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  • Report with a presentation to the parents' meeting on the topic: "The impact of gadgets on children and adolescents." The dire consequences of the digital age: after that, you will stop your child from using gadgets

Report with a presentation to the parents' meeting on the topic: "The impact of gadgets on children and adolescents." The dire consequences of the digital age: after that, you will stop your child from using gadgets

The life of a modern person can no longer be imagined without such things as a tablet, a telephone, a computer. Children, observing the life of adults, from the cradle begin to be interested in gadgets: since mom and dad pay so much attention to these things, it means that they are really interesting. The attitude of parents to the introduction of gadgets into a child's life is ambiguous: some actively use them, others are persistently trying to protect the child from modern trends.

You should not rush to extremes, because the truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. A child is born and grows up in the modern world, and modern life places quite high demands on a person. Already in elementary school, the child will need knowledge of a computer, so it is not very prudent to carefully prevent the child from acquaintance with various electronic devices. Uncontrolled use of gadgets by a child also does not lead to good, therefore gadgets should be in the life of children, but dosed and under parental control. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of using gadgets.

Pros of using gadgets

  1. A way to temporarily occupy a child in the "field" conditions. Children can hardly endure long waiting in queues, a long journey, standing in traffic jams. Toys, books, felt-tip pens and an album may not always be at hand, but adults do not part with gadgets, and here they will be very useful. A smartphone or tablet with cartoons, games or interesting applications will help to brighten up the child's agonizing minutes and hours.
  2. The development of cognitive processes and the acquisition of new knowledge. Some computer games and applications really contribute to the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, teach to read, count, draw. There are also cognitive cartoons that allow the child to gain new knowledge about the world around him. The catch is that there are not so many high-quality educational games and cartoons, most only claim an educational effect.

Children aged 2-3 years (it is at this time that children begin to be interested in new modern devices) can be installed on a laptop or tablet with age-appropriate educational games. The main thing is that parents control the time spent by the child with the gadget. Children under 3 years of age do not work with devices for more than an hour a day, every 20 minutes you need to take a break in order to rest your eyes. For an older child, the time for "communication" with gadgets can be increased, but it is also necessary to take breaks after 20-30 minutes of classes or games.

Cons of using gadgets

  1. "One-sidedness" of the developmental effect. Since we are talking about the fact that gadgets contribute to the development of the child, it is worth mentioning the other side of the medal. For a young child, whose imaginative thinking is still being formed, the developmental effect of cartoons and programs tends to zero. When a child is actively exploring the world of objects, it is important that all channels of perception are involved in him. To understand that the cube is square, and the ball is round, it is not enough for him to see the images - he must definitely touch, feel with the handles the edges and edges of the cube, the roundness of the ball. As a result, the developmental video gives a one-sided effect: formally, the child remembers something, but in fact does not master the information deeply and efficiently.
  2. Negative impact on health and physical development. First of all, we are talking about visual impairment. If the child is regularly larger 20 minutes a day looks at a computer monitor or the screen of a phone or tablet, then six months later, his visual acuity begins to decline. The second aspect of the negative impact on health is associated with the fact that children who spend a lot of time playing games and cartoons move much less, and this systemically affects the state of the whole organism. Children often sit at a computer / tablet / laptop slouching, and this provokes a curvature of the spine and problems with posture in the future. READ IN DETAIL:
  3. Decreased creativity. Games and applications will never replace spontaneous creativity, work with real materials and vibrant color. In real life, the child fantasizes. He glues, sculpts, carves, paints, combines, finds the most unexpected solutions. The virtual space deprives him of creativity, because there he can act only within the options provided by the manufacturer of the program.
  4. Displacement of interests, relationships and attachments into the virtual space. This is a very serious consequence, and it only occurs when gadgets are abused. The child literally falls out of real life: all his interests are focused on the virtual world. In this case, we can talk about dependence on gadgets.
  5. Rarely, but it is possible to observe a mental disorder. If the child often plays games where there is a lot of blood and horror.

Gadget addiction and how to avoid it

If gadgets occupy the entire consciousness of a child, we can say that addiction is forming. It can be recognized by the following features:

Note to moms!

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  • The child ceases to be interested in real life: he does not play with toys, does not strive to communicate with peers.
  • Relationships with parents fade into the background for the child, and instead of a joint activity, he also prefers to spend time with a tablet or computer.
  • Attempts to limit the time for games and cartoons cause violent protest and hysteria.

Normal intellectual and personal development in this situation is impossible, because it can only occur in real relationships and in the real world. In order to prevent addiction to gadgets and reduce their negative impact, it is important to use them wisely and adhere to the following rules.

  1. Do not exceed the permissible time spent at the computer / tablet. It is different for each age. Perhaps the child will protest, but the parents should be firm. Do not forget that you are an adult, and the responsibility for the life and health of the little creature lies with you.
  2. Follow age guidelines for games and cartoons. You should not overload the child with information that he cannot perceive.
  3. Do not use gadgets to "get rid" of the child unnecessarily. In some situations, they really are salvation, but if a mother, for example, is going to cook dinner or do household chores, it is better to include the child in this process than to include a cartoon for him.

We also read:

By the way, it is not recommended to let children play with gadgets before going to bed, as the child can become overexcited and sleep poorly or not fall asleep at all.

In the modern world of digital technologies, it is impossible to imagine people without gadgets. Cell phones, tablets, computers are an integral part of our life. Parents are always an example for a child, especially in childhood. Children watch mom and dad, see means of communication in their hands and are interested in them. Nowadays, it is impossible to protect a son or daughter from devices. But parents can either regulate their presence in the lives of their children, or let the situation take its course. However, everything needs a middle ground. Now, already in elementary grades, pupils need to know a computer, and first-graders need a cell phone. So you will not be able to completely abandon electronic devices. But that's what parents need to be in control of their kids' lives. So the use of gadgets should be supervised by mom and dad.

Pros and cons of using gadgets

The positive impact of modern gadgets on children

First, phones and tablets help distract your toddler from long-term activities. For example, you are sitting in line to see a doctor or driving to your grandmother in the village by car. The child gets tired from sitting in one place for a long time, begins to get nervous, naughty. He wants to run and jump, and that's okay - he's a child. This is where electronic devices come to the rescue. You give him a gadget, and now the kid is already busy playing or drawing on a netbook.

Secondly, digital education is gaining momentum in our time. Books and training manuals are gradually fading into the background, giving way to computer games and mobile applications. They teach preschool children to read, count, and draw. They help develop their memory, attention, logical thinking. There are also educational cartoons that tell the child about nature, the world, the universe, about the whole world around.

The negative impact of gadgets on a child's life

Now children have been on social networks almost from infancy. They spend so much time at the computer that they gradually "get lost" on VKontakte and Instagram. The child is so keen on virtual communication that he forgets about homework, a walk in the yard, sometimes even about dinner!

In addition, there is a lot of violence on the Internet. Youtube is filled with aggressive videos and horror films. Other sites also contain information that is harmful to the child. Rarely, but sometimes it affects the psyche of the baby. He may become hostile to everything. In this case, the task of the parents is to protect the child from the computer or monitor what he is looking for on the network.

Do not forget about the negative impact on physiology. Firstly, it concerns the negative impact on the vision of children. In addition, those children who constantly spend time on gadgets move less. And this has a bad effect on their musculoskeletal system. A child at a laptop often sits with a stooped back, and this leads to a curvature of the spine. In this case, parents should dose the time that the child spends at electronic devices. For example, limit the amount of time you spend at the computer. Make sure your baby moves more. Think of an activity together: walking around town or cooking dinner. Then the child will have no time for devices. And the hours spent with the family are always better than the hours spent at the laptop.

When can children use gadgets?

Almost from infancy, a child begins to get carried away with the world around him. The kid is actively developing and growing. In this process, not virtual stimuli, but real objects should come to his aid. Toys you can touch, plants you can smell, parent stories you can hear.

Experts believe that it is better to introduce children to various devices after three years. During this period, the baby develops conscious actions. But it is necessary to shorten the communication with the phone or iPad. For a child 3-4 years old, no more than an hour a day is enough, for a child 5-6 years old, no more than two hours a day.

Influence of gadgets on child development

The most negative influence of gadgets on children is that they do not contribute to their intellectual development. Phones and laptops negatively affect the development of the child. Due to devices, the child does not develop imagination, imaginative thinking, fantasy, logic, concentration of attention. Gadget games do not create a moral base - they provide a finished picture that does not require mental stress. As a result, the baby does not learn anything.

In addition, the child may have communication problems. Often, especially among adolescent children, personal communication is replaced by virtual, lively emotions and facial expressions - emoticons and stickers. The child does not learn to express his opinion, share experiences, share someone's pain. Because of gadgets, social skills that are so necessary for a child in the future are disappearing. In addition, communication on social networks and on forums does not provide an opportunity to see the real reaction of the interlocutor. This means that the child forgets to think about the consequences of his words and actions.

Influence of gadgets on children's health

Gadgets also have a negative impact on children's health. When a child uses a netbook or phone for a long time, his eyesight deteriorates. Looking at the screen for a long time can cause myopia, and eye strain can cause dryness. This can lead to inflammation and infection.

Since the child is in one position for a long time, he has problems with posture, the spine may bend.

Due to the fact that the child holds the phone in his hands for a long time and makes monotonous movements with his fingers, he may develop pathologies of the hands. Coordination between brain signals and hand movements may also be impaired.

While playing with gadgets, children constantly sit in one place. They lack physical activity. Because of this, excess weight and even obesity appear.

The influence of gadgets on the psyche of a child

You need to remember about the impact of devices on the psyche of the child. To fully develop, the child needs to constantly contact with the world around him. Such contact includes communication with peers and parents, educational games, exploration of the house and nature, and the search for new sounds. Thanks to these actions, the child receives emotional impressions, because he passes every movement through himself. He ponders every information he receives and stores it in his mind.

But various devices provide children with only an image that cannot "talk" to them. Of course, educational cartoons and children's programs give the child useful information, but they do not react to a particular child, do not cause him to take any action, but simply hypnotize them with colorful images.

In addition, up to a certain age, children are attracted only by bright images, which quickly replace each other. Kids are not able to assimilate the plot, perceive the characters of the characters and evaluate their actions. With the same success, you can put the child in front of the washing machine, and he will enthusiastically examine the spinning drum.

Moreover, addiction to gadgets develops very quickly. Parents' attempts to distract the baby from the screen end in crying and scandals, because it is very difficult to give up what brings pleasure.

Today, a person cannot do without a phone, computer or tablet. Gadgets are now indispensable both in work and in obtaining certain services. With their help, it is possible to keep in touch with loved ones, so the importance of phones and other technological innovations is difficult to overestimate. What about children, because every day in the media there is information about the harm of gadgets?

First of all, modern electronic devices should not be perceived as a real evil, this is an ordinary computer technology that greatly simplifies life. Also, do not forget that already in elementary school, the ability to work with a computer will be required and it will affect the child's academic performance. However, this does not mean that you can allow your child to spend a lot of time with gadgets, since their uncontrolled use can lead to quite disastrous consequences. Below are all the advantages and disadvantages of using phones and tablets by children.

Pros of using gadgets

  • Entertainment while waiting. Few people like queues or a long journey, and if the child is also capricious, then the already stressful situation worsens at times. But if you give him a phone with his favorite game or turn on a cartoon, the wait will not be so painful.
  • Learning in an entertaining way. It is not necessary to watch only cartoons on the tablet; you can offer your child various educational programs for children. There are special games that help children learn numbers and letters faster. Such developmental programs can be included from the age of two, but do not forget that each game or application has an age limit. You also need to keep track of how much time the kid spent at the computer. So, if this is a three-year-old baby, its limit is an hour in front of the computer every day. It is also important to rest for the eyes every 20 minutes, you can ask the child to take a walk or do special exercises for the eyes with him. A slightly older child can be allowed to sit in front of the computer a little more, but the breaks every 20-30 minutes are not canceled.

Cons of using gadgets

  • The developmental effect is one-sided. This means that it is not enough for a small child to just see the subject being studied, because of this, the information becomes insufficient and one-sided. For example, in order to realize that the ball is round, it is not enough to see its image, since all the organs of perception, including the organs of touch, must be involved. The ball must not only be seen, but also touched, feeling all its edges with your hands. It is then that the baby will remember the shape of the object and the information will be fully mastered.
  • Harm to the health of the body. A long time spent near gadgets leads to the fact that his eyesight begins to weaken in a month. That is, if a kid watches cartoons or plays games for more than 20 minutes a day, this negatively affects his visual acuity. The negative impact of gadgets on health is also manifested in the fact that spending a lot of time in front of a computer or tablet, children move less and as a result, they may become overweight. Posture problems, including curvature of the spine, are a consequence of the fact that the child, using electronic devices, often slouches.
  • Lack of creative development. Games in gadgets seem to be very bright, but in fact they reduce creativity, since the capabilities of the baby are limited by the installed options. For full development, the child must work with real materials - glue, draw and combine.
  • Focusing on the virtual world. Such a transformation, which is destructive for the child's psyche, occurs when the child spends a lot of time looking at gadgets. He gives preference to a bright virtual world in which he can play any role and practically drops out of the real world, limiting his communication and interaction with loved ones.
  • Development of mental disorders. If a child gives priority to games in which there is a lot of blood or watches horror films on gadgets, mental problems may begin.

If it becomes more and more difficult for a child to be distracted from gaming electronic devices, computer addiction begins to form.

Its signs are manifested in the following:

  • Real life is not of interest to the kid, he does not want to play with toys and avoids playing with other children.
  • The relationship with the father and mother becomes secondary for the child, spending time together becomes less and less, instead, the baby uses a tablet and a computer.
  • Banning or restricting the use of gadgets leads to hysteria or violent emotions.

Rules for the use of gadgets by a child

Parents should remember that their child will develop normally and comprehensively only if there is enough communication with family and friends, therefore, allowing the baby to use gadgets, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • The baby can only use electronic devices within 20 minutes. You should not exceed the norm, even if the child strongly protests. Parents should remember that they are responsible for the health of their child, therefore, in such important issues, you need to show firmness and steadfastness.
  • Every movie and game has an age limit, so you shouldn't show a six-year-old child action movies, even if their main character is a superhero, whom the kid loves very much. If a game, movie or cartoon is suitable for a child by age, it will not be superfluous to watch it with him, since manufacturers sometimes deliberately lower age criteria in order to increase the number of potential users of the product.
  • A gadget should not become a thing with which you can "get rid" of a child's attention. Yes, if you need to sit in line for an hour, the gadget can be used to entertain the baby, but you should not use this technique whenever the child is trying to get parental attention. For example, if mom needs to cook dinner, then why not ask the baby to help. While Mom is making cookies, let him tinker with the dough.
  • It is categorically impossible to play electronic games before bedtime, as this can negatively affect the healthy and sound sleep of the baby. When a child is overexcited, it may not fall asleep, or they may sleep restlessly all night.

Without gadgets in the modern world, it is impossible and children must learn to use them in order to use all the opportunities provided by them. However, parents need to do everything possible so that the phone, tablet and computer do not become a problem for the child, do not harm his psyche and health. To prevent this from happening, the use of gadgets must be competent and, most importantly, moderate. Only then will electronic devices contribute to the development of the child.

Children and gadgets: impact on the psyche of a child at different ages (video)

TV, tablet, computer, game console, smartphone - these gadgets "stole" our children into their digital world. Not without our assistance.

Recent studies have cited sad numbers. 66% of children under two years old watch TV! On average, these kids spend more than 50 minutes a day in front of the screen. Children 5-16 years old have fun with gadgets for about 6-7 hours a day! And the older the child, the more he is attached to them: for example, an eight-year-old girl devotes an average of 3.5 hours to gadgets, and the "digital time" of adolescents is almost 8 hours.

11% of children under 8 have their own smartphone, iPad or tablet (according to research by Dr. Brent Konrad, a clinical psychologist, and the American firm Childwise, which reports annually to the BBC).

Logically, this is not surprising. In the digital age, gadgets are indispensable, and the sooner a child masters electronic devices, the better he will merge into the modern world - is it logical? To prohibit them is like prohibiting a child from developing in step with the times. Why, then, do experts unanimously shout that gadgets are harmful?

7 reasons to limit electronic time

Several years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Pediatric Society recommended that children under two years old should be banned from all communication with electronics, children from three to five - to limit electronic time to one hour a day, and children 6-18 years old - two hours. Based on a number of studies, experts gave reasons why it should be done.

Rules that work

  • Do not look at your tablet or phone while eating or while talking with your child - he will try to do the same.
  • If parents have to work on the computer at home, they should clearly explain to the child: “Now I need to complete the report. It will take an hour and a half. " At the same time, it is advisable to go to your room.
  • The phone is a private thing, the same applies to the child's smartphone: do not look at it without permission.
  • For a teenager, a smartphone is primarily a means of communication with peers. It is necessary to limit the "play" time.
  • A complete ban on gadgets will not work, it will only cause bitterness. You need to negotiate.

Professor Noyce's rules

In theory, everything is clear: the duty of parents is to limit children's time at the screens. But how can this be done in practice? German scientist and media educator Professor Norbert Neuss, himself the father of two sons, has developed a number of practical tips for parents.

  • Establish strict rules. For example, sign a contract with your child.

Explain that his electronic time includes all gadgets: a tablet, a computer, and a TV. Professor Noyce, in contrast to American pediatricians, believes that it is enough for a child 3-6 years old to spend 20-30 minutes a day in front of a screen, a child 7-10 years old - 30-45 minutes, a teenager 11-13 years old - about an hour a day. Clearly announce the selected time and make sure that the instructions are implemented. For example, a son or daughter receives a tablet after completing homework, while mom or dad (and in the future, the child himself) records the start and end times of the electronic session.

If a student uses a computer for educational purposes (for example, looking for materials for an essay), then he gets additional minutes. The “overplayed” time is deducted from tomorrow. If the rules are not followed, then the child is left without gadgets for some period. The parent controls the fulfillment of the contract!

  • Use gadgets profitably. There is a difference what a child is doing at a computer or tablet: watching educational programs or videos, how to play Minecraft, learning English or letting off steam in shooting games.

The professor advises encouraging any teaching videos. Now there are many sites with play tasks: perhaps your little one will get carried away with them much more than mindless games.

  • Control the content. It is very important to monitor the content of the programs that the child is watching.

There is no censorship on the internet. And many parents are very surprised when they find out what videos and with what vocabulary their children are watching. It's worth taking the time to understand the settings and ban certain keywords and sites. There is also filter software that you can install on your computer. Be interested in what the child is doing on the Internet, in which social networks he is registered. Advice from Professor Noyce - Shared family computer. You should not give your child your own laptop or tablet, then the risk of losing control over the content is higher.

  • Speak out the safety rules on the Web. Tell the teenager about the rules of online communication: do not give details about yourself and your family in correspondence, do not give your address and phone number to anyone, do not meet in reality.

Back up the explanations with real stories. If your son or daughter wants to have a profile on the social network, set it up together. Show me how to make a profile visible only to friends; explain what information about yourself can be posted on the Web, and what not.

  • Lead by example. If the parents themselves spend all their evenings watching the TV or not taking their eyes off the smartphone, they will not be able to convince children that this is unhealthy.

Unfortunately, one-way rules don't work. If we want to limit the electronic time of children, then we ourselves will have to tear ourselves away from gadgets and look ... towards our boys and girls. The professor advises showing the child by his own example what else is interesting to do, besides gadgets. In the evenings, do crafts together, play board games, take pictures, read aloud, cook delicacies. On weekends, be sure to go somewhere, actively explore the world around you, invite friends to visit.

And another very important rule: the less free time a student has, the less he will spend it with electronics. So pick some really interesting circles or sections together.

By the way, a computer school can also be such a circle. Mastering the basics of programming, Photoshop or InDesign is a better investment in the future than just playing computer games. A teenager who is interested in computers should be enrolled in web design or printing courses: then by the age of 18 he will already have a profession, and he will consider the computer as a working tool, and not as a means of entertainment.

I'll start from afar. From three years old. Although, in fact, even earlier: a year and a half.
I left the office for boiling water and found the end of a loud scene at the reception desk: a young mother tears a tiny girl off her leg, unhooks one finger at a time, while commenting: “And it won't come off until I give her the phone! I won't give it, I said, I need him myself! "

The girl is a little over a year old, but she yells loudly and expressively: “Let me play! Playaaaat! "
And I wondered - who is being cut into pieces here?

The main request of all parents in recent years looks like this: how to take a child away from the computer? You won't like my answer. Because the only thing that can be done is not to put the child in front of the screen. At all.


Let's remember how our own childhood went.

From 0 to 1.5 years: a child in his arms, in an arena, on the floor, in a stroller. He is entertained by the strength of the whole family, sometimes left to cry alone while his mother takes a shower or visits the toilet.
In case of difficult life circumstances, the baby is sent to a nursery, where the situation is about the same, minus the family. He bangs his head against everything, brings down a mountain of ironed linen on himself, voluptuously squeezes the cat, then sobs that she is scratching ...

From 1.5 to 3 years old: a child walks by the handle, walks in the yard or in the park, digs selflessly in the mud, collects cigarette butts and drags them into his mouth, throws sand, falls and gets up, tries to pick out the eye of the dog, throws up a dead bird, to make it fly ...

3 to 5: It’s worth half a day frozen in front of the open door of the garage where the car is being repaired. Sits, sick, on the windowsill, wrapped in a blanket and watching the traffic. Helps mom on Saturday to mop the floor, then to dad to knock out the carpet in the snow. She falls asleep where she found herself, while my mother rushes about, like a shot, in search of the loss. She travels with her parents to the dacha on four types of transport, this is practically a round-the-world trip ...

Goes to school at the age of 7, there are friends, football after school, comes when it gets dark, dirty to the point of impossibility and hungry like a wolf, falls asleep over the lessons.
Rides a bike, explores attics and basements, gets into trouble, loses a shift, briefcase, jacket ... Goes to an aircraft modeling club and hockey in winter, takes books from the Adventure Library, reads them at night and in the toilet, raves about Captain Blood and Robin Good ...

His life is full of events and accomplishments, it requires the exertion of all the forces of the soul and body. Sometimes he jumps up at night with open and meaningless eyes, mutters something fervently and falls back into bed like a dead warrior. He fantasizes, whispers to himself as he slowly trudges home after school along the tram tracks. It has its own "places of power", an ice cream stall or a bakery window, a garbage can - a source of innumerable treasures. He knows the courtyards that you don't need to enter, and the entrances where you can wait out the thunderstorm. He has friends among adults and enemies among children.

This is a magical, completely Real World.Unlike digital today.

Now we are looking at how the current generation lives.
From 0 to 1.5, the difference is small, except that mom has more free time (long live diapers and washing machines!) And a lot of anxiety. Therefore, the child is mostly fastened: to the stroller, to the mother, to the highchair ... there can be no question of quietly crawling around the yard. All around danger, dirt, syringes and dog kaki. Unless on the sea you can get to the clean sand, but not everyone succeeds. To survive with a child in a modern city apartment, various gadgets, toys, "development" and distractions have been invented. Everything in order to prevent the child from exploring the world around him on his own. Read more about diapers and their effect in the article "WHAT ARE DISPOSABLE DIAPERS HARMFUL AND IS THERE AN OUTPUT?":

And he is bored, desperately bored. He wants to climb, dig, pour and pour, break, sniff, spill. Mom wants to calmly wander in social networks (or other sites and forums). Okay, let's say Mom wants to cook dinner. But, to be honest, the child does not interfere with the preparation of dinner, washing, ironing, cleaning the floors as much as surfing the Internet.

Therefore, as soon as the child grows up to independent sitting, he is handed an old phone or tablet, or, if everything is really bad, the TV turns on.
Oh great, now he's busy and mom has half an hour for herself.

We also switched to cars almost without exception. If earlier the children were calmly taken in public transport (there was no other), now the mere thought that the child will be in the same volume with the crowd of horrible and (most likely) infectious people causes panic. Therefore, we carry the child ONLY in the car. Yeah, traffic jams. And very soon it becomes clear that the child is also bored in the car. And he scandals and rages. And being distracted from the road is very, very dangerous. Therefore, and only for safety reasons, the child is given to be torn apart by an iPhone with a Fruit Ninja.

Queues at the children's clinic, metro, train, any waiting situation when parents do not know how to occupy a child, or do not want to strain - an electronic friend will help you out everywhere! This is a great way:

- seek obedience (If you lie down without whims - I'll let you play)
- punish and threaten (if you behave like this, I will take the iPad)
- get a respite yourself
- make gifts
- and even stimulate good studies (a quarter without triples - and you will get the fifth iPhone for the New Year).

Shouts "Why is he not interested in anything, wants nothing, does not go anywhere and does not communicate with us? !!" will begin a little later, by the age of 12. There is another important aspect of the topic. Some 15 years ago, children massively observed the daily life of their parents: work, housework, even children were taken to the store more often. I judge this on the basis of children's drawings. In 1994, the diagnostic drawing "Family" usually depicted either "mom is in the kitchen, dad is on the couch in front of the TV, I ride cars in my room", or "mom, dad, I walk along the street hand in hand."

Today, children's drawings show that even a cat has its own iPad. Everyone is sitting, buried in monitors. A bleak picture, as Eeyore's donkey said.


Agree, this is our main task as parents, the ultimate goal of our educational efforts: to prepare children for independent survival in the modern world during the years of childhood and adolescence. For the most part, we do it, and we do it well. We give education, take care of health, try to surround with good people and things.

But learning is mainly by example. So what do our children see? Our backs covering computer screens? They do not go to work with their parents (with very rare exceptions), spend little time on the street in a free search, although this is absolutely necessary for their growth, they have no reason or opportunity to learn about the world and themselves. Today's urban children live in a sterile world of computer technology, virtual communication and game fights.

What is called "role-playing games" in special literature - mothers and daughters, robber Cossacks, simply recreating any fictional plot that begins with the words "come on, as if you ..." - has now been transferred to the worldwide network and consists mainly of destruction representatives of the afterlife.

I don't know how to get them off the monitors. The alternative to the world, where you are an almighty Hero, should be so attractive that the child wants to turn to face her. What can you offer? You yourself will have to close the computer, log off the Internet, turn off all gadgets ...

Remember your childhood, cut a siskin out of a block and find a suitable bat. Rummage (okay, I allow you to rummage for a good cause) on the Internet and find all the figures in the "rubber band". Go to the site of the Game expert and buy Dixit or Monopoly. But you still have to play by yourself, people are not yet brought home with home delivery. You are ready?

Are you ready to endure his addictive withdrawal to cancel the computer, withstand waves of aggression against you, attempts at blackmail ("I'll throw myself out the window if you don't give me the tablet!")? will you be able every evening, despite the fatigue after a whole day at work, to communicate with a teenager who does not really want to communicate? Walking with him, chatting, visiting and receiving guests?

You will have to teach him again, show all the possibilities of our world, and improve relations. To endure anxiety and depression - after all, any rejection of the usual pleasure leads first to depression. Teach him to walk, play, cook food, buy groceries, watch the sunset, read aloud about Three Men in a Boat, chat quietly in the car, sing along to old bands. Now he can’t do any of this, he has headphones in his ears, his hands are busy with buttons on the screen. Do you still remember that the letter can be printed, and not using a printer. And that the game is when friends see each other's eyes.

After all, this is NORMAL Life. If you turn off your computer.

And now about the impact of gadgets on children's health.

Children who are accustomed to, or are already dependent on gadgets often say that it hurts them to read. I began to deal with this problem and that's what I found out. Frequent and prolonged games on tablets and iPhones form the dynamics of the work of the eye muscles that are completely unnatural for reading and writing.

The first problem to be solved by a specialist is the difficulty of holding a static object with his eyes. It is difficult for a child to focus their gaze and keep it on an object that is not moving, because the eyes are used to following moving bright objects in games.

The second dynamic problem arises from visual stress. This is a violation of eye movements when tracing a line from left to right and returning eye movement with a transition to a new line. This motor skill of the eye muscles is formed on the basis of the ability to control your body. The chaotic movement of objects, which is used in computer games, does not in any way contribute to the formation of saccadic movements when tracing a line from left to right and from top to bottom.

In order for the learning to read and the process of reading itself to be comfortable and optimal for the child, the child must be able to move his gaze from left to right and be able to do this carefully and with concentration throughout the entire process of reading or writing. It is necessary to maintain attention and control the muscles of the eyes. Children who are already addicted to gadgets have a "running" look.

The third problem is breathing, namely, a disturbance in the rhythm of breathing. If adults watched the child while playing on the tablet, they would easily see that the child is so carried away that he even forgets to breathe. Holding his breath, he waits for permission to take the gadget. And during the game, he is so keen and absorbed in the game that he forgets to breathe, which, of course, causes oxygen starvation of the brain and a general change in the rhythms of the brain.

What problems do children with gadget addiction experience?

1. When the child looks up, i.e. "Pulls" them out of his colorful enchantingly unreal world that the gadget provides him, he experiences severe discomfort and real psychological difficulties in perceiving the surrounding space and people in it, because ...

2. The reality around us, not so bright and not at all aesthetically organized - the usual dullness and wretchedness of life, dirt and mess - "my eyes would not see it" - and again I want to plunge into the beauty of an unrealistically beautiful world!

3. In the real world, rare objects are in constant motion, and the visual center of the brain is already trained to see and focus only on what is moving, and what does not, the brain simply does not even recognize as an object or with a low level of sharpness, which causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations, often even painful.

4. The child has lost the ability inherent in him to follow what is happening. To follow what is happening in the real world yourself, you need to be able to control your body, be able to perceive information and interact with real objects that act autonomously from you.

How to recognize a child's addiction to gadgets? Very simple! Yes, it's simple, the main thing is to know what is worth paying attention to, and here are my guidelines by which even ordinary parents can establish (diagnose) themselves that a child is already dependent on gadgets:

1. Desire to use the gadget for more than 30 minutes a day

2. The mood sharply deteriorates when the time allotted for using the gadget runs out

3. The mood sharply improves when they were allowed to take the gadget

4. The child is bargaining for the right to take the gadget, is capricious, begs for permission to take the gadget

5. After using the gadget, he cannot switch to a new type of activity, as if it gets stuck in the previous activity

6. After using the gadget, he shows irritability, aggressiveness in communication

How to understand that the child's psyche is damaged? Again, very simple! Yes, it is really simple, and here are my guidelines by which even ordinary parents can establish (diagnose) the level of damage themselves. So, the first landmark is an open mouth, which indicates a violation of self-control over the behavior of the body, due to the weakness of the nervous system. And the second indicator, which should be considered as a more severe mental disorder, is a protruding tongue while performing an action. For example, when a child presses on the buttons of his tablet, when he writes, or when he draws or draws a picture around the contour. Even a slight loss of the tongue due to teeth clearly shows that the psyche of a child or teenager has suffered significant damage.

The above-described defects already require, if not treatment, then long-term specialized therapy and an absolute ban on the use of gadgets both in everyday life and in the educational process.


* Research shows that children under the age of 10 are especially susceptible to new technologies and practically become dependent on them.

* Researchers insist that children should not be allowed to use tablets for more than half an hour a day, and smartphones for more than 2 hours a day.

* For 10-14 year olds, use a PC only for school assignments.

* Scientists argue that only after a child reaches the age of 14 can the restrictions on the use of IT technologies be lifted.

* Learning should be IT-free, because computers inhibit creative thinking, mobility, human relationships, and attentiveness. For the educational process, it is better if computers are used as little as possible, because technology is only a distraction when literacy and critical thinking are needed.

P.S. Children should be able to play with children and be able to ask adults questions. Children who are passionate about their gadgets for hours on end cannot do either the first or the second. An intellectual catastrophe has already hit us.

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