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Long messages go in contact. Reasons why messages are not sent in a contact

We don't notice when everything is in order. It is taken as a given, as a matter of course. But the emergence of any problem in a daily situation can throw anyone off moral balance. When messages are not sent in contact, we are not only annoyed, but also deprived of the opportunity to communicate with friends through our favorite social network VK.

The most popular social network in Russia

  • Registration in a few keystrokes, just enter the name, surname and phone number.
  • Possibility of free use of the service. No subscriptions, paid accounts or anything like that.
  • Availability anywhere in the world, in any language.
  • Almost every resident of Russia and the CIS is registered in this social network.
  • Numerous applications will help you find entertainment for every taste.
  • Tens of thousands of communities unite people with similar interests.
  • To make a new acquaintance, you only need to click on the "Write a message" button.

Why are messages not being sent in a contact?

It is with sending a message that problems may arise. No, it's not about natural shyness, shyness or suspiciousness. The purely technical side of the issue comes to the fore.

Usually users cannot send a message to vk for a reason:

  1. Failures on the servers, problems with the equipment of the provider.
  2. Disable javascript in the browser.
  3. The absence of a phone number associated with the account.
  4. Being blacklisted by the user to whom you are trying to send a private message.
  5. Computer infections with malware.

Basically, they all arise due to non-compliance with the rules of safe use of the network or simple laziness. Most often, this error occurs due to browser updates, if you disable them, you can avoid constant failures, including VKontakte.

It just so happened that vk is one of the most popular sites in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, which is why it is convenient for attackers to navigate it. But if it is extremely difficult for them to crack the protection of the resource itself, and often even impossible, then they will be able to test the strength of your systems.

Messages are not sent in a contact, what should I do?

Step-by-step solution to the problem with VK messages described below:

  1. First, launch your antivirus program.
  2. If you don't have it on your computer, download the free version from the Internet. For example, free utility from Kaspersky.
  3. Check the system with it, restart the computer and watch for changes.
  4. If nothing has changed, find the hosts file. It is located in the system32 folder.
  5. This file contains certain restrictions, and the domain should not appear in it.
  6. There should only be one line, so just delete the excess and save the changes.
  7. After that, everything should work fine if the problem was not in the browser.
  8. There are already two solutions. Simplest - clear the history.
  9. To do this, just go to the settings and select the appropriate item.
  10. If it does not help, change the browser to any other. According to VK developers, Google Chrome is best supported.
  11. Or you can wait until the situation normalizes. The problem could have arisen not only for you, there may be problems on the server and right now dozens of specialists are fighting over it.

These simple steps should help you regain control. The best part is that there is nothing complicated about it, no special manipulations. Any person, even a little understanding of computers, is capable of this.

At what level does the problem with VC occur?

It is always important to know if only you had a problem with sending messages and there is nowhere to wait for help, or all users suffer from this trouble.

local problem


News sites are silent and do not give out anything interesting on this topic.

Information about the “fall” of vk appears on various resources.

All friends and acquaintances are perplexed, what kind of contact problems are you talking about?

They call you to ask if you can send a message to someone else.

The site is loading correctly.

After a while there are problems loading the main page.

Additional menus and blocks may pop up to notify you of the problem.

No padding, just nothing happens after the button is pressed.

It is always more pleasant when the problem is massive. This means one simple thing, you don't have to worry about fixing it. The technical specialists of the social network will do this for you, because the problem is on their part.

In the meantime, you can, the world is not limited to the Internet alone. And there is more than one single site on the network, so you won’t be bored. It makes no sense to push the technical support department with constant requests, such failures are usually really massive. Those. VK becomes inaccessible immediately for tens of millions of users, in such conditions, the influence of one person and even several thousand will not change anything.

Why messages are not sent

Causes of failure to send messages in a contact can be divided into two groups. Technical:

  • Incorrect browser operation.
  • Infection of the system with viruses.
  • Website failures.

And social:

  • You are on the list of ignored users.
  • The interlocutor closed private messages for outsiders.

Bypassing problems from the first list is much easier than from the second. Sometimes it's just not worth it to impose on a person and give him time to think about the situation.

Do not raise an alarm if messages are not sent in a contact. There are dozens of other ways of communication in the world, so you will not lose the opportunity to communicate with a person. But it would not hurt to check the protection of the computer.

Video lesson: fixing the sending problem

VKontakte crashes, various errors are not uncommon lately. Today we will talk about why VKontakte messages are not sent. This can happen for various reasons, which will be discussed in this article.

Why VK messages are not sent

So, you want to write something to your VK friend, but when sending a message, the social network gives an error. There can be many different reasons for this: from VK failures to PC performance problems.

Privacy settings

The user to whom you want to send messages may have set their privacy settings so that only a certain circle of people can write to them. In this case, you will see a message: "The user has limited the circle of persons." You can also be on the black list of this person, then you won’t be able to write to him in a personal either.

Internet connection

If the Internet speed is below 128 KB/s, the connection is considered unstable. Because of this, messages may not be sent to VK. If it seems to you that the problem is in the speed of the Internet, check it through a special service

Internet browser problems

Sometimes the web browser itself is to blame for why VKontakte messages are not sent. Some users like to use obscure products that do not guarantee stable operation. It is better to install browsers such as:

  • Yandex Browser
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox

If the problem is in the browser, then:

1. Open Control Panel or Windows Settings.

2. There you should find the section "Add or Remove Programs" or "Applications".

3. In the list that opens, you need to find your browser, right-click on it and select "Delete".

4. Then you should go to the official website of one of the popular web browsers, download the executable file and install the program into the system.

After that, the error should be resolved.


All of the above are the most common solutions for what to do if messages are not sent to VK. If none of the methods helps, then the problem must be considered individually.

Many users of the VKontakte social network, with varying regularity, have encountered a problem when, instead of successfully sending letters, various kinds of errors appear. This phenomenon can be associated with a fairly large list of factors, which we will discuss later in the article.

In order to immediately discard most of the inappropriate reservations, after a problem with sending occurs, you must use a special service that captures any system failures of the VK site in real time. We previously considered the mentioned resource in another article on the relevant topic.

Turning directly to solving the problem with sending letters through the internal messaging system, it is important to clarify that errors can occur not only due to any failures, but also due to certain privacy settings. Thus, you may, for example, encounter the error "The user has limited the circle of persons", however, this notification only contains information that you have been blocked or the interlocutor has disabled the ability to send private messages.

If you are sure that you do not have privacy problems, but messages are still not sent, go to the suggested solutions.

Reason 1: Unstable browser

One of the most common difficulties, due to which users experience various kinds of errors on many sites, including VK, is the unstable operation of the Internet browser used. This is especially true for those people who are used to using less common surfing programs.

The first and surest solution to almost any problems with a web browser is its complete uninstallation and subsequent installation. You can do this without any problems, guided by the appropriate instructions, depending on the type of software.

Read more: How to reinstall.

If the solution proposed above is unacceptable to you due to any circumstances, then you can avoid such radical methods and simply clear your web browser history. It is recommended to do this again according to the instructions.

In addition to all that has been said, it should be noted that often the problems associated with social networks come from the embedded component. In particular, this concerns the lack of the latest up-to-date updates or unstable integration of the software into the browser.

Reason 2: Unstable internet connection

The second possible problem, due to which you cannot chat on VKontakte, may be a poor connection to the network. At the same time, it is important to note that any Internet connection that has a speed below 128 KB / s and with the existence of micro-breaks is unstable.

If you have reason to believe that the problem with sending messages is related to the Internet channel, then be sure to check your connection through a special service.

The speed of the Internet can drop not only due to breaks, but also due to the lack of power of the device used. However, please note that this does not apply to mobile devices.

One way or another, solving problems with the Internet is a personal matter for each user, since failures on the part of the provider or unprofitable billing can often be to blame.

Reason 3: Infection with viruses

If you still have reason to blame viruses for problems, then first of all you should perform a full system scan through any convenient anti-virus program. You can also refer to a dedicated article on our website to avoid some antivirus problems.

On top of that, although this is usually not a virus, you should carefully check the file hosts for excess content. So that you do not have any problems during the verification process, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant material.

Reason 4: Performance Issues

Since any actions on the VKontakte website require some resources, it is quite possible to believe that errors when sending emails may be due to the low performance of the operating system. The problem can come from both computer components, but this is unlikely, and from the presence of a large amount of garbage in Windows.

In cases where problems come from computer components, the only stable solution is to update them as soon as possible.


Guided by the presented options for solving problems with sending messages, you will surely be able to resolve the difficulties that have arisen. Otherwise, we recommend that you contact the technical specialists of the VKontakte website, describing the existing problems.

Some types of problems can be individual in nature, so contacting technical support becomes mandatory.

Even at the dawn of my formation as an SEO-optimizer and moneymaker, I was actively involved in the social network VKontakte. Created groups and tried to monetize them. In those distant times, protection against spammers was practically absent there and it was easy to work. But then, the admins got tired of the spontaneous revelry of cunning moneymakers and the era of an active fight against spammers began in Kontakte.
Once faced with the problem of sending messages to VKontakte, I nevertheless solved it, and for my brothers in arms I wrote a short blog post under the heading ““. Here is his text:

This is the problem I faced today. And, neither cleaning the history, nor re-registration did not help. I had to look for help on forums and blogs, but I couldn’t find anything worthwhile there either.

Actually, I will not explain the reason, just like the message tag. Whoever needs it will understand. I will only say that after sending the message, it was displayed: “ Message sent", and lower - " Enter code«.

And I solved the problem due to which VKontakte messages are not sent very simple - changed the Internet browser and IP.

As it turned out, this post was destined to bring the most traffic to my SEO blog. This is how I got my first experience with bass. It is surprising that there were no doorways for such low-frequency speakers, or rather they were, but my blog was higher than them in the search results. According to some requests, it was even in the first place. Here is a list of some of them:

VKontakte messages are not sent
vkontakte messages are not sent
VKontakte messages are not sent
problem sending messages vkontakte
Vkontakte messages are not sent
VKontakte messages not being sent
VKontakte message not sent
does not send a message to VKontakte
because of what VKontakte messages are not sent
do not send a message to vkontakte
VKontakte messages are not sent
VKontakte messages are not sent from the phone
sent messages vkontakte
VKontakte messages are not sent
VKontakte messages are not sent
vkontakte enter code
enter code vkontakte
VKontakte messages are not sent, writes enter code
Vkontakte is not sent enter code
contact enter code message not sent
VKontakte messages are not sent from the phone
cj,otybz drjynfrnt yt jnghfdkz.ncz
why VKontakte messages are not sent from the phone
VKontakte messages are not sent
why are VKontakte messages not being sent
why not send vkontakte messages
why are VKontakte messages not sent
why vkontakte messages are not sent
I can't send VKontakte messages
Vkontakte site why messages are not sent
Why are VKontakte messages not sent?
safari not sending vkontakte messages
do not send messages, on VKontakte
Why are VKontakte messages not sent?

Although for me it was not thematic traffic, there was still a hope that someone from VKontakte would be interested in moneymaking. So, do not bother with keywords when writing posts. Sometimes, the most unexpected phrase you use in an article can bring traffic.

I still work with Vkontakte today - I create groups for browser games from an affiliate program. One fresh group starts to bring from $ 1 per day with a small investment of time.

P.S. For those who came here by one of the woofers from the search engine and want to know why are VKontakte messages not sent Here is a list of the most common solutions:

  1. This problem exists in Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE) and Opera browsers, please use Mozilla Firefox;
  2. Try to change the Internet browser and IP by reconnecting to the Internet;
  3. If the picture with the code is not visible, then you have blocked pictures from this site. Open "Tools" -> "Settings", and there "Content", next to "Automatically download images" click on the "Exceptions" button. Look for the site of interest there;
  4. Try deleting cookies (in personal data);
  5. Remove Trojans.


Often, users complain: “I can’t send a VKontakte message to anyone. What it is?". The reason for this behavior of the social network may be the most common hack, both of your profile and of the entire network as a whole. Often this is what happens: attempts to hack the main server are unsuccessful, but they still entail some consequences. And often these are failures in sending messages.

What can be done in this case? Nothing too. Unless you find yourself a more interesting activity to pass the time. Wait until the site administration fixes all problems, and then resume attempts to send messages. As a rule, everyone tries to fix it within 2-3 hours after the hack. Usually such information is published in the news feeds of the World Wide Web. So if you can’t send a VKontakte message, try to break away from the social network for a couple of hours and do something. This will definitely help you in any case, if you don’t fix the problem, then just pass the time and not think about the problems that have arisen in the profile. True, unless the reasons are different.


For example, quite often people complain: “VKontakte cannot send a message to users from time to time” due to the fact that they simply experience network failures and problems. That is, the whole problem lies in a poor-quality connection. And sometimes it's not so easy to check. It's one thing when for some reason your modem turns off or reboots, and it's quite another when the problem arises directly from the provider.

Do you often suffer from a problem called “I can’t send a message to VKontakte”? Then it's time to call the provider at such moments and find out if everything is fine with the connection, if there are any problems, failures and accidents at the station and the line. If the answer is no, then ask about the settings of your modem. Everything is okay? If not, then you should replace the modem with a new one. Maybe yours is already outdated and therefore does not work well.

After all the problems are fixed, you will again be able to fully work with the Internet and social networks. True, there are exceptions here. And just like that, they are not particularly pleasing to users. After all, if the Internet, provider, technical work, and even account hacking can be eliminated quite easily (or just wait out), then the next problem is already more significant. And she will have to suffer a lot.


We are talking about real computer viruses. If you are suffering from a problem called “VKontakte can’t send a message”, but with all this you can’t get rid of it, then it’s time to check your computer for viruses.

They are the ones that can harm both your computer and your account. In order to cure the operating system, you will have to scan all the files with an antivirus, and then click on the corresponding interface button. Sometimes a complete reinstallation of the system or the help of a computer wizard may be required. Only after a complete cure, you will no longer be able to say: "VKontakte can not send a message to users."


But before you start fighting viruses, you should try one more little trick. Try reinstalling or updating your browser. Sometimes the slightest, imperceptible to the user failures become the "culprits" of some problems with social networks.

Sometimes it is recommended to log in in general in another similar program in order to check the performance of the social network on it. Everything worked out? Then don't worry about viruses. Still can't send messages? It's time to cure your computer or reinstall the operating system. This will definitely help you.

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