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How to choose a domain name. Choose short domain names

(name of your site) is the “clothes” by which you are met on the Internet. Mistakes and miscalculations in choosing it can not only make it difficult to promote the site, but also create very unpleasant situations, and when you change the domain name, all previous SEO optimization efforts will go down the drain. Therefore, when naming your web resource, be vigilant and creative.

Zones and levels

Domains come in several levels. First-level domains or domain zones are, for example, .ua, .ru, (the so-called territorial, indicating the geographical area of ​​the company's work) or .com, .org, .net (thematic, indicating that site owners - these are commercial firms, public organizations, etc., operating without territorial restrictions). If the name of your site is , then site in this case is a second-level domain. Third-level domains are very common -, describing both the nature of the organization and the territory of work, or, defining a specific region.

It is best to register a second-level domain, but on .com or .ua this can be difficult, as the name you need and the trademark registration requirements will be taken. Then you can consider the domain zones .biz (for business resources), .info (for information portals), .tv (for television) and others. It is also necessary to take into account the factor of unspoken rules. So, the French consumer is more likely to trust a site in the .fr domain zone, many will be alerted by the domain zone of some Cape Verde Islands, and .com is traditionally trusted more than .org or .net.

As for third-level domains, some website developers, hosting, especially free ones, may offer you to register a third-level name on your domain - for example, We strongly do not recommend - there will be no trust and serious attitude towards such a site, and when the site is transferred, all accumulated indexing in search engines will be lost.

word game

If your company is already a well-known brand, without a doubt, the domain must match its name. Abbreviations should preferably be avoided, except when they are inextricably linked to the brand. However, now the site is born almost simultaneously with the company, so naming should be given special attention.

The title should be short and memorable. The minimum characters in a domain name, according to the rules, is 2 (the maximum is 64). However, in the first level domain zones you will no longer find free domains shorter than 5 characters. Also, the name may include numbers and hyphens (the latter should not be at the beginning and at the end of the name or two in a row). Web experts argue about whether a hyphen is needed in a name. Search engines will recognize two words as keywords if they are hyphenated, but may ignore them if they are hyphenated. However, the hyphen is difficult to remember, to dictate to the client, and the peculiar fashion for it has passed. Numbers are also not recommended.

The catchiness of the name, the unusual association, the rhyme is wonderful. There are even special programs that will help you "play around" with rhymes and allusions (for example, However, avoid ambiguity and inconsistency. If your company is called Analytic Forum, and such a domain is already taken, see do not name the site And, of course, you should not register a domain name that matches the name of someone else's promoted trademark. Finding on the site (domains of Kharkiv and the region), for example, an online store of nutritional supplements, neither visitors, nor even Nestle, will be happy.

It is better to choose an English match for the Ukrainian name of your company than to transliterate letters w, ї, c and other letters that are difficult and differently transmitted. And if transliteration is really necessary - in order to avoid losing some of the traffic (those customers who typed the address with typos), register all possible spellings of your domain (the so-called mirrors) and redirect traffic from them to your site. However, there are nuances here. First, it's expensive. Secondly, some of these domains may already be taken, and you will make a gift to their owners by adding your customers. Not to mention the fact that these domains may have, for example, a porn site, which will not affect your reputation too well. Thirdly, competitors or scammers can use the variant with typos not taken into account by you and register a resource with this name to discredit or phish you.

It's good when the domain name contains a keyword that indicates the type of activity of the company and, moreover, is often repeated in the content of the site. In this case, search engines better index such a resource. Google takes into account both the transliteration of the keyword and its translation when searching. That is, for the request "gold", he will give out, and, and even Yandex will also take into account the Cyrillic spelling of the domain, but so far with Cyrillic domains there are still more difficulties than convenience. Indexing can also benefit from the fact that the domain is “old”, already belonged to someone and has a certain statistical weight.

procedural issues

When you have chosen a domain name for the site, you need to check if it is taken in the domain zone you need and what is its history. Whether the domain is free - we check on the websites of registrars ( , , etc.) or hosting companies who will sell you both the domain and hosting. If it is busy, you can find out who owns it ( and, if necessary, try to buy it. True, if its owners are a competing company or cybersquatters (people who specifically buy up successful domain names in order to further earn money on them), then the acquisition can cost you a lot.

The domain may be free now (some hosts even offer a service for reserving domains that are about to be free), but it was previously used. Find out by whom and for what, with the help of a special program (The WayBack Machine). After all, earlier a resource with an unacceptable reputation for you or from a completely different field of activity could be placed there, and people know about it, there are links to it on the network.

A domain name can be purchased from a domain name registrar (remember to choose trusted companies) or through a hosting provider. Good hosts will offer you a domain name for free when you order long-term hosting. However, when registering a domain through a hosting provider, make sure that the domain is registered to you and not to the provider, otherwise it may even be that you will be required to pay for it when changing hosting. If you registered the domain yourself, then you will need to "bind" the domain name to the hosting by changing the names of the DNS servers to the hoster's DNS servers in the domain control panel.

A domain name is not given to you once and for all. Each year the purchased domain must be renewed. Typically, the renewal cost is lower than the purchase price. One month before the domain expiration date, the registrar will notify the user by an official letter to the e-mail specified during registration of the need to renew, which should be done immediately.

Choosing a domain name - where to start?

In fact, where do you start in this simple but responsible business? It seems to me that you need to start by choosing a domain zone for the name. That is, first you must define it, and then decide on the name. By the way, a domain registrar can help you with this, where you can see these zones.

It is most convenient to do this in, as for me, because there are 750 domain zones. Here are the most popular ones for Russia: .ru, .rf,,,,

Recently, new domain zones have also appeared. For example, .moskva. You must determine whether the activity of your resource will be associated with a particular city. If yes, then you can try to search for the domain zones of these cities. For example:, .evpatoria.rf

Why is it useful? Your site will be displayed in the search results above in the selected region, which will allow you to bring people who live in it to the site. It will also allow a person to immediately understand that the site is intended for residents of his city.

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If your activity is not tied to any city, then it is better to take a national domain. For example: .ru - for Russia; .ua - for Ukraine; .by - for Belarus

Well, etc. I think the point is clear. There are also so-called international zones. For example, com is a commercial organization, org is a non-profit organization, edu is an educational organization.

It is worth noting that in some zones, a regular user cannot register a name. For example, gov stands for government organizations. In most cases, you will have Okay, now we move on to how to choose a domain for the site.

Method 1: your fantasy and any employment verification service

Any service that can check for busyness will suit you. It will be very good if he does this in several domain zones at once, so that you can see more options before your eyes.

If you decide to choose the name yourself, then it all depends on your thinking and creativity. The domain name should reflect the main essence of the site, so if you are choosing for a company, it should be serious, and if for your personal blog, then it can be more informal.

In general, self-selection should look something like this: write out 10-50 words on a sheet that are closest to the subject of your project. It is better to do this on a piece of paper, and not on a computer. In general, it is advised to go somewhere in nature and think there, for sure you will come up with something unusual. Write down interesting words, as well as their combinations, in order to check them for fun later.

For example, you decide to choose a name for a site about car repair. Of course, you must clearly understand the purpose of the site. For example, will the site cover the topic of repairing foreign cars or only domestic cars? And many other questions you need to ask yourself in order to imagine the general idea as accurately as possible. And now you can start writing out the words: Auto, car, repair, workshop, garage, specialist, mechanic, locksmith, master, etc. Naturally, there may be more words, I didn’t really think about their choice right now.

Then we combine two words and check for amusement. Using this method, we arrive at the most optimal variant and register it. You can add instrument names, etc.

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By the way, a two-word domain name is more optimal and sonorous. For example: flower-world, car-repair, etc.

Although no one forbids you to choose a combination of three words if you really liked it. Another option is generally one word in the domain, but there are some restrictions. First, there are fewer and fewer such unoccupied names.

Secondly, the domain should convey the idea of ​​the site as clearly as possible, and if you register something like for a site about auto repair, it will not be completely clear what the repair is for? After all, you can repair a lot of things, so, although the domain will be very short and euphonious, it will not convey the theme and the exact idea.

By the way, many people say that having hyphens in a name degrades its value, but I don't think so. When 2-3 words are combined, this also somehow does not look very good.

Don't be afraid to get creative, even if you choose a long name, but if it is sonorous and clearly reflects your activities, then why not take it? For example, if I were creating a site about work, I would not refuse such a name:

Method 2: Order from more creative people than you

Perhaps you are deprived of the talent of an inventor, then you need to find people who have this skill just developed very well. They are called namers. This is a specialization in which you need to come up with the most beautiful names, headlines, signs, etc.

You can find such people on the exchange of namers (just enter in a search engine). You simply publish your wish there and allocate money that you are willing to pay for a better name. People start throwing their versions at you, choose the best one. Everyone wins from this deal.

Method 3: name generator

At the moment I know one and it is located at Let's go and get to know each other. For example, I want to create a website about online work, freelancing, self-education, etc. I will enter a couple of words that immediately come to mind: work, at, home.

The service will give me a complete list of all combinations, as well as information about whether the domain name is free or busy.

Eh, I was hoping to get, but, as you can see, some smart people have already taken this name. All the other free options don't look great, so I suggest you enter other words and continue searching for a suitable option. Don't give up and you will definitely find something interesting.

Well, that's where my advice to you ends. Picking a domain is just one step (albeit an important one) on your way to building your own profitable online business. You can learn about other steps towards this goal from. I hope this information was useful to you.

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Learn the basics of JavaScript with a practical example of building a web application

Many users ask this question, and we have tried to systematize the most frequent questions. Also, our full recommendations are set out in the article on choosing a domain.

Domain with a hyphen vs. fused?

Example or

Neither one nor the other. It’s better to come up with a shorter word, for example, because if you transmit the name of the site orally, then anyone will say - “go to the website of the dot ru dog store”, and it will not be clear how to type it in the browser, with or without a hyphen. Remember, ceteris paribus, the name that is best remembered by the user will be better.

Which domains index faster?

Indexing speed does not depend on the domain name. To speed it up - add your site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster Tools.

Free domains vs. paid

Which domain is better: Ru or Rf?

  • often in the browser you can see a link like xn--80arbjktj.xn--p1ai, which is identical to mysite.rf. This is due to the mandatory Punicode encoding, which is introduced so that browsers can understand any alphabet (even Arabic) as a set of Latin letters;
  • users have a problem with writing the site address in the browser, because not everyone knows that you can enter the Cyrillic alphabet. By the way, the speed and quality of indexing the Rf domain is the same as for everyone else.

Country domain vs. international

Example Ru or (Com, Net, Info)

If your site does not set itself the goal of capturing the world market, then ceteris paribus it is better to choose Ru. Many people say that in Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster Tools you can specify the region for any domain, yes it is. But Google itself, in its recommendations, says that it is better to register in the zone of the country in which the majority of site users live.

Domain with history vs. new

If you are going to make a site from scratch, or change the content of the old site to a new one, then the old or new domain does not matter. The age of the domain only matters if you are using an old site that has authority with search engines, and its content (or theme) does not change, but only added! If you decide to buy an old domain, then carefully look at its history, because. if he was previously in the bath of search engines, then there will be little benefit from him.

Regional domains vs. National

An example of or Ru?

If you are making a site only for residents of Moscow, then Msk is better. Ceteris paribus, for Muscovites, will be higher in the search than

Do you have any questions?

If you did not find the answer to your question, then feel free to ask it in the comments field (under the article), we will try to answer your email, and we will also post popular questions in this article.

How to choose the right domain name for a website or personal blog? This is the question that everyone who thinks about creating their own information resource asks themselves. The success of the project will depend on how seriously and responsibly each future site owner approaches the choice of a domain name. And before you start choosing a domain for a site (blog), I suggest getting acquainted with the basic concepts that will be needed to choose the right domain.

What is a domain?

Domain (domain name) - This is the address of the site where users can find it on the Internet. Not a single transition to the site is complete without the domain name of the site, regardless of which page the user goes to.

Example: well-known site Yandex has a domain name and if, let's say, I want to see the weather in Yekaterinburg, then such a page will open for me , but the domain name will still be present in the page address.

What are the levels of domains?

Let's consider in order what are the levels of domains and how do they differ?
First-level domains are also a domain zone. On the one hand, we know that, for example, a domain EN stands for Russia, on the other hand, it is also a first-level domain.

Let's look at the example of the same Yandex.Ru. We know that EN This is a first level domain YANDEX will be a second level domain. And if we enter our mail, then a third-level domain will open for us, which will look like this: Based on this, we now know that there may also be fourth-level domains that may look like this: Domain levels are counted from right to left and are separated by dots.

What is a domain zone?

Let's now consider what a domain zone is and what varieties of these zones are. We now know that the first-level domain is also a domain zone. A domain zone is a division of a first-level domain by geography and type of activity.

For example, a geographic domain zone might look like this:

.RU- Russia
.RF- The Russian Federation
.UA- Ukraine
.DE— Germany
.BY— Belarus
.US- United States of America
.EU– Europe
.TJ— Tajikistan
.KZ- Kazakhstan

And many more..

A domain zone by type of activity may look like this:

.COM- commercial organizations
.NET— resources connected with the Internet
.BIZ— business-oriented websites
.ORG- not a commercial organization
.INFO- informational resources
.GOV- websites of government organizations
.EDU- educational institutions
.TRADE— currency markets, forex
.CLUB– clubs
.CASINO— casino
.MARKET- markets, marketplaces

And many more..

How to choose the right domain? Deciding on the choice of a domain zone

Before you start choosing a domain, you must first decide which domain zone will be the most suitable for your site. First you need to establish whether your site belongs to a specific region or is it suitable for everyone. If, for example, your company delivers pizza in Moscow, then it would be advisable to choose a domain zone MOSCOW, however, if your company is engaged in the delivery of goods in Russia, then, of course, we choose EN. If your main audience is located, for example, in Ukraine, then choose a zone U.A., and if in Belarus, then BY .

For an online store, a universal zone for all countries is suitable COM. To date, there are a huge number of domain zones, but I recommend using the most familiar and popular Ru, Com, Net, Biz, Org, Info.

After you have decided on a domain zone, you can start choosing a domain for your site (blog). Be prepared for the fact that most of the beautiful and short domains in the most popular zones can be busy for a long time. But we will not be upset and will try to show ingenuity and imagination. This will help us a few basic rules on how to choose the right domain.

How to choose the right domain name for your website? The main principles to be followed.

The domain name should be short, clear and easy to remember.

The domain name should make it clear what your site is about. Try to keep the domain name short, understandable, and no more than two words long. It is advisable to use only the correct letters in the spelling of the domain. That is, those letters of the English alphabet that are written the same way they are heard. For example: a, b, d, e, h, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, z. Not very good letters include such as: c, f, g, i, j, q, w, x, y

When choosing a domain, try not to use double spelling, as well as hissing letters. For example: Russian letter C most often written in Latin as TZ and sometimes Z. One well-known info-businessman in Runet, Kirill Leitsikhovich, acted in a very original way when choosing a domain for a personal blog. He came up with a domain name Ukirilla.Ru since the surname Leitsikhovich is extremely difficult to write in Latin. The domain turned out to be short, interesting and memorable.

A striking example of brevity, lightness and originality are the domains of such well-known companies as,,,,

It is also not recommended to use letters F, Y, S, because there is no single possible spelling for them. Depending on the word, these letters are also written in two ways. Try not to use the same endings OY, OY, OY. For example, in words like “beautiful”, “Russian”, “culinary” these endings are present. A domain with this ending will not be convenient.

Try to avoid hyphens, numbers and city names

Use a hyphen only if you have two sufficiently long words. In this way, you can use the hyphen to improve the perception of the domain. You won't have one continuous long word. In other cases, the use of a hyphen is not recommended.

If a domain without a hyphen already exists and it already has a website (perhaps your competitor), then there is a high probability of traffic leakage from you to it, since people are more accustomed to typing the site address without a hyphen than with it. At one time, one freelance exchange made such a mistake by registering a domain name while their direct competitor already had a domain name

In my case, when I came up with a name for my blog, the domain name INETTOOLS.RU had already been bought out by cybersquatters and I had no choice but to register website. Of course, I would not buy a domain from cybersquatters for unreasonable money. To be honest, I even liked this option more, because two letters were broken with a hyphen TT. To date, many beautiful and interesting domains have been bought by cybersquatters and the cost of domains ranges from $800 to $2000.

The use of numbers in domains has recently become a fashionable trend. Many SEOs say it's best to avoid using numbers and region numbers. Of course, if you want to do business within one city by linking the region number to your domain, then you are welcome.

Personally, I am of the opinion that everything should be in moderation. If the domain sounds nice, easy to remember and spell, then why not use numbers. For example, an online store like E96.RU began its activities in Yekaterinburg (this is evidenced by the figures 96 and letter E) and gradually reached the interregional level. The domain remained the same, but the business grew. Apparently the original, memorable and short domain name played a role.

It makes sense to use the names of cities in domains if the site is focused only on residents of the city. For the Yekaterinburg city portal, for example, a domain is perfect

Don't use too long domain name

To choose the right domain name, try not to exceed the maximum length, which is 14 characters before the zone. For example , Ekaterinburg.Ru consists of 12 characters. The problem often lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to find the right words to describe the essence of your activity, but it is still worth trying and, perhaps, you will be rewarded for diligence.

So, for example, I recently registered a domain, which I will use for my tutorial on creating and blogging. In my opinion, the name turned out to be very successful. The domain turned out to be quite original. It is easy to write, easy to remember, and only 10 characters long.

Looking back and remembering how I chose the domain for my blog, I understand that now I could make it even better thanks to the knowledge that I have already accumulated.

Keywords in the domain name will help in promotion.

Very often you can hear such an opinion from SEO experts that the presence of keywords in the domain name improves its site's position when ranking in search engines. Personally, I think that this method is not always suitable. If this is an online store, for example, then this approach is justified. When I wanted to order kettlebells and dumbbells for myself via the Internet, the site was often shown to me in the top Yandex search results., which just contains the keyword.

Of course, do not forget about the regional affiliation of the site. If you are a resident of Moscow or its region, then you most likely will not see this site in the top Yandex results. And since I live in Yekaterinburg, they showed me an online store, which is also located in Yekaterinburg.

It is very common to see large companies using their brand in a domain name as well. Here, it is the branded name of this company that acts as a keyword, however, often it is not a direct key request.

It happens that the use of keywords in the domain name is not possible, so I advise you to use relevant queries or the so-called associative words. Let's take an example all with the same site A direct competitor of this online store came up with a domain name Dumbbells and sports, sports and dumbbells..

Word can be replaced by or It turns out that sometimes it is possible to replace keywords in a domain with synonyms or words that are close in meaning.

Don't use meaningless words

If you plan to develop your site for more than one year and want it to be successful, then of course you should take the choice of a domain with all responsibility. To come up with all sorts of strange names with incomprehensible abbreviations, as they say “on abum”, is not a tricky business. However, quite often on the Internet you can find sites with strange names that are successful. A prime example of such a site is The project really turned out to be mega successful, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

Don't imitate.

I think it’s not worth explaining in detail that coming up with a domain that is very similar to the names of other companies or direct competitors is a rotten idea, to put it mildly. Become unique, differ from others with bright colors, shout loudly about yourself and then success is guaranteed to you.

Do not mix English words with Russian

Cutlets separately, flies separately! It is this playful saying that comes to mind when you see sites with such names:, or And there are such funny names: ))

Cut properly if there is no other option.

It often happens that abbreviated names look, spell and read better than non-abbreviated ones. I gave an example with the blog of Kirill Leitsikhovich above. Imagine what the name would look like if he decided to use his first and last name?

KirillLeytzihovich.Ru or Kirill-Leytzihovich.Ru . It is difficult to write, it is unrealistic to remember, you can make a lot of mistakes when writing. To be honest, I myself don’t know how to write correctly)) But Cyril did the right thing by coming up with an abbreviation Ukirilla.Ru .

Also, my blog can serve as an example of a reasonable reduction in this case. website. Could be Internet-Tools.Ru or InternetTools.Ru To some, such a domain may not seem the most successful, but at that time nothing better came to my mind. In any case, such a name conveys the essence of what I am writing about as much as possible.

Use additional words.

If the word that you want to use in the domain is already taken, then a good option would be to add an additional word to the main word that will complement, enhance and decorate it.

For example, if the domain busy, you can try using additional words to look for such options: , or Many failed to use the word in their domain Host and use additional words. There are such well-known providers as:,, .

Error domains

There is a practice of registering domains with erroneous spelling. For example, if you know that the domain name is guaranteed to make one of the most common mistakes, feel free to register it. Make a redirect from the erroneous domain to the correct one and then you will be able to save part of the traffic from leakage.

At one time, when I registered a domain for my project DeloNaMillion.Ru I also bought the wrong one DeloNaMilion.Ru because I understood that many users would write the word million with one letter "L"

How to choose a blog domain

In conclusion, I want to talk about how to choose a domain for a blog. The choice of a domain for a personal blog needs to be approached a little differently. In general, we use all the basic rules, with the exception of some nuances. So, let's look at all the possible options for choosing a domain name for a personal blog:

By name and surname

It is very common to see personal blog authors using their first and last names in domain names. This method allows you to effectively promote the so-called personal brand on the Internet. If your name and surname in Latin are easy to write and remember, then use this method.

Examples of blogs by first and last name:,, etc. In some cases, if the first or last name is not written conveniently or the domain is too long, then you can resort to the correct abbreviation:

Last name only:,,, etc.

Abbreviated with first and last name: Zarudnitsky), Evgeny) or Anastasia), Svetlana) or Mironova)

Brainstorm, be smart, resourceful, and then everything will work out for you!

By type of activity

If you want to position yourself as a specialist in some area or hobby, then the best solution would be a domain indicating your profession, specialty or hobby. This method is also suitable for greater expressiveness. It can add a special flavor to your blog.

Examples of such blogs:,,,,,

I would like to emphasize that a successful combination is rarely obtained. However, if there is an opportunity, why not take advantage of it?

By thematic focus

One of the common options for choosing a domain for a blog is to use keywords that reflect the topic.

Examples:— website optimization and promotion computer games– needlework— personal development astrology about travel

In fact, there can be a great many options. I tried to show just some examples of how to choose a domain for a blog.

Domain name for free

In conclusion of this article, I want to give one more important recommendation. The fact is that very often, when buying a hosting service, many providers give the client a domain name as a gift as a bonus, but at the same time they register it in their own name. And if suddenly the client wants to change hosting in the future, then he will not be able to take the domain with him. This is a very cunning move on the part of many hosting companies aimed at retaining the client and in the hope that he will not move anywhere with his promoted site. Be very careful and make sure that the gift domain name is registered for you.

In this article, we learned how to choose the right domain name. We have considered the basic principles by which you can avoid the most common mistakes when choosing a name for your site (blog).

That's all I have for today..

Write in the comments if this article was useful for you. So I will know that I tried for you not in vain.

I wish you success in choosing a domain name. Choose wisely, approach the process creatively and then success awaits you!

Sincerely, Sergey Podyukov
"Webmaster's Workshop"

P.S. The domain name examples in this article are not advertisements. Most of them were invented by me in the course of writing the article))

Registering your own website on the Internet is a very important and necessary thing today. Of course, this applies to people who decide to promote their company, services or any activity. It is important to remember that creating a resource also requires careful preparation, and, above all, the choice of a domain.

A domain is a specific site address or zone that has its own name. For example, the address of the Ukrainian magazine Elle is (where elle is the name and is the domain). The same address on the Internet cannot be. It's like a personal identifier for a company or individual. faces. The name can be found on the Internet several times, subject to different domain zones, that is, the endings of the site address. Let's take a look at them.

Types of domain zones

There is a certain number of domain zones. Each of them is recommended to choose according to its technical purpose.

Consider the main types of domains :

  • .com/.net/.org (for individuals or commercial structures that plan to develop their activities at the international level or are simply focused on English-speaking clients);
  • .biz (for business structures, enterprises or corporations);
  • .net (usually used by organizations related to Internet work);
  • .org (used by non-profit organizations);
  • .edu (for educational structures, for example, universities);
  • .gov (for authorities);
  • .info (those who use information resources can choose);
  • .ua/.ru (national domains used by residents of these countries, although, of course, this is an optional condition);
  • (regional. It is recommended to use only if you intend to work in the regions).

Name for the domain zone

Now that you have decided on the domain zone, you need to choose the right name for it. I would like to note that choosing a name is an extremely important process in creating a site. In the future, it will work for your reputation. Consider the most important characteristics that you should pay attention to.

  1. Field of activity. Start with what industry you are in. Be that as it may, it is better that it matches the site address, or at least that it contains the name of the company (company). In this case, the search engines can raise your positions up. It’s not good when you are engaged in tourism, and the address of your website is (unless your company is called “Vyshyvanka”), you will agree. For tourism, you can choose such addresses as, for example, from the tour operator "Let's go with us" ( or ABC Travel ( If you are promoting personal services, then you can safely combine the first and last name in the address.
  2. Brevity is the soul of wit. Choose a short name for your site. It is best if it consists of two, maximum three (preferably short) words. For example, (AJ PR agency).
  3. sound. Perhaps not the most important characteristic of the correct choice of name, but still significant. An easy-to-read address not only makes it easier to remember, but also serves as an additional "attractor" of attention for the site and, accordingly, the company itself.
  4. Name type. The name doesn't look very attractive. Therefore, it is worth paying attention so that there are no unnecessary signs. Ask, why should they be there? We will consider this further.
  5. Ambiguity of sound. If you need to use a Russian word in your name, it is better to study the options for writing it in Latin. That's all, because there are controversial letter combinations - x (h, kh), c (ts, z), v (w, v), k (c, k, ck). For example, (and could be ekokhleb, eckohleb, ekokhleb, etc.). In this case, if possible, register domains of all spellings in order to avoid not very pleasant consequences. If this is not possible, try to choose the most readable and appropriate option.

The domain name is taken. What choice to make?

It often happens that the name that suits you is already taken. In such cases, most often they begin to deliver some numbers, additional letters, signs, etc. to the address. But do not panic ahead of time. As for characters, only a hyphen (“-”) is accepted in the name, which is perceived as a space in search engines. It is better to use it when there are two words in the address. Thus, they can be separated. Extra numbers, like, also look ridiculous. It is much more appropriate to write or - both more solid and sound good.

Some information about domain registration:

  • It is best to register a domain using real passport data. This is done in order to protect yourself from possible problems with the right to the domain in the future;
  • What is the minimum domain registration period? 1 year. After its expiration, as a rule, you will receive a reminder of the renewal to the specified e-mail address during registration;
  • You need to register a domain name as soon as possible. It often happens that today it is free, but tomorrow it will be busy.

Free domain name check

To check if your address is free, you just need to go to any specialized site. For instance:


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