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Domain me what country. List of country code top-level domains

History of the ME domain - what country the domain is in, appearance on the Internet, date of open registration.

In 2007, following the final dissolution of Yugoslavia and the separation of the Republic of Montenegro from Serbia, the former Yugoslav geographical domain YU was declared obsolete. Montenegro was allocated its own national domain -ME.

The domain registration was opened on July 17, 2008. On that very day, the number of registered names related to this zone exceeded 20 thousand. Currently, search engines for .me return approximately 166 million results. And, judging by forecasts, the popularity of this domain will only increase over the next few years.

Characteristics of the domain zone - why are many people rushing to buy an ME domain?

The domain name comes from the English word Montenegro, meaning Montenegro. The name itself is also translated from English as the pronoun “I”, “me”, “me”. This made it possible to turn website names into meaningful phrases, like (follow me), etc. The well-known animated film “Despicable Me”, in English - Despicable Me, also added to the popularity of the domain.

This feature is the main reason for the popularity of the zone - it is used not only for services, but also for personal websites and pages.

What requirements must be met to register a site name in the ME zone?

Rules and features of registering ME domains:

  • Allowed domain name length: from 3 to 63 characters.
  • Allowed characters: in the name it is allowed to use all Latin letters, both upper and lower case, and all Arabic numerals in various combinations. Dashes can also be used, but not everywhere. It is not allowed to use this character at the beginning or end of the name. The third and fourth positions cannot be occupied by dashes either. The ME domain zone name cannot contain a space.
  • Domain renewal procedure: after a domain name expires, it is possible to renew the domain on preferential terms within 40 days. After this, you can buy the domain within 30 days, but this requires paying an additional fee.
  • Registration deadlines: ME domain registration is allowed to citizens of any country. The registration period is from one year to 10 years.
  • Removal from delegation and deletion: The removal of a domain from delegation occurs on the next date after the date specified in the Expire Date, and it is deleted 5 days after the Grace period has expired.

Who is the ME domain zone suitable for? It is inexpensive and memorable to visitors.

Considering that the English word me, present in the name of the site, gives the information contained therein a confidential character, it seems most appropriate to use it in personal blogs, social networks, diaries, home pages, etc. Why ME domains are most often registered:

  • Personal sites and blogs.
  • Social media.
  • Local business.
  • Services.

It is possible that the domain will also be useful for commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing various services to Internet users. This is due to the possibility of a psychological effect in which the client’s trust increases significantly. Since Me is the national domain of Montenegro, it seems promising to use it on sites related to recreation and tourism in this country.

Pros and cons of the ME domain zone.


  • Meaningfulness: The advantages of a domain name include, first of all, the ability to use it to create various meaningful phrases in site names, used to increase its attractiveness among various target groups of users.
  • A country: in addition, if geographic reference specifically to Montenegro or the Balkan Peninsula is required, choosing the ME domain zone seems to be the best.

Main disadvantages:

  • Georeferencing: The shortcomings of a domain appear primarily in a situation where the geographical connection to Montenegro interferes with its owner. This happens because in a number of cases, having remembered the name of the site, they will enter it in international zones like COM or NET.
  • Price: There are cheaper domain names.

Where is the best place to register a domain in the ME zone?

Considering the difficulties arising from the geographical location of a domain zone, it is recommended that when registering you contact reliable and trusted companies. As a rule, these are licensed companies that have been operating for more than three years and have numerous positive reviews. No matter how attractive the price is for a little-known company, think twice whether you are ready to lose your domain because of 50-200 rubles in savings.

Other questions about the .ME domain zone

What do you need to buy an ME domain?

After registering an account, you must top up your balance with an amount sufficient to pay the cost of registering a domain in the .ME zone. Fill out the domain owner form for the desired domain name, pay for registration and within 12-48 hours you will be able to host a website on the domain you purchased.

Is it possible to get an ME domain for free?

When paying for the “Business” tariff plan for a period of more than 12 months, you can register a domain worth up to 1000 rubles free of charge (for a period of 1 year). Hosting rates are posted. The domain name can be renewed at the standard price for the selected zone, one year after registration.

Which domain is better ME or COM?

Depends on whose website is planned to be developed on this domain. If this is a personal blog, the ME zone will help you stand out. If you have a serious business project, it is better to choose the international domain zone - COM.

Is it necessary to check the history of a domain name?

ME is a popular zone, and there is a high probability that the short and sonorous domain was previously registered, but for some reason was not renewed. This can be both a plus and a minus for your project. Therefore, before you buy an inexpensive ME domain, check its history in the web archive to see if a site has previously been hosted on it.

Can you tell me the cost of registration for several years?

Domain names in this zone are renewed for a period of 1 to 10 years, at the price indicated at the top of the page. (The cost may be higher if there is currently a promotion for this domain zone).

United Arab Emirates
.AF - Afghanistan (Afghanistan)
.A.G.- Antigua and Barbuda (Antigua and Barbuda)
.AI - Anguilla
.AL - Albania (Albania)
.A.M.- Armenia (Armenia)
.AN - Netherlands Antilles
.AO - Angola (Angola)
.AQ - Antarctica (Antarctica)
.AR - Argentina (Argentina)
.AS - American Samoa (American Samoa)
.AT- Austria (Austria)
.AU- Australia (Australia)
.AW - Aruba (Aruba)
.AX - Aland Islands
.AZ- Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)
.BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
.BB - Barbados (Barbados)
.BD - Bangladesh
.BE- Belgium (Belgium)
.BF - Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso)
.BG - Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
.BH - Bahrain (Bahrain)
.BI - Burundi (Burundi)
.BJ - Benin (Benin)
.BM - Bermuda (Bermuda)
.BN - Brunei Darussalam (Brunei)
.BO - Bolivia (Bolivia)
.BR - Brazil (Brazil)
.BS - Bahamas (Bahamas)
.BT - Bhutan (Bhutan)
.BV - Bouvet Island
.BW - Botswana (Botswana)
.BY- Belarus (Belarus)
.BZ - Belize (Belize)
.C.A.- Canada
.CC- Cocos (Keeling) Islands
.CD - Congo (Congo)
.CF - Central African Republic (Central African Republic)
.CG - Congo (Congo)
.CH- Switzerland
.CI - Cote d'Ivoire (Cote d'Ivoire)
.CK - Cook Islands
.CL - Chile (Chile)
.CM - Cameroon (Cameroon)
.CN- China (China)
.CO - Colombia
.CR - Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
.CS - Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro)
.CU - Cuba
.CV - Cape Verde (Cape Verde)
.CX - Christmas Island
.C.Y.- Cyprus (Cyprus)
.CZ- Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
.DE- Germany (Germany)
.DJ- Djibouti (Djibouti)
.DK- Denmark
.DM - Dominica (Dominica)
.DO - Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic)
.DZ - Algeria (Algeria)
.EC - Ecuador (Ecuador)
.E.E.- Estonia (Estonia)
.E.G.- Egypt (Egypt)
.EH - Western Sahara
.ER - Eritrea (Eritrea)
.ES- Spain (Spain)
.ET - Ethiopia (Ethiopia)
.EU- European Union (European Union)
.FI- Finland (Finland)
.FJ - Fiji (Fiji)
.FK - Falkland Islands
.FM- Micronesia (Micronesia)
.FO - Faroe Islands
.FR- France (France)
.GA - Gabon (Gabon)
.GB - United Kingdom
.GD - Grenada (Grenada)
.G.E.- Georgia (Georgia)
.GF - French Guiana
.GG - Guernsey (Island of Guernsey)
.GH - Ghana (Ghana)
.GI - Gibraltar (Gibraltar)
.GL - Greenland (Greenland)
.GM - Gambia (Gambia)
.GN - Guinea (Guinea)
.GP - Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe)
.GQ - Equatorial Guinea
.GR- Greece (Greece)
.GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
.GT - Guatemala (Guatemala)
.GU - Guam
.GW - Guinea-Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)
.GY - Guyana (Guyana)
.HK - Hong Kong
.HM - Heard and McDonald Islands
.HN - Honduras (Honduras)
.HR - Croatia/Hrvatska (Croatia)
.HT - Haiti (Haiti)
.HU - Hungary (Hungary)
.ID - Indonesia (Indonesia)
.I.E.- Ireland
.IL- Israel (Israel)
.IM - Isle of Man (Isle of Man)
.IN- India (India)
.IO- British Indian Ocean Territory
.IQ - Iraq
.IR - Iran (Iran)
.IS - Iceland (Iceland)
.IT- Italy (Italy)
.JE - Jersey (Jersey Island)
.JM - Jamaica (Jamaica)
.JO - Jordan (Jordan)
.J.P.- Japan (Japan)
.KE - Kenya (Kenya)
.KG- Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)
.KH - Cambodia (Cambodia)
.KI - Kiribati (Kiribati)
.KM - Comoros (Comoros)
.KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
.KP - Korea (North Korea)
.KR - Korea (South Korea)
.KW - Kuwait (Kuwait)
.KY - Cayman Islands
.KZ- Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
.L.A.- Laos (Laos)
.LB - Lebanon (Lebanon)
.LC - Saint Lucia (Saint Lucia)
.LI - Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein)
.LK - Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
.LR - Liberia (Liberia)
.LS - Lesotho (Lesotho)
.LT- Lithuania (Lithuania)
.LU - Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
.LV- Latvia (Latvia)
.LY - Libya (Libya)
.MA - Morocco (Morocco)
.MC - Monaco (Monaco)
.M.D.- Moldova (Moldova)
.MG - Madagascar (Madagascar)
.MH - Marshall Islands
.MK - Macedonia (Macedonia)
.ML - Mali (Mali)
.MM - Myanmar (Myanmar)
.MN - Mongolia (Mongolia)
.MO - Macau
.MP - Northern Mariana Islands
.MQ - Martinique (Martinique)
.MR - Mauritania (Mauritania)
.MS - Montserrat (Montserrat)
.MT - Malta (Malta)
.MU - Mauritius (Mauritius)
.MV - Maldives
.MW - Malawi (Malawi)
.MX - Mexico (Mexico)
.M.Y.- Malaysia (Malaysia)
.MZ - Mozambique (Mozambique)
.NA - Namibia (Namibia)
.NC - New Caledonia
.NE - Niger (Niger)
.NF - Norfolk Island (Norfolk)
.NG - Nigeria (Nigeria)
.NI - Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
.NL - Netherlands (Netherlands)
.NO- Norway (Norway)
.NP - Nepal (Nepal)
.NR - Nauru (Nauru)
.NU- Niue
.NZ - New Zealand (New Zealand)
.OM - Oman (Oman)
.PA - Panama (Panama)
.PE - Peru (Peru)
.PF - French Polynesia (French Polynesia)
.PG - Papua New Guinea (Papua - New Guinea)
.PH - Philippines (Philippines)
.PK - Pakistan (Pakistan)
.P.L.- Poland (Poland)
.PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
.PN - Pitcairn Island (Pitcairn Island)
.PR - Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
.PS - Palestine (Palestine)
.P.T.- Portugal (Portugal)
.PW - Palau (Palau)
.PY - Paraguay (Paraguay)
.QA - Qatar
.RE - Reunion Island
.R.O.- Romania (Romania)
.RU- Russian Federation (Russia)
.RW - Rwanda (Rwanda)
.SA - Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia)
.SB - Solomon Islands
.SC - Seychelles (Seychelles)
.SD - Sudan (Sudan)
.S.E.- Sweden (Sweden)
.S.G.- Singapore
.SH- Saint Helena (St. Helena Island)
.SI - Slovenia (Slovenia)
.SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
.SK - Slovakia (Slovakia)
.SL - Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)
.SM - San Marino (San Marino)
.SN - Senegal (Senegal)
.SO - Somalia (Somalia)
.SR - Suriname (Suriname)
.ST - Sao Tome and Principe (Sao Tome and Principe)
.S.U.- Soviet Union (USSR)
.SV - El Salvador (El Salvador)
.SY - Syria (Syria)
.SZ - Swaziland
.TC - Turks and Caicos Islands
.TD - Chad (Chad)
.TF - French Southern Territories
.TG - Togo (Togo)
.T.H.- Thailand (Thailand)
.T.J.- Tajikistan (Tajikistan)
.TK- Tokelau (Tokelau)
.TL - Timor-Leste
.TM- Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan)
.TN - Tunisia (Tunisia)
.TO - Tonga
.TP - East Timor (East Timor)
.TR- Turkey (Türkiye)
.TT - Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago)
.TV- Tuvalu (Tuvalu)
.TW- Taiwan
.TZ - Tanzania (Tanzania)
.U.A.- Ukraine (Ukraine)
.UG - Uganda (Uganda)
.UK- United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
.UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands
.US- United States
.UY - Uruguay (Uruguay)
.UZ- Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
.VA - Holy See, Vatican (Vatican)
.VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
.VE - Venezuela (Venezuela)
.VG - Virgin Islands, British (Virgin Islands, British)
.VI - Virgin Islands, U.S. (Virgin Islands, USA)
.VN - Vietnam (Vietnam)
.VU - Vanuatu (Vanuatu)
.WF - Wallis and Futuna Islands
.W.S.- Western Samoa (Western Samoa)
.YE - Yemen (Yemen)
.YT - Mayotte
.YU - Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia)
.ZA- South Africa (South Africa)
.ZM - Zambia (Zambia)
.ZW - Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)

In many languages, the letter combination "TO" means something. That's why TO domain is in definite demand in the global domain industry. In English there is a preposition to, in Canada - “To” means Toronto, in Slavic languages ​​there is a particle That, This. As a result, when composing domain names in the TO zone, interesting homonyms may result. Just what came to mind -

Domain TO - brief description

Domain in the TO zone Anyone can purchase it; just go to the registrar’s website here. Of course, everything there is in English, but if you use the Google Chrome browser, then a completely acceptable translation into Russian will be available. In principle, everything is simple there.

Domain TO - national top-level domain.

The domain length, as usual, is from 3 to 63 characters.

Registration is for a minimum of 2 years, which costs $50 per year. Five-year registration will cost 40 greens per year and so on. But they immediately warn that there will be censorship of sites for illegal content, and spammers have nothing to do in the TO domain zone.

Who does such a wonderful domain belong to?

Kingdom of Tonga is the owner of the TO domain zone

D omen.TO belongs to the small island nation of Tonga.

Let's call Wikipedia to help.

Tonga (Tonga, English) Tonga[ˈtoŋa]), official name - Kingdom of Tonga (Tong. Puleʻanga Fakatuʻi ʻo Tonga, English. Kingdom of Tonga listen)) is a Pacific state in Polynesia. It is bordered in the north by the territorial waters of Samoa, in the east by the territorial waters of Niue, and in the west by the waters of Fiji. The length of the coastal strip is 419 km. Tonga is located on 172 islands of the archipelago of the same name. The total land area is 748 km². The country's population is 119,009 people. (2008, evaluation). The capital is Nuku'alofa.

Tonga has a rich history and interesting traditions. Here is one of them - the love of rugby. The islanders' war dances before the match - you won't see faces like these anywhere else... Tongans in red.

You just don't recognize him by studying him domain.TO

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