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  • Div on the right edge of the page. Aligning text in CSS: the text-align property

Div on the right edge of the page. Aligning text in CSS: the text-align property

How to align a picture to the right

A long paragraph with several sentences. It contains text describing the flagged property and an image to be pressed to the edge of the right side.

It takes the element out of the flow and pushes it to the edge of the parent's left or right side. Elements and text located in the code after a float element flow around it on the opposite side.

Not inherited, applies to all elements. takes an element out of the flow and places it on top of the rest of the content. It can be moved relative to the boundaries of its parent, which has a position value other than static , using the properties top , right , bottom , left . When direction: ltr; the left property takes precedence over the right property, unless the left property is set to auto .

A long paragraph with several sentences. It contains text describing the flagged property and an image to be pressed to the edge of the right side.
Property text-align inherited, applied to block elements.
Aligns all contained inline elements and text horizontally. It does not move the element itself or move blocks, and does not work if given to an inline element. It has several meanings, including right, allowing you to move content to the right.
Property margin-left not inherited, applies to all elements. It has meaning auto, which aligns the block element horizontally. Namely margin-left: auto; pushes the element to the right edge of the parent. This position can be changed by the property margin-right..html">When margin-left: auto; And margin-right: auto; the element is placed centered on the width of the ancestor.
Property float not inherited, applies to all elements. It takes the element out of the flow and pushes it to the edge of the parent's left or right side. Elements and text located in the code after a float element flow around it on the opposite side.
Property position not inherited, applies to all elements. position: absolute; takes an element out of the flow and places it on top of the rest of the content. It can be moved relative to the boundaries of the parent whose value position different from static, using properties top, right, bottom, left. At direction: ltr; property left takes precedence over property right, except when the property left has the meaning auto.
Property display not inherited, applies to all elements..html">tag table, A table-celltd.
Advice: In this example, it’s interesting to see how the picture behaves when the size of the browser window is reduced.

How to align text to the right

Short text on the right

Short text on the right
Related materials:
  1. horizontal html alignment updated
  2. html justification want to update

How to align a block to the right

HTML code

The element does not affect the height or width of the parent, nor does it cause it to overflow.

HTML code

The element does not affect the height of the parent unless the float is cleared.

HTML code

HTML code

How to align multiple blocks to the right

margin: 0 100% 0 -100%; /* you don’t have to add another wrapper, but in the previous style specify transform: translate(-100%, 0); */ background:green; )
HTML code

In this article we will look at how to align an image to the right and left using CSS on a website.

How to align an image to the right in css

To align the image to the right, use the "float:right" property. The float property changes the display of an image (or other element) to a block one, but with some special features: it becomes invisible to other block elements, but at the same time remains visible to the inline ones that wrap around it.

This feature allows you to align an image to the right and left in css, as well as other elements to the edge without using tables and a lot of unnecessary code. Detailed information on how this property works can be found in search engines for the query "float css".

When the image has moved, the text and other elements begin to flow around it closely and in many cases it looks ugly, so add margins using the "margin y1 x1 y2 x2" property. The values ​​"y1 x1 y2 x2" are the paddings at the top, right, bottom and left, respectively.

Incorrect display of floating float elements

As stated above, floating float elements are not taken into account because they are invisible to block tags, so incorrect display may occur:

1 case: the float element extends beyond the boundaries of its parent layer.

Case 2: The title and other content in a block element are not displayed on a new line, but begin to wrap around the parent one with the float type.

How to fix incorrect display of floating float elements

To solve the problem described above, you need to specify the end boundaries of the floating element. Since floated elements are invisible to block elements, you need to use an additional tag that will not wrap around them.

CSS has a clear property that is responsible for preventing flow around floating float elements. The clear property moves the element directly below the float, thereby setting a bottom border and, if necessary, extending the parent block to the end of all float tags.

Any block tag that specifies clear can be used as a border extender.

The clear property can take the following values:

  • none- allow flow around;
  • left- prohibition of flow around on the left side;
  • right- prohibition of flow around on the right side;
  • both- prohibition of flow around on both sides.

The most common way to extend the border to the end of a floating block is to use the tag
, can also be used

without internal content.

Left aligning an image in css

You can align an image to the left in CSS in the same way as to right, but instead of float: right , you write float: left , and instead of indenting from the left edge, set indenting from the right using the margin property.


An example of html code for aligning an image to the right in css (clear is not needed)

Result in browser

Page code (clear property is not needed)

Test page

In the example above, the image is pressed to the right edge and has a left margin of 15 px.

An example of html code on how to align an image to the right in css (clear is needed to expand the border)

Result in browser

Test page

In the example above, the property "border:4px solid #cccccc;" means to make the border 4px thick and the color #cccccc, and padding:10px is the div tag's inner padding of 10px.

Example html code on how to align a picture to the left in css (clear is needed to expand the border)

Result in browser

Page code (with clear property)

Test page



You can place text here...

In the example above, the image is pressed to the left edge and has a margin of 15 px on the top and right.

In programs such as Microsoft Word, for example, you have probably come across tools for horizontal text alignment. You can align text left or right, centered, or justified. The same is true in CSS - text alignment is done using the text-align property and the corresponding values, which are shown in the table:

Example of a style entry:

P ( text-align: left; )

Left, right, and center values ​​Left-aligned text almost always looks good on web pages and is easy to read. Right alignment in European languages, as a rule, is rarely used, but it cannot be called completely useless: this style is useful for beautifully designing captions for photos or quotes, aligning the contents of table cells or small fragments of text. The center value is often used for the same purposes. The justify value Justify text in CSS can be used for printed versions of pages, but it is not recommended to get carried away with this style on web pages designed for display viewing. Why? At first glance, the justified text looks nice and even, like a column in a newspaper. But to stretch the text this way, the browser has to add extra space between words, which can create unsightly gaps in the text that make it difficult to read. In programs designed to prepare data for printing, there is a much finer adjustment of spacing in the text, and also often uses word wrapping, which is not available in many browsers. Therefore, it is necessary to check how justified text looks on web pages, and the first question to ask yourself is: is it easy to read? This is especially true for narrow blocks of text (including mobile versions of pages). Start and end values ​​The start and end values ​​for the text-align property are implemented in CSS3 and work much the same as left and right , but there is a difference. By applying the start value to text that runs from left to right (LTR), the alignment will be left (correspondingly, for text that runs from right to left (RTL), the alignment will be right) . It is logical that the end value works in the opposite way (that is, it aligns LTR text to the right and RTL text to the left). These two values ​​are not supported by some browsers, including Internet Explorer, so unless you absolutely need to use them, we recommend using the left and right values.

The screenshots show examples of using different values ​​for the CSS text-align property:

Screenshot 1: Aligning LTR text to the left using the start value. A similar look can be achieved using the left value.
Screenshot 2: Aligning LTR text to the right using the end value. A similar look can be achieved using the right value.
Screenshot 3: Aligning text to width. With small font and large page/block width, this option for aligning text on a web page looks acceptable.
Screenshot 4: the font size has been increased and the block width has been reduced compared to the previous example. As you can see, ugly gaps have appeared in the text (underlined with a red line).
Screenshot 5: two ways to align text using the example of the mobile version of our tutorial (on the left - text-align: left, on the right - text-align: justify). Try reading the text in both columns and determine which option is more comfortable to read.

You can apply the vertical-align property to text elements. But it performs vertical alignment not relative to the outer element, but relative to its baseline. Therefore, this property is not convenient to use for text alignment.

Table cells

The text-align and vertical-align properties can be used to create alignment within table cells. For cells, vertical-align takes the following values:

vertical-align: middle - in the center (default value)

vertical-align: top - along the top edge

vertical-align: bottom - along the bottom edge

This property vertically aligns all cell content, including text and block elements. And text-align only applies to text. Example:



td ( border: 1px solid Red; width: 200px; height: 180px; )

HTML code:

If you set some indent to auto , the indent will take up all the available space. This allows you to position the block on the right. And if this value is specified for the left and right indentation, then the space is divided in half between them, and the block appears in the center.

In the section on the question CSS: how to align a block (div) to the right? given by the author lightly salted the best answer is you can do this
9.5.1 Positioning a floating object: the "float" property
Value: left right none inherit
Initial value: none
Scope: All movable objects and generated content
Inheritance: no
Percentage assignment: N/A
Devices: visual formatting
This property determines whether the block will be moved left, right, or not moved at all. It can be set for elements that generate blocks that are not absolutely positionable. The values ​​of this property have the following meaning:
The element generates a structure block that is moved to the left. The content is displayed along the right side of the block, starting from the very top (due to the "clear" property). The "display" property is ignored unless it is set to "none".
Similar to the value "left" with the only difference that the content is displayed along the left side of the block, starting from the very top.
The block does not move.

Answer from Kirill is just Kirill[guru]
float: right in the code looks like this CCS. class name (float: right)

Answer from Emmanuel Goldstein[guru]
#your_id (float: right;width: your_size; (supported as a percentage)height: your_size; (supported as a percentage) )

Answer from tales[active]
margin-left: auto is preferable - no need to reset the wrap after the block.

Answer from I-beam[newbie]
without any classes 🙂 div align="right"

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