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What is the purpose of exchange server. Connecting Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft Exchnage is the familiar look of Microsoft Outlook and the full range of benefits of a cloud service. With corporate mail Microsoft Exchange you will not need to administer, backup and install expensive software. At the same time, you will get a lot of benefits - for example, mobile access, task scheduler, e-mail, synchronization of the list of employees, group work tools. And all this does not require professional skills for installation, configuration and administration.

New features in a familiar interface

Use all the innovations of MS Exchange 2010 in the familiar Outlook interface without retraining and getting used to it.

Employee List Synchronization

Get information about new colleagues on your smartphone by synchronizing your phone's contact list with your mail.

Mobile platform support

Open all the possibilities of your smartphone - view mail, set tasks, make appointments

Cloud alternative to Exchange Server

Use all the benefits of Microsoft Exchange corporate mail without worrying about setting up, maintaining and administering the server. Technical support 24/7.

Group tools

Collaborate on projects with Task Scheduler, Shared Calendars, and Mailbox.

Synchronization with Active Directory

Create 1,000 mailboxes in 5 minutes by synchronizing your solution with Active Directory.

  • Microsoft Exchange corporate mail - how does it work?

    Microsoft Exchnage - activated 5 minutes after payment. After activation, you get a fully functional product. Setting up will not take much time even for a large company with a large staff and does not require any professional skills.

    Choose a plan

    Depending on the required number of mailboxes, hard disk space and additional features, choose the tariff that suits your organization.

    Get a mail solution in 5 minutes

    Get a fully functional product - domain name binding, email server, synchronization with scheduling and teamwork programs - ready to go in 5 minutes after payment.

    Get the sync option

    Synchronize the solution with the existing infrastructure of the company using the Active Directory directory service: manage access rights and information about employees, add and remove users automatically.

  • Microsoft Exchange Corporate Mail - Mobile Access

    The Microsoft Exchange service is integrated with popular mobile platforms, which allows you to use mail on a familiar device, wherever you are. The solution is easily synchronized with iPhone, Android, Windows smartphones, as well as with tablets based on these systems. The security policy of the service allows you to desynchronize the device remotely, which will help to avoid data leakage in case of loss or theft of a mobile device.

    Microsoft Exchange for iPhone

    Emails on iPhone, thanks to full HTML format support, look and function exactly like emails on your computer. Support for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, JPEG, and iWork allows you to view attachments as they were sent. The iPhone has built-in support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync so you can enjoy all the benefits of your email (schedule, task scheduler, and so on) wherever you are. The service works on versions 2.0 and higher.

    Microsoft Exchange for Windows Phone

    On the mobile version of Windows, the Microsoft Exchange solution sets a new standard for mobile mail. Automatic synchronization of Active Directory with the phone's contact list, instant notifications of incoming letters, as close as possible to the original interface - all these advantages will be available on your Windows smartphone.

    Microsoft Exchange for Android

    Smartphones based on the Google operating system support most of the features of Microsoft Exchange. Your Android will become even more useful when it provides full access to letters, shared folders and documents, calendars and so on. The service works on versions 2.2 and higher.

  • Microsoft Exchange Corporate Mail - What's New in 2010?

    Compared to previous versions in Exchange 2010, the developers of the solution made many quality innovations, which primarily affected mobile platforms.

    Smart address substitution

    When entering an email address in Outlook Web Access and Microsoft Office Outlook Mobile, Exchange 2010 prompts the user for a list of the names they entered previously.

    Alternative browser support

    Exchange 2010 has full support for all popular browsers. The solution now supports Internet Explorer 7 and 8, Firefox 3 and above, Chrome, Safari 3 and all versions of Opera.

    User availability information

    Now you can view the availability of colleagues when scheduling appointments and meetings.

    Message processing statuses

    Thanks to statuses, you can now tell if you've replied to or forwarded an email message by looking at a special icon on your mobile screen, even if the reply was sent from Outlook. Changing the status icons helps the user understand whether they have processed the email or not.

    Automatic MailTips Notifications

    Exchange 2010 functionality includes MailTips. When you go on vacation or a business trip, you can leave an automatic notification to your colleagues about the methods of contacting you or information about the person replacing you, shown at the time the letter is written to you.

    Message threads

    In Exchange 2010, all correspondence history is automatically grouped into message threads. This innovation allows you to significantly save time on searching and reading related letters during long correspondence. If you do not want to participate in any correspondence, the service provides the ability to refuse a certain chain.

  • If you're trying to set up an Exchange account in Outlook, contact the organization that gave you the email address for the Exchange server name. This is the standard way to provide information on how to add your email address to your computer or phone.

    If you're trying to set up an Office 365 for business account using Outlook, see POP and IMAP settings for Outlook Office 365 for business for incoming (IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) server names .

    If you're using Outlook on a Mac, to access these options in the Basic Exchange Account Settings dialog in Outlook, click file and select the item Additionally, and then open the tab server.



    Microsoft Exchange Server

    If Outlook cannot automatically detect the Exchange Server, you can enter its address here. To find out the name of the Exchange Server, you need to contact the person who provided you with the email address, or contact the IT department for the name of the Exchange server.

    Download headers only

    If your network connection is slow, you can use this setting to improve performance. Only message headers are automatically downloaded to the computer. Large messages (and all attachments) will only be downloaded if selected in the message list. But when working offline, you won't be able to view message text and attachments.

    Directory Service Server

    Another name is an LDAP server. Enter the server name provided by the system administrator. Often this server address is identical to the Microsoft Exchange Server address, but this is not always the case.

    Override default port

    To be able to change the port number following the server address, check this box.

    Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an encryption technology that can further secure your account.

    Sign in with your Exchange account details

    Select this check box if the directory service requires the same logon credentials as the Exchange server.

    Maximum number of results returned

    This field allows you to limit the number of search results returned.

    Search base

    This field allows you to specify the location in the directory where the LDAP search starts.

    Software Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is by far one of the most powerful corporate mail servers. The downside of this is some complexity in deploying this product for administrators who have never faced such a task. Therefore, today we will look at the process of installing and minimally configuring Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 in a typical small network.

    It's no secret that Exchange Server 2010 is one of the most powerful enterprise mail servers. The downside of this is some complexity in deploying this product for administrators who have never faced such a task. Therefore, today we will look at the installation process and minimal configuration in a typical small network.

    Three things need to be prepared before deployment. Firstly, this is the domain name that will host corporate mail. The domain must be registered to the company and records must be made in the DNS zone pointing to the IP address of the server that will host our server.

    Secondly, you need a computer on which it will be deployed. In principle, in a small network, this product can be installed directly on a domain controller. Although it should be borne in mind that the mail server in question is a very resource-intensive product. Therefore, it is recommended to move it to a separate hardware platform. In addition, it exists only in 64-bit version, which means that the operating system on the server must also be 64-bit.

    Third, the network must have a domain deployed and Active Directory configured. Moreover, deployment requires a domain level of at least Windows Server 2003. The fact is that the mail server integrates very closely with Active Directory and uses it for many purposes (for storing configuration, information about recipients, etc.).

    Installing Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

    So, let's assume that all the preliminary steps have been taken. Now you can start installation. We launch the distribution kit of the product. At the same time, the computer and operating system are checked for compliance with the basic requirements, after which a welcome window appears on the screen. First of all, you need to install the language or languages ​​available in our . To do this, click on the "Select an Exchange language" item and select "Install only the languages ​​contained on the DVD" from the drop-down menu (we assume that we have a Russian-language distribution of the product). Then click on the link "Install Microsoft Exchange" and wait for all the necessary files to be unpacked.

    After unpacking, the product installation wizard window opens. It consists of several tabs, each of which corresponds to one step in the installation process. It all starts with an "Introduction". This is just an information window on which we click on the "Next" button. The second stage is the license agreement. As usual, it must be read and accepted. The next step is to agree to send bug reports to Microsoft. On the installation page, it is recommended to enable this item. However, it is disabled by default, so we will leave this setting "as is".

    The fourth step is very important. It selects the installation type. There are two options available in total. In our case, that is, for a small local network, it is better to choose a normal installation. This will install everything you need to work. mail server: transport server, client access, management tools, etc. Additionally, activate the checkbox "Automatically install Windows Server roles and components required for the server Exchange Server". If necessary, change the folder where the mail server will be installed.

    In the next step, enter the name of our organization. You don't need to check the "Enforce the Active Directory split permissions security model in the Exchange organization" checkbox. This setting is needed only for large information systems in which the domain and mail server are managed by different employees. Next, we indicate whether or not there are Microsoft Outlook 2003 clients on the corporate network that require a public folder database to connect. We answer positively: even if there are no such clients now, it is quite possible that they will appear in the future.

    The next step is to set up a domain to access the server to be installed from the Internet. It is necessary so that company employees can work with corporate mailboxes not only from the internal network, but also, for example, from home. To do this, activate the checkbox "The role of the client access server will be with Internet access" and enter the desired domain in the line. It is most convenient to use a subdomain of the corporate domain, for example,

    Next, the installer invites us to join the software quality improvement program Microsoft. To agree to this or not is a personal matter for everyone. In our example, we refuse and move on to the next step. This is a prerequisite check, during which the system determines whether everything is ready for the installation of the mail server. If some components are missing or other errors were found during the check, the installer will notify about this, and not only report the problem, but also provide detailed information about it up to a link to a web page that describes its solution. In this case, we correct the shortcomings and restart the installation wizard.

    If everything is in order, then simply click on the "Install" button, after which the program begins the installation process itself. We note right away that this procedure is very lengthy. The time required to complete it depends on the available computing resources and server performance. However, in any case, you will have to be patient. After the installation is completed, it remains to click on the "Finish" button. At the last stage, you can update . To do this, in the main window, select the step "Download important updates for Microsoft Exchange".

    Initial setup of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

    Now you can proceed to the configuration. In general, whole books can be written on this topic - there are a lot of all kinds of settings in this product. However, we will limit ourselves to the necessary minimum. It is important for us that users of our small company can work with corporate mailboxes. All configuration is carried out using a special management console.

    So, we launch the management console and connect to the local server. First of all, you need to set up a domain that will be considered a mail domain. The fact is that by default it sets the Active Directory domain as its name, but this almost never happens. Therefore, open the "Organization Configuration->Hub Transport Server" item in the console and go to the "Accepted Domains" tab. Select "Create Accepted Domain" from the "Action" menu. In the window that opens, enter the name and the domain itself, and then set the switch to the "Authoritative domain" position.

    Then, in the same window, go to the "E-mail Address Policies" tab and create a new policy that will allow you to create mailboxes with a mail domain, and not with an Active Directory domain. To do this, select "Create E-mail Address Policy" from the "Action" menu. In the window that opens, enter the name of the policy (the easiest way is to specify the domain name), click on the "Browse" button and select the Users container. After that, double-click on the "Next" button and go to the page for defining the rules for automatically generating email addresses for company employees. Click on the "Add" button and select in the window that opens the method for generating the first part of the address (for example, "First name. Last name"), set the switch to "Select an accepted domain for email addresses" and select our mail domain using the "Browse" button . We skip all other steps using the "Next" button, and finally click on the "Create" button.

    In principle, after carrying out the described steps, it can be considered configured and working. With it, you can send and receive emails, but only within your email domain. That is, it allows employees to exchange letters with each other. In order to "teach" the mail server to send mail to the Internet, you need to configure the so-called send connectors. These are the rules that determine the server's actions for messages that are addressed to "external" domains.

    So, open the "Organization Configuration-> Hub Transport Server" item in the console and go to the "Send Connectors" tab. By default, there are no elements in it. Select "Create Send Connector" from the Action menu. In the window that opens, enter the name of the new connector, specify our mail domain and click on the "Next" button. On the next page, you need to enter the domains for which this connector will work. It is understood that in our case, letters should go to any address, and therefore we click on the "Add" button and enter "asterisk" in the "Address space" line. Go to the next page and select "Use DNS MX records to automatically route email" on it. All other steps are skipped using the "Next" button and to complete the creation of the settings, click on the "Create" button.

    The next configuration step is necessary in order to be able to receive mail from the Internet, that is, from external mail addresses. To implement it, open the item "Configuring servers->Hub transport server" in the console. By default, server installation creates two Receive connectors named Client and Default. The first one is for receiving mail from Outlook Express clients. And since this feature is hardly used, it can be turned off.

    The Default connector requires additional configuration. The fact is that by default it is forbidden to receive mail from anonymous servers, that is, from servers that have not passed authentication. All servers on the Internet fall into this category, which is why mail does not come from them. To fix this problem, double-click on the connector. This opens its properties window. On the "General" tab, change the domain name to the real one. After that, go to the "Permission groups" tab and activate the "Anonymous users" checkbox. Next, open the "Authentication" tab and disable the "Exchange Server Authentication" checkbox on it.

    Strictly speaking, this minimum setup can be considered complete. The server can receive and send mail both within the accepted domain and to external mailboxes.

    2015. Microsoft released Exchange Server 2016

    2011. Softline will sell the Google Message Continuity service in Russia

    The Google Message Continuity service has become available on the Russian market (so far exclusively) in the Softline cloud. Recall that this service is intended for companies using Microsoft Exchange and allows you to synchronize mail, contacts and calendars between Exchange and Google Apps services (GMail, Google Calendar, Google Contacts). Thus, the availability of the corporate mail server is increased and provides clients with the possibility of uninterrupted operation in case of possible failures (ie, if Exchange is buggy, you can always go to GMail). Thus, Google is slowly luring Exchange users to itself. The cost of service at Softline is 905 rubles per year for 1 user.

    2011. Office 365 is available for order. And in Russia too

    Today, Steve Ballmer at a presentation in New York solemnly announced the commercial launch of Office 365 cloud solution. And it's nice that, together with 40 countries of the world, it immediately became available in Russia. Recall that Beeline and SKB Kontur became Microsoft's partners in promoting the service in Russia. Beeline is silent for now, but SKB Kontur has already launched a special website. The company came up with the idea of ​​selling Office 365 bundled with its products - Elba online accounting and Kontur-Extern tax reporting service. The price of the Elba 365 package will be from 600 to 700 rubles per month, and the price of the Extern 365 package will be determined individually depending on the user's needs (price).

    2011. Office 365 vs Google Apps: first look

    Microsoft has opened up its online Office 365 for public testing, and the first testimonials have surfaced to show how the service lives up to its moniker of the "Google Apps killer." Recall that Office 365 includes online versions of Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online, Lync Online, as well as a package of office editors Office Web Apps. Those. in terms of functionality, Office 365 even surpasses Google Apps. But one can hardly talk about "murder", because. they are quite different products. Office 365 is more suitable for medium and large companies that are used to working in a Microsoft-centric IT infrastructure that already has an administrator who understands Active Directory, the intricacies of configuring Exchange and Sharepoint. Without such an administrator, it’s better not to meddle in Office 365, everything is not as simple there as in Google Apps.

    2010. Google suggests syncing MS Exchange and Google Apps for security

    Google has introduced a new Google Message Continuity service that allows you to constantly synchronize your locally installed MS Exchange mail server with Google Apps services - GMail, Google Calendar and Google Contacts. The primary purpose of this service is to back up the Exchange database in case your server fails or is scheduled for maintenance. While the Exchange mail server is down, users will be able to use Google's online services to work with mail, calendars and contacts. And from here follows the second purpose of Google Message Continuity - the smooth introduction of organizations to Google Apps and the gradual transition to this cloud solution. The new service costs $25 per year per user.

    2010. Oversun offers hosting services for Exchange, Sharepoint, 1C-Bitrix Corporate Portal

    The Russian cloud hosting service provider Oversun has also decided to provide business application rental services. A separate site has been created for this direction Oversun Smart. At the moment, hosting of corporate mail MS Exchange, corporate portals MS Sharepoint and 1C-Bitrix Corporate Portal is offered. Sharepoint in this case means Windows SharePoint Services. The rental price is about the same as other providers (Infobox, Softcloud, e-Style ISP, etc.) or even a little lower. So, an Exchange mailbox for 2GB costs 299 rubles / month, a Sharepoint portal for 5GB - 799 rubles / month, 1C-Bitrix Corporate portal for 10 GB - 2699 rubles / month for 25 users.

    2010. Microsoft Office 365 = BPOS + Office Web Apps

    Today Microsoft rolled out a new Office 365 service, which is the reincarnation of the SaaS package BPOS. The fact that Microsoft would replace the name was expected, because. many people did not abbreviate BPOS as "Business Productivity Online Services", but as "Big Piece of Shit". But not only the name will change. The new service, in addition to the SaaS versions of Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online and Lync Online, will also include office editors. Those. Office 365 can now be seen as a complete alternative to Google Apps. The service will be delivered in 2 editions. The Small Business edition for companies plans to include their CRM and ERP systems in this service. Office 365 is currently in beta and will be available worldwide next year.

    2009. Exchange 2010 - Unified Messaging in the Cloud

    Microsoft has officially launched a new version of its mail server Exchange Server 2010 into commercial operation. Not yet Outlook 2010, which will arrive next year along with the rest of the Office 2010 applications. What's new in Exchange 2010? First, thanks to Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 (read more), as well as several features in the new version, Exchange 2010 is now fully cloud-ready. Of course, the Exchange 2007 hosting service has been provided (even) in Russia for a long time, but the new version is much more reliable, safer and easier to administer when installed on a remote server (or in a data center).

    2009. Android 2.0 introduces built-in support for Exchange ActiveSync

    Google has officially unveiled the latest version of its mobile operating system Android 2.0. One of the major updates is built-in support for Exhange ActiveSync. Previously, syncing Android smartphones with Exchange required the installation of additional third-party software. Also, HTC has built in synchronization with Exchange in several of its devices. Android 2.0 provides synchronization with Exchange by default. In addition, the user will be able to create a combined folder for simultaneous work with several mail servers at once.

    2009. Office 2010 - internetization of MS Office

    Last week Microsoft announced the release of the next version of its MS Office 2010 office suite and related servers (Exchange Server, Sharepoint Server, Project Server). Moreover, Exchange 2010 is already available as a beta version, and other products will be tested in the third quarter of this year. The main feature of Exchange 2010 is the updated web interface OWA (Outlook Web Access). As we found out earlier, this web client will work fine in all browsers, on the iPhone, and will also get a built-in web messenger and some of the features that GMail is famous for.

    2009. Fifth Doctor for Exchange

    Doctor Web has released version 5.0 of Dr. Web to protect mail servers based on Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003 from viruses and spam. One of the major innovations of Dr. Web 5.0 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003 - updated anti-virus engine. To speed up the scanning process in the new version of Dr. Web uses memory buffer parsing instead of file system objects. All information about quarantined objects is now stored in its own database, and the objects themselves are stored on the hard disk in an encrypted form. In addition, in Dr. Web 5.0 for Microsoft Exchange Server fixes some bugs from the previous version.

    2009. How much does corporate mail cost?

    Many companies do not realize the true cost of owning a corporate email system. At a minimum, it includes personnel, support, hardware, and archiving costs. In this regard, significant savings can be achieved by switching from a traditional mail system to a "cloud" one. Forrester estimates that providing each user with a traditional email system costs the average company $25 per month. In comparison, similar services provided by, for example, Google Gmail, do not exceed $9 per user. However, recognizing this fact, few IT leaders are ready to completely leave the operation of e-mail in the wrong hands. Rather, we can talk about the separation of services. Thus, 56% of companies plan to use a "hybrid" of internal and external services. For example, a company may retain management of the servers that run the mail system, but outsource the filtering and archiving processes. Only 19% of companies expressed their readiness to completely switch to hosting mail services.

    2008. Acronis releases backup system for Microsoft Exchange

    Aflex software, the official representative of Acronis, announced the entry into the Russian market of Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange. The system is specially designed for backup and recovery of Microsoft Exchange e-mail databases running on servers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. Small and medium businesses are offered Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange Small Business Server. As Aflex explains, Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange allows you to create both a full database image at a given point in time and small backups of individual mailboxes. Constant control of transactions ensures the relevance of the database backup, and a special Dial-Tone Recovery mode allows the administrator to quickly restore the functioning of the most important mail services, and then - user data.

    2008. Microsoft launched online versions of SharePoint and Exchange

    Microsoft announced the commercial launch of SaaS versions of SharePoint and Exchange. For now, these services will only be available in the US. Next in line is the UK, where SaaS versions of SharePoint and Exchange will arrive next spring. All of these services are now available in English only and are only available as a $15 package (per user per month) that also includes Office Communications Online, a unified set of business communications services, and Office Live Meeting, an online system for hosting web conferencing. Under the terms of the distribution of new Internet services, they will be sold not only by Microsoft, but also by its partner companies, and in some countries distribution will be made only through partners.

    2008. ContactsSync lets you sync your Exchange address book with Android

    The developers of the popular online project management service Wrike have released the ContactsSync application for synchronizing the Exchange address book with contacts on G1 Android smartphones. While getting Exchange contacts on the T-Mobile G1 is supported, reverse sync is not yet supported, meaning you won't be able to use your smartphone's contacts to update contacts on the Exchange server. However, the developers promise to add this functionality over time. Regarding calendar synchronization, Wrike clarifies that this feature depends on the Android API and is not yet available. Email from Exchange can be received using IMAP, so no email sync is scheduled.

    2008. Microsoft Online Services: The end of Google Apps is coming

    Microsoft has revealed the details of the upcoming release of the Microsoft Online Services suite of online business applications. This service will be a direct competitor to Google Apps and, very likely, a stronger competitor. However, a lot will depend on the quality of Microsoft's web applications, which has not yet pleased. So, the service will appear somewhere in the second half of 2008. While closed beta testing continues. The service will be available in 2 versions:

    2008. Microsoft announced prices for Microsoft Online Services

    Microsoft has announced subscription prices for Microsoft Online Services. This suite of SaaS applications, which is a direct competitor to Google Apps, includes online versions of Exchange (mail, contacts, organizer), SharePoint (portal, workflow), Office Communications (messaging and VoIP), Office Live Meeting (Web conferencing) , Dynamics CRM (customer interaction). A single user subscription for all services except Dynamics CRM will cost $15 per month. Subscriptions to Exchange and SharePoint applications running in a browser environment will cost a record low $3 per month. In accordance with the terms of the affiliate program, resellers will receive 12% of the subscription price in the first year, as well as 6% for all subsequent years, while the contract is in effect.

    2008. Sun Offers Ready Infrastructure for Microsoft Exchange Server

    Sun and Microsoft announced the release of the Sun Infrastructure Solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Sun Infrastructure Solution will allow Microsoft customers to leverage Sun Fire x64 hardware, 64-bit storage and database systems to enhance the performance of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 servers. By optimizing the server software for a specific hardware platform, the product will significantly increase performance, which means it will reduce the cost of ownership of the mail system.

    2007. Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Improves Mail Server Reliability

    Exactly one year after the release of Exchange Server 2007, Microsoft introduced the first service pack for this mail server. In the first service pack, in addition to traditional patches, a number of significant innovations have been implemented. First of all, we should highlight the SCR (Standby Continuous Replication) complex, which provides continuous replication on backup servers. In the event of a failure, system administrators can quickly activate a system backup, minimizing downtime. In addition, Exchange Server 2007 SP1 introduces full support for the Windows Server 2008 operating system, which is scheduled to be unveiled next year. The developers also provided support for the IPv6 protocol and enhanced the ability to interact with Outlook Web Access. Finally, integration with Office Communications Server 2007 has been improved and additional security features have been added. The size of the first service pack for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 ranges from 840 MB to 1.7 GB, depending on the selected components.

    2007. Dr. Web: Exchange under protection

    Company Dr. Web has released a product to protect against viruses and spam corporate email, which is based on MS Exchange Server 2000/2003. The product is designed for large and very large companies that have to process a large flow of mail messages, so it uses mechanisms for processing messages in several parallel threads. To speed up the processing of mail, you can also use the mechanism for filtering out obviously incorrect messages. The company plans to release a similar product for IBM Lotus Domino soon.

    2007. Exchange 2007 made friends with the Apple iPhone

    Microsoft has released an update for the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 email server, which will allow the system to work correctly with the new Apple iPhone mobile platform. The update has corrected the mail processing system with the Apple Mac Mail program, which is installed on the iPhone. Microsoft explained that it has received complaints in the past from customers claiming that Apple clients cannot open certain emails received via Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).

    2007. What is Outlook Anywhere 2007

    As you know, MS Exchange Server 2007 has a new feature called Outlook Anywhere. What is she like? In principle, there is nothing new in this feature, except for the name. It was also present in the previous version of Exchange 2003 under the name RPC over HTTPS. It allows the user to connect to the Exchange server over the Internet from a regular MS Outlook without having to use the cut-down web interface of Outlook Web Access. To use Outlook Anywhere, you need to install the RPC over HTTPS proxy component on the Exchange server, configure the IIS web server and ISA external security server, activate the Outlook Anywhere option in Outlook 2007, and log in to your Exchange server. Outlook Anywhere, published on ISA 2006 Server, is the ideal solution for securing your network.

    2006. Microsoft Exchange 2007 puts on unified messages

    Microsoft has unveiled a new version of its mail management and collaboration solution. The main feature of the new version of Exchange is unified messaging. The point of this concept is that employees will be able to work with e-mail, voice mail and faxes in a single interface. And due to integration with MS Office Communications Server and voice recognition technologies, employees will be able to call their mailbox and listen to new email messages. True, these features are only available in the more expensive version of Exchange Enterprise. In addition, the new version of Exchange includes antivirus and antispam, data backup and replication tools (due to this, the size of the mailbox and the total database volume have been significantly increased), and the Outlook Anywhere feature that allows you to connect Outlook to the Exchange server via the Internet. Another feature is that Exchange 2007 only runs on 64-bit architecture.

    2006. Microsoft releases beta version of Exchange Server 2007

    Microsoft today announced the public beta versions of Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 and the new Forefront Security for Exchange Server product. Exchange Server 2007 is designed to deliver and process email, messaging, and scheduling, and includes new functionality for advanced security technologies, remote and mobile access, consistent administration, and Unified messaging. Forefront Security for Exchange Server helps improve protection against viruses, malware, and spam, and is the first product in Microsoft's announced Forefront Business Security Solutions series. Major releases of Exchange Server 2007 and Forefront Security for Exchange Server are scheduled for late 2006/early 2007. Both products will be available through Microsoft's Volume Licensing program and through a global partner channel. Forefront Security for Exchange Server will be available as a standalone product or as part of an Exchange Enterprise Client Access License.

    2006. Microsoft will offer more expensive and feature-packed Exchange 2007 Enterprise licenses

    Microsoft plans to offer a new version of the mail server Exchange Server 2007, which will be released this fall, in two editions: Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. More specifically, these editions apply only to Client Access Licenses (CALs). Standard licenses will cost the same as Exchange 2003 CALs and provide basic functionality for mail, calendars, and tasks. Enterprise licenses will cost more, but will include additional tools for working with voicemail, replication, backup, access control, spam and virus protection.

    2006. Updated Microsoft Outlook Web Access

    Microsoft rolled out a number of updates for the web client Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Outlook Web Access 2007. Firstly, the design has been slightly updated, with the help of AJAX instant message delivery without updating and the ability to drag and drop messages into folders with the mouse is implemented. When typing an email, a list of possible recipients now appears. Removed pop-up windows that were blocked by some browsers, and also added a view of emails on discussions.

    2006. Microsoft helps move away from Lotus Notes/Domino

    Microsoft has released specialized tools for migrating mail services from the IBM Lotus Notes/Domino platform to the Microsoft Exchange 2003 platform. The presented tools allow you to analyze the Lotus Notes/Domino application environment and transfer important data to the Microsoft platform. The toolbox includes Microsoft Application Analyzer 2006 for Lotus Domino, Microsoft Data Migrator 2006 for Lotus Domino, and new templates for Windows SharePoint Services. In addition, Microsoft announced that updated migration planning and interoperability tools for messaging services are now available: Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes/Domino, Exchange Calendar Connector for Lotus Notes/Domino, and Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes/Domino. All applications will be available for free download on the Microsoft website.

    2005. Exchange Server Clustering Tool Released

    Redundant servers are essential in large organizations. They are used to host secondary sites, to recover from damage, and for testing purposes. For many years, there was no good way to back up Exchange clusters due to the complexity of the clustering process. Microsoft has now released and will continue to support the Exchange 2003 standby clustering solution. After reading this article, it appears that no special patches are required. But I'll still personally install all the patches, and maybe even wait for SP2 before trying Exchange redundancy for the first time.

    2003. Internet Access to Exchange 2003 Public Folders via WebDAV

    Public Folders is one of the main collaboration tools in Microsoft Exchange that allows employees to exchange messages, files, applications, forms instead of forwarding them. Public folders can be accessed over the Internet using the HTTP protocol from a browser, whereby a third-party application can directly query the Exchange store to retrieve data from public folders. Exchange Server 2003 introduced a new ability to access public folders as a file server using the WebDAV (Web Development Authoring and Versioning) protocol. Users can use WebDAV to collaborate on a text document, spreadsheet, or image. Almost all of the contents of a file can be modified using WebDAV. WebDAV makes the Internet, from the client's point of view, a recordable medium.

    The choice of equipment for installing Exchange Server 2010 on it depends on the scale of the organization, for example, in a small company where a high load is not planned and the necessary roles for the operation of Exchange Server - Mailbox, HubTransport and Client Access Server will be installed on one physical server should be based on the amount of RAM 10GB + 10...20 MB for each mailbox and the number of processor cores from 4x. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is more demanding on RAM than on processor power. The Exchange Dev Blog offers a server capacity calculator - .

    Database storage can be made on RAID 10 from modern SATA disks, but if the disk subsystem cannot cope, then you will have to transfer the databases to faster disks or storage systems.

    Preparing Active Directory for the implementation of the Exchange Server organization.

    Exchange Server 2010 does not support a domain controller or forest level below Windows Server 2003.

    If we consider how Active Directory is used, we can note the following points:

    Exchange modifies the AD schema by adding new objects and attributes to existing objects, and it stores all of its configuration in the Active Directory database. Each recipient, i.e. each account in AD will store mail attributes in the Domain section - in the same place as the account. The Global Catalog from AD is used for mail routing - when the Exchange mail server receives a letter, it determines where the recipient is located according to the Global Catolog.

    In one AD forest, you can deploy only one Exchange organization - a server or a group of servers (depending on the scale of the enterprise) that work with common settings and serve a common mail domain.

    Before you install Exchange, it is imperative that you prepare Active Directory if you haven't already installed a previous version.

    The schema is maintained on the domain controller that has the SchemaMaster role. If there is more than one domain controller, then run the command on one of them:

    dsquery server -forest -hasfsmo schema

    As a result, the first CN entry is a controller with the SchemaMaster role.

    Consider a clean install where the AD schema is unchanged and Exchange is being installed for the first time.

    How to prepare Active Directory for MS Exchange installation.

    In the directory with installation files, we are interested in the file, which is used to prepare AD.

    To prepare the Active Directory schema you should run the file from the command line with the key /PrapareSchema
    For the preparation of Active Directory run the file from the command line with the key /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"Exchange organization name"

    After executing these commands, special groups are created in AD that will be used by Exchange and the necessary permissions are set on the directory service.

    Installing Exchange 2010.

    Before installing Exchange itself, you need to install various Windows components, such as the IIS web server.

    1. In a search engine, you can query for the following phrase " exchange 2010 iis requirements" and go to the blog in the output. This page lists the installation options, among which we select the desired one. I install Exchange on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and for the three selected roles - CAS, MailBox and Hub Transport, the command for PowerShell will be as follows:

    C:\> Import-Module ServerManager

    C:\> Add-WindowsFeature Desktop-Experience, NET-Framework, NET-HTTP-Activation, RPC-over-HTTP-proxy, RSAT-Clustering, RSAT-Web-Server, WAS-Process-Model, Web-Asp-Net, Web-Basic -Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Digest-Auth, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Http-Tracing , Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console, Web-Metabase, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Service, Web-Net-Ext, Web-Request-Monitor, Web -Server, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Static-Content, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI

    After installing the components restart the server and install required software:

    2. We translate the Net service. Tcp Port Sharing Service from manual to automatic.

    3. Run the installation of MS Exchange from the distribution directory.

    4. Select a typical installation - Typical.
    5. On this tab, we say that there are old Outlook clients and the creation of a public folder database is required.
    6. On the next page, specify the name by which the server will be available from the Internet, for example,
    7. The prerequisite check starts and if it fails, the installation will not start, but everything is already prepared, so you can continue by unchecking the Finalize this installation using Exchange Management Console checkbox.

    8. After installation, two tools for managing the mail server become available - Management Shell (console) and Exchange Management Console (graphics). In the Exchange Management Shell, run the command (all commands use the most convenient auto-substitution by pressing the TAB key after entering the first few characters of the command):


    It shows the status of the services that ensure the operation of the installed server roles - if all the roles are in the TRUE state, then everything is in order, but if some of the services are stopped, then you can start them directly from here with the command:

    start-service "name of stopped service"

    That's it, the installation is finished - you can start configuring and studying the roles of MS Exchange.

    Setting up DNS for the mail server.

    For the correct operation of the mail server, it is required to add a record to the DNS server MX (with a certain priority, for example 10 - if there is one mail server) that resolves the mail domain name to the host name on which the server is running.

    On the example of a DNS server raised on a domain controller, it looks like this:

    1. Create a new zone in a text file, not in AD.
    2. Give it a name.
    3. We do not allow dynamic zone updates
    4. Create an A record that resolves the server name to an IP address for the server where Exchange is installed.
    5. Next, create an MX record and bind it to an A record
    6. We get just such a picture.

    Adding an SPF record and what it is for.

    Next post - SPF (Sender Policy Framework), the added record allows the domain owner to specify in the TXT record corresponding to the domain name a specially formed string indicating the list of servers that have the right to send email messages with return addresses in this domain. A feature of the SMTP protocol is that authentication is not carried out when sending a mail message between servers. Thus, anyone can try to send messages from your domain, although it has absolutely nothing to do with it. To somehow identify the sender and make sure that the mail server really represents the domain on behalf of which it is trying to send mail and have been created SPF records in DNS.

    For example SPF record for a domain might look like this: IN TXT "v=spf1 +a +mx -all" and this means that only those servers for which there is an MX record and the server whose IP can be obtained with permission can send mail from the domain, and all other servers do not have the right to send mail.

    There are services on the Internet that provide a wizard-generated spf record for your domain - for example .

    You can get acquainted in detail with the fine tuning of SPF records, it’s a pity that I don’t know much and can’t write detailed recommendations yet.

    And check the availability and correctness of SPF records for the domain.

    Adding a PTR record.

    This is a popular spam filter and is prescribed through the organization that issued the IP address. This entry deals with resolving the IP address to the server name.

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