "limited liability" is a fairly well-established expression used in, and is translated into English as limited liability. Alternatively, you can find a direct translation of the entire term "limited liability company". Most dictionaries suggest that it will be a limited liability company or just a limited company.

Find the translation of the abbreviation " OOO". B, as it will be an abbreviation made up of the first letters, that is, LLC. The abbreviation Ltd. is also widely used, which is an abbreviation of the word limited. Sometimes it is used with the addition of the word company, and then it is like Co. Ltd.


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Modern computer technology aims to provide user comfort. In order to save work space and reduce dimensions, manufacturers make a multifunctional keyboard: different combinations keys, it allows you to various functions.


As a rule, in Russia there is a standard computer bilingual: the same buttons allow you to type in or in a language, since they function within the Cyrillic alphabet and Latin alphabet... At the same time, two letters are written on each button: a Russian letter is depicted in the lower right corner, and a Latin letter in the upper left. For added convenience of the user, characters of different alphabets differ in color and brightness.

Please note that punctuation marks and extra-text characters on the keyboard are also subject to different layouts: some characters can be used when the keyboard is in the language, others when switching to English or another Western language (depending on the computer system settings). These signs, like letters, are located in different corners of the key and have different colors.

Often text documents and the browser windows are set to English by default. That is, when you open the document, you will start typing in Latin. If you need the Russian alphabet, switch the language layout on yours. You can translate the keyboard from English into Russian different ways... Pay attention to the "Taskbar", which is located at the very bottom line of your computer. Next to System Three, where the clock and other system shortcuts are located by default, is the Language Bar. It displays which language is currently activated on your computer. If you see the designation "EN", left-click on this icon. The "Language Panel" will expand and you will see a line with the image "RU" - this is the Russian language. Click on this menu term, and your keyboard layout will change from English to Russian.

You can change the language the keyboard prints with certain keys... Press the "Shift + Alt" keys at the same time (on some computers, the "Shift + Ctrl" combination works), and your keyboard layout will change.

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language. It is most often used to programmatically set the reactions of pages to user actions. The presence of java scripts on the page slightly burdens their volume, so it is not recommended to use complex programmatic constructs.

Several times on computers different users I came across the fact that on the Windows login screen (welcome screen) the Russian keyboard layout is used by default, while the username and password are usually typed in the English layout. Therefore, each time before entering a password, these unfortunate people have to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English (Alt + Shift), which is particularly annoying.

Changing the keyboard layout to English when entering Windows, though, is not difficult at all. To do this go to Control Panel -> Clock, language and region ->Language... Make sure that Russian and English are present in the list of languages ​​for the system. Use the button to move the English language to the top of the list.

Then click on the " Extra options ". If you want to use Russian Windows interface, in the Override interface language list, select Russian. If you want to change the operating language of the OS itself to English, leave the recommended value.

In the window that opens, click the button Copy options.

In the screen settings and new user accounts window, put two check marks:

Copy current parameters to:

  • Welcome screen and system Accounts
  • New user accounts.

Apply the changes and restart Windows.

In Windows 7 and earlier, you could use a registry modification to change the default layout on the Windows logon screen. To do this, in the branch you need to create / change two REG_SZ parameters

  • 1 - with value 00000409 (English language)
  • 2 - with value 00000419 (Russian language)

However, in Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10, these keys do not work. The fact is that by default these OSs use language settings user to the Windows logon screen language settings.

To disable this behavior, you need to enable group policy In chapter Computer configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Locale Services.

Therefore, by enabling this policy and distributing the above registry keys to user computers using GPP, you can set a single input language for the logon screen on all computers in the domain.

On Windows Server Core to change the default layout type to English, you can use the following command:

Set-WinDefaultInputMethodOverride "0409: 00000409"

Well, let's continue the "educational program" section, and today we'll talk about how to set the default input language in Windows 7 and how to change the keyboard layout. As practice shows, not everyone can do these seemingly simple things. They especially cause difficulties for novice users who are just learning to handle a computer. So, let's begin.
You probably noticed that when you turn on the computer, in most cases, English is set, and then you have to switch all the time to Russian. Fortunately, this can be customized.
Change the default input language
- We press "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Regional and Language Options", a window will open:

- Go to the "Languages ​​and keyboards" tab and click on the "Change keyboard ..." button, and a window will appear in which you can specify which keyboard layout will be used in all programs by default, as well as add new keyboards if necessary.

How to change keyboard layout with hotkeys
The quickest and easiest way to change the keyboard language is by using hotkeys, most often this is a keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift, but it also happens "Ctrl" + "Shift"... What does it depend on? And it depends on the settings of your Windows 7, which can always be changed if necessary. To do this, follow the steps described above, and go to the "Switch keyboard" tab and press the "Change keyboard shortcut ..." key:

A window will appear in front of you, where in the left column you can choose how to change the keyboard layout, or rather what key combination to use.
Well, in principle, that's all, we examined in detail the questions of how to change the default input language and how to change the input language using hotkeys using the example of Windows 7. If you still have questions, or vice versa, have any questions about this article, then I will be happy to answer them in the comments. If suddenly, you do not know how to view

At first glance, it may seem that an ordinary Russian-speaking PC user will only need native language that is set on the computer by default as the interface language and keyboard layout. Yes, perhaps, for most office tasks this will be enough if you use a computer or laptop as a modern analogue of a typewriter, but an Internet user will definitely need a Latin alphabet to enter the address of the desired website, Email and other tasks. Let's take a closer look at the settings language bar and the basic principles of working with it using the example of Windows 7.

The easiest way is to change the input language by using the interface of the language itself. Windows panels, which is by default on the right side of the taskbar next to the notification area and shows current language... So, we click on the RU icon, denoting the use of the Russian language at the moment, and we see other languages ​​to choose from, among which may be the English we need, if the language panel was previously configured accordingly. Setting up the language panel, in particular adding / removing input languages, will be discussed in Section 3 of this article. Another way to switch between input languages ​​is to use the keyboard itself. So, depending on the settings, to change the layout language, you must press the key combination Ctrl + Shift or Alt + Shift. This method will be especially convenient when typing with both hands, since it does not require additional time spent on manipulating the mouse, the hands remain on the keyboard. As for the language bar settings, they are very simple and straightforward. To open the settings window, right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select the "Options ..." item.

In the "General" tab, if necessary, set up the default input language by selecting it from those used. Below we see a window with the languages ​​used and buttons on the right to control them. So, you can delete an unnecessary language or add a required one. If English has not been installed earlier, click the "Add" button, select it from the list of supported ones in a new window and confirm your choice by clicking on the "OK" button.

No less important settings, which were discussed in Clause 2 of this article, are located in the "Switching keyboard" tab in the same settings window. Here, in addition to controlling the on / off mode Caps lock, there are settings for keyboard shortcuts for changing languages. Highlight the "Switch input language" parameter with the left mouse button and click the "Change keyboard shortcut" button below. In the window that appears, select the most convenient option keyboard shortcuts for changing the input language and, if necessary, separately for the keyboard layout. After making the changes, do not forget to confirm and save them by clicking on "OK".

In addition, in the settings of the language panel, it is possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to switch to a particular language. This function will be convenient for those users who periodically use 3 or more input languages. We assign a unique keyboard shortcut for switching, for example, to the English we need, in the same way as changing the switching of languages ​​with the only difference: in the “Keyboard shortcuts for input languages” window, highlight “Enable English”. Next, we set up the keyboard shortcut and save the settings.

If you still have questions about switching to another input language or setting the language bar to a newer one Windows versions, then in the video attached below you will find a similar instruction for Windows 8.

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