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Home dmv from application. Best indoor antennas for digital TV

How to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands, so that it is not inferior in quality to a purchased device, this question is of interest to many home craftsmen and TV amateurs. There are various ways to make an antenna yourself, from the simplest designs to devices that receive a satellite signal.

This option is suitable for people who want to install an ordinary indoor antenna for viewing federal channels at home or in the country. Everyone can design such a device; no special knowledge is required.

This is the most elementary way, so you only need copper wire 70–90 cm, 2–3 mm thick... An indoor antenna is made as follows:

  1. Strip both ends of the copper wire.
  2. Attach one end to the battery, and insert the other into the TV connector.

The signal will appear immediately, from 1 to 5 channels will become available to the user. With this simple method, you can make a home antenna in 5 minutes.

The most popular way to make an antenna with your own hands from scrap materials. For crafting, you need beer cans. Experts say that it will take no more than an hour to assemble an antenna from beer cans.

You will need:

  1. Connecting cable.
  2. Several cans of beer.
  3. Plug.
  4. Screws in the amount of 2 pieces.
  5. Screwdrivers.
  6. Insulation tape or heat shrink tubing.
  7. Wooden beam or metal pipe for antenna mounting.

You can make a homemade antenna from tin cans as follows:

This is another easy way to make a TV antenna in a short time. The device picks up the signal well, providing high image quality.

All-wave antenna with amplifier

The all-wave antenna with amplifier can be of different configurations. It takes more time to assemble it than the first two options. But the advantage is that it is very powerful and receives all analogue channels in excellent quality. One of the most common options is an all-wave antenna of the "BUTTERFLY" shape.


  1. Board or plywood sheet, dimensions 550/70/5 mm.
  2. Copper wire.
  3. Connecting cable PK75.
  4. Drill.
  5. Soldering iron.
  6. Plug.


The do-it-yourself TV antenna is ready to go.

Decimeter antenna

Homemade antennas that pick up the decimeter signal can be of a variety of configurations.

Option 1

The simplest option is considered it is relatively easy and simple to assemble.

You will need:

  1. Plywood.
  2. Cord.
  3. Soldering iron.


  1. Make a ring of the connecting cable, size 53 cm.
  2. Cut off another piece of cable for making a loop, size 17.5 cm.
  3. You need to solder a loop to the ring, and a cable that will be inserted into the screen.
  4. Attach the structure to the plywood.
  5. Direct the assembled device towards the TV tower.

Thus, a do-it-yourself UHF antenna is assembled.

Option 2

Another possible method for making a TV antenna UHF range called the "Eight".


  1. Wire (copper, aluminum).
  2. Glue gun.
  3. Cable.
  4. Nippers.


This is another way how you can make an antenna yourself.

This device has a signal range reach up to 490 MHz, this means that the picture quality will be very high. But for manufacturing, you need to purchase a transformer.

You will need:

  1. Transformer.
  2. Foil.
  3. Glue.
  4. Roulette.
  5. Cardboard.
  6. Stapler.
  7. Marker.


The device is ready for use.

DIY satellite dish

One of the most popular questions, is it possible to make a satellite dish with your own hands? There are many videos on the Internet on how to make a dish for watching satellite TV on your own.

This device can be made at home in two ways:

  1. Sticking on the matrix.
  2. Soldering mesh and wire.

The first manufacturing method is considered the most optimal and convenient. To do this, you need to make a drawing of the future device. This stage of work must be approached very responsibly, all the parameters must be calculated accurately, otherwise an unusable device will come out at the output. A parabola is drawn in the drawing, which is then transferred to a steel sheet. Its thickness should be 0.05 cm.

Stages of work

  1. Using a welding machine, make a steel frame with a diameter of 9-10 cm. Steel rods are turned out to the outside, and the bearing is welded to the center.
  2. Install the resulting structure on a level place, and a pipe is connected to the installed bearing, then the knife is installed.
  3. Then the frame is poured with concrete and dried for 5 days.

At the final stage, it is necessary to glue the antenna, this can be done in different ways. To facilitate the work, it is recommended divide the structure into 8 parts. For gluing, glass cloth or epoxy primer is used.

Apply machine oil to the dried concrete mold, insert the pipe into the washer. After that, the homemade plate is covered with resin and the fiberglass is glued. The manufacturing process of the device has been completed. Read also,.

In the AMB range, due to a decrease in the effective length of the receiving antenna, with an increase in frequency, a lower voltage develops at the antenna input than under the same conditions in the meter range. Therefore, it becomes necessary to install antennas with a high gain. In antennas of the "Wave channel" type, this is achieved by increasing the number of directors, creating in-phase arrays from multi-element antennas (Fig. 10.30). Since the dimensions of the antenna elements of adjacent channels differ slightly, they are usually given for a group of channels (Table 10.20).

Table 10.20

13-element "Wave channel" antenna consists of three reflectors, an active loop vibrator and 9 directors. The distance between the ends of the loop vibrator A is 10 ... 20 mm. The diameter of the antenna vibrators is 4 ... 8 mm. The antenna gain is 11.5 dB, the opening angle of the main lobe of the radiation pattern in the horizontal and vertical planes is 40 °.

19-element Wave channel antenna for the UHF range (Fig. 10.31) consists of three reflectors, an active loop vibrator and 15 directors. The vibrators are made of 4 mm diameter wire and tubes. They are attached in any way to a supporting boom with a diameter of 20 mm. The boom length for any group of channels is 2145 mm (table 10.21). The antenna gain is 14 ... 15 dB, the opening angle of the main lobe of the radiation pattern in the horizontal and vertical planes is 30 ... 32.

Broadband antenna of the "Wave channel" type for reception in channels 21 ... 41(fig.10.32).

Depending on the distance to the television transmitter and the zone of reliable reception of its signals, the number of antenna elements (directors) can be reduced to 8.11 or 15.

In the case when preference is given to receiving in one television channel (for example, receiving an NTV program from the village of Kolodishchi), the dimensions of the antenna elements and the distance between them can be recalculated for this channel.

Table 10.21

The UHF broadband antenna has the highest gain (13 dB) in the 28th channel, the average frequency of which is 500 MHz. The conversion factor (Kp) in this case is determined by the formula

where fcp is the average frequency of the UHF channel, MHz. For the 37th channel, the average frequency of which is 562 MHz, Kp is equal to:

Kp = 530/562 = 0.943.

Multiplying the dimensions of the elements and the distance between them by 0.943, we get the dimensions of the antenna for the 37th channel (Fig.10.33). You can also recalculate a broadband antenna for any channel (or group of channels) UHF. The center frequency of the channel (group of channels) is given in table. 10.2, the length of the half-wave loop is in table. 10.1. When using a metal supporting boom (traverse), the dimensions of the elements obtained when recalculating are increased by half its diameter.

The channel antenna gain increases to 14 ... 15 dB. An antenna of eight elements is used at a distance of 20 ... 30 km from the village. Kolodischi, from 11 - up to 30 ... 40, from 15 elements - up to 50 ... 60 km. An antenna of 24 elements is used behind the zone of reliable reception at a distance of 70 ... 90 km. To ensure good quality of the received image, an antenna amplifier is installed directly on the mast.

The antenna is less susceptible to the influence of closely spaced objects and has good repeatability. Deviations of up to 2 mm from the calculated dimensions are permissible with practically no deterioration in the antenna parameters.

Antenna of the "Wave channel" type with a complex passive reflector(Figure 10.34; Table 10.22 ... 10.24) consists of a lattice reflector (Figure 10.35, a), two canvases of which are installed at an angle of 90 ° at the end of the supporting boom, an active loop vibrator (Figure 10.35, b) and 18 directors.

In this case, the first two directors (A1 and D2) are two-story and spaced vertically by the thickness of the bearing boom (Table 10.23).

Table 10.22

The main advantage of such an antenna is reliable shielding of the rear hemisphere due to an increase in the SPL when installing a complex reflector. The latter concentrates the energy of the useful signal in the direction of the active vibrator, which helps to increase the antenna gain.

Table 10.23

Table 10.24

In fig. 10.36 is a side view of the antenna described above. 6-element antenna is designed for short-range reception at a distance of up to 10 ... 15 km from a television transmitter: 10-element - 15 ... 25; 15-element - 25 ... 40; 20-element - at a distance of 40 ... 60 km and more.

In the UHF range are widely used frame antenna Triple square, whose frames are made of a single piece of copper, brass wire with a diameter of 2 ... 3 mm. With the dimensions of the decimeter range (Table 10.25), the antenna has sufficient rigidity. The wire must be bent in a certain way (Figure 10.37). At points A, B and C, the wires must be stripped and soldered. In this design, instead of a loop (see Fig. 10.12) made from a piece of coaxial cable, a quarter-wave short-circuit bridge (see Fig. 10.11) is used, the same length as the loop (see Table 10.5). The distance between the bridge wires remains the same (30 mm). The design of such an antenna is quite rigid, and the lower boom is not needed here. -

The feeder is tied to the right wire of the bridge from the outside. When the feeder approaches the vibrator frame, the cable sheath is soldered to point X ", the central conductor - to point X. The left bridge wire is fixed on a dielectric stand or, in the case of an external antenna, on the mast. It is important that the feeder and the mast stand are not located in the space between the bridge wires ...

If you have copper, brass or aluminum strips, you can make diamond antenna(fig.10.38). The strips (1) are overlapped with screws and nuts. There must be a reliable electrical contact at the point of contact of the plates. The thickness of the strips is arbitrary.

The diamond-shaped antenna can operate in the frequency band of channels 21 ... 60, its gain is 6 ... 8 dB. To increase it, the antenna can be equipped with a reflector (Fig. 10.39).

The simplest reflector is a flat screen made of tubes or pieces of thick wire. The diameter of the reflector elements is not critical (3 ... 10 mm). The reflector sheet (2) is attached with the support-posts (3) to a metal or wooden mast (4). Points 0 have zero potential with respect to the ground, so the struts (2) can be metal.

Table 10.25

Feeder (5) - a cable of the RK type with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms is laid to the power points A and B. The cable sheath is soldered to point B, and the central conductor to point A. At For long-range reception, the diamond-shaped antenna can be equipped with a broadband amplifier (6).

2-element Swiss antenna(see Fig. 10.21) can also be used in the UHF range (Table 10.26).

Table 10.26

Digital television T2 is actively entering our life. To date, many houses have already installed antennas to receive such a signal. But what about those who live in the suburbs or in a rented apartment? The solution is quite simple - it is a homemade antenna for T2, which can become an inexpensive and reliable alternative to a factory product.

Diy TV antennas

In order to catch digital terrestrial television, first of all, you need to have a supportive new digital format TV, and then you don't have to buy a special set-top box.

In addition, an indoor or outdoor decimeter antenna is required. Do not trust those who say that the device must be digital or something else. Quite simply, a TV antenna with your own hands can be made from scrap materials, resulting in a powerful device that will perfectly receive the signal.

A simple decimeter antenna with your own hands

Before preparing materials for the manufacture of the device, it is necessary to calculate its future length. To do this, you need to find out the frequency at which digital broadcasting is going on, and apply a special formula: divide 7500 by the frequency in Megahertz and round off the result.

A decimeter antenna for TV is made from a conventional television 75-ohm coaxial cable and standard connector.

After all the correct actions, the channel search will begin. If the repeater is located in an area up to fifteen kilometers from the house, then the signal will be received well and the amplifier will not be required. If the distance is greater, then an amplifier must be used.

Diy digital antenna "figure eight"

In order for the signal quality to be definitely good, you can make a more complex homemade television antenna for TV.

To make it you will need to prepare:

  • TV cable;
  • box;
  • roulette;
  • foil;
  • glue;
  • Scotch.

The bottom of the box (for example, from under the shoes) will need to be well coated with glue and completely covered with foil. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the foil does not rise anywhere.

While the foil is sticking, you need to cut off two pieces of 50 centimeters each from the cable, and strip the ends of the insulation, carefully cutting off the outer sheath with a knife. Bending the braid to the side at all ends, bend the segments into a circle so that they are not closed completely. The distance between them should be about 1 centimeter.

Fix the resulting figure eight with tape to the box lid. In this case, you need to make sure that the stripped ends are located next to each other. The cable on the box should hold well, so no need to spare the tape. The antenna frame is ready.

Now follows prepare the main cable that will connect to the TV.

It remains only to mount the connector for the TV. To do this, at the remaining end of the television cable, you need to remove the insulation, squeeze and cut off the braid, and remove the foil. Then, stepping back from the braid half a centimeter, remove the inner insulation of the core.

The TV connector must be screwed onto the prepared cable so that the conductor with insulation is not visible in the wide part. After that, from the edge of the connector, retreat half a centimeter and bite off the excess part of the core, insert the second part of the connector and screw it on.

The cable and antenna are ready. Having installed the device in a convenient place, it must be directed towards the TV transmitter, connect the cable and turn on the TV. The antenna should work well and show the TV without interference.

Homemade antenna from cans

An antenna that will catch not one or two channels, but as many as seven or eight can be made from the simplest cans. To make it, you will need to prepare:

First of all, one should prepare the cable, removing the top layer from it on a segment of 10 centimeters from the beginning. The wiring inside the cable must be untwisted, the foil removed from under them, and one centimeter of the stripped layer must be cut off. You need to put a plug on the other end of the wire.

Now follows prepare banks... Attach the core of the cable to the rings of one of them, and part of the untangled wires to the other. If there are no rings, then self-tapping screws can be screwed into the cans and the wires can be wound on them, having processed the surface with a soldering iron.

After that, the jars need to be used with scotch tape. attach to the hanger... The distance between them should be 75 millimeters, the banks should be placed on one straight line.

Homemade TV antenna is ready. Now you need to connect it to the TV using a plug and find a place for it where the signal will be best caught.

Indoor antenna for TV "Rhombus"

This design is a diamond-shaped frame, is manufactured quickly and easily, and receives digital television signals confidently and easily. For her, you will need to prepare a copper or aluminum rod about 180 centimeters long.

There should be two rhombuses. One will act as a reflector, and the second as a vibrator. The side of the frame should be approximately 14 centimeters and the distance between them should be approximately 10 centimeters.

After the rhombus is made, between the two ends of the rod it is necessary to mount a dielectric... Its size and shape can be arbitrary. The main thing is to make sure that the distance between the rods is about two centimeters.

Now the upper parts of the frames need to be connected, and the cable must be connected to the copper or brass petals fixed at the antenna terminal.

If the repeater is located far away or with the help of the resulting device a weak signal quality is caught, then it will be possible add amplifier... As a result, you will get an active decimeter antenna for TV, which can be used not only in the city, but also in the country.

Of course, such devices for receiving a television signal will not be distinguished by an exquisite design, but with their help it will be possible to enjoy your favorite programs.

Bread and circuses - so the Roman poet - satirist Juvenal said, and in something he was absolutely right. Modern society, and in particular the present person, can no longer do without pretentious pictures, shocking videos, exciting movies, comedy scenes. One of these "elements" that can provide us with access to the world of spectacles is television. But even here it is not enough to have a TV, it must also have an antenna. Indeed, without an antenna blooming, radio waves are as difficult to catch as a fish on a hook without a bait. Why do we need an antenna, to speak is not something that is prosaic, especially since we have already mentioned this in a utilitarian way, and more disrespectful to our reader. So, skipping the description of the antenna purpose target, let's proceed to the description of its creation. It is about how to make an antenna with our own hands that we wanted to tell in this article.

The following will be one of the simplest and, most importantly, available methods for making an indoor antenna for your TV. It is made utilitarian out of nothing, or rather - 2 beer cans, screws, dress hangers, wire and plug.

DIY TV antenna from beer cans

So, we need a couple of beer cans, a soldering iron, a TV cable, solder and something else. About this in the course of our story.

Here it is necessary to know in what order and what to do to get the much-desired television antenna. If we talk about the requirements for the materials used to make the antenna, then first of all, buy a good TV cable. A good TV cable implies a resistance of 75 ohms per meter, a strong center conductor, and tight, continuous double shielding. How much cable to buy depends on the location of the antenna, but know that the longer the cable, the more "useful" signal will be extinguished in it. (the rule works clearly for MV shafts). For UHF, it also works, but not so critical.

So, we make a cut for the plug and install it on the wire.

The plugs are now such that they don't even ask for soldering, so everything will depend on the accuracy of your cuts and the size (diameter) of the cable. In the photo there is not a very good option for installing the plug on the cable leading to the antenna, try to do it better. In principle, a lot of details about installing a plug on a TV cable can be found in the article "How to insert a plug on a cable to connect to a TV".

Next, let's start working on the second TV cable cover. Here it is necessary to bring out 2 conductors of the cable, one from the very edge, and the second after about 10-15 cm. The first conductor is the core, the second is shielding. Care will also be needed here so as not to cut through unnecessary layers of insulation and conductors. As a result, the efficiency of the antenna and the clarity of the reception of television channels will depend on the quality of each and all works in total - remember this. In the photo below you can see how the first and second conductors are removed from the cable. The upper insulation is dropped at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge of the cable.

Now about beer cans. We don’t know which beer you can afford or like, but more cans are needed. Let's repeat, not a lot, but big ones. 0.75 is good, and liter is even better. It's hard to say anything about the big 5 l beer kegs. This will probably go beyond the "scope" of the indoor antenna. After drinking beer, rinse the jars in water and dry them so that the aroma of the intoxicated drink is not measured from them. Such a smell of a radio wave will not attract waves, but for sure flies.
Now we take the cable that we prepared earlier. Using small self-tapping screws, we screw one conductor to the end of the first can, the other to the end of the second. Use solder to improve contact between the can body and the self-tapping screw. Fill in all possible gaps to improve contact.

Now our antenna is almost ready, there is not enough frame in order to base the banks between themselves and what to fix the antenna to, to something. In our case, the hanger for the dress was the frame. For this there are all the criteria "FOR". Low price, availability, proper rigidity and dimensions. Yes, there is also a hook to hang everything at once in the chosen place.
So, we place the banks on one level, so that they are symmetrical about the center. Play a little with the distance between them, as the quality of signal reception will depend on it. You can secure the cans with tape or tape. The reference spacing for cans on the antenna is in the order of 75 mm.

As a result, we get not a crafty, but functional thing - a room TV antenna from beer cans. Of course, such an antenna is capable of working only in the zone of confident TV signal enrollment. This is not an antenna for receiving a signal 20 km from the city, this is just a total that will slightly make the reception more confident, but not ideal.
Professionals, perhaps, are already laughing sarcastically at this article and the antenna, because in fact a television antenna requires a severe and accurate calculation of its elements, depending on the wavelength received. In this they are absolutely right. But this calculation is not always available to the average man in the street, which prompts him to similar adventures in the manufacture of antennas, as, in particular, for the antenna shown here, from beer cans.
Next, we will consider a more serious option. First of all, its big plus is that it will tell you how to make an antenna according to all the rules, taking into account the physiological characteristics of radio wave propagation.

Radio waves received by the TV antenna

Since we have climbed so far away, it is necessary at least to say about the basics, because how could it be otherwise !? Radio waves of television channels of an analog signal propagate in the range of meter (MV) and decimeter shafts (UHF).
In fact, this is the same thing, except that MV and UHF waves propagate with different radio wave frequencies. Meter shafts are from 1 to 21 channels, and UHF from 21 to 40 channels. It is important to note here that, in bondage to the wavelength, it will be necessary to use an appropriate antenna for MV or UHF shafts. It is also necessary to say that antennas are both indoor and outdoor. Consider both options.

Indoor antennas for TV with your own hands (MV and UHF)

Indoor antenna MV

The strength of magnetic waves indoors is much less than outside. Therefore, it makes sense to use indoor antennas only in the immediate vicinity of the television center. So the simplest indoor antenna can be made from an electrical wire, or any other insulated conductor. An insulator is installed in the center of the antenna. Two guides are attached to it by means of fasteners (bolt - nut). The ends of the conductors are stretched so that they are straight, like strings or rods.

The total length of the conductors, of the two antenna rams, is taken according to the wavelength and the received channel. These can be taken from the table.

If you choose the length of the antenna guides, according to the TV channel you are watching, then it will be much more effective than beer cans.
Next, we will give another version of an indoor TV antenna, which you can make with your own hands. This is a UHF antenna. Not looking at the fact that the UHF channels are practically not used, nevertheless, broadcasting is still sometimes somewhere, but it is being conducted. This means that we also cannot ignore this topic. Here is an example of a UHF antenna.

UHF indoor antenna

The used installation wire, referred to as KPTA-1, serves to increase the noise immunity of the antenna. For this, as you can see, at a distance of 140 mm from the edge of the cable, the insulation is stripped to the screen and this mounting wire is soldered - a loop. You can use a different wire with a cross section of 0.35 mm.
The frequency of the received radio waves of this antenna will be from 470 to 630 MHz, that is, the UHF wave.
All antenna elements are mounted on a stand, which is a dielectric.

Do-it-yourself outdoor TV antennas (MV)

Antenna - half-wave linear vibrator

This outdoor antenna is designed to enroll TV waves near the city 20-30 km. In fact, this is an analogue of the simplest indoor antenna, which we have already talked about a little earlier, except that it is adapted for the street.
So, as we have already comprehended, the antenna must have certain dimensions that will affect the enrollment of television radio waves. The dimensions will depend on which channel you are going to watch. All dimensions for the antenna can be found in the table.

Rice. 1. Antenna - half-wave linear vibrator (Imagines a simple television antenna)

The input impedance of the linear vibrator (antenna) is 73 ohms. The bandwidth of a linear vibrator depends on the outer diameter of its tubes and grows with an increase in the final one.
You should not choose D greater than 30 mm, since with its further increase, the image quality does not noticeably improve, and the weight and dimensions of the antenna increase.
Table 1 shows the dimensions of the elements of a linear vibrator. The gap A between the ends of the tubes is 50-70 mm.

The antenna is connected to a TV with an unbalanced 75-ohm input using a coaxial cable (RK-75-4-15, RK-75-9-12, etc.). The cable is connected to the antenna through a special balun (see Fig. 2 ).

The required dimensions of the elements of matching structures are selected according to table. 2.

The antenna is made from steel, aluminum or brass tubes and metal strips. Porcelain insulators and textolite are used to attach the antenna tubes to a metal or wooden mast.
Antenna - a half-wave vibrator is used in conditions of close enrollment, we have already talked about this. (20-30 km). This version of the antenna, of course, is a lot more laborious than an indoor antenna, but its efficiency will be much higher. To enroll TV broadcasts far from the city, or rather from the transmitter, use the "wave channel" antenna.

Antenna "wave channel" MV and UHF do-it-yourself calculation and diagram

At large distances from the transmitter, that is, the television center, this is a routine of 40-90 km, antennas of the "wave channel" type are used. These antennas have very good gain, but require strict directivity. If you use such an antenna in populated areas, it will reduce interference from adjacent sources, thereby improving the image picture.
Antenna "wave channel" in its structure consists of an active loop and linear vibrator. We talked about the linear vibrator in the previous paragraphs. The size of the antenna is selected based on the consideration of signal amplification, the farther, the more complex the antenna will be. Also, the number of directors is able to improve the receiving properties of the antenna by changing its sensitivity to the direction to the transmitter.
however, a large increase in the number of directors leads to a decrease in bandwidth. Here it is necessary to find a "golden mean". So on the channels of the MV range, 3, 5 and 7 element antennas are used.

The geometrical dimensions of such antennas of the "wave channel" image are given in the table. At the same time, for 1-5 channels, tubes with a size of 18 mm are used in the design, and for channels 6-12, 12 mm.

TV channel number Dimensions in mm, for a three-element "wave channel" antenna
A B V a b v
1 2710 3040 2360 880 595 800
2 2300 2580 2000 750 505 800
3 1780 2000 1550 580 390 800
4 1620 1820 1410 530 355 800
5 1480 1660 1290 480 325 800
6 795 900 695 260 175 550
7 165 860 665 250 170 550
8 735 825 640 240 165 550
9 705 795 615 230 155 550
10 680 765 590 225 150 550
11 650 730 570 220 145 550
12 630 705 550 205 140 550
TV channel number Dimensions in mm, for a five-element "wave channel" antenna
A B V G D a b v G d
1 2780 3150 2520 2510 2450 1210 735 705 750 800
2 2350 2660 2135 2125 2070 1040 625 595 630 800
3 1800 2035 1630 1620 1580 780 475 480 480 800
4 1620 1830 1470 1460 1420 700 425 430 430 800
5 1490 1680 1350 1340 1300 645 390 395 395 800
6 810 915 730 725 710 350 215 215 215 550
7 780 880 705 700 680 340 205 205 205 550
8 740 840 670 665 650 325 195 195 195 550
9 715 810 650 645 625 310 190 190 190 550
10 690 780 625 620 600 295 180 180 180 550
11 660 750 60 595 585 285 175 175 175 550
12 635 720 575 570 550 270 170 170 170 550
TV channel number Dimensions in mm, for a seven-element "wave channel" antenna
A B V G D E F a b G d e f
1 2760 3220 2200 2180 2160 2130 2105 1180 415 845 870 905 800
2 2340 2730 1870 1850 1830 1810 1790 910 350 715 735 765 800
3 1810 2120 1450 1430 1415 1400 1380 710 275 560 570 595 800
4 1650 1920 1320 1300 1290 1270 1260 645 250 505 520 540 800
5 1510 1760 1200 1190 1180 1160 1150 590 225 460 475 495 800
6 710 925 700 655 620 565 520 310 125 385 400 425 550
7 680 885 670 625 595 540 500 295 120 370 385 405 550
8 650 850 640 600 570 520 480 285 115 355 370 390 550
9 625 815 620 575 545 500 460 275 110 340 350 375 550
10 600 785 595 555 525 480 440 265 105 325 330 360 550
11 580 755 570 535 505 460 425 255 100 315 325 345 550
12 560 730 555 515 485 445 410 245 95 305 320 335 550

But for the UHF shafts, a 16-element antenna is used. The diameter of the tubes is 6-10 mm, and for the boom 14-16 mm.

For her, the dimensions are also plunged in the table.

TV channel number Dimensions in mm, for an 11-element UHF "wave channel" antenna
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 21-40

After the antenna is ready, it will be necessary to extend the television, antenna cable from it to the TV. About this in the article "Connecting a TV to an antenna cable through a plug".

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Everyone and everyone has long known about the purpose of television antennas - these are devices designed to receive and transmit a digital or analog signal to TV equipment. Traditionally, antennas are divided into three types: indoor, outdoor and hybrid, combining features of both types at the same time.

Initially, when television broadcasting was just beginning to develop, and televisions did not have such multifaceted functionality, the signal quality (especially at a considerable distance from the source) left much to be desired. Passive antennas, serving only as a receiver, could not provide pictures and sound of a proper quality, which left a strong imprint on the popularization of media technology and television broadcasting in general. It was then that the antennas began to be equipped with special amplifiers, which greatly increased the quality of the signal entering the TV receiver.

Today, a huge number of companies around the world are engaged in the development of antennas, however, not all are suitable for domestic data transmission standards and requirements for perceived frequency ranges. We have selected seven of the best TV antennas in three main categories for our purchase recommendation, which received the highest consumer ratings.

The choice of devices was made taking into account:

  1. Technical characteristics
  2. Customer Reviews
  3. Antenna cost (value for money)
  4. The opinions of experts in the electronics market
  5. User voting results

Best indoor antennas for digital TV

Indoor antennas work in the decimeter or meter range, receiving a signal at a distance of up to 30 km. Such devices have some restrictions on the quality of TV waves, and need careful tuning. However, they are compact, inexpensive, and can be moved anywhere without too much trouble. The leader in the market for indoor digital television antennas is the manufacturer Remo.

5 Remo Inter 2.0

Best desktop antenna
Country Russia
Average price: 870 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The four best indoor antennas for digital television are closed by Remo Inter 2.0. The device has a fairly affordable price, while possessing good functionality, which makes it one of the best on the market. The receiver is capable of working with 20 digital, 10 analog and 3 radio signals, in contrast to competitors that work only with digital. Convenient antenna control will allow you to set the required signal gain level and achieve maximum quality.

Among the strengths of this device in the reviews, buyers highlight the low cost, excellent design and ease of installation. The antenna body itself is collapsible, but it can be assembled literally in no time. Separately, it should be said about the power cables and antennas - they not only have high-quality insulation, but also the same length, thanks to which the device can be installed in the right place. The weak sides include not always stable signal reception and poor-quality plastic of the case.

4 RA-A30

High quality, balanced indoor antenna
Country: China
Average price: 990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

One of the typical representatives of Chinese indoor antennas for receiving a digital signal, showing good results in the component of picture stability. Despite the poor appearance of the "pin", which strongly resembles the antennas of standard portable tape recorders, the reception quality remains at a high level. The reason for this is a good standard amplifier (with a coefficient of the order of 28-30 decibels), closed in a sealed plastic case.

As for the aesthetic component, consumers, on the whole, are satisfied with the external data of the RA-A30, noting only the strong soiling of the front panel. The reliability parameters here are not the most optimal, but for stable operation for several (and with proper care, for 5-7) years it is quite enough. Thus, this antenna is a great option for those looking for an inexpensive solution for the home coupled with good performance.

3 Hyundai H-TAI320

Excellent adaptability to the setting of structural elements
The country:
Average price: 680 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An interesting example of a home antenna for analog and digital television, showing, in general, similar results with models such as HARPER ADVB-2120. The closed loop of the original form is combined here at once with two "horn" antennas (articulated with the body), due to which extensive tuning possibilities for normal signal reception are provided. By the way, Hyundai H-TAI320 is capable of operating both in the VHF frequency range (87.5-230 MHz) and in the UHF range (470-862 MHz), and with a sufficient degree of picture quality.

Good quality is achieved, first of all, due to the presence of a built-in amplifier, the gain of which is quite good 30 dB. There is a possibility of receiving digital signals of the DVB-T and DVB-T2 format, as well as FM and DAB. The key advantage of Hyundai H-TAI320 is the ratio of cost to quality. Having performance indicators identical to competitors, this model has a disproportionately large tuning radius of the receiving elements, which is especially important in conditions of interference concentration.


The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 570 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The second line of the rating of the best indoor digital TV broadcasting antennas goes to HARPER ADVB-2120. This model has a whole range of optimal characteristics, supported by a huge number of complementary reviews from domestic consumers. A wide range of captured frequencies (from 87.5 to 862 MHz) and the ability to amplify not only digital, but also analog channels (FM, VHF and UHF) are included in a pleasant "synthesis" with an original design, thanks to which the antenna can fit into any interior. It is also important that the signal amplifier is powered directly from the receiver or TV, since it does not have an external network adapter. This imposes some restrictions on the use of the antenna (since not all models of digital equipment support the possibility of direct power supply), however, it has a positive effect on its compactness.

The ergonomic characteristics of the HARPER ADVB-2120 are also at a height: the antenna can be easily placed on a plane if there is enough free space. Otherwise, the shape of the closed ring makes it possible to simply and easily hang it on any convenient hook. As a result, given the low cost, all of the above characteristics make this model one of the best in its category.

1 Remo BAS-5310USB Horizon

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 850 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A quality receiver Remo BAS-5310USB Horizon ranks first in the rating of the best indoor antennas for digital television. The model is distinguished by its original appearance, and this is not its only advantage. It has a relatively small size and a convenient mount, which allows you to install it directly on the TV. When properly tuned, the device is capable of picking up waves from 21 to 69 different channels. The antenna has a built-in amplifier, which qualitatively affects the signal level.

In the reviews, buyers talk about excellent reception quality, convenient connection of an amplifier via USB and the ability to work with a reflected signal as the strengths of the model. The antenna has a sturdy enough body that will save the insides in case of a fall. There are no problems with connecting the device. The receiver weighs only 230 grams. Power is supplied from a 5 volt power supply supplied in the kit. The disadvantages include a short cable and unreliable fastening.

Best outdoor antennas for digital TV

Outdoor antennas for digital television have high power, due to their special design, and can receive a signal at a distance of up to 50 km. In this case, it is worth considering the presence of large obstacles in the path of transmission, which can interfere with the passage of television waves. Devices are capable of receiving a signal at a greater distance, however, in this case, you should pay attention to models with an amplifier.

5 Remo "Dvina-DX"

Best value for money (signal reception)
Country Russia
Average price: 510 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The next place in the rating of the best outdoor antennas for digital television is taken by Remo "Dvina-DX". Despite its low cost, the device has a decent signal reception level, which makes it suitable for operation at a distance of about 60 km. For better reception of digital and analog waves, the model is equipped with an amplifier. The package includes a 12 volt power supply.

Buyers refer to the advantages of this model in reviews as a good level of signal reception, low cost and ease of use. In addition, during the development of the antenna, special attention was paid to the quality of the materials used. The support bar is made of durable and lightweight aluminum, and the receiving parts are powder coated to prevent premature failure. Heavy-duty mounting bolts will securely fix the structure to the boom. The disadvantages of this antenna include some difficulties with installation and the need to independently upgrade the separator for better performance.


Cheapest digital outdoor antenna
The country: South Korea (made in China)
Average price: 520 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A simple and unpretentious outdoor TV antenna to provide a stable TV signal at small (up to 8-10 kilometers) distances from relay towers. It has the ability to capture not only analog, but also digital signals in the DVB-T and DVB-T2 formats, for which it often becomes the first choice of city dwellers. It has a modest gain by the standards of competitiveness in the market, which is only 5 dB. Which, however, is quite enough for comfortable work from high masts.

As a fastening element on the HYUNDAI H-TAE100, a bracket with wing nuts is provided, thanks to which the antenna can be easily dismantled without the use of keys and other tools. Judging by consumer reviews, the most controversial characteristic of this model is the reliability parameter, namely the resistance to wind load. This fact quite strictly limits the possible height of placement, but is compensated by the cost of the antenna at the level of standard room samples.

3 REXANT DVB-T2 RX-411 34-0411

High degree of structural reliability
Country: China
Average price: 1279 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An eight-element outdoor receiver for digital and analog TV signals, which is a bright representative of the average with an optimal balance of price and quality. The built-in amplifier REXANT DVB-T2 RX-411 34-0411 has a gain of 34 dB, due to which it provides excellent picture quality even with weak satellite broadcasting. As for the "ground" operational characteristics, then for urban realities they are more than reasonable, without claims to outstanding performance. It is advisable to install the model on masts with a total height of up to 7 meters from the ground. In case of underestimation of the antenna (apartment variant of placement "near the window"), there is a possibility of encountering a problem of interference, which leads to a periodic failure and "crumbling" of the picture. From the standpoint of constructive reliability, REXANT DVB-T2 RX-411 34-0411 performs very well, and, according to user reviews, it can work properly even in the most severe climatic conditions for 7 years.

2 BBK DA32

The most powerful digital antenna
The country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 2,000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

An outdoor antenna for a Japanese TV, the main feature of which is excellent signal reception at a distance of up to 50 kilometers from the nearest repeaters. It has an increased gain (32 decibels), which allows it to easily provide the proper picture quality even with a weak signal from satellites. According to user feedback, the BBK DA32 provides excellent functional performance in the DVB-T (DVB-T2), ATSC and less fancy DSB radio frequencies.

The entire set of "stuffing" of the digital antenna is hidden inside a sealed plastic case with good mechanical strength and high shock resistance. It comes with a factory bracket with universal fasteners, suitable for any installation conditions. The cost of BBK DA32 is slightly beyond the average for the segment, but is fully justified by its performance and practical performance.

1 Remo Hummingbird-A-DX Deluxe

Popular outdoor antenna
Country Russia
Average price: 1299 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The first place in the rating of the best outdoor antennas for digital television is occupied by Remo Kolibri-A-DX Deluxe. The device is placed on a special mast for better signal reception. As an addition, an amplifier is provided, which helps to receive channels at longer distances. The model has a successful design, thanks to which it is able to easily perceive the signal even in areas where there is no direct line of sight to the source.

In numerous positive reviews, buyers talk about high-quality and stable reception, ease of installation and configuration. At the same time, the metal parts of the antenna are covered with powder paint, which protects them from corrosion and meteorological influences. The kit includes a ready-made cable 6 meters long and a power supply for the amplifier. Among the disadvantages are the unreliability of the power supply and the inconvenience of adjusting the amplifier.

The best satellite dishes (dishes)

Satellite antennas (or simply dishes) are the most modern of all types of antennas. They boast a wide range of received signals and good quality. However, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than other types.

2 Lans-65 MS6506

Good signal even in bad weather
Country: China
Average price: 2500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The second place in the ranking of the best satellite dishes is the Lans-65 MS6506 model. This cymbal has a rather unusual design with a parabola geometry and special perforation. This combination allows the antenna to clean itself independently, which has a positive effect on the quality of the received signal. In addition, the perforation significantly reduces the wind load of the entire structure and makes it lighter.

Among the advantages in the reviews, buyers point to a pleasant appearance, excellent reception quality and ease of setup. A special powder coating protects the cymbal from premature failure, and the reinforced mount allows for smooth elevation adjustment. The disadvantages of using include periodic signal jumps.

1 AUM CTB-0.6 DF - 1.1

The best signal quality for NTV + and Tricolor TV
Country: Belarus
Average price: 1150 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The first place in the rating of the best satellite dish antennas is occupied by the AUM CTB-0.6 DF - 1.1 model. The product from the Belarusian manufacturer is recognized as one of the most suitable for working with NTV + and Tricolor TV. The device has a good gain, which allows it to function in cities, even with dense buildings. A distinctive feature of this antenna is not a round, but an ovoid shape, which is done to improve reception.

In the reviews, users talk about high quality workmanship, low cost and ease of customization. For quick installation, the kit includes all the necessary fasteners. If necessary, the standard boom can be easily replaced with a longer one for better reception. The disadvantages include only poor-quality packaging of additional components.

How to choose a good antenna

The choice of television antennas, like many other devices, is accompanied by some nuances that should be inquired about in advance. We strongly recommend that you pay attention to the following parameters:

Antenna type. Depending on the place of application, antennas are divided into indoor, outdoor and hybrid, which can be placed in both conditions. If the received signal is sufficiently stable and confident, a simple indoor antenna can be dispensed with. Otherwise, you should give preference to hybrid or full-fledged street options.

Antenna range. In this case, antennas are divided into two types: broadband and narrowband. The first option is advisable to apply when the frequency of TV broadcasting is not known in advance. This option is suitable for thrifty owners, in case new channels appear on the air. Narrowband antennas are oriented to a certain frequency and it is impossible to rebuild them to other bands without losing the current one.

Strengthening the signal. This function is inherent exclusively in active antennas, in the design of which the presence of an additional module is provided. This embodiment is suitable when the received signal requires amplification to generate a clear and high-quality image on the TV screen.

Antenna directivity. A simple and unpretentious way to improve the quality of the signal by shifting the radiation pattern allows antennas to carry out accentuated reception only at a strictly defined azimuth. This effect allows you to avoid interference caused by the reflection of various signals from the walls of residential buildings and other "initiating" objects.

Antenna internal impedance. It is very important that this parameter matches the resistance of the cable connected to the device. The standard impedance of the equipment for receiving a TV signal is 75 ohms, and for a radio signal it is 50 ohms.

Design. The aesthetic side of the issue when buying a television antenna should also not be left out. Often, a pleasant appearance indirectly affects the improvement of the quality of the applied signal, since the correct geometry and rational arrangement of additional elements affects the physical parameters.

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