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Report "the use of information technology in the educational process." Forms of using information technologies in the educational process

Modern humanity has joined the general historical process called informatization. This process includes the availability of any citizen to sources of information, the penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information services. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of human creative potential.

One of the priority directions of the informatization process of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing and using information in the interests of its consumers. The goal of informatization is the global intensification of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies: computer and telecommunications.

The main educational value of information technology is that it allows you to create an immeasurably brighter multisensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both teacher and student. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

"... in the 21st century, digital environments are as natural environments for intellectual work as writing was for centuries." The administration and teachers of our school fully agree with this statement of the scientist and teacher S. Papert. Therefore, the team of our school pays great attention to the informatization of education, by which we mean the change in the content, forms and methods of teaching, the entire way of life of the school based on the use of ICT tools and in integration with traditional education.

To solve this problem, the school has the necessary information and technical resources. The concentration of modern technical teaching aids contributes to the modernization and improvement of the educational process, activates the mental activity of students, and contributes to the development of teachers' creativity.

The current tasks of the school today are:

  • creation of a unified information environment for an educational institution;
  • development of principles and methods of using modern information and communication technologies, their integration into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education.
  • analysis and expertise, organization of distribution of pedagogical information through publishing, audiovisual programs, e-mail; organization of information flows;
  • formation and development of information culture of students, teaching and management personnel.
  • training of users of a unified information system.

Directions of the use of information technology in the work of an educational institution

Information technology in the educational process.

The expediency of using information technologies in the educational process is determined by the fact that with their help such didactic principles as scientific nature, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of students, an individual approach to learning, a combination of methods, forms and means of teaching, the strength of mastering knowledge and skills and skills, socialization of the learner.

Information technologies provide an opportunity:

  • rationally organize the cognitive activity of students during the educational process;
  • make learning more effective by involving all types of student's sensory perception in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;
  • build an open education system that provides each individual with his own learning path;
  • to involve in the process of active learning a category of children with different abilities and style of learning;
  • to use the specific properties of the computer, allowing you to individualize the educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means;
  • to intensify all levels of the educational process.

The main educational value of information technology is that it allows you to create an immeasurably brighter multisensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both teacher and student.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

There are eight types of computer tools used in teaching based on their functional purpose (according to A.V. Dvoretskaya):

  1. Presentations Are electronic filmstrips, which may include animation, audio and video fragments, and elements of interactivity. Software tools such as PowerPoint or Open Impress are used to create presentations. These computer tools are interesting in that they can be created by any teacher who has access to a personal computer, and with minimal time spent on mastering the means of creating a presentation. The use of presentations expands the range of conditions for the creative activity of students and the psychological growth of the individual, developing independence and increasing self-esteem. Presentations are actively used to present student projects.
  2. Electronic encyclopedias- are analogous to ordinary reference and information publications - encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc. To create such encyclopedias, hypertext systems and hypertext markup languages ​​such as HTML are used. Unlike their paper counterparts, they have additional properties and capabilities:
    • they usually support a convenient search engine for keywords and concepts;
    • convenient navigation system based on hyperlinks;
    • the ability to include audio and video fragments.
  3. Didactic materials- collections of problems, dictations, exercises, as well as examples of abstracts and essays presented in electronic form, usually in the form of a simple set of text files in doc, txt formats and combined into a logical structure by means of hypertext.
  4. Simulator programs serve as didactic materials and can track the progress of the solution and report errors.
  5. Virtual Experiment Systems- these are software systems that allow the student to conduct experiments in a "virtual laboratory". Their main advantage is that they allow the trainee to carry out such experiments that in reality would be impossible for reasons of safety, timing, etc. The main disadvantage of such programs is the natural limitation of the model embedded in them, beyond which the student cannot go within the framework of his virtual experiment.
  6. Knowledge control software systems, which include questionnaires and tests. Their main advantage is fast, convenient, impartial and automated processing of the results obtained. The main drawback is the inflexible response system, which does not allow the subject to show their creativity.
  7. Electronic textbooks and training courses - combine all or several of the above types into a single complex. For example, the student is first asked to view the training course (presentation), then put down a virtual experiment based on the knowledge gained while watching the training course (virtual experiment system). Often at this stage, the student also has access to an electronic reference book / encyclopedia for the course being studied, and at the end he must answer a set of questions and / or solve several problems (software knowledge control systems).
  8. Educational games and educational programs Are interactive programs with a game scenario. By completing a variety of tasks during the game, children develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, memory and, possibly, receive additional skills, for example, learning to work on the keyboard.

The following types of lessons are distinguished according to the method of using information technologies (according to A.G. Kozlenko):

  1. Lessons in which a computer is used in demo mode - one computer on the teacher's table + a projector;
  2. Lessons in which a computer is used individually - a lesson in a computer class without Internet access;
  3. Lessons in which a computer is used in an individual remote mode - a lesson in a computer class with Internet access.

Computer teaching aids can be divided into two groups in relation to the resources of the Internet:

  • Means of education on-line are applied in real time using Internet resources;
  • Means of education off-line Are autonomously used tools.

At the initial stage of work, information technologies were introduced in the lessons of assimilating new knowledge, when it is necessary to use a large amount of visual material.

Then information technologies began to be introduced in generalizing lessons, when it is important not only to systematize the knowledge and skills of students, but also to focus on the most important points of the topic being studied, which are necessary for studying subsequent topics or courses. With the purchase of a mobile computer class, it became possible to use a computer for laboratory work and experiments. The use of this electronic product is possible at all stages of the lesson: checking knowledge, learning new material, consolidating the material.

In an individual mode, with students wishing to study the subject in depth, work is carried out with other types of computer tools. These are electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, training programs for preparing for exams, which, in addition to the result, give an explanation and the correct answer, virtual experiment systems, educational games.

In the educational process, a computer can be both an object of study and a means of teaching, upbringing, development and diagnostics of the assimilation of educational content, i.e. there are two possible directions of using computer technologies in the learning process. In the first case, the assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills leads to an awareness of the possibilities of computer technologies, to the formation of the skills to use them in solving various problems. In the second case, computer technologies are a powerful means of increasing the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process. But today at least two more functions have been identified: a computer as a means of communication, a computer as a tool in management, a computer as a developing environment. In the educational process, it is important to use all these areas at the same time. The existence and interaction of all of them at the same time, not only in the educational, but also in the educational process, leads to the desired result, which is put by society in front of the school.

As a result of the use of information technologies, the dynamics of the quality of students' knowledge, an increase in the motivation of educational activities, began to be observed.

Information technology in administrative and management activities.

The use of information technologies in the administrative and managerial activities of the school makes it possible to analyze the educational situation, monitor educational and educational and innovative activities, carry out operational preparation and release of didactic materials, educational and methodological and scientific and methodological support, automate the performance of the main job duties of teachers and methodological service ...

One of the important tasks that inevitably faces the head of an educational institution is the transfer of the management process of an educational institution to paperless technology, which, according to experts in this field, will allow getting rid of routine and time-consuming work in office work and planning the educational process.

Currently, educational institutions are introducing software systems designed to help in organizing administrative activities in a general education school. Information and reference systems have been created that provide regulatory support for workers in the education system.

The most promising direction of informatization of organizational, methodological and management activities is the use of software products of the companies "1C", "Chronobus", "FinPromMarket-XXI", "Systems-Programs-Service", "Cyril and Methodius", etc.

  • "ARM Director" was developed by AVERS (LLC). This program is designed to automate the management processes of an educational institution, planning and monitoring educational and educational activities, unification of intra-school and personnel records management, and solving many other management problems in an educational institution.
  • The automated information and analytical system AVERS "Schedule", "Tariffication" is being introduced.
  • The software product "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0" covers almost all areas of activity of the head of an educational institution. This is a comprehensive solution that allows the administrator to get online access to information in a common database with the capabilities of comprehensive analysis and preparation of management decisions.

The emergence of new information technologies, associated with the widespread use of computers in the educational environment, greatly facilitates the process of collecting information for the analysis of teaching and educational work, allows for an optimized implementation of a systematic approach to school management.

Information technology in the educational process.

Computer technologies naturally fit into the life of our school and are another effective technical means with which one can significantly diversify the upbringing process.

Information technologies in the educational system of the school are used in the following areas:

  1. Organization of extracurricular activities, school holidays and concerts, library lessons, class hours, creative games.
  2. Project activities.
  3. Establishing contacts and communication of students and teachers online with peers and colleagues from other schools and cities.
  4. Issue of the school newspaper "Globus", which is created in the circle of young journalists, publication of booklets.
  5. Organization of change. The school is divided into certain zones according to interests: an assembly hall (karaoke studio), a chess club (Interactive board + electronic chess training program), a library (watching popular science and entertainment films), a media library (for those who are keen on the computer).
  6. Circle of computer graphics and animation.

The use of information technology has opened up boundless horizons in the educational work of the school. Children have become active participants in the educational process. They are fluent in computers and know how to navigate the information space.

Thus, the need to use modern IT is so obvious that it does not need proof.

Information technology in pedagogical and methodological activities.

Computer and information technology have taken a firm place in the activities of methodological leaders. They have become an integral attribute, without which effective existence and development is unthinkable today.

The information support of the school's methodological service includes the preparation, processing and storage of information, as a result of which a database is formed with which all users work to one degree or another: heads of methodological associations, temporary creative teams, the council of curators of the scientific society of students and the school administration. The information blocks created at the school are convenient for creating a feedback system, for deploying a system for collecting proposals, diagnosing team members, tracking experimental work.

For a number of years, data has been processed from various programs for monitoring and studying the state of work with pedagogical personnel: diagnostic cards of teachers, the results of research on difficulties in the work of teachers and the need for advanced training. Computer software has created conditions for monitoring in various areas: analysis of didactic tools used by the teacher; characteristics of teaching skills; the nature of intraschool communications. Diagnosing methodological work pursued the goal: using the criteria and indicators, to obtain information about its influence on the growth of professional level and the development of the creative potential of teachers for making decisions on methodological assistance and the inclusion of teachers in pedagogical search. Having studied the actual state of the level of preparedness of teachers, we identified groups of teachers who have difficulties in practical activities, who work creatively, with an established style of work, developed a system of corrective measures, and determined the prospects for professional growth of each employee. The information received was systematized into a database, an electronic portfolio was developed about each teacher.

Computer software for personnel management contributes to solving problems: determining trends in the interaction and interaction of various factors in the development of the educational process; identifying the position of each of its participants.


Computer and communication technologies are quite obvious manifestations of the information revolution. Therefore, the interest in them that teachers show when trying to find ways to adapt the school to the modern world is understandable. An increasing number of parents, teachers and students are convinced that, as a result of the acquired knowledge about computers and the acquired skills to work with them, children will be better prepared for life and can successfully achieve material well-being in a changing world.

The school has no choice but to adapt it to the information age. The main purpose of this adaptation is to teach how to process information, solve problems using computer technology. Such work cannot be done within one year or be the result of the implementation of a project. It is a process that has no end.


  1. Andreev A.A. Computer and telecommunication technologies in the field of education. // School technologies. 2001. No. 3.
  2. A.V. Dvoretskaya The main types of computer teaching aids. // School technologies. 2004. No. 3.
  3. B.P. Saykov Organization of the information space of an educational institution: a practical guide. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2005.
  4. Ugrinovich N.D., Novenko D.V. Computer Science and Information Technology: Sample Lesson Planning Using Interactive Learning Tools. - M .: School-Press, 1999.


On the topic of:The use of information technology in the educational process

Prepared by:O. A. Titorenko

Considered at a meeting by the cyclic commission of socio-economic and general professional disciplines

"_____" ___________________20____ g

Chairman of the Commission __________________ Kazizova B.Sh.

Protocol No. _____

Modern humanity has joined the general historical process called informatization. This process includes the availability of any citizen to sources of information, the penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information services. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of human creative potential.

One of the priority directions of the informatization process of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing and using information in the interests of its consumers. The goal of informatization is the global intensification of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies: computer and telecommunications.

The main educational value of information technology is that it allows you to create an immeasurably brighter multisensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities at the disposal of both the teacher and the student. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

"... in the 21st century, digital environments are as natural environments for intellectual work as writing was for centuries." The administration and teachers of our school fully agree with this statement of the scientist and teacher S. Papert. Therefore, the team of our school pays great attention to the informatization of education, by which we mean the change in the content, forms and methods of teaching, the entire way of life of the school based on the use of ICT tools and in integration with traditional education.

To solve this problem, the college has the necessary information and technical resources. The concentration of modern technical teaching aids contributes to the modernization and improvement of the educational process, activates the mental activity of students, and contributes to the development of teachers' creativity.

The current tasks of the college today are:

    creation of a unified information environment for an educational institution;

    development of principles and methods of using modern information and communication technologies, their integration into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education.

    analysis and expertise, organization of distribution of pedagogical information through publishing, audiovisual programs, e-mail; organization of information flows;

    formation and development of information culture of students, teaching and management personnel.

    training of users of a unified information system.

Directions of the use of information technology in the work of an educational institution

Information technology in the educational process.

The expediency of using information technologies in the educational process is determined by the fact that with their help such didactic principles as scientific nature, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of students, an individual approach to learning, a combination of methods, forms and means of teaching, the strength of mastering knowledge and skills and skills, socialization of the learner.

Information technologies provide an opportunity:

    rationally organize the cognitive activity of students during the educational process;

    make learning more effective by involving all types of student's sensory perception in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;

    build an open education system that provides each individual with his own learning path;

    to involve in the process of active learning a category of children with different abilities and style of learning;

    to use the specific properties of the computer, allowing you to individualize the educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means;

    to intensify all levels of the educational process.

The main educational value of information technology is that it allows you to create an immeasurably brighter multisensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both teacher and student.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

There are eight types of computer tools used in teaching based on their functional purpose (according to A.V. Dvoretskaya):

    Presentations Are electronic filmstrips, which may include animation, audio and video fragments, and elements of interactivity. Software tools such as PowerPoint or Open Impress are used to create presentations. These computer tools are interesting in that they can be created by any teacher who has access to a personal computer, and with minimal time spent on mastering the means of creating a presentation. The use of presentations expands the range of conditions for the creative activity of students and the psychological growth of the individual, developing independence and increasing self-esteem. Presentations are actively used to present student projects.

    Electronic encyclopedias - are analogous to ordinary reference and information publications - encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc. To create such encyclopedias, hypertext systems and hypertext markup languages ​​such as HTML are used. Unlike their paper counterparts, they have additional properties and capabilities:

    • they usually support a convenient search engine for keywords and concepts;

      convenient navigation system based on hyperlinks;

      the ability to include audio and video fragments.

    Didactic materials - collections of problems, dictations, exercises, as well as examples of abstracts and essays presented in electronic form, usually in the form of a simple set of text files in doc, txt formats and combined into a logical structure by means of hypertext.

    Simulator programs serve as didactic materials and can track the progress of the solution and report errors.

    Virtual Experiment Systems - these are software systems that allow the student to conduct experiments in a "virtual laboratory". Their main advantage is that they allow the trainee to carry out such experiments that in reality would be impossible for reasons of safety, timing, etc. The main disadvantage of such programs is the natural limitation of the model embedded in them, beyond which the student cannot go within the framework of his virtual experiment.

    Knowledge control software systems, which include questionnaires and tests. Their main advantage is fast, convenient, impartial and automated processing of the results obtained. The main drawback is the inflexible response system, which does not allow the subject to show their creativity.

    Electronic textbooks and training courses - combine all or several of the above types into a single complex. For example, the student is first asked to view the training course (presentation), then put down a virtual experiment based on the knowledge gained while watching the training course (virtual experiment system). Often at this stage, the student also has access to an electronic reference book / encyclopedia for the course being studied, and at the end he must answer a set of questions and / or solve several problems (software knowledge control systems).

    Educational games and educational programs Are interactive programs with a game scenario. By completing a variety of tasks during the game, children develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, memory and, possibly, receive additional skills, for example, learning to work on the keyboard.

The following types of lessons are distinguished according to the method of using information technologies (according to A.G. Kozlenko):

    Lessons in which a computer is used in demo mode - one computer on the teacher's table + a projector;

    Lessons in which a computer is used individually - a lesson in a computer class without Internet access;

    Lessons in which a computer is used in an individual remote mode - a lesson in a computer class with Internet access.

Computer teaching aids can be divided into two groups in relation to the resources of the Internet:

    Means of educationon-line are applied in real time using Internet resources;

    Means of educationoff-line Are autonomously used tools.

At the initial stage of work, information technologies were introduced in the lessons of assimilating new knowledge, when it is necessary to use a large amount of visual material.

Then information technologies began to be introduced in generalizing lessons, when it is important not only to systematize the knowledge and skills of students, but also to focus on the most important points of the topic being studied, which are necessary for studying subsequent topics or courses. With the purchase of a mobile computer class, it became possible to use a computer for laboratory work and experiments. The use of this electronic product is possible at all stages of the lesson: checking knowledge, learning new material, consolidating the material.

In an individual mode, with students wishing to study the subject in depth, work is carried out with other types of computer tools. These are electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, training programs for preparing for exams, which, in addition to the result, give an explanation and the correct answer, virtual experiment systems, educational games.

In the educational process, a computer can be both an object of study and a means of teaching, upbringing, development and diagnostics of the assimilation of educational content, i.e. there are two possible directions of using computer technologies in the learning process. In the first case, the assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills leads to an awareness of the possibilities of computer technologies, to the formation of the skills to use them in solving various problems. In the second case, computer technologies are a powerful means of increasing the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process. But today at least two more functions have been identified: a computer as a means of communication, a computer as a tool in management, a computer as a developing environment. In the educational process, it is important to use all these areas at the same time. The existence and interaction of all of them at the same time, not only in the educational, but also in the educational process, leads to the desired result, which is put by society in front of the school.

As a result of the use of information technologies, the dynamics of the quality of students' knowledge, an increase in the motivation of educational activities, began to be observed.

Information technology in administrative and management activities.

The use of information technologies in the administrative and managerial activities of the school makes it possible to analyze the educational situation, monitor educational and educational and innovative activities, carry out operational preparation and release of didactic materials, educational and methodological and scientific and methodological support, automate the performance of the main job duties of teachers and methodological service ...

One of the important tasks that inevitably faces the head of an educational institution is the transfer of the management process of an educational institution to paperless technology, which, according to experts in this field, will allow getting rid of routine and time-consuming work in office work and planning the educational process.

Currently, educational institutions are introducing software systems designed to help in organizing administrative activities in a general education school. Information and reference systems have been created that provide regulatory support for workers in the education system.

The most promising direction of informatization of organizational, methodological and management activities is the use of software products of the companies "1C", "Chronobus", "FinPromMarket-XXI", "Systems-Programs-Service", "Cyril and Methodius", etc.

    "ARM Director" was developed by AVERS (LLC). This program is designed to automate the management processes of an educational institution, planning and monitoring educational and educational activities, unification of intra-school and personnel records management, and solving many other management problems in an educational institution.

    The automated information and analytical system AVERS "Schedule", "Tariffication" is being introduced.

    The software product "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0" covers almost all areas of activity of the head of an educational institution. This is a comprehensive solution that allows the administrator to get online access to information in a common database with the capabilities of comprehensive analysis and preparation of management decisions.

The emergence of new information technologies, associated with the widespread use of computers in the educational environment, greatly facilitates the process of collecting information for the analysis of teaching and educational work, allows for an optimized implementation of a systematic approach to school management.

Information technology in the educational process.

Computer technologies naturally fit into the life of our school and are another effective technical means with which one can significantly diversify the upbringing process.

Information technologies in the educational system of the school are used in the following areas:

    Organization of extracurricular activities, school holidays and concerts, library lessons, class hours, creative games.

    Project activities.

    Establishing contacts and communication of students and teachers online with peers and colleagues from other schools and cities.

    Issue of the school newspaper "Globus", which is created in the circle of young journalists, publication of booklets.

    Organization of change. The school is divided into certain zones according to interests: an assembly hall (karaoke studio), a chess club (Interactive board + electronic chess training program), a library (watching popular science and entertainment films), a media library (for those who are keen on the computer).

    Circle of computer graphics and animation.

The use of information technology has opened up boundless horizons in the educational work of the school. Children have become active participants in the educational process. They are fluent in computers and know how to navigate the information space.

Thus, the need to use modern IT is so obvious that it does not need proof.

Information technology in pedagogical and methodological activities.

Computer and information technology have taken a firm place in the activities of methodological leaders. They have become an integral attribute, without which effective existence and development is unthinkable today.

The information support of the school's methodological service includes the preparation, processing and storage of information, as a result of which a database is formed with which all users work to one degree or another: heads of methodological associations, temporary creative teams, the council of curators of the scientific society of students and the school administration. The information blocks created at the school are convenient for creating a feedback system, for deploying a system for collecting proposals, diagnosing team members, tracking experimental work.

For a number of years, data has been processed from various programs for monitoring and studying the state of work with pedagogical personnel: diagnostic cards of teachers, the results of research on difficulties in the work of teachers and the need for advanced training. Computer software has created conditions for monitoring in various areas: analysis of didactic tools used by the teacher; characteristics of teaching skills; the nature of intraschool communications. Diagnosing methodological work pursued the goal: using the criteria and indicators, to obtain information about its influence on the growth of professional level and the development of the creative potential of teachers for making decisions on methodological assistance and the inclusion of teachers in pedagogical search. Having studied the actual state of the level of preparedness of teachers, we identified groups of teachers who have difficulties in practical activities, who work creatively, with an established style of work, developed a system of corrective measures, and determined the prospects for professional growth of each employee. The information received was systematized into a database, an electronic portfolio was developed about each teacher.

Computer software for personnel management contributes to solving problems: determining trends in the interaction and interaction of various factors in the development of the educational process; identifying the position of each of its participants.


Computer and communication technologies are quite obvious manifestations of the information revolution. Therefore, the interest in them that teachers show when trying to find ways to adapt the school to the modern world is understandable. An increasing number of parents, teachers and students are convinced that, as a result of the acquired knowledge about computers and the acquired skills to work with them, children will be better prepared for life and can successfully achieve material well-being in a changing world.

The school has no choice but to adapt it to the information age. The main purpose of this adaptation is to teach how to process information, solve problems using computer technology. Such work cannot be done within one year or be the result of the implementation of a project. It is a process that has no end.


    Andreev A.A. Computer and telecommunication technologies in the field of education. // School technologies. 2001. No. 3.

    A.V. Dvoretskaya The main types of computer teaching aids. // School technologies. 2004. No. 3.

    B.P. Saykov Organization of the information space of an educational institution: a practical guide. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2005.

    Ugrinovich N.D., Novenko D.V. Computer Science and Information Technology: Sample Lesson Planning Using Interactive Learning Tools. - M .: School-Press, 1999.

In our time, information has the same strategic value as traditional material and energy resources. Modern information technologies that allow you to create, store, process information and provide effective ways of presenting it to the consumer are a powerful tool to accelerate progress in all spheres of social development. Of course, this is one of the essential factors that determine the competitiveness of a country, region, industry and individual organization.

An important role in the process of creating and using information technologies belongs to the education system, especially higher education as the main source of qualified, highly intelligent personnel and a powerful base of fundamental and applied scientific research. The specificity of the education system lies in the fact that it is, on the one hand, a consumer, and on the other, an active producer of information technologies. At the same time, technologies born in the education system are used far beyond its borders. This allows us to talk about the possibility of practical implementation of the concept of transition from the informatization of education to the informatization of society.

To understand the role of information technology in education, it is necessary to understand the essence of this concept.

Speaking about information technology, in some cases they mean a certain scientific direction, in others - a specific way of working with information. As you can see, there is a double interpretation of the concept of "information technology": how method and means collection, processing and transmission of information to obtain new information about the studied object and how body of knowledge on the ways and means of working with information resources.

In a sense, all pedagogical technologies (understood as methods) are informational, since the educational process is always accompanied by the exchange of information between the teacher and the student. But in the modern sense, information technology of education (IntO) is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information. And the essence of informatization of education is to create favorable conditions for both teachers and students for free access to cultural, educational and scientific information.

The concept of "computer learning technology" (CTO), taking into account the wide capabilities of modern computing facilities

and computer networks are often used in the same sense as IntO. At the same time, the use of the term "computer technology" instead of the term "information technology" meets with objections. They are related to the fact that information technology can use a computer as one of the possible means. In addition, understanding the role of a computer as a computing machine (from the English, computer- calculator) has already become an anachronism. Therefore, the very term "computer (literally - computing) technology" is perceived as unfortunate, but it is quite legitimate to talk about computer teaching aids, computer programs.

General characteristics of information technology training. Systematic research in the field of information technology application in education has been conducted for over forty years. The education system has always been very responsive to the introduction of information technologies in the educational process, based on software products of the widest use. In educational institutions, various software systems are successfully used - both relatively affordable (text and graphic editors, tools for working with tables and preparing computer presentations), and complex, sometimes highly specialized (programming systems, database management systems, packages of symbolic mathematics and statistical processing data).

At the same time, these software tools have never met all the needs of educators. Since the 60s of the last century in scientific centers and educational institutions in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, Japan, Russia (formerly the USSR) and a number of other countries, a large number of specialized computer systems focused on various types of computing technology.

The development of full-fledged educational software products is a very expensive business. After all, this requires the joint work of highly qualified specialists: psychologists, subject teachers, computer designers, programmers. Many large foreign firms and a number of domestic manufacturers of software products finance projects for the creation of computer educational systems in educational institutions and conduct their own developments in this area.

Creation of educational computer tools proper developed on the basis of the idea of ​​programmed teaching. And at present, in many educational institutions, both individual educational software products are developed and used, and automated training systems (AOC) in various academic disciplines. AOC includes a set of educational and methodological materials (demonstration, the

theoretical, practical, controlling) and computer programs that control the learning process.

The development of specialized programs usually involves the solution of quite specific problems of computerization of the educational process. So, for the school of particular interest are the complexes of software products that support the teaching of computer science. One of the results of the study by students of the computer science course is the possibility of systematic use of information technologies in the development of other academic subjects.

Educational software products can be electronic versions of the following educational and methodological materials: computer presentations of an illustrative nature; electronic reference dictionaries and textbooks; laboratory workshops with the ability to simulate real processes; simulator programs; test systems.

AOC is usually based on an instrumental environment - a set of computer programs that provide users who do not speak programming languages ​​the following capabilities:

the teacher enters versatile information (theoretical and demonstration material, practical tasks, questions for test control) into the database and forms scripts for the lesson;

the student, in accordance with the script (chosen by him or her appointed by the teacher), works with educational and methodological materials offered by the program;

automated control of the assimilation of knowledge provides the necessary feedback, allowing the student himself to choose (based on the results of self-control) or automatically assign the sequence and pace of studying the educational material;

the student's work is recorded, information (test results, topics studied) is entered into the database;

the teacher and the student are provided with information about the results of the work of individual students or certain groups, including in dynamics.

The most famous examples of AOC based on the principles of programmed learning are the foreign PLATO system and the domestic AOC of a higher educational institution. In the 90s, instrumental environments for personal computers of foreign (Private Tutor, LinkWay, Costoc) and domestic production became widespread in Russia: ADONIS, LESSON, etc., which were used in schools and higher educational institutions. At present, the education system has accumulated several thousand computer programs for educational purposes, developed in educational institutions of Russia. According to foreign estimates

run experts, many of them are distinguished by originality, high scientific and methodological level.

The increase in the capabilities of computers stimulated the development of a new direction in the computerization of education - the creation intelligent training systems (IOS). This approach is based on works in the field of artificial intelligence, in particular, the theory of expert systems - complex programs manipulating special, expert knowledge in narrow, subject areas. Like a real human expert, these systems solve problems using logic and rules of thumb and are able to replenish their knowledge. Ultimately, by combining powerful computers with a wealth of human experience, expert systems add value to expertise, making it widely applicable.

IOS represents a qualitatively new technology based on the following features:

modeling of the learning process;

the use of a dynamically developing ITS knowledge base containing, along with the traditional presentation of information (similar to AOS), expert knowledge from the subject and psychological and pedagogical areas;

automatic selection of a rational teaching strategy for each student;

automatic accounting in the ITS of new information entering the knowledge base, i.e. self-regulation of the system.

Work in the field of creating ITS is still of a single nature and has not yet reached the level of mass technology.

In the 80s - 90s, there was a kind of leap in informatization associated with the mass production of relatively inexpensive and at the same time having excellent technical characteristics of personal computers.

In the field of education, especially with the advent of the Windows operating system, new opportunities have opened up. First of all, it is the availability of dialogue communication in the so-called interactive programs. In addition, the widespread use of graphics (pictures, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs) has become feasible. The use of graphic illustrations in educational computer systems allows transferring information to the student at a new level and improving its understanding. Educational software products that use graphics contribute to the development of such important qualities as intuition, creative thinking.

Further development of computer technologies in the last decade has provided technical and software innovations that are very promising for educational purposes. First of all, these are devices for working with CD-ROMs - CD-ROMs (from the English. Compact Disk Read Only Memory - reader

from CD) and CD-RW (from English Compact Disk Read / Write - a device for reading and writing to a CD), allowing you to concentrate large amounts of information (hundreds of megabytes) on a small and inexpensive medium.

The increased productivity of personal computers has made possible a fairly widespread use of multimedia technologies, virtual reality systems.

It is already difficult to imagine modern education without multimedia technology (from English, multimedia - multicomponent environment), which allows the use of text, graphics, video and animation in an interactive mode and thereby expands the scope of the computer in the educational process. But it must be taken into account that the level and quality of work with the corresponding software products depend on the fulfillment of very high requirements for the speed and volume of computer memory, sound characteristics and the availability of additional equipment, in particular CD-ROM. Multimedia programs are a science-intensive and very expensive product, since their development requires the combined efforts of not only subject matter experts, teachers, psychologists and programmers, but also artists, sound technicians, screenwriters, editors and other professionals.

Virtual reality(from English, virtual reality- a possible reality) is a new technology of non-contact information interaction that realizes the illusion of direct presence in real time in a stereoscopically presented "screen world" with the help of a multimedia environment. In such systems, the illusion of the user's location among the objects of the virtual world is continuously created. Instead of a conventional display, telemonitor glasses are used, in which continuously changing pictures of events in the virtual world are shown. The control is carried out using a special device implemented in the form of an "information glove", which determines the direction of the user's movement relative to the objects of the virtual world. In addition, there is a device for creating and transmitting sound signals. For educational purposes, virtual reality technology was first applied back in the 60s of the last century, when, with the help of special simulators, pilots learned how to control an aircraft. Since the 1980s, fundamentally new systems of dialogue control of machine-generated images began to be created in the United States, primarily for solving the problems of training military personnel. Currently, this technology is also used in psychology, the entertainment industry, etc.

Opened new opportunities for informatization of education in the 90s hypertext technology. Hypertext (from English, hyper-

text - supertext), or hypertext system, is a collection of various information that can be located not only in different files, but also on different computers. The main feature of hypertext is the ability to navigate through the so-called hyperlinks, which are presented either in the form of specially designed text or a certain graphic image. There can be several hyperlinks on the computer screen at the same time, and each of them defines its own route of "travel".

In a hypertext system with standard capabilities, the user selects one of the visible hyperlinks with the mouse and navigates through the network of nodes, the contents of which are displayed on the computer screen. Along with graphics and text, nodes can contain multimedia information, including sound, video, animation. In this case, the term "hypermedia" is used for such systems.

The modern hypertext learning system is distinguished by a convenient learning environment in which it is easy to find the necessary information, return to the material already covered, etc. When designing a hypertext system, hyperlinks can be laid, relying on the ability of human thinking to link information and the corresponding associative access to it.

In this regard, the introduction into the educational process of hypertext courses, prepared both within the framework of traditional HTML technology and using special software tools that complement the capabilities of standard hypertext, becomes relevant.

HTML technology based on the creation of hypertext using a special language HTML (from English. HyperText Markup Language - hypertext markup language). To view hypertext and search for information in the early 90s, special programs were developed called browsers (from the English, browser- viewer). Browsers allow you to view hypertext on almost any computer, regardless of the operating system used (DOS, Windows, UNIX, etc.).

In recent years, various software systems have been developed and gained some popularity, which expand the possibilities provided by HTML technology, and allow teachers to be directly involved in the creation of hypertext educational tools. In addition to programs from the very popular Microsoft Office suite, with which it is easy to transform a variety of documents into hypertext, there are tools specifically designed for educational purposes. This is the system HyperCard, allows you to create educational applications using multimedia tools and easily co-

store cards with heterogeneous (text, graphic, sound) information in the database. In system Super book a set of sophisticated possibilities for structuring, viewing and searching text has been implemented, in which, in contrast to the traditional search by key or synonym, an attempt is made to use the full structure of the text. In Russia, the SuperBook system (called SuperBooks) is freely distributed for the needs of the education system.

AOC, built on the basis of hypertext technology, can provide better learning ability not only due to the clarity of the information presented. The use of dynamic, i.e. changing, hypertext makes it possible to diagnose the student, and then automatically select one of the possible levels of study of the same topic. Hypertext learning systems present information in such a way that the student himself, following graphic or text links, can use various schemes for working with the material. All this creates conditions for the implementation of a differentiated approach to learning in such courses.

The spread of hypertext technology to a certain extent served as a kind of impetus for the creation and widespread replication on CDs of various electronic publications: textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias (school series "1C: Tutor", encyclopedic and educational publications of the firm "Cyril and Methodius", etc.).

The use of various information technologies (ITS, multimedia, hypertext) in electronic editions gives significant didactic advantages of an electronic book in comparison with a traditional one:

Multimedia technology creates an educational environment with a vivid and visual presentation of information, which is especially attractive for schoolchildren;

Integration of significant volumes of information on a single carrier is carried out;

Hypertext technology, due to the use of hyperlinks, simplifies navigation and provides an opportunity to choose an individual scheme for studying the material;

ITS technology based on modeling the learning process allows you to supplement the textbook with tests, track and guide the trajectory of learning the material, thus providing feedback.

The development of information telecommunication networks gives a new impetus to the informatization of education. Global network Internet provides access to gigantic volumes of information stored in various parts of our planet. Many experts view Internet technologies as revolutionary

a breakthrough that surpasses in its significance the appearance of the personal computer.

The following Internet technologies are usually referred to as basic ones: WWW (01 English World wide web- World Wide Web) - technology for working in a network with hypertext; FTP (from the English. File transfer protocol- file transfer protocol) - technology for transferring files of arbitrary format over the network; IRC (from the English. Internet Relay Chat - turn-by-turn conversation in the network) is a technology for negotiating in real time, which makes it possible to talk with other people over the network in a direct dialogue mode; E-mail, e-mail - a whole series of services: 1) sending and receiving e-mails that are delivered to e-mail subscribers anywhere in the world within a few hours; 2) information service for sending reviews, summaries and other reference materials from various firms and organizations to subscribers of the network; teleconferences - technology for receiving and sending discussion materials in which people separated by great distances can participate.

The specificity of Internet technologies lies in the fact that they provide enormous possibilities for choosing information sources: basic information on network servers; operational information sent by e-mail; various databases of leading libraries, scientific and educational centers, museums; information about floppy disks, CDs, video and audio cassettes, books and magazines distributed through Internet stores.

Telecommunications, including e-mail, global, regional and local communication and data exchange networks, can provide the widest opportunities for training:

Prompt transmission of information of any volume and type to different distances;

Interactivity and prompt feedback; “Access to various sources of information;

Organization of joint telecommunication projects;

Request information on any issue of interest through the system of electronic conferences.

In recent years, different countries have paid attention to the possibility of using computer telecommunication technologies for organizing training. Computer telecommunications provide effective feedback, which involves both the organization of educational material and communication (via e-mail, teleconference) with the teacher leading a specific course. Such training for

standing was named distance learning (from the English. distance education - distance learning).

Distance learning tends to be linked to some kind of learning infrastructure. These can be methodological centers that develop and distribute relevant materials, an educational television studio, specialized nodes of a computer network.

Distance education makes it possible to solve the problems of training and advanced training of people who are far from educational, scientific and technical centers, and is becoming more widespread, since it contributes to meeting the educational needs of society.

The main goals and areas of application of information technology training. Specific software and hardware tools related to the information technologies listed above are being actively developed (often in parallel) and used in various educational institutions.

The factor determining the successful application of modern information technologies is the work of the teacher himself on the scientific and methodological support of use. This requires the solution of very specific questions:

forecast of the possible impact of IntO funds on the nature of thinking and behavior of participants in the educational process;

choice of methods for combining and integrating IntO means with traditional teaching aids;

the creation of appropriate didactic learning conditions - the formation of study groups, the organization of individual lessons and independent work.

But at the same time, one should not fetishize the capabilities of computers. We must not forget that the transfer of information in itself does not yet ensure the transfer of knowledge, culture, and therefore information technologies provide teachers with very effective, but auxiliary means.

So, let's formulate pedagogical goals using IntO.

Development of the student's personality, preparation for independent productive activity in the information society, including (in addition to the transfer of information and knowledge embedded in it):

development of constructive, algorithmic thinking due to the peculiarities of communication with a computer;

development of creative thinking by reducing the proportion of reproductive activity;

development of communication skills based on the implementation of joint projects;

the formation of the ability to make optimal decisions in a difficult situation (in the course of computer business games and work with training programs);

development of research skills (when working with modeling programs and ITS);

the formation of an information culture, the ability to process information (using text, graphic and tabular editors, local and network databases).

Implementation of the social order due to the informatization of modern society:

training of specialists in the field of information technology;

preparation of trainees by means of pedagogical and information technologies for independent cognitive activity.

Intensification of all levels of the educational process:

increasing the efficiency and quality of the learning process through the implementation of the capabilities of IntO;

identification and use of stimuli for enhancing cognitive activity (it is possible to use most of the above technologies, depending on the type of personality


deepening interdisciplinary connections through the use of modern information processing tools in solving problems of various subject areas (computer modeling, local and network databases).

The pedagogical goals formulated above make it possible to determine the main directions IntO implementation:

technology that improves the learning process, increasing its efficiency and quality due to additional possibilities of cognition of the surrounding reality and self-knowledge, development of the student's personality;

management technology of the educational process, educational institutions, the system of educational institutions;

controlled monitoring technology(control, correction of the results of educational activities, computer pedagogical testing and psychodiagnostics);

communication technology, ensuring the dissemination of scientific and methodological experience;

technology for organizing intellectual leisure, developing

The essence of a computer is its versatility, its ability to imitate. Its versatility and versatility is a guarantee that it can satisfy many needs. But with all its capabilities, the computer remains means increasing the efficiency of human activity. How in-

formative means it is intended for information service human needs. How to make this service the most productive specifically for the educational and pedagogical process is the main question of the whole multifaceted problem of improving education based on information technologies. Its successful solution will contribute to improving the quality and accessibility of education at all levels - from schools to training and retraining systems for specialists, integrating the national education system into the scientific, industrial, social, social and cultural information infrastructure of the world community.

We were able to reveal only some of the learning technologies. The palette of educational technologies is extremely diverse. A number of technologies are directly related to the organizational learning environment: work in dynamic pairs(V.K.Dyachenko), when each of the partners teaches the other, acting as a teacher; work in variation pairs(most often as part of a small group), when there is an exchange of materials, variants of which are being worked out by each member of the group; work in small groups, in which there is a joint search for a solution, discussions are held, mutual control is carried out. Gains significant distribution modular (or block-modular) technology. It provides for the division of the course into large blocks (sections, modules). At the same time, the content of each block has been worked out methodically: the knowledge and skills necessary to study the module are determined, the methods of study are set (variably), the means of controlling the assimilation, the methods of reporting on the work done.

Known technology of enlarging didactic units(UDE) of the material under study, proposed by P.M. Erdniev. According to it, interrelated actions, functions, operations are studied on the basis of generalized approaches. PM Erdniev combined in one textbook "Mathematics" all the mathematical subjects studied at school (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, drawing), the textbook itself and the problem book. Students are encouraged to simultaneously study mutually inverse actions and operations: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, exponentiation and root extraction, logarithm and potentiation; interrelated structures and concepts: direct and reverse word order in sentences, endo- and exothermic reactions in chemistry, etc.; compare related or related

concepts: equations and inequalities, properties of direct and inverse proportionality, etc.

It is very interesting, as already noted, the idea schools of "dialogue of cultures"(V. S. Bibler, S. Yu. Kurganov). Dialogue in it acts not only as an organizational form, but also as a principle of organizing the content itself, a means of revealing the history of world culture and the cultural formation of the personality of trainees. Teaching is based on a comparison of ancient (eidetic, figurative) thinking, medieval ("communing") thinking, rationalistic thinking of the modern era and modern relativistic, multidimensional thinking. The texts of different cultures are being studied. In the course of the dialogue, comparison of the speech element of Russian speech and the historical sequence of the main forms of European culture, "points of surprise", "funnels" are revealed, the study of which gives rise to historical thinking. It should be noted that in practice the use of this technology as the leading one turned out to be rather difficult. And in fact, this system is closer to the author's teaching and development methodology.

With even greater certainty, as a creative author's methodology, one can characterize system of humane and personal training Sh. A. Amonashvili. His system is based on the art of love for children, the idea of ​​the high mission of each child, which he needs to reveal and help him realize. Therefore, the child should have a happy childhood, and it is the lesson that acts as a form of life for children, their spiritual enrichment in the process of learning and cooperation with each other and with the teacher.

Publicity, an atmosphere of trust, romance, achievement of success, collective assessment of the results of activities without marking, game moments (identifying intentional mistakes of the teacher, for example) and especially the developing nature of the activity, learning, expressed even in the names of subjects (cognitive reading, writing and speech activity, mathematical imagination, spiritual life, chess, etc.) - all these are elements of the developing personality-oriented system of the famous humanist teacher. Apparently, in the strict sense of the word, this system cannot be called a technology, because the real content and sequence of teaching steps in each case, based on common features and approaches, is planned and implemented by each teacher, creating an author's teaching and development methodology.

Probably, even the most rigorous instrumental technology, in order to breathe life into it, fill it with human content and meaning, needs to be done to some extent by the author, to take into account the personality traits of students, the team, the circumstances of the real life environment and the characteristics of the teacher himself.

Information technology concepts

The modern period of the development of civilization is characterized by the process of information technology in all sectors of the national economy.

Remark 1

The main means of information technology are software and hardware and devices that operate on the basis of microprocessors, computers, information exchange of data, providing operations for storing and processing data.

Today, there is a tendency to increase the role of information and social technologies in the education system. Thanks to this, universal computerization of students and teachers is ensured at a level that allows solving a number of problems:

  • the appearance of all participants on the Internet at any time and regardless of location;
  • development of a unified information space of educational institutions;
  • creation, development and effective use of educational resources.

Information technology in education can be classified as one of the major innovations applied in the education system in the past few years. The capabilities of the computer allow learning, help to improve the assimilation of new material. In the classroom, when the teacher uses a computer, he has the opportunity to observe his students and clearly record the manifestation of various qualities in them, such as: searching for new information, consolidating the material studied, using ready-made sources.

The introduction of information technology in the field of education enables teachers to qualitatively change the methods and forms of education.

The purpose of these technologies in education is (see Fig. 1).

Types of media in education

Educational software that is most often used in practice.

    Educational programs- these are teaching aids that are used by students when studying the material on their own. Educational programs allow you to regulate learning activities and improve the quality of the assimilated material. The developed training programs must be based on the curriculum and meet all the requirements for their content. This type of program is used by students to expand their entire horizons, and familiarize themselves with new material.

    Electronic textbook Is a teaching system based on didactic and methodological materials on the subject. An electronic textbook is suitable both for self-study of the material and as a basis for presenting lecture material.

    The electronic textbook contains all the topics that are included in the curriculum. There is also a block where a pupil, a student can check and consolidate their knowledge. The main advantage of this type of textbook is its graphic representation of the material and hyperlinks, i.e. the training material has links to other material.

    Multimedia is another of the advantages of an electronic textbook. The use of sound files, animation of drawings, videos can improve the quality of assimilation of the material.

    Internet- worldwide system of access to any files. Through the use of the Internet, the student can find all the necessary information on the question that interests him. The advantages of the Internet is the ability to find out any information, no matter where you are.

    Distance education- the work of the teacher with students at a distance, which reflects all the components of the educational process. Distance education allows students to obtain all the necessary knowledge remotely from the main place of study.

Effectiveness of using information technology

The practical application of information technologies in the education system makes us look at the learning process with different eyes. Therefore, the information technology system must be considered as a new process of improving the quality of education at all stages. Thanks to new technologies of e-mail, Skype allows for dialogue with the teacher at a distance. Through the use of new technologies in education, the opportunity for the exchange of information between students is expanding. A modern teacher must have all the skills in the use of computer tools.

Remark 2

Modern information technologies using computer modeling significantly increase the visibility of teaching in all areas of education.

Currently, the role of information technology in people's lives has increased significantly. Modern society has joined the general historical process called informatization. This process includes the availability of any citizen to sources of information, the penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information services. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of human creative potential.

One of the priority directions of the informatization process of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing and using information in the interests of its consumers. Therefore, at present, a new education system is being formed in Russia, focused on entering the world information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with making adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which should be adequate to modern technical capabilities, and contribute to the harmonious entry of the student into the information society.

Analysis of the concept of "information technology" in education.Information technology in education

Information technology (IT) training is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video equipment, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information. "

The goal of IT is the high-quality formation and use of information resources in accordance with the needs of the user. IT methods are data processing methods. Mathematical, technical, software, information, hardware and other means are used as IT tools.

IT methods

IT tools

IT falls into two broad groups: selective and fully interactive technologies.

1) The first group includes all technologies that provide information storage in a structured form. This includes banks and databases and knowledge, videotext, teletext, Internet, etc. These technologies operate in a selective interactive mode and greatly facilitate access to a huge amount of structured information. In this case, the user is only allowed to work with already existing data, without entering new ones.

2) The second group contains technologies that provide direct access to information stored in information networks or any media, which allows you to transfer, modify and supplement it.

Selective interactivity technologies

Technologies with full interactivity.

Information technology should be classified primarily according to the field of application and the degree of use of computers in them. Distinguish between such areas of application of information technology as science, education, culture, economics, production, military affairs, etc. According to the degree of use of computers in information technology, computer and non-computer technologies are distinguished.

In the field of education, information technologies are used to solve two main tasks: teaching and management. Accordingly, there are computer and computerless teaching technologies, computer and computerless education management technologies. In teaching, information technologies can be used, firstly, to present educational information to students, and secondly, to control the success of its assimilation. From this point of view, informational; technologies used in teaching are divided into two groups: technologies for presenting educational information and technologies for controlling knowledge.

Non-computerized information technologies for presenting educational information include paper, optical and electronic technologies. They differ from each other by the means of presenting educational information and, accordingly, are divided into paper, optical and electronic. Paper-based teaching aids include textbooks, teaching and teaching aids; to optical - epiprojectors, overhead projectors, overhead projectors, film projectors, laser pointers; to electronic televisions and laser disc players.

Computer information technologies for presenting educational information include:

Technologies using computer training programs;

Multimedia technology;

Distance learning technologies.

Computer IT presentation of information

Modern computer technology can be classified as:

Personal computers are computing systems with resources entirely aimed at supporting the activities of one managerial employee. This is the most numerous class of computer technology, which includes personal computers IBM PC and compatible computers, as well as personal computers Macintosh. The intensive development of modern information technologies is due precisely to the widespread use since the early 1980s. personal computers that combine such qualities as relative cheapness and functionality that is wide enough for a non-professional user.

Corporate computers (sometimes called minicomputers or main frame) are computing systems that ensure the joint activities of a large number of intellectual workers in any organization or project using common information and computing resources. These are multi-user computing systems with a central unit of large computing power and significant information resources, to which a large number of workstations are connected with minimal equipment (usually a keyboard, mouse positioning devices and, possibly, a printing device). Personal computers can also act as workplaces connected to the central unit of a corporate computer. The sphere of using corporate computers is to provide management activities in large financial and industrial organizations. Organization of various information systems to serve a large number of users within one function (exchange and banking systems, booking and selling tickets to the public, etc.).

Supercomputers are computing systems with extreme characteristics of computing power and information resources and are used in military and space fields, and fundamental scientific research, global weather forecasting. This classification is rather arbitrary, since the intensive development of electronic component technologies and the improvement of the architecture of computers, as well as their most important elements, lead to a blurring of the boundaries between computer technology.

The education system today has accumulated many different computer programs for educational purposes, created in educational institutions and centers of Russia. A considerable number of them are distinguished by their originality, high scientific and methodological level. Intelligent learning systems are a qualitatively new technology, the features of which are the modeling of the learning process, the use of a dynamically developing knowledge base; automatic selection of a rational teaching strategy for each student, automated registration of new information entering the database. Multimedia technologies (from the English multimedia - multicomponent environment), which allows the use of text, graphics, video and animation in an interactive mode and thereby expands the scope of the computer in the educational process.

Virtual reality (from the English virtual reality - a possible reality) is a new technology of non-contact information interaction, which, using a multimedia environment, creates the illusion of being present in real time in a stereoscopically presented "screen world". In such systems, the illusion of the user's location among the objects of the virtual world is continuously maintained. Instead of a conventional display, telemonitor glasses are used, in which the continuously changing events of the virtual world are reproduced. The control is carried out using a special device implemented in the form of an "information glove", which determines the direction of the user's movement relative to the objects of the virtual world. In addition, the user has a device for creating and transmitting sound signals.

An automated training system based on hypertext technology makes it possible to increase the digestibility not only due to the clarity of the information presented. Using dynamic i.e. changing, hypertext makes it possible to diagnose the student, and then automatically select one of the optimal levels of study of the same topic. Hypertext learning systems provide information in such a way that the student himself, following graphic or text links, can apply various schemes for working with the material. All this makes it possible to implement a differentiated approach to training.

The specificity of Internet technologies - WWW (from the English World Wide Web - the World Wide Web) lies in the fact that they provide users with enormous opportunities for choosing information sources: basic "information on network servers; operational information sent by e-mail; various databases of leading libraries , scientific and educational centers, museums; information on floppy disks, CDs, video and audio cassettes, books and magazines distributed through online stores, etc.

It is necessary to highlight the basic didactic requirements for ITE, in order to increase the efficiency of its application in the educational process.

These include:

Motivation in the use of various didactic materials;

Clear definition of the role, place, purpose and timing of the use of the CPC;

The leading role of the teacher in conducting classes;

Close relationship of a specific class of CPC with other types of applied TCO;

Introduction to technology only of those components that guarantee the quality of training;

Compliance of the computer-assisted teaching methodology with the general strategy of conducting a training lesson;

Taking into account the fact that the introduction of the CPC into the set of training tools requires a revision of all components of the system and a change in the general teaching methodology;

Providing a high degree of individualization of training;

Providing sustained feedback in learning and others.

The modern period of development of a civilized society is characterized by the process of informatization, one of the priority directions of which is informatization of education. An essential component of informatization processes is the development and use of pedagogical software based on various information technologies. Recently, one of the most relevant is the direction based on the use of computer networks in pedagogical software.

The use of computer networks in the process of teaching various academic disciplines requires from the teacher knowledge both in the field of preparing a script for a training course, taking into account the capabilities of software development tools, and knowledge in the field of teaching methods for a specific discipline. This is due to the wide possibilities of using computer communications and networks in practice.

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