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Diagnostics of RAM using Windows 7. RAM test

When the blue screen of death appears on your device monitor, it’s time to think about checking the RAM. In addition, the RAM must be tested if the computer reboots on its own or freezes.

Standard tools will help you check RAM on Windows 7, but if you are using a different version of the OS, you will need to download a special program from the Internet. Almost always software failures, which at first glance seem illogical, turn out to be related to RAM problems.

Elimination method

The first verification option does not involve launching additional utilities. It is possible when several sticks of RAM are used. If there is only one, you will need to use an application or another device to check. It is necessary to remove the RAM strips one by one and look at the overall stability of the system. This option is good because it allows you to check the motherboard slots at the same time. If one of the boards functions normally in another device without causing failures, it is quite possible that the cause of the failure is the system board. When, after removing one stick, the computer starts to work normally, it is that stick that is faulty. Therefore, the Windows 7 Memory Test Tool does not need to be run.

It is worth noting that physically removing the strips does not take much time, but checking when using special programs is a longer process. This especially applies to situations where the amount of RAM is large. If you installed a completely new memory module and the blue screen remains even when loading into the BIOS, it is possible that the processor or motherboard does not support the original manufacturer's device. In this case, you need to check the official website of the company that is the manufacturer of the motherboard. You may need to update the latest BIOS firmware.

How to check RAM in Windows 7?

To run a built-in program that can test RAM, you must do the following:

1. Go to “Start”.
2. Go to “Control Panel”.
3. Open Administrative Tools and select Windows Memory Checker.

You should be extremely careful. Before performing the scan, you will need to close all applications and save important documents. When you click on the “Reboot” button, all programs that require additional actions from the user will be forced to end. Next, the computer restarts, after which RAM testing automatically starts. It is performed in two stages. They take a small amount of time if the amount of RAM is two gigabytes and the memory is working. Otherwise, the verification may be delayed. During the testing period, it is recommended to refrain from unnecessary clicks on buttons. If RAM defects are detected, error information will appear at the bottom of the screen. After the Windows 7 scan is completed, the computer automatically restarts and a report is generated on all RAM problems that the system found.


It is worth noting that identifying problems with RAM using Windows 7 tools does not always show high efficiency. To perform more serious and in-depth tests, you will need to use the Memtest86+ program. It is presented in a free version and can be easily used on any device with any operating system. The program is available in three versions:

Bootable ISO (designed to create a bootable disk by burning an image with a CD or DVD drive;
Auto Indtaller For USB Key (not always suitable for older devices);
Pre-Complied for Floppy (an archaic solution for those who do not have USB sockets or a CD writer, but do have a floppy drive).

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

You need to go to the official Memtest86+ website and download the required distribution. After this you will need to unzip it. For these purposes, it is suggested to use 7-zip or the well-known Winrar. When the program launch is completed, you need to select the drive that will become bootable.

Bootable CD/DVD

Sometimes it is impossible to check RAM from a flash drive. The system malfunctions when using a specific flash drive driver. There are also situations when the drive may not be at hand, the BIOS is outdated and is not capable of booting the device from USB devices. In such cases, you have to burn the distribution to disk. The Ultra ISO program is designed for this. Once it is installed, double clicking on any ISO file opens it in this application. Then you need to select the tools menu and the “Burn image” item. Memtest86+ is a small program, so recording will be carried out very quickly.

Memory test

After the distribution package is written to a flash drive or disk, you need to go to the BIOS. This must be done while turning on the computer by pressing the “DEL” button. When the program is launched, you should select the flash drive or CD-ROM you are using in the First Boor Device column. When all steps are completed correctly, the reboot is followed by an automatic memory check. The utility performs nine different tests, but after they are completed, the program goes into a loop and starts all over again. As a rule, the first two or three successful tests make it clear that there are no problems with the RAM.


Often, operating system failures are caused by dust on the system unit. In this case, OS testing is not required. It is necessary to blow through the entire internal space of the device, paying special attention to radiators and slots. It is advisable to remove all devices, excluding the processor, from their sockets and thoroughly wipe the contacts. You should be careful with microcircuits, as the slightest damage to them can lead to malfunctions.

Hello, friends! Faulty RAM can cause unstable operation of the computer and, as a result, loss of data. Symptoms include unexpected reboots or a “blue screen of death.” When diagnosing a desktop computer or laptop, the first thing to do is check the RAM. You don't need to open your computer to do this. It is enough to boot from a disk or from a flash drive (from a memory card at worst)) and perform RAM test. Windows 7 and Windows 8 include a built-in memory test utility. You just need to run it and schedule the test to run either immediately or at the next boot.

In this article we will look in detail at how to test RAM.

As mentioned above, the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems have a built-in memory check utility. This is convenient because it is always at hand and there is no need for third-party programs.

To start, you need to go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administration. Choose

It is also convenient to use the search from the Start menu

A window will open with information - What memory problems can lead to

You have 3 options to choose from: reboot and scan, scan the next time you turn on the computer, or click Cancel.

When you select the first item, the system will immediately reboot and execute RAM test. Before selecting, you must close all open applications.

If you select the second option, the scan will run the next time you turn on the computer. You can try to finish the unfinished work and reboot.

You can also run a RAM test when loading Windows 7/8 by pressing the key F8 and selecting Troubleshooting your computer

Select the user and click OK


The same window opens as under Windows. Click on the recommended first item

The system will reboot and begin testing RAM

To select testing parameters, click F1

We can choose a test suite:

  • Base
  • Ordinary
  • Wide

Basic includes 3 tests used for quick verification. Normal includes additional tests and runs by default. The extended one includes all possible tests prepared by Microsoft and is naturally the longest in terms of time.

To identify problems, a regular RAM test is quite enough.

When you press a key Tab You will be taken to the next control option - Memory Cache. Disabling which will result in accessing RAM directly, which will allow for more accurate testing.

When you press the key again Tab will switch to the last option for selecting the number of repetitions of the RAM test. Used for a more thorough check and allows you to set from 1 to 0 (infinity) passes.

To apply the settings and continue the test, you must press the key F10

If you are just going to install Windows 7 from a disk image, then you can also test the RAM. For this it is necessary.

Press any key

Use the Tab key to select Windows Memory Diagnostic

The RAM test will start but in English

The Status field displays an inspiring inscription - “No errors found yet”)

If any are found, it will be written about it immediately. The results will also be displayed again when loading the operating system if the test was launched from Windows.

Memtest86+ the most popular RAM test

The second, but no less effective, tool for checking RAM is the Memtest86+ program. At the time of writing, the current version is 4.20

You can download this utility from the official website. The archive is downloaded in *.zip format and is intended for installation on a flash drive.

You can also download the image for burning to disk from the official website. You can read how to burn an image to disk in this article.

Let's write the program to a flash drive. To do this, unpack the downloaded archive. If anyone has difficulty with this, please see the article How to open a rar file. We connect the flash drive to the computer and run the unpacked program Memtest86+ USB Installer.exe

Click I agree(I agree to the license agreement)

Select the connected USB flash drive and check the recommended “ticket”

Copy all important data from the USB drive and click Create(Create)

Then click Next

AND Finish

The bootable USB drive is ready.

You can also go into the BIOS and select Boot Menu (F8). Or press F8 immediately upon loading, which will take you to the menu for selecting boot options. You need to choose our flash drive

When booting from a prepared flash drive, the RAM test will begin immediately

In addition to watching the test pass, you can watch:

  • information about the processor and processor cache
  • maximum amount of RAM and its speed
  • information about the chipset and memory parameters
  • settings of the RAM itself (frequency, latency and whether dual-channel mode works)

There is also a table where in the first column you can track the duration of testing. If all tests are successfully passed, 1 will appear in the Pass column instead of 0 and the inscription will be displayed at the bottom

*****Pass complete, no errors, press Esc to exit*****

Click ESC and boot the operating system normally.

If errors are detected during the memory test, a red table will appear with the addresses of the detected problems, and the test will continue.

What to do if problems are detected?

Turn off the computer, take out the RAM and wipe the contacts with a regular eraser. The one we used at school. It is also recommended to blow out the memory connectors on the motherboard.

Carefully! If you have memory modules without heatsinks, do not hold on to the memory chips! You can deform the contact between the chip and the PCB. (Memory chips are black squares or rectangles on colored PCB)

Blow off any remaining rubber on the memory modules and install them into the motherboard.

Repeat the test

If errors appear again, take the modules to a service center under warranty.

If there is no warranty, check each module individually to determine the faulty strip and replace it. (Don't forget that the memory module connector may be faulty. If the memory stick test fails in one slot, check it in another)

If you have a set of 2 or 4 memory sticks, it is recommended to change the entire set.

For more information about memory, see the article How to increase computer RAM?


In this article we figured out how to carry out RAM test.

It is convenient to diagnose memory modules using both the built-in Windows Memory Tester utility and the special program Memtest86+. We learned how to prepare a USB flash drive and burn an image with the program to disk.

And most importantly! Provided measures to take when memory problems are detected.

Video - RAM Test

I will be glad to see questions and suggestions in the comments. I wish you serviceable and reliable memory modules.

Computer failures occur for many reasons. Any system component can be to blame, including RAM. In this article we will tell you how to check your RAM for errors.

What is RAM and what is it used for?

RAM abbreviated as RAM(random access memory) or RAM- in English, random access memory; in slang it is often called “RAM”. Below is one of its options.

The processor performs calculations, but intermediate results need to be stored. Who remembers elementary school: “we write seven, two in our minds.” This is what RAM is for. This is an essential element of any computing machine. Initially, RAM was assembled on magnetic cores and the like, and the amount of information written to it was minimal. Nowadays, RAM is a set of chips with a fairly large capacity. There is another type of memory in computers - ROM(read-only storage device), the BIOS firmware is stored on it.

RAM differs from it in that it depends on the supply voltage; when the PC is turned off, all written bytes are erased. The RAM capacity for modern computing requires a relatively large amount, several GB, and the speed of data exchange is also important. There are two types of RAM - SRAM And DRAM, with static and dynamic access respectively. The first type is based on the fact that each bit is stored in a separate trigger- a cell of two transistors. This type of computer memory places much less information per unit area of ​​the crystal, but is less susceptible to damage, and the recorded data remains unchanged without additional operations until the power is removed from the circuit. It is used most in the internal memory of the processor, called cache and is located on its crystals. We are directly interested in the computer's RAM. It works using dynamic access memory (DRAM), and capacitors are used to store information. This approach allows you to significantly increase the capacity per unit area, but somewhat increases the likelihood of a certain number of storage cells failing in emergency situations, such as “stress” in the form of overvoltage, overheating, and the like.

Symptoms of RAM Damage

Signs that there may be problems with RAM are frequent computer crashes into the blue screen of death for XP; for Windows 8, 10 it can be black.

Moreover, most often failures occur when working with resource-intensive applications, such as games and graphic editors. The error codes change all the time. You may also experience some fuzzy flickering on the screen. The computer may not boot at all, producing sound signals; they can be deciphered according to the instructions for the motherboard. But all these signs do not necessarily indicate RAM; the video card or processor, or a low-power power supply may be to blame. It is worth conducting a Windows RAM test; it will help localize the cause of the problem. In addition, knowing that the RAM is to blame, you can easily carry out repairs yourself. Sometimes the cause of the failure is not even in the memory clearing chip itself, but in poor contact on the connector.

RAM test on computers with Windows 7 and higher

This operating system has built-in tools that check RAM for errors. Therefore, it is not necessary to search for and install third-party software. The process itself takes a little time. It is also worth noting such a feature of Windows 7 (64- or 32-bit) and newer versions as self-diagnosis, that is, if it detects problems in the system, it itself will offer to test the RAM. If you see such a message, you should not refuse.

You can also check the performance of the RAM manually; to do this, we use one of the following methods:

The program asks when to check, now or the next time you turn on the computer. Select the desired option. At the same time, do not forget that when you reboot, we risk losing all unsaved files. The program automatically turns on forced closing of applications, without giving time to cancel the decision. Therefore, we take precautions and correctly close all running programs. Windows closes and the verification procedure begins.

By pressing the F1 key you can select additional scan options:

Navigation in the menu is carried out using the Tab keys to move between items and arrows to select an option. We enter the number of passes on the numeric keypad, first removing the standard two. Launch after selecting test parameters using F10.

The memory check process will begin; depending on the amount of RAM, it will take up to half an hour. At the same time, the progress of the process is constantly displayed on the screen: what percentage is checked, what pass is being made, whether problems are found. If you need to interrupt the test (you urgently need a computer), press ESC. After an interruption, you will have to start all over again, including the blocks you have already completed.

When the program finishes, the computer will automatically start the operating system. Moreover, it takes her more time than with the standard procedure. After booting the PC, on Taskbars A notification about the scan results will appear. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that it may not appear at all if no problems are detected, but is displayed only for a couple of minutes. If you run the check and go to the kitchen to drink tea, you might miss it. In this case, “” in the menu will help Control panels In chapter " Administration" We find there " Windows logs" among them " System" and in the information list " MemoryDiagnostics-Result».

How to check RAM using utilities

To check the RAM for functionality on a PC or laptop running Windows XP and an earlier version (there are still some), you need to use special programs. In addition, many of these programs offer a broader range of tests than the standard Microsoft tool. On the Internet, most of them can be downloaded quickly and free of charge. When choosing, you need to consider the following factors:

  • There are programs that run from Windows. It’s easier to work with them - downloaded, installed, some work without installation, checked. But they are not suitable for cases where there are problems with the operating system. Also, checking from BIOS is more accurate. True, you will need to copy them to a flash drive or disk.
  • Many utilities, especially those created a long time ago, cannot work with more than four GB of RAM. If there is more memory (64 bit versions allow this), then you will have to check it in parts, removing the strips, and this is unnecessary trouble.

As an example, let's look at how to work with one of the common free utilities or similar programs. It is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions:

The design of the window in which the test results are displayed may be different, but everything should be clear intuitively.

If problems are found

Minor damage to the RAM may not affect the operation of the computer, it will simply reduce the amount of memory and slightly reduce performance. But if problems have already arisen, and the memory test shows a malfunction, repairs are necessary. Of course, if the computer is under warranty and sealed, then we contact the service center or the seller. If not, and you are confident in your capabilities, then you can make the repairs yourself. We perform the following actions:


We will be glad if our short article helped you check your computer’s RAM and solve problems that arise with it. We told you how to check your computer's RAM using methods built into the operating system. We also considered that to check the RAM of outdated versions of Windows, you need to use special software, which has many additional features and can be used on newer versions. For example, the Memtest86+ RAM testing program was taken.

Video on the topic

Hello, dear readers, Trishkin Denis is in touch.
A computer consists of several key circuit boards and components. One of them is RAM. In case of problems with the PC, this element in most cases is not the source. However, there are still times when you need to check your RAM in Windows 7 first, and only then try other tools.

Random access memory (RAM or random access memory) is the part of a computer system that stores executable code and intermediate data currently being processed by the processor. She is volatile. This element is considered one of the key ones, and therefore the computer cannot operate without it.

If problems occur with this component, it usually manifests itself in two processes: Windows constantly restarting or the appearance of a blue screen of death.


What to do?( )

First you need to find out whether the emerging instabilities are associated with this particular component or with others. This will allow you to understand what needs to be done next.

If there is a RAM problem, there are only two options:

    1 Component burned out. In this option, when turned on, all coolers begin to rotate, but nothing else happens.

    2 The element works partially. Failures could occur in one or more chips. Here the situation will not be so obvious. The operating system can run for some period of time, loading RAM. In this case, when running a resource-intensive program, Windows will reboot, freeze, or show the screen of death.

In the first case, everything is clear - you need to replace the component. In the second, first you need to fully test your memory for errors. This can be done using a standard system application or a special program.

Built-in solution on Windows( )

If you manage to boot the OS, then this element is not burned out. To find out the specific causes of failures, you need to run the appropriate performance test program.

For this:

In addition, you can run the diagnostic wizard the next time you start Windows. To do this, in the OS boot manager you need to click " Tab" and select " Diagnostics


What to do if errors were found?( )

You need to immediately understand that it will not be possible to correct the error and return everything as it was before. If faulty components are found, you must contact the place of purchase. It's good if the device is covered by a warranty. Otherwise, the chance of replacing the damaged module is minimal.

Interesting to know! In Windows, if you identify a RAM problem, it is recommended that you contact the component manufacturer directly to obtain all the necessary information to resolve the error.

Extra options( )

If you suspect that there are some problems with the RAM memory, it is recommended to run diagnostics with standard parameters. But at the same time, you can customize the process in detail. As already mentioned, to do this you need to click “ F1».

In the window that appears, install:

To proceed to setting the next parameter, click " Tab" To return - " Esc" Having specified everything you need, click “ F10" and testing will begin.


Memtest test program( )

This product is considered the best for testing RAM. It is compatible with the latest versions of Windows, starting with Vista. To identify RAM problems, this application runs eight different tests one at a time. Each of them is designed to test its own area, including the frequency of operation. For the program to function correctly, you need to make a boot disk or flash drive.

To do this, we find a program that is already offered in the *.iso image. After this, you need to write it to a disk or portable storage device by running the downloaded imageUSB program file.


Then we insert the disk or flash drive into the computer and reboot. We need to set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive or use the boot menu - for a more detailed explanation of how to do this, use. After that, we save, reboot and we are thrown into the testing window.


Important! Diagnosis should be carried out only in this way. If you decide to try to check the RAM from Windows, this may lead to a premature reboot. As a result, you will not achieve the desired results.

If errors are detected, red lines appear on the monitor, indicating all the necessary information.


It is also necessary to clarify that if you use several memory sticks, you need to check them one by one. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to determine which module has failed.

It must be remembered that although RAM is not considered the “heart” of the computer, it is nevertheless an important node, which is also supplied with voltage for operation. Therefore, any overvoltage in the system has a negative impact, as well as on other elements.

In case of constant use of the computer under heavy loads, many experts recommend installing an additional number of coolers on the case - as many as will fit on the rear panel. This will help cool not only the memory sticks, but also other elements.

In addition, on the technology market today you can find additional components for cooling RAM. They are:

It should be noted that in addition to problems associated with production or operation, RAM may stop working due to one more common ailment - dust. In this case, the computer sometimes does not start at all and even produces sounds, the designations of which are simply impossible to find in any user manual.

Computer builders often install RAM cards in the first slots, which are closest to the processor, when building a new machine. If you notice this in yourself, it is advisable to move them further away. To enable dual-channel mode, you can install them in slots of the same color. This should increase the speed of work.


Dust accumulates most near areas where fans are installed. Therefore, it is the first connectors that are most exposed to dust.
Personally, at some point my computer showed a blue screen of death. At that time I did not yet know what to do with him. I started from the principle " turn off/on" or " disconnect/connect" And then I reinstalled the bar further, having first cleared it and the slots from the stick. Everything worked and I didn’t get any more BSOD because of this.

Dust is, in fact, the enemy of all electronics. To clean it, you can use a brush or a soft brush. It is imperative to thoroughly clean the recesses in the connectors and the contacts themselves on the board. You can also use a soft eraser for this procedure. After applying it to metal parts, you can immediately notice that they will become lighter.

Damage due to a virus( )

It is worth mentioning separately that there are some viruses whose action can lead to failure of RAM memory. Fortunately for many users, this program is not widespread on the World Wide Web, and it can be found extremely rarely. In addition, antiviruses try to look for such software not only on individual devices, but also on the Internet, cleaning it out. This only proves once again that it is better to have a security program on your PC.


Another surefire method is to use only proven resources. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to realize that you have already left the borders " safe internet» in search of the information you need.

RAM, although not considered the most important component in a computer, nevertheless, not a single machine will work without it. It is a device that operates in the device longer than other components. Despite this, there are still situations when this element fails.

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From time to time, many users want to perform such an interesting operation as checking RAM.

The fact is that very often in the Windows operating system, RAM cannot cope with the load placed on it, although, judging by its volume, it should.

In other words, the computer does not produce the speed that it should, based on the amount of RAM.

In general, this is far from the only problem that arises with memory in Windows operating systems.

A classic “blue screen” may occur, the system may constantly freeze, which is very inconvenient for work, and so on.

There may also be compatibility issues. In any case, sometimes the above check would still need to be performed. We'll look at how to do this on different OS versions below.

Let's say right away that there are standard tools and special utilities for checking RAM.

Standard means

This method is available on Windows 7, 8 and Vista. We'll talk more about Windows XP and Windows 10 later. For now, let's focus on the standard RAM tester.

In general, it is worth saying that this most standard tool in the above-mentioned systems runs automatically from time to time.

That is, a system performance test is carried out regardless of whether the user wants it or not.

But users have the option to run this check manually. To do this, they need to take the following actions:

  • Launch the “Start” menu and in the search bar (highlighted in red in Figure 1) enter the query “operational”.
    As we see in the same figure, to download the search results we need, it will be enough to enter only “operational” or even fewer letters of the corresponding query.
    Surely the item “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems” will be one of the first places among the search results. Actually, we should launch it. This is done by simply clicking the left mouse button on this very item.

Tips: If we can’t find the program we need, we can enter the query “memory” and open the “Memory Checker” in exactly the same wayWindows" The query “mdsched" This is exactly the same standard memory tester. Only in these cases will the found programs need to be run as an administrator. This is done very simply - you just need to right-click and select “Run as administrator” from the drop-down menu (highlighted in Figure 2).

  • In the window that appears, select the option we need. And there only two of them will be available - perform the check now or after the next time you turn on the computer.
    The first option assumes that the program will perform a forced reboot and, after turning it on, will actually perform the required test.

You can understand that the standard memory checker requires that the computer be turned off, and the test is carried out when it is turned on.

In most cases, users choose the first option.

As for how to find the results of the program, they can be seen when you turn on the computer.

In the Quick Launch panel you will see the icon shown in Figure 4.

By clicking on it, you can see the results of checking for errors in performance, compatibility, loading speed and other memory parameters.

If any problem is identified, it is best to contact the manufacturer.

It is better if at this time the computer is still under warranty. Otherwise, it is better to take the computer in for repair.

Additional utility memtest86+

In addition to the standard tool described above, there is more than one special utility for checking RAM.

All of them can be easily downloaded and some of them are even in Russian. This option is just right for Windows 10 and Windows XP.

Such programs also do an excellent job of their main task, that is, checking for errors. But according to many users, the best of them is memtest86+.

This program provides the most accurate data and can work on a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows 7, 10, Vista, and so on.

You can download memtest86+ very quickly online. The entire process of using this program from start to finish is as follows:

  • Download memtest86+ from the official website. The link is as follows: There we will have several download options available:
    • in .gz format for the Linux operating system and similar ones (in Figure No. 5 it is underlined with a red line);
    • in .zip format in order to then burn the image to a regular CD or DVD disc (underlined with a green line);
    • in .exe format for writing to a flash drive (blue line).

  • After this, you will need to write the downloaded image to a flash drive or to a regular disk so that later, when the system starts, these files can run.
    Everything here is very simple - if you downloaded .zip, then use standard means to write the file to disk, if .exe, then dump it onto a flash drive, deleting everything else from it. And if you downloaded .gz, then we just launch it.
  • After recording, you need to set the BIOS to boot from the recording media. To do this, you need to make sure that the system checks when starting up to see if there is anything in the drives and connectors.
    For this to happen, we restart the computer and when it starts, press the Delete button (on some computers F2). This will take us to the BIOS.
    There we look for an item whose name includes the word “Boot” (for example, in Award BIOS it is called “Advanced BIOS Features” - shown in Figure No. 6).

There we look for the “Boot Sequence” item (again, the name may change depending on the version).

In the window that appears, we see a list of all available media from which downloading can occur. The name of the flash drive will include “USB”, and the name of the disk will appear “CD/DVD”.

We need to click on the first item, that is, “1st Boot Device” and select the desired drive in the window that appears. In the example given, this is a flash drive, that is, a USB drive.

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