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Zen in everyday life. What does Zen mean

Was the Kinopoisk design the worst Yandex project?

No, this was only the very first bad project of Yandex.

About a week ago Yandex announced at its conference about the new features of Zen:

And all of us SEOs were happy about it. After all, Yandex.Zen will give us traffic ...

But let's go back to the origins of Zen creation so that everyone understands what we are dealing with.

I think many people know about Big Dates technology by which you can determine the preferences of each person.

It was on this technology that Zen was built. Those. it was such an aggregator that showed each user only those sites that were interesting to him.

And all this worked only in Yandex.browser.

And in 2 years this service has become popular.

Indeed, in fact, it was very convenient for the user that he was shown the sites that he was interested in.

Everything was going well and fine, until the idea came to someone's head in Yandex - Why do we actually send traffic to other sites, even if they make sites on our platform, and we will give them traffic. Well, they will also monetize their content right here.

Those. in fact, it was decided to make a blog platform on the Yandex side ...

This was the story of the creation of Zen.

And at this Yandex conference, we (site owners) were asked what we do and publish content on the Yandex platform, and you (Yandex) give us traffic to this content.

This is such a partnership. We give you content, and you give us traffic.

On the basis of such a partnership, there are any information sites. Websites publish their content. The search engine gets good results from quality sites, and in return gives these sites organic search traffic.

And so we saw all these Zen statistics and began to publish our content on Zen.

And they began to wait for traffic.

And we didn’t get any traffic.

Absolutely no.

Those. excellent and interesting articles are posted on the Zen platform, but they do not receive traffic.

You know, we (site owners and publishers) took it as a kidok.

Those. we “paid the money,” but the goods were not given to us.

Was there a scandal ?! This is not the right word.

There was a monstrous scandal that continues to this day.

We have accused the Zen developers of your system not working because our content is not receiving traffic.

I personally threw a phrase - Why should we publish our material on your Zen, when you do not give us traffic? This stuff costs money. We, publishers, spent money and time and got nothing. You just dumped us.

The whole problem is that I (and other creators) have created more than one Zen account and have posted at least 10 articles in each account.

So for these 10 articles in 3-4 days they received 8-12 views.

And Yandex tells us that there is not enough content, let's download more.

You know, Yandex's answer reminds me of this:

This article is in the TOP of Yandex for the query "How to leave to live in St. Petersburg" and "How to leave to live in St. Petersburg":

And this article has over 200 comments. You see, Karl has over 200 comments.

Here are the statistics for this post:

Those. all this talk that you need more good content is a monstrous lie.

Good articles are published, but they are not getting traffic from Zen.

Now listen to this:

Those. this person says that most bloggers did not earn from their blogs, and now in Zen they will earn?

How can a young blog make money when they publish a new article in your Zen and traffic DO NOT GET.

Of course, after 15-20 articles, the blogger will abandon his blog.

So what do you say about Zen when the blogger gets nothing?

Those. we have a story in which a blogger publishes his content on the Zen platform, and does not receive anything in return.

I will not even discuss the 1 lam bucks that they supposedly give out to new publishers. The whole problem is that the bubble distribution threshold is 30 thousand views per day.

Where will a young publisher get them?

Those. was it cheating?

The problem is, it was NOT a hoax. The problem is that all these Zen people are not cheats, they are just dumb young people.

Only a really stupid one could release a project without realizing that no one would publish their content without getting anything in return.

Those. these people really did not have an understanding of what content is, what sites are, what sites are and, in general, WHY do people make sites.

They don't even understand what people make websites to get traffic.

You know, Tinkov correctly spoke about such Zen developers:

Did you think the new design of Kinopoisk was an accident? Nooo guys, this is already a trend.

This is already a normal situation.

Ladies and gentlemen, you must understand that when you are doing a project, you must understand, and why the audience will perceive it?

So Zen projects didn't give a damn about that. They couldn't even think of why people should publish their content on their platform.

They haven't even tested this project.

Fuck this Zen, he died in infancy. It is important that dumb kids of some officials began to work in leading positions in Yandex.

And I will explain to you why this is so. You see, if a Zen project is sure that users will come to its platform, then it is the same as the son of some official who is always sure that dad will suit him somewhere anyway.

Those. the Zen leader had full confidence that people like slaves would come to their platform and upload their content. It was the usual thinking of an official that everything around is good, everyone around is suckers, everyone SHOULD come to us anyway.

And if there was no such mentality, then we would simply test the publication of a new blog with 10 new articles. And they would get a negative result.

And they would understand that it is not yet possible to publish this project in the public, and invite publishers to publish content on their platform.

But they did what they did.

In my opinion, at least one person should work in this project, who himself is personally involved in information content or a blog.

In general, it was a big failure.

But I also learned a lot from all this.

After all, many asked how to add your site to Zen, so that there were transitions to your site.

It's all simple guys, just add your RSS feed and forget about Zen. Your articles themselves will be exported to Zen, and your sites will receive traffic.

Here is the page where you can add your RSS -

This will help your sites get additional traffic from Zen. The thing is cool, use it.

And at the end, let's talk a little about narratives. Zen thinks soon that people will post their narratives in Zen:

Imagine they think that WE WILL MAKE NARATIVES and publish them on their platform. Nor will we receive traffic.

Narratives are a very expensive thing; they are far from texts. We will have to spend our money, but get nothing in return.

I'm just amazed at the people who work in Zen. It's just awful.

Film search was not an accident; on the contrary, it was an indicator of what was going on in Yandex.
And my greetings to people who did Zen. Vitya Laburd, Daniil Trabun- if I were you, I would put a statement on the table and never deal with high technology. We spoiled Yandex. Yandex became Yandex noble to Segalovich, but in spite of people like you.

Zen by lee is not a tribute to traditions that have never been the essence of Zen, it is not philosophy - it is simply focusing attention on its essence.

You always know that you exist; you do not need meditation to know that. But what is needed? In these videos there are those questions that may help you understand what you personally need.

Answer questions, see the answers of other people on the channel under each video.

Do not rush to move from one video to another, stop at the question, live it ...


Channel info

Zen by lee. A video about what Zen is. Questions to the viewer form an automatic process of self-observation. This is the essence of meditation for beginners and for those who are looking for an answer to the question Who am I ?. What are Zen Osho tarot cards and why they are relevant to Zen practice. All here...

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Play video

Zen by lee. Part 1. What is Zen?

Read more There is so much talk about Zen in the mainstream of philosophy and religion, implying some kind of ritualism and wrapping it in a lot of templates. But Zen is a simple tool for answering the question "Who am I". Do you want to understand yourself and how your mind works? Then this video is for you. How to meditate at home for a beginner? How to visualize desires and thoughts? Do you even realize the source of this? Here's where to start your search. Another article on the power of thought

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Zen by lee. Part 2

Read more Zen is not philosophy. Any understanding of oneself, which is based on other people's dogmas, is just a new dogma. Your attention to yourself will create your understanding of yourself. Your understanding of yourself is a direct sense of life, a direct understanding of the flow of materialization. More here https: //

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Zen by lee. Part 3.

Read more What creates the movement of thought within us? Zen is not an explanation of words, it is a way of looking inward. See also an article on the power of thought

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Zen by lee. Part 4

Read more What gives an impulse to this or that thought? Determine this and your thoughts will be much more productive. Part four, but not the last ... https: // The composition "Home Base Groove" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Artist:

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Help in understanding yourself with Zen Tarot. Zen by lee 5

Read more Zen Tarot from Osho - divination, prediction, awareness? A simple practice of laying out cards using the Osho Zen Tarot cards. This video will tell you how easy it is to become aware of the situation in which you are, using the external manifestation of your higher self. This is more than magic. This is your inner manifestation of yourself in an external reflection. https: //

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Zen by lee. Part 6. Answers and the main question.

Read more Zen by lee is a video practice on how to find the source of the creation of reality in yourself. How to materialize thoughts, what is the practice of materialization? These answers are stored in your Consciousness. You can include yourself as the End of your reality. Zen is a way of "turning on" that way. https: //

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Zen by lee. Your answer and who is God? Part 7

Read more Zen by lee. Part 7. Answer to the question about the main question. The answer about you is the answer about God. Your consciousness is the center of the Universe at the point here and now. Lee website https: // The video used an excerpt from the movie Immortal (ad vitam) Music Sigur Ros - Hjartao Hamast

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In general, understanding the essence of Zen will give you the answer to the question "Who am I?" If this question is interesting to you, then let's take a little look at this topic.

The essence of Zen in modern society is so distorted that it is worth immediately highlighting the basis. Of course, Zen Buddhism and its ideas are at the base. However, if Buddhism in the modern world is already a religion, then Zen is ...

First, Zen is a method.

And here the brevity of the definition should express itself. It is "method", and not any other word that is used in the description by various dictionaries - not religion, not philosophy, not tradition.

What is the method?

Self-awareness method. And not a method of self-knowledge, but awareness. One can cognize oneself for an infinitely long time, but one can realize oneself only once. From this begins enlightenment - a person suddenly realizes that he Exists.

Does this sound strange to you?

By no means, most people easily agree that they are alive, but it is very difficult to come to the fact that you Exist. The fact is that at the same time comes the understanding that Existence is eternal by its definition. All of this leads to the realization that you are more than a soup set for a man-eating Aboriginal.

Here's what to say at this point ...

Secondly, Zen is not a philosophy.

That is, it is precisely a "method" and not reasoning. Understanding this "second" is an important understanding - self-awareness does not come from a philosophical game of logic, but through the discovery of oneself. By the way, this method was used by Socrates - by asking questions he led a person to a discovery and left him with a kind of revelation. He did not philosophize, but used a method.

You may be very surprised at how difficult questions can be.

Third, it is important to emphasize that Zen is not a tradition.

Any tradition sooner or later exists for its own sake, and not because of the effectiveness of its application specifically for a given case. That is, it contradicts the very meaning of the method.


A simple example is a weapon. The more "traditional" a weapon is, the less chance it has of winning a war. A more peaceful example is technology. The more "traditional" your computer is, the more it will look like a calculator. Here's the bottom line - any method is effective only for its time.

If Zen continues to be a tradition, then as a method it loses its meaning. That is why it is believed that over the past two hundred years, the Zen that you know has been continuously degrading.

About the benefits

Zazen meditation

This is the "classic" method of zazen. It means a seemingly simple sitting meditation, but everything is not so inside as it looks from the outside.

What is so special about zazen?

The secret here is not in the pose, and even more so not in the ritual bells, clothes and other "beauties". This is the practice of "taming" the mind. It is needed in order to separate thinking from direct perception. The ego loves to comment on what it sees so much that it often replaces its essence with old judgments. As a result, a person simply does not notice reality, he continuously recreates it with his thinking, walking in a vicious circle.

Note that the purpose of zazen is to "find out the truth" about yourself. If you have not yet learned how to meditate, then for now you have to take our word for it that you are not really familiar with yourself yet. Let's move on.

The entire zazen preparation process begins with the creation of the intention to focus on silence. You are not just distracted by meditation, you go to this process purposefully.

This is where Stage 1 is born - the intention to turn off the mind for a while.

The second stage is the symbolic beginning - landing in a pose. The absence of tension in the body is important for her. Any tension will automatically generate thoughts. This is worth remembering in Step 2. Beginner mistakes are over-emphasis on correct posture, which often leads to the opposite effect - discomfort is created instead of relaxation.

Third factor or stage- breathing. What is its peculiarity? Just watch your inhalation and exhalation. It distracts the mind. Here he solves a simple problem - to monitor breathing. This is where the true secret of this stage is. Once you have properly "established surveillance", the mind stops generating distracting thoughts.

A very, very subtle point: feel your Existence. This is by no means a banality, not a philosophical argument. You follow your breath and feel outside of what your body is feeling. Smells, sounds, bodily feelings disappear and ... And then Something happens

At the end of May 2017, the Yandex Zen service became available to publishers and independent authors. This is Yandex's personal recommendation service: smart technology generates a feed of records, adjusting to the user's interests. Anyone can create their own Zen channel - a representative of a major media outlet, an editor, a blogger and an ordinary person.

How to create a channel

Choose a topic and title

Before creating a channel, think about what you will write about. Some publish posts only on certain topics - for example, on the channel " Colonel »There are records about the Russian structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: about corruption, cases from practice, household calls. Other authors write about everything, publishing news and hype posts, or cover several topics at once.

We recommend choosing a topic that is interesting to you and at least a little understandable. So you will spend less time preparing the material, and interest in the channel will not fade after a few publications. But keep in mind that narrow-profile publications will most likely not work. After all, the audience of the service is very diverse, and those who gain a large number of views can earn a lot.

The name of the channel should correspond to the chosen topic or be abstract but attractive if you decide not to dwell on one topic. We recommend that you fit it in one or two words so as not to burden users with long constructions.

Create channel

We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to create your own channel on Yandex Zen.

→ Go to the ... You will not be able to register from the main page of the service. They publish only current entries and talk a little about the service itself.

→ Click the "Login" button. If you have a Yandex account (mail at, the account page in the service will automatically open in front of you. If you are not registered with Yandex PS, create a mail

→ Click on the blue "Me" button in the upper left corner of the screen. Add a description, a link to your site, and contact details. You can do this later, but it's better to arrange the channel in advance to make it easier to attract subscribers.

→ Accept the terms of the user agreement. Without this, you will not be able to fully publish posts. You can read the agreementon a separate page Yandex.

How to create content

To create content on your channel, click the green "+" sign in the upper left corner of the screen. Choose the format you want in the pop-up window and explore all the editor's options to create a beautiful publication.

Articles... Articles are the simplest form of publication that has been available to publishers and authors since the early days of the service. She appears in the feed along with publications on media sites. The editor's capabilities are minimal, but they are quite enough for high-quality visual design. The title must be entered in a separate field. You can add the h2 and h3 headings to the body of the article, as well as various visual elements: for example, a picture or external code. Text can be formatted in the form of quotes, highlighted in bold, italic and underlined. You can also add hyperlinks. To add a picture or code, you need to press "Enter" and click on the pop-up icon. To style the text beautifully, you need to select it and select the appropriate icon in the small window that appears.

Narrative... Narrative is a new form of publication in Yandex.Dzene. This is essentially a small slideshow. It is published in the general feed of the service in the same way as articles and links to third-party publications in the media. According to the service itself, "a narrative is a short, meaningful story, supplemented with pictures, videos or gifs." In the first slide, you can add a picture, gif or video, as well as a title. You can choose the background color and the title color. On the next slides, you can add GIFs, pictures, videos, as well as links and text. Text can be made bold, underlined, strikethrough, and placed right, left, and in the middle. Only first you need to write the text, and then "decorate" it. By the way: the most beautiful narratives are included in the premium feed.

Video... This format does not work yet, but it will soon be made available to all authors and publishers. Apparently, it will be possible to add one or more videos in it, as well as add captions, titles, links to them.

All types of content created are automatically saved in the draft - if you leave the service without finishing the work, then you can easily complete it. The posts you create can be published immediately or later, from a draft.

How to promote a channel

To start making money on publications in Yandex Zen, you need to promote your channel. On the first day, you can get away from the number 0 subscribers. Here are some ways to promote your new channel:

  1. Tell your audience about it. If you have your own website or a group on a social network, tell your readers that you have your own channel in the service. Depending on the activity on your site or in a group, you can get 1-2 subscribers or 1000-2000 new readers.
  2. Ask your friends to subscribe to the channel. This will give a small number of subscribers and have almost no effect on the engagement rate if your friends don't read your posts. However, it will help to collect the necessary minimum for further advancement.
  3. Post new content. All new materials go to the feed. The more interesting you write, the more subscribers will come naturally after reading the publications.

It was possible to promote your channel a few days earlier, when there was almost no competition. Now the feed is literally filled with publications, and new authors find themselves in a vicious circle: users more often see content from channels with subscribers, and you can get subscribers without cheating only with new publications. Many authors point out that 10-50 articles or narratives need to be published to get traffic and first signups.

How your publications will be displayed in Yandex.Zen

The service feed is located ... Everyone has their own, because smart technology adapts to the interests of the user. New users or those who are not subscribed to any channel see all publications that have appeared in the service in the last few minutes. To see interesting notes, you need to customize the feed.

You can simply set up a feed: subscribe to interesting channels and dislike publications that are not interesting to you. Then you will see content from the authors you like. New posts from other authors will still appear in the feed, but there will be fewer of them compared to the feeds of users who are not subscribed to any channel.

It is impossible to customize your publications so that as many users as possible will see them. Your posts will appear in the general feed and those who are subscribed to your channel.

"Yandex.Zen" for authors - how to make money

Immediately after the opening of the service for authors, it was easy to make money: money was credited almost for each viewing. Now monetization is available only to authors with a large number of views. Monetization will open to you if you collect at least 7,000 reads in 7 days, and the minimum viewing time for entries should be more than 40 seconds. Views with indicators under 40 seconds are not counted in statistics. And statistics for each post can be viewed in publications, in the editor: the number of content impressions in the general feed, the number of views, likes and dislikes is indicated there.

After a set of the minimum number of readings, the author can choose one of two ways to monetize:

Simple earnings.In this case, ads will be automatically placed in your publications, and you will receive money for viewing it. Even Yandex does not publish exact income figures, so it is very difficult to give an income forecast.

If necessary, you can always disable, enable or change the monetization method. In any case, to receive money, you will need to fill out an agreement and upload documents to the system - for example, TIN and SNILS - because the service pays taxes for authors. Therefore, many inventive authors of popular channels also monetize them through direct advertising: they place links to advertisers in publications and get paid for it.

Do you think Yandex.Zen has the prospect of becoming the largest blogging platform? And can a simple author earn money on publications? Share your opinion in the comments.

Zen(Ch'an - Chin.) recognizes the reality of the phenomenal world, but perceives it as untrue, illusory, "nothing" ("mu"). Only through meditation can you comprehend your original nature, which is nothing more than the "essence of a Buddha", achieve awakening (satori) and then comprehend the true nature of things and realize your involvement in everything that exists. Zen does not accept extreme asceticism: human desires should not be suppressed, but directed to the spiritual realms. Intimate truths are transmitted not through treatises, but "from heart to heart," from teacher to student.

They say that Bodhidharma sat in meditation for 9 years, contemplating the wall. Once, succumbing to the temptation of sleep, he dozed off, but when he suddenly woke up, he was very annoyed at his weakness. In anger at himself, he cut off his eyelids so that his eyes would no longer close and threw them to the ground. Eyelashes scattered here and there, and from them the first tea bushes grew. And tea, as you know, is an invigorating, tonic drink that drives away sleep.

Zen practitioners have a sense of humor because the practice itself liberates them, and this sense develops in them naturally. Christmas Humphreys observed that “there are more rumblings of lively laughter within the walls of Zen monasteries than in any other religious institution. what cannot be taught with words. " Konrad Hyers, in his book Zen and the Laughing Principle, does a great job on this topic:

“The Ch'an master, disciple of Ma-tsu, Deng Yinfeng, on his deathbed (810) in front of the diamond grotto near Mount Wutaishan, asked:“ I saw monks die sitting and lying down, but did anyone die while standing? "-" Yes, some died standing up, "they replied." Well, how about dying upside down? " ", - he asked." This has not been heard of. "Then Dan stood on his head and died. And No one knew how to endure him. His sister-nun, who was nearby, said:" When you were alive, you neglected all the time. rules and customs, and now, even being dead, you violate public order! "She pushed him lightly with her finger, and he fell with a thud."

"One day while walking, Zhaozhou and his student Wen Yan decided to compete in which of them would put himself in a more humiliating position. The winner was supposed to treat the loser with a pie." And I'm a worm in his shit. "-" What are you doing there? "the teacher inquired." I spend the summer there. "And Zhaozhou had to take the cake from Wen Yan."

In the official documents of the (Middle) Empire it is recorded that Bodhidharma arrived in China and was received by the emperor Wu of the southern Liang dynasty, and the official history of the Shaolin monastery, where emperors of various dynasties prayed to heaven for the good of the empire, testifies that, starting from 527, Bodhidharma taught the Ch'an (principles) to the monks. There is no record that Ch'an Buddhism existed in China before the arrival of Bodhidharma. It is pertinent to note that in imperial China anyone who dared to give incorrect information to the emperor was to be cut off.

In the Shaolin Monastery, where, along with Zen Buddhism (since the time of Bodhidharma), Shaolin Kung Fu and Shaolin Qigong originate, the words "Shaolin Chan Monastery" are inscribed on one of the walls. The room where Bodhidharma taught Zen is called "Bodhidharma's cell". It is also called the "waiting room in the snow" because his successor Huike stood under the snow awaiting instructions from Bodhidharma.

Not far from the monastery walls, but within the vast territory that Shaolin was in charge, was the Bodhidharma cave, where he contemplated (the wall) for nine years. Nearby were the temples of the First, Second and Third Patriarchs, erected in memory of the first three patriarchs who preached in the Shaolin Monastery. But here you will not find the temple of the Fourth Patriarch Taoxing (who, as we know, helped Fazhong achieve enlightenment), since he had already preached at the Dongshan Monastery on Mount Huangmei ("Yellow Plum"). All these visible testimonies, including the inscription on the monastery wall, we see it today.

The Imperial Chronicles clearly indicate, directly or indirectly, that Bodhidharma was the First Patriarch of Zen Buddhism in China. For example, in about 790 by the Seventh Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, Shenhui (670-762) was confirmed by imperial decree, and his teacher, Huineng, was confirmed as the Sixth Patriarch, thereby confirming the genealogical line of Zen Buddhism, dating back to Bodhidharma.

Without exception, all Zen masters perceived and revered Bodhidharma as the First Patriarch. His portrait or statue was worshiped in Zen monasteries. Often, to check the progress of their students on the path of Zen practice, mentors resorted to the following koan: "Why did the First Patriarch come from the West?" The first patriarch was never called by name, since everyone related his title only to Bodhidharma. Indeed, the very idea of ​​Bodhidharma as the First Zen patriarch in China has become so commonplace that telling Zen followers that Bodhidharma is just a myth is tantamount to convincing scientists that Newton was not there, but invented for the names of the laws of motion of bodies.

In June 2017, a new service from Yandex - Zen was presented to the general public. The platform is available on the main page of the search engine, on a separate domain - and in the browsers of users who have previously installed such add-ons as - and Ya. Bar.

Let's take a closer look at the essence of the innovation.

What is Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen is a feed of publications based on the interests of the user. During the testing phase, it displayed news and articles, exclusively from reputable sources. Later, the platform became available to small publishers, which led to negative user reviews and desire.

At the time of this writing, Zen is not moderated in any way, and while reading your feed, you can stumble across several identical posts from different authors, or completely useless publications.

In addition to everything, advertising is skillfully disguised in your feed, which can only be distinguished by the inscription “Yandex.Direct”.

You won't be able to remove it, even using the tips from our article about ad blocker extensions, as they say - enjoy.

How the ribbon is formed

Zen is positioned as a personal feed, so each user will have his own. The intersection of posts and news is naturally possible, but will be minimal. All "personality" consists in analyzing your preferences for entered search queries and previously viewed posts, directly in the feed. If you are interested in news - look at the Zen news, if you want to lose weight - read about diets.

During testing, a small bug was noticed - after, Zen "forgot" our preferences and offered to re-select the sources.

After installation in the browser, you will be asked to select the first 5 sources, sorted by popular topics. After that, Yandex will begin to systematically collect information about you and form the "correct" feed for you.

The speed of formation directly depends on the activity of using the company's services.

How to install and enable Zen in your browser

Installing Zen on your computer as a separate program will not work. Zen is a web service and is installed exclusively in the browser. Also, access to it is carried out from the main page of the search engine (scroll to the very bottom and you will see a tape) and on a separate domain -

To start using Yandex Zen in your browser, follow our instructions.

Install or update Yandex Browser

Zen is a component by default. To start using it, you just need to enable it in the settings.

Go to the settings panel.

In the "Appearance settings" section, check the box marked in the screenshot.

Using an old browser version, you will not be able to perform the specified set of actions. First and repeat the above steps.

Use Visual Bookmarks

If you do not want to change your browser, but need to install Zen in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera, you will have to use add-ons from Yandex, for example, Visual Bookmarks.

Go to the page - and install the program.

Or install the extension from the online store, directly from your browser (for example, Chrome).

It is worth noting that along with Zen, you will receive - Search bar, Advisor, Weather forecast and other services that can be turned off.

You can enable Zen by opening a new tab in your browser and selecting "Settings".

How to read the feed and watch the news

Regardless of the browser, the Yandex Zen feed is always located in a new browser tab (do not forget about a separate domain and the main page of the search engine).

The feed displays only the title, a short description and an attached photo, the article itself or news, is located on the partner's website. To read the news, just click on the "tile" - there will be a transition to the full version.

Also, you have the opportunity to like or dislike on the announcement of the publication - this will affect the formation of your personal feed.

Summing up the review of this service, I would like to note that Zen is at the stage of formation and development, so it is too early to draw conclusions about its quality and real purpose.

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