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Children and Gadgets: Execution cannot be pardoned. Influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)

Oksana Agarkova
Social dependence of preschool children on gadgets

Life "Presented" we have one more psychological problem - gadget addiction(from the English gadget, which means "Technical novelty"). The situation really happened absurd: gadgets created, in order to serve a person, but in fact they often subjugate a person to themselves. It is especially dangerous when it appears gadget addiction in children. Gadget addiction in children- serious problem.

Phones, tablets, game consoles, computers, televisions - these are things that modern children cannot do without. Can parents? How many of us are those who spend at least one day without these devices? I think no! What then can you expect from children?

Many parents specifically give their children gadgets... Objectives can be different: for the development of the child, suppressing his whims and tantrums, while waiting in lines for a long time or to carve out some free time for himself. At the same time, acquaint the child with gadgets they start from the first year of life. And in vain! Since early preschool age the child has a special emotional relationship with loved ones. This is the time when the role of a loving parent is irreplaceable and any "Electronic nannies" can irreversibly harm the child by forming autistic traits in his behavior.

During the period preschool childhood, the child learns the most important skill - role play, during which he reproduces the behavior of adults. In play, the child, first emotionally and then intellectually, masters the entire system of human relations, and the meaning of actions and actions is formed from the attitude towards another person.

A computer game, performed by preschooler, has another psychosocial structure.

For a computer game are characteristic:

The predominance of mechanical adherence to the game protocol with immersion in the polysensory world of sounds and vivid color effects;

Repeated repetition of an action to achieve a result;

Poorly meaningful progress in difficulty levels;

Attempts to catch, sort or collect something, overcoming obstacles of the same type, destroying obstacles on the way.

Such a game does not require high intellectual potential, creativity, the ability to talk, negotiate and cooperate, show personal spiritual and moral qualities. At the same time, she attracts the child with sensory effects, the illusion of controllability ( "I want - I will turn on, I want - I will turn off", a primitive script that is understandable without words, the ability to fill your own leisure time, whatever from friends and parents.

A child's play on a computer or tablet does not require the parent's emotional involvement in this process, his participation, help and assistance, which is reflected in the degree of child-parental affection. Parent's role transforms: gradually the child perceives him as "Keeper gadget» or an annoying obstacle on the way to your favorite device.

Close "communication" a child with a computer causes ambiguous attitude: on the one hand, now really without a computer - nowhere. On the other hand, constant sitting at the computer is fraught with serious consequences. The most dangerous of these is the formation in a child depending on the computer, which is a real disease that requires treatment.

What problems are observed in children with gadget addiction?

1. When the child looks up, ie. "Gets it" them from his colored enchantingly unreal world, which provides him gadget, he experiences severe discomfort and real psychological difficulties in perceiving the surrounding space and people in it, because ...

2. The reality around us, not so bright and not at all aesthetically organized - the usual dullness and wretchedness of life, dirt and chaos - "My eyes would not see it"- and again I want to plunge into the beauty of an unrealistically beautiful world!

3. In the real world, rare objects are in constant motion, and the visual center of the brain is already "Trained" to see and focus only on what is moving and what is not moving - the brain simply does not even recognize it as an object or with a low level of sharpness, which causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations, often even painful.

4. The child has lost the ability inherent in him to follow what is happening. To follow what is happening in the real world yourself, you need to be able to control your body, be able to perceive information and interact with real objects that act autonomously from you.

How to recognize addiction to gadgets in a child?

If gadgets occupy the entire consciousness of the child, we can talk about what is being formed addiction... You can recognize it by the following featured:

The child ceases to be interested in the real life: does not play with toys, does not strive for communication with peers.

Relationships with parents fade into the background for the child, and instead of a joint activity, he also prefers to spend time with a tablet or computer.

Attempts to limit the time for games and cartoons cause violent protest and hysteria.

How to understand that the child's psyche is damaged?

The first landmark is an open mouth, which indicates a violation of self-control over the behavior of the body, due to the weakness of the nervous system. And the second indicator, which should be considered as a more severe mental disorder, is a protruding tongue while performing an action. For example, when a child presses on the buttons of his tablet, when he writes, or when he draws or draws a picture around the contour. Even a slight loss of the tongue due to the teeth clearly shows that the child's psyche has suffered significant damage.

Why are they dangerous? gadgets?

1. Tablets and phones provoke eye diseases.

Myopia. This ailment occurs if the child often plays on the tablet for a long time, and the distance from the device to the eyes is less than 60 cm. In addition, small objects make the eye muscles very tense and can even provoke their spasm. Therefore, the smaller the device, the more hazardous it is to eye health.

Conjunctivitis. When a child gets carried away, he forgets to blink. As a result, the eyes dry out, there is a feeling as if sand has got into them. Children begin to rub their eyes with not always clean hands, which leads to conjunctivitis.

2. The higher the computer addiction, the weaker the immunity.

Poor posture entails problems in the formation of the musculoskeletal skeleton of the child, as well as a failure in his blood supply system. By the way, this is why children may complain of headaches. The best way to get rid of it is to get good physical activity.

Respiratory rhythm disturbances. Often computer games keep children in such tension that they forget to breathe. Lack of oxygen adversely affects many, if not all, functions of our body.

How to beat the nursery addiction from computer devices?

This addiction and no need to win, one has only to show the child in time that there are many other interesting things in the world. And small children should not stick a tablet in their hands just so that it stops being capricious.

The child must have alternative hobbies and it is better if there are a lot of them. For example, drawing, designing, modeling. You just need to find such activities that will give him pleasure.

It is necessary to encourage in every possible way friends who enjoy riding bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, playing football, volleyball or other outdoor games. Parents should definitely give their children interesting games and ideas for spending time together.

Be an example for others children... Don't grab your phone every free minute to see what's new in social networks... And a couple of hours before bedtime, turn off and remove everything altogether gadgets away... Letting children play gadgets before going to bed is not recommended, as the child may become overexcited and this may make it difficult to sleep or not fall asleep at all.

Therefore, it is important for parents not to allow gadgets become a source of problems in the child's life. Smart and moderate use gadgets will really contribute to the development of the child and help him to keep pace with the times.

Addiction problem (dependencies) arises from the desire of the individual to escape from reality associated with a change in the mental state.

There is a process during which a person not only does not solve important problems for himself (for example, household, social, but also stops at his personal development. Now a lot is reported about the destructive effect of television, specific Internet technologies on children... Child psychiatrists and psychologists point to an exacerbation of developmental problems addictions of children from television and computers in the 21st century, in connection with which, it becomes more urgent to develop measures to prevent addictive behavior associated with the negative impact of the media on the younger generation.

Internet- addiction- the phenomenon is multifaceted and extremely complex. Addictive habits quickly develop into morbid states of the psyche, an affective component of behavior. The situation is further complicated by the fact that often children with similar difficulties have violations not in one, but in several areas, and the identification of the nature of the violations requires special research.

Practical psychologists identify three main causes of depressive deviations in the field of emotional mental states in the Internet dependent children:

The presence of a constant need for a computer game and at the same time the impossibility of fully satisfying this need;

Subjective experience at the conscious level of the practical uselessness of being addicted to computer games and, as a result, of its own uselessness, along with the impossibility of stopping the addiction due to the presence of psychological dependencies;

Inappropriate attitude towards oneself as a result of inadequacy "I am real" and "I am virtual".

We see that the presented set of violations is very complex. Therefore, the rehabilitation of the behavior of such children should start, first of all, with the correction of mental pathology. The main approach is complex. It is carried out through the purposeful use of psychological and pedagogical tools and techniques with the indispensable use of applied medical knowledge. Wellness children supplemented by upbringing, which dissolves in the treatment of psychological and pedagogical methods of influence, and the work of a doctor, psychologist and teacher is combined here into one whole.

The successful implementation of the rehabilitation of such children to a large extent depends on the quality of connections and relationships in which children are included with adults. And only in such a child-adult community, where connections and relationships are in harmony, the restoration of a full-fledged human life takes place.

It is possible to count on a pedagogical effect only if the principle of consistency and consistency in rehabilitation and upbringing is fully implemented. What is needed is not separate means, but a system of means developed in accordance with the goals of pedagogical activity. Here are some pedagogical guidelines for rehabilitation behavior:

1. Trust is at the core of a harmonious and lasting relationship. The teacher causes this feeling if he never misuses the child's feelings, does not deliberately hurt him. In this case, the child can freely express his feelings and be himself.

2. Love is the most important aspect of interpersonal relationships. And it is very important for a child to know that he is loved. In love, his ideas about the values ​​of life are realized. Of course, loving every child is difficult. But we must at least try to accept it with all the shortcomings and vices. From whether we accept him in our souls or not, also depends, whether he will accept us, and hence our educational influences. From our acceptance children depends and their acceptance of each other. Therefore, it is necessary to accept any child with the soul for the success of upbringing.

3. Caring for a child - physical care, creating psychological comfort - protects him from the hardships of life and prepares him for a wise perception of the problems that arise in his life, for their intelligent solution, creates conditions for maturation and restoration of strength. Lack of care leads to antisociality of the child, to distorted ideas about the ways of joint life of people. An adult must protect the person in every child.

Drawing a conclusion on all of the above, I would like to note that it is not worth forbidding your children to use modern devices. After all, we live in the age of technology, and knowledge in this area will be very useful in the future. The main thing is that parents control the time that the child spends with a computer or tablet. And they did not forget that no new-fangled devices could replace real communication with a baby.

Some adults consider modern gadgets in the hands of a child "evil" and try to protect their kids from them as long as possible. However, the desire of parents to do without technical innovations is impracticable without breaking away from reality. One way or another, the child will encounter gadgets: at friends or relatives, at school or in a section. In addition, it is impossible to place a child “under the dome” or to rebuild the world around him according to his views.

Other parents believe that the sooner the child is introduced to the technology, the better he will learn to use it and will be more successful in the future. Meanwhile, the frequent use of gadgets by a child (they can be attributed to) sometimes gives not at all the beneficial effect that mothers and fathers hoped for.

The truth, as you know, is in the middle. To form your opinion about modern "toys" for children, it is necessary to present all their positive and negative sides.

Why are gadgets dangerous for a child?

So let’s consider whether the fears of many adults, especially the older generation, are motivated.

Health problems. Early acquaintance of a child with a TV, computer, tablet really entails the risk of a number of diseases: blurred vision, problems with the musculoskeletal system, excess weight. They are based on low mobility of children and incorrect posture during "communication" with the gadget. Children with pre-existing health problems fall into the risk group, so it is important to regularly consult with doctors in order to monitor the real state of the child's health and, in accordance with this, build his relationship with gadgets.

Because of gadgets, the "back of a gamer" is formed
Danish surgeons have come to the conclusion that the craze of children with smartphones, tablets and other devices leads to serious problems with the spine. After all, guys can sit hunched over for hours. As a result, posture deteriorates. Doctors even came up with a name for this ailment - "the back of a gamer." Therefore, parents need to monitor the baby's posture when he plays and adjust it as needed.

Difficulties in the development of the emotional sphere. Many psychologists are concerned that gadgets are increasingly developing emotional disorders in children (inappropriate outbursts of aggression, tantrums, anxiety, general poverty of emotional manifestations). Of course, one cannot say that it is computer devices that are to blame. Rather, their thoughtless use provokes psychological problems. The child's psyche is not always able to withstand the flow of information and the activity of sensory impact that the gadget carries. Therefore, the child quickly becomes addicted to electronic toys and the virtual world, from which it is then difficult to escape.

Intellectual development disorders. Buying a new disc for a child or downloading a new program, adults take care of his development. However, the result is sometimes not happy. Today, many parents notice that their children start to speak later, have speech therapy problems. It would seem that kids constantly hear speech from turned on TVs and computers, but at an early age, mastering speech occurs only in communication with adults, in a dialogue, and emotionally saturated. A child cannot interact with technical devices in this way. In addition, gadgets that present the child with ready-made images contribute to the impoverishment of thinking, imagination, the ability to concentrate and become interested. The child constantly needs external stimulation to keep attention on something.

The kid and the gadgets: this friendship can have pros

However, modern electronic devices for children have their positive aspects, which cannot be discounted.

Education and development of the child. With the help of a child's computer, you can introduce a child to the whole world of animate and inanimate nature, various human activities. And this process will not be boring and tedious. There are many educational programs and games for children of different ages: logic, thinking, motor skills, teaching colors, shapes, numbers and letters, programs for learning foreign languages ​​for kids, computer graphics, etc. Early development and preparation for school on their own are becoming more accessible and easier thanks to modern gadgets. In addition, it would be nice for a child to learn how to use a home computer on their own before entering the first grade, this will definitely come in handy.

Distracting your toddler. This moment is noted by the majority of parents who have at least once faced a situation of long waiting with a small child. Sometimes we are ready to offer the kid anything, if only he suffered a little more. And then a phone or tablet with music, photos and games is just a salvation, a real lifesaver that allows you to cope with matters and avoid conflict. Do not forget that you need to use the distraction of electronic toys only occasionally, otherwise the child will quickly get used to them.

Baby and gadgets: a strategy for smart parents

It turns out that a closer look at the relationship "child-gadgets" can be found both pros and cons. Therefore, even those parents who are skeptical about the achievements of science and technology and seek to protect their kids from their negative impact should understand that it is impossible to exclude gadgets from a child's life. But at an early and preschool age, a child needs clear guidance from adults in the process of mastering complex technologies.

We dose the time allotted for games and views. Of course, it is so convenient when the baby is busy, but keeping track of the time is necessary for children's health. The time for games and classes on electronic devices should be determined not only on the basis of standard age norms (children under 5 years of age are not recommended to spend more than 15 minutes in a row at the monitor, while the norm is about 1 hour a day), but also depending on the individual characteristics of the baby, which best known to parents. The more excitable the kid, the less time he should spend with the gadget.

We actively share the kid's leisure time. Each viewing of the program, a new game or information obtained from the training program must be jointly comprehended, felt and worked out. The child needs to be introduced into the world of technology smoothly and gradually, accompanying and guiding him along this path, and not trying to free his time, replacing his presence with new toys. More often ask your child what he is doing, discuss his successes and achievements, and on your free days try to keep your child busy with something no less exciting than gadgets. Remember that board games, walking, visiting zoos and museums, playing football on the street will give him a taste of real life.

We form an adequate attitude of the child towards gadgets. Computer games for children can be introduced only after the child has mastered the traditional types of children's activities - drawing, modeling, construction, perception and composition of fairy tales. And most importantly, when the baby learns to play ordinary children's games on his own (to accept the roles of adults, invent imaginary situations, build the plot of the game, etc.) ) when he is already ready to use it for its intended purpose. The most important task of parents in the issue of introducing a child to gadgets is to form in him such a perception of these devices, in which they will not be a vital daily need for him or a longed-for reward. The child should understand that gadgets are only helpers in obtaining new information and knowledge, "little things" with which you can entertain yourself during periods of loneliness or long waiting.

We emphasize the practical importance of devices. Tell your child that the ability to handle gadgets will allow him, when he grows up, to quickly receive and transmit information, find friends around the world and communicate with them, watch movies and listen to music, process and store photos, make purchases in online stores, book hotel rooms ... In general, "friendship" with devices allows you to do things that make life easier for a modern person and make it enjoyable.

So parents do not have to be afraid to introduce the child - in due time! - with electronic gadgets. With a reasonable approach, they will only be beneficial.

The child will sooner or later enter the Internet. Make him feel like an explorer. And you teach him to get information. Let's say the kid wants to know. Search the web for the answer. Tell him that first you need to type your question in the search bar, press Enter, read the first 2-3 links. And you can see the photo. Do not forget to install a special filter on your computer that will filter out dangerous resources.

Star parents about gadgets

Olga Budina, actress, and Naum (10 years old)

I resisted for a long time, not buying my son an iPhone, and as a result, Naum became the last child in the class who did not have one. In the end, I gave up. But in my heart I am worried that I am following this stupid fashion.

Alisa Khazanova, actress, Mina (11 years old) and Eva (7 years old)

I do not consider it necessary to isolate children from the computer and TV. The main thing is to set the rules. My daughters play 20 minutes a day and only watch some programs.

Irina Dubtsova, singer, and Artem (9 years old)

The son closely follows the novelties from the world of gadgets, he has all the fashionable devices. Artem uses his iPad mini as a video camera and captures the funny moments of our life.

Gadgets and various mobile devices have a huge impact on a child's development. On the one hand, they are an indicator of the progressive development of society and the improvement of the latest technologies, the general high intellectual level of the new generation of people. But at the same time, the inept and excessive use of such devices by children can lead to negative consequences for their physical and mental development.

Why gadgets are harmful for children

The negative effect of mobile devices on children is a decrease in physical activity. Sitting for a long time with such gadgets as a smartphone, tablet and so on, the child ceases to be interested in more active leisure activities. As a rule, the posture taken by the child playing with the gadget is not correct for his posture, which can lead to a curvature of the spine. The amount of physical activity decreases, so muscles that do not receive sufficient motor activity can atrophy over time, which will lead to extremely negative phenomena for the child's body. Decreased physical activity is closely associated with a number of diseases that lead to early death and disability: obesity, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases.

Long-term communication with such "toys" also negatively affects the eyesight of children. Prolonged concentration on an object close to a person's eyes and the absence of periodic switching to more distant objects can lead to the development of myopia.

Typically, mobile devices are used for computer games. Unfortunately, some types of play contribute to the development of aggressiveness and unnecessary cruelty in children and adolescents. In addition, they can lead to the development of gambling addiction, which affects the mental and emotional development of children.

Lack or insufficient development of communication skills can also be a negative consequence of the excessive use of mobile devices. Communicating with people on social networks, having virtual friends, people who are addicted to the Internet often do not have stable friendships in the real world. It is difficult for them to make new acquaintances, to establish personal communication.

Problems appear with the development of gross and fine motor skills. Children who are adept at using the touch screen experience difficulties in performing tasks associated with a sufficient level of development of skills in writing, drawing, and manipulating various objects. Very often, such children have poor handwriting, cannot draw, since the touch screen does not develop manual dexterity, does not stimulate the development of small motor movements.

Thanks to the latest electronic devices, children develop attention deficit and decrease their concentration on the subject of learning. Many teachers complain about the distracted attention of their students. This can be largely due to the emergence of a large number of electronic toys among the younger generation. The tendency to rely on computer memory and the availability of information on the Internet, students do not burden themselves with the task of memorizing information, which leads to impaired memory functions, since it needs to be trained for normal functioning.

How to control the use of gadgets by children

Addressing the issue of rational use of digital devices is the primary task of parents in the modern world. Do not rely on a computer or tablet to ensure that your child's leisure time is not boring while parents are busy with their own business. You need a competent and controlled management of such gadgets. Prohibiting their use completely is useless and ineffective. Moreover, in some cases they may be necessary for certain communication, search for the necessary information, and so on. But a competent approach to defining the role of a digital toy in a child's life is essential. It is necessary to control the child's communication with mobile devices. For this it is important:

  • Limit the time spent at the tablet or computer.
  • Remind your child of the need for pauses and warm-ups during prolonged work.
  • It is worth limiting access to the Internet for teenagers in the evening, as many of them prefer to "sit up" on the Internet, and in the morning they do not feel sleepy.
  • It is necessary to control and track the computer games that children play. Negotiate with the child the types of games for which you have banned.
  • Spend leisure time with children more often. Introduce them to a single family-wide

Gadgets for working with children

Children get to know gadgets very early. Every family has electronic devices: a computer or laptop, tablet, telephone, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to protect a child from them. The task of parents and teachers in this situation is to create such conditions to develop children and not harm their health.

Electronic devices develop if they fill children's activities with new content, and do not replace them.Maintaining a preschooler's interest in electronic devices is necessary through games, applications and functions that broaden their horizons and help them learn new skills. In addition, when an adult participates in a child's activities with a gadget, the problem of replacing live communication does not arise.

Teachers are actively introducing information technologies at all levels of education. In kindergarten, educators and professionals use interactive whiteboards and multimedia presentations. Game moments, characters, graphics, animation, sound and video materials enrich children's activities, help pupils learn new material.

The rational introduction of gadgets into the educational process improves its quality.According to FSES DO 1 the principle of individualization is fundamental. Therefore, in the future, gadgets can become one of the means of individualizing preschool education.

You can use gadgets in joint and independent children's activities in different ways. First of all, provide children with the opportunity to independently search, study and save personally significant information. As a result of this activity, educational materials of various topics are accumulated, to which children, teachers, parents repeatedly turn in the future. All this creates a variable educational information environment in ECE centers.

Let us dwell on electronic devices available to teachers and preschoolers.

Camera for the development of cognitive activity

The camera has great possibilities. With its help, the child can:

  • save information from different sources (from the pages of books, illustrations, images on a computer monitor, etc.);
  • fix objects of the surrounding world that are important for him, phenomena and events;
  • to conduct long-term observations;
  • to fix the stages of cognitive and research activities.

Baby photography- a way of using a camera in educational activities with senior preschool children. This process has a positive effect on preschoolers:

  • evokes vivid emotions in them;
  • develops cognitive activity;
  • creates conditions for reflection;
  • forms the ability to highlight personally significant objects in the surrounding space;
  • serves as a means of self-determination in the world of interests.

The camera allows you to visualize and compare the stages of development of any process: seasonal changes, plant growth, etc. The child takes pictures of the object of interest with a certain frequency from the same angle. From photographs of long-term observation, he draws a conclusion about the changes taking place, highlights the characteristic features of the object under study.

A preschooler can record the process of his own cognitive and research activities. The photo reportage made will allow you to analyze the course of activities and evaluate the result. On the basis of these materials, the educator, together with the children, creates algorithms for experimental activity.

Voice recorder for the development of communication skills

Interesting activities can be organized using a voice recorder. They will be most effective with older preschool children who are able to plan and carry out cognitive and research activities.

Preschoolers can use the voice recorder without the help of an adult:take interviews, look for the necessary information, record the results of observations and experiments. The child can act as an interviewer: ask questions of peers, a teacher, and parents. In another game situation, he himself answers the questions. Such tasks form in children the ability to listen to each other, give clear answers, express their own judgments.

Lessons with a dictaphone develop arbitrary behavior: children choose words, try to accurately formulate a thought. Reproduction of the recording allows preschoolers to hear themselves from the outside, to assess the quality of speech, which forms their adequate self-esteem.

Laptop, tablet for organizing joint activities

A laptop and a tablet will help you find the necessary information in voice mode, organize a collective or individual viewing of video materials on a topic of interest, conduct an educational web quest.

Search for information in voice mode allows the command "Ok Google", which switches the Google application to voice control mode. It is enough for the child to voice what he wants to know. The application provides a response from the Internet in real time. Preschoolers who cannot type quickly get the information they need and satisfy their own interests.

Gadgets - this term, which has become firmly established in the everyday life of the new generation, means electronic devices and digital devices. The task of gadgets is to make life easier, and it is already difficult to imagine a modern person without them.

But how safe is it for kids to be addicted to gadgets?
Public opinion scares with horror stories about gadgets in the hands of children.
The children themselves love them unconditionally and quickly master them.

Today we invite psychologists to speak out about the pros and cons of modern electronic devices and find a balance together:

  • recommend ways and times of communication with gadgets;
  • Look for opportunities to get the most out of your child's gadgets.

Among the advantages is the inevitability of mastering the achievements of technical progress.

Of the minuses - a decrease, decline in live communication. Humanity will return to it, I'm sure, but 1-2 generations can go through life with its lack.

Until the age of 7, the child's brain develops to 80% of its potential. And development occurs due to stimulation of the brain with sensory impressions. These include: movement (gross motor skills), fingers (fine motor skills), sight, hearing, sensations, smell.

The gadget grabs the child's attention (the child gets used to it and cannot be distracted by something else) and limits development through a narrow corridor of visual impressions and fine motor skills. And most importantly, it closes interest in other areas, other sensory corridors of perception.

The gadget will be useful if you use it in a clearly limited time, on a schedule, up to 7 years, no more than 30 minutes, 2 times a day.

Yes, you are right, there is a golden mean in everything. That is why this type of game for a child should, like all games, have time limits.

The problem is that the life around him sometimes seems less interesting to a child than an incomparable electronic toy with a bright screen, capable of producing a thousand and one games, a colossal source of information.

Yes, an incorrectly fixed position of the head and neck leads to impaired cerebral circulation and deformation of the first cervical vertebra. However, should the electronic toy be blamed for this? After all, if the time of the game is determined, the correct position of the head and neck is shown and fixed in practice, then is the gadget so bad?

Another bad thing is the low interest of adults in the inner world of children, the difficulty of establishing contacts between children and adults. Create conditions for your child for an interesting and full life, taking into account his interests and opportunities, take an active part in his life - and no gadgets will harm you or your child.

And the electronic thing, which was created to make life easier for a person, will remain a useful addition for you and your children.

I am a supporter of positive thinking and I believe that gadgets even expand the boundaries of communication. Gadgets allow children to be themselves and communicate with different people. Especially gadgets "save" those children who are unable to establish communication and contact "live", they can compensate for the lack of communication in the real world with the help of electronic devices.

I am in favor of making life enjoyable and easy, and gadgets contribute to this. Any unfamiliar word in 1 second will be interpreted using the Internet. Any exciting and interesting information will be obtained easily and effortlessly. The main thing is that there is interest, lively and genuine.

If we talk about the influence of the computer on children, then it is both negative and positive. From the negative - problems with vision and posture, excess weight may appear due to a sedentary lifestyle and dependence on a computer. But, on the other hand, a computer in the modern world is an irreplaceable assistant in studies. Yes, and through the Internet you can learn a lot of interesting and useful things.

Tablet and phone for preschool children are not essential. A child can fully develop without them, but if parents want to please their baby, then you need to follow the rule - the equipment for children must be age-appropriate.

Remember, a child under 6 years old is recommended to buy a children's tablet. It will be aimed at the development of the baby, and the parents will be able to control what the child is doing. Buying a tablet computer for children "for growth" is not worth the same as an expensive phone for the sake of the fact that the child was the coolest.

If a child spends a lot of time with gadgets, then there is a danger that he will simply "fall out" of the real world and become dependent on gadgets.

Most often, addiction to gadgets develops when parents begin to substitute various devices for real communication with their child. Some moms and dads, having understood the simple truth that a child can be carried away by a new game, begin to abuse it, letting the child deal with the gadget for an hour, two, and then all day. The child is happy with everything, and he soon loses interest in communicating with people.

I would like to note that it is not worth forbidding your children to use modern devices. After all, we live in the age of technology, and knowledge in this area will be very useful in the future. The main thing is that parents control the time that the child spends with a computer or tablet. And they did not forget that no new-fangled devices could replace real communication with a baby.

The modern world can no longer be imagined without modern technologies, now called gadgets.
Sadly, the children stopped reading, stopped going out, they are busy with new technologies.

There are, of course, advantages of gadgets, depending on how our children use them. But there are a lot of disadvantages, nothing will ever replace live communication, children do not develop, "stupidly" sitting at games, on social networks, at iPhones and smartphones.
The task of us, parents, is to control children's access to tablets and laptops, otherwise addiction arises, and it is very difficult to fight this. I think my fellow psychologists will support me.

We will not leave the use of new technologies, therefore our task for adults is to teach children how to use gadgets correctly and wisely.

On the one hand, gadgets are progress, and on the other hand, children stop communicating with each other and with adults, they leave contacts, they are increasingly immersed in the virtual world, where it is good and comfortable. The experience of communicating with each other disappears, which means that communication skills are lost.

  • recommend ways and times of communication with gadgets:

communication with gadgets should be beneficial, that is, development. In my opinion, it should be no more than 2 hours a day. If we talk about methods, then it is better for parents to set the "parental control" option on the gadgets used by children, as well as determine the place where they can use the gadgets, and exclude aggressive games.

  • Look for ways to get the most out of your gadgets for your child:

these can be games aimed at developing memory and attention. Games should have a kind, fun start. Also, gadgets can be used to prepare for lessons.

You should not encourage purchases and acquisitions of new gadgets. A special joy should be from buying a book, and parents should encourage reading books, as well as buying new books, express their joy that children read books, communicate, go to sections.

I was in Jamaica last year, photographed a local child and showed him the photo on the camera screen, and he took it, and started flipping the photo with his finger. I'm used to the tablet.

I was born before the electronic era and still not very much in tune with modern technology. But what gadgets and any technology develop thinking and empowering a person - there is no doubt about it.

Just human nature does not keep up with it. And if the child does not get the opportunity to touch his hands, feet, smell, lick the object, then he loses the opportunity to understand the world.

In one psycholinguistic experiment, young children were taught the same words in different ways.
One of the children was shown a newspaper and said that it was a "newspaper"; they were shown a magazine and said that it was a "magazine."
Other children were shown the newspaper, called it a “newspaper,” and after that they were given the newspaper into their hands. We did the same with the magazine. Children crumpled a newspaper, tore a magazine, but the purpose of the experiment was to help children remember words (this was checked later), and not to save objects.

So, it turned out that those children who were given an object in their hands remembered the name much faster and better. The conclusion is simple - memorizing a word is faster in activities with the subject. In objective activity.

Draw your own conclusions regarding gadgets. And my recommendation: everything is good in moderation.

The later you start using the technique, the better. Until school, the need for communication, the Internet is required - it is better to use books and communicate in person. And then, as long as there is enough energy, to enter the schedule of use.

Technologies are needed, and they will definitely come. But if they come early, then other methods of learning and communication are hard to master. I know many parents, including Steve Jobs, who do not allow their children to use gadgets and do not find any harm from this.

Sometimes it’s easier - to give a tablet, and the child is gone. It's easier than going to the theater, reading together, talking about airplanes, etc. It frees parents from participating in the lives of their children. You shouldn't fall for it. Your unique personality and that of other teachers will do more than the information packaged on a medium.

There are many different opinions, on my own I will note the most significant ones for me.

A big plus for both gadgets and children is that children quickly master them, so that the possibilities of such a technique can be used directly in learning and development, and they are mobile, which is important.

And, probably, the biggest minus, in my opinion, is that here the concept of measure is lost in children, and in adults too. Therefore, it is necessary to limit, otherwise children may lose the opportunity to go out into real life and just live, communicate and enjoy simple human things.

Yes, of course, the intrusion of modern technology into life is an inevitable phenomenon. Yes, Networks are expanding and accelerating access to information. To be sure, young children master electronic devices at the level of use faster than adults.

However, in my opinion, the negative consequences of early use of gadgets are very significant.

Here's how children's time should be allocated? A child should move a lot, communicate a lot and have personal time when he himself plays with his toys. Hence, it seems to follow that it is necessary to recommend parents to provide their child with physical activity and sufficient communication, and when he plays alone, you can give a tablet and put him to watch cartoons.

But it's not that simple. As Evgenia Yuryevna rightly notes, the gadget "limits development through a narrow corridor of visual impressions and fine motor skills. And most importantly, it closes interest in other areas, other sensory corridors of perception." And when a child is busy with a traditional game, this does not happen. Human development takes place in contact with people and objects, and the task of development is to learn to live in a real, not a virtual world. The example cited by Valery Petrovich Belyanin is very good in this sense.

Another danger I see is that gadgets are considered a development tool. For example, Zinaida Antonovna Gorovets notes: "Remember, it is recommended to buy a children's tablet for a child under 6 years old. It will be aimed at developing the baby, and the parents will be able to control what the child is doing." Here I would like to recall an old, it seems, the late 80s or early 90s research, which showed that the children of the 30s (it seems) coped much better with solving intellectual problems than modern ones.

The researchers explained this by the fact that in the 30s, children practically did not have toys and played with chopsticks, rags, pebbles, turning them, if necessary, into boys, girls, horses, plates, blankets, cars, trains, carts. And such a game developed imagination and flexibility of the mind. The recommendation given to parents was the following: it is necessary that children play as much as possible with bricks, pyramids and other toys without clearly defined functions, so that these functions can be assigned by the children themselves. As you can imagine, computer games are the exact opposite of such toys.

As I see it, the main danger of gadgets is that they enable parents to get away from communicating with children under the noble pretext of "development" of children. Actually, there are already enough people in consultations whose childhood was spent in front of the TV. The main complaint is that nothing interests me, I don’t know what I want, I quickly lose interest in everything.

And here we come to the next one. With older children in mind, Olga Nikolaevna Dushkova notes: "Any exciting and interesting information will be obtained easily and effortlessly." Let alone the fact that not every one (there is a lot of information on the Web, not information, but information noise, repetitive, unreliable, very superficial information), is it so good to live without effort? To be able to enjoy overcoming obstacles, not to be afraid of difficult activities - these are very important and necessary qualities.

Of course, it is necessary and necessary to master this technique, but everything has its time. And this is not an early age, and this should not be given a lot of time. Therefore, I fully support the opinion of Svetlana Vladimirovna Folomeshkina.

The sight of a child playing with enthusiasm makes me sad.

I am not against, but even “for” all those newest discoveries and inventions of scientists and inventors. Undoubtedly, the latest technical means simplify our life, and every modern person should own these means. Only the fact that instant access to the Internet helps you find the information you need already speaks of their benefits.

But, unfortunately, more often a gadget in a child's hands plays a one-sided role - an entertaining one. Sometimes parents explain this purchase as a necessity: “you need to keep up with the times, all children have it, and why is my child worse”. But at the same time they overlook that this hobby inhibits the development of such important functions as speech, perception of reality.

Children very quickly "get hooked" on tablets, computer games and get great pleasure from this, yes, such that they cannot already get in other types of activities. The minimum benefit from completing "developmental" tasks is incomparable with the fact that children quickly become unable to play on their own, invent, fantasize. Because in order to come up with and implement a "regular" game, it takes many times more effort and skills than using a finished product.

Excessive enthusiasm for all kinds of gadgets not only impoverishes, but also inhibits the development of social communication. Children do not develop the skills of building harmonious relationships with peers, the ability to enjoy the world around them, and a circle of interests does not develop. But we really want our children to be talented and we could be proud of them.

If you remember our greatest poet Pushkin, thanks to the fairy tales of his nanny Arina Rodionovna, he developed that talent that we still admire. The great Mikhailo Lomonosov amazes with an abundance of discoveries both in science and art. All kinds of gadgets were replaced by live communication with fishermen-Pomors, their wonderful legends. The mighty northern nature opened up an immense space for observation and was imprinted in the memory of the future scientist. Hiking and swimming tempered the physical strength of the young man and enriched his mind with a variety of observations. Since childhood, MV Lomonosov was surrounded by people who knew their land well, loved it, and thought about the events around them. Observing nature, he sometimes made unexpected discoveries. Communication with people and with a rich nature developed a lively mind of Mikhail, aroused curiosity in him.

Is it accessible to our children? The world has changed, and there is no need to go through the thorny path that M. Lomonosov went through, but you can acquaint and instill in children a love for what surrounds us: for amazing nature, theaters, music, books, sports, people.

What about gadgets? Of course, they are needed, only they should be used sparingly and with benefit. It will be very pleasant for a kid to spend 15-30 minutes a day alone with his cartoon friends, and maybe even learn something from them. It will be very useful for the student to get acquainted with the programs offered by the developers, and learn how to use them with benefit for himself.

Adults are undoubtedly a good example and helpers in this, who can become role models and a guide to the world of modern technical means, useful purpose-built means. After all, otherwise children will turn into adults, unable to create, communicate, create something new, become consumers who can only use finished products invented by other people.

Someone may say that modern technologies are a great success and make life easier, someone will loudly shout about leaving reality and remember Soviet times, yard gatherings with guitars and songs. Opinions are different, and you can argue endlessly. But one thing is important to note - times have changed. And what happened before does not always find a place in real life. And more likely, sometimes we would not be ready to let our child go for a walk in the yard with friends until late at night for various reasons.

But modern gadgets are just another of the characteristics of the new time, which has pros and cons for our children. If you are a modern person, then you definitely have some kind of gadgets at home. And you definitely use them in different directions, both for work and for play.

As for how the child should be with them, the first thing to think about is that the child needs to instill a culture of modern adaptations, and only the parent himself can do this. If the parent only does what he plays with the tablet or sits on the phone in social networks, it makes no sense to tell the child about the dangers of these. In order for your child to understand how to deal with this, you need to show him by example how to use these devices.

If you bought a tablet and you know that your child has seen this thing at school and in the yard for a long time and was just waiting for him to enter his apartment, he will look for any opportunity to play it. So let's make his game not just a game, but a family pastime. That is, everyone should play together: mom, dad, and baby. Let it be a joint ritual, enjoyable and fun. And the child is happy and you are happy. It's the same with the rest of the devices.

It is important to understand: the tougher the taboo, the more the child is looking for opportunities to get a gadget. And then it makes no sense at all to talk about the benefits or harm to health. After all, if a child has a strong need that you categorically refuse to satisfy - believe me, he will find a way to satisfy it.

If we consider the formation of 4 basic functions of consciousness according to K. Jung, then the following should be taken into account.

There is no abstract child. At the very least, we need to talk about four types. And taking into account the extraverted and introverted attitudes - about eight types. Plus that the type of person, especially a child, is a dynamic system subject to external influences.

If in a very rough approximation, then socializing suffers from the abuse of gadgets. sense function... A child who has this function in a subordinate position will simply split it off radically, and his interpersonal contacts - friendship, trust, love - will be seriously distorted.

Will suffer and sensation function(perception by the senses). Not the colors of the world, but the colorful tablet screen, the world of sounds from a box, tactile sensations from touching plastic surfaces will dominate over others, taste sensitivity will not develop, because food in front of the monitor is being consumed unknowingly. General bodily awkwardness, insensitivity to body signals. There can be many quite serious negative consequences.

But as for functions of thinking and intuition - for children who have these functions in a subordinate or complementary position, the role of gadgets can be quite favorable and stimulating development.

In general, we should not talk about the influence of gadgets on the development of modern children, but about this particular child and the peculiarities of his psychological organization.

First of all, don't be overly anxious about your gadgets. The ability of parents to understand their own feelings helps the child to better understand himself, and in the future to build relationships with other people. If you know how to take good care, have the inner strength to communicate normally with the child, there will probably be no problems, or you can correctly resolve them.

Many modern children can easily "cope" with any gadgets, and this has many advantages. The child adapts well to the situation, quickly understands the essence of the game, understands technology and uses it in social life, at school, at home.

Of the minuses - this is a deep immersion in the computer world, escape from reality and all sorts of addictions. Much has already been written about the easily receptive child's psyche, I want to add that at any time through play, children learn better and get to know the world around them! And we, adults, need to remember this and help children in the selection of applications for different gadgets, to correct the games and behavior of their children, through the game! Take all the best that gadgets give and use it for the benefit of both yourself and your children!

Many parents of schoolchildren know that without gadgets it is impossible to complete several homework assignments, for example, to prepare an essay, which means that they can be found on the Internet and printed. There is still a need for children to use gadgets.

In modern society, parents send their children to different sections, the child tries, chooses a suitable hobby and develops his abilities. And, of course, for the development of intellectual abilities, parents will select a suitable gadget for their child: an e-book, a laptop, etc.

The use of mobile phones is now essential for both adults and children. Parents, worried about the safety of their child, provide him with this device, they know where their children are and what they are doing. But the disadvantages of a mobile phone are that a child spends a lot of time playing and having fun on his phone.

In addition, fashion trends are emerging now, and children are already following them and do not want to miss the opportunity to get a new mobile phone. Yes, it happens that a child is ashamed to go to school with an old phone, he complains to his parents, they have nothing to do but buy so that the child does not get upset: "What if the children will laugh at him?" - parents think. There are also cases when adults have to apply for a loan to buy a gadget for their child. This will be the disadvantages of using gadgets by children.

And how often do parents turn to a psychologist with a request that the child has few friends, he constantly sits on the Internet, communicates on social networks or plays computer games instead of taking a walk in the fresh air with his friends or completing homework on time.

A child's excessive passion for gadgets can be caused by the fact that the child is trying to imitate adults, if he sees how his mother often talks on the phone, and dad works at the computer. The kid will be interested in mastering the roles of adults, he will put the TV remote to his ear, just to be like his parents - remember children's games in which the child reproduces the behavior of adults also with gadgets.

Try to talk less on the phone or use other gadgets with your child, spend more time with your child!

Gadgets are the influence of time, and we can't get away from this. Gadgets, as we all know, are used not only for games. To facilitate the search for information that the child needs, and not only, we use modern technological devices.

We like to say: "here in our time we ...", but that was our time. And now ordinary books have turned into electronic ones, a trip to the library can be replaced by a search for an electronic library, etc. You just need to use everything in moderation, first of all you need to start with yourself, pay more attention to your children, be an interesting interlocutor in their understanding.

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