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  • Additional characteristics of goods in 1s 8 3. Keeping records of items by characteristics

Additional characteristics of goods in 1s 8 3. Keeping records of items by characteristics

What is an item characteristic? This property can be color, size, or some other addition. Consider filling in the characteristics of a stock item in 1C: Trade Management 11.3. First, you need to check the activity of this setting. Go to the menu tab "NSI and administration", section "Configuring system parameters" and select "Nomenclature":

We open the item "Accounting aspects" and check the presence of a check mark next to the parameter "Item characteristics":

The item was ticked off. Now we go back to the tab "NSI and administration" and select "General settings":

Here we open the item "Additional details and information" and check if there is a tick next to "Details and information with a general list of values":

Checked, noted. Now go to the menu tab "NSI and administration", section "NSI" and open the reference book "Nomenclature". Let's say we plan to sell garments. Create a new group "Clothes". And there is a subgroup in it, for example, "Children's shoes".

Immediately, we draw your attention to the fact that the previously created and existing nomenclature was not recorded by characteristics. Now this parameter is required for a more precise definition. First you need to modify the display of the stock list.

Find the gear icon on the right and select "Navigation by views and properties":

Instead of the item "Nomenclature hierarchy", the "Types and properties" setting appears at the top:

Click the "Properties" setting. Below in the "View" field, select "Show all":

The "Nomenclature types" window opens. We mark the "Product" and by clicking the right mouse button select the item "Change":

Go to the setting of the "Product" group. Here you need to activate the item "Characteristics". To do this, press the "More" button and select "Allow editing of details". After that, the "Unlocking details" window will open, where you need to put a checkmark on all parameters and press the "Allow" button.

Now we put a tick next to the item "Characteristics" and in the field select the parameter "Individual for the nomenclature":

Be sure to click "Write". Go to the section on the left "Additional details". Above the field on the right "Attributes of characteristics", press the "Add" button and select the item "New for the view":

We get into the "Additional props" setting. It is necessary to indicate the name of the attribute, for example, "Color" and write it down. After that, the name of the setting will change:

Go to the "Value" tab and through the "Create" button add color characteristics - white, green and others as needed. Then we press “Save and close” and see that the created parameter has appeared in the field on the right “Attributes of characteristics”:

In the same way, through the "Add" button, create, for example, the "Size" parameter. Since the shoes will be for children, we add the corresponding size range - 29,30, 32 and others:

Now there are two parameters in the attributes of characteristics:

If this product is characterized by some other parameters, you can add them too. For further correct design (for example, display in printed form), go to the tab on the left "Name templates". Here you need the item "Working title":

    Available requisites - here you need to select the type of requisite. In this case, the display order is determined by the selection sequence;

    Operators and functions - here the item "Separators" is of interest. That is, how the details selected in the previous window will be divided;

    The field below will display what we select in the previous fields.

Let's take a closer look. Let's say you want the color to appear after the name of the product, and then the size. To do this, find the "Color" attribute in the left field, click twice, and this inscription appears in the lower field. Now you need to choose how the details will be separated from each other. In the right field, we find the "Separators", expand and select from the list what fits: comma, forward slash or dash, etc. Select by double clicking. The parameter appears in the lower field. Then, in the same way, double-click on the "Size" property in the left field. Below is the formula:

If this field is not there, then you need to press the button on the right "Show all". Click "Save and Close".

Notice that a small black triangle appears to the left of the newly created item in the item list. This means that performance is recorded.

Now let's make a purchase of this product. Go to the menu tab "Purchases", "Orders to suppliers". We place an order in the usual way and proceed to the selection of goods. We find in the nomenclature "Moccasins for children" and open it. We find ourselves in the section of product characteristics, which has not yet been filled out. Then press the button "Create characteristic":

The "New Feature Registration Wizard" window will open. Suppose you need to purchase “Children's moccasins” 20 pieces of white, size 32 and 15 pieces of green, size 29.

The item already reflects the name. We fill in the following fields in order:

    Color - choose from the requisites;

    Size - we also choose from the requisites;

    Working name - to be filled in by pressing the key at the end of the field "Fill in by template";

    The name for printing is the same, by pressing the "Fill by template" button.

We indicate this data, click "OK", and the product is transferred to the bottom field. Similarly, we fill in the characteristics for the next product. Then we transfer everything to the order:

We carry out, form payment, arrive and set prices in a standard way. You can check the receipt through the "List of goods in warehouses":

The product is ready for sale. You can generate an implementation without a sales order directly from the Sales Documents magazine. All fillings take place in the usual way.

Let's pay attention to the selection of goods. In the reference book of the nomenclature for the product "Moccasins for children" the total quantity is reflected without dividing by color and size.

And when you click, you can view the quantity, cost and availability in the warehouse for the selected characteristics.

In whatever field of activity you work, you may need the ability to write a testimonial at any time. You do not need to be a professional psychologist to do this, but observation and impartiality are necessary. A good profile is always factual, logical, and tailored to the purpose of the request. Let's consider how to write a characteristic correctly.

The characteristic, like any official document, has a clear structure. Although there are no uniform requirements dictated by law for registration, there is a mandatory list of items that must be indicated in the document. So, any official report contains a heading, body, date and signature. The cap of the characteristics contains the name, the outgoing number, the date of compilation. The information about the compiler is indicated here: the name of the company or other institution issuing the characteristics of the body, legal address, contact information.

Further, in the middle, the name of the document "Characteristics" is written and information about the person is described. The content of this paragraph will vary significantly in different situations and depends on the purpose of the document. So, the characterization of the applicant, when hiring, should foresee his potential as a future employee and make it clear to the management how the candidate meets the tasks assigned to him. But, for example, the guardianship and custody service will be more interested in the actual qualities of the parent and his attitude towards the child, mental stability, the absence or presence of precedents of violence in the past, etc. The following data, called personal data, must be indicated when it is required to write a characteristic: full name, date of birth, marital status, education, position held, etc.

In conclusion, as always, the author of the document indicates his last name, first name and patronymic, puts his signature and seal. In some cases, not only the compiler, but also the director signs here.

There is an internal and external characteristic for an employee. Internal is drawn up for management and remains within the firm. Such a characteristic may be required when hiring a candidate for a job, when appointing an existing employee to another position, when deciding on measures of punishment or encouragement, etc. institutions, others. The characteristic may be asked to be compiled by the person himself for his own purposes, for example, for admission to a university. Before writing a characterization, try to look at the person you are characterizing without prejudice, leaving a personal assessment. Describe his qualities, life path, achievements and negative actions, depending on the purpose of the requested characteristic. Sometimes a person can be asked to write a description of himself. Of course, it's not worth handing it over to the head or the organizations that submitted the request. This short essay will help you to assess the characterized person more deeply, to better understand their values ​​and how they perceive themselves. This will help you predict what to expect from him in the future.

You can download it on our website.

Thank you for asking the question and interest in the topic)))

The concept of characteristics

An item characteristic is some technical data related to a given item (volume, length, width, height, color, etc.).

You can enter information about the nomenclature into the program in different ways:

Option 1: Nomenclature - "Wire", characteristics: "color", "section diameter"

Option 2: Nomenclature - "Red wire", characteristic: "section diameter";

Option 3: Nomenclature - "Red wire 2 mm", no characteristics.

Nomenclature (number of directory elements)


The values

Option 1

The wire


Section diameter





2 mm

3 mm

Option 2

Wire red

Wire blue

Wire white

Wire yellow

Section diameter

2 mm

3 mm

Option 3

Red wire 2 mm

Blue wire 2 mm

White wire 2 mm

Wire yellow 2 mm

Wire yellow 3 mm

White wire 3 mm

Red wire 3 mm

Blue wire 3 mm

What does the use of characteristics give?

In some cases, you can optimize the item reference. It is logical to assume that if there is a small number of items that differ significantly in characteristics, then it makes sense to keep records on them. It is also important to determine what exactly should be taken out in the characteristics. Because it is theoretically possible to reduce the entire nomenclature to one position, but hang on it a huge number of different characteristics.

It is possible to visually obtain summary information in reports - on the element of the reference book as a whole, and on the values ​​of characteristics. In the event that all the information is entered into the name (option 3 in the above example), if we only use one characteristic (for example, color), summary information can be obtained by organizing directory groups. If both the color and the section diameter are used, then it is more difficult to obtain summary information from their combinations, it is required to use various combinations of selections, etc.

Nomenclature characteristics

In order to be able to use the characteristics, open Service - Accounting Settings - Accounting Settings, put the appropriate checkbox:

After that, for each item of the "Nomenclature" reference book, when the checkbox "Maintain accounting for additional." characteristics "the" Characteristics "tab appears:

For example, there is a "Wire" catalog item that differs in cross-section diameter and color. In order not to enlarge the Nomenclature reference book with the same type of elements ("Red wire 4 mm", "Blue wire 2 mm", etc.), use the characteristics. That is, we place the color and diameter of the section in them.

Click the "Add" button:

And in the window that opens, enter the name - "Diameter, color", and then click "Add":

Enter the required property values:

They are stored in the object property values ​​information register:

On the "Property assignments" tab, specify the elements / groups of elements to which it will be possible to associate this property:

Fill in the "Color" in the same way:

As a result, the element looks like this:

Now you can add some combinations to the reference book (it is clear that this information can be entered later, along the way):

Using characteristics in documents

When drawing up the document "Receipt of goods and services", select the characteristics. Using the selection button, you can select any of the previously established combinations of properties:

As a result, the document may look like this:

In printed forms, characteristics are also shown:

When a document is posted in the corresponding accumulation registers, records are made according to the selected characteristic:

IMPORTANTBUT!!! If characteristics are used for a catalog element, then for it control of residues in the context of characteristics... Those. if a product is received with certain characteristics, with other characteristics (as well as without characteristics at all), it will not be possible to sell / move it (naturally, if the user does not have the appropriate rights to exceed the zero balance).

Receiving reports in the context of characteristics

For example, we take the report "List of consignments of goods in warehouses (management accounting)":

It is possible to set the selection only by the property of interest. To do this, set the report settings: you need to check the box "Use properties and categories"

And in the selection settings, select the desired value (one or more):

for example, see only information on a wire with a cross-sectional diameter of 1 mm:

Or via a white wire:

Or by an arbitrary number of characteristics:


1.X and nomenclature characteristics are used in order not to increase the number of items in the "Nomenclature" reference book. The question of whether or not to keep records using characteristics does not have an unambiguous correct answer. Depending on the specifics of the nomenclature used, one or the other method may be the best. All the same, any reference / register will increase - either the nomenclature or the values ​​of characteristics and properties.

2. The number of errors in paperwork is comparable in either case. I will not argue that the use of characteristics will reduce their number. But I will not argue the opposite.

If he wants to describe this or that material, we must provide him with some mechanism that allows him to create any characteristics and, most importantly, indicate what type of value these characteristics should have. Then, when setting the values ​​of a certain material characteristic, the user will be able to select the values ​​strictly in accordance with the specified type.

This ability to describe characteristics is exactly what the configuration object provides Chart of characteristic types, with whom we will now get to know.

Creating new configuration objects

1. Let's create a configuration object Directory With name VariantsNomenclature and indicate that it will be subordinate to the directory.

2. Let's create another configuration object Directory With name .

3. After that, create the Plan configuration object types of characteristics With name PropertiesNomenclature... We set the type of the characteristic value as follows:

  • Number, length 15, accuracy 3;
  • Line, length 25;
  • date;
  • Boolev O;
  • ReferenceReference.AdditionalPropertiesNomenclature.

4. Directory AdditionalPropertiesNomenclature indicate the owner → plan of characteristic types PropertiesNomenclature.

5. On the tab Forms set editing for it in the list.

6. After that, we define that additional values ​​of characteristics plan of characteristic types will be located in the directory Additional properties of Nomenk-latura.

7. On the tab Forms we indicate that this plan of characteristic types will be edited in the list.

8. Finally, let's create a configuration object Information register With name Property ValuesNomenclature.

9. Case changes:

  • PropertySet, leading, type;
  • TypeProperties, type of LayoutSpeciesCharacteristicsReference.PropertiesNomenclatures.

10. Register resource:

  • Meaning, type of Characteristic.PropertiesNomenclatures.

Note that we are able to define the type of the register resource value as Characteristic.<имя> ... In essence, this definition is a composite data type as defined in the value type of the corresponding chart of characteristic types. That is, the register resource can have any value type from those described in the value type of the chart of characteristic types.

Refinement of the Nomenclature reference book

1. First of all, in the reference book, we need to provide the ability to edit the version of the material. To do this, we indicate that the reference book will now be edited in both ways (on the tab The form) → in the list and in the dialog.

2. Let's create the main shape of the element using the constructor.

3. Expand the shape a little in width and height and add a panel to it: Form in the † ’Insert Control in the †’ Panel(from the top menu) or using the bottom menu icon Panel... With the help of the cursor, which turns into a "cross", we stretch the panel, getting the following picture and at the same time a window with a question:

If the question did not appear immediately, then it will appear after we slightly change the position of any of the borders of the panel.

4. Let's answer this question in the affirmative, and all controls will move to the added panel:

5. Now we will resize the panel and add a new page to it. Adding a page -> context menu of the right mouse button on the form field -> Add a page.

6. Set the name and title of the new page → Properties, and rename the first page to The main and give it the same title. Names and titles are set in the panel properties palette in the properties group Current page:

7. After that, select all the controls located in the panel and execute the command Shape at † ’Center at †’ Center vertically.

8. Now let's go to the page Properties and add an inscription InscriptionOptionsNomenclature with title Nomenclature options:... Specify the font style for it Fatty.

9. Under this caption we will place the table field with the command panel. Give the field a name Variants and type ReferenceList.OptionsNomenclatures.

10. Remove the column from the table field Code.

11. For this table field Variants set the property Link by owner → ReferenceObject.Ref.

Setting this property provides us with the following: for the data source of this field -> form props Variants of type Reference List.OptionsNomenclatures, - the value of filtering by owner will always be equal to the link to the edited catalog item. In other words, the list of the directory contained in the form attribute PropertySet, will always contain only elements subordinate to the edited catalog element. This means that the table field Variants, for which this attribute is a data source, will display only the elements subordinate to the edited catalog element.

12. Below we place in a similar way one more inscription → LabelValuesProperties with title Property values: and font style Fatty.

13. Below it we will place the table field with the command panel. Give the field a name Properties and type.

14. For the column Property set remove the flag Visibility, and for the input field in the column Meaning let's establish a connection by type ElementsFormsPropertiesCurrentData TypeProperties.

The relationship by type will provide us with a restriction of the type of values ​​entered in this input field, only by the type of characteristic selected in the field Property type... However, by doing this, we cannot in any way affect the value itself stored in this field. If you do not take any additional action, then when entering in the field Meaning it will not be possible to change its type of characteristic for any value.

If you select a different kind of characteristic, there will be a mismatch between the type of the stored value and the type to which the input in the control is limited. In this case, of course, the system will offer to enter the type that has the stored value.

To avoid such a situation, it is necessary when changing the value in the field Property type cast field value Meaning to the type of characteristic selected in the field Property type.

15. Therefore, for the input field in the column Property type create an event handler When it changes:

16. Now we need to make sure that in the table field Properties information register records related only to the dictionary element selected in the upper table field were displayed VariantsNomenclature.

Therefore, for a table field Options let's create an event handler On String Activation:

17. In addition, in order not to display the entire register when the form is opened, we will create an event handler for the form Opening containing the following text:

Refinement of the directory VariantsNomenclatures

Now we need to finalize the guide. VariantsNomenclature so that the user has the ability to create new properties of materials not only when editing the material itself, but also in the process of entering documents, when a set of properties is selected in the tabular section.

1. Therefore, for reference VariantsNomenclature we will indicate that it will be edited in both ways (both in the list and in the dialog).

2. Let's create using the constructor the main shape of the element .

3. In the form, we will need to position table field that should display existing entries in the property value information register for this catalog item.

In the main form of the element, place a table field with the name Properties, type DatasheetList.Property ValuesNomenclature and the command panel.

4. For the column Property set remove the visibility flag.

5. Then for the input field located in the column Meaning, set a connection by the type ElementsFormsPropertiesCurrentDataViewProperties.

6. For the input field located in the column Property type, let's create an event handler When it changes:

Now we need to make sure that when the form is opened, the selection we need is set. It is also necessary to provide that when adding a new element of the catalog, the selection is set also after the element is recorded. To do this, we will take the opportunity to assign data change event handler , which will track changes to the link to the editable reference element.

7. First of all, let's create an event handler WhenChangingLinks, in which we set the selection we require:

8. Then add a call to this handler to the body of the form module:

9. And in conclusion, it is necessary to provide for the possibility that the user can start setting new values ​​of properties without writing down the element of the reference book itself. Property Sets... Therefore, we will create an event handler for the table field BeforeStartAdds:

Completion of the Register of Residuals of Materials

To ensure that materials are accounted for by characteristic values, it is necessary to change the structure of the accumulation register Remains of materials and add a new dimension to it PropertySet with type ReferenceReference.OptionsNomenclatures.

Finalization of the document Receipt

The last thing left for us is to finalize the document Purchase Invoice... So that when goods arrive, the user can specify a set of properties for each incoming material.

1. Let's add a new attribute to the tabular section of the document PropertySet with type ReferenceReference.OptionsNomenclatures:

2. Place this attribute in the table field of the document form (right mouse button → Data placement):

3. For the input field located in the column PropertySet, we will again use the property Relationship by Owner → Form Elements.Materials.CurrentData.Ma-

terial... Now, when you select in this input field, the list of directory items will always open VariantsNomenclature subordinate to the material selected in the column Material.

4. Finally, open the procedure for processing the posting in the document module and add the assignment of a value to the dimension to the generated movements PropertySet:

Now let's launch 1C: Enterprise in debug mode and create several sets of properties for our materials.

Creating property sets

1. Let's open the element of the directory Nomenclature → Electric cable.

2. Go to the tab Properties and create a set of properties for this element called White.

3. Then we will create a set of properties for the catalog item Nomenclature → Rubber hose... This set of properties will be called Poland and consist of the following characteristics:

  • Color → Chepny;
  • Manufacturer → Fagumit.

4. Now let's open the document Receipt invoice No. – 2 and indicate that a white electrical cable was purchased in the amount of 2 pcs., and a Polish rubber hose.

5. Then copy the first line of the document and indicate that a black electrical cable was also purchased in the amount of 3 pcs. During the input process, we will have to create another set of properties for the electrical cable → Black, which one:

  • Color → Black;
  • Section → 2.5.

6. Let's hold the document and look at the movement of the document in the register Remains of materials:

7. In addition, let's look at the records that are contained in the information register Property ValuesNomenclature:

Report Residuals by Properties

To complete the picture, we will create a report that will show us the presence of materials with certain properties.

When creating this report, we use the capabilities that the data composition system provides for working with characteristics.

1. Let's create a new configuration object Report with the name Remains of Materials by Properties.

2. Open the designer of the data composition schema, add a new one Dataset -> query and let's start constructing the query.

3. Select the virtual table of the accumulation register Remains of materials. Remains and about the company.

4. From the virtual table of the accumulation register Remains of Materials. Remains and Turnovers select the following fields:

  • Material;
  • PropertySet;
  • Quantity Initial Balance;
  • Number of arrival;
  • Quantity Consumption;
  • Quantity Final Balance.

5. After that, on the tab Unions / Aliases set aliases for numeric fields without a word Quantity:

6. Let's start describing the characteristics. To do this, go to the tab Specifications.

Click on the button Add and let's start describing the fields.

7. The first field that needs to be described is Value type... Here you should specify the type of the field to which our characteristics will apply. In our case, such a field is the field PropertySet register Remains of materials... Therefore, as the value type, we will choose ReferenceReference.OptionsNomenclatures.

8. The next step is to describe where the data composition system should get the feature list from. To do this, you should indicate the source of the list of characteristics and describe the purpose of specific fields of this source.

As a source, the data composition system can use either an existing source data table, or the result of some query on the tables. In our case, everything is quite simple: a list of all characteristics is stored in terms of the types of characteristics PropertiesNomenclature... Therefore, as a source, we will indicate table, and in the field Feature List choose Plan of views and characteristics. PropertiesNomenclature.

9. Next, you should describe the purpose of the fields of the source "supplying" the list of characteristics. In field Identifier choose Link, in field Name → Name, and in the field Type → Type Values.

10. Let's move on to the description of the source of the values ​​of the characteristics. In our case, the source of the characteristic values ​​is the information register Property ValuesNomenclature, so in the field A source we choose table, and in the field Value of characteristicsInformationRegister.Property ValuesNomenclature.

11. Next, we describe the purpose of the register fields. In field An object choose dimension PropertySet, in field Identifier -> ViewProperties, and in the field Meaning→ register resource Meaning:

12. This completes the creation of the request. Click OK and look at the query text generated for the data composition schema:

13. In this request, the notable section is the one that begins with the keyword CHARACTERISTICS. It just describes the characteristics for the data composition system that will be used in this report.

The text of this section is enclosed in braces ... This means that it is not part of the query, but an instruction to the data composition system.

14. Let's start editing the data composition schema. First of all, on the tab Resources select all available resources:

15. Go to the tab Settings... Create a report structure → add grouping Detailed records.

16. Then on the tab Selected fields select the fields that will be displayed in the report:

  • Material;
  • PropertySet;
  • Initial Balance;
  • Coming;
  • Consumption;
  • Ending Balance.

17. Finally, let's go to the tab Other settings and set the title of the report →.

18. This completes the creation of the report. Let's start 1C: Enterprise in debug mode and see what results you can get using our report. Let's open the report Remains of materials by properties.

19. First, let's see what materials we have with a cross section of 2.5 mm2. To do this, click Settings, go to the bookmark Selection and open the branch Property set.

Please note that to the fields that exist in the lookup Variants of Nomenk Latura, the data composition system has added all the characteristics that we have defined for various sets of properties in the database: Manufacturer, Color and Section. Thus, the selection in the report by the values ​​of any characteristics is quite simple and intuitive.

20. To find out what materials we have with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2, just select the Cross-section, mm2 field and set the condition for it to be 2.5.

21. At the end of the execution of the report, we will receive the following result:

22. Then let's see what black materials we have:

23. Finally, to make sure the report is working correctly, let's see how many black electrical cables we have:

Thus, you have made sure that when using this logical scheme, we now have the opportunity to keep records of materials in an arbitrary number of sections of properties and their values.

It should be noted that the example we reviewed is not a complete solution for this configuration. We have just demonstrated the possibility of maintaining such records. In order for our configuration to fully use the properties of materials, it is necessary to make the appropriate changes to the remaining registers, documents and some reports.

They find us: chart of characteristic types, retrieving data from a characteristic type plan, 1C How to copy a set of characteristic values ​​and then change, find the value of the charts of characteristic types, 1c 8 3 change the type of characteristic value, charts of characteristic types 1c, 1c 8 use of pdan of characteristic types, gkfy dbljd)

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