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Children's browser Gogul based on Mozilla Firefox. Free Russian kids browser gogul

The problem of a safe Internet for children is very relevant these days. The child returns home after school and is completely on his own. While his parents are at work, he can freely play on the computer and use the Internet. The games that the child plays can be controlled, the Internet is another matter - in two clicks a child can be on the "18+" website and see scenes that are beyond the understanding of even an adult, or worse, find pictures on the Internet with scenes of violence, beatings, etc. etc. That negatively affects the child's psyche, which has not yet fully formed.

An older child can be attracted by bright advertisements of various sweepstakes, online casinos, fortune telling and horoscopes, which are fraudulently forced to send SMS and much more. We cannot prohibit a child from using the Internet all the time, but try to protect him from the negative influence of the worldwide network. For this you need to devote only a little time.

1. Standard Windows 7 tools for installing parental controls.

The first step is to go to the control panel and select "Parental Control".

The second step - if we do not have an account for the child, we create one (regular user). The administrator (you) must have a password, otherwise the child will quickly bypass the restrictions.

We go into the account and enter the required parameters.

Options are available: time limit, launching games, launching programs.

The third step is to set up the working time at the computer for each day of the week.

The fourth step is to set a limit for games. It is possible to block the launch of all games or select a category of games that matches the age of the child. The classification is carried out according to the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). For children of primary school age, games of class "E" correspond to the scenes of mischief, and for teenagers "T", with moderate scenes of violence and swearing.

If the classification does not suit you, you can manually adjust the parameters for games.

The fifth step - we indicate the programs that the child can run.

To hide potentially harmful content from children while surfing the Internet, special browser add-ons are used. With their help, you can both block access to certain sites and hide ads that are not intended for children's eyes.

The Opera browser has a site blocking mechanism, but you will have to manually configure it and add unwanted websites. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated as new ads appear, which is not very convenient. For this, there are complex automated solutions with ready-made bases of advertising links and ads. Having installed such a plug-in for your browser and there will be no trace of advertising, and if something remains, you can always add such an advertisement to the black list.

List of plugins for the most popular browsers.

Opera AdBlock- the plugin is on the site

Adblock plus- for Mozilla Firefox download on the website

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Google chrome- you can choose AdBlock or Adblock Plus in the application store

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Simple adblock for Internet Explorer you will need to download it from the official site.

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3. Blocking unwanted sites.

The above plugins allow you to get rid of ads on the pages, but they cannot block unwanted content on the pages or prevent a child from visiting a particular site. To filter out unwanted sites by their content, you need additional browser tools.

Firefox - plugin FoxFilter, download it from

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Google Chrome - plugin WebFilter Pro

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WebFilter Pro has a large database of sites of questionable content, which has a very positive effect on filtering out and blocking sites with impartial images and texts.

In the plugin settings, you need to select the categories (sites for adults, gambling, weapons and bad habits) for which sites will be blocked. If you see fit, you can additionally block social networks and browser games.

If a child goes to a site on the Internet that falls under the selected categories, he will see only the next message.

And to prevent the child from unblocking the site and making changes to the filter settings, access to it can be password-protected. Moreover, you can specify the email address in the settings. To which notifications will be sent when a child tries to enter a particular site from the black list.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, unfortunately, WebFilter Pro, no matter how excellent it works, still sometimes skips sites. So let's move on to the next steps.

4. Setting up parental control in antivirus software.

The parental control function in antivirus software is available only for paid versions. Let's take a look at setting up parental controls using an example. Kaspersky Internet Security

Launch the antivirus by double clicking on the icon and in the window that appears, select "Parental Control" and set a password to prevent the child from changing the program parameters without the parents' knowledge. We select the account that belongs to the child. We press the enable button and configure the parameters.

The following options are available:

Account settings - customizable appearance (avatar) and you can assign a nickname. You should also make sure that the checkbox is checked (enable user control).

Use of the computer - the time spent at the computer is configured, it is possible to specify rigidly days and periods in time. In this case, the child is allowed to use the computer only 12-00 to 14-00 and from 18-00 to 20-00. And on weekends, it is allowed from 11 to 21 hours.

The additional parameter "limit use during the day" - allows you to set the time that the child can spend at the computer during the day. For example, you have set the possible working time from 11-00 to 18-00, but it is additionally possible to limit the duration by setting the working time, for example - 5 or 7 hours. And although the time range is 9 hours, the child will not be able to spend more than the specified time.
The time spent by the child at the computer can be viewed in the reports.

Launching programs - allows you to create a list of programs that will be blocked for launch. The program can also be blocked by time, for example, to allow using Skype or some kind of toy only from 17-00 to 20-00

Click on the "Add" button and in the window that appears, select the program we need from the list or specify the path of its location on the hard disk.

Internet use - the function is similar to "Computer use", we adjust the time according to which the child can turn on the Internet. You can limit in time, for example, spend no more than 3 hours a day.

Website visits - restricts visits to websites that fall under the selected categories. With the help of these settings, the child can be protected from a number of negative information on the Internet.

This menu item also allows you to "Deny visiting all websites, except for those allowed in the list of exclusions." In other words, the child can open only those sites that you indicated in the list, others will not be available to him. These sites need to be added to the list by clicking on the "Exclusions" button.

Downloading files - you can prevent downloading of certain types of files. In order to protect against viruses and Trojans, it is recommended to disable (programs and archives). Video and music at your discretion, if the Internet is unlimited.

IM-correspondence - blocking unwanted contacts in popular chat programs (ICQ, QIP, Mail.Ru, Skype and others).

Social networks - permission to chat with certain contacts. It will be possible to add a contact only after the child is active in a particular social network. In the reports, you can view the correspondence with the selected contact. Social media contains a lot of information that is not intended for children.

Personal data - a child may, due to inexperience, send personal information to other people: home address, phone numbers, credit cards and much more. By entering the necessary information into the register, you will be able to prevent its transfer to third parties.
To do this, pre-form them and add them to the list by clicking the "Add" button.

Keywords - making a list of words, such as vodka, gambling, etc. You will be able to track the searched for their child and on which sites.

Parental control is configured in the same way for other antiviruses.

5. Gogul is a children's web browser.

For junior schoolchildren, I would like to highlight the wonderful federal program for safe children's Internet - Gogul. (

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). By downloading and installing a component for Mozilla Firefox? You will turn your usual browser into a cute internet browser for kids. But the main feature of this project allows the child to use useful Internet resources for learning and development. To do this, set the site as the home page

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... "Internet and Children" is a directory of sites for children, which are carefully selected and grouped by subject.

First of all, we go to the Gogul website. ( and register to create a personal account. In your personal account, you can set up the schedule for using the Internet, configure the list of allowed sites, view statistics on visited websites, etc.

The second step is to add child accounts and set up internet use.

Installing the add-on "Gogul" - download the add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser from the official website. (Pre-download and install this browser if you do not have it). During the download, a request will appear for permission to install the add-on - we agree.

After the installation process of "Gogul" is completed, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop. At the first start, you will need to enter the email address and password specified during registration, and then click the "Activate" button

During the launch of Gogul's children's web browser, a list of children's accounts will be clearly indicated and how much time is left for anyone to use the Internet today.

We also recommend downloading a small program on this site that prevents the launch of other web browsers besides Gogul, and also has other useful functions (restricting access to folders, files and removable media) to restrict the child's access to the computer.

Let's summarize.

1. For the introduction of restrictions for the child to work on the computer, you must create a separate account.
2. Use add-ons for browsers if you do not have a paid version of the antivirus.
3. Use a comprehensive solution by configuring your antivirus.
4. For children of primary school age, set up a children's Internet Gogul.

All this will take you a little time, but you can to some extent protect your child from the negativity of the Internet, as well as control the time spent at the computer while you are at work.

Unfortunately, sooner or later, the child will still face this problem - friends on the computer, children at school can "enlighten" using a tablet or smartphone. It all depends on the parents' approach to this issue and the methods of upbringing. It is necessary to have time to instill the correct moral principles in the child before the "street" teaches him to perceive everything completely differently.

Gogul is a children's browser designed for safe Internet access for minors. Designed to help parents keep their kids safe from harmful content and unwanted web pages.

Children's browser Gogul was made in cooperation with child psychologists and experienced teachers from Russia. The browser has its own directory of more than 7 thousand safe sites, which are aimed at the development and training of the child.

For the children's browser to work correctly, you must first install the Mozilla Firefox browser, and then install the Gogul extension on top of it.

Also, the web browser blocks all potentially dangerous sites and allows you to search the Internet only within the approved information and according to the specified criteria. The program is free. You can download it freely.

Protection of children from unwanted pages can be enabled in this browser by installing an additional extension through the Menu.

The New Generation company, which acted as a developer, produced software under the federal program aimed at child development. The project was funded in the amount of 15 million rubles. After free testing, the program was included in the list of the best programs of 2009 according to the PC Magazine Russian Edition.

The software is based on Mozilla Firefox and is its extension. To install Gogul, you need to download the Firefox browser at least version 5 for free, and then install the children's add-on.

Gogul has rich opportunities for adult control, including:

  1. Restricting access for prohibited folders and drives;
  2. Establishing the maximum allowed time for using the Internet;
  3. Drawing up a weekly schedule of use;
  4. Personal account for parents;
  5. Registration of all sites viewed by the child in the personal account of the parents;
  6. The ability to block sites by adults and the addition of the list of allowed.

Gogul children's browser can be downloaded for free from the official website at the link below immediately after the description.

To start using Gogul, you need to register, where you are asked to specify the mailbox address and come up with a password and activate. After registering and entering the created personal account, you should start setting up the children's page. It is possible to register several children at once. When creating a child account, you need to specify the name and surname of the baby, date of birth and come up with a password for the child.

All approved sites are divided into 4 categories:

  • Learn.
  • Communicate.
  • Take a walk.
  • Play.

When registering, you can create a schedule for using the Web. For example, children will be able to surf the Internet Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. You can also set the maximum allowed time of continuous work in the browser, for example, 2 hours.

The Gogul browser is indispensable for parents who want their child to keep up with the times and be able to use new technologies from an early age. The software is completely free, and in order to download it it will take less than one minute, the volume of the installation module is about a megabyte. You also need to download the free Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0+ if it is not already installed on the system.

For parental control and restricting children online from inappropriate content. Developed by the Russian company "New Generation" and is intended for use by parents who want to limit and control in detail the surfing of their children on the Internet.

Looking like a standalone browser, Gogul has its own directory of "white" websites that are allowed to be viewed by children, blocking access to resources not included in this directory. When you enter a URL into the address bar of your browser or when you click on a link, Gogul checks the entered address to see if it is in the directory of available resources, and, if it is not there, prohibits the transition to the site.

Application settings and settings are managed in the parent's personal account, to gain access to which you need to register on the add-on website. Children's Internet browser "Gogul" also implies the possibility of expanding the existing catalog of permitted resources - by entering the personal account, a parent can independently add a website or websites that he wants to open access to for his child.

For each child, personal settings for parental control are possible: duration, time spent online and a list of allowed resources. The application also keeps detailed minute-by-minute statistics of the sites visited by the child.

If you wish, you can use the application for unlimited surfing on the Internet - for this, you need to specify the option "Everything is allowed" in the settings of the child's account, in this mode "Gogul" will only collect statistics of visited sites for subsequent parental control.

Features of "Gogul"

  • Safety

The safety of the child on the Internet is ensured by the presence of its own catalog of children's sites, checked by teachers and psychologists and recommended for viewing.

  • Reporting

Gogul keeps statistics of visited sites for parents to control, and can also limit the time a child spends on the Internet.

  • Benefit

Children's browser Gogul allows you to create an access schedule, that is, programming the limitation of the duration of the child's use of the Internet by days of the week. Also, parents can get a detailed report on which sites their children have visited, and add or remove sites from the list of sites available for viewing.

The selection of resources, photo and video materials admitted to Gogul is carried out by a specially created team consisting of parents, professional child psychologists and teachers from various regions of Russia.

Instructions for using "Gogul"

  • Parent registration

Registration of a parent is necessary to gain access to the Personal Account: create a schedule for using the Internet, set up a list of allowed sites, view statistics on sites visited by a child, and much more. Fill in the fields provided, enter your email address - it will be your username, choose a password. Pay attention to the correct spelling of the e-mail address - a letter will be sent to it to confirm the registration. Immediately after filling out the form, a letter will be sent to the specified address with a link, after clicking on which the parent account will be registered.

  • Adding child accounts

After successful activation, you can start adding children's accounts to the parent's Personal Account. Enter the child's name, gender, date of birth, upload a picture (or select one of the standard ones). You can also configure the maximum duration of Internet use per day, access schedule for the days of the week, change the list of allowed sites. The transition to the Personal Account is possible via or from the "Gogul" toolbar.

  • Download and install the browser
  • Installing add-on "Gogul"

To install "Gogul", click on the "" button at the top of the page. Then click on the "Allow" button that appears in the upper right corner of the browser. In the appeared window "Install the software" click the "Install now" button. After successful installation, accept the restart prompt.

  • Activation

After installing Gogul, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on the desktop. At the first start, enter the email address and password specified during registration and click on the "Activate" button

  • Usage

Each time you start Gogul, a window with a list of child accounts entered by the parent in the Personal Account will be displayed. Safe travel on the Internet will begin as soon as you select the child under whose account the session is started. The time available for using the Internet today is displayed next to the account name.

One of the serious problems faced by modern parents is the need to protect their children from a large amount of information coming mainly from the Internet. Indeed, at present, almost everyone at home has a computer or laptop with access to the worldwide network.

And at a certain stage of development, the child, observing adults, will also want to walk through the sites, examine the contents of their pages.

Well, the sites, as you understand, are very different. There are useful informational or entertainment resources, and there are resources exclusively for adults. Getting to the sites of the second type and studying their content can negatively affect the child.

To protect children from most of the dangers of the Internet, a special children's browser called Gogul (which, by the way, is a Russian development) was created. In principle, Gogul cannot be called a full-fledged browser, since it only works in conjunction with Mozilla Firefox, but this in no way diminishes its advantages.

To get started, you must have Firefox browser installed. If this is not the case, you can install it for free from the official website

And then Gogul is installed as an add-on to this browser. It was created with the support of the Federal Safe Children's Internet Program. You can download the children's browser from the official website:

Installation of Gogul

Rice. 1 Children's browser Gogul

1) To download the Gogul browser, click on the big green button at the top of the page (Fig. 1).

2) A pop-up window will appear with a warning "Install add-ons only from those authors you trust" and below there will be a button "Install now". Click on it.

3) After installation, a window will appear with the message "Gogul will be installed after you restart Firefox" and below the button "Restart now".

4) A new "Gogul" will appear on the desktop:

Rice. 2 Gogul's label

5A) By clicking on this shortcut, either everything will go well for you and you will proceed to register a parent account.

5B) Or a window will appear indicating that the operating system has problems finding the firefox.exe file. In this window, you will be prompted by clicking on the "Browse" button to find this file yourself.

5C) Before clicking on the "Browse" button, you need to find on your computer where the firefox.exe file is located.

To do this, we find the shortcut of the Mozilla browser on the Desktop, or through the Search button.

Click on it with the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, click on the "Properties" option. The "Properties" window will open (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Determine the location of the Mozilla browser

5D) Return to step 5B, click on the "Browse" button and find there C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Mozilla Fifefox \ firefox.exe. (You may have a different path.)

After that, Gogul's shortcut will appear on the computer desktop (Fig. 2).

Registering a parent account

After clicking on the shortcut, the window for activating the main parent account "Parent registration" will open, which must be completed once.

Here we indicate:

  • your e-mal (number 1 in Fig. 4),
  • password and
  • press the button "Activate" (number 3 in Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Register a parent's account in Gogul

Then we go to our mail. We find the letter there:

We open the letter, click on the link available there, thereby confirming our registration. In general, everything is according to the standard.

Registering an account for a child

So, after successfully logging into your personal account, you can start setting up a children's profile. To do this, click on the "Children's accounts" button (number 3 in Fig. 5) and click on the "Add account" button.

Rice. 5 Personal account in Gogul

After registering the parent's personal account, you must go to your personal account. This is where you create and set up an account for your child. To do this, open the "Children's accounts" button and click on the green "Add account" button. You can register one child or several children.

In particular, you can specify

  • name (number 1 in Fig. 6),
  • surname (number 2 in Fig. 6),
  • date of birth (number 3 in Fig. 6),
  • password (you can set it, but you can not do it - number 5 in Fig. 6),
  • set the maximum duration of daily Internet surfing (for example, 2 hours - number 4 in Fig. 6),
  • set the time during which the child will be able to use the Internet (for example, 2 hours from 13.00 to 17.00 - number 6 in Fig. 6, but I have not made these settings, so all the fields are green).

Rice. 6 Registering a child's account

You can also edit the list of sites allowed to visit. By the way, at the time of installation, there are already about 7,000 allowed sites in Gogul's database. And you can add to this list.

  • "Play",
  • "Take a walk"
  • "Communicate"
  • "Learn."

If the child goes in the wrong place, the words "Site blocked" or "Nothing found by request" will appear. For example, when you go to the site, a message appears stating that the site is blocked. You can add a site to the list of allowed sites. To do this, in your personal account, you will need to go to the “Your lists of sites” tab and add the site to the list of allowed sites.

Parental control options in Gogul

In the personal account there is an option "View statistics", which allows you to find out exactly which sites the child has visited, how much time he spent on them, etc. Statistics are available by day, week, month.

The "Event Log" section allows you to see exactly which programs were launched by your child, which keys were pressed at the same time. However, for this section to work properly, the above Angry Duck extension must be installed.

The Angry Duck program can be downloaded from here - (on this page there is a link to the current version). The installation is standard. The only thing that is required of you is to specify your (parental) username and password. They may differ from the login and password in Gogul itself.

Once installed, launch Angry Duck and go to the tab called "Account". Enter your email and browser password here. After confirming them, click the "Apply" button. Parental access to Angry Duck is now enabled.

Go to the "General" tab, put a checkmark in front of "Launch programs", as well as "Keystroke log". You can also enable autostart of the extension here.

The section "Access to files" prohibits the use of certain programs installed on the PC. For example, you can prohibit the use of all other browsers - IE, Opera, Firefox, etc. The child will not be able to access the Internet with their help.

The "Working hours" tab contains settings similar to those of the browser itself. At the very end, do not forget to turn on parental control by clicking on the button of the same name. To disable control, you will need to enter the parental password.

You can use the Gogul browser only after authorization. To do this, click on the browser shortcut and select the child's account in the window that appears. You created the login and password for this account yourself during the initial configuration of the browser.

How to disable or remove Gogul

Gogul is an add-on to the Mozilla browser, so in Mozilla, click on the "Open Menu" button (number 1 in Fig. 6). Click on the "Add-ons" option (number 2 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7 Mozilla Menu and its Supplements

As a result, a complete list of all installed add-ons will open before us:

Rice. 8 How to disable or remove baby Gogul from Mozilla

Opposite the Gogul add-on, click on the "Disable" button (number 1 in Fig. 8), if you need to temporarily disable it. After that, Gogul will be disabled and the "Enable" button will appear so that, if necessary, it can be turned on again. In this case, you do not need to install and configure Gogul again.

If Gogul is no longer needed, click on the "Delete" button (number 2 in Fig. 8). This add-on will be removed from Mozilla.

If the child grew out of a child's browser

There is a remote access program Ammyy Admin, which works in hidden mode. With its help, you can "spy" online what a teenager is doing on a computer, while no one will notice anything.

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