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Electronic digital signature for the "etprf" trading platform. Order rf electronic trading platform ETp rostec

Signature for bidding "Basic"
Signature for bidding "Extended"
Signature for bidding "Maximum"

Federal ETP

  • Unified electronic trading platform (UETP) -
  • Sberbank-AST -
  • National electronic platform -
  • All-Russian Electronic Commerce System -
  • RTS tender -
  • All-Russian universal trading platform "Russian Auction House" -
  • TEK-Torg -
  • ETP GPB. Section "Public Procurement" -
  • Specialized ETP for closed bidding AST GOZ -

Commercial ETP

  • 223ETP.ZakazRF -
  • 223.ZAKAZRF.RU -
  • -
  • RHtorg -
  • Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU -
  • ETPRF -
  • Invoice Market -
  • Icetrade. Single national information resource of the Republic of Belarus -
  • KARTOTEKA.RU. ETP of the State Registration Bulletin -
  • PropertyTrade -
  • Group of sites OTS.RU -
  • RB2B -
  • -
  • SETonline -
  • ZAKAZRF. Section "Realization of property" -
  • ZAKAZRF. Section "Electronic exchange floor" -
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Republic of Tuva -
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Sakhalin Region -
  • -
  • Avtodor-TP -
  • Electronic trading platform of the Agroholding "Siberian Premier" -
  • A-COSTA -
  • Alfalot -
  • MS-Service. Trade-purchasing system -
  • Arbitat -
  • Asgor -
  • Auction + (Auction plus) -
  • Siberian auctions -
  • Far East auctions -
  • Auction Competition House -
  • Auction tender center -
  • Auction center -
  • Baikal-Tender -
  • Baltic ETP -
  • Bankruptcy of the Republic of Tatarstan -
  • Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange. Section "Electronic Trading Platform" -
  • Stock Exchange "Saint Petersburg" -
  • Stock Exchange "Saint Petersburg". Section "Transneft" -
  • Verdict -
  • All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform (VETP) - trading platform-vet.rf
  • Trading System "" -
  • Automated e-procurement system of PJSC Gazprom (ASEZ) -
  • Eurasian Trading Platform -
  • Unified trade aggregator (EAT, Berezka) -
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information -
  • EETP section "Property auctions" -
  • Electronic trading platform of the city of Krasnoyarsk -
  • Crimean electronic trading platform -
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System (METS) -
  • National electronic exchange -
  • National Center for Marketing and Price Study -
  • New Information Services -
  • Non-core assets - non-core-assets.rf
  • NEP. Section "Property auction" -
  • NEP. Trading in 223-FZ -
  • NEP. Overhaul Bidding Section -
  • Trading system "OBORONTORG" -
  • Procurement portal of the PIK group of companies -
  • PROM-Consulting -
  • Profit -
  • PTP-Center -
  • GLAD. Section "Bankruptcy" -
  • GLAD. Section "Auctions" -
  • GLAD. Section "Purchases under 223-FZ" -
  • GLAD. Section "Collateral" -
  • GLAD. Section "Privatization" -
  • Region (St. Petersburg) -
  • Region (Ufa) -
  • Rosseti -
  • Russia Online -
  • RTS tender. SME section -
  • Ru-Trade (Ru-Trade24) -
  • Universal trading platform Sberbank-AST -
  • Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block cargo transportation by JSC "Aeroflot" -
  • NEFU -
  • Electronic trading platform "Network Company"
  • Electronic trading platform of CJSC "Siberian Agrarian Group" -
  • Siberian trading platform -
  • Electronic trading platform "Power" -
  • Electronic trading systems SELT -
  • Electronic property trading system -
  • Trading System "Spetsstroytorg" -
  • StroyTorgi -
  • Auction 223 -
  • Bargaining-i. ETP of the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX)
  • Tender Garant -
  • Tenderstandart -
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" -
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Rosneft" -
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section of JSC "Russian Railways" -
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Gazpromburenie"
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Inter RAO UES" -
  • Smart purchasing. Intelligent automated system -
  • Universal electronic trading platform of JSC "Russian Railways" (UETP Russian Railways) -
  • Uralskaya ETP (UETP) -
  • UMMC -
  • Federation -
  • Purchase Automation Center - etpcaz.ru2017
  • Procurement Development Center of the Republic of Tatarstan -
  • Electronic systems of the Volga region -
  • Electronic auctions in Siberia -
  • Eltox -
  • Standard -
  • ETS24 -
  • Southern Electronic Trading Platform (YuETP) -
  • YUGRA -

Signature for trading "Extended" gives an additional opportunity to participate in trading on:

  • AGC Glass Russia -
  • В2В Center. Group of B2B sites -
  • ELTORG -
  • uTender -
  • ETS. ETP "EuroTransStroy" -
  • United trading platform -
  • Manufacturer. Group of sites -
  • Implementation Center -
  • STORK -

Signature for trading "Maximum" gives an additional opportunity to participate in trading on:

  • ETP GPB -
  • Section "Procurements of GK Gazprom" -
  • Section "Procurement of corporate customers and the Trade portal of small volume purchases" -

1. The platform of the ETP of the Russian Federation - the electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation

ETP RF- a platform where large state-owned enterprises operate. These firms use the marketplace to conduct purchases electronically. They are necessary to:

    purchase products at competitive prices;

    carry out a variety of work;

    offer services.

This is necessary for the smooth functioning of the company. Therefore, we recommend using this system if you want to increase the turnover of the enterprise or increase the profitability of the enterprise. In order to use this platform, suppliers of goods or a customer will need to register on the ETP of the electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation. It can be done in two ways:

  • 5. For ETP RF participants, there are a number of advantages:

      prompt registration on the trading floor. Just one hour is enough, and you can use the ETP for its intended purpose;

      For work in any region of our country;

      there are no subscription fees or hidden fees on the site.

    Special webinars are regularly held here that can teach how to work with this system. They must be viewed by all new users in order to correctly use such an electronic tool.

    Studying the statistical data of the ETP, it can be concluded that last year more than 200 thousand purchases were placed on the trading floor, 180 thousand suppliers and 76,000 customers were registered. These are pretty good indicators that not every platform can boast of. To get full support and assistance in the work on the tender, you can use our assistance services. If you connect a tariff for 3 months or more, we guarantee you a victory in one of the purchases.

    6. ETP RF - electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation: what opportunities it provides

      You can register participants on the ETP. Here you can submit documents for registration in electronic form. The main thing is that the paper is certified with an electronic signature. You can check the details with the site staff, they will provide advice on all issues of interest.

      In addition, the organizers of trade orders for holding trades in the form of electronic documentation form and post messages about electronic trades.

      Determination of trading participants in electronic format is carried out. You need admission and refusal of permission to participate in electronic trading. A protocol is formed in automatic mode to determine the participants for trading.

      Conducting trades on the ETP in the format of a competition, auction. Trades with a large number of lots are supported.

      Electronic bidding in an open form, proposals for the value of the debtor's property are provided. In addition, a price offer is provided and certified by an electronic signature. Data on the progress of trading on the E-Marketplace is posted. Certification of documents is carried out automatically.

      The results of the ET are summed up and the winner is identified. The auction protocol is automatically drawn up in the form of an office application according to a custom template. The protocol is approved in the form of an electronic document. It is posted on the trading floor and sent to all participants.

    Here it is possible to cancel the auction, but only if it is decided by the court. You can stop the movement of the procedure. All user pages on the RF ETP - the electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation - are worked out in detail taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

    An integration module is built into this system to automatically post information in a single federal bankruptcy register.

    7. Video instruction on the functionality of the RF ETP site

    For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement times, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under lucrative contracts with minimal competition!

ETP RF carries out purchases in accordance with 223-FZ and is the site of state corporations AK "Transneft" and "Rostec". These organizations use the ETP to conduct tenders in electronic form for the procurement of goods, works or services for the successful functioning and their activities.

To use the site, both the customer and the supplier must first be accredited on the ETP.

It can be done in two ways:
with a qualified electronic signature
and with a simple one (i.e. using a login / password on the site).

Purchases on the electronic platform of the RF ETP are carried out in the form of an open auction in electronic form, an open tender, a request for quotations, a request for proposals, competitive negotiations and a qualification selection. A supplier, to find interesting tenders, can use a filter for published notices.

Work on site

After registration, as a customer on the portal of the electronic platform of the ETP of the Russian Federation, the organization can post a notice of the purchase being carried out.

The site supports electronic document management, but all documents posted by the customer or contractor must be signed with the electronic digital signature of the person in charge and thus have legal force.

Documents have been published on the ETP RF that will help with work on the site. These are documentation - work regulations, tariffs and protocols. There are also instructions for the customer and participant, samples of documents used and answers to frequently asked questions that users may encounter.

There is a section “Sale of property” on the Electronic Trading Platform, in which notices of the sale of various property are published.

Registration in this section takes place separately from registration on the main ETP.

Official site of the platform -

Advantages of the RF ETP

The ETP RF trading platform offers a number of advantages for both customers and participants. For procurement organizers, these are:

    there is a possibility of uploading information from the electronic marketplace of the Russian Federation to the organization's own procurement system;

    the ability to create templates for purchases based on the conducted;

    there is integration with the EIS;

    for organizers of tenders, a module for creating reports is available;

    customers can invite suppliers to bid.

There are also advantages for participants-suppliers on the RF ETP:

    fast accreditation at the site (within 1 hour);

    obtaining an EDS for work in any region of Russia;

    no monthly fees and hidden fees;

    partner companies from which you can get a loan to participate in the procurement;

    free webinars on working with the system.

According to the electronic platform, at the beginning of 2017, more than 223,000 purchases were placed on the ETP, more than 181,000 suppliers and 76,590 customers were registered.

Assistance in work on the site

For full support in the tender, you can use our tender support service. When connecting a tariff for 3 months or more, we guarantee a victory in one of the purchase found for participation.

Ltd IWC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without specifying the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Hello dear colleague! The trend in modern procurement is that most of the tenders are conducted electronically. Even in the public procurement sector, it is planned to transfer paper procedures to electronic format. Therefore, the time is not far off when absolutely all state purchases will be carried out through electronic procedures. As you understand, such electronic procedures are carried out at specialized sites on the Internet, which will be discussed in today's article. From this article you will learn: what are electronic trading platforms, what types of platforms exist in Russia and what advantages they give to customers and suppliers.

1. What is an electronic marketplace?

According to the already established tradition, I will begin the article with a definition.

Electronic trading platform (ETP) Is a website on the Internet where(purchases). An electronic platform combines a set of organizational, informational and technical solutions that ensure interaction between a customer (buyer) and a supplier (seller). Such interaction is carried out through electronic document management.

In fact, at the present time, an electronic trading platform can be called any Internet resource through which purchase and sale transactions are concluded between buyers and sellers.

Customers (buyers) are organizers of auctions, thereby optimizing their costs for the purchase of goods, works or services, and suppliers (sellers) post information about their goods or services.

The intermediary between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller) is the operator of the electronic platform (owner of the Internet resource).

In order to work on the ETP, the buyer and the seller must have... How to get it is written in detail in... And also to work on the site you need registration andon it, otherwise it will only be possible to view the information posted in the open part of the site.

A site visitor who has passed the accreditation procedure becomes either a customer (organizer of trading procedures) or a bidder (supplier).

2. Types of electronic trading platforms

There are several types of electronic platforms.

Firstly , these are federal (budget) trading platforms or, as they are also called, B2G (business-to-government) platforms. These are sites where customers are enterprises and government agencies. Such sites are used to organize public procurement.

Secondly , these are commercial electronic platforms, i.e. B2B (business-to-business) platforms. At these sites, the customers are commercial organizations.

There are electronic platforms that are created and supported by buyers (buyer-driven). In order to optimize their procurement process, one or more large companies create their own trading platform to attract a large number of supplier firms.

There are sites that, on the contrary, are created and supported by large suppliers (supplier-driven or seller-driven). Such companies are interested in expanding sales channels for their products.

And finally, there are sites that are created and maintained by a third party - an intermediary between buyers and sellers (third-party-driven). This category of sites is the most numerous. This type of sites, in turn, is subdivided into sectoral and multi-sectoral. Industry-specific are created for one specific enterprise, for example, for Gazprom or Russian Railways. Diversified sites, on the contrary, are not limited to the nomenclature of only one enterprise.

Thirdly , these are e-commerce sites between individuals C2C (consumer-to-consumer). A striking example of such sites is the electronic auction - On such sites, some individuals can sell goods to other individuals.

Fourth , these are systems of retail e-commerce, where the seller is the company, and the buyers are mainly B2C (business-to-consumer) individuals. Most often these are online stores such as, and others that sell a wide range of consumer goods.

Fifth,This is an ETP for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts). Such sites are intended to automate the bidding procedure for the sale of debtors' property in the course of the procedures applied in the bankruptcy case in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law No. 127-FZ dated October 26, 2002 "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" and Order No. 495 of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade 23 Jul 2015

Federal trading platforms for electronic trading

The list of federal trading platforms was determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation within the framework of a special procedure and only budgetary organizations (state and municipal customers) operating in the framework of the contract system can act as customers on them (Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ " On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs ”). All federal sites have free access.

Currently, government purchases are carried out at 5 Federal Electronic Trading Platforms (FETP):

1. CJSC "Sberbank - Automated Trading System" (Sberbank-AST)

This is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. Today it is the most popular electronic trading platform in Russia. The site began work on July 1, 2009. The electronic site is used for state and corporate purchases, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises.

Site site - .

2. JSC "United Electronic Trading Platform"

The largest operator of electronic trading for government customers and commercial enterprises. EETP JSC was founded in 2009. The founders of the company are: Moscow City Government (52%), Bank of Moscow (48%). The main clients in the public sector are such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of large departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and others.

Site site - .

3. FSUE "Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan" (Electronic Trading System)

The site appeared in 2005 and initially served the organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but later expanded its scope.

Site site - .

4. LLC "RTS - Tender" (RTS - Tender)

The site was formed in 2010. In October 2015, a section on property trading was opened on the RTS-tender electronic platform, and in December 2015 - on purchases in accordance with Law No. 223-FZ and commercial purchases.

Site site - .

5. CJSC "MICEX - Information Technologies" (ETP "MICEX-IT")

The platform was established in early October 2010. It is managed by the MICEX, the operator is CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies. Clients - Federal Treasury, Federal Service for Defense Orders, Nizhny Novgorod Region and others. The site also hosts property auctions and purchases under 223-FZ.

Site site - .

Commercial e-trading platforms

In addition to the 5 above-mentioned Federal trading floors, there is a fairly large number of commercial ETPs.

On commercial sites, any legal entity or any individual, including an individual entrepreneur, can act as a customer.

Each commercial electronic trading platform (ETP), as well as the federal (budget) one, has its own address on the Internet (its own website).

One of the differences between commercial and federal ETPs is that the connection (participation) to these sites is paid. However, there is the possibility of free participation in purchases from some customers, or the cost of such participation (connection) is symbolic.

Commercial electronic trading platforms are divided intoindependent (public) andprivate (corporate) sites owned by specific organizations.

Corporate trading platforms are targeted at large customers with large volumes of purchases and a wide range of goods and services. Such sites allow not only the use of electronic auctions, but also provide procurement planning, collection and analysis of needs for inventory items (inventory), tenders and auctions, qualification of suppliers, reporting and analysis of procurement activities.

Public spaces have a different purpose. They form an information space for effective interaction between suppliers and customers within a specific industry. The main advantage of such sites is a wide client base due to competent positioning and promotion, a constantly expanding product catalog and a large number of participants. As a result of working on such sites, it is quite easy to get lucrative offers and delivery terms.

It is rather difficult to determine the exact number of commercial sites. In open sources, there is information that there are about 5-6 thousand such sites on the territory of Russia. However, the most popular of these 5-6 thousand sites are about 100 ETPs.

Association of Electronic Trading Platforms

The most popular commercial electronic platforms are members of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms (AETP).

This Association includes:

  • Federal ETP;
  • Site groups;
  • Commercial trading and purchasing systems;
  • ETP for the sale of property;
  • International trading systems.

In order to get acquainted with the full list of such sites, you need to go to the website of this association - // .

3. The main platforms for electronic trading

As you already understood, there are a lot of trading platforms. Each such site has its own specifics of work, accreditation procedure, tariff plans, etc. Therefore, each customer and supplier has the right to choose which site to work on. Accordingly, everyone can have their own set of such sites.

The most popular Federal platforms are:

  • Sberbank-AST CJSC (more than 39% of all government purchases in electronic form are carried out on this site);
  • RTS-Tender (more than 26% of government purchases);
  • JSC "EETP" (more than 25% of government purchases).

The most popular commercial trading platforms are:

Electronic trading center B2b-center

This is a system of electronic trading platforms, created in 2002 by JSC "Center for Economic Development" for corporate sales and purchases.

The B2B-Center electronic trading center allows you to carry out 43 types of trading procedures, both for the purchase and sale of goods and services. The system integrates purchases from various sectors of the economy: energy, petrochemicals, metallurgy, the automotive industry and many other industries.

The advantages of the B2B-Center system are: stable and reliable operation, a large number of customers, a convenient and intuitive interface, setting up automatic distribution of tenders.

Site site - //

Trade portal "Fabrikant"

The largest Russian and foreign companies make electronic purchases on this site. A wide range of tariff plans is presented on the site, both for participants and for trade organizers. Some tariff plans do not require site accreditation.

Site site - //

Sectoral and interregional electronic trading platform "Auction Competition House"

It is a company that provides a wide range of legal, consulting and legal services in the field of trading and is one of the leaders in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of auctions held for the purchase of goods, works and services.

Main activities:

  • organizing and conducting tenders in the form of auctions and tenders of various levels of complexity and responsibility (conducting tenders in electronic form, tenders for the selection of investors, auctions for the sale of property, etc.);
  • performing the functions of the official sectoral electronic trading platform of the State Corporation Rosatom.

Site site - //

4. Functions of electronic platforms

Electronic platforms perform the following important functions:

  • placement of information on purchases;
  • search for information about ongoing purchases according to various criteria;
  • search for information about organizations working on the electronic trading platform;
  • viewing procurement documentation;
  • personal account for securing applications for participation in trading procedures;
  • management of funds on the account;
  • conducting electronic procurement procedures (auctions, tenders, requests for proposals, etc.);
  • submission of inquiries, signing of contracts;
  • analysis of various performance indicators of organizations;
  • information protection (use of electronic signature).

Let's now consider with you what are the advantages of working on the ETP for customers and suppliers.

Benefits for customers:

  1. Saving working time, because carrying out electronic procedures is much easier than carrying out paper procedures;
  2. Reducing the cost of organizing and conducting purchases;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process due to the reduction of the influence of the human factor;
  4. Fair competition, excluding the work of unscrupulous employees with "their" suppliers.

Benefits for Suppliers:

  1. Quick and convenient search for information on new purchases;
  2. Expansion of the sales market for their goods, works or services;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process;
  4. Healthy competition, excluding non-price methods of fighting;
  5. Reducing the time and money spent on preparing and submitting an application;
  6. The ability to participate in trading from anywhere in the world (if you have a computer and Internet access).

6. Conclusions

And so, summing up all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. On the Russian market there is a fairly large number of tender sites for any goals and objectives. Electronic tendering platforms help to simplify the work for both customers and suppliers. Customers can minimize their costs of procurement procedures and find a supplier with the most favorable terms. The transparency and openness of the procurement process is increased, and corruption risks are minimized.

And at the end of today's article, I suggest you watch a short video about electronic trading platforms:

That's all. Hope this information was helpful to you. See you in the next issues.

P.S .: Like and share links to the article with your friends and colleagues on social networks.

The ETPRF (Electronic Trading Platform) platform was formed in 2011 to conduct trades for legal entities in accordance with 223-FZ.

The main organizers of the auction are OJSC AK Transneft, GK Rostec and their subsidiaries (more than 500 organizations in the country), JSC Rosselkhozbank.

All types of trades are held on the ETPRF trading floor:

  • contests
  • auctions
  • requests for quotations
  • requests for proposals
  • purchases from a single supplier
  • competitive negotiations

Here, a unified database of transactions that do not contain state secrets, made by Rostec State Corporation, is being formed.

Participation cost, tariffs

ETPRF has no subscription and registration fees. You pay only for participation in specific tenders.

Payment for services is carried out depending on the initial purchase price.

  • from 0 to 50,000 rubles - free
  • from 50,000 to 100,000 - 500 rubles
  • from 100,000 to 300,000 - 2,500 rubles
  • from 300,000 to 500,000 - 3,000 rubles

How to order an electronic signature for ETPRF

To participate in electronic procurement on the ETPRF trading platform, you need a qualified electronic signature.

To get it, please send the following application.

After submitting the application, a certification center specialist will contact you within 30 minutes. He will clarify all the questions and send the contract and invoice to the digital signature.

EDS cost for the "Electronic Trading Platform"

EDS price for participation on the ETPRF ETP - 4500 rubles.

You may also need (if you are participating in electronic trading for the first time):

  • license for the CryptoPro CSP program (1200 rubles)
  • Copy-protected USB token (flash drive), on which an electronic signature is written (1200 rubles)

EDS is issued and valid for 1 year from the date of production.

You can also work with this electronic signature in other commercial procurement systems.

Bidder registration

  1. To register on the electronic platform of the ETPRF, you must go to the tab "Login to the ETP" - "Registration".
  2. The next step is to automatically configure the workplace by running the script.
  3. After setting up the computer, you should click on the "Continue registration" button and fill out the accreditation request form that opens.
  4. This request must be signed with your EDS and sent. The operator of the ETPRF.RU site can carry out accelerated accreditation within 1 working hour (the cost of the service is 4500 rubles).

A package of necessary documents for accreditation:

  • order or decision to appoint a director
  • if the EDS is issued for an employee, and not for a director, it is necessary to attach a power of attorney for this employee according to the sample

Documents that must be uploaded to the section "Copies of documents confirming the authority of a person to obtain accreditation on behalf of a participant in an order placement":

  • if the EDS belongs to the director, then you should download the "Decision of the general meeting on the appointment of the head to the position", or "Order of appointment"
  • if the EDS belongs to the employee, then the "Power of Attorney" for this employee

Features of the site

At all large electronic platforms, all procedures are fairly standardized, and at the legislative level. Therefore, all the differences lie in additional services provided to the customer.

Integration with the website

One of these additional services is deep integration of the ETPRF ETP with customers under 223-FZ do not even need to create a personal account at All actions for organizing purchases in the electronic platform ETPRF are automatically broadcast to

Checking counterparties

During the preparation of the protocol on the site, the customer has the opportunity to obtain information about the supplier from the database of the tax authorities, about his litigation. The service is free and incorporated into the site's functionality.

Also available are microcredit services, procurement notification services, trading training, statistics - all of which are also free.

Site instructions

For all questions, you can also contact the multichannel phone 8 800 7000 369 and Email [email protected].

Site statistics ETPRF.RU

At the moment on the site:

  • placed 223,000 purchases
  • 200,000 registered suppliers
  • 76,000 registered customers.

In 2013, more than 90 thousand purchases were made for more than 104 billion rubles.

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