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  • Twenty-three "chips" of Google search. Search by exact match

Twenty-three "chips" of Google search. Search by exact match

Very few people on our planet do not know what google is - the most popular and well-known search engine in the world. This search engine is not only loved by users of the entire Internet network, it also loves its users and periodically entertains them with interesting features. For example, last year, before the New Year, an interesting feature could be noticed on the site - if the user typed the phrase "let it snow" into the search engine, it was snowing on the site. But falling snow isn't the only interesting feature of google. About others, no less fascinating, we will tell you today.

1. Orders for Google

To see how efficient and obedient Google is, enter the following phrases into the search box:

do a barrel roll(make a barrel)
zergrush(the moral of the trick is that if there are many of you, you will cope with the biggest and most powerful opponent)
tilt(tilt page)

2. Playing with the homepage and logo

You can laugh with Google only if the search engine itself does not mind. For example, try to catch at least one ball from the logo.

Chinese developers from Google also do not suffer from a lack of a sense of humor - on the input page there is not only a standard field for entering queries, but also a real sea that can be stirred with the mouse.

If the famous search engine didn't please you and you feel annoyed with it, then you have a chance to destroy its main page and scatter parts from Google around it.

3. Google-YouTube symbiosis

Surely you have already heard the information that YouTube now belongs to Google, since the search engine bought it from the creators and owners, and not a small amount - 1.65 billion dollars. Therefore, there you can find very interesting chips.

While watching any video, press first to the right, and then up. As a result, according to the same video, you will be able to drive a familiar and familiar snake.

And here you can find the so-called interactive piano. Let the video file fully load and play with the number keys. But only this piano is not interactive - sounds are recorded in the file, and when you press the keys, you rewind the video to the right place.

With the help of doodles, Google shows its creativity in its approach to the holidays. On any interesting holiday, the search engine places doodles on the main page. Very often users can interact with them. Here we provide the most interesting examples.

On the day Les Paul was born, the doodle was made in the form guitars on which you can play and even record your own music.

When the well-known game PAC-MAN celebrated its thirtieth anniversary, Google created a themed doodle that you can even play.

If you use it, then go to the Google reader and press the keys in this order: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. But be careful - a ninja will appear.

Helpful Hints

Most people know how to use Google for search- go to the main page, enter keywords, click SEARCH and get a list of results.

Using Google Search

6. How to search on a specific site

If you enter the search word in the search bar, and add "site:" and the name of the site (without a space) next to it. For example "useful tips site: site"

7. How to convert different currencies and quantities

With this search engine, you can convert different currencies and values. For example, in the search bar you can write "1 kg in pounds", or say this sentence into the microphone using voice search (while the search functions should be in Russian), or for example "1 dollar in rubles" (currency may be different).

You can also quickly convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, miles to meters or dollars to rubles.

8. How to know the time in any city on the planet

Enter the syntax: "time:" into the search string, then specify the city. For example "time:africa".

9. How to use the Google Calculator

10. How to search for a word on sites in only the language you need

Using the "lang" function, you can find any term that is used on sites written in the language you need. For example, if you want to read about iPhone on Russian sites, write "iPhone lang: ru". Use en for English and fr for French.

11. How to check the weather forecast

To find out what the weather is at the moment in one or more cities of one country or continent, simply enter "weather" or "weather" in the search box and specify the city. For example, "weather Moscow".

Google translator and other search engine features

12. How to translate in Google search engine

Google has its own translator (google translate) but some words can only be translated using a search engine. You need to enter in the search bar: "translate [word] into [language]" (translate [word] to [word]). For example, "translate I love summer into italian".

If you have a favorite site and you want to find similar sites, then type in "related:" followed by the name of your favorite site.

Millions of people use Goolge cloud services: free documents instead of MS Office, storing files NOT on computer hard drives, but on Google Drive, and much more.

Oleg Karpov, a representative of Brown Boot Works, talks about useful (and free!) features of Google services and add-ons that dramatically expand Google's functionality.

So let's go!

Built-in "chips"

1. Working with documents offline

Some users have a fear that if there is no Internet connection, then work with documents will stop. This is not true. It is enough to enable offline access in the Drive settings, and you can create files and make changes to them quite easily even without connecting to the network. All data will be synchronized as soon as the Internet appears.

The Google Drive settings are under the gear icon in the top right corner. Then check the box for offline access.

2. Search the Internet directly from the document

Often, when working with a document, you need to find some information in external sources. With the help of advanced search, which is called either by right-clicking on the selected text (“Search by text ...”), or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I, this selected phrase is immediately googled on the Internet, search results are displayed in the window on the right.

3. Web Clipboard

We all use the clipboard to transfer parts of text and pictures between applications on a desktop computer. Google Docs has the ability to use a similar tool, but to transfer data between devices!

Such a web buffer is located in the Edit-Web buffer menu. You can put several pieces of data in it and paste them into other documents, even on a different computer.

Additional "chips"

Additions appeared relatively recently. These are third party apps written in Google Apps Script. You can install them by clicking Add-ons -> Install Add-ons. You can use them through the same menu. There are more than a hundred add-ons, we bring to your attention some of the most useful.

4. Additional table of contents

Offers easy navigation through a large document. After installing the add-on, after clicking on the menu Add-ons - Table of contents - Show in the sidebar on the right, a partition table is built with the ability to quickly jump to what you need.

5. Translator of text inside the document

Many people use Google Translate on the web, a useful tool that does a good job of translating between many popular languages. The same translator is available right inside Google Docs - install the Translate add-on and use it.

By default, there is no Russian language, but auto-detect understands it and translates it into English.

6. Automatically Send Reminders to a List of Email Addresses

The add-on allows you to send free text notifications at a specified time to a list of email addresses you specify. This can be useful for sending customer newsletters or discount notifications.

7. For those who work with English texts

  • A couple more useful additions, which, unfortunately, only work for the English language. For those who write texts in English, this is mega-useful!
  • . Allows you to find synonyms for the selected word.
  • . Generates a cloud of the most frequently repeated words in a document - a tag cloud.

Third party services that enhance the Google ecosystem

We will talk about full-fledged applications that, in conjunction with Google services, cover almost all possible areas of business tasks. These apps are tightly integrated with the Google ecosystem and make the most of these features.

8. Brown Boot Works Small Business Management System

Not every small business needs separate costly and complex systems to manage finances, workflows, projects, sales, and customer relationships.

Main features of Brown Boot Works:

    Tasks. Plan your business.

    Command. Set tasks for colleagues, work together, control the result.

    The documents. Work with documents in a single system from any device.

    Sales. Predict customer revenues and track deals.

    Projects. Control the execution of projects and their budgets.

    Budgets. Manage your business income and expenses in real time.

9. Powerful document management system in Google Drive Powertools

If the capabilities of the previous document management system were not enough for you, or you have a large corporation with a large amount of data, pay attention to Powertools for Google Drive.

Powertools turns Google Drive into an enterprise-grade Document Management System. The service works directly from the Google Drive interface and allows you to do almost everything with documents that both a regular user and an advanced administrator may need.

Key features:

    Editing MS Office documents

    Additional information for documents (metadata and tags)

    Powerful document classification

    Displaying documents on your own Portal, searching on the Portal by metadata and tags.

    Possibility to set up processes for working with documents and control the status of this process.

    Advanced versioning

10. FreshDesk Customer Service

A functional and flexible help-desk system will allow you to make the disorderly process of your customer support clear and controllable. With FreshDesk, you can efficiently process requests from wherever they come from: email, website, phone, chat, mobile app,

Google is one of the most popular search engines in Russia and all over the world. Of course, there are some secrets to using Google search. Do you want to learn all the tricks to work with the Google search engine and google like a pro? I will share with you useful information about this:

1. Indefinite search

If you can't decide on a specific search keyword, then use the "*" symbol. For example, you want to find the best movie, but you don’t know what genre yet, then in Google search, write the phrase “best * movie” and Google itself will select the best movies of all types:

2. Exclusion from the search query

To exclude a word or phrase from the search, you must precede it with a minus sign "-". For example, if we want to search for something on all sites, except for those located on the ".ru" domain, we write in the search bar: "auction -ru":

3. Search by synonyms

Let's say you need to find a word in combination with various similar words, then you need to use a symbol in the form of a wavy line: "~" - it is called "tilde". Thus, if you write "~best girls are the best" in the search (here we also exclude the word "best" from the search using the "-" sign according to paragraph 2), then Google will find all the girls with a synonym for the word "best", and this word will not appear in the search:

4. Search to choose from several options

Using the vertical bar character "|", you can search through several combinations of phrases, replacing some of the words in them. So, if in the search we write "make money on the stock exchange | on the site", then we will see sites on which there will be information either about how you can make money on the stock exchange, or about how you can make money on the site:

5. Search by exact match

To find the exact phrase that you type into the search string without any changes, just put this phrase in quotation marks:

6. Single site search

In order for Google to search for your query on only one site, you must insert the "site:" syntax before your search query and specify the site address:

7. Search for a cached page

If there are any problems with the site, it is temporarily unresponsive or unavailable, but you urgently need to get to it, then Google provides the ability to view a previously saved copy of this site. To do this, use the "cache:" operator (for example, write in the search: "cache: "):

8. Search by file types

For example, you need to find a Word document on the Internet, then use the "filetype:" operator, which searches for a given extension:

If you have a question: "How to find out which links lead to the site you are interested in", then use the "links:" operator:

10. How to find out the meaning of a word

If you just want to know the meaning of a word, then in the search before this word, type "define:" and after the colon the necessary word:

11. Google Translate

Words can be translated immediately in the search bar, without resorting to any specialized programs. Use the following syntax: "translate (word) into (language)":

12. How to find out the weather forecast for the city

Google also has a weather operator. If you want to know the weather forecast for your city, then write in the search after the "weather:" syntax the name of your city and Google will show its forecast:

13. How to find out the exact time in any region on the Internet

Do you want to know the exact time? - Google is ready to help you with this! Use the operator "time:" or its Russian counterpart "time:" and the name of the settlement:

14. Currency converter

How to find out the exchange rate of any currency at the official rate? To do this, use the following search query: "(amount) (currency) to (currency)", for example:

15. Unit converter

Google also knows how to convert any values ​​​​on our request. To do this, write the following: "(amount) (unit) to (unit)", for example:

16. Google Calculator

Well, you have learned how to use the Google search engine like a real professional! I hope this material will be useful to someone) And remember: "Internet resources are inexhaustible!")))

1. Phone book. Enter the name and surname of a person, the city and state where he lives in the search box, and the search engine will give you phone numbers and addresses of people that match the query conditions.

Additional "chip". Google can also work the other way around: if you have a phone number, type it into the search box, and the system will return people's names and surnames, as well as their place of residence.

2. Calculator. Enter a mathematical example in the query string and Google will return the result. Algebraic elements can be expressed in English words (two plus two, twelve divided by three), numbers and symbols (2+2, 12/3), as well as both words, numbers and symbols (ten million * pi, 15% of six).

3. Much is good, but short is not bad either. Google displays relevant results even for queries consisting of one or two words, so it is not necessary to enter many words in the search box. However, the more words, the more relevant the result.

Example. When you collect information about enrollment in universities, for a more accurate search, it is better to add the word enrollment to the name of the university.

4. If you need more precise results, use quotation marks.

If you type “the search is over” in the search box, you will get links to web pages dedicated to the famous song of the American rock band Survivor, but if you remove the quotes, you will get a vinaigrette of obscure links. The thing is that quotes “force” Google to search not for individual words, but for the entire phrase. Quotation marks are a great help when searching for lyrics, people, or expressions consisting of very common words (for example, "to be or not to be").

5. Explanatory dictionary. Type in the query string define and any English word, and Google will give you its meaning.

6. Capital letters are not necessary. Save your time and effort: use the Shift key less often. Google search results for "Queen Elizabeth II" and "queen elizabeth i i" are identical: Google doesn't care if the words are capitalized or lowercase (although the queen probably isn't).

Additional "chip". Google ignores common words such as "the", "and", "is", "of" and "to" if they are present in an unquoted phrase - in other words, these particles do not affect search results in any way .

7. Forget about word forms (for English). Google automatically searches for all forms of a given word, so you don't have to search separately for, say, "dance", "dances" and "dancing". Just type one of these words in the query string and Google will take care of the rest.

8. Access to pictures. Looking for a photo of actress Paris Hilton or the Paris Hilton Hotel? Click the "Search Image" link above the search box, enter your query, and Google will return all relevant indexed photos and drawings (the total number of indexed images exceeds one billion), as well as links to the original sources.

Additional "chip". Image searches can lead you to well-known resources, links to which are unlikely to appear in regular search results.

9. To find a map, guide or satellite image, just click once. The fastest way to find the shortest route to your destination is to enter the city and state (or just the zip code) into the Google search box.

Example. Type "Washington dc" and Google will provide a link to its maps and guides resource (, as well as links to similar Yahoo! and MapQuest - to compare different options. On Google Maps you can find a satellite image of the same area.

10. Where would you like to go? If you want to visit a particular website, enter its name in the search box and the search engine will immediately redirect you there.

11. Travel the world's libraries online.

Enter a subject on and you'll be presented with pages from books that Google has scanned and indexed. You can freely view and read the texts of works that are not protected by copyright. As for the rest of the texts, you have the right to familiarize yourself with fragments of pages where the indicated phrase occurs, and find out where this book can be purchased.

12. If you are on the road, call the GOOGL number. The owner of a mobile phone can find the necessary phone numbers, get tips on the route, movie show schedules, stock quotes, etc. Send a text message with a request to 46645 (GOOGL on most American phones), and the search engine will promptly give an answer to it.

13. I'm lucky! By entering a word (phrase) in the query string on the main page and clicking on this button, you will be taken directly to the page that occupies the first position in the list of results.

14. News agency. Google News, which can be accessed through the link "News" or at , contains the latest information about politics, business, technology, culture, medicine, sports, and more. Enter a topic of interest to you in the Google News query string, and you'll get the latest posts from over 4,500 sources around the world.

Additional "chip". If you'd like to keep up to date with developments on this topic, sign up for our automatic email updates (

15. Forecaster. Type "weather" followed by a zip code or city name, and Google will give you a weather report and forecast for the next four days.

16. Dig deeper. In the first positions, Google usually gives links to popular and recent pages, but if you look further, it is quite possible to find older, forgotten pages that have exactly what you need. Also take a look at the "cached" version of the web page, which can be accessed by clicking on the blue link below the search result. This is an old version of the page that has since been updated. Often it is on it that the desired content is located.

Additional "chip". In the text of the cached version, the words you specify in the query string are highlighted in color, which can significantly save time when viewing large documents.

17. Feel like a scientist. Through Google Scholar, you can look into thousands of scientific and university journals. Enter a query in the search box on and you will receive abstracts and scientific articles from printed publications.

18. Use the tilde. The "~" sign when searching on Google can be very useful. If you put it directly before a word in the search box, then along with links to this word, Google will also search for pages with its synonyms.

Example. In response to the query "~auto", the search engine will also return links to pages containing the words "car", "truck", "automobile", etc.

19. Adjust the number of links per page. The "Settings" link to the right of the search box will allow you to adjust various search settings, including the number of results per page. If you want to browse search results faster, increase your search results from the standard ten links per page to twenty, thirty, or even a hundred.

20. Translate the text into other languages. By selecting the Language Tools link, which is also located to the right of the search box on the main page ( has a “Language Tools” link, but there is no translation tool), you will be taken to a page where, among other things, the Translate service is available. With its help, you can translate text from one language to another (for example, from English to Spanish, from French to German, from Chinese to English, etc.) or translate a web page, for which you need to enter it in the appropriate window the address.

21. Study stock quotes. Type in the search box, the stock symbol of any of the companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ, and Google will give you the stock price and its dynamics ( only!).

22. Eliminate unwanted results. Search results pages for a serious topic, such as sex education, may contain "adults only" links. The SafeSearch filter, which can be accessed via the Preferences link on the main page, will help you filter out unwanted results (there is no such filter on

Additional "chip". Try Google Labs testing products: Google Video, Personalized Search, Google Notebook, Google Trends, etc. To get there, just type "google labs" in the search box on Google. Good luck!

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