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Additional income for a housewife. How to make money for a housewife on culinary recipes

How can you make money while sitting at home with your child? First you need to understand what you can do. Maybe you know how to sew on a typewriter? Felting toys out of felt? Get along well not only with your own, but also with the neighbour's kids? Or are you writing good lyrics? And then you just have to choose the most suitable activity.

How can you make money while sitting at home with your child?

1. Joint purchase

What you need: a computer, Internet access, the addresses of the corresponding sites.

As you know, buying goods in bulk is much cheaper than retail. The algorithm of actions is as follows: find a thematic forum (,,, etc.) and register on it. Contact a wholesale company offering products in demand at a suitable price. Now you are looking for like-minded people - you place an announcement on the forum, in which you indicate information about the product, methods of payment, the place and conditions of distribution and - this is important - the amount of commission that you, as an event organizer, will take for your services. You recruit the required number of people who want to buy the cherished something at the lowest price (communication, as a rule, is kept through e-mail), collect money, order goods from a wholesaler, wait for its arrival - and distribute to customers at a designated place. Cost savings due to bulk purchases are about 30-35%, with 10-15% of this amount being your legitimate earnings.


People who make money from joint purchases tend to focus on products that are relevant to themselves. For example, mothers often buy and distribute baby items or cosmetics. In the process of work, you will learn how to accurately find "fish" places - with a wide range of goods and low prices.


Unfortunately, the ordered goods cannot be returned back. Unclaimed consumer goods will have to be built somehow, if only the costs paid off. In addition, choosing a product from a catalog is a guessing game. You may be tricked, or they may be accused of being tricked by you. You can make an advance payment, and the customer will suddenly change his mind. Alas, this is a business where you constantly run the risk of losing money - and well, if only yours.

2. Online store

What you need: a computer, Internet access, free programs for creating online stores, Google for help.

An online store is a commercial site where, using photographs and descriptions, you put up a product for sale. You can offer customers your own product, or you can become an intermediary between the manufacturer and customers. To create an online store, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Then choose a hosting (the place where your virtual "point" will be located), a hosting payment tariff plan (a simple tariff plan will cost about $ 6-8 per month) and register a domain name. Ready-made designs of online stores are easy to find through any search engine. By the way, you can buy, rent or pay by installments a turnkey online store. And then you have to "unwind" - to make your shop visited. In general, everything is like in life.


There is no need to suffer with rent, pay utility bills for the maintenance of the premises in which the goods are stored and sold.


If you haven’t dealt with the creation of sites before and you don’t have a familiar web designer, the incomprehensible terms “domain”, “hosting” and “plugin” will be completely your headache. There will be a waste of time and money on the promotion of the store, optimization and promotion of it on the Web, advertising.

3. Own blog

What you need: a computer, Internet access, a blog read by more than 500 people.

How to earn money sitting at home? If you run a personal blog with high traffic, sooner or later you will be offered to post paid posts (posts). Advertising can be open (for example, advertising text and a link to the customer's website) or hidden ("jeans" - a blogger writes an ordinary post "from life" and mentions the advertised brand between the lines). Learn all the intricacies of the issue on before you start enriching yourself.


Things are going on, the office is writing - as you kept your blog, you keep doing it. You can communicate with the customer through mail, icq, skype, and receive money, say, to an electronic wallet. Of course, you don't pay much for blogging advertising, but you will always have an extra penny for pocket expenses.


Prepare to lose your readership - blog ads are still considered indecent. People will get nervous and write nasty things to you in the comments (don't pay attention). Yes, and now you just can't get away from the computer: you need to be constantly in touch, and by turning off your mail so that you don't get it, you will automatically lose orders and, therefore, money.

4. Typing

What you need: a computer, a supply of A4 paper, a printer (if you don't have your own equipment, go around the district and find the most convenient and cheapest copy center).

They bring you texts - you just type them on your computer. The work is simple, but very tedious. Find clients by ad (bargain!). There is no need to worry about the slow typing speed: a couple of months of work - and you will start scribbling blindly like from a machine gun.


You work from home, you don't need to go anywhere. Special skills are also not required - patience and work will grind everything.


Patience and work will grind everything - for example, health: eyes, back and butt get tired. There is no guarantee that you will certainly be paid for the work, and cannot be.

5. Rewrite texts

What you need: a computer, the Internet, excellent knowledge of the Russian language.

The customer sends the text, your task is to rewrite it, replacing the words in the sentences with similar ones in meaning, so that in the end you get a text on the same topic, with the same message, but as if completely different. The client places your work, for example, on his website and sleeps peacefully, not fearing that he will be caught plagiarizing.


Work at home - sit for yourself, sip coffee and rewrite.


The brain is very tired, and soft parts of the body are numb. Watering your garden beds on a hot day is less tiring. In addition, of all types of home work for those who speak their native language, this is perhaps the most difficult and low-paid.

6. Copywriting, writing articles for websites

What you need: a computer, the Internet, literary ability.

How to make money at home from texts? Type in the search engine "Internet magazine". Go through the forums - often the forum is "fastened" to the portal, and we need it there. Look for the word "editorial" or "feedback" on the main page of the resource. Send information about yourself and a couple of your materials in the portal format to the specified email address. At first, you will probably be offered ridiculous money for work. Don't be discouraged and keep driving. Slowly gain experience and enlarge your portfolio.


You plan your time yourself. Your home is not only your fortress, but also an office, accounting department, etc. However, this is a standard plus of all types of home work.


Be prepared for the fact that sooner or later they will decide to save money on you. The freelancer is not on the balance sheet, and legally the employer is not liable to him. Writing emails defending your rights to the money you earn is useless. Deadlines, time pressure and other "entertainment" can suck in so much that you completely break away from reality. Reality will remain uncleaned, unnourished, unwashed and unredeemed. 8 ways to get money without working.

7. Writing abstracts and term papers

What you need: a computer, Internet access, a set of office equipment (printer, scanner), a stock of A4 paper, a stock of stationery (folders, paper clips, etc.), teaching aids.

First option: you yourself master complex subjects and exact sciences. Do not even hope to go to the "humanitarian aid" - any five-grader is capable of downloading an abstract on literature from the network these days.

Second option: call up "big-headed" acquaintances and put together an intellectual team that will, in fact, pump, draw, write, count, and meanwhile you - look for clients and hand over orders. Many studios think that the work you wrote for money is a pass to student paradise. Explain to the customer that he will have to defend the material in the exam or test, so the scientific work should at least be read.


You do not need to leave home for a long time, orders can be taken by phone, advertisements can be pasted while walking with a child, and customers can come for the "finished product" themselves.


There are a lot of orders during the sessions, but the rest of the time you will have to be bored. Your house can turn into a walk-through yard, as many clients persistently do not understand what privacy and the “nine to six” reception is. Customers still strive to pay less than it was agreed. And also get ready for the fact that work, even the most simple one, sometimes needs to be "brought to mind" for an infinitely long time. In the most severe cases, you even have to return the prepayment.

8. Hand-making

What you need: a supply of good material; a workplace protected from naughty children's hands.

The product put up for sale must give the impression of a thing with a capital letter. Therefore, use quality materials and do not hack. The formula for creating hand-made products that sells well is skill + materials + perfectionism.

You can solder stained-glass windows, make knitted and felted toys. Ceramics, bijouterie, painting on fabric and wood carving go well. If there is a piece of land or at least a free window sill, you can grow pot or garden plants. The Internet will help you navigate what price to ask for your product. Sales market - galleries, gift shops, online stores, thematic communities (forums), etc.


People love knick-knacks and will never stop buying them. So you will always be in business. How can you make money sitting at home with your child for hand-made?


Competition is high, materials are expensive, and it's not easy to sell finished products.

9. Babysitting

What you need: a clean room, the ability to work with babies, specialized education (but this is not necessary).

Another way to make money on maternity leave. You earn money by looking after the children whom your parents bring to your home, or you pick up someone's crumbs from the kindergarten and tinker with them until the dads and moms arrive - it depends on the needs of the customer.


Your own little ones are supervised and in the company, and at the same time you also get money!


If something happens to the accountable children, you bear responsibility, even criminal.

10. Manicure and hairdressing services at home

What you need: a set of tools, an equipped workplace.

If you are a manicure-pedicure master or hairdresser, you can also receive clients at home. Of course, the hairdressing craft requires special training, but you can learn how to do a manicure (pedicure) on your own - for example, with the help of video tutorials downloaded from the Web. It is better to train on cats, that is, on girlfriends. They will advertise for you through word of mouth. The main thing in this business is to follow the rules of hygiene as carefully as possible.


Not a bad income. Clients come home by themselves.


Strangers in the apartment. Increased risk of catching some kind of fungus (your loved ones can also get infected).

11. Network business. Distribution of cosmetics.

What you need: register with a distributor and take catalogs and samples.

It all depends on who you contact: there are companies whose product is selling really well. But in any case, you will have to run, and until you "run" yourself a regular circle of clients, it will not be easy.


If you have already recruited clients or even created your own network, you will not be left without money. Network companies constantly give gifts to their agents, so personally you will not be left without cosmetics either (or what do you undertake to distribute there?). Finally, once and for all, the question “what to give the mother-in-law / educator for her birthday / March 8” is decided once and for all.


The activities of network companies sometimes go beyond the boundaries of the legal field.

In addition, your task is to earn money while sitting at home, and this type of work presupposes the principle of “feeding the wolf”.

12. Visiting focus groups

What you need: come and participate.

How to make money while sitting at home with your child? Look on the Internet for advertisements like “we are recruiting a focus group, payment from 300 to 2000 rubles per hour” or “sociological survey for money” and send a letter with your data to the indicated address. If you fit the organizers in one way or another, you will be invited. Usually a group of 8-10 people is recruited, each of whom is asked questions about a particular product. You take part in the discussion and get paid for it.


A very simple and quite interesting exercise.


As a permanent income, participation in focus groups is not suitable, since the question "What to do with the children?" remains open. In addition, this type of part-time job is relevant only for residents of the capital and the largest cities.

How to make money on maternity leave: results

Working from home means doing what you do best. The main thing is not to try to grab onto the first lesson that comes across: in this case, the result will most likely be far from expectations. The beauty of freelancing is that you can become whoever you want. And it may well turn out that when the time comes to go full-time, you will not want to.

How to make money for a housewife: the benefits of working from home + a detailed description of 5 easy ways to make money via the Internet + 5 ideas how you can make money with special skills + 6 ways to make money with an investment.

Many housewives are thinking about an additional source of income, so as not to depend only on the husband's salary, while one that would allow them to have enough free time to take care of children and the house.

There are a huge number of ways to get money without visiting a permanent place of work. In this article, we will talk about how to make money for a housewife.

But first, you should evaluate the main benefits of working from home for housewives and not only:

  • The ability to earn extra money for yourself, financial independence from your husband.
  • Self-realization and development.
  • Working from home allows you to plan your own schedule, in which there is a place for caring for children and home.

Now we will discuss with you the main ways that will allow a housewife to earn money over the Internet at home.

5 ways to make money for a housewife without special skills

On the Internet, you can find a wide range of opportunities to make money for a housewife, even if she does not have special skills, knowledge or experience in a certain field. But it is worth preparing yourself for the fact that such methods will rather bring a small income than be able to cover the family's expenses for a month.

So, let's start our top list of options to make money that won't require any special skills from you.

1) Working with texts for a housewife: how to make money on copywriting and rewriting?

If this is your first time seeing these terms, don't worry, it's not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

For those who are not in the know:

  • Copywriting is a certain subject for money. The topic for the articles is provided by your employer, or you can choose it yourself, if possible.
  • Rewriting is, in simple words, "rewriting" of texts.

If everything is more or less clear with copywriting (it is needed to fill sites, blogs, groups), then why is rewriting necessary?

For example, your employer has a website that needs to be filled in with information. But in order not to reinvent the wheel twice, it goes the easy way: it produces a ready-made text, which you must rewrite in such a way that the result has at least 95% uniqueness.

To do this, you rearrange sentences, change words to synonyms, or slightly supplement the text with new information, tables, graphs.

The main thing in copywriting and rewriting is the high uniqueness of the text, which is checked using online anti-plagiarism programs (for example, here -, It is also imperative to formulate your thoughts competently and coherently.

There are two ways to get employed to make money as a copywriter / rewriter for a housewife:

  1. Directly, communicating directly with the employer.
  2. Through special online exchanges.

In the first case, you receive orders on a certain subject directly, without giving a percentage of your money to the exchange for intermediation. But the disadvantage of such cooperation can be unscrupulous employers who will not pay you what they earned.

In the second case, you work through an intermediary - a copywriting / rewriting exchange, which withdraws part of your money for its services. Thus, you can earn less money for the order, but the guarantees of receiving the payment are much higher.

Exchanges that housewives can use to find work

NameHow can you make money?
1. Advego.ruAn easy-to-use exchange that is suitable for housewives with no previous experience in copywriting. Also, the resource provides the ability to check for plagiarism and perform SEO analysis of written texts. What's nice - absolutely free.
2. EtxtContains orders for both professionals and beginners (that's why it's a good option for housewives).
3. TextsaleAllows you not only to search for copywriting orders, but also to sell ready-made texts.
4. ContentMonsterMore suitable for housewives with copywriting experience. To gain access to orders for money, you must pass a test of knowledge of the Russian language. Thus, the exchange selects competent copywriters.

These efforts will pay off a hundredfold, since you can make more money on this site than they offer on other resources.

Where to start for a housewife to make money? (on the example of the website

If you have ready-made texts, and you are interested in finding a buyer to make money selling, select "Sell article". But to do this, you need to first receive money for the completed 10 orders (hint - take the simplest ones, like "like the link").

2) Opportunity to make money for a housewife from comments.

Many companies are willing to pay for comments from users. Why not take this opportunity to make some extra money?

Why do customers need it?

The presence of comments on the site is beneficial for several reasons:

  • First, the presence of fresh comments indicates the activity of the site.
  • Secondly, it promotes the interest of potential buyers.

When writing a comment, you must remember that it should not be too long and difficult to read. The most optimal size of a note is from 500 to 1000 characters. Not more!

In the text, you need to describe in detail the product or services that you used. Don't try to over-praise, as this will only scare away readers. Try to uncover both the positive and negative aspects of the product.

Do not copy comments from other users from similar sites or groups on social networks. After all, on posts with a low degree of uniqueness, you will not be able to earn any money! In order to check your work for uniqueness, use the free online resource

Resources where a housewife can make money from comments

1. QComment.ruTo search for a job on the exchange, you need to complete a test task, which implies writing a text of at least 500 characters. It is important to do this without errors and with a uniqueness of at least 85%. Your income will depend on the volume of the comment and the presence of registration on the site where it will be published.
2. Advego.ruAllows housewives to search for comment writing jobs in different subject categories. The price of one text, on average, is estimated at 25-110 rubles per 1000 characters.
3. TuTux.ruSpecializes in user reviews of products, various kinds of services, etc. Reviews with product photos are rated higher, but the main requirement is your authorship of the photo materials.
4. ForumokAllows you to make money on comments, creating polls and composing topics on the forums. Has an affiliate program that offers 25% of the income of your referred friend.

3) Watching videos for money, as a method to make money for a housewife.

This method is perfect for a housewife, since it does not require a lot of time, and to be credited with watching a video, you do not have to really sit and watch it. You just need to start the show.

To make money watching video files, you need to register on one of the specialized exchanges.

Resources that give opportunity for money

1. VKTarget.ruFree registration. The site has an affiliate program, according to which you can earn bonus money - a percentage of the profit of each friend you invite.
To withdraw money, the services Yandex.Money, Qiwi, WebMoney are used.
2. VizonaAllows you to make money on short videos (no longer than 30 seconds). Withdrawals are made to WebMoney.
3. VeedOKAn easy-to-use resource that provides an opportunity to make money by watching short comic videos.
4. LikesRockIn order to earn money, you need to install the free program "LikesRockClient", through which you will be credited views.

It is important that the payment of the money earned is carried out in euros. You can transfer income to PayPal, Payeer and Advcash services.

4) How to make money from likes, reposts, subscriptions to a housewife?

The social network VKontakte is very popular on the territory of the CIS countries. It is this platform that boasts the largest number of unique visitors per month - over 7 million! By the way, housewives, who form an active category of users, make a big contribution to the development of VKontakte.

Websites to make money on social media

1. LikesRockWith the help of this resource, a housewife will be able to make money not only on VKontakte, but also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, Telegram, Pinterest.

In addition to income from likes, there is also an affiliate program, under which you can earn up to 20% of the profit of each referral you invite.

Money for each completed task will be credited to the Web-wallet in euros.

To work, you need to install the LikesRockClient program from the site. It is through it that all the likes you put will be counted, for which you can earn.

2. SMMOKIt has a fixed starting price of services, so all earnings offers start from the minimum specified amount, and in no case are evaluated below the specified line.
3. V-likeThe average cost of a like is 10 kopecks, a community subscription is estimated at 20 kopecks. There is an affiliate program, according to which you can earn up to 10% of the profits of your invited friends.
4. SocialToolsThe site has a simple registration. Money for completed tasks is transferred to the Web-money or Yandex. Money.

5) A way to make money for a housewife by entering captcha.

Captcha are graphic symbols that are used to control security, for example, when entering a personal page, transferring money, downloading files, etc.

Since the symbols are shown in the picture, the captcha input process cannot be automated. That is why there is a demand for doing this simple job for money. The cost depends on the selected site and on the complexity of the codes. As a rule, little money is only 10-15 kopecks.

Exchanges where housewives can make money by entering captcha

1. RuCaptchaThe user-friendly interface of the site will allow the housewife to quickly start earning money. The site has a bonus system for recognizing complex captchas.
2. 2captchaThe price of one captcha is 1-3 kopecks, the money is withdrawn to online payment systems (WebMoney, PayPal or Payza).
3. SocialinkOn this resource, you are given 30 seconds to solve the captcha. Each time a new code appears, you can customize the sound signal.
4. MegaTypersAmerican website for anti-capturing. Money is transferred to the web wallet every Monday.

5 Ways To Make Money Online For A Housewife With Special Skills And Knowledge

Are you a housewife with Photoshop skills or college education? Have you worked in IT before? Then, among the following opportunities to make money, you will undoubtedly find a suitable option for yourself.

With special skills, you can make money with:

  • Online lessons via Skype.
  • Editing photos in Photoshop or creating web designs.
  • Drawing up individual business plans.
  • Translations of texts and books.
  • Preparation of term papers and abstracts.

1) How to make money for a housewife using Skype online classes?

If, before becoming a housewife, you received a pedagogical or other higher education, you can safely start looking for interested students in order to realize the opportunity to earn money on tutoring!

Housewives should use the following resources to find students:

  • "Your tutor" (
  • "PROFI.RU" (
  • "Preply" (
  • Frititchers (

Students can be taken at home or taught online. As a rule, the cost of a lesson does not change much from this.

The amount that you, as a teacher, will require for one lesson depends on your level of training, education, work experience, ability to teach in foreign languages ​​and experience in preparing students for exams.

When you are a teacher and a housewife in one person, your classes will not be rigidly tied to the short period of free time that usually working people have (for example, on weekdays from 19.00 to 20.00). Therefore, your freer schedule will look very tempting in the eyes of potential students.

Teachers of mathematics and foreign languages ​​are in high demand: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian.

How to start making money on the example of the PROFI.RU website

2) Opportunity to earn money for a housewife by editing photos and creating web designs.

If you are a master of Photoshop, you can make money from professional photo retouching, creating avatars and menus for social media groups, and designing websites.

In addition, many companies are looking for graphic designers who can work remotely from home and create banner ads, logos, ads, and more.

To find clients, housewives can use:

3) Drawing up individual business plans as a way to make money remotely for a housewife.

This item will appeal to those housewives who are familiar with the main concepts of economic theory, and also had experience in business.

A business plan is a detailed diagram of how a new venture should be organized.

Do you know how to compose them? This is a great money making opportunity!

You need to immediately outline the fact that it will not be easy to find a customer who is ready to purchase your business plan. This is due to the fact that there are many crooks on the Internet who, having no idea about starting a business, make up incorrect business plans for money, doomed to failure.

In the plan, you need to take into account literally everything:

  • How much money do you need to spend on opening and registering a company?
  • How many clients can a company theoretically earn in the first month of operation? For the first year of work?
  • Where to find suppliers?
  • What advertising methods will be most effective in this market segment and much more ...

To make money on business plans, it is worth partnering with consulting companies that research the market and plan the structure of new business ventures. An alternative option is to look for a business planning job on exchanges for freelancers.

Try submitting your resume to the following companies, or try partnering with such freelance services:

4) How to make money for a housewife on text translations?

Do you have a philological education, a diploma on the successful completion of foreign language courses? Or have you spent part of your life abroad? Then this area of ​​employment will appeal to you and will allow you to make good money!

For women who temporarily or permanently decide to acquire the status of a housewife, this one is good because it allows them not to lose professional skills and knowledge while at home.

Main requirements for a translator

Housewives can make money from transfers in several ways:

  • First, you can find an advertisement on the internet for the translation of small texts. These are one-off orders that will require a minimal investment of time, but will not bring much benefit. The list of sites on which housewives will find an opportunity to earn money is in the table below.
  • Secondly, you can start online cooperation with one of the publishers. You have to translate both stories and entire books.

Publishing orders are more labor intensive and require a lot of effort and time. But for completing such tasks, you can earn many times more money than for small translations of texts on the Internet.

How much can a housewife earn working with text translations? It all depends not so much on the amount of work that you can do, as on the target language.

For example, the cheapest translations are from English, German and French (500-600 rubles per 1000 characters including spaces). You can earn much more money on transfers to Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Greek, Danish (1200 rubles). Among the eastern group of languages, the most profitable are Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Farsi and Hindi (1400 rubles).

Websites to make money from text translations

1. LitteraThe site specializes in the translation of technical and scientific texts. The most popular languages ​​for translation are English, German, French and Japanese.

To consider a candidate for a vacancy, a housewife needs to send a resume and examples of her texts. It is obligatory to have higher education and work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year.

2. City of translatorsIn the corresponding section, you can search for proposals for translating texts for money. To do this, you do not need to register on the site. It is enough to contact the interested employer directly by e-mail.
3. TelejobThe exchange is more like a bulletin board where you can choose the type of work and start looking for the most profitable and interesting orders for you. There are often texts in English, German and Chinese.
4. AdvegoAfter a quick registration with your social network account, you can start looking for money transfer offers. The minimum price per 1000 characters excluding spaces is 35 cents, the average text price is $ 1.8 per 1000 characters.

5) Writing term papers and essays for money as a form of income for a housewife.

To make money writing essays, term papers and theses, you will need a university degree or work experience in the right field. The highest demand is for coursework and essays on economics and natural sciences. The cost of the work starts from 3,000 rubles.

The downside of this way of making money is that, as a rule, tasks need to be completed in short lines. There is also an argument "against" - the number of orders is unevenly distributed throughout the year.

If this does not bother you, you will find the opportunity to make money on such sites:

  • "Zaochnik" (
  • "YouDo" (
  • "BeSmarter!" (
  • "Work5" (

6 Ways To Make Money With An Investment For A Housewife

Are you a brave housewife ready to meet the challenges of fate? Then why not get involved in a business that requires a start-up investment? The amount of initial capital you need will depend on the type of business.

So, there are several ways in which you can make money, but they will require an initial investment:

  • Opening your own online store.
  • Sale of culinary products.
  • Sewing at home.
  • Distribution of cosmetics and home care products.
  • Introduction of a photo or video blog.
  • Provision of services of a hairdresser, masseur, beautician, make-up artist or manicure master at home.

1) How to make money for a housewife on her own online store?

The Internet market is growing rapidly.

This is due to several factors:

  • increasing the availability of the Internet;
  • convenience of online shopping;
  • in some cases - lower prices;
  • and, of course, a large assortment of goods.

Therefore, opening your own online store is a great way to make money for a housewife, but there are several "buts"! You should be prepared to devote a lot of free time to the store. In addition, even online, it will require significant cash costs and official registration with tax structures.

If you are ready to make such sacrifices and have enough money to implement this idea, then you should choose the segment of goods that you will present to your customers.

  • Household appliances and electronics.
  • Clothes and footwear.
  • Auto parts.
  • Household products.
  • Children's things, toys.
  • Construction Materials.
  • Cosmetics and perfumery.

Accordingly, it is easier and more profitable to earn on them. The ratings of sales of medicines, flowers, accessories and pet supplies are much lower.

In the start-up capital, you need to lay the amount of money that will be needed to register a business, create a website and organize its work, rent premises for a warehouse of goods and hire an office manager. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of the initial purchase of goods and advertising.

An approximate list of costs for a housewife to open an online store

Cost category Cost, rub.
Total:From 85,000 rubles
Business registration7 000-12 000
Rent of premises for office / warehouse1800-3500 rubles per 1 m2 (in Moscow)
Organization of the siteRUB 3000 / month
Computer desk6 530
Computer chair4 890
Notebook13 990
a printer13 200
Cash register16 200
Initial purchase of goodsThe cost depends on the category of goods that you plan to sell

It is unlikely that you will be able to earn much in the first few months after opening, because the store needs time to correct working aspects and build a permanent customer base. However, with proper management, this business has great potential for development.

2) How to make money for a housewife selling culinary products?

For a housewife with culinary skills, it is a good idea to make money selling culinary products. This type of activity is relatively new in the service market, but it is developing at a rapid pace.

First, you need to select a product category and determine the assortment for trading on which you plan to make money (for example, cakes, pastries, pickles, salads, roasts, etc.)

To search for customers who are ready to buy dishes from you for money, create your own, since it is such platforms that allow you to directly and conveniently communicate with customers online, and share the latest news. Moreover, it's free (if you don't use paid promotion).

The housewife will need the initial money capital for advertising, the purchase of goods, special equipment (if needed) and the payment of utilities (gas, water and electricity costs for cooking).

What does a housewife have to buy to make money on sweets?

Waste category price, rub.
Total:from 6000 rubles
Gel dye (21g) 200
Cocoa powder
(1 kg)
Cocoa butter (3 kg)3299
Cake packaging (30/30/19 cm)45-60
Pastry scissors 149
Cream syringe with attachments 142
Confectionery beads (30 g) 39
Wooden rolling pin160
Cake topper225
Pallet 140-350
Metal form295-940

Prepare meals only as soon as you order, otherwise there is a risk that they will spoil before you find potential buyers.

3) Sewing at home as a way to make money for a housewife.

For a housewife, working at home as a seamstress can be a source of good income. Of course, only for those who know how to sew.

Girlfriends may become the first clients of a housewife. Ask and they will tell relatives, colleagues and friends about the familiar craftswoman. Thus, you can easily "acquire" customers and have a consistently large number of orders.

In the start-up capital, the housewife will have to build on the costs of buying sewing supplies, fabrics, a good iron, ironing boards and other things.

Table of approximate investments to make money on sewing

ProductPictureCost, rub.
Total:from 10,000 rubles
Pins (125 pcs.) 120
Sewing machine needle 50-80
Sewing machine6 700-22 250
Sewing thread (200 m) 26-35
Tailor's scissors (250 mm)305-399
Ripper 36-68
Metal zipper (16 cm)93-120
Trouser tape 0.30-0.49 rub / cm
Satin ribbon (5.4 m)33-67

4) Opportunity to earn money for a housewife selling cosmetics and household goods.

We must warn you right away: this method will not give you a lot of money. At least at first.

In order to earn even a small amount of 500-600 rubles from each order in network marketing, a housewife will need at least 10 regular customers who will consistently place orders for an amount of 400 rubles and more.

However, a number of cosmetic companies offer the job of distributing cosmetics to everyone. This kind of work is perfect for a housewife who wants to make money.

A housewife should look for conditions on how to earn money on the website of the company that interested her:

  • "Avon" (
  • "Oriflame" (
  • "Faberlic" (
  • "Amway" (
  • "Mary Kay" (

How to make money as a representative (for example, Avon)?

If a housewife wants to make money at the representative office of a cosmetic company, the start-up money capital will include the cost of purchasing products, samples and catalogs:

Cost categoryPictureprice, rub.
Total:from 600 rubles
Catalog 49
Brand package 11-29
Probe organizer199
Palette for varnishes 199

5) The way to make money for a housewife is on a personal blog.

Blogs come to the rescue when we need advice, help or positive emotions. They tell us stories from other people's experiences.

Perhaps, it is on your example that someone will learn to cook, take proper care of themselves or their families, reach the heights in organizing their own workspace!

Among the most popular (and, accordingly, you can earn more from them) topics for the blog:

  • Beauty trends and cosmetic novelties.
  • Unpacking goods.
  • Fashion & Style.
  • Correct organization of food, culinary blogs.
  • Organization of time and personal space.
  • Skin, nail and hair care.

But starting a blog to make money is not as easy as it might seem at first. Promotion requires high-quality content, interesting materials, professional pictures and the ability to edit video files.

How can housewives who decide to become bloggers make money? Of course, on advertising! Popular pages attract the attention of advertisers who are willing to pay decent money to promote their product on a photo or video blog.

Want to hear tips from an experienced blogger?

Then you should watch this video about creating a YouTube channel:

6) Work in the field of beauty and services for a housewife.

In order to earn money by providing professional care services (working as a hairdresser, masseuse, beautician, make-up artist or manicurist), you must complete special courses and purchase the necessary equipment.

The most expensive ideas for a housewife to make money are cosmetology and massage. Indeed, to work at home, you need to fully equip the office for the procedures.

The average level of high cost of organizing a business for a housewife is working as a hairdresser and make-up artist. The main expense item is hair care products, scissors for a haircut, a hairdryer, curling irons (for a hairdresser), and cosmetics for the skin and body, brushes, airbrushes (for a make-up artist).

The most economical option for housewives on a budget is to make money as a nail artist. In this case, you will need disinfectants, manicure tools (scissors, buffs, nail files, nippers), varnishes, a special lamp (in the case of working with gel polish).

To earn your first money, you first need to advertise yourself and your services. The following sites will help the housewife in this:

  • "YouDo" (

So, in summary, let's briefly outline the main pros and cons of each of the above ways to make money for a housewife:

Way to make moneyPositive sidesNegative sides
A housewife opens her own online storeHigh profits.
A business that can become a family business.
Requires a lot of capital investment.
Organization of work requires a lot of resources.
If unsuccessful, it can lead to significant monetary debt.
Sale of culinary productsLow costs for products that pay off quickly.
Doing something "to your liking."
Unstable money making (periods of high volume of orders may alternate with weeks of downtime).
Risk of poisoning or allergic reactions from the buyer.
Sewing at homeA profitable business that does not require significant start-up investments.The amount of money earned directly depends on the availability of orders and the number of customers.
In case of damage to the goods, it is necessary to compensate for its value.
Distribution of cosmeticsFree schedule.
Pleasant job of advising clients and selecting cosmetics.
Low earnings.
Blog introductionInteresting job.
Free schedule.
It takes time for promotion, which can take several months or even years.
Providing home care servicesThe acquired skills can be used in everyday life.
If successful, the business will provide consistently high earnings.
Special skills and a certificate of completion are required.
Money will be required to purchase equipment.
Problems finding clients.

In this article, we examined the question of how to make money for a housewife. After all, even sitting at home, you can use your talents and skills to generate stable cash income.

  • Making money online - stereotypes and myths
  • The Internet is the engine of progress
  • Interesting Home Business Ideas
  • Breeding pets
  • Hand made
  • Preschool development
  • Shopping, reselling clothes
  • Beaten up earning options

The word business is associated with a busy work schedule that leaves no time for household chores and family, so there is an opinion that a housewife cannot master this type of activity. This has long been a stereotype, today you can earn money without leaving your home, and the household with your family will not become a hindrance. In this article, we will consider all business options for housewives, so that the readers of the site https: // site / can find the right option for themselves!

Making money online - stereotypes and myths

Modern generators of business ideas put all their hopes on the Internet. They believe that even a schoolboy and a housewife can make money online. In theory, this is indeed possible, but practice shows that make money on the Internet not so simple and requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • Online business should be fun;
  • It is necessary to effectively organize your free time - to turn it into work time. Outside of official work, where it is necessary to follow the daily routine, this is quite difficult to do;
  • Striving for self-education. It will not be possible to earn even small money right away, this is preceded by the process of obtaining specific skills and knowledge;
  • Understanding the need to improve skills and business development. This is necessary in order not to be trampled by competitors.

Only this combination of qualities will allow make money while sitting at home with children.

The Internet is the engine of progress

The global network occupies a significant place in the life of a modern person, it is firmly entrenched in everyday life and business, but earnings may not be 100% associated with the World Wide Web. At the same time, the Internet remains a powerful means of promoting goods and services.

Social networks, message boards, thematic portals and forums have become excellent tools with which a housewife is able to declare herself and her capabilities for free. Also, the Internet provides a convenient payment system - electronic payment systems, they make business mobile. Therefore, all options earnings at home to one degree or another connected with the Internet.

In the countryside, you can cultivate decorative flowers for the holidays, such as violets. These beautiful flowers in small pots make real money. The cost of such a presentation is on average 200 rubles per piece. You can sell them yourself or rent them to dealers. But in this case, the cost of flowers will be lower. You can also grow seedlings.

Perhaps you will be interested in: Nail extension as a successful home business

It is quite possible to organize such a business for housewives at home. It is possible to grow flowers on a balcony or loggia, but due to the limited space, profits will also be limited.

Breeding pets

Business can be done on breeding rare breeds of pets. The housewife in this case combines business with pleasure. But this activity is fraught with certain difficulties:

  1. Start-up capital is required - elite animals with pedigree are quite expensive.
  2. Careful and professional animal care is needed.
  3. You should know the peculiarities of caring for the offspring, you also need to be vaccinated.
  4. Animals in the house are a certain kind of problem: torn wallpaper, frayed shoes, wool on clothes. But at the same time, you cannot find the best entertainment for children, because pets often literally become family members. Therefore, this business, in addition to problems, brings pleasure and positive emotions.

In addition, you can exhibit animals at exhibitions in order to obtain titles, which will increase their status, and, accordingly, the cost of offspring.

More details about how to make money on breeding purebred cats, we told in the corresponding article!

Hand made

Hand Made - this phrase opens up access to impressive income. Today, various crafts are in great demand. The reason is exclusive, handmade souvenirs cannot be found in stores. These are truly unique things, not serial stampings. This feature allows you to organize income, which is also suitable for housewives.

This business is perfect for new mothers. In the process of playing with kids, you can develop, come up with new crafts, souvenirs. For example, sculpt a model from plasticine, and then translate it into other materials.

Preschool development

You can make money on tutoring, or rather the development of preschoolers. A housewife in her free time deals with children, solves logic puzzles with them, learns numbers and letters, tongue twisters, poems, draws. Child development tutors are in demand both in the capital and in the provinces. Perhaps you will be interested in: How to start a knitting business at home?

Shopping, reselling clothes

Today, the resale of things over the Internet is very popular. There are many specialized online sites for this. Such earnings do not imply the creation of your own portal, and, accordingly, saves time and money. A housewife in this case can turn shopping into an easy business. It is enough to take a picture and post a thing with a description on the portal.

In Second Hand stores, branded items are bought for a penny and are resold at a higher price via the Internet. This business requires only one thing - to understand things. Children's and women's clothing is in high demand, followed by footwear and outerwear. You can also try make money selling Chinese things... Today this is a fairly relevant business idea, although not new.

A housewife is considered to be a woman who is not employed, but is supported by her spouse, and at the same time fully devotes herself to maintaining cleanliness in the house, cooking, caring for children and other family matters. But bustling around the house and doing the same routine work every day, creating coziness and comfort for household members is not the most rewarding thing. Why not try to diversify your everyday life and realize yourself in something new, interesting and at the same time useful and profitable? Consider business ideas for housewives that are realistic and easy to implement.

Business for housewives: handicraft

Hand-made items are always valued much higher than mass-produced factory goods, be they wardrobe items, women's jewelry or children's toys. In order to start making money on handicrafts, it is not at all necessary to complete special courses and obtain qualifications. based on creativity, you can scoop from the Internet, there are also many sites that contain step-by-step instructions and master classes, and most of them are free. Therefore, even if you do not know how to do something, do not be afraid to try and get down to business more boldly.

The team of the World of Business website recommends that all readers take the Lazy Investor Course, in which you will learn how to put things in order in your personal finances and learn how to get passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency). The first week of training is free! Register for a free week of training

Handbags for women

The bag is an essential accessory for any lady. What, no matter how a new handbag, can cheer up a woman and make her happier? Especially if it is a handmade item made of high quality natural materials and, at the same time, practical and comfortable. If you believe the statistics of key queries from one of the popular search engines, then every month in Russia more than 400,000 people are looking for information on the topic "buy a bag".

Meanwhile, to organize such a business for housewives does not require too much investment. At the very beginning, you can even do without a professional sewing machine (an ordinary household one will be enough). Designer handbags are usually made of genuine leather, suede, husky, velor. In addition, you will need high-quality accessories and decorative elements (beads, knitted flowers, tassels, pendants, leather appliques, etc.). You will have to spend money on the purchase of raw materials and advertising. You can sell such products both personally, starting with friends and acquaintances, and on the Internet using your own one-page website (see) or a group on social networks.

Candy stand

It is appropriate to try yourself in this business on the eve of romantic holidays, especially Valentine's Day or Women's Day on March 8th. Now you won't surprise anyone with an ordinary bouquet of flowers, but if you add beautifully decorated chocolates to the flower arrangement, it will turn out to be very original, and most importantly - also delicious! Anyone will like such a gift and will be remembered for a long time.

If you think that such pictorial edible creations are difficult to make on your own, then you are mistaken. To learn how to make them, you need to be careful and have good taste. Materials that are most often used in candy flower floristry:

  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • decorative ribbons, bows and lace;
  • beads and rhinestones;
  • paper filler;
  • wire, molds, skewers and stamens for bouquets;
  • mesh and packing material, etc.

Even if there are no retail outlets in your city where you can buy all this, use the offers of online stores with delivery in Russia. The cost of one such bouquet is on average 250-300 rubles, and the selling price starts at 700 rubles. The benefits are clear. Therefore, if you do not know what to do for a housewife to make money, pay your attention to this idea, study the prices for similar products in your region, look for the necessary materials at the most favorable cost, watch a few video tutorials and go for it!

Scrapbooking as a business idea

Continuing the theme of gifts, I would like to bring to your attention one more original idea. Surely every girl in her childhood had something like a scrapbook, where beautiful photographs, interesting magazine notes, memorabilia were pasted. Today, such albums, or rather, their improved versions, are in great demand, and not only among children. Themes for the design of scrapbook (literally - a book for scrapbooks) are:

  • weddings;
  • travels;
  • birth of a child;
  • kindergarten / school;
  • love story, etc.

To make such albums on your own, you need to master the most common scrapbooking techniques, study what materials and tools are best to use, view finished works, and it is also advisable to acquire Photoshop skills. When creating your first albums, do not be afraid to experiment, bring personality and do not forget to photograph everything, because you will definitely need a portfolio to get clients. You can offer your work to friends and acquaintances, Internet users, as well as shops and shops selling souvenir products.

Production of semi-finished products

This idea is perfect for residents of large and medium-sized cities, where the fast pace of life and lack of free time push people to often buy ready-to-eat foods and convenience foods that can be prepared quickly and easily.

The most demanded are:

  • dumplings with minced pork and beef (see) and dumplings with various fillings;
  • cutlets and zrazy;
  • pancakes stuffed with different fillings;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • Pizza.

Important! Certain conditions are required for the storage of these products. So, frozen semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature of no more than -12 degrees Celsius for no longer than 8 months, chilled - at a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees, but no more than 1 day.

Therefore, in order for a housewife to earn money on the production of semi-finished products, she will have to purchase equipment such as a freezer. The rest of the costs will be mainly related to the purchase of raw materials and ingredients. As for income, on average, such a business within a home format is able to bring in 15-20 thousand rubles a month, depending on the intensity of production and the number of customers (buyers).

Entrepreneurial Ideas in Children's Services

How to make money for a housewife sitting at home with children? Quite simply: if you have experience in raising children, the skills of proper care for them, you can find several options for earning money at home, and your own kids will not be a hindrance to this at all.

Maternity website

What does a modern mother do if she does not know how to properly start complementary foods? If suddenly the child has a slight rash? If you can't wean your baby from a dummy? If the child cannot get used to the pot? A modern mother, of course, will ask a pediatrician for advice, but besides that, she will raise a lot of information on the Internet in order to find answers to all questions of interest.

Take advantage of the current trend and create your website (page, blog, Youtube channel), through which you can conduct consultations, post thematic videos, talk about personal experience, answer questions, etc. Fill your resource with interesting materials, consult with experts about its promotion. If you manage to make the site popular and visited, it will be able to bring you constant income through advertising, affiliate programs and other tricks.


Of course, not every woman will be able to look after other people's children, feed them and entertain them on the territory of their own home. However, if your own and others' children are in the same age category, this greatly simplifies the task. And they pay decently for such services: at least 100 rubles. in 1 hour. And if, at the same time, you are also engaged with the child (for example, learning English, drawing, etc.), then the payment can increase up to two times - the parents appreciate it.

If you have at least a secondary medical education, you can complete the courses of children's massage, receive the appropriate certificate and start earning by opening your small office at home. The cost of training is about 20,000 rubles. for 100 academic hours.

Hello, dear readers and especially the readers of the First Moneymaker.

It's not just that today I singled out women in my greetings - the article is dedicated to them and aims to smash the bored stereotype that a housewife is only busy making borscht and watching boring serials.

Not all modern women, who for some reason have lost their jobs, are ready to devote themselves to the kitchen and diapers - work for housewives involves more than just serving the family as a cook and laundress. A woman, if desired, can find a little time for and assert herself as a breadwinner. Indeed, for many housewives it is very important to be confident in their own financial independence.

For the sake of justice, I must note that you will not be able to make huge money on the Internet right away. For this, firstly, time is needed, which housewives are sorely lacking. Secondly, experience, the deficit of which is also very noticeable.

Therefore, I propose to start small - performing the simplest tasks (you can get them from customers on stock exchanges, simple instructions on how to do this), reselling clothes via the Internet or selling your own products if you are engaged in needlework, growing plants or cooking.

Any work for housewives at home can bring income if you take it seriously and finally break away from the stereotype that a woman's responsibilities include only washing, ironing, cooking and cleaning. Well, plus five to ten points.

I, as a male representative, would advise women to focus more on the options for earning money on the Internet - this, in my opinion, is much easier than pulling on all these everyday processes.

You ask: who will do all this if I start an Internet business?

The answer is your personal housekeeper who you can hire when you get rich.

2. Basic conditions for making money on the Internet

Before you know , how to make money for a housewife at home, pay attention to the important conditions necessary so that the work purchased online does not become another obligation. Indeed, in the modern world, you can easily do your job based on your favorite hobby. But we should not forget that by doing any activity on the Internet, you take on additional responsibilities.

  1. The job should be easy to get and enjoyable - so choose directions in which you have experience.
  2. Make the most of your free time - turn it into work. At the same time, keep in mind that it is very difficult to follow a strict routine on your own, you need strict self-discipline.
  3. Pay more attention to self-education and obtaining specific skills necessary for working on the Internet - without this, it is impossible to earn a lot.
  4. Constantly improve your skills, develop your own competitiveness.

3. Business mom, how to make money for a housewife with children

In the life of almost every woman there comes a moment when she is forced to spend a certain amount of time at home, taking care of her little children. For many mothers, this period becomes a turning point - one cannot say that women are bored on maternity leave, but they are sure to look for something to do for themselves that would save them from isolation in the family, focus on household duties.

And the first thing that any woman escapes from standard housework is her hobby. If you have something to do for your soul, then you don't even have to look for options. , how to make money for a housewife - your hobby will help you fill your family budget.

  • Sewing will allow you to earn money by selling your own models of clothes, upholstered furniture covers, window curtains.
  • Knitting a very expensive hobby (in the sense that knitted items have always been dearly valued).
  • Cooking - a two-kilogram cake decorated with original figurines made of mastic costs 1400-2000 rubles, the consumer also appreciates homemade pies, buns, cookies. All products can be sold online or prepared to order.
  • Making soap is a great way to develop your creative design skills and a specific answer to the question of what a housewife can do to make money. Original handmade soap made from natural ingredients is number one in the list of gifts. The price of a bar is from 270 rubles. It can be more expensive - depending on weight and packaging.
  • Felting from wool is an opportunity to create rustic shoes and cute toys, and stylish bags, and wardrobe items (skirts) that are familiar from time immemorial. Such things are very popular among connoisseurs, especially if felt boots are not boring, printed, or give them an unusual shape, and toys - "alive". The approximate price of one product is from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • Jewelry making - earrings, pendants and brooches can be made from anything, the main thing is that they are unusual, do not repeat many existing models. Depending on the material, the complexity of the work and originality, one piece of jewelry can cost from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Hand-made is the key to an impressive income. Handicrafts have been highly valued at all times for their uniqueness. Even similar crafts (from the same series) cannot be called soulless stampings. Therefore, the trend towards an increase in the popularity of hand-made has lasted for years, and the main feature of hand-made products (uniqueness) allows you to organize an income that is suitable for housewives.

4. Work on the Internet in a specialty

Each housewife at one time received an appropriate education and, perhaps, even worked in her specialty. And now is the time to take advantage of the profession. There are many offers on the Internet for journalists, photographers, designers, and IT specialists. Both accountants and teachers can remotely engage in professional activities in modern conditions.

  1. Copywriting - writing texts for websites. You write articles and posts on order or for sale, work through the exchange or directly with the customer. Earnings depend on the level of complexity of tasks, the volume of orders and the time devoted to work. On average, a copywriter earns 5,000 - 30,000 rubles a month.
  2. Designer for the development of a new design for websites, webmasters are ready to pay from 5,000 for the main page and from 1,000 rubles for each internal page.
  3. Photographer - by constantly posting your high-quality work in a photo bank, you can earn $ 20 a day (one photo is sold several times), in order to increase your earnings to $ 100 a day, you must post at least 1,000 images. Photographers with a portfolio of several thousand works earn about $ 20,000 a month. The figure is impressive, but a beginner still needs to grow up to it professionally. Although this solution is mutely not suitable for solving the problem of how to make money for a housewife while sitting at home - just sitting in one place will not work. But it’s such a fun job that it’s worth sacrificing cleaning and cooking for it.
  4. Tutoring if you have a pedagogical education and a talent for communicating with children, you can earn remotely by organizing developing Skype lessons for preschoolers and first graders, and preparatory video courses for graduates.
  5. , the organization of joint purchases - to buy quality items in bulk on the stock, and then resell them in the social. networks is a great option for a housewife to make money on the Internet. Items for women's and children's wardrobe and accessories are in great demand. The main thing in this business is to understand brands.
  6. Another similar way is to initiate joint purchases, gather a group of buyers and take a reward in the amount of 20-25% of the cost of the goods. The main thing in this type of earnings is initiative and organizational skills, you can easily in any of the social. networks and collect more than a dozen, or even a hundred people who want to save money on purchases. No start-up capital is needed. According to experts, this is one of the best types of work on the Internet for housewives without investment.

5. Where does this study? Where to begin?

Surely this article is read by a considerable number of newcomers who are not at all "boom-boom" in the topic of making money online. I am sure that some of the readers have heard about most of the methods for the first time and now you have an overabundance of information in your head. This is good, it should be so, at least when I first started, I had just such a situation.

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