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No channels available. Why is tricolor TV not looking for channels

"almost disappeared this year free channels... All TV channels are now broadcast in encrypted form, so many users have a problem: they do not show Tricolor TV at all, or only 2-3 channels work normally (for example, "TNT" and "1"). What to do with this trouble?

First of all, you need to check the status of your subscription. This can be done on the official website -

  • Go to the website.
  • Click on the word "Subscribers" (upper left corner).
  • Go to the "Payment" section.
  • Enter the tuner ID in the field for checking the account status (a number of 12 - 14 characters, recorded in the agreement, as well as on the card).
  • Run a check.

A message will pop up about the status of your tariffs, connected packages and their validity periods. To check the balance, you need to go to your "Personal Account".

Problems after August 10, 2015

Due to technical problems with channel coding, sometimes there may be a temporary disappearance of the signal. In the event of such a problem, you must turn off and then turn on the receiving device. You can also call the Tricolor hotline (+ 7 800 500-01-23 ) and get advice about any specific problem.
What other reasons are there for not showing Tricolor TV? Let's try to understand and eliminate these reasons.

1. Check if it works or not information channel(it should work with a working receiver even without an access card). In the case when the channel does not work, you need to reset the receiver settings to the factory settings. To do this, go to the Main Menu, and there, in the "Settings" section. In this section, select "Factory settings" and press the red button on the remote.

Press the same button in the following windows to confirm the operation. After that, the equipment should reboot, and then in the dialog that opens, click "Next". Then the same thing, unless of course you want to change anything in the settings. For example, time zone. In the Tricolor TV Channel Search window, select the required Operator(you should know the operator), as well as the "Main" region. OK. Then the receiver will automatically find everything available channels, and you press the yellow button on the remote control.

1.1. If the channels were not found, and there is no signal either, you need to check the cable leading to the plate for integrity. It is better in this case to call a specialist.

2. In the case when the Information channel shows, and basic channels from free package no, it is possible that the access card is inserted into the receiver incorrectly. Or you have not verified your subscriber data.

2.1. Check whether the card is inserted upside down in the receiver. And also go to "Menu"> "Access"> "DRE"> "Smart card", and look in the ID field. The card information should be displayed there. If the card number is not displayed, then the receiver is not reading your smart card. It is necessary to attribute both to the service.

3. In the case when the basic Tricolor TV channels are shown, and the rest are not, you need to check the subscription. If your subscription is still valid, call hotline(see above) and do reactivation... After that, turn off the tuner for 5 minutes, and then turn it on again and click on some scrambled channel and leave it on for 8 hours. During this time, the image will improve. This usually takes about an hour.

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Interruptions in satellite TV broadcasting are always unpleasant. But if a slight interference in the image or a freeze of sound can still be somehow endured, then with complete absence access to TV is difficult to reconcile. What to do if a Tricolor subscriber has lost the signal on all channels? Is it worth calling the masters, or can you do it on your own? Let's try to figure it out.

Primary diagnostics

If you find a message about no signal when you turn on the TV, do not panic. First, you need to assess the scale of the problem. To do this, scroll through a couple of dozen connected channels, including the Tricolor TV Info channel. If there is no broadcast on any frequency, including the information channel, there are obvious problems with the equipment. To find out their causes, you should check the signal quality on the receiver.

Signal quality check

To find out whether the information from the antenna reaches the TV, you must press one of the following keys on the remote control:

  • INFO.

The choice of the button depends on the model of the remote control. In some cases, to confirm the transition to the information section, you will need to additionally press the green key on the remote control.

After that, the screen will display information window with two scales showing the level of the incoming signal and its quality. The subscriber's troubleshooting actions will depend on the readings of these scales. For normal broadcasting, their readings should be at least 80%.

Insufficient Signal Procedure

If at least one of the scales is 70% full or less, and at the same time Tricolor writes "no signal" on all channels, the reasons may be as follows:

  • physical damage to equipment;
  • poor quality antenna tuning;
  • changing weather conditions.

However, last reason at correct installation and antenna tuning should not have a significant impact on the broadcast quality. Although, in the northern regions, it is not uncommon for the antenna dish to be filled with snow after a strong blizzard, as a result of which it cannot receive data. But before you go outside or climb the roof, it is worth checking the equipment in the apartment.

Checking the physical connection

The satellite signal arriving at the antenna can be lost on the way to the TV receiver. This can be caused by damaged wires or connectors, a dropped or cracked cable plug, a loose connector on a set-top box, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should inspect all the equipment in the apartment and reconnect all wires. It is better to turn off the receiver for this time.

If faults are found, the parts that have become unusable are replaced. To do this, you may have to contact Tricolor technical support. If with physical connection everything is in order, you will have to reconfigure the antenna.

Antenna tuning

Tune satellite dish it is most convenient with an assistant. One person goes up to the antenna and turns it towards the satellite, the other monitors the position of the signal indicators on the TV screen.

Turn the plate carefully, about 6-10 degrees at a time. There should be a pause of 10-20 seconds between changes in position. Naturally, before tuning, you should clean the surface of the plate from snow, leaves and other debris, if any. Extra items can significantly affect the quality of work.

Adjustment should be carried out until both scales are reached maximum values... 100%, of course, will not be, but at least 90% is worth reaching. In this case, the operation of the receiver will not deteriorate when the weather changes.

Procedure for Normal Signal

If the Tricolor TV does not have a signal on all channels, but its level and quality indicators are at decent level(more than 80%), the cause of the problem lies in the receiver itself. To normalize broadcasting, you should try to roll back its settings to the factory settings.

Resetting the settings on the set-top box

To, you need to go to its menu. In it, select the "Applications" item, or, on earlier models of equipment, the "Settings" or "Settings" item. In the menu that appears, select the line "Factory settings" and press OK. Some STB models may ask for a pin code to perform the rollback operation. If the subscriber did not set his own code, enter 0000 in the request field.

After all these operations, the STB will be rebooted. During the reboot, the settings will be reset to the factory level. Then the receiver will need to be configured in the same way as after the first start. Signs will appear on the TV screen where it will be necessary to set current date, subscriber's region and other parameters. At the end of the setup, the set-top box should automatically swipe. The subscriber will only need to save what was found using the OK button on the remote control. After that, broadcasting should resume.

Important! If the rollback of the receiver settings did not help, you still have to re-tune the antenna to the satellite. This can be done both independently and with the assistance of specialists from Tricolor TV.

If the Info channel works

There are situations in which the message about the absence of a signal does not appear on all channels. At least the Tricolor information channel continues to work. Here, of course, the first thing to do is also check the signal level on the TV receiver. If the values ​​of both or at least one of the scales are below the recommended ones, adjust the antenna.

If everything is in order with the signal strength, the problem may be the channel list settings. Tricolor periodically updates the broadcasting parameters of its programs in order to optimize the load on the equipment. At the same time, in set-top boxes, channels remain with the old parameters.

Updating the channel list will help here. To do this, select the Tricolor Channel Search item in the STB menu. The search procedure takes about a minute, after which a list of updated channels appears on the screen. They need to be saved and broadcast to them checked.

It is not so difficult to search for Tricolor TV channels on your own. The whole procedure will take you a minimum amount of time. To complete it, you will need to take into account several nuances and carefully study the instructions.

Search is necessary in a number of situations:

  • You just bought the equipment and you need to prepare it for use.
  • There were problems with the list of programs, it got lost.
  • You have performed a software update or factory reset.
  • This procedure is recommended to be carried out at regular intervals in order to prevent and maintain the relevance of the list of programs.

What regimes exist in general?

In total, there are several options for searching:

  1. Auto. You just turn it on the menu and it builds the list on its own.
  2. Manual. You need to set frequencies and other parameters to carry out the procedure.
  3. Advanced. Selection specific program set by you.
  4. Blind. You can run a check on all available frequencies, although the procedure will take longer.

At normal mode In operation, users use automatic and manual search. These options are considered the most comfortable for this moment and allow you to cover basic needs.

How do I use automatic search?

Have this decision there are several advantages:

  • You don't need to manually enter individual parameters.
  • You do not have to search for indicators for subsequent indication in the system.
  • The whole procedure takes a minimum of time.
  • In the future, you will be able to fully use the prepared list.
  • In most cases automatic selection works great.

What do you need to do?

  1. Initially go to the menu.
  2. Select the item with the settings.
  3. Enter the code for access to change the parameters. Upon delivery, it is installed standard password – 0000.
  4. You need to confirm the operation.
  5. The system will start the process.
  6. After a while, a list of channels will be prepared.

Manual procedure

It is not always possible to update automatically. Sometimes there are crashes and problems that prevent you from following this procedure. In this case, you need to manually search for Tricolor TV channels.

How to do it?

  1. You need to go to the menu.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. Specify a password for access.
  4. Choose among the items "Manual search".
  5. Enter the parameters and start the procedure.

Where can I find the current frequencies? You can go to the Tricolor TV website and view the information of interest on it, fill in the fields in accordance with the instructions. Another option is to contact support for advice.

What are the advantages manual search?

  • It works even when automatic setting unavailable.
  • Doesn't take too long.
  • Finds all channels on the specified frequency.


  1. You need to make a preliminary configuration.
  2. We'll have to clarify the broadcasting frequencies at the moment in order to start the procedure.

In the future, you can manage the saved channels at your discretion. It is proposed to sort them, select the most interesting for you. The flexibility of setting will become one of the advantages of the receiver, it is possible to adapt the equipment to the needs of a particular user.

If the search does not work

There are several reasons why you cannot find channels:

  1. Equipment icing or contamination has occurred, and the signal is poorly received. Inspect the antenna, clean it if necessary.
  2. The cable is disconnected.
  3. The wire was damaged. Carefully examine the hardware connection and integrity.
  4. The receiver has broken down.
  5. If you recently installed an update, then there may be a critical bug in the code. Perform a factory reset.

If the problem is in the firmware, then use the following scheme:

  • Enter the menu and go to settings.
  • Activate reset.
  • Confirm the operation with the code.

When the equipment boots up, you will have to set the parameters again, start the channel search, and form playlists. But with critical errors in the update, this option allows you to cope with the situation.

If the equipment is unstable, you cannot activate the reset, it stopped turning on altogether, then send it to service maintenance... With the help of special equipment, employees will be able to update to the latest stable version firmware.

When coding channels

If the channels are encrypted, then it is worth taking several steps to check:

  1. Check your subscriptions to see if their period has expired. This can be done in personal account on the operator's website.
  2. It is also offered to obtain information on the state of the personal account.
  3. Check the compatibility of the broadcast format with your device.
  4. Reboot the receiver and wait.
  5. Nothing helps? Call support.

When coding channels, updating the list using automatic or manual search will not help. Try to find the cause initially in order to eliminate it. Follow the instructions above. Usually the problem is the loss of the signal or the end of money on the subscriber's account.

Tricolor TV subscribers who took advantage of the "Equipment Exchange" offer and received new model receiver DRE B210 or B211, may see an insidious inscription on the TV screen: "The list of regions is not available", we will consider how to fix the error.

After replacing the equipment, subscribers may think that they were simply deceived and given non-working equipment, but this is not so. Tests were carried out, where 5 receivers of the DRE B210 or B211 model were connected in succession in succession and in all cases there was an inscription about the inaccessibility of regions. After the work of specialists technical support, several options have appeared, due to which a malfunction occurs:

  1. The old convector does not provide the required power.
  2. The antenna is incorrectly tuned or incorrectly connected.
  3. Smart card inserted incorrectly.
  4. There are several parallel connections receiver to the TV.
  5. The insulation of the external wiring is broken.

To find out what exactly is the reason for the error in Tricolor TV "The list of regions is not available", several diagnostic steps should be taken, after which the incorrect operation of the equipment should be eliminated.

Diagnostics and correction

Pay attention to the signal strength at the bottom of the screen. If the two scales are empty, it will give the impression of wrong setting antennas. At the same time, putting old receiver, everything will show correctly. In this case, the Tricolor TV error "The list of regions is not available" is associated with insufficient power convector. If you have been using it for more than one year, then it is worth buying a new, more powerful device.

Another reason could be antenna setup and connection. For example, bad "F" contact on the convector or receiver. V in this case, you can try to reconfigure the antenna according to the instructions. And check the wires for damage. You can contact the technical support service for a wizard to visit you.

The third option is the smart card is incorrectly installed. To check if it is inserted correctly, press the corresponding button on the remote control from the set-top box to view the ID. If instead of the number you see the inscription: "Smart card is not inserted", then you need to rearrange it, after turning off the equipment.

When connecting the equipment, pay attention to the connection. Only one method should be used, not many cords at a time.

Among the reasons for the error in Tricolor TV "The list of regions is not available" is the presence of a burr or a piece of foil, which closes to the central vein. This is more common when connecting new equipment. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist.

Contacting technical support

If you did not succeed in fixing the error yourself, you can contact the technical support service at Tricolor TV. There are several ways to do this:

  • Online through the website;
  • By calling the company;
  • Using the on-line assistant;
  • Fill out the form with detailed description and wait for an answer;
  • Use the chat.

In this case, before contacting you must have following information for diagnostics: the model of your receiver and convector, for whom the contract is drawn up and whether the channels are paid for.

  1. Restart the power supply equipment, that is, unplug it for a minute.
  2. Check the correct installation of the Smart card and the payment of the tariff.
  3. Reset receiver settings to factory settings and re-autosearch channels.

So, to save time on contacting technical support, when you get any error, including "The list of regions is not available", first follow the steps described above.

Thus, the error in Tricolor TV "The list of regions is not available" can be eliminated different ways based on their diagnostics. And also you can contact round-the-clock service technical support and get advice there.

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