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Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogics

Department of Technology and Design of Sewing Products

discipline: Informatics

on the topic: "Information technology in design"

Completed by a student

I - year course of the TLP group - 14

Alimova Zera Redvanovna


Umerova L. D.

Simferopol, 2014










Design (translated from English design - to design, construct, draw) - in the broad sense of the word, any design, that is, the process of creating new objects, tools, equipment, forming an object environment. In a narrow sense, it is a new type of artistic and design professional activity that arose at the beginning of the 20th century. Its goal is the organization of a holistic aesthetic environment for human life. Designing objects in which the form corresponds to their purpose, proportionate to the human figure, economical, convenient, beautiful. The scientific basis of design is technical aesthetics. The peculiarity of the design lies in the fact that each thing is considered not only from the point of view of usefulness and beauty, but also in all the variety of its connections in the process of functioning. The meaning of design is an integrated systematic approach to the design of each thing. Design objects bear the stamp of time, the level of technological progress and the socio-political structure of society.

The concept of "design" today is associated with the most progressive phenomena and modern technical achievements. Largely thanks to the search for designers, today it is possible to look into the future in real-life industrial designs.

The central problem of design is the creation of a cultural and anthropological object world, aesthetically assessed as harmonious, holistic. Hence, the special importance for design is, along with knowledge of the means of the humanities: philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, semiotics, etc., the use of IT and natural sciences. All this knowledge is integrated in the act of design and artistic modeling of the objective world, based on figurative, artistic thinking.

Design is a chronicle of the development of engineering and technology. The concepts of "progress" and "new technologies" are almost synonymous today. Major discoveries and scientific and technological achievements are immediately reflected in design, in the form of new artistic forms and a new typology of industrial products, and often a new philosophy of shaping.

In this regard, this paper will consider the general issues of a new scientific direction of design - the role of informatics in design, as well as the application of IT in design.


Information technology (IT) -- technologies for managing data processing using computer technology. IT is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information. The efficiency of the garment industry in modern conditions is determined by the availability of high-quality hardware and software tools that allow for the flexibility of technological processes, automate the work and interaction of production units. First of all, these are computer-aided design systems (CAD or CAD), an automated production control system (APCS) integrated with CAD, and modern technological equipment based on electronic computers (ECE). The most advanced clothing design systems include: design programs that allow you to develop the appearance of products and select the most successful combinations of fabric colors; design programs that implement the designer's creative intent in patterns; technological programs for optimizing the layout of patterns on the material and designing the process of cutting and sewing products, taking into account the specifics of a particular production. Modern systems of automated design of garments include in their composition the subsystems "Designer", "Technologist" and "Designer", which allow you to introduce new models into production in an automated mode. The use of these subsystems in comparison with non-automated design leads to a reduction in time, costs and an increase in the quality of design at the design and technological stages. For enterprises of the clothing industry in the overall production process, five main flows can be distinguished, the work of which should be controlled and coordinated by an integrated management system. Let's take a look at these threads. The information flow begins to form from the moment the model is developed by the designer (the area and length of the seams of the model's patterns, the technical description for the model, the specification of the patterns, the report card, duplication schemes, etc.). Information generated in CAD during the work of the designer and spreader can be automatically obtained in planning and accounting programs, for example, for cutting planning - the length of layouts and the area of ​​patterns, for normalizing the time of sewing operations - actual lengths of seams, for planning orders - model code and the presence of certain sizes in it, etc. At present, in the world practice, there are a number of information technologies that make it possible to successfully solve the problems of complex automation of the management of a sewing enterprise. Such information technologies include ERP systems, expert systems, workstations, SCADA systems, CALS technologies, and especially CAD.

History of CAD

In our country, the introduction of CAD in the clothing industry began after the International Equipment Exhibition "Inlegmash-88" held in Moscow. CAD systems of foreign companies were demonstrated there: Investronika (Spain), Lectra-sistems (France), Gerber (USA). In the construction of these systems, a modular principle was used, i.e. they were completed from separate modules (subsystems) designed to perform individual work. Each module can work autonomously and communicate with other modules.

When the latest PCs and peripherals became widely available in Russia, similar domestic systems began to be created. In 1988, at the experimental machine-building plant in the city of Zhukovsky, they began to produce automated spreading and cutting systems under the license of foreign companies, adapted to domestic production. The first complexes consisted of the following modules:

- CAD patterns and layouts of the Invesmark type under license from Investronika,

- automated spreading machine "Comet" under the license of the German company Bullmer,

- automated cutting machine "Sputnik" under the license of Investronika.

A clear increase in the number of CAD clothing has been happening since the early 90s. By the beginning of 1996 in the CIS countries, about 20 ANRK and more than 40 CAD were introduced at light and automotive industries.

Modern CAD is a multifunctional system that provides high quality manufacturing of patterns and layouts of any complexity, optimization of the use of fabric, equipment, and personnel in the production process.

CAD should cover all product life cycles:

1) aesthetic - artistic design,

2) engineering design - designing a product, its structure and properties,

3) computer planning,

4) computer line "Balance" - provides optimization of the use of production resources, balance of raw materials, cost calculation, etc.

5) control of technological processes - monitoring of parameters, modes, etc.

computer science-based examination of the results of the technological process - a system for assessing the quality of products, analysis of defects and automated adjustment of the parameters of technological processes. Area of ​​tasks solved using CAD

The entire process of designing a garment is divided into three major stages:

1) artistic design of the model,

2) design preparation of production,

3) technological preparation for the manufacture of the model, for which different specialists are responsible (artist, designer and technologist, respectively). The work of these specialists is coordinated by the manager of the enterprise. Let's conditionally name the design blocks "Artist", "Designer" and "Technologist". These blocks are present to a greater or lesser extent in every garment CAD.

Characteristics of the main subsystems of sewing CAD

The "Artist" block allows the user to visualize the appearance of the product before creating patterns and the product itself. The minimum task performed by CAD at this stage is the formation of a technical sketch of the product. Modern CAD systems offer the user the possibility of choosing the color scheme of the future model, and also allow the illusion of folds and texture of the material, including knitwear, to be performed on the sketch. The presence of a replenished database of materials allows you to try on a product on a typical or individual figure. The final chord at this stage is the formation of a presentation of sketches of a whole collection of models. The area of ​​improvement of this block is the achievement of adequate reproduction of the three-dimensional shape of the product, taking into account the properties of materials.

The "Designer" block traditionally includes the modules "Constructive modeling and pattern design", "Gradations" and "Layouts". The development of computer technology has made it possible to introduce three-dimensional modeling technologies into the process of designing garments. Some 3D-modules are used to design a three-dimensional form of clothing with subsequent development and transfer to the "Constructive Modeling" module, others, on the contrary, to visualize the fitting of designed patterns on a three-dimensional mannequin. Virtual fitting can be supplemented with tools for three-dimensional correction of the product with parallel changes to flat patterns, as well as the ability to select the color scheme of the model.

The “Technologist” block in modern CAD systems must have an established connection with the design preparation system and solve issues not only of designing technical sketches and schemes of processing units, but also of time regulation, formation of a technological sequence of operations, design of the division of labor, etc.

The main subsystems of CAD software:

· the subsystem "designing patterns" allows you to:

- pattern design,

- entering the geometry of patterns into the system using a digitizer;

- storage of all necessary information about patterns in the computer memory,

- maintaining an archive of information about patterns,

- selection on request of the necessary patterns and information about them,

- graphic output of patterns on a graph plotter;

The subsystem "pattern layout" allows you to:

- preparation of patterns for laying out on the fabric with the specified parameters,

- creating a layout in interactive mode on the monitor screen,

- determination of the areas of the patterns and the density of the layout;

- graphical output of the desired layout on a graph plotter on a scale of 1:1 or on a reduced scale,

- storage of layouts in computer memory;

- maintaining archive of layouts.

subsystem "technologist" - design of technological processes and related calculations, compilation of control programs for automated equipment,

The subsystem "sketching" is designed to display graphic information on a graph plotter and plotter,

· the "database" subsystem allows storing information about patterns, models and layouts and the necessary alphanumeric information, as well as issuing the specified information to other subsystems and users.

Specification of the main functionality of the "database" subsystem

· Selection, creation of a new model, renaming, viewing, deleting patterns, models, layouts.

· Blocking the creation of models with the same name.

· Changes in the model: adding, deleting a pattern, changing the parameters of a pattern.

· Creating a new reproduction template, copying, editing, printing and deleting an existing one.

· Automatic calculation of a pattern of any given growth-size (belonging to its breeding template), displaying the duplicated pattern on the display screen, printing them out, deleting an unnecessary result of reproduction.

· Calculation of the areas of all patterns of the model for any given height-size from the breeding template.

Specification of the main functionality of the subsystem "sketching":

· Setting the output mode (plotter, printer).

· Selection of output object (layout, result of reproduction).

· Setting the scale of the displayed image.

· Displaying the layout drawing on a scale of 1:1 frame by frame.

· Output (record) of the output object (layout pattern or reproduction result) to a floppy disk.

· Selection of the output object from the floppy disk.

· Consider a number of CAD systems used to automate production processes at service enterprises.

· CAD "LEKO" allows you to automate the construction of basic and derivative patterns according to several dimensional features. The system has the ability to use electronic catalogs of clothing. To a greater extent, it is intended for ateliers and sewing enterprises of low power.

· CAD "Assol" - a universal system for automating the design and technological preparation of production, but it does not cover the entire production process. The system contains subsystems: "Design", "Gradation", "Layout", "Photodigitizer", "Assol - Designer", "Technologist", "Piece calculation", "Technical drawing", "Optimal planning". Unlike LECO, it is based on a standard graphics editor.

Computer-aided design system for garment technology "Eleandr САРР" (ComputeAidedProcessPlanning), created as an integral part of the unified information environment of the enterprise, maintains communication with other application systems, allows you to use information in the form of graphic files and text documents, as well as transfer the generated information to other stages design and production management. This system is intended only to automate the work of the technologist.

· CAD "Grace" automates individual stages of design and production of clothing. Features of this system: the ability to adjust patterns when changing the properties of materials or the direction of fashion, the use of any design technique (including our own), the use of modeling techniques for clothing details and the development of their patterns.

· The automation system for design and technological preparation of modern garment production - CAD "Komtens" is effectively used in the production of car seats and covers, upholstered furniture, toys, leather goods and fur products. The peculiarity of "Comtens" is the integrated gradation of patterns and the dynamic construction of seams. The system automatically grades the product for all required sizes/heights and builds seams in accordance with the specified allowance. The system is used in various branches of light industry for the development and gradation of patterns.

CAD "AvtoKroy" and "AvtoKroy-T" are designed for a comprehensive solution of the tasks of automating the design and technological preparation of the production of women's, men's and children's clothing for a typical and individual figure from fabric and knitwear, respectively. These systems do not cover the entire process of clothing design, but only the design and technological preparation of production. The Research and Production Center "Relikt" has developed and mastered in its own clothing production a modular integrated computer system for designing clothes - "MIX - R" and its manufacturing processes. The system contains the modules "Technical drawing", "Design", "Pattern layout", "Technologist", as well as a database of the original structure, focused on the production of branded clothing. The system is intended for the design of professional clothing, manufactured by order of firms, and covers only the design and technological preparation of production.

CAD "GRAPHIS" ​​automates the design preparation of production with the well-known design methods embedded in it. The system can act as a stand-alone CAD system for small-scale production, as well as be combined with a large automated system aimed at medium and large enterprises. The system is not designed to automate the technological process and receive a package of production documentation.

The "SAPRO" system was created to automate the selection of model designs of products in accordance with the law of harmonization. In the designs she creates, the proportions of the silhouette are combined with the specific figure of a person. The system has the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the physique of a person.

In the ABRIS System, the design of clothing can be created according to the methods of EVKO SEV, TsOTSHL and Muller and Son, which, however, do not allow developing a design taking into account the features of the figure and obtaining a perfect fit.

CAD Lektra creates a sketch of the model, develops patterns, performs gradation of patterns, their layout, laser cutting of the material, forms a technical package of documentation for the model. The system makes it difficult to control the construction of patterns.

CAD Gerber is designed to create clothing sketches, construct construction, gradation and pattern layout. The program was written under DOS, currently being translated under Windows.


Block "artist"

Purpose: visualization of the appearance of the product before the creation of patterns and the product itself.

The stage of artistic design is an important stage in the formation of the main consumer aesthetic indicators of the quality of garments. The traditional process of designing clothes is carried out by several specialists:

1) the artist, based on personal experience and intuition, reproduces the parameters of the desired product, and the sketch of the model is depicted in a stylized manner, as a rule, on an ideal figure;

2) the designer, according to the stylized sketch of the artist, makes a technical drawing, according to which he selects constructive additions. Due to the fact that the vision of the model by the artist and the designer in a stylized drawing is different, then with further designing for a standard figure, a significant change in the appearance and shape of the model occurs;

3) the technologist chooses the method of forming the product.

Each of the specialists in his own way interprets the volumetric shape of the product on the figure of the customer. Their unequal subjective vision of the projected three-dimensional form, which depends on the qualifications, experience and intuition of specialists, leads to a discrepancy between the desired and received clothing.

The CAD Artist block should facilitate the transition from the subjective perception of anthropometric features, models to a more objective one, common for different specialists.

Since the tasks performed at the stage of artistic design are creative, and therefore difficult to formalize, the stage is still being mastered by CAD developers.

Block "Artist" is implemented in several CAD systems. Interesting solutions are presented in CAD "Assol" and Lectra.

CAD Assol offers a solution to the minimum task - the formation of a technical sketch of the product and the selection of a color solution for the future model. The technical sketch of the model is performed on three types of a typical figure (front view, back view and profile). For a more accurate drawing of the model, the figure has the ability to raise his hand. The creation of a clothing model is carried out using linear primitives by drawing them on the figure. For the rendered model, you can choose a color scheme, measure the size of sections of the structure. The work is implemented on the basis of the AutoCad program.

There are no considerations of the properties of materials, plasticity of the form here.

In CAD Lectra, the possibilities are significantly expanded: here it is possible:

creation of an idea sheet of the collection (by scanning or combining individual elements),

creating a color palette (using a spectrometer),

creating a style (on a stylized or typical figure with the ability to measure seams and symmetrical reflection of the model, a choice of options for ready-made models),

creating a database of materials (scanning what is drawn or creating drawings and textures of materials in the program, changing their color palette and scale of elements, and using them on the designed products),

a perspective view of the model.

As we can see, the tasks of this subsystem have not been completely solved, but the positive effect of such a subsystem is greater.

The area of ​​improvement of this block is

firstly, the achievement of an adequate reproduction of the virtual prototype of the figure;

secondly, the achievement of an adequate reproduction of the three-dimensional shape of the product, taking into account the properties of materials;

thirdly, the use of the characteristics of the external form of the product being designed, along with the dimensional characteristics of the customer, as the initial data for the "Designer" block.


Currently, three-dimensional (3D) scanning systems are the most advanced systems for anthropometric measurements. The use of modern non-contact measurement systems can provide the highest quality and fastest representation of the consumer's figure. In addition to this advantage, the non-contact method of measurement allows obtaining accurate information about the spatial shape of the client's figure, which is extremely difficult to achieve with high accuracy manually. The electronic form of the presentation of anthropometric features allows you to organize a method for obtaining it in places close to consumers, with subsequent transmission via the Internet electronic network to the design center.

This method of measurement is characterized by the absence of a number of procedures, such as measuring the figure using anthropometric instruments, recording the data obtained and transferring them to the electronic form of the program, which significantly reduces the time of work. A few seconds after the mathematical processing of the scan results, the user is offered a large amount of information in the form of dimensional features. Although these technologies are quite advanced, there are many problems that need to be addressed in order to improve them. In particular, there is the problem of the impossibility of removing information from some invisible areas of the scan.

The principle of operation of most three-coordinate scanning systems is based on the use of photosensors. The model is used programmatically from a set of photographs taken from different angles.

To date, the tasks of non-contact measurement of the human figure have been solved by more than 10 different systems developed abroad (Cyberwear, Hamamatsu, Hamano, 2, TelmatSimcad, Vitus, TecMatth, etc.). The main disadvantages of these body scanners are:

the high cost of both the software itself and specialized peripheral devices that these systems are designed to work with,

absolute insecurity, tk. either white beams or a laser are used,

stationarity, which excludes the possibility of receiving orders when leaving for settlements, shops, offices,

processing of those areas where it is difficult to track the light strip (for example, depressions, “dead” zones at hand).

An important aspect of the anthropometric provision of clothing is the development of a technology for searching for anthropometric points on a virtual model. In foreign systems, the search for points is carried out automatically according to mathematical dependencies, without the possibility of editing their position. Due to the variety of individual figures, the determined position does not always correspond to the real one.

Of all the variety of 3D scanners for the purposes of anthropological research, photogrammetric systems are the most suitable, in which information about a 3D scene is obtained from the video data of optical sensors. The presence of shortcomings convinces of the need to develop work on the use of systems focused on the use of more affordable equipment that allows adequately reproducing the surface of the figure.

In the direction of the development of non-contact measurements, the department is working. TSHI IGTA. Together with co-authors, they are the developers of the Non-Contact Measurement System. The difference of the Complex of non-contact anthropometry for clothing CAD is the use of a technical vision system (optical means of image input - webcams) and fundamentally new methods of recreating a virtual prototype of the measured figure. At the moment, an image input system has been created, a method has been developed for recreating the three-dimensional surface of a figure on the screen.


information technology computer-aided design

The process of forming the layout consists in placing patterns on the area of ​​the rectangle (layout window), the length and width of which correspond to the parameters of the flooring. In CAD, there are three different ways (modes) of layout formation: interactive, automatic and combined.

The interactive mode of pattern layout formation is most widely used in modern clothing CAD systems. It is based on joint participation in the process of forming the layout of the operator and CAD tools. The operator performs the creative part of the process, and CAD tools ensure compliance with technological requirements.

To place the template in the right place in the layout scheme, the operator uses the "installation" and "throwing" techniques.

The work of the operator and the installation mode consists in “capturing” the laid pattern with the cursor and indicating its location in the layout scheme. The system fixes the pattern in the specified location and automatically monitors compliance with the technological conditions of placement: no intersection of the outer contour of the installed pattern with the contours of previously laid patterns, with the boundaries of the deck, with the lines of docking of the deck sections: compliance with the specified technological gaps. If any of the listed requirements is not met, the system does not allow placement of the pattern in the specified location, gives a sound signal to the designer about the need to adjust the placement of the pattern, or automatically performs corrected placement of the pattern in the layout scheme.

In the "throw" mode, the designer places the pattern on any free place on the layout, determines the direction of "throw" with the cursor. The system automatically moves the pattern in the specified direction until it approaches the previously laid patterns by the amount of the technological gap.

Automatic layout generation mode. Automatic patterns are usually laid out much faster than manually. However, not all CAD systems have an automatic pattern layout mode, and even if it is available, it is not always used in enterprises. fabric, does not provide for the use of permissible deviations from the share, the edge of the fabric, does not allow changing the size of the technological gap between the parts in the layout.

As a rule, automatic nesting is less economical (by 2...4%) compared to the interactive one. However, it reduces the cost of human labor and ensures the rational use of production equipment.

Combined layout formation mode - it combines dialog and automatic modes. The operator places large and medium-sized patterns in an interactive mode, and the system stacks small parts automatically. When using automatic placement of small patterns, the reduction in labor costs during the layout is 15-20%. Recently, the combined mode of layout formation is more preferable.

cutting complex


Digitizers are designed to enter the outline of patterns into the design system. The input of the pattern consists in tracing the contour of the pattern fixed on the board with a special pencil.

A variety of digitizers are photodigitizers. The photodigitizer system can use the desktop as a surface for placing patterns. This solution saves time because no need to fix the pattern around the perimeter, but simply lay them out on the surface of the table. With this placement, the camera can be fixed directly on the ceiling or on a conventional photo tripod.

The photo digitizer can automatically:

Highlight the contours of the patterns, converting the lines into Bezier curves with high accuracy,

Define corners and mark them with control points,

Recognize different types of notches (drawn or cut), internal dots or lines. By default, the longest and closest to the center of the pattern line found on the part is defined as a fractional line.

The simplest digitizer is a graphics tablet.



Plotters. Their purpose is large format printing on paper. In the sewing industry, they are used to print patterns and layouts in full size.

The plotter has been and remains the most important and, as a rule, the most expensive link in sewing CAD, which largely determines its reliability and performance. Because as a result, the final product of CAD is a layout of patterns sketched on paper, according to which the fabric flooring is subsequently cut. The need for a plotter disappears if, in addition to CAD, there is an automated nesting system. However, the high cost of such systems makes the profitability for the average domestic manufacturer too high, so the generally accepted and most common standard for domestic production is the CAD configuration with a large-format plotter.

There are two main types of large format plotters: pen and inkjet. The principle of output of pen plotters is based on the sequential sketching of the contours of parts in the layout along their perimeter. If necessary, long layouts are divided into parts, sequentially shifting the paper after the output is completed inside the next “window”. The performance of plotters drops sharply with a large number of small parts, a large amount of symbolic information on the parts.

In inkjet models, the print head moves progressively along the width of the paper, covering a strip of a fixed size in one pass, providing a constant output speed, which is not affected by the density of parts, the shape and size of the patterns, the amount of character information on the patterns.


Automated spreading and cutting machines

Flooring complex

Laying is a key operation in the process of producing the final product and controlling the consumption of materials.

There are two types of cutting machines on the market: with a fixed (stationary) or with a conveyor cutting window. The first type involves laying the fabric on a fixed brush cover, where cutting takes place. This principle is simpler from the point of view of operation and ensuring the quality of the cut - during the AGC operation, the flooring does not shift relative to the cutting window. Due to the need to create a vacuum along the entire length of the deck, this type of AGC is unprofitable to use over long lengths (too high energy consumption).

The second type involves laying the fabric on a separate table, while in the process of cutting the flooring moves relative to the window. On average, the cutting window is 2 m long, which, of course, results in a lower energy class for this type of equipment. With large volumes of output, AGC is moved from one table to another, because. the laying process is much slower than cutting. For machines of this type, a regular, blown or conveyor table is suitable.

There is no one among the CAD developers for WB who can offer an enterprise-wide solution. Despite the fact that some CAD systems today are equipped with separate production planning modules, the latter do not solve the problem of complex automation, but are only an extension of CAD for managing production data about a product. In addition to working with data on products and complete sets used in CAD, systems with additional modules are not designed to solve such problems as directed costing of products or production schedules. The only representative in this demanded niche of branch automation systems is still the Julivi system of the Lugansk company CAD-Legprom. Only in "Julivi" sewing CAD modules are fully implemented, as well as the set of functional modules of the basic automated control system necessary for the automation of the silo in the complex.


Revolutionary changes in the field of electronic computing, namely the emergence of personal computers, have led to the active introduction of new information technologies in the field of design, modern market relations are pushing for the constant improvement of the production process, the search for new effective technologies, the introduction of scientific developments and technical innovations into production, the use of new materials. All this not only expands the boundaries of the designer's creativity, but also makes special demands on his professional knowledge and skills. Today, when the flow of information is growing exponentially and the methods of processing, storing and presenting information are constantly being improved, a designer cannot succeed as a professional without using computer technology in his scientific and educational practice. The designer's mastery of new information technologies allows him to reach a different level of self-awareness.

Among the literature devoted to the topic of using information technology in interior design, books on mastering the skills of three-dimensional modeling programs should be highlighted. First of all, these are programs such as 3ds max, Coreldraw, AutoCAD, photoshop.

Today, 3ds max is one of the most popular 3D packages and has a stable position in the group of leaders in the market for the production of a variety of 3D graphics and special effects, a full-featured professional 3D graphics software system developed by Autodesk Media & Entertainment. Works on Windows operating system (both 32-bit and 64-bit.

For example, Mikhail Marov's book "Encyclopedia 3ds max 6". The book is equally useful for both beginners and 3D graphics professionals, as it contains help on almost all issues that arise in the course of daily work with 3ds max 6. Beginners will find detailed descriptions of the installation and authorization procedures for the program, as well as basic tools and techniques for creating geometric models, particle systems and sources of volumetric deformations, editing objects using modifiers, creating and adjusting light sources, preparing materials and assigning them to objects, and applying graphic effects to them.

The AutoCAD program is designed to create drawings of projects for various interior items (furniture) or projects for various mechanisms.

The skills of using this program allow you to independently develop various types of drawings and design projects - layouts for the production of kitchen furniture, furniture for home and office, modeling and designing clothes, and much more. For example, the book by Chekatkov A.A. “3D modeling in AutoCAD. Designer's Guide” The book describes the 3D modeling tools in the AutoCAD system, with the main focus on solid modeling, which allows you to get a complete and intuitive model of a real object at minimal cost. The book covers all popular versions of AutoCAD, starting with AutoCAD 2002 and ending with AutoCAD 2006. The material of the book is based on an example of a training project that accurately simulates a real object. At the same time, the reader is invited to go through all the stages of building a full-fledged three-dimensional model of a complex object: from creating a basic box to performing a photorealistic rendering of a complex scene.


1. Borodaev D. Website as an object of graphic design: Dis. cand. art criticism / D. Borodaev; KHGADI. - Kharkov, 2004. - 232 p. /More details - in the announcement of the monograph "Website as an object of graphic design"/

2. Sbitneva N. Graphic design of the post-Soviet space in the 1990s / N. Sbitneva // Spring. Hark. state acad. Design and arts. - 2004. - N 1. - S. 121-1126.

3. Serov S. Style processes in the Soviet graphic design of the 1960s - 80s: Abstract of the thesis. dis. cand. art history / S. Serov; VNIITE. - M., 1990. - 16 p.

4. Kaimin V.A. Informatics: Textbook. (Series "Higher education"). - M.: INFRA-M, 2001, 2nd ed., revised. and additional

5. Marov M., Ecyclopedia 3ds max 6, "Peter", 2006

6. Chekatkov A.A. Three-dimensional modeling in AutoCAD. Designer's guide, "EKSMO", 2006

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    The main components of information technology. Classical principles of building computer architecture. The principle of sequential execution of operations. Prospects for the use of expert systems in land management systems of computer-aided design.

Not only a techie and manager finds his place in the IT field, but also a creative person - a designer. Beauty, style, a bright and unique image are necessary for IT products just like any other things. will introduce you to the specifics of the work of a designer in the world of information technology.

A designer is a specialist who develops the visual part of an IT product. Creative abilities can be realized in three directions: graphic design, web design and game design. It is a mistake to take a designer for a free, eccentric person who creates only in tandem with a muse. He brings to life the requirements of the client, drawn up in the form of clear instructions (TOR), to deviate from which means to get a different result than the customer wanted.

An IT designer has a number of professional qualities. Creativity, aesthetic taste, sociability, organization, responsibility, diligence, perseverance, the desire for self-improvement - this is valued in the designer in the first place. He can work both remotely (contacts only with the customer), and in a team. The ability to lead a discussion, tactfully prove one's point of view and adequately perceive criticism and wishes is an important component of the portrait of a professional.

The designer is guided by the interests of the client, completes the work on time and provides a commercial product

A professional designer in IT, in addition to a good artistic base (knowledge of painting, drawing techniques, composition, ergonomics [the science of the adaptation of objects and objects in the broadest sense of the word to the characteristics of the human body - approx. ed.], color perception) is proficient in graphic packages - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, etc.

A graphic designer in an IT company is responsible for its corporate identity (brand book). He creates the brand name and logo, chooses colors and typefaces, designs corporate clothing layouts for employees, etc.

A true professional knows how to create a visual image that attracts the target audience

A web designer is responsible for the appearance (decoration) and perception of an Internet resource (interface, logical structure of a web page, information placement). This specialist approaches the creation of a product from the side of a demanding user.

The game designer creates the style and mechanics of the game. Hence the internal specialization in artists and programmers. Game designers and artists are working on the visual world of the game: they create concept art of characters, architecture (if any), landscapes - everything that you see. The latter program events in the game, the interaction of the player with objects, artificial intelligence for characters, etc. In this case, in addition to artistic taste, knowledge of 3D modeling, physics and mathematics will be required.

The work of a game designer can be compared to a toy workshop where they are created with love for others.

All areas of design activity in IT are promising: the rapid development of information technology, the emergence of new companies on the market will not leave a talented artist without daily bread. But the future employer still needs to confirm the talent. To do this, a portfolio is created - a presentation of the best author's works. Start working on it already from your student years.

The specialty "Design" is in colleges (,

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Institute of Service, Tourism and Design Department of Design and Arts INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN DESIGN Work program of the academic discipline Main educational program in the specialty 070601.65 "Design" Vladivostok 2014 LBC 30.18 Curriculum in the discipline "Information Technology" in design” was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of VPO of the Russian Federation. The program is intended for students studying in the specialty 070601.65 "Design". Compiled by: M.E. Motorina, Assistant of the Department of Design and Arts. The program was approved at a meeting of the Department of Design on 10/12/09, protocol No. 3, edition 2014 (the work program of the discipline was reviewed and reapproved at a meeting of the department on 06/05/2014, protocol No. 15) protocol number 5. 2 INTRODUCTION The proposed course “Information Technologies in Design” is intended for second-year students of the ISMiD Institute studying according to the State Standard curriculum in the specialty 070601.65 “Design” with the qualification of a designer (environment designer, graphic design and costume design) and in the direction 070600.62 “ Design” awarding the graduate with a bachelor’s degree. The discipline Information technologies in design is necessary for the designer for practical activities in the specialty. The subject of "Information technology technologies in design" is the implementation of visual demonstration images in vector graphics - Corel Draw. The course "Information Technologies in Design" is one of the disciplines that provide continuous computer training for future designers. When developing the course, it was taken into account that the current task is to switch to a new design technology. And this task requires modern methods of training specialists, in which computer technology methods occupy a special place as a new design tool. The obtained professional competencies are used in the course projects, in the discipline of the curriculum of the specialty and in graduation design, as well as in future work in the specialty. 3 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.1. Goals and objectives of studying the discipline "Information Technology in Design" is an applied area of ​​engineering informatics designed to create, store and process graphic models and their images. The purpose of the course is to consolidate and expand knowledge in the field of engineering graphics with the help of modern graphics packages. The task of studying the course “Information Technologies in Design” in the design activities of a designer: - to master the skills of creating professionally oriented computer models, posters. - to master technologies of computer design. - to instill skills in the use of computer technology in the design of objects and objects of the environment. - to give an idea of ​​modern computer graphics, its capabilities. - explore the possibilities of Corel Draw graphics packages and gain the necessary knowledge and skills to work with them. 1.2. Requirements for competencies acquired while studying the course As a result of studying the course “Information Technologies in Design”, the student acquires knowledge of the basics of working with graphic programs, develops the ability to apply knowledge, skills, personal qualities for successful design of graphic objects: -acquires skills for performing graphic images Corel Draw and skills in working with two-dimensional graphics. 1.3. Scope and terms of studying the course The lecture course has a volume of 16 hours, the course of laboratory work also has 16 hours; 3rd semester 1.4. The main types of classes and features of their conduct, technical support of the discipline Lectures are held in an auditorium equipped with multimedia equipment. 4 Laboratory classes are held in specialized computer graphics classrooms equipped with personal computers for each student and teacher. Software - graphics packages Corel DrawX3. 1.5. Types of control and their reporting During each semester, students perform a number of laboratory work, which they defend in the classroom, confirming the work done by demonstrating theoretical knowledge. During the attestation weeks (current control) they perform individual test tasks as directed by the teacher on the computer. The student also chooses a topic for an essay on this discipline from the topics proposed by the teacher. Prepares material for the abstract. Intermediate control - offset. To receive a credit, you must present an essay in front of an audience and complete all the laboratory work on Corel Draw. 5 2. CONTENT OF THE COURSE 2.1. List of Lecture Topics Autumn Semester Topics 1. Introductory lecture. Organizational and methodological structure of the course Why does a designer need computer graphics. Computer graphics product. Vector graphics programs. Raster graphics programs. Programs for drawing. Text editing programs. Digital images and color models. Goals and objectives of the course. Issuance of abstract topics. Topics 2. Corel Draw vector graphics program Corel DrawX3 vector graphics program. About the program. Work in the program. Basic concepts. pros and cons of the program. Interface, basic tools, functions. Beginning of work. Topics 3. Raster graphics program Adobe Photoshop CS Creator company. Adobe Creative Suite. Main software products. Who needs this program. Program loading. program interface. Tool Palette. Pros and cons of the program. Topics 4. Adobe Illustrator CS vector graphics program About the program. Application user group. About the novelties of the program. Place of the program in the family of Adobe programs. Basic concepts, tools. Program interface. System requirements. Program title bar. Main command menu. Topics 5. Programs for drawing. AutoCAD and ArchiCAD General information. About programs. Purpose of the system. Program users. Creation of drawings and 3D modeling. Program interface. Basic tools. Basic operations. Topics 6. Three-dimensional graphics. 3D Studio Max Modeling. Texturing. Creating lighting. Animation. Visualization. System requirements. Lessons 6; 7; 8 to listen to abstracts. The remaining lessons are used for students' presentations with abstracts (2 lessons). 6 2.2. Laboratory lessons in vector graphics (Corel Draw X3) Lesson 1 Introductory lesson: - about the program; - interface; - basic tools and commands. Lesson 2 Composition of geometric shapes: - creation of simple shapes; - line drawing; - working with points, changing the curvature of lines; - filling with color, creating transparency, overlaying colors; - image of own and falling shadows as additional vector objects, fill and stretch them; - background fill; - framing. 7 Lesson 3 Creating a poster in a simple way: - creating, copying and filling a group of identical objects, drop shadow; - work with text, change color, size, font; - inserting a raster image (pictures, photographs); - design of the finished poster by adding additional objects (rectangle, circle) and assigning them the necessary properties. 8 Lesson 4 Creating a poster using a raster image: - Selecting and inserting (importing) a raster image; - using the necessary tool to circle the characteristic elements; - work with simple shapes: conversion to curves, to give the desired shape and fill; - placement of text in the form of an image; - design of the finished poster by adding additional objects (rectangle, circle) and assigning them the necessary properties. Lesson 5 Creation of a leaflet (test task): - selection and insertion (import) of an image; - work with various tools that create a line; its setting; - design of a leaflet; by adding text, colors, other objects. 9 3. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDYING THE COURSE 3.1. Topics of abstracts  Digital images - vector graphics  Digital images - pixel graphics  Digital images - vector and pixel graphics (comparison).  Pixel graphics (pixels)  Displaying pixels on the screen - image expansion  Resizing the image in pixels  Pixel graphics; image types - black and white line art (Line Art Graphic, Bitmap)  Pixel graphics; images in grayscale (Grayscale)  Pixel graphics; images with indexed colors (Indexed Color)  Pixel graphics; full color images.  Color and color models; RGB color model  Color and color models; CMYK color model  Color and color models; HSB color model  Color and color models; color model Lab  Vector graphics programs (brief description).  Other programs of the package Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3; raster graphics program Corel Photo - Paint, about the program.  Other programs of the package Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3; program window, tools; pros and cons.  Other programs of the package Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3; Corel CAPTURE program; About the program.  Other programs of the package Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3; capture area, work order.  Other programs of the package Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3; Bitstream Font Navigator font manager; About the program.  Other programs of the package Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3; operations in the program, installation, deletion of fonts, viewing fonts, printing catalogs of fonts.  Adobe System Incorporated; about company.  Adobe System Incorporated; History of creation.  Adobe System Incorporated; Creative Suite "Creative Suite". 10  Adobe Streamline 4.0 program; tracing (vectorization).  Adobe Streamline 4.0; requirements for pixel images.  Adobe Streamline 4.0; general settings.  Adobe Streamline 4.0; tracing methods, 1 view - Outline (contour).  Adobe Streamline 4.0; tracing methods, 2nd view - Center Line (middle line).  Adobe Streamline 4.0; tracing methods, type 3 - Line Recognition (line recognition).  Adobe Acrobat Reader.  Adobe Page Maker.  Adobe Frame Maker.  AutoCAD; purpose and scope of the AutoCAD graphics package.  AutoCAD; types of primitives and principles of construction.  AutoCAD; point, ray, line.  AutoCAD; circles, arc, polyline, multiline.  AutoCAD; inscriptions, dimensions (types).  3DSMax; about the program, for whom it is intended, the main provisions.  3DSMax; the main stages are modeling.  3DSMax; the main stages are texturing (creating materials).  3DSMax; the main stages are animation.  3DSMax; the main stages are visualization. 3.2. Guidelines for the implementation of the abstract Students of the specialty 070601.65 "Design" are provided with the preparation of an essay on the discipline "Information Technologies in Design". Writing essays is one of the forms of independent mastering of the material, the development of logical thinking. The abstract should show the student's ability to work with literature, analyze the available material, coherently and consistently, briefly and competently express their thoughts. Abstracting is subject to scientific, special and literature and a report that contains new information, scientific description, new design solution, new possibilities of using previously known methods, as well as the results of research. The main task of the abstract is to reveal the most important aspect of the content of the work being reviewed in such a way that the reader or audience can evaluate the expediency of the work done or the need to refer to the original source. The topic is given by the head of each student individually. After selection and approval, it is necessary to start studying the recommended literature. The design of the abstract must meet certain requirements. The following placement of text elements is recommended:  Title page  Contents  Introduction  Abstract text  Conclusion  List of references  Appendix The introduction should contain a brief assessment of the current state of the scientific or scientific and technical problem under consideration and justify the need for this work. It should reflect the relevance and novelty of the problem, as well as determine the goals and objectives of the work. The text of the abstract consists of 2-3 chapters. Each chapter should be completed and titled according to the content. The total volume of the section is 1-2 pages. The list of used literature includes all printed and handwritten materials used by the student in the process of completing and writing the essay. Sources should be arranged in the order they are mentioned in the text with numbering throughout the entire work. 12 4. LIST OF RECOMMENDED LITERATURE 4.1. References 1. Glushakov / S. V. Adobe Illustrator CS3: tutorial / S. V. Glushakov, E. V. Goncharova, S. A. Zolotarev, G. A. Knabe. - M. : AST: AST MOSCOW, 2008. - 476, p. : ill. - (Training course) 2. Kozik E. Computer graphics: a textbook for university students / E. Kozik, S. Khazova, N. Severyukhina. - Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2012. - 109 p. - Textbook. allowance yavl. add. to the lecture diss. "Computer Graphics" 1st ed. 3. Komolova, Nina Vladimirovna. CorelDRAW X5: tutorial / N. V. Komolova. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 224 p. : ill. + CD-ROM. Bondarenko S.V. AutoCAD for architects / S. V. Bondarenko, M. Yu. Bondarenko, E. V. German. - M. : Williams, 2009. - 592 p. : ill. + DVD. 4. Nemtsova T.I. Basic computer training. Operating system, office applications, the Internet: a workshop on informatics: a textbook for educational students. medium institutions. prof. education / T. I. Nemtsova, S. Yu. Golova, T. V. Kazankova. - M. : INFRA-M: FORUM, 2011. - 368 p. : ill. + CD-ROM. 5. Skrylina S. Photoshop CS5. The essentials / S. Skrylina. SPb. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 432 p. : ill. + CD-ROM. 6. Tozik V.T. Computer graphics and design: a textbook for students to educate. institutions at the beginning prof. education / V. T. Tozik, L. M. Korpan. - 2nd ed., erased. - M. : Academy, 2012. - 208 p. - (Primary vocational education). 4.2. Additional reading 1. Abbasov I.B. Basics of three-dimensional modeling in 3DS MAX 2009: a textbook for university students / I. B. o. Abbasov. - M. : DMK Press, 2010. - 176 p. : ill. 2. Milovskaya O.S. Architecture and interior design in 3ds Max. Design 2010 / O. S. Milovskaya. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2010. - 384 p. : ill. - (Master). 3. Skrylina S. Secrets of creating montage and collage in Photoshop CS5 by examples / S. Skrylina. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 288 p. : ill. + CD-ROM. 4. Pekarev L. D. 3ds Max for architects and interior and landscape designers / L. D. Pekarev,. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 240 p. : ill. - (Master). + CD-ROM. 13




Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogics

Department of Technology and Design of Sewing Products

discipline: Informatics

on the topic: "Information technology in design"

Completed by a student

I - year course of the TLP group - 14

Alimova Zera Redvanovna


Umerova L. D.

Simferopol, 2014










Design (translated from English design - to design, construct, draw) - in the broad sense of the word, any design, that is, the process of creating new objects, tools, equipment, forming an object environment. In a narrow sense, it is a new type of artistic and design professional activity that arose at the beginning of the 20th century. Its goal is the organization of a holistic aesthetic environment for human life. Designing objects in which the form corresponds to their purpose, proportionate to the human figure, economical, convenient, beautiful. The scientific basis of design is technical aesthetics. The peculiarity of the design lies in the fact that each thing is considered not only from the point of view of usefulness and beauty, but also in all the variety of its connections in the process of functioning. The meaning of design is an integrated systematic approach to the design of each thing. Design objects bear the stamp of time, the level of technological progress and the socio-political structure of society.

The concept of "design" today is associated with the most progressive phenomena and modern technical achievements. Largely thanks to the search for designers, today it is possible to look into the future in real-life industrial designs.

The central problem of design is the creation of a cultural and anthropological object world, aesthetically assessed as harmonious, holistic. Hence, the special importance for design is, along with knowledge of the means of the humanities: philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, semiotics, etc., the use of IT and natural sciences. All this knowledge is integrated in the act of design and artistic modeling of the objective world, based on figurative, artistic thinking.

Design is a chronicle of the development of engineering and technology. The concepts of "progress" and "new technologies" are almost synonymous today. Major discoveries and scientific and technological achievements are immediately reflected in design, in the form of new artistic forms and a new typology of industrial products, and often a new philosophy of shaping.

In this regard, this paper will consider the general issues of a new scientific direction of design - the role of informatics in design, as well as the application of IT in design.


Information technologies (IT) - technologies for managing data processing using computer technology. IT is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information. The efficiency of the garment industry in modern conditions is determined by the availability of high-quality hardware and software tools that allow for the flexibility of technological processes, automate the work and interaction of production units. First of all, these are computer-aided design systems (CAD or CAD), an automated production control system (APCS) integrated with CAD, and modern technological equipment based on electronic computers (ECE). The most advanced clothing design systems include: design programs that allow you to develop the appearance of products and select the most successful combinations of fabric colors; design programs that implement the designer's creative intent in patterns; technological programs for optimizing the layout of patterns on the material and designing the process of cutting and sewing products, taking into account the specifics of a particular production. Modern systems of automated design of garments include in their composition the subsystems "Designer", "Technologist" and "Designer", which allow you to introduce new models into production in an automated mode. The use of these subsystems in comparison with non-automated design leads to a reduction in time, costs and an increase in the quality of design at the design and technological stages. For enterprises of the clothing industry in the overall production process, five main flows can be distinguished, the work of which should be controlled and coordinated by an integrated management system. Let's take a look at these threads. The information flow begins to form from the moment the model is developed by the designer (the area and length of the seams of the model's patterns, the technical description for the model, the specification of the patterns, the report card, duplication schemes, etc.). Information generated in CAD during the work of the designer and spreader can be automatically obtained in planning and accounting programs, for example, for cutting planning - the length of the layouts and the area of ​​the patterns, for normalizing the time of sewing operations - the actual lengths of the seams, for planning orders - the model code and availability in her certain sizes, etc. At present, in the world practice, there are a number of information technologies that make it possible to successfully solve the problems of complex automation of the management of a sewing enterprise. Such information technologies include ERP systems, expert systems, workstations, SCADA systems, CALS technologies, and especially CAD.

History of CAD

In our country, the introduction of CAD in the clothing industry began after the International Equipment Exhibition "Inlegmash-88" held in Moscow. CAD systems of foreign companies were demonstrated there: Investronika (Spain), Lectra-sistems (France), Gerber (USA). In the construction of these systems, a modular principle was used, i.e. they were completed from separate modules (subsystems) designed to perform individual work. Each module can work autonomously and communicate with other modules.

When the latest PCs and peripherals became widely available in Russia, similar domestic systems began to be created. In 1988, at the experimental machine-building plant in the city of Zhukovsky, they began to produce automated spreading and cutting systems under the license of foreign companies, adapted to domestic production. The first complexes consisted of the following modules:

CAD patterns and layouts of the Invesmark type under license from Investronika,

automated spreading machine "Comet" under the license of the German company Bullmer,

automated cutting machine "Sputnik" licensed by Investronika.

A clear increase in the number of CAD clothing has been happening since the early 90s. By the beginning of 1996 in the CIS countries, about 20 ANRK and more than 40 CAD were introduced at light and automotive industries.

Modern CAD is a multifunctional system that provides high quality manufacturing of patterns and layouts of any complexity, optimization of the use of fabric, equipment, and personnel in the production process.

CAD should cover all product life cycles:

1)aesthetic - artistic design,

2)engineering design - designing a product, its structure and properties,

)computer planning,

)computer line "Balance" - provides optimization of the use of production resources, balance of raw materials, cost calculation, etc.

)control of technological processes - monitoring of parameters, modes, etc.

computer science-based examination of the results of the technological process - a system for assessing the quality of products, analysis of defects and automated adjustment of the parameters of technological processes. Area of ​​tasks solved using CAD

The entire process of designing a garment is divided into three major stages:

)artistic design of the model,

)design preparation for production,

)technological preparation for the manufacture of the model, for which different specialists are responsible (artist, designer and technologist, respectively). The work of these specialists is coordinated by the manager of the enterprise. Let's conditionally name the design blocks "Artist", "Designer" and "Technologist". These blocks are present to a greater or lesser extent in every garment CAD.

Characteristics of the main subsystems of sewing CAD

The "Artist" block allows the user to visualize the appearance of the product before creating patterns and the product itself. The minimum task performed by CAD at this stage is the formation of a technical sketch of the product. Modern CAD systems offer the user the possibility of choosing the color scheme of the future model, and also allow the illusion of folds and texture of the material, including knitwear, to be performed on the sketch. The presence of a replenished database of materials allows you to try on a product on a typical or individual figure. The final chord at this stage is the formation of a presentation of sketches of a whole collection of models. The area of ​​improvement of this block is the achievement of adequate reproduction of the three-dimensional shape of the product, taking into account the properties of materials.

The "Designer" block traditionally includes the modules "Constructive modeling and pattern design", "Gradations" and "Layouts". The development of computer technology has made it possible to introduce three-dimensional modeling technologies into the process of designing garments. Some 3D-modules are used to design a three-dimensional form of clothing with subsequent development and transfer to the "Constructive Modeling" module, others, on the contrary, to visualize the fitting of designed patterns on a three-dimensional mannequin. Virtual fitting can be supplemented with tools for three-dimensional correction of the product with parallel changes to flat patterns, as well as the ability to select the color scheme of the model.

The “Technologist” block in modern CAD systems must have an established connection with the design preparation system and solve issues not only of designing technical sketches and schemes of processing units, but also of time regulation, formation of a technological sequence of operations, design of the division of labor, etc.

The main subsystems of CAD software:

· the subsystem "designing patterns" allows you to:

-pattern design,

-entering the geometry of patterns into the system using a digitizer;

-storing all the necessary information about patterns in the computer memory,

-maintaining an archive of information about patterns,

-selection on request of the necessary patterns and information about them,

-graphic output of patterns on a graph plotter;

· the subsystem "pattern layout" allows you to:

-preparation of patterns for laying out on the fabric with the specified parameters,

-creating layouts interactively on the monitor screen,

-determination of the areas of the patterns and the density of the layout;

-storing layouts in computer memory;

-maintaining an archive of layouts.

· subsystem "technologist" - design of technological processes and related calculations, compilation of control programs for automated equipment,

· the "drawing" subsystem is designed to display graphic information on a graph plotter and plotter,

· the "database" subsystem allows storing information about patterns, models and layouts and the necessary alphanumeric information, as well as issuing the specified information to other subsystems and users.

Specification of the main functionality of the "database" subsystem

· Selection, creation of a new model, renaming, viewing, deleting patterns, models, layouts.

· Blocking the creation of models with the same name.

· Changes in the model: adding, deleting a pattern, changing the parameters of a pattern.

· Creating a new reproduction template, copying, editing, printing and deleting an existing one.

· Automatic calculation of a pattern of any given height-size (belonging to its breeding template), displaying the duplicated pattern on the display screen, printing them out, deleting an unnecessary result of reproduction.

· Calculation of the areas of all patterns of the model for any given height-size from the breeding template.

Specification of the main functionality of the subsystem "sketching":

· Setting the output mode (plotter, printer).

· Selection of the output object (layout, reproduction result).

· Setting the scale of the output image.

· Output of layout drawing in 1:1 scale frame by frame.

· Output (record) of the output object (layout pattern or reproduction result) to a floppy disk.

· Selection of the output object from the floppy disk.

· Consider a number of CAD systems used to automate production processes at service enterprises.

· CAD "LEKO" allows you to automate the construction of basic and derivative patterns according to several dimensional features. The system has the ability to use electronic catalogs of clothing. To a greater extent, it is intended for ateliers and sewing enterprises of low power.

· CAD "Assol" is a universal system for automating the design and technological preparation of production, but it does not cover the entire production process. The system contains subsystems: "Design", "Gradation", "Layout", "Photodigitizer", "Assol - Designer", "Technologist", "Piece calculation", "Technical drawing", "Optimal planning". Unlike LECO, it is based on a standard graphics editor.

· The computer-aided design system for garment technology "Eleandr САРР" (ComputeAidedProcessPlanning), created as an integral part of the unified information environment of the enterprise, maintains communication with other application systems, allows you to use information in the form of graphic files and text documents, as well as transfer the generated information to other design stages and production management. This system is intended only to automate the work of the technologist.

· CAD "Grace" automates the individual stages of design and production of clothing. Features of this system: the ability to adjust patterns when changing the properties of materials or the direction of fashion, the use of any design technique (including our own), the use of modeling techniques for clothing details and the development of their patterns.

· The automation system for design and technological preparation of modern clothing production - CAD "Komtens" is effectively used in the production of car seats and covers, upholstered furniture, toys, leather goods and fur products. The peculiarity of "Comtens" is the integrated gradation of patterns and the dynamic construction of seams. The system automatically grades the product for all required sizes/heights and builds seams in accordance with the specified allowance. The system is used in various branches of light industry for the development and gradation of patterns.

CAD "AvtoKroy" and "AvtoKroy-T" are designed for a comprehensive solution of the tasks of automating the design and technological preparation of the production of women's, men's and children's clothing for a typical and individual figure from fabric and knitwear, respectively. These systems do not cover the entire process of clothing design, but only the design and technological preparation of production. The Research and Production Center "Relikt" has developed and mastered in its own clothing production a modular integrated computer system for designing clothes - "MIX - R" and its manufacturing processes. The system contains the modules "Technical drawing", "Design", "Pattern layout", "Technologist", as well as a database of the original structure, focused on the production of branded clothing. The system is intended for the design of professional clothing, manufactured by order of firms, and covers only the design and technological preparation of production.

CAD "GRAPHIS" ​​automates the design preparation of production with the well-known design methods embedded in it. The system can act as a stand-alone CAD system for small-scale production, as well as be combined with a large automated system aimed at medium and large enterprises. The system is not designed to automate the technological process and receive a package of production documentation.

The "SAPRO" system was created to automate the selection of model designs of products in accordance with the law of harmonization. In the designs she creates, the proportions of the silhouette are combined with the specific figure of a person. The system has the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the physique of a person.

In the ABRIS System, the design of clothing can be created according to the methods of EVKO SEV, TsOTSHL and Muller and Son, which, however, do not allow developing a design taking into account the features of the figure and obtaining a perfect fit.

CAD Lektra creates a sketch of the model, develops patterns, performs gradation of patterns, their layout, laser cutting of the material, forms a technical package of documentation for the model. The system makes it difficult to control the construction of patterns.

CAD Gerber is designed to create clothing sketches, construct construction, gradation and pattern layout. The program was written under DOS, currently being translated under Windows.


Block "artist"

Purpose: visualization of the appearance of the product before the creation of patterns and the product itself.

The stage of artistic design is an important stage in the formation of the main consumer aesthetic indicators of the quality of garments. The traditional process of designing clothes is carried out by several specialists:

)the artist, based on personal experience and intuition, reproduces the parameters of the desired product, and the sketch of the model is depicted in a stylized manner, as a rule, on an ideal figure;

)the designer, according to the stylized sketch of the artist, makes a technical drawing, according to which he makes a choice of constructive additions. Due to the fact that the vision of the model by the artist and the designer in a stylized drawing is different, then with further designing for a standard figure, a significant change in the appearance and shape of the model occurs;

)the technologist chooses the method of forming the product.

Each of the specialists in his own way interprets the volumetric shape of the product on the figure of the customer. Their unequal subjective vision of the projected three-dimensional form, which depends on the qualifications, experience and intuition of specialists, leads to a discrepancy between the desired and received clothing.

The CAD Artist block should facilitate the transition from the subjective perception of anthropometric features, models to a more objective one, common for different specialists.

Since the tasks performed at the stage of artistic design are creative, and therefore difficult to formalize, the stage is still being mastered by CAD developers.

Block "Artist" is implemented in several CAD systems. Interesting solutions are presented in CAD "Assol" and Lectra.

CAD Assol offers a solution to the minimum task - the formation of a technical sketch of the product and the selection of a color solution for the future model. The technical sketch of the model is performed on three types of a typical figure (front view, back view and profile). For a more accurate drawing of the model, the figure has the ability to raise his hand. The creation of a clothing model is carried out using linear primitives by drawing them on the figure. For the rendered model, you can choose a color scheme, measure the size of sections of the structure. The work is implemented on the basis of the AutoCad program.

There are no considerations of the properties of materials, plasticity of the form here.

In CAD Lectra, the possibilities are significantly expanded: here it is possible:

· creation of a collection idea sheet (by scanning or combining individual elements),

· creating a color palette (using a spectrometer),

· creating a style (on a stylized or typical figure with the ability to measure seams and symmetrical reflection of the model, a choice of options for ready-made models),

· creation of a database of materials (by scanning what is drawn or creating drawings and textures of materials in the program, changing their color palette and scale of elements, and using them on the designed products),

· perspective view of the model.

As we can see, the tasks of this subsystem have not been completely solved, but the positive effect of such a subsystem is greater.

The area of ​​improvement of this block is

firstly, the achievement of an adequate reproduction of the virtual prototype of the figure;

secondly, the achievement of an adequate reproduction of the three-dimensional shape of the product, taking into account the properties of materials;

thirdly, the use of the characteristics of the external form of the product being designed, along with the dimensional characteristics of the customer, as the initial data for the "Designer" block.


Currently, three-dimensional (3D) scanning systems are the most advanced systems for anthropometric measurements. The use of modern non-contact measurement systems can provide the highest quality and fastest representation of the consumer's figure. In addition to this advantage, the non-contact method of measurement allows obtaining accurate information about the spatial shape of the client's figure, which is extremely difficult to achieve with high accuracy manually. The electronic form of the presentation of anthropometric features allows you to organize a method for obtaining it in places close to consumers, with subsequent transmission via the Internet electronic network to the design center.

This method of measurement is characterized by the absence of a number of procedures, such as measuring the figure using anthropometric instruments, recording the data obtained and transferring them to the electronic form of the program, which significantly reduces the time of work. A few seconds after the mathematical processing of the scan results, the user is offered a large amount of information in the form of dimensional features. Although these technologies are quite advanced, there are many problems that need to be addressed in order to improve them. In particular, there is the problem of the impossibility of removing information from some invisible areas of the scan.

The principle of operation of most three-coordinate scanning systems is based on the use of photosensors. The model is used programmatically from a set of photographs taken from different angles.

To date, the tasks of non-contact measurement of the human figure have been solved by more than 10 different systems developed abroad (Cyberwear, Hamamatsu, Hamano, 2, TelmatSimcad, Vitus, TecMatth, etc.). The main disadvantages of these body scanners are:

· the high cost of both the software itself and specialized peripheral devices that these systems are designed to work with,

· absolute insecurity, tk. either white beams or a laser are used,

· stationarity, which excludes the possibility of receiving orders when leaving for settlements, shops, offices,

· processing those areas where it is difficult to track the light strip (for example, depressions, “dead” zones at hand).

An important aspect of the anthropometric provision of clothing is the development of a technology for searching for anthropometric points on a virtual model. In foreign systems, the search for points is carried out automatically according to mathematical dependencies, without the possibility of editing their position. Due to the variety of individual figures, the determined position does not always correspond to the real one.

Of all the variety of 3D scanners for the purposes of anthropological research, photogrammetric systems are the most suitable, in which information about a 3D scene is obtained from the video data of optical sensors. The presence of shortcomings convinces of the need to develop work on the use of systems focused on the use of more affordable equipment that allows adequately reproducing the surface of the figure.

In the direction of the development of non-contact measurements, the department is working. TSHI IGTA. Together with co-authors, they are the developers of the Non-Contact Measurement System. The difference of the Complex of non-contact anthropometry for clothing CAD is the use of a technical vision system (optical means of image input - webcams) and fundamentally new methods of recreating a virtual prototype of the measured figure. At the moment, an image input system has been created, a method has been developed for recreating the three-dimensional surface of a figure on the screen.


information technology computer-aided design

The process of forming the layout consists in placing patterns on the area of ​​the rectangle (layout window), the length and width of which correspond to the parameters of the flooring. In CAD, there are three different ways (modes) of layout formation: interactive, automatic and combined.

To place the template in the right place in the layout scheme, the operator uses the "installation" and "throwing" techniques.

The work of the operator and the installation mode consists in “capturing” the laid pattern with the cursor and indicating its location in the layout scheme. The system fixes the pattern in the specified location and automatically monitors compliance with the technological conditions of placement: no intersection of the outer contour of the installed pattern with the contours of previously laid patterns, with the boundaries of the deck, with the lines of docking of the deck sections: compliance with the specified technological gaps. If any of the listed requirements is not met, the system does not allow placement of the pattern in the specified location, gives a sound signal to the designer about the need to adjust the placement of the pattern, or automatically performs corrected placement of the pattern in the layout scheme.

In the "throw" mode, the designer places the pattern on any free place on the layout, determines the direction of "throw" with the cursor. The system automatically moves the pattern in the specified direction until it approaches the previously laid patterns by the amount of the technological gap.

Automatic layout generation mode. Automatic patterns are usually laid out much faster than manually. However, not all CAD systems have an automatic pattern layout mode, and even if it is available, it is not always used in enterprises. fabric, does not provide for the use of permissible deviations from the share, the edge of the fabric, does not allow changing the size of the technological gap between the parts in the layout.

As a rule, automatic nesting is less economical (by 2...4%) compared to the interactive one. However, it reduces the cost of human labor and ensures the rational use of production equipment.

Combined layout formation mode - it combines dialog and automatic modes. The operator places large and medium-sized patterns in an interactive mode, and the system stacks small parts automatically. When using automatic placement of small patterns, the reduction in labor costs during the layout is 15-20%. Recently, the combined mode of layout formation is more preferable.

cutting complex


Digitizers are designed to enter the outline of patterns into the design system. The input of the pattern consists in tracing the contour of the pattern fixed on the board with a special pencil.

A variety of digitizers are photodigitizers. The photodigitizer system can use the desktop as a surface for placing patterns. This solution saves time because no need to fix the pattern around the perimeter, but simply lay them out on the surface of the table. With this placement, the camera can be fixed directly on the ceiling or on a conventional photo tripod.

The photo digitizer can automatically:

-highlight the contours of the patterns, converting the lines into Bezier curves with high accuracy,

-define corners and mark them with control points,

-recognize different types of notches (drawn or cut), internal dots or lines. By default, the longest and closest to the center of the pattern line found on the part is defined as a fractional line.

The simplest digitizer is a graphics tablet.



Plotters. Their purpose is large format printing on paper. In the sewing industry, they are used to print patterns and layouts in full size.

The plotter has been and remains the most important and, as a rule, the most expensive link in sewing CAD, which largely determines its reliability and performance. Because as a result, the final product of CAD is a layout of patterns sketched on paper, according to which the fabric flooring is subsequently cut. The need for a plotter disappears if, in addition to CAD, there is an automated nesting system. However, the high cost of such systems makes the profitability for the average domestic manufacturer too high, so the generally accepted and most common standard for domestic production is the CAD configuration with a large-format plotter.

There are two main types of large format plotters: pen and inkjet. The principle of output of pen plotters is based on the sequential sketching of the contours of parts in the layout along their perimeter. If necessary, long layouts are divided into parts, sequentially shifting the paper after the output is completed inside the next “window”. The performance of plotters drops sharply with a large number of small parts, a large amount of symbolic information on the parts.

In inkjet models, the print head moves progressively along the width of the paper, covering a strip of a fixed size in one pass, providing a constant output speed, which is not affected by the density of parts, the shape and size of the patterns, the amount of character information on the patterns.


Automated spreading and cutting machines

Flooring complex

Laying is a key operation in the process of producing the final product and controlling the consumption of materials.

There are two types of cutting machines on the market: with a fixed (stationary) or with a conveyor cutting window. The first type involves laying the fabric on a fixed brush cover, where cutting takes place. This principle is simpler from the point of view of operation and ensuring the quality of the cut - during the AGC operation, the flooring does not shift relative to the cutting window. Due to the need to create a vacuum along the entire length of the deck, this type of AGC is unprofitable to use over long lengths (too high energy consumption).

The second type involves laying the fabric on a separate table, while in the process of cutting the flooring moves relative to the window. On average, the cutting window is 2 m long, which, of course, results in a lower energy class for this type of equipment. With large volumes of output, AGC is moved from one table to another, because. the laying process is much slower than cutting. For machines of this type, a regular, blown or conveyor table is suitable.

There is no one among the CAD developers for WB who can offer an enterprise-wide solution. Despite the fact that some CAD systems today are equipped with separate production planning modules, the latter do not solve the problem of complex automation, but are only an extension of CAD for managing production data about a product. In addition to working with data on products and complete sets used in CAD, systems with additional modules are not designed to solve such problems as directed costing of products or production schedules. The only representative in this demanded niche of branch automation systems is still the Julivi system of the Lugansk company CAD-Legprom. Only in "Julivi" sewing CAD modules are fully implemented, as well as the set of functional modules of the basic automated control system necessary for the automation of the silo in the complex.


Revolutionary changes in the field of electronic computing, namely the emergence of personal computers, have led to the active introduction of new information technologies in the field of design, modern market relations are pushing for the constant improvement of the production process, the search for new effective technologies, the introduction of scientific developments and technical innovations into production, the use of new materials. All this not only expands the boundaries of the designer's creativity, but also makes special demands on his professional knowledge and skills. . Today, when the flow of information is growing exponentially and the methods of processing, storing and presenting information are constantly being improved, a designer cannot succeed as a professional without using computer technology in his scientific and educational practice. The designer's mastery of new information technologies allows him to reach a different level of self-awareness.

Among the literature devoted to the topic of using information technology in interior design, books on mastering the skills of three-dimensional modeling programs should be highlighted. First of all, these are programs such as 3ds max, Coreldraw, AutoCAD, photoshop.

To date, 3ds max is one of the most popular 3D packages and occupies a stable position in the group of leaders in the market for the production of various 3D graphics and special effects, a full-featured professional 3D graphics software system developed by Autodesk Media & Entertainment. Works on Windows operating system (both 32-bit and 64-bit.

For example, the book by Mikhail Marov Encyclopedia 3ds max 6 . The book is equally useful for both beginners and 3D graphics professionals, as it contains help on almost all issues that arise in the course of daily work with 3ds max 6. Beginners will find detailed descriptions of the installation and authorization procedures for the program, as well as basic tools and techniques for creating geometric models, particle systems and sources of volumetric deformations, editing objects using modifiers, creating and adjusting light sources, preparing materials and assigning them to objects, and applying graphic effects to them.

The AutoCAD program is designed to create drawings of projects for various interior items (furniture) or projects for various mechanisms.

The skills of using this program allow you to independently develop various types of drawings and design projects - layouts for the production of kitchen furniture, furniture for home and office, modeling and designing clothes, and much more. For example, the book by Chekatkov A.A. Three-dimensional modeling in AutoCAD. Designer's Guide The book talks about the 3D modeling tools in the AutoCAD system, with the main focus on solid modeling, which allows you to get a complete and intuitive model of a real object at minimal cost. The book covers all popular versions of AutoCAD, starting with AutoCAD 2002 and ending with AutoCAD 2006. The material of the book is based on an example of a training project that accurately simulates a real object. At the same time, the reader is invited to go through all the stages of building a full-fledged three-dimensional model of a complex object: from creating a basic box to performing a photorealistic rendering of a complex scene.


1.Borodaev D. Website as an object of graphic design: Dis. cand. art criticism / D. Borodaev; KHGADI. - Kharkov, 2004. - 232 p. /More details - in the announcement of the monograph "Website as an object of graphic design"/

Sbitneva N. Graphic design of the post-Soviet space in the 1990s / N. Sbitneva // Spring. Hark. state acad. Design and arts. - 2004. - N 1. - S. 121-1126.

Serov S. Styling processes in the Soviet graphic design of the 1960s - 80s: Abstract of the thesis. dis. cand. art history / S. Serov; VNIITE. - M., 1990. - 16 p.

Kaimin V.A. Informatics: Textbook. (Series "Higher education"). - M.: INFRA-M, 2001, 2nd ed., revised. and additional

Marov M., Ecyclopedia 3ds max 6, "Peter", 2006

Chekatkov A.A. Three-dimensional modeling in AutoCAD. Designer's guide, "EKSMO", 2006

Undergraduate 09.03.03 / Master 09.04.03

Undergraduate profiles

Master's programs

"Applied Informatics in Design"

Levels of Education

Bachelor's, Master's

Form and terms of study

Bachelor's degree: full-time - 4 years, part-time - 5 years, part-time - 4 years 11 months, on the basis of vocational education, training is possible in an accelerated period, the training period is reduced by 1 year.

Master's degree: full-time - 2 years, part-time - 2 years 4 months.


Bachelor Master

Entrance tests

informatics and ICT, mathematics, Russian language.

Intensive preparation for the exam, general art training in drawing and composition, olympiads, and further training in the specialty is carried out at.

Specialist field of activity

Design of the information environment of enterprises, institutions, exhibitions, fairs; design of printed products; outdoor advertising design; Web design; design of electronic information messages, informational TV programs and other visual media; software interface design.

Education, practice and internships

In the process of learning, students master the technical aspects of the profession and develop design thinking techniques. To this end, students study the basics of theoretical and applied composition; physics of color; art history; picture; type art and visual communications and a number of other fundamental disciplines. Also, the most important component of training is the theory and practice of content content of information resources. Students receive a modern comprehensive education in the field of information environment design. Industrial practice of students takes place in design studios, advertising and PR agencies, printing houses. There is also an opportunity to participate in international: internships and undergraduate practice in Germany, Italy, China, Poland, Finland; International semester in France, etc.

Employment of graduates

Bachelors can work as user interface developers in design studios, web development specialists, graphic designers. Positions held: IT specialist, CG artist, designer, visualizer, layout designer, web application development specialist, design project manager. Our graduates work in companies such as Exigen Services, the RealWeb group of companies, the Babushka i Medved media center, and many others.

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