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  • Terrestrial TV is a budget alternative to Tricolor TV. The political scientist called the riots in Ingushetia an attempt by "ill-wishers" to weaken Russia

Terrestrial TV is a budget alternative to Tricolor TV. The political scientist called the riots in Ingushetia an attempt by "ill-wishers" to weaken Russia

Technology today satellite communications are used not only in television - they also provide access to the Internet. Residents of private houses, owners of retail outlets and catering establishments often complain about the absence or poor quality The Internet. In this case, we recommend connecting such a Tricolor TV service as Satellite Internet (two-way), which does not need additional resources and providing high speed of sending and transferring data. Activation of this service will allow you to quickly transfer and find various information as well as just having fun.

Since a clear signal from the Express-AMU1 satellite is stored in specific area, then only subscribers who are in it will be able to use the satellite Internet. And these are residents Western Siberia, the European part of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Region and the Crimean Peninsula is not included), the Urals. All you need to connect to the service is a set of equipment that can be purchased from authorized dealers, showrooms and other points of sale owned by Tricolor TV. To get acquainted with the tariff plans " Satellite Internet"Visit the Tricolor TV website. At night, the company provides its subscribers with unlimited traffic - from 2 to 7 hours.

Coverage area of ​​Tricolor TV

Terms of application of the tariff plan "Internet Unlimited":

The tariff plan "Internet Unlimited" is available for connection for everyone individuals who have entered into an agreement for the services of providing access to the Internet in the period from April 01, 2017. to 30 September 2017

When connecting to the "Internet Unlimited" tariff plan, the subscriber is provided with two-way access to the Internet at a speed of up to 20 Mbps in direct channel and up to 5 Mbit / s in return channel unlimited traffic volume.

A subscriber who has entered into an agreement with the Operator in the period from April 01, 2017 to September 30, 2017 on the terms of the tariff plan "Internet Unlimited" has the right to change tariff plan to any of the existing ones.

After September 30, 2017, the “Internet Unlimited” tariff plan will not be available during the initial connection, as well as when changing the tariff plan.

Satellite Internet is a joint project of Tricolor TV and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services to subscribers are provided by Eutelsat Networks LLC.

In the coming summer season, for many Tricolor TV subscribers it was an unpleasant surprise that all-Russian channels have now become paid and are now shown only after paying 1200 rubles for a year. For a summer residence, where most of them have Tricolor kits, the need to pay that kind of money for three to four months of viewing is too expensive. But there is nothing to do, the equipment has been bought, he will not be wasted. So many are paying.

In fact, for Tricolor subscribers, there are at least two options to optimize costs. Yes, both options are intended to replace or buy satellite equipment another operator, more flexible in payments. Whether it is worth doing it - everyone decides for himself. But if you have an old receiver that does not support the MPEG-4 broadcasting standard (DRE-5000, GS-7300), then you still have to think about replacing it. This summer, around mid-July, these receivers will stop accepting satellite channels in general: the last remaining channels will go to the MPEG-4 format, leaving the owners of the old receivers "with a nose". The broadcaster is replacing the equipment, but it is not free and gives a good reason to think about whether you want to continue to stay with this operator.

As written above, there are as many as two alternatives for giving. The first is to buy an NTV Plus receiver. For example, Opentech OHS1740V. The existing antenna is also suitable for NTV Plus, you don't even have to move it. Build quality receiver Opentech OHS1740V even better devices competitor. Even the lack of a display does not spoil the impressions. But the subscription fee can be paid on a monthly basis, and not immediately for a year in advance. Although such an opportunity is also provided, with good savings. List of broadcasted channels in basic packages both operators are similar, but NTV Plus offers much more choice additional TV channels... The price of Opentech OHS1740V is comparable to the cost of replacing a tricolor set-top box. The only pity is that you won't be able to exchange the tricolor receiver for the Opentech OHS1740V.

The second alternative allows you to exclude a set of satellite equipment. It can be moved to another place, to a city apartment where you live permanently. This option is broadcast digital television... Its main advantages: free broadcasting of the federal package of channels (20-30 channels) and low cost receiving equipment... Basically, you need to buy a DVB T2 receiver and decimeter antenna... Most already have antennas, and if not, then take a closer look at the active ones. outdoor antennas... For giving this is the very thing.

With regard to the receiver. Buy DVB T2 receiver need modern, always with HDMI port even if you don't have this port on your TV. The receiver contains additional videos outputs (low-frequency "tulips", most often). Receiver without HDMI output I should alert you - this is probably an outdated model, which will not accept anything.

Now the main thing is about the price. You can buy a set of terrestrial television for two thousand rubles. The price is comparable to annual subscription Tricolor, and shows the federal channel package for free.

Buy satellite equipment another operator, exchange the receiver for new model current broadcaster or buy DVB receiver T2 with antenna - everyone decides for himself. You just need to think about the current situation, evaluate the prospect of using a particular set of equipment, and make the right decision.

MMany residents of Smolensk and the suburbs are already connected, or are going to connect to satellite or cable TV. In addition to the well-known Tricolor, there are other satellite operators - these are NTV +, Raduga, Continent. IP-television is represented by operators - Bee-Line, Rostelecom, Man-Net, Citycom. Cable operators are Smolensky Ryad, MTS, etc. As a rule, 60-70 percent of residents choose Tricolor from satellite operators, or any cable or IP-TV operator in your area.

True, the purchase of the kit itself for receiving satellite TV, i.e. antennas, receivers and subscriber cards are not cheap and starts at about 9,000 rubles, and this does not take into account the installation. Concerning cable TV, then here, as a rule (but not always) there is no alternative at all - you want to connect, or you will not see anything at all, because cable networks houses are "hijacked" by one of the cable TV operators. As a rule, you do not need to buy equipment, although in fairness it must be said that it all often depends on the area of ​​the city of Smolensk. For example, where there is an MTS for digital channels you need to pay extra and without fail you must have modern TV with CI slot. And for IP-TV you have to pay significantly more than for regular cable TV, because the subscription fee also includes (although they talk about free of charge) the cost of renting an operator's set-top box. Prices here start at 150 rubles from the Smolensky Ryad operator (both for analog and digital). MTS is already being asked for a figure of 250 rubles (150 rubles analog broadcast), and for some IP-TV operators (Bi-Line, Rostelecom), the subscription fee can go up to 500-600 rubles per month (without the Internet, about 400-450 rubles).

I also want to tell you about a cheaper alternative, with fewer channels, but with the same high-quality signal and most importantly without subscription fee generally!

You have probably heard that digital broadcasting began in Smolensk and the region the year before last. broadcast signal... According to my surveys, it became clear to me that the population still does not know that the figure came to our houses right through the window in the kitchen or in the hall of your apartment, and the residents of my beloved city of Smolensk do not even know what "amenities" it gives everyone US. And the main thing is that this does not require expensive equipment, and the quality of the picture on your home tv will not be nearly worse than satellite Tricolor or when connected to cable TV.

All you need to check is the quality of channel 5 receiving at your home (ie Peter). As a rule (according to my observations) this channel is received practically in the entire city with good, or even with excellent quality to a regular indoor antenna. This, in turn, means that the digital signal broadcasting You will be able to take without any problems!

All that remains for you is to purchase a tuner of the DVB-T2 standard, which is similar in size to a satellite one - if you have an old TV set. Connect the tuner to the TV (with tulips or Scart) and connect a regular indoor antenna to the tuner, and also tune your DVB-T2 tuner to channel 39, where the broadcast is in progress digital signal... Everything! Ten television channels and three radio channels in digital quality You are guaranteed! But the main thing is the cost. The average price of a tuner for receiving a digital terrestrial signal is 1000-1500 rubles! Compare these prices with the Tricolor set - the price difference is 10 or more times! The difference when using IP-TV allows you to "recoup" the cost of buying a tuner in a month or two. Now I'll tell you about the new TVs. As a rule, they already have a DVB-T2 decoder installed, i.e. You don't have to buy anything else, just connect a regular indoor antenna to your new TV and search for a digital terrestrial signal!

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