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DNS hosting and Yandex DNS editor. What are domains, hosting, DNS servers and IP addresses

If you need to manage domain DNS records and do not provide such an opportunity, you can use third-party name servers, for example, the free Yandex DNS Hosting service that comes with Yandex Mail for Domain. This article will cover:

First you need to register an account on Yandex. If you already have an account, please go to next section"Connecting a domain to Yandex".

After filling in all the required fields and confirming the phone number by entering a verification SMS code, we recommend that you go to the details account by clicking on her name in the right upper corner, and by selecting the "Passport" section, indicate personal data: in particular, Security Question and the answer to it. This information will simplify the restoration of access to the account if the password or login is lost.

After that, you can start connecting the domain.

Once you've signed in to your account, you'll need to connect your domain. This can be done at the link:

You can also go to "Mail for Domain" in this way: in the account in the line with available services click "more", in the drop-down menu select "All services".

Then select "Mail for Domain".

Enter the domain name and click Connect Domain. After that, you will be automatically redirected to the domain ownership confirmation page.

Domain delegation to Yandex

Delegating a domain to Yandex implies sending the domain to the appropriate public nameservers and getting the opportunity to DNS management- records in the functionality of this service. If a domain is delegated within 24 hours after it was connected, and the connection was not previously made in another Yandex account, the domain will be successfully delegated after the DNS records are updated (it may take up to 72 hours from the moment the name servers are changed in the registrar panel ). Otherwise, you will need to verify ownership of the domain.

To delegate a domain to Yandex, specify the name servers and in the panel domain registrar. If there are fields in the domain registrar's functionality for specifying the IP addresses of nameservers, they do not need to be filled in.

After updating the DNS records, the domain status will be changed to "The domain is connected and delegated to Yandex":

Domain Ownership Verification

To verify domain ownership, there are 3 alternative method below:

Method number 1 - file upload

If you already have a hosted site, you will need to upload an html file to its root directory with the name and content specified on the My Domains page.

Method number 2 - setting up CNAME

For the specified subdomain, set up a CNAME record for (with a dot at the end). You need to have edit access to do this. DNS records with a domain name registrar or hosting provider.

If you have an active service with us virtual hosting, you can specify the CNAME record in the hosting cPanel panels in the "Domains" section - "Simple DNS zone editor" or "Advanced DNS zone editor".

If you purchased a VPS from the site, then you can edit DNS records in the SolusVM panel according to our guide.

The added CNAME record will look like this:

Method number 3 - change e-mail

Specify the e-mail from the "My domains" page as a contact postal address domain registrant. This can usually be done in the functionality of the domain name registrar. After the domain ownership is confirmed, you can change the email back to the original one.

After completing the steps according to the selected verification method, click "Check Domain Ownership". Please note that the process of updating DNS records takes some time and the domain may not be verified immediately. In this case, Yandex will also automatic check at certain intervals. After domain ownership is confirmed, its domain status on the My Domains page will change to "Waiting for installation of MX records" if the domain has not yet been directed to Yandex's public servers. In this case, please refer to the “Domain Delegation” section in the current guide to delegate a domain to Yandex.

If the domain has already been previously directed to Yandex name servers, after the DNS records are updated, the domain status will be changed to "The domain is connected and delegated to Yandex".

DNS hosting management from Yandex

After delegation of the domain on the page "My domains", in its details the following functionality will appear (indicated on the screenshot):

To manage DNS records, you need to go to the DNS Editor.

Since the domain has already been delegated to Yandex, the DNS records required for Yandex.Mail and Jabber to work on your domain will be automatically added. You can transfer DNS records from previous name servers to Yandex name servers. To do this, click "Transfer NS-records", check their correctness and click "Transfer".

Add missing entries as needed. If you are adding an entry for the main domain, leave the "@" sign in the "Host" field. If the entry is being added for a subdomain, specify the part of the subdomain name without the main domain name. Select a DNS record type, enter a value, and click Add DNS Record. For example, for the subdomain, the A-record would look like this:

For correct operation The site must have the following DNS records:

Host Type Record value

Instead of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, specify the IP address of the hosting from which the site should be opened.

An example of DNS records for a domain is shown below:

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The performance and speed of the site depends largely on correct placement resources, both in the physical world and in the world of virtual technologies. Today we , their work. About how placement on DNS hosting affects the reliability of the site, response speed and resource stability to failure.

Briefly about DNS

To begin with, let's focus on basic concepts, without understanding which it is difficult to move on.

  • DNS is one of the fundamental systems of the Internet. In simple words- list of correspondence of domain names to IP addresses.
  • A domain name is a unique set of symbols and characters that indicates the address of a site in the form that we are used to seeing on a daily basis.
  • DNS server - the server on which it is installed special program A that responds to a user request for a specific key. Those. a program that "translates" the user's request into the language of the computer. In addition, on DNS servers x stores data about domain names.

What is Premium DNS?

Premium DNS (or Managed DNS) is a robust service that helps improve the security, performance, and reliability of your site by controlling advanced DNS settings. With this service, you have complete control over your websites by administering your domain name settings and changes.

Simply put, Premium DNS management provides peace of mind with an advanced level of support and security. You can stay confident in the knowledge that your website will always remain available. Premium DNS offers reliability and excellent performance by transferring your DNS data across multiple servers different countries so that when entering your address, visitors connect to the nearest server and get a quick response. For more information, see .

What's the difference between DNS hosting and premium DNS?

Premium DNS offers unmatched security and performance for your domain, while DNS hosting, this free service, which allows customers who own domains registered with another company to manage their zone files through GoDaddy. Let's say you registered a domain with another company, but you want to host your content with GoDaddy. We give you the freedom to change and update as you please, without having to transfer the domain. This type of DNS management allows you to have complete control over your domain, even if you registered it elsewhere. If you still want to take advantage of premium DNS services, you need to register a domain with us or transfer your domain to us.

Why do I need Premium DNS?

Thanks to the Premium DNS service, the number of problems with slow speed DNS connections and "site not found" errors are significantly reduced. We want your website visitors to be able to find you, which is why our managed DNS service ensures that DNS resolution is up and running 99.999% of the time. DNS security is a top priority for us, which is why we offer , which guarantees the accuracy of DNS data. This feature protects your visitors by securing the DNS lookup process, making it impossible for hackers to change the IP address and redirect the user to a fake website.

The security and availability of a website is important, especially if there is a risk that hackers can intercept your visitors' personal data or redirect it to malicious sites. We want your website to be successful online, and to do that, it's important to have a consistent online presence and the reliability your visitors need. Besides, it's very simple.

Is Premium DNS easy to manage?

Unlike other DNS services, we've made Premium DNS management easy enough for beginners yet effective in the hands. advanced user. If you're just getting started with managed DNS, you can easily and quickly make changes to your DNS right from our control panel. We offer features such as templates and bulk export/import options that make it easy to update DNS data for large or small groups of domain names.

The organizational structure of Premium DNS is customer-focused - it reduces the time spent on configuration DNS services, and provides tools to track traffic. If you don't want to set up your own DNS server since you have a helper to do it, you can provide it with . The account administrator permissions will give them administrative access to your DNS service.

If you don't have time to learn how to use the advanced features of Premium DNS, or if you're confused and want to get additional information about our Premium DNS hosting service, you can contact our DNS experts and service staff technical support who provide assistance.

Than premium DNS from GoDaddy better offers other DNS providers?

Premium DNS from GoDaddy offers more possibilities for a lower price - that's all. It includes not only the functions of a standard DNS, but also advanced features for more high level support. These advanced features allow you to personalize and secure an unlimited number of domain names, provide DNS management to multiple users, manage DNS settings and easily create new settings, and collect website traffic data and DNS error reporting.

Our managed services allow you to manage an unlimited number of domain name zones and records, making changes quickly and easily using an intuitive control panel. Plus, Domain Name System Security Modules (DNSSEC), an advanced DNS Security, provides website protection and peace of mind. These features and more cost less than half of what other DNS providers charge!

If in the first place is the fault tolerance and availability of the site at any time, then best solution there will be paid DNS. Paid services also suitable if attackers DDoS your nameservers.

If you do not want to depend on third parties and manage DNS yourself, your choice is own servers names. You are responsible for their performance.

If you do not want to deal with placement and configuration issues, and short-term failures are not critical, then your choice is free DNS or DNS provider.

What is a DNS server, its types

DNS server(NS, Name Server, name server) is responsible for converting a domain name into an IP address. Using the IP address, the browser opens the requested site.

An example of converting a domain to an IP address →

There are several options for hosting DNS servers:

  • Hosting provider's DNS servers
  • Own DNS servers
  • Free DNS hosting
  • Paid DNS hosting
  • CDN proxy (in DNS mode)

Usually own servers or hosting servers are used. Consider the options in more detail, identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

ISP DNS Server

When buying a server hosting can provide free servers names (both primary and secondary). This option is suitable for those who do not want to "bother": when adding a domain in the control panel, the rest of the parameters are configured automatically (this is how it works on our hosting).

The main drawback is that hosting providers provide DNS services with basic functionality. They cope with the basic task (domain-to-IP translation), but additional functionality (API, IPv6, DDNS, Geo Routing) is missing or curtailed.

All clients use shared servers names. If a strong DDoS attack is ordered on the NS of one of the clients, then all other clients may experience malfunctions. Despite this, hosting companies try to protect their DNS from DDoS.


  • Ease of setup
  • No need to monitor the state of the DNS server
  • Is free


  • The service may not be available on all hostings.
  • Inability to use the API
  • Possible malfunctions

Own DNS server

Suitable for owners of virtual and those who want to buy . The client hosts the DNS on its own server, usually on the same server as the site.

Panel setting. Most control panels support configuring nameservers. FirstVDS clients use the ISPmanager panel, which has this feature.

Self setting. You can configure name servers without the control panel. To do this, just install a DNS server program (for example, BIND) and create configuration file according to the sample.

DNS server and DDoS protection. If you use DDoS protection services, it is not recommended to host the DNS service and the website on the same server. DDoS protection services can block all UDP traffic in case of severe attacks, and clients cannot access the name server - the site will be unreachable by domain name. In this case, DNS should be located on a separate server.


  • Independence from third-party resources
  • Possibility DNS settings for yourself and using your own scripts
  • Is free


  • Requires 2 IP addresses
  • Difficulty of setting
  • Self Support Health
  • Possible problems in case of using DDoS protection

Registrars require that each domain have at least two name servers: a primary (master) and at least one secondary (slave). The addresses must be two different IP addresses.

To satisfy this requirement, an additional IP address is connected to the server. The primary address is specified as the primary NS, and additional address- as a secondary NS.

Free DNS hosting

There are many resources on the Internet that offer free DNS servers.

Free DNS Hosting - good decision if you are unable to administer the DNS server yourself. But be careful: often in conditions free services disclaimer is written. There may be restrictions on the number of domains, on the number of requests per month. Placement may be prohibited commercial projects. Read the terms and conditions of the chosen service well.


  • Is free
  • The ability to find a service that suits the conditions and opportunities


  • Not responsible for performance
  • API missing or inconvenient to use
  • Resource limits

Paid DNS hosting

Paid DNS hostings, unlike free ones, guarantee a level of service and provide a set of additional features. Such DNS hosting is positioned as fault-tolerant and highly available. He has a transfer already current settings from other servers and a full-fledged API for which many ready-made recipes have been written.


  • fault tolerance
  • Complete API
  • Additional functionality


  • Payable service

Why you need an API on DNS hosting

The most common use is to create a fault-tolerant system. For example, we have two servers. Server A is the main one, it hosts the site that visitors access. Server B is a backup server, it stores an up-to-date copy (replica) of the main site.

Imagine that we rent a paid DNS server. If the site is in normal mode, then the data is sent from server A. On server B, a script is running that checks the availability of the site on server A. If it stops working, then the script accesses the DNS hosting via API and writes the IP address of server B in the A-record. The site continues work from a backup server.

Since the switch occurs with minimal delays, visitors will not notice the switch.

CDN proxy

Standing apart are CDN proxies (Content Distribution Network), which can also be used as DNS. CDN proxies speed up website performance by caching data on a distributed network of servers. The site is given to the client from the server closest to him. CDN can also filter malicious requests (protect the site from DDoS).

CDN networks have a serious drawback: the IP address for domains hosted in the CDN is assigned randomly. Those. it will be impossible to get to the site or server directly by IP address.

In addition, the site may be blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation. IP addresses of sites with prohibited content are blacklisted by Roskomnadzor and blocked by providers (and this is not uncommon for CDN networks). If your domain randomly gets one of these addresses, then the site will be unavailable. For this reason, you need to be careful when choosing a CDN provider and learn in advance about blacklisted IP addresses and possible problems with them.


  • Increasing the speed of content delivery
  • Protection against malicious requests
  • Ease of use
  • fault tolerance


  • IP addresses may be blacklisted by Roskomnadzor
  • Price

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Let's talk today about the location of your sites on web servers (). This is done, of course, so that any visitor from anywhere in the world connected to the Internet can access your resource.

The principles of placing sites on the Internet have remained unchanged for more than two decades, but nevertheless this does not simplify the task of those who plunge into the world domains, hostings, DNS servers and IP addresses for the first time.

Today I will try to tell about this in as much detail as possible in one article, but without being distracted by concrete examples checking and buying a domain name and renting a hosting. I have already written about this and will simply refer to the available materials. Our task in this particular publication will be to identify the relationship between all these shamanic actions and understand why all this is necessary to do at all.

Domains, IP addresses and DNS servers linking them

So, first of all, we will need to place our documents on a certain address space (under the general name -). This address space will be accessed using (was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, as well as many other things). You can read more about urls at the link provided, and I’ll remind you with an example where the dog rummaged around (you know?). Let's take a look at this url:


This familiar type can be divided into several parts:

  1. http:// - an indication of the protocol by which data will be exchanged (for example, between a browser and a web host - ), as well as Special symbols, which are commonly used (://)
  2. website - specifying the domain name to be accessed
  3. /seo/search/rambler-ru-poiskovaya-sistema.html - specifying the path in this address space (website) to some document

Moreover, it must be understood that the domain name record (website) itself, which is part of the URL we are examining, does not make any sense for machines (web servers), because they operate exclusively with IP addresses.

The domain names serve two main purposes:

  1. ease of remembering the address space (IP is harder to remember)
  2. the ability to transfer your resource to different hostings, where it will be provided with different IP addresses, and at the same time not change the URLs for accessing the site documents. Just for the implementation of this task, they are used, which we will talk about a little later in the text

Now, the IPv4 standard is mainly used on the Internet, and the digital address in this case consists of four bytes, i.e. it can assign about four billion unique hosts. IPv6 will soon be universally implemented, which will solve all possible problems with a shortage of digital addresses. Well, to assign correspondence between IP (tsifirek) and domain names, as we said a little earlier, it is used DNS system.

DNS (Domain Name System) is a special service hierarchy of servers that contain information about which IP address is hidden behind which domain.

Therefore, when you access a specific site through a browser (or some other program) by entering its URL (for example, https: // site), then your computer first of all turns to the nearest DNS server with the question of whether at what digital address this resource lives. And only after receiving the desired Ip-shnik from the DNS server ( - you can paste it into the address bar of the browser and make sure) the request will be sent directly to the site itself.

Those. has a place to be certain delay when accessing any site from your computer, which is not good. But now they already know how to cache the received data and do not make repeated requests to the DNS. Perhaps now the meaning of my fuss with hosts file described just above.

Since we practically do not see IP when accessing a resource, they will be of interest to us insofar as. And here domains are of much greater interest to the webmaster because they are the same visible part A that identifies the address space.

What are domain names (domains) and what are they

If you look closely, you will notice that the domain names are separated by dots (according to at least at least one, yes). Using the domain of my blog as an example (oh, how long I picked it up):


The points separate the so-called domain name levels, which you need to start counting from right to left. In the above example, ktonanovenkogo is a second-level domain, ru is a first-level domain. If I had a forum, then it is quite possible that it would live on a third-level domain name:

Top level domains are divided into two groups:

  1. Cctld (country code top-level domain) - top-level domains assigned to countries.

    Russia has this moment there are as many as three domain zones of the first level:

    1. su is a vestige left over from Soviet Union and representing now the space of resources in Russian
    2. ru - originally assigned to Russia
    3. rf - Idn addresses (internationalized domain name), when it is possible to use symbols from national languages ​​(in our case, Russian) in the domain name. In fact, their names are still written in English characters (recoding takes place), but we just don’t see it. If you enter the address in the browser: http://ktonanovenkogo.rf/

      and after going to this site, copy its address from address bar, then you get a completely indigestible nonsense:


    Every country has a number of domain name registrar companies, which are responsible for the distribution of second-level domains in these same national zones (Cctld). If you want to know which companies have the right to sell them in Russia, you will need to go to the page of the coordinating council -

    There are not so many such companies, but they can have a whole network of resellers(partners) who will act on their behalf. If the current reseller did not satisfy you with something or you had trouble with it, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

    Reseller prices for domains (retailers), as a rule, are several times lower than prices for registrars (wholesalers), and at the same time, I did not find any visible reasons be afraid to buy cheaply from the first, and not overpay for the same service to the second. If you are interested, you can read about the description of the process of buying a domain name from, which I myself use.

  2. Gtld (generic top-level domain) - domain names that are in common use regardless of the country in which the webmaster lives.

    You can buy domains in the .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz and .name zones without any restrictions. In the .edu, .gov, and .mil zones, however, this option is available only for institutions, as well as educational and military institutions of the states. There are also a number of specialized first level domains, such as .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

    Second-level domain names in these public zones (not only national ones), which, in fact, are used by some resources that may have conflicts with copyright holders. The same torrent was forced to move to the public zone org, because its resource was blocked in the national domain zone ru.

Buying and renewing domains - what, where, how much?

By making a purchase from any registrar, you get the rights to use it for one year. After this period, you will again have to pay it. If this does not happen, then the Domain name in a month it will be available for registration and anyone can purchase it (be careful and always enable auto-renewal of domains in your registrar's panel).

Check the domain you are interested in for availability it will be possible on the website of any registrar or reseller, but it is usually advised to do this on the resources of official registrars in order to avoid interception. For example, on (you can enter the intended domain name directly in the form below):


Examples: google,

You can check for employment not only the RU domain zone, but also all the others - all of a sudden, “vasy-pupkin” turns out to be unoccupied somewhere else. By the way, you need to know that for all zones except Idn can only be used combinations Latin characters and some valid characters (,,,[_],[-]):

As you can see, employment is not displayed in the rf zone, and this is due to the fact that the names of such domains cannot use the Latin alphabet. However, not all national Idn zones have this rule, which leads to a simplification of life.

If you are only interested in zones common use, then you will need to go to the "International" tab:

Each registrar around the world will decide for himself how much it will cost him to support your rights in these domain zones(it is necessary, for example, to maintain a staff of translators, because the level still leaves much to be desired) plus the degree of his greed in determining his margin.

In addition to national (Russian in the case of and public zones with many registrars and resellers, both in Russia and in the world, you will find the opportunity to check and register in the national zones of some especially cunning countries. In the case of, you will get this opportunity on the "Foreign" tab:

These countries have brought second-level domain name (cctld) trading into the mainstream in their national zones. For example, the first-level domain zone .tv was not originally intended for sites related in one way or another to television, but was singled out as a national one for a country like Tuvalu (an island state with a population of ten thousand people). Well, now they are selling domains from their zone right and left, getting, probably, a considerable profit for such a dwarf state.

In this way, when buying a domain name you can check in which domain zones it is free. Sometimes, in case of employment, the registrar opposite the domain name may show off the link " Pre order(get in line). On your account with the registrar, the necessary amount for payment will be blocked, and if it is released, you will be informed about it.

When you buy the domain you are interested in, then during the purchase process you will conclude an agreement with the registrar of your choice, and also on their website you will have own office for working with purchased domains. This thing is necessary, because it is there that you can prescribe new list the so-called NS servers (in fact, DNS), taken from the new host. By the way, at first, and only then move to a paid one. But that's about it, I would have thought (except perhaps only for the first time).

By default, when view domain information in the so-called , you will find your personal data there, which you had to provide during registration. Personally, I think that this is fraught with possible fraudulent activities, so I try to close this information in whois all in the same registrar's office (for some, this service is paid, and for others it is free):

By the way, many hosting companies are also official resellers. Russian registrars and you can buy or even get a domain name as a gift (for example, when paying for a host for a year) from them. But personally, I prefer not to keep all my eggs in one basket, although I do not have any weighty arguments in this regard.

What is hosting and how to choose it

What is hosting? This is the provision of physical space (not address space, which we talked about just above) for your site's files.

Well, the connection between the physical and address spaces will be carried out when DNS help servers. From the hosting company, we buy this very place for files and databases, and its connection with the address. By the way, thanks to DNS servers, it is not at all necessary to order hosting in the country where you live. As a rule, a foreign analogue will be somewhat cheaper than a Russian one, but here a problem arises language barrier when communicating with the technical support service (at least for me).

Although Lately I really liked it.

Now, probably, all paid hostings already support the ability to use server-side scripts (CGI). In the description of their tariffs, you can see the name of the directory for such scripts (something like CGI-BIN). That. software environment will allow scripts written in any server programming language to run on the server. The most common is PHP, as well as perl, ruby, etc.

What specific languages ​​does it support? this hosting, you can find out from its description or by contacting technical support with this question. We are primarily interested in this from the point of view that, if there is support PHP and MySQL(databases), we can easily use the so-called CMS (content management systems).

CMS makes it easy to create Internet projects for completely unprepared users. All texts that you add to the site will be stored in databases, and the hosting itself will only host engine files and templates.

Templates for engines will allow you to completely change the design of a website in the blink of an eye without affecting its content, which, once again, lives in special tables that form a database (you are provided with a separate disk space for it, which can often be located on another physical server). You can read more about this in the article about.

Features of the CMS is that the reference to the document, for example, at:


Of course, when you make adjustments to, as well as fill it with content, it will be appropriate to regularly make its files and databases.

However, on any paid hosting your data will be backed up automatically. The differences will consist only in the convenience of managing these backups, the frequency of their creation, as well as the time and place of storage (better if backup will be stored on another physical server or at least another physical disk).

Any hoster will allow you to create so-called subdomains, i.e. third level domain names. For example, if I had a forum, it is quite possible that it would live on a subdomain:

This will be a kind of subspace within the host space allocated to you. The subdomain will have its own The root folder, i.e. in fact, these will be additional sites in your address space.

For owners of static resources (not using CMS), where each web page is a separate file on disk space hosting (rather than a database), there may be up-to-date support SSI(Server Side Includes). Web servers with SSI support have the ability, when processing a browser request, to execute a certain set of directives on their side before giving the requested document to the browser.

It turns out an analogue of some weak CMS, with the help of which, for example, you can do something similar to templating for static sites. In this case, if you want to add new item in the menu, you do not need to do this in all hundreds and thousands of pages of your Internet project, but only in one file, which will be using include directives connect to all pages of the site on the web server while processing the browser request.

Those. you take out, for example, left menu in separate file Left.txt, and in all pages, at the place where this left menu is displayed, write the following code:

The path is written relative to the document where this directive is inserted. I already wrote about. In the same way, it will be possible to connect other blocks common to many web pages (header, sidebar, footer) for their more quick edit if needed.

In conclusion, I want to say that in general it is not necessary to immediately run to buy a domain name and hosting. You can try to play around with the site engine and filling it with content on your own. own computer. You just need to set up a web server on it. This is done quite simply and this is described in detail in an article about or more.

Regardless, when using Denver, you will not need to transfer files over the network, hence the speed of work on the project will greatly increase. Well, when you have already played enough and practiced enough, then it will be possible for you to create local server transfer the site to a very real hosting, having previously bought a second-level domain for it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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