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Unified classification system. Automated systems for processing economic information

Annotation: Information Support IP. Out-of-machine information support. Basic concepts of information classification. Concepts and basic requirements for the information coding system. Composition and content of classifier design operations. Documentation system. Intra-machine information support. Design screen forms electronic documents... Information base and ways of organizing it.

It is a tool for solving the following tasks:

  • unambiguous and economical presentation of information in the system (based on object coding);
  • organization of procedures for analyzing and processing information, taking into account the nature of the connections between objects (based on the classification of objects);
  • organization of user interaction with the system (based on screen forms of data input-output);
  • securing effective use information in the control loop of the automation object (based on a unified documentation systems).

IS information support includes two complexes: off-machine information support (classifiers of technical economic information, documents, methodological guidance materials) and in-machine information support (layouts / screen forms for entering primary data into a computer or outputting result information, structure information base : input, output files, database).

The following general requirements are imposed on information support:

  • information support should be sufficient to support all automated functions of the facility;
  • to encode information, classifiers accepted by the customer should be used;
  • to encode the input and output information which is used on the highest level management, classifiers of this level should be used;
  • compatibility with the information support of systems interacting with the developed system must be ensured;
  • forms of documents must meet the requirements of the corporate standards of the customer (or unified documentation systems);
  • the structure of documents and screen forms should correspond to the characteristics of the terminals at the end-user workplaces;
  • formation schedules and content information messages , as well as the abbreviations used should be generally accepted in this subject area and agreed with the customer;
  • the IS should provide means for controlling input and output information, updating data in information arrays, integrity control information base, protection against unauthorized access.

IS information support can be defined as a set of a single classification systems, unified documentation systems and information base [ 9.1 ] .

Out-of-machine information support

Basic concepts of classification of technical and economic information

In order to ensure effective search, processing on a computer and transmission of technical and economic information through communication channels, it must be submitted to digital form... To this end, it must first be ordered (classified) and then formalized (encoded) using a classifier.

Classification- it division of the multitude objects into subsets according to their similarity or difference in accordance with the accepted methods. The classification fixes the regular connections between the classes of objects. An object is understood as any object, process, phenomenon of material or non-material properties. Classification system allows you to group objects and select certain classes, which will be characterized by a number of common properties. Thus, the set of rules for the distribution of objects in a set into subsets is called classification system .

A property or characteristic of an object of classification, which makes it possible to establish its similarity or difference with other objects of classification, is called sign classification. For example, the attribute "the role of the partner enterprise in relation to the activities of the automation object" allows all enterprises to be divided into two groups (into two subsets): "suppliers" and "consumers". The set or subset that unites some of the objects of classification according to one or more criteria is called classification grouping.

A classifier is a document with the help of which a formalized description of information in an IS is carried out, containing the names of objects, the names of classification groups and their code designations [9.1].

According to the scope of action, the following types are distinguished classifiers: international, national (system-wide), sectoral and local classifiers.

International classifiers are part of the System of International Economic Standards (ISES) and are mandatory for the transfer of information between organizations different countries the world community.

National (system-wide) classifiers are mandatory for organizing the transfer and processing of information between economic systems state level within the country.

Industry classifiers are used to perform procedures for processing information and transferring it between organizations within an industry.

Local classifiers are used within individual enterprises.

Each classification system characterized by the following properties:

  • flexibility of the system;
  • system capacity;
  • the degree of occupancy of the system.

System flexibility is the ability to admit the inclusion of new features, objects without destroying the structure of the classifier. The required flexibility is determined by the lifetime of the system.

System capacity- it the largest number classification groupings allowed in this classification system.

System occupancy is defined as the quotient of dividing the actual number of groups by the capacity of the system.

Currently, two types are most commonly used classification systems: hierarchical and multidimensional.

When using the hierarchical classification method, there is a "sequential division of the multitude objects into subordinate, dependent classification groupings "[9.2]. The classification scheme obtained on the basis of this process has a hierarchical structure. In it, the initial volume of classified objects is divided into subsets according to some criterion and is detailed at each next stage of classification. classification scheme shown in Fig. 9.1.

Rice. 9.1.

The characteristic features of the hierarchical system are:

  • the ability to use an unlimited number of classification signs;
  • the subordination of classification signs, which is expressed by the division of each classification grouping, formed according to one attribute, into a set of classification groupings according to a subordinate (subordinate) attribute.

Thus, the classification schemes, built on the basis of the hierarchical principle, have unlimited capacity, the value of which depends on the depth of classification (the number of division levels) and the number of classification objects that can be located at each stage. The number of objects at each level of classification is determined by the base of the code, that is, the number of characters in the selected alphabet of the code. (For example, if the alphabet is two-digit decimal numbers, then 100 objects can be placed on one level). The choice of the required depth of classification and the structure of the code depends on the nature of the objects of classification and the nature of the tasks for which it is intended

Information Support- a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in an organization, as well as a methodology for building databases.

The purpose of the information support subsystem is the timely formation and delivery of reliable information for making management decisions.

Unified documentation systems are created at the state, republican, sectoral and regional levels. the main objective- This is to ensure the comparability of indicators of various spheres of social production.

However, despite the existence of a unified documentation system, a survey of most organizations constantly reveals a whole range of typical shortcomings:

1. an extremely large volume of documents for manual processing;

2.the same indicators are often duplicated in different documents; with big amount documents distract specialists from solving immediate problems;

4. there are indicators that are created, but not used, etc.

Therefore, the elimination of these shortcomings is one of the tasks facing the creation of information support.

Information flow diagrams reflect the routes of information movement and its volumes, the places of origin of the primary information and the use of the resulting information. By analyzing the structure of such schemes, it is possible to develop measures to improve the entire management system.

The construction of information flow diagrams, allowing to identify the amount of information and carry out its detailed analysis, provides:

1. exclusion of duplicate and unused information;

2. classification and rational presentation of information.

At the same time, the issues of the relationship between the movement of information on the levels of management should be considered in detail. . It is necessary to identify which indicators are necessary for making management decisions and which are not. Each performer should receive only the information that is used.

Database building methodology based on theoretical foundations their design. To understand the concept of the methodology, we present its main ideas in the form of two successively implemented stages in practice:

1st stage- examination of all functional divisions of the company in order to:

1. to understand the specifics and structure of the activity;

2. build a diagram of information flows;

3.analyze the existing system document flow;

4. define information objects and the corresponding composition of attributes (parameters, characteristics) that describe their properties and purpose.

In Russia, the ESKK was created, which includes: All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, regulatory and methodological documents for their development, maintenance and application

ESKK objects:

· Statistical information

Financial and law enforcement information

Banking information

Standardization and certification information

Trade and inter-economic activity information

ESKK performs the functions of a formalized language that ensures the transfer of information to computer media for its subsequent processing by means of HF technology and solves issues of information compatibility of control systems

Encoding methods:

1. Registration method - in this method, each object of the source coded set (M) is designated with the current number. The symbols used to form the current code (numbers) form the alphabet of the code, and the number of different characters in the alphabet is called the base of the code.

Disadvantage of this method: no additional information about the object

Example: if 10 Arabic numerals (0-9) are used for encoding, then they form the alphabet of the code, and the number 10 is the base of the code. The length of the code is determined by the number of digits or characters. Codes, all combinations of which have the same number of digits or characters are called uniform. The number of objects that can be encoded with a uniform code is determined by the formula

where n is the base of the code, r is the length or length of the code

2. Classification method - based on a particular system object classification

Classification is a set of predetermined attributes on the basis of which the objects of the coded set are distributed according to classification groupings. This method consists of two methods:

a. Hierarchical classification (sequential coding method) - with this method, at the first level, the coded set is divided according to a certain criterion into groupings. At the second level, each classification grouping of the previous level is divided into groupings, thereby forming the classification groupings of the second level of division, etc.

Total number division levels are called the depth of classification, and the values, etc. are the base, respectively, on the first, second and subsequent division level. The division base can be different not only when moving from level to level, but also when dividing each grouping of any level, but most often a classification with a constant division level is used. After the objects of the coded set are classified, the classification groupings and classified objects are assigned codes, for which, in most cases, numeric codes are used.

Advantages - the code is of low importance and large information capacity

The disadvantage is the weak flexibility of the structure, because division base is fixed with advance established order succession, which does not allow the inclusion of new objects and classification groupings

b. Facet classification (parallel coding method) - this method divides a given set of objects into independent groupings (facets). A facet combines objects based on a predefined attribute. The features underlying the formation of various facets are usually not related to each other.

The coding of these features within a facet most often occurs using the current number (registration method), the object code is formed by sequential arrangement of the facet codes, in accordance with the accepted structural formula, which depends on the nature of the tasks to be solved when processing information

Advantages - flexibility of the construction structure i.e. change in any of the facets, i.e. a change in any of the facets has no significant effect on all the others. With such a classification, it becomes possible to aggregate objects and implement information retrieval by any combination of facets.

The disadvantage is incomplete use of capacity, non-traditional and sometimes difficult application

Coding is the formation and assignment of a designation to a classification element, a classification feature and a classification grouping. The designation is given by a sign or a group of characters in accordance with the accepted coding method

Current Russian classifiers:

1. OKPO - the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations

2. OKATO - the all-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division

3. OKONKH - All-Russian classifier of branches of the national economy

4. OKUD - All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation

5. OKDP - All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services

6. OKUN - All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population

7. OKP - All-Russian classifier of products

8. OKS - All-Russian Classifier of Standards

9. OKV - All-Russian Classifier of Currencies

10. OKEI - All-Russian classifier of units of measurement

Encoding methods

OKATO is the all-Russian classifier of objects of administrative territorial division.

ESKK. OKATO is designed to ensure the reliability of comparability and automated processing of information in the context of administrative territorial division in such areas as statistics, economics and others.

Classification objects:



Federal cities

· Autonomous region

Autonomous circle

Intracity districts (city districts)

Urban settlements

Village councils

Rural settlements

Classification system: Hierarchical

The entire set of objects is subdivided into groups, according to territorial division, and these groups are located in 3 levels of classification in accordance with administrative subordination, and each level includes objects directly subordinate to the objects of the previous level

Objects of the 1st level of classification: Republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, an autonomous region, an autonomous area that is part of the Russian Federation

Objects of the 2nd level of classification: autonomous districts that are part of the territory or region, districts of the republic of the region, autonomous regions, autonomous region, which is part of the Russian Federation, inner-city districts, districts of a city of federal significance, cities of republican, regional, regional subordination, urban-type settlements, regional, regional subordination

Objects of the 3rd level of classification: inner-city districts, districts of the city of republican, regional, regional subordination, cities of district subordination, urban-type settlements of district subordination, village councils

In the aisles of the groupings of the 3rd level of classification, rural settlements are coded

Each position of the classifier structurally consists of three blocks:

1. Object identification block - includes an identification code and a check number. Constructed using serial-ordinal, sequential and parallel encoding methods

The length of the code is from 2 to 8 digits, depending on the classification level at which the object is located


1,2 character - objects of the 1st level of classification, coding system - serial-ordinal

3,4,5 - objects of the 2nd level of classification, coding method - sequential

6,7,8 - objects of the 3rd level of classification, the coding method is sequential

Digits 3 and 6 are reserved for signs P1 and P2, respectively, indicating the level of classification and the type of the encoded object. In this case, the parallel coding method is applied

P1 - matters:

1- Autonomous region

2- District (including intracity), okrug

4- City, urban-type settlement

R2 matters

3- Intra-city district, city district

5- city, urban-type settlement

8- village council

CC (check number) - calculated according to the current calculation methodology and the use of check numbers

Example: 76 212 824 KCh - Daursky village council of the Zabaikalsky district of the Chita region

76 - code of the Chita region

2 - a sign of the area

12 - code of the Trans-Baikal region

8 - a sign of the village council

25 - code of the Daud village council

2. Object name block

3. Block of additional data

To reduce the total length of the code, when coding a number of objects, the districts and cities of the autonomous districts that are part of the territories and regions are encoded at the second level of classification (4.5 bits), and the objects subordinate to them are encoded at the third level of classification (6,7,8 bits ), while sign P2 has the following meanings:

6- city, urban-type settlement

9- village council

76 122 912 KCH - code of the Kungur village council of the Aginsky district of the Aginsko-Buryat Autonomous Okrug of the Chita region

76 - code of the Chita region

1 - a sign of the Autonomous Okrug. If there is only one such object in the Chita region, then "1" identifies the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, therefore, in categories 4,5 it is possible to encode both AO as a whole (100) and objects of district subordination
22 - code of the Aginsky region

9 - a sign of the village council

12 - code of the Kunkur village council

Name block for abbreviating the name of objects, the names of grouped positions are highlighted, with a slash “/” after the name of the grouped positions, and “-” in front of specific objects, the centers of objects are indicated in the additional data block, i.e. capitals of republics, centers of territories, regions, districts, village councils

OKATO adopted the following abbreviations:


SMT urban-type settlement

RP working village

Kp resort village

Ps village council as a village council

Dp dacha village council

R village type settlement

Np locality

P. st village at the station

m place

d village

sl weak


st-tsa stanitsa

pzd junction

klkh collective farm

state farm

OKUD - All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation

Component ESKK and covers unified documentation systems and the form of documents

OKUD solves the following tasks:

1. Registration of forms of documents

2. Streamlining information flows in the national economy

3. Reducing the number of forms used

4. Exclusion from circulation of non-unified forms of documents

5. Ensuring accounting and systematization of unified forms of documents on the basis of their registration

6. Control over the composition of the forms of documents and the elimination of duplication of information used in the field of management

7. Rational organization of control over the use of unified forms of documents

All-Russian (intersectoral, interdepartmental) unified forms of documents approved by ministries (departments of the Russian Federation)

OKUD contains the names and code designations of unified forms of documents included in unified documentation systems

The code consists of 7 digital decimal places and CC

The OKUD adopted a hierarchical classification with 2 steps

Each position of the classifier consists of two blocks:

1. Identification block

2. Block of the name of the object of classification

Identification of a unified form is carried out through classification

Code structure


1,2 - class of forms, i.e. belonging of a unified form of a document to the corresponding unified documentation system

3,4 is a subclass of the form, i.e. the generality of the content of many forms of documents and the direction of their use

5,6,7 – registration number unified form of documents within a subclass

The block of names of the classification object is a record of the name of a specific unified form of the document

09 - unified pension fund documentation system

01 - documentation on accounting and distribution of funds

004 - payroll for insurance contributions to the pension fund (block of names)

OKUD codes are to be entered in unified forms of documents

Topic "Information support" Information support of IS is a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in an organization, as well as methodology for building databases.

Information resources and economic information Information resources - information recorded on a tangible medium and stored in information systems ah (libraries, archives, funds, banks, etc.). Economic information is an integral and most important component information resources society: information reflecting and serving processes production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods;

Varieties of economic information By stages of origin: initial (primary): o planning-directive; o accounting and reporting. derivative (secondary): o intermediate; o final (final). By affiliation: Sphere of material production: o by sectors and sub-sectors of the economy; Sphere of intangible production; o by sectors and sub-sectors of the economy. By temporary stages of management: Predictive; Planned; Accounting For the analysis of economic activities; For operational management; For reporting. By stages of reproduction and elements production process: Supply; Production;; Distribution; Consumption. According to the criteria of compliance with the reflected phenomena: Reliable; Unreliable. By the completeness of the reflection of events: Sufficient (complete), Insufficient; Excessive. By stability over time: Constant (conditionally constant); Variable: In relation to the processing process in control systems: Input; Intermediate; The day off. Classification signs

The value of information depends on what tasks are solved with its help. It is important to have up-to-date information when working in constantly changing conditions Information is reliable if it does not distort the true state of affairs Information is complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions Requirements for economic information reliability and completeness Information is considered clear and understandable if it is expressed in language which is said by those to whom it is intended value and relevance clarity and comprehensibility

Information structure The information structure is considered from the standpoint of two interrelated aspects: the composition of the elements that form the information structure; the relationship between the elements of this structure. Allocate: simple units of information; and composite (complex) units of information. A composite unit of information (SEI) is called a unit of information, consisting of a certain set of other units of information, associatively related to each other. The unit of information included in the SEI is called a constituent unit of information. A simple, elementary constituent unit of economic information is a props.

Properties and characteristics of the attribute Properties of the attribute: a single attribute cannot fully characterize the economic process or object; separate props can be included in various economic indicators... Props characteristics: name; a type; meaning.

Properties and characteristics of the attribute Depending on the nature of the displayed property, the attributes are divided into attributes-attributes - they reflect the qualitative properties of an economic object, process or phenomenon (can be expressed in alphabetical, digital or alphanumeric form, are used for logical processing of composite units: for search, sorting, grouping, sampling, etc.) requisites-bases - characterize the quantitative side of the process or object

The concept of the indicator An economic indicator is the main structural unit, consisting of a certain set of details that characterize a specific object, fact, process, etc. from the quantitative and qualitative side. Definitions of the concept of "indicator": in the practice of accounting, statistics, planning, etc.: an indicator is a qualitatively defined variable that can be associated with a set of possible quantitative values, as well as algorithms for their calculation based on various initial data;

The concept of an indicator in theory and practice automated processing data: an indicator is a statement containing a quantitative characteristic of any property of the displayed object. (the utterance contains a single quantitative meaning and a certain set of qualitative features necessary for its unambiguous identification).

The composition of the economic indicator Includes one base variable and a group of attributes-attributes interconnected with it and among themselves in the sense of the attribute. It has a name (designation) that reveals its main economic meaning. The name of the indicator includes terms that mean: the measured object, i.e. what happens to the object (availability, capacity, output, costs, cost, losses, profit, etc.); a formal description, i.e. how it is calculated (amount, volume, increase, percentage, difference, average, etc.).

Composition of the economic indicator The supplement (additional features) specifies the specific quantitative value of the indicator. These features include terms denoting: the time to which the given indicator belongs (moment or period); unit of measurement (kg, piece, rub., etc.); type of data by control functions (planned, actual, normative, etc.), indicating who performs an action on the measured object, where the object is located, moves.

Types of indicators Based on formal characteristics: absolute; relative; On the basis of the process: characterizing the state; characterizing the change in the object. By object: indicators of population and labor resources; indicators of natural resources; product indicators; indicators of fixed assets; financial indicators, etc. Indicators: primary; secondary (derivatives, calculated).

Composite structural units of information Economic document- a certain way organized set of interrelated economic indicators: as a rule, it has tabular form, including 3 parts: o a common part- contains the name of the document and a list of common in composition and meaning details for all indicators presented in the document (document header). o subject part - includes details that characterize the features of individual economic indicators of a multi-line document. o design part - contains the attributes that give the document legal force.

Composite structural units of information Information array - a set of data (documents) of one form (one name) with all their values ​​or a combination of such data sets related to one task (enlarged information array): in information processing systems, it is the main structural unit intended for storage , transmission and processing of information. Information flow - a set of information arrays relative to a specific management activities... Information base - the entire set of information of a real economic object.

Classification of information arrays Constant (conditionally constant) and variables: permanent arrays contain normative reference information (SRI) of long-term storage and repeated use; variable arrays contain initial and intermediate information reflecting Current state object of management. Main and auxiliary: main arrays are intended for storing information in the process of data processing and solving control problems; auxiliary arrays are derived from the reference data arrays by logical processing of the latter in order to provide a more rational process for solving the problem.

Classification of information arrays Input, intermediate (internal), output (result); input and output arrays determine the nature of their relationship to the considered information processes data processing; intermediate arrays are of a service nature, contain the results of previous calculations obtained when solving problems and used as input data when solving subsequent problems.

Classification of information arrays Current (working) and service. current (working) arrays contain state information managed object or process on this moment time. service arrays (various kinds of reference books, catalogs, regulatory documents, etc.) store information that may not be directly related to the control object, but be one of the necessary information components for the implementation of the processes of solving control problems.

Classification Classification is a system of distribution of objects (objects, phenomena, processes, concepts) into classes in accordance with the established signs of similarity or difference. Object classification is a qualitative grouping procedure aimed at identifying homogeneous properties.

The hierarchical system, the initial set of elements is the 0th level and is divided, depending on the selected classification feature, into classes (groupings) that form the 1st level; each class of the 1st level, in accordance with its characteristic classification feature, is divided into subclasses that form the 2nd level; each class of the 2nd level is similarly divided into groups that form the 3rd level, etc.

Classification of students by place of study Faculty of Physics and Culture BUMO Course Group F1-1F3-1 M1-1M1-2 K1-1K1-5 Students All students FA

The disadvantages of the hierarchical system are rigid structure, which leads to the complexity of making changes, since all classification groupings have to be redistributed; the impossibility of grouping objects according to previously not foreseen combinations of features; irrational duplication of the same features on different branches of the classification tree.

Facade Faculty Form of study Course Sex FD1 m UV2 g MDs Facets and their meanings

Name Kim A. Katz B. Lee. D Chan J .... Sex F F F M Classification objects f-t M M U u Form of study D V Ds V Course

Accounting (240) MEO (160) Credit (320) Daytime (480) Evening (150) Remote (90) Distribution of objects by class Two-dimensional graphic interpretation

Accounting MEOCredit Day Evening Distance D- interpretation of facet classification 1 1 1

Descriptor classification To organize information retrieval, to maintain thesauri (dictionaries), a descriptor (descriptive) classification system is effectively used, the language of which is close to the natural language of description information objects... It is especially widely used in library system search.

Descriptor classification The essence of the descriptor classification method is as follows: 1. A set of keywords or phrases describing a certain subject area or a collection of homogeneous objects. Moreover, among the keywords there may be synonyms;

Classifiers Different types of classifiers are being developed on the basis of classification and coding systems. A classifier is understood as a systematized collection of information units and their code designations. The main purpose of classifiers: unambiguous designation of objects; grouping of information on a number of grounds; minimization of the amount of stored data in the information base of the system; acceleration of search procedures and data exchange in a computer environment.

Other classifiers Regional classifiers are created and operate within the territory (territory, region, city, district). Local classifiers are created and operate within individual organizations, taking into account specific features specific object Example, employee personnel number codes, codes personal accounts bank customers, department codes, etc. Local classifiers must ensure unambiguous interaction with the relevant national and industry classifiers.

Form of the document The heading part of the document includes information about the organization - the author of the document and primary data about the document itself (for example, date, registration number, ie permanent details, signs and their codes). The content of the document is the main part of the document, revealing its essence and purpose. (for example, variable requisites-signs, their codes, requisites of the basis) The formalizing part of the document contains information confirming the authenticity of the document and the reliability of the information contained in it. There are also auxiliary inscriptions on documents, which make it easier to work with them.

Document circulation system Document circulation is the route of movement of documents in the information system from the moment the first record is made to their submission to the archive. Streams of documents: incoming - directive documents, legislative acts, regulations, agreements, contracts, etc .; internal - accounting, financial, etc., as well as "stationery" documents (orders, letters, instructions, etc.) - electronic office; outgoing (accounting documents).

The workflow system allows you to: develop document templates and establish rules for filling them out by users; formalize life cycles documents, establish routing schemes for the passage of documents; monitor the work of performers and the execution or time schedules; ensure confidential storage and processing of documents at the workplace; send and receive documents; maintain a storage of documents and process them.

Popular systems Word "Galaxy" "Euphrates-Document flow" "Client-bank" "1C: Electronic document flow" "Grand-Dock" "1C: E-mail"

Databases - definitions Database is a set of structured, interconnected data in a certain way, intended for storage and processing, providing a solution to a set of management problems. Database is a single repository of enterprise information.

IO is a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in an organization, a methodology for building databases.

This subsystem is designed for the timely presentation of information, management decisions.

IO of the banking system is information model of this object.

To create an IO, you need a clear understanding of the goals and objectives, functions of the management system; implementation of the document management system; identifying the movement of information from the moment of its occurrence to its use at various levels of management; availability and use of classification and coding of information; creation of arrays of information on machine media; knowledge of the methodology for creating information models.

When organizing an IO, a systematic approach is used that ensures the creation of a unified information base; development of a typical data exchange scheme between different levels of the system and within each level; organization of a unified scheme for maintaining and storing information; providing the tasks to be solved with initial data;

The main functions of the IO are monitoring the progress of production and economic activities, identifying and registering the state of controlled parameters and their deviation from preset modes; preparation for processing of primary documents reflecting the state of managed objects; provision of automated data processing; implementation of direct and feedback between objects and subjects of management.

IO of automated information systems consists of out-of-machine and intra-machine IO.

Out-of-machine includes a system of classification and coding of economic information; documentation system; scheme of information flows (workflow: primary, effective, regulatory and reference documents).

The in-machine IO contains arrays of data on machine media and a program for organizing access to these data.

14. Out-of-machine IO.

Out-of-machine IO - information that is perceived by a person without any technical means(documentation).

Classification - a system for classifying objects in accordance with a specific feature (classification basis). Objects need to be classified for:

Identifying common properties information object which is defined information parameters(requisites). Requisites are represented either by numbers (year, cost), or by signs (surname, color);

To develop rules, algorithms for information processing.

When classifying, the requirements for completeness of coverage must be observed; unambiguous details; the ability to include new objects.

There are classifiers: national, sectoral, local (within one p / p).

There are two systems for classifying objects: hierarchical and faceted.

In a hierarchical system, a set of objects is divided into subordinate subsets. Each object at a certain level characterizes the specific value of the selected classification feature. For the subsequent classification, you need to set new characteristics. The number of levels of classification is called the depth of classification. Pros: ease of construction, use of independent classification features in various branches hierarchical structure... Cons: rigid structure - it is difficult to introduce changes, the impossibility of grouping objects according to previously not foreseen combinations of features.

Faceted system - allows you to select classification signs (facets) independently of each other. Each facet contains a set of homogeneous values ​​of a given classification feature. Pros: use a large number classification signs; the ability to modify the entire system without changing the structure of groupings. Cons: complexity of construction - you need to take into account all the variety of facets.

Classification is the basis of coding.

Coding - the assignment process symbol objects of classification. The purpose of coding is to present information in a more compact and convenient form when recording it on a machine medium; adaptation to transmission over communication channels; simplification of logical processing. The coding system is used to replace the name of an object with any code. The code is based on the use of letters and numbers. The code is characterized by length (number of positions), structure (order of characters).

Methods in the coding system: classification and registration.

Coding system classification - preliminary classification of objects. There is a bitwise classification; repetition system; combined system.

Registration - does not require preliminary classification of objects. There are ordinal and serial.

Ordinal coding system - sequential numbering of objects with natural numbers. It is used when the number of objects is small (1,2,3.) Pros: simplicity and low significance. Cons: with the appearance of new objects, logical harmony is violated.

The serial coding system assumes the division of objects into classes, series. Within the series there is an ordinal system. Used when the number of groups is small (1.1, 1.2 .2.2, 2.2.). Pros: it is possible to provide for a series reserve; you can summarize the series. Cons: you need to provide for the correct reserve.

Bitwise (positional) system is used to encode complex nomenclatures, the objects of which can be formed according to various characteristics. For instance. К-4-2: К - position for the institute, 4 - position of the course, 2 - position of the group. Pros: clear identification of classification features; consistency of construction.

Repetition system - alphabetic or numeric designations are used that directly characterize the object. For example, a chart of accounts. Score 10 - raw materials and supplies. Inside the account - several sub-accounts that reveal the content of the account .

Combined system - used to encode large and complex nomenclatures that need to be grouped according to several subordinate or independent characteristics.

A significant proportion of off-machine IO is documentation. A number of requirements are imposed on the documents in terms of composition, content. The unity of requirements constitutes a unified documentation system. The goal is to ensure the comparability of indicators of various areas of NH.

Typical mistakes in documentation: large volume unnecessary information; duplication. Therefore, uniform requirements are imposed on it.

Distinguish between: input documents (primary) contain raw information; weekend - the result of processing. (effective).

Out-of-machine IO also includes information streams. The scheme of information flows reflects the routes of information movement from the sources of formation to the recipient. The construction of diagrams ensures the elimination of duplication, classification and rational presentation of information, optimization of the paths of documents passage and rational processing.

Units of information flows: documents, indicators, requisites.

15. Intra-machine IO.

This is a collection of all data recorded on machine media, grouped according to certain criteria. IO forms the information environment.

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