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Access to a remote computer. How to make a changeable IP address permanent

Common task: configure remote access to a computer that is connected to the Internet through a router.

Solution: do port forwarding on the router. Port forwarding is also called port publication or port forwarding... In English terminology, the terms are used Port forwarding and Port publishing.

What is port forwarding

Port forwarding is a mapping of a specific external port of a gateway (router, modem) to the desired port of a target device in the local network (server, workstation, network storage, camera, recorder, etc.)

But which port to forward depends on how you want to access the computer.

How to set up remote access via RDP (remote desktop, terminal)

RDP connections are made to the target computer port 3389. What should be done:

Step 1 Allow incoming RDP connections on the computer

Attention! It is possible to carry out INCOMING connections via Remote Desktop to the following editions of Windows OS:
Windows XP Professional
Windows 7 / 8.1 Professional;
Windows 7 / 8.1 Ultimate;
Windows 7 / 8.1 Corporate.

In Windows XP Starter, Home Edition, in Windows Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium there is no possibility of incoming connections.

To do this, open System properties(WIN + Break), click on the link Additional system parameters:

Go to the tab Remote access, put the switch in position Allow connections to this computer, uncheck the box Allow connections only from computers running remote desktop with authentication at the network level (recommended) and click OK to apply the setting:

Step 2 Create an account on the computer under which the remote desktop user will connect.

Requirement # 1. This the account must have a password... According to the default settings of the local security policy, RDP connections are prohibited for accounts without a password. It is not recommended to allow remote access to non-password-protected accounts in security policies. This will create a threat of unauthorized access by intruders.

Requirement # 2. If the user is NOT an administrator on the local computer, they must be added to the group. This can be done in two ways.

How to allow a user without administrative privileges to connect to a remote desktop

Method one.

Right click on the system shortcut This computer and choose Control:

In the window Computer management choose Local users and groups => Users:

Find the required user in the list and double-click to call its properties:

Go to the tab Group memberships and press the button Add:

Click the button Additionally:

Then, the button Search:

Select a group in the list Remote Desktop Users and press OK:

In the windows Group selection and Properties:<пользователь> click OK:

Method two.

Call system properties (Win + Break), press Extra options:

Go to the tab Remote access and press the button Select users:

Click the button Add:

Click on Additionally:

and Search:

In the list, select the user account to whom you want to grant rights for remote access, and click OK:

Now press OK in the next two windows:

Step 3 Create a forwarding rule on the router, according to which, when requested for a specified port, the connection will be redirected to port 3389 of the desired computer.

In D-Link routers, the required section may be called Virtual Server as in D-Link DIR-615:

Also, it can be called Port forwarding, as, for example, in the DIR-300:

The essence is the same:

  1. Give an arbitrary name to the rule;
  2. Open a NON-standard port on the router, which is not busy (field Public Port);
  3. We indicate the IP address of the target computer in the network, where the remote user should go (field IP-Address);
  4. We indicate the port number through which the application or service runs on the computer. In our case, for the Remote Desktop Server service, this is port 3389 (field Private port).

If your ISP gives your router a dynamic address, it is convenient for you to use the Dynamic DNS service. D-Link has its own service where you can register an Internet address (i.e. domain) for free and configure access to your router and local network through it.

To configure Dynamic DNS go to the section MAINTENANCE, select subsection DDNS Settings and click on the link Sign up... to go to the site and register a domain. Then set up the domain synchronization with the router's IP address in the DYNAMIC DNS SETTINGS and save the settings with the button Save Settings:

After that, it will be possible to connect not by IP address, but by an address of the form

Checking the connection to the computer via remote desktop

Start the Remote Desktop Server client:

In field Computer enter address and port separated by colon. In field User enter your username and click To plug:

This remote connection can harm the local or remote computer. Make sure the remote computer is reliable before connecting.

Check the box and click the button To plug:

Now enter the user password, check the box Remember credentials if you don't want to enter your password every time, and press OK:

After that, a message may appear:

Unable to verify the authenticity of the remote computer. Do you want to connect anyway?

Here you can check the box Do not display any more prompts for connections to this computer and press Yes:

Since our site is designed for average users, there was some disagreement within the team about the usefulness of this article. Usually, such material is presented for more experienced users, at least those who know Windows OS well enough.

On the other hand, where to go for a novice user who only vaguely knows what RDP, TCP, UDP are? But I really want to know? Again, does the average user need this? Maybe one simple program is enough for him?

A difficult situation.

Explain in one article what is remote access to a computer via the Internet, but so as not to frighten off the visitor.

We decided to experiment. Tell about the difficult things as easily as possible. We will be guided by your comments.

What is this article about?

This article will tell you about two types of remote connection, briefly tell you about what is ID... Tells about programs Remote access and Remote desktop... We will also try to configure our computer in order to gain remote access to it without using third-party programs. Difficult terms in the article are highlighted in brown, and provided with explanations in the form of tooltips.

Remote access concept

Remote access to a computer via the Internet is called an operating system tool, or a third-party program that allows you to get visual or file access to a computer that is at a remote distance, but at the same time is connected to the Internet.

How is the target computer identified on the Internet?

Conventionally, all remote access programs, according to the type of connection, can be divided into two groups:

  • Using ID
  • Using IP addresses and domain names

Remote access programs using ID

Of great interest are programs using ID(unique identificator). Method of obtaining ID something like this: when the remote access program is launched on the computer to which you are planning to connect, it sends a request to its server through which the connection will occur.

Having received this data, the server generates for the computer unique identification numberID... This number is assigned to the computer. In the screenshot below, it is highlighted in red.

Knowing this identification number and password, you can connect to a computer from anywhere in the world with this ID.

It remains unchanged until the hardware is replaced or the OS is reinstalled.

So the use of such programs is very convenient. When changing the Internet provider, city, and even country, on your computer ID Will not change.

Lack of programs using ID one - they are paid or shareware. Condition - you must not use the program for commercial purposes.

An example of programs using ID- TeamViewer, Ammy Admin. But the list is not limited to these two. They are just the most popular and always heard by users.

We will not spend a lot of time on these programs, since their interface is simple and allows you to study the program in 5-10 minutes. In the future, we may consider each of them.

You won't have any problems with these programs. Use it to your health without overusing it. If TeamViewer will connect to a large number of ID- sooner or later, the communication session will be limited to five minutes.

Remote access programs using an IP address or domain name

With this category, things are a little more complicated. They need a static ip or domain name. Connection by IP address, this is the classic connection type. It does not provide such flexibility in the location of the computer and is most often used in "office space".

In order to use it, you need to do the following.

Fixed IP or domain connection.

You need to connect an additional service with your provider - Fixed ip address ... This service is provided by many providers, including mobile ones. This service will assign an external ip-address of the format to your home network

It is this address that will allow you to find your computer from outside.

An alternative to a fixed ip-address can be the service DynDNS... When registering, you will be given an individual domain, for example:

Next, you simply install a program on your computer that, when turned on, will track your current ip-address and send it to the server DynDNS which in turn will match your current dynamic ip address , with address

Thus, no matter where you are, no matter what provider you use, no matter how often your "IP address" changes - the address of your computer -

We will not presume to argue, but getting a fixed ip-address from the provider is somewhat easier and cheaper than using DynDNS... For example, at the time of this writing, the cost of a dedicated IP address was only RUB 20. / month

Opening a port to a target - a remote computer.

Even now, knowing our ip-address or assigned to us DynDNS domain, we can hardly connect to the computer - the firewall will not let us through. Most likely port 3389 used by the program Remote Desktop which we will tame in this article will be closed. For everything to work as it should, we will have to open it and redirect it to the desired computer on the network.

Hard? Not at all. Let's try to figure it out in practice.

Remote access to a computer over the Internet using Remote Desktop

So, first what we did was get a fixed ip-address from our provider. Let's remember, write it down, sketch it.

Second... Let's find out intranet ip address our computer. To do this, we will go along the following path: Network and Sharing Center => Local Area Connection => Details
As you can see in the screenshot, the address of our computer is inside the network

The third the point will be the opening of the port 3389 to the above address. To do this, let's go to the router. In our case it is ADSL modem TP-LINK... We will show everything using his example. There is nothing you can do about it, but you cannot do without instructions if you do not know how to configure the modem yourself.

In our case, we enter through Google chrome by the address and under the combination admin / admin... We get to the information page.

Go to Advanced Setup => NAT => Virtual Servers and press the button (add).

Here you can choose ready-made services or create your own.

We will create our own and name it Udalenka, but the name can be absolutely anything. We register the local address of the computer, the one that we spied earlier. In the table, we register the port everywhere 3389 and choose the protocol TCP / UDP... We do all this with a view to a standard Windows application. Remote Desktop... For other programs, the ports may be different. A good list of applications and the ports they use is provided. (What we are studying may even come in handy for games).

If, for example, you want to use not Remote Desktop and advanced RAdmin, then you will have to register a different port for it: 4899 .

Press the button to save.

Paragraph fourth, we will run on the computer we are going to control - Terminal Server Service... It is worth clarifying something here.

Using the method described below is not recommended from the point of view of license purity if you will be doing this in the organization where you work. Not sure about Windows 10 but in Windows XP - 7, the license was not violated if only one user connected to the computer.

We do all this for informational purposes and in order to learn the principles of remote access to a computer via the Internet.

So here's to run on a computer Terminal Server Service... In Windows XP, this was done simply - went to AdministrationServices and ApplicationsServices found it and just turned it on. This made it possible for one user to connect to a computer. In this case, the user who was sitting locally was disconnected.

In Windows 10, we need to do it a little differently. We need a special patch. You can download it from here. This patch will allow you to run on the system Windows 10 terminal service.

Recently, the search engines Google and Yandex began to view this file as a virus threat. In fact, the file has been on the site for two years and has never been considered malware by any scanner. However, now the file is stored outside of neOshibka.Ru - you download it at your own peril and risk.

Unpack the downloaded file to any location. For example on Desktop... Run as Administrator file install.bat

A successful result will be reported by a black command line window with the following content:

The fifth In this paragraph, we will set a password for our user, and also add it to the group.

To do this, on the icon Computer and right-click on the item Control.

In the window that opens, on the left side of it, we need to expand the list Local users and groups, highlight the sub-item Users.

In the list of users, you need to find yourself and right-click.

Enter the password twice, press and the system will confirm that the password has been set.

Now we need to add our user to the group Remote Desktop Users.

To do this:

Right click on the user - Properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Group memberships and press the button <Добавить…>

Next, do everything in the same order as in the screenshot:

As a result of the work done - Remote Desktop Users should appear in the general list of groups to which the user belongs.

We would like to draw your attention to the following. The above describes how to assign a password to your user. But it's better to create a new one and already join it to the groups. Otherwise, it may turn out that you will lose some data. For example, we logged out wherever possible. I had to drive in all the passwords again.

Let's check if we managed to get remote access to the computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop.

We leave for another computer, we go to START menu => All programs => Accessories and run the program Remote Desktop Connection.

Enter in the window that appears the ip-address assigned to us earlier by the provider, press the button <Подключить> .

If we did everything that we did before correctly, then they will almost immediately ask us Name and Password user on Remote machine... Enter them and don't forget to check the box to remember your credentials.

And the last "security touch" will be checking the certificate of the Remote Machine. Here, too, you need to agree with everything. And check the box too.

That's all. If everything works as it should, you can climb in the settings of the Remote Desktop program. Here you can turn on / off the sound, change the picture quality, connect local resources to the remote machine.

Using the LogMeIn program. In the same article, I want to show how to set up remote access to a computer using the TeamViewer program. In principle, this program can be used for free. The free version has some time limits, but this is not essential, personally, the free features of the program are completely enough for me.

And so what needs to be done first. First you need to download TeamViewer, and it's better to do this from the official website, in order to protect yourself from any incomprehensible versions of this program that may contain viruses, just in case. You, in fact, give access to all your information that is stored on the computer and it is better to give it to the person you want than to an attacker who hacked the program and posted it on an outside site.

There should be no problems with downloading and installing, so I will not give any advice on this matter, and there is nothing special to advise, but I will go directly to the interface of the program itself.

This is how the program interface looks like:

Only the fields Your ID and Password will be filled in, I painted over just in case.

Your ID is the identifier of your computer, you will tell it to the person who will need to connect to it.

Password - accordingly, the password that you tell your partner, because without it, he will not connect.

The Partner ID field is the identifier of the computer to which you are going to connect. It should be sent to you on Skype or dictated by your partner over the phone. Naturally, TeamViewer must be installed on both computers. Later, this person will have to dictate a password to you in order for you to gain access to his computer.

If you have several computers, let’s say so in subordination, you can make a permanent password to them so that it is convenient for you to enter different machines from one place without asking anyone to dictate passwords to you. For example, you can have one computer at your office, and another at home, from the office you go to your home computer and take the files that you need from there.

Let's try to see how it is organized for me, for this you just need to click on the link "Computers and Contacts" in the lower right corner:

As you can see, there are 4 computers in my account, two are now on the network, and two are not on the network, I can log into each of the computers with a permanent password, not a dynamic one. In order to be able to do this, you need to register on the TeamViewer website, that is, create your account there. How to do it?

The screenshot shows that in order to log into your account, you must enter your username and password. You do not have your own account yet, so you just need to click on the link "Register" and go through a fairly simple procedure:

In order to add a specific computer to the controlled group, in the "Connection" tab, click on the item "Configure uncontrolled access"... In this case, an account should be created for you, and you should have already logged in under it.

We have a window in which you need to enter the name of the computer in order to somehow recognize it among the rest, as well as the permanent password that you will enter to get to this computer. If you have entered everything, then click the "Finish" button.

Now this car will be displayed in the tab "My computers".

TeamViewer has many functions that you can gradually figure out, for example, you can work in it like in a file manager, that is, on the one hand, you will display the files and folders of your computer, and on the other, remotely, and thus you can transfer files ...

I hope, with the help of my little tip, you were able to set up remote access to your computer over the Internet.

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Webmaster. Higher education in the specialty "Information Security" .. Author of most articles and lessons of computer literacy

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    Discussion: 6 comments

    Thanks for the article, I have nothing against TeamViewer - they work well, it is convenient to use the non-commercial version. However, the commercial version has a solid price, if there are analogues. For example, Thinstuff, which implements remote access via RDP, just like MS Server. It is also convenient to use, but the price is lower. This is just one of the options.

Hello to all readers of my blog. With you Marat Nauruzbaev. In the last article I told. Today I will tell you how you can organize remote access to a computer via the Internet.

It's no secret that sometimes there is a need to remotely connect to your home or work computer to download any files or to control your desktop remotely.

For these purposes, special programs are used for remote access to a computer. Moreover, this can be done from anywhere in the world, from almost any computer or even from your smartphone. For remote access, you will not need a static IP, the connection will be carried out using the generated ID.

I will talk about the three most popular remote access programs, how to install, configure and use these programs. So let's go ...

TeamViewer software

I have been familiar with this program for a long time, and it helped me to remotely administer computers, being in an office in another city.

The program has a simple interface, but at the same time it has many additional functions, such as creating interactive conferences, chat, launching in a browser, multiplatform. Program TeamViewer free for non-commercial use only.

Installing and configuring TeamViewer

To install TeamViewer, go to the section " DownloadTeamViewer full version"Click" Download"(All pictures are clickable)

After downloading the program distribution kit, launch it by double-clicking on it

We expose these settings and click " Accept - next»

In the next window, I usually uncheck all the boxes and click " Ready»

TeamViewer will be installed

After installation, you will need to configure TeamViewer, click " Continue»

We set the computer name and password to access this computer. Click " Continue»

In the next window, you can create a TeamViewer account or opt out. Click " Continue»

In the final window, the ID of this computer will be generated. You can save it for later access to this computer from another computer or smartphone. Click " Complete»

This is how the main TeamViewer window looks like. In the left half of the window ( 1 ) shows your ID and password to access this computer. In the right half ( 2 ) you can enter the partner ID, whose computer you can control

Now, the question arises, how can you control another computer?

To do this, you need to install the full version of TeamViewer on the computer you want to control, as I described above, or you can install the so-called TeamViewer client (TeamViewer QuickSupport).

TeamViewer QuickSupport

TeamViewer QuickSupport does not require installation or administrator rights. Designed for quick access to the computer on which it is running. Not designed to control other computers.

Free download TeamViewer QuickSupport you can in the section " Download"The official website of the program, select your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, Mobile) and next to" TeamViewer QuickSupport"Click" Download»

After downloading TeamViewer QuickSupport, run it

In the window that appears, your ID and password will be generated to access this computer

Now we enter this data in the main window TeamViewer to connect to the desktop of the computer you want to control

Enter your password

We see the desktop of the remote computer on the screen. Now you can work on it as if you were at this computer


Now I will show you some of the program options that you can use when accessing your desktop remotely.

« Menu» — « Communication»

  1. Switch sides with partner - switch mode. Now the partner will be able to control your computer
  2. Start internet call - voice communication with your partner
  3. Chat - the ability to chat with a partner
  4. Video - video communication with your partner

« Menu» – « Files and extras»

  1. Take screenshot - screenshot of remote session
  2. Start Session Recording - video recording of a deleted session
  3. Open file transfer - for two-way file transfer between partners

To transfer files, such a convenient file manager opens.


Program for remote access to a computer Litemanager allows you to manage up to 30 computers for free (for individuals and legal entities).

Opportunities Litemanager are similar TeamViewer, except that in the free version of Litemanager there is no possibility to use audio video chat. Also, the paid version of Litemanager has an interesting function “ Scheduled Server Desktop Recording". I did not notice such a function in TeamViewer ...

Installation and configuration LiteManager -Server

For installation Litemanager go to the section " Download"And vice versa LiteManager Pro / Free click " Download»

The distribution kit of the program is downloaded in the archive. Click twice on the program archive

The archive opens in the program with the default archiver installed.

Program Litemanager consists of 2 parts: the server part (Server) and the Viewer (Viewer).

LitemanagerServer installed on the computer you want to access.

LitemanagerViewer is installed on the computer from which you want to control another computer.

I hope I explained clearly ... 🙂.

In principle, you can install both parts and it will be possible to control and be controlled from your computer. How ... tricked ... 🙂.

Well, to install LitemanagerServer, run it to install

To scroll through the pictures, press “ Back" or " Forward»

At some point, the program will ask you to enter a password to access this computer, click " Change / install»

We come up with and enter a password, click " OK»

At the end of the installation, leave a check mark to start the Litemanager server and click “ Finish»

A window for connecting by ID will appear, where your ID will be generated, or you can enter your ID and click “ Connect»

If the connection is successful, the message “ Connected". Press the button " Options"To change connection options by ID

I set these options, I changed the general NoIP server to " 1_New_noip". You put it at your discretion, i.e. choose through which server your ID is connected stably

After applying the settings, click " Close»

To view and change other settings, right-click on the Litemanager icon in the system tray and select “ SettingsLM servers ...»

A small window will appear with the words “ Server settings”, By clicking on which an additional menu appears with a choice of LM-server settings, which you can customize“ for yourself ”. Let me just say that the menu item “ Connection byID»We have already set up in you above ...


Installing LiteManager - View is similar to installing LiteManager - Server, nothing complicated here

At the end of the installation, select the type of license, " LiteManagerPro" or " Free". I chose " Free". Click " OK»


The main window of the program will appear, in the main part of which all created connections will be displayed, and on the right side you can select the connection mode (control, viewing, files, demonstration, etc.)

To create a connection to another computer on which the LiteManager - Server, go to the menu " Compound» — « Add…»

In the tab “ Compound»Come up with a name for the compound. Enter the ID and password of the managed computer

In the tab “ Network and uptime"Choose" Economy mode», If you and / or your partner have a low Internet speed. Click " OK»

The icon of the created connection will appear in the main program window. Depending on which mode is selected in the right half of the window, double-clicking on the connection will start a communication session with the remote computer.

We start a remote control session on another computer and see its desktop. Now we can control it on our computer.

I will list the names of the icons at the top of the Remote Desktop window ...

  1. Settings
  2. Other modes
  3. Selecting a Remote Monitor
  4. Selecting a Remote User Session
  5. Mouse and keyboard controls
  6. Block input and screen
  7. Send Alt-Ctrl-Del
  8. Retrieve remote clipboard
  9. Install remote clipboard
  10. Screenshot
  11. Avi record
  12. Anchor
  13. Hide toolbar
  14. Active connections
  15. Close

When choosing " Other modes»A menu comes out where you can use additional options of the program

For example, open a file manager (File Transfer) to exchange files between computers

ProgramAmmyy Admin

Of the three remote computer control programs that are described in this article, Ammyy admin is the simplest and does not require installation on a computer.

Download the program in the section " Download»The official site. Click on the file name ( AMMYY Admin (exe) ) for download.

Note: At the time of this writing, the programAmmyy admin could only be downloaded in browsers Internet Explorer and Opera.

Run the downloaded file AA_vx.exe

Ammyy admin runs immediately without installation.

The main window can be conditionally divided into two halves. In the left half of the window ( Customer) your ID and IP are displayed. In the right half ( Operator) you can enter the client's ID / IP and click the " Connect»To access a remote computer.

Accordingly, in order for the connection to occur, the program must also be running on the remote computer. Ammyy admin

I hasten to note that this program does not require a password to connect. When connecting on a remote computer, a window will appear in which you will need to select connection options and click the " Allow»To agree to operate the computer. You can also check the box “ Remember my answer for this operator", So that in the future the operator with this ID connects without the consent of the client

After connecting, a window with the desktop of the remote computer will appear on your screen, on which you can work as if you were behind it

In addition to connecting to a remote desktop, it is also possible to start a voice chat or a file manager by selecting the appropriate menu items in the operator window

Also, with a remote desktop session, you can use additional functions

  1. Connection settings
  2. Encoding settings
  3. File manager
  4. Voice chat
  5. Desktop
  6. Full screen mode
  7. Winkey
  8. Refresh screen
  9. Reconnect
  10. Actions for the remote computer

For example open File manager

Also Ammyy Admin has an interesting option to run the application as a Windows service. This may be needed when access to a remote computer is needed without constantly running Ammyy Admin.

To install the Ammyy Admin service on a remote computer, in the main Ammyy Admin window go to the menu “ Ammyy» – « Service» — « Install»

Ammyy Admin service will be installed and launched on next reboot. Click " OK»

The Ammyy Admin service can be started manually without waiting for the computer to restart. To do this, go to the menu " Ammyy» — « Service» — « Run»

A message will appear that the AA service is running, click " OK»

In the future, to disable this service, go to Windows services, find the service AmmyyAdmin and uncheck the box opposite it. Click " OK»

Or in the main window of Ammyy Admin go to the menu “ Ammyy» — « Service» — « Delete»


In this article, we examined the main three programs for accessing a remote computer, figured out how to install, configure and use these programs.

All programs deserve attention and have the right to life and further development. Each of them is good in its own way and has its own differences, although all these programs perform the main role of connecting a remote desktop well.

I will mark the main points when working with these programs:

TeamViewer works great and functional, but still for commercial use, its cost is high;

LiteManager more complicated in the settings, on my computer it had a low connection speed, especially with a low Internet speed, but it was free when up to 30 computers were connected and the ability to remotely control the computer invisibly from the user;

AmmyyAdmin a simple program with the most necessary functionality, runs without installation, but is free only up to 15 hours a month.

By the way! If you want me to provide you with computer assistance using these programs, go to my section.

That's all for me, please write in the comments which remote access program you used and which one you liked the most.

Remote access to a computer via the Internet will allow you to control your PC, even if it is thousands of kilometers away from your location.

The technology works on the principle of assigning a unique identifier to the user in the global network. This data is used to connect to remote control.

The function can be configured both using the system functions of the Windows operating system, and using additional programs (their use is usually free).

Notice! In order to access a remote computer via another PC, the remote PC must be turned on and have an Internet connection. Also, a function or program that provides a remote connection must be connected on both devices.

Using the Internet ID Function in Windows

Assigning a unique identification number on the network greatly simplifies the connection process.

By using this feature, computers do not have to configure the connection back process every time.

Also, the Internet ID function is quite easy to use and even an ordinary user can configure its work.

How does Internet ID work? The connection of two computers is due to the connection to a single Host.

The interface is displayed using NAT or a standard firewall.

Follow the instructions below to set up remote access to a PC yourself using the Internet ID option:

  • First, you need to get an identifier with which two computers can connect the connection. The procedure for issuing an identifier is carried out by the host free of charge;
  • In some assemblies of Windows, the previously installed utility may be missing. You can download it from the link
  • Install the tool on both computers and get to work;
  • After installation, the host icon will appear on the desktop toolbar. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the connection settings item;

  • Then, in a new window, click on the corresponding button to obtain an Internet ID. This procedure must be done on a computer from which another PC will be controlled;

  • After a few seconds, a window will appear with a text field, in which an identifier will be indicated, which provides a remote connection of two PCs. Remember it, because without specifying the identifier on another PC, you will not be able to configure the connection;

  • Now you need to perform several actions on the client personal computer (to which you will be connecting). Run the installed utility, select the operation mode as "Client";
  • Press the button for creating a new connection and in the window that opens, specify the name of the connection and the identifier itself. You can choose any name, and the Internet ID must match the one that was issued on the first PC. Click on the OK button;

  • Next, the connection properties will open. Select the connection mode through the identifier, as shown in the figure below, and enter it again in the corresponding text field;

Now wait a few seconds and wait for the connection to complete.

In subsequent attempts to gain remote access to another PC, it will be necessary to enter only the identifier on the administrator's side, and on the client's side - select the previously created connection template.

In addition to the proposed method for configuring remote access, you can use special programs that are even easier to configure.

TeamViewer software

TeamViewer is one of the most popular applications for creating a connection and working with remote computer access.

The main feature of the utility: the user does not need to deal with the client and server parts of the program separately.

You just need to install the program on both computers and set up the connection in a few clicks.

After the first start-up, the application window displays a personal computer ID and an access password.

To connect to another computer, just enter its identifier in the Partner ID field and click the Connect button.

TeamViewer benefits:

  1. The presence of several modes of operation of two computers at once: remote access, file and folder transfer mode, VPN;
  2. During the connection, you can open a chat window, this will allow two users to communicate in real time without being distracted by other messengers;
  3. To provide full-scale system administration of another PC, you can connect the 24/7 remote access option. In the inactive mode, the function consumes few resources and does not load personal computers;
  4. Work speed and stable connection. Due to the presence of high-quality hosts, users do not face the problem of access failure (this happens only in the case of a bad connection to the global Internet);
  5. Please note that TeamViewer cannot be used for commercial purposes. The developer has built a utility for determining the commercial connection into the program. If it is detected, access to the PC will be immediately blocked.

If you want to use modules for corporate connection, you will need to buy a paid version of the application.

Ammy admin

This program allows you to access the function of remote control of other PCs. The functionality is very similar to the Team Viewer described above.

Available modes of operation include the ability to view and remotely control another personal computer or laptop of the user.

The program can be used without installing it on two devices. It is enough to open the portable version on computers.

The utility is not intended for use in commercial organizations and enterprises.

You can download Ammy admin on the developer's official website at

To get started, run Ammy admin on both computers. Then enter the server computer ID on the client computer. Click on the "Connect" button.

The connection diagram is also shown in Figure 8.

This application is more suitable for organizing a one-time connection than for long and regular work.

Among the advantages over other similar software are a simplified connection process, an intuitive interface and high speed of work.

Among the disadvantages of the application, it can be noted that it is not available on mobile devices and tablets. There is also no folder and file transfer mode.

The use of the program is limited to fifteen hours per month. This feature is designed to eliminate the possibility of commercial use.

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