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Ten and one more way to control a smart home. The most interesting alternative smart home control systems

The term "smart home" today means the comprehensive introduction of high-tech devices into everyday life, which make it possible to ensure a high level of comfort for residents. A distinctive feature of systems of this type is the maximum automation of a number of processes with minimal human participation. In addition, one of the criteria for a "smart home" is the centralized control of all devices involved in the complex. The "smart home" system has a modular design and consists of functionally separated blocks with their full or partial integration into a single system. Each module is involved in the performance of strictly designated tasks, meanwhile, the blocks can interact with each other.

Possible modular content of the modern "smart home" system:

  • Central control controller, which unites other components and ensures their interaction. Such a controller can be either an industrial solution in the form of a complete device, or a regular computer with the appropriate software.
  • Climate system. Consists of control units for heating and ventilation, ensures the maintenance of a given microclimate in the room.
  • Lighting and switching control energy consumers.
  • STSO(complex of technical means of protection). It includes a fire and security alarm, a video surveillance system and modules for remote notification of the owner about alarm situations.
  • Accounting, data collection and storage system. The tasks of the module include collecting information from metering devices, fixing various events and providing data for analysis in order to assess the effectiveness of the entire complex.
  • Channels of connection. As data transmission channels, networks operating with the TCP / IP protocol in a wired or wireless version are used. Appropriate converters are used to integrate devices with specialized interfaces into a network.

Each of the modules described above can be implemented using various hardware and software. The most common and frequently used solutions are as follows:


As a control controller of the "smart home" system, the use of a single-board computer of industrial design is most justified. Such computers are characterized by small size, low power consumption, absence of mechanical parts (fans, hard drives) and run on open source software. The number and type of available interfaces can in most cases be changed and supplemented.

It is logical that independent programming of such devices requires certain skills and knowledge. Access to the controller is carried out over the network, using the WEB interface or client applications. There are also ready-made solutions designed to manage the entire complex, and provide the user with a simple user-friendly interface for setting up.

To control the "smart home" it is convenient to use universal remotes that support the execution of macros - ordered sets of actions. Radio remotes in this case are more effective than IR remotes, as they allow you to control outside the direct line of sight of the IR receiver. A more modern control panel can be a smartphone with specialized software installed on it.


Climate control is implemented by evaluating the readings of temperature and humidity sensors. Based on the analysis of these data, automatic adjustment of heating, switching on or off of air conditioning, ventilation and humidification systems is carried out.


It is implemented by installing light sensors, presence or combined. If necessary, the control controller allows you to control the lighting according to the schedule. When using dimmer devices, not only discrete, but also smooth adjustment of the brightness of light sources is possible.

Security and safety

The complex of security means may consist of several subsystems:

1. Security and fire alarm (OPS). Presence sensors are used as detecting devices, which react to the appearance in the controlled area of ​​infrared radiation inherent in the human body. To detect the opening of the door, magnetic contact sensors are installed. Fire safety is controlled by smoke, temperature and gas leakage sensors. Many modern fire and security alarm systems have a radio communication module that allows you to notify the owner using GSM or 3G networks. Often, an alarm system allows the connection of any electrical appliances through a dry relay, which allows you to block the lock, turn on the lights, turn on the siren, etc. on an alarm signal. Sometimes the alarm system includes a humidity sensor, which allows you to timely detect the fact of water leakage.

2. Access control system. It consists of an identification device, directly identifiers (electronic keys, radio tags, fingerprint), a blocking device (lock, barrier, automatic gate) and is designed to restrict access to a room or territory.

3. Video surveillance system. It is a complex consisting of video cameras and a device for processing and storing a video signal.

Accounting and data processing

In most cases, this functionality is implemented using the control controller using the appropriate software.


The transport channel, as a rule, is a local network made using wired or wireless technology. A router is used to manage the network, which allows you to control all network devices and provide protection from unauthorized access to each of them. Modern technologies of high-speed data transmission allow simultaneous use of the network for the exchange of information between computers, the transmission of IP-TV signals, telephony, and the operation of "smart home" components.

In addition to the above, smart home systems often use devices that do not interact with the entire complex. These can be devices for automatic cleaning (robot vacuum cleaners), automatic watering systems for plants, feeding pets, and much more. Despite the fact that such devices are autonomous, their integration with the system is quite possible by simply turning the power on or off by the control controller.

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Automation is increasingly being introduced into the daily life of modern people. And if earlier automated production could be considered the pinnacle of progress, now even life, an apartment or a private house, can be radically improved quite simply by introducing the concept of “smart home”. After all, today "smart home" systems are designed not only to optimize energy costs, but first of all - to make a person's life more comfortable. The possibilities of modern "smart home" systems will be discussed in our article.

To combine home theater, lighting control, water supply, video surveillance system, climate control, power supply and access control, gas supply and multi-room into one system is the task that the smart home system solves today. Let's go through each of the points in sequence, consider what modern automation systems can do in relation to our everyday life.

Climate control

The microclimate of public and residential premises greatly affects our performance, and health in general. The conditions of the air environment in the premises vary depending on the modes of operation of the climatic equipment. Heating and ventilation equipment, lighting equipment, other devices - all this together has a certain total effect on the human body, on well-being, and ultimately on health. And technology is getting more and more complex.

Automated systems allow not only to quickly control and manage all this equipment, but ultimately take care of our health. With the help of sensors, the current state of the air in the room is monitored, and through the control panels, the operating modes of air conditioners and supply ventilation, and heating are adjusted. That is, the climate is adjusted automatically to the requirements of a person, which are set by preliminary settings.

So climate control allows the following. Air quality control depending on the weather outside the window and on the time of day. Timely ventilation of the premises by controlling the heating and opening windows.

Underfloor heating control. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity individually in each room. For example, a food storage room requires its own special climate, which is different from the climate in the living room or in the kitchen, etc.

Control of temperature, humidity, fresh air intake, air purification system and ozonation. In each room, the conditions should be different, most suitable for each family member, taking into account the place in the house where this room is located: some to the north, some to the south, and control in each case will be individual.

Drafts are unacceptable in the nursery, the bedroom should be warmer, the bathroom floor should be warmed up in time, and you don’t need to keep it warm all the time. That is, the control turns out to be optimal so that the energy saving effect would also take place.

The setting varies according to the lifestyle of the family or the collective. On weekends, the heat supply to the working premises is reduced or switched off.

Autonomous heating system of a country house - on the contrary, it turns on for the weekend. The boiler is remotely turned on or switched to an economy mode, etc. Everything is rationalized to combine efficiency and comfort of life. This is especially true for water supply, electricity and heat supply.


For a long time you will not surprise anyone with a home theater. But to control sound and video from different places, as well as stereo systems located throughout the apartment - these functions are just implemented using the "smart home" system.

The home cinema is connected to an automated system, and the whole complex of multimedia equipment, together with auxiliary devices, is harmoniously integrated into the apartment. There can be several sources of sound and video, and they can be multi-channel: speakers, receivers, plasma panels, projectors - everything is controlled directly or remotely from anywhere in the room.

You can watch movies and shows, listen to music in all rooms or just a few, program a scenario and activate it with one button from the touch panel or from the remote control. The program of the scenario can be entered into individual conditions: the blinds are closed, the light goes out or becomes less intense, the plasma panel turns on, the projector moves forward, the player starts.

Scenario programs can be edited, set in time for automatic start, set related settings for watching movies, for example, turn on the air conditioner near the place where the home theater is installed, if the weather is hot.

The "multi-room" function is exactly the function that allows you to hear sound or watch video in several independent areas of the apartment. It becomes possible to control the volume from any room, each of which has push-button or touch, wall or desktop control panels, as well as remote controls.

What could be a more expressive sign of the intelligence of a smart home system than smart lighting control? Smart home lighting is truly intelligent and therefore economical. Electricity resources in an apartment, house or office are used as economically as possible, without unnecessary extravagance.

The advantage of an automated lighting control system is that, based on data from external and outdoor lighting sensors, as well as timer data, it allows you to turn on and off the light of the desired brightness and only where it is really needed. In addition, they open up a wide scope for creativity. In addition, the option to simulate the presence of the owners is available.

The modern "smart home" system is a complex of technologies for comfort, safety and efficiency. Stability is ensured by integration in the event of a centralized power outage, so that the electronics remain operational at all times.

Batteries and inverters, chargers and liquid fuel generators are installed in the system and software integrated. At the time of a power outage, the system will automatically switch to a backup source, in extreme cases, security systems and the most important equipment will remain powered from the batteries.

Automated security system

The "smart home" system includes, as part, a security and fire alarm and video surveillance, so that both the stay of the owners in the house and their absence would be safe both for the house and for the owners themselves. A video intercom and a perimeter security system can be installed here to protect against uninvited guests.

As for security in general, the “smart home” system is able to provide: protection against short circuits in the electrical wiring, protection against water leaks, protection against gas leaks, by triggering a smoke detector and turning on an autonomous fire extinguishing system, autonomous power supply, alarm, automatic call to the rescue service .

Thus, a “smart home” will protect itself and its owners from any dangerous situations, because the system can include: automated gates and doors, automatic security shutters, a video surveillance system, a burglar alarm, presence sensors, smoke sensors, gas leaks, etc.

Access control to the premises, video surveillance of adjacent territories, the inclusion of searchlights when penetrating through the perimeter are three more pluses in the treasury of advantages. Through the Internet, the owner will be able to remotely receive a picture from any of the cameras of the video surveillance system, and the baby monitor function can also be attributed here.

Video surveillance as such

Intelligent video surveillance is one of the main components of modern "smart houses". Video cameras are connected to the Internet, and allow you to access yourself from anywhere in the world.

The owner can be abroad, while quickly monitoring any of the zones, and the video cameras here can be controlled. For example, controlled cameras are usually equipped with gates, courtyards, nearby buildings, and platforms near the doors of apartments. The operation of the video camera can be paired with a motion sensor, and signals can be sent to the control center.

The Internet and satellite television networks, as the main sources of information, are conveniently integrated into smart home systems today. Being inside the house, the owner can receive information and send it to various rooms, to TVs and monitors. This also applies to the transmission of information received from video surveillance systems. Thanks to the "multi-room" function, all these possibilities open up. Of course, via the Internet it is possible to configure, if desired, remote control.

Control from a mobile phone through direct voice commands and via SMS is available today for owners of smart home systems. You can also set up call forwarding to your mobile phone if you are away from home, even if you are in another country.

If necessary, you can let guests into the house by simply sending the appropriate command from your mobile phone to your automated system. Similar opportunities are conveniently implemented via the Internet, it will be enough to find Wi-Fi for a smartphone or laptop.

Andrey Povny

It is generally accepted that the concept of "Smart Home" (from the English smart house) originates in the middle of the last century, but due to the high cost of implementation, such projects are not widely used. The situation has changed radically with the development of electronics, and at present such systems, although still not being introduced everywhere, are no longer perceived as a curiosity. We propose to consider what a "Smart Home" is, its range of tasks, as well as the possibility of independent implementation of such a project.

What is the Smart Home system?

This term refers to a software and hardware complex that allows you to automate and simplify the management of various systems, as well as other equipment of a house or apartment.

As an example, here are the functions that can be assigned to the "Smart house" (hereinafter SH):

Lighting system control, for example:

  • turn on the light on a motion sensor signal;
  • imitation of the presence of the owners (periodically lights up in different rooms);
  • change of various options for interior lighting;
  • remote control of the light using a tablet or smartphone, etc.

Option of the functional set of the security system:

  • receiving SMS messages in case of switching on, switching off and operation of the system;
  • sending MMS messages from video cameras upon receipt of signals from motion sensors;
  • the ability to view video over the Internet, etc.

Climate control system:

  • maintaining the temperature at a given level, with the possibility of setting it remotely (for example, using a smartphone);
  • setting the maximum savings mode in the absence of owners, etc.

This is not a complete functional set, it can be expanded depending on the wishes and financial possibilities. Thanks to the development of wireless technologies, the scalability of the system does not require major repairs.

What are the disadvantages of "Smart Home":

  • Any electronics is not immune from failures or freezes. You need to be prepared for the fact that at any time you will need to manually reconfigure individual electronic systems and components;
  • High cost. In the Russian and CIS markets, manufacturers sell systems at a minimum price of $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the "stuffing" and the wishes of the customer.

How to make the house "Smart"?

Ideally, the implementation of such solutions should be carried out at the construction stage, but this option is not popular among developers due to various reasons. As a result, there are two ways to automate:

  1. Contact a specialized company, where, on the basis of the customer's requirements specification, a project will be drawn up with its subsequent implementation. The minimum cost of such a solution varies, as mentioned above, in the range of $2000-$5000, the maximum depends on the functional set and the equipment used.
  2. Independently develop and implement the "Smart Home" system.

In the first case, the customer receives a turnkey solution. In the second, the cost of implementation can be significantly reduced, if not by an order of magnitude, then by several times, especially if you use the Arduino platform for this purpose (we will talk about it a little below). It must be warned that programming skills will be required to implement the project, but the developers have tried to simplify this task as much as possible.

Briefly about the platform

The basis of the platform is a board with a microcontroller (hereinafter MK) and an electronic body kit for it. Many different sensors and expansion boards with various functions are available for the controller.


  1. Port for flashing (standard USB).
  2. Hard reset button.
  3. Reference voltage signal.
  4. Contacts for digital signals.
  5. TX signal.
  6. RH signal.
  7. Port for connecting an external programmer.
  8. Contacts for analog signals.
  9. External power connection.
  10. +5 V.
  11. +3.3V
  12. Reset signal.
  13. Connector for power supply.
  14. microcontroller.

The peculiarity of the platform lies in the fact that the process of programming MK is simplified as much as possible. Firmware using the built-in bootloader through the USB port on the board. In case of accidental "erasing" of this program, the possibility of flashing with standard programmers is provided.

For programming, a free shell (Arduino IDE) is used, compatible with the most common operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). This shell includes a text editor for writing programs, a compiler, and libraries. A simplified version of C++ is used as the base programming language. More complete information about MK programming can be obtained on the developer's website and thematic forums. In the same sources, you can learn everything about the visualization of system management.

Shell for Arduino programming

The estimated cost of the original base module is $30 - $50 (depending on the modification), Chinese analogues are $10 - $16.

Examples of expansion boards and sensors

Here is a brief description of the shields that you may need when developing your own SH project.

Module for connecting to a local network or the Internet using the standard TCP / IP protocol. The ENC28J60 controller is used as the main element. This device allows you to organize visualized system management from a website.

Connecting the network module to Arduino

The GPRS/GSM SIM900 module allows you to control the system by exchanging data through the network of any mobile operator. A standard SIM card is used to connect to the network. It is possible to send SMS and MMS messages, the module library supports other functions.

Electromechanical action relay 10 A 250 V, can be used to control lighting or other suitable loads. When the power is connected, the red LED turns on, if the relay is activated, the green indicator lights up additionally. The signal can be fed from any digital output of the MK.

Unfortunately, at maximum load or close to it, for electromechanical relays, after a few weeks of operation, the contacts may begin to stick, so they are not suitable for controlling the operation of heating system electric boilers. But do not be upset, for the Arduino platform you can find modules for all occasions, in this situation you can solve the problem using a solid state relay, for example SSR-25DA.


  1. GND on the base board.
  2. To digital output e.g. D
  3. Mains power 220 V.
  4. Load connection.

Please note that this module is implemented on a triac, and for its stable operation heat removal is required, therefore we recommend purchasing a regular radiator together with the module.


Now let's look at several types of sensors that can also be useful for the project, starting with the HC-SR501 motion detection IR device.


  1. Power supply from a source in the range of 5-12 V (can be connected to +5 V on the controller board).
  2. The signal coming from the sensor (connects to any digital input of the MK)
  3. GND is connected to the corresponding pin of the base board.
  4. Delay time (holding a logical unit at the output) - from 5 to 300 sec.
  5. Sensor sensitivity (can be set from 3 to 7 meters).
  6. Switch to the "H" mode (with a series of operations, a logical unit is set).
  7. Setting the mode "L" (when activated, a single pulse is sent).

No less useful will be the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor (manufactured in sealed and conventional versions). Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the devices do not require calibration and each of them has its own unique identifier. That is, the sensor transmits temperature data and its unique number. Thanks to this, several sensors can be installed on one loop and the incoming information can be processed programmatically. The signal wire length limit is 50 meters.

Concluding the topic of sensors, we present a module for measuring humidity; it can be used as a water leakage alarm or for organizing watering of indoor or greenhouse plants.


  1. Digital output, connects to any appropriate connector on the MK base board. Signals about the humidity corresponding to the threshold.
  2. Analog output informs about the current humidity.
  3. Power supply +5 V.
  4. Threshold control.

We have given only three typical sensors compatible with the platform, in fact there are much more of them. You can get acquainted with the variety of these products on the websites of manufacturers.

Having finished with the review of the equipment, let's move on to the design of the control and automation system, you need to start with the problem statement.

Definition of initial conditions

First of all, it is necessary to determine the problem statement, that is, the functionality of the system. Let's say we have a one-room apartment, which can be divided into the following zones:

  • Tambour.
  • Hallway.
  • Toilet combined with bathroom.
  • Kitchen.
  • Living room.

Task: to automate the control of lighting, boiler and ventilation system.

Let's set tasks for each of the zones.


In this case, you can automatically turn on the light when approaching the front door. That is, a motion sensor is required. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of illumination, respectively, the automation should only work in the dark. To do this, you need a GY302 sensor or a similar one (we did not give it in the review, but finding a description will not be a problem). Turning the light bulb on and off (after the time specified in the program) can be entrusted to a solid-state low-power relay, for example G3MB-202P , rated for a load current of 2 A.


Lighting control in this area can be organized according to the same principle as in the vestibule. You can add turning on the light when you open the front door. A typical door reed switch is suitable as a sensor.

Toilet and bathroom

The inclusion of the boiler can be associated with the presence of owners in the apartment. If there is no one, the automation forcibly turns off the water heater using the SSR-25DA module. It makes no sense to monitor the heating temperature, since these devices turn off on their own when the specified threshold is reached. The light and hood should turn on automatically when a person enters this area, and turn off after a certain time if no movement is detected.

Kitchen automation

The lighting control of this zone can be left manual, but it can be duplicated by automatics that turn off the light if no movement is detected for a long time. When using an electric or gas stove, the hood should turn on and turn off some time after cooking. You can control the operation of the hood using a temperature sensor that detects an increase in temperature when the stove is turned on.

Living room

In this room, it is better to control the lighting manually, but you can realize the possibility of automatically turning off the light when there is a sufficient level of illumination.

The given example is rather conditional, since everyone develops the Smart Home algorithm depending on personal preferences.

Features of thermoregulation

In conclusion, we will give a few recommendations for managing heating. Consideration should be given to the large inertia of this system. It is likely that the control by simply turning the heating on and off, in accordance with a given temperature range, can create rather uncomfortable conditions. In this case, you should use the PID-regulation algorithm, a library with its implementation for Arduino is available on the network.

Without going into details, we can describe the operation of this algorithm as follows:

  • An analysis is made between the required and current room temperature, and a certain power of the heating system is set based on the result.
  • Constant heat losses are taken into account. They may depend on outside temperature or other factors. Therefore, when the set temperature is reached, the heating does not turn off completely, but decreases to the level necessary to compensate for heat loss.
  • The last factor affecting the operation of the algorithm takes into account the inertia of the heating system, which does not allow the temperature to go beyond the set range.

A person always strives to improve and modernize his home. It is the development of the “smart home” system that makes it possible to automate all possible processes occurring in it as much as possible. Due to this, the comfort and safety of an apartment or house is achieved. That is, a smart home is a multifunctional complex device of control systems that can operate both autonomously (fully automatically) and manually. Recently, this set of devices has become increasingly popular, although it is quite expensive. The heart of any smart home is the so-called controller, which turns this whole complex mechanism into a unique network and it is he who distinguishes it from conventional automation based on electronic devices.

What is a smart home

To date, there are many modifications and configurations of the smart home control system, it depends on:

  • What goals does the landlord want to achieve?
  • material opportunities;
  • The size and functionality of the house.

In any case, the main components of the system are:

  1. The controller acts as a guiding and regulating mechanism between the input and output modulators. That is, the main connecting part between the managing person and the desired process;
  2. Communication expansion systems, includes all kinds of routers, switches, GPS / GPRS modules;
  3. Electrical circuit switching devices with their help turn on or off the desired mechanism or device. These are relays, power supplies, various dimmers;
  4. Sensors and sensors, as well as measuring devices of different directions. They can measure movement, temperature, light intensity, humidity, etc.;
  5. Elements, due to which, there is a direct control of the entire system or its parts;
  6. Mechanisms that execute the signal from the controller, that is, turn the electrical signal into the appropriate one for the selected device. These are ventilation engines, shutters, water supply valves, lighting fixtures, heating elements, etc.

What is a control controller

The heart of this system, the controller not only manages all consumers and devices included in the smart home system, but also sends a report to the owner about the state of a particular device at the moment. It can be programmed to perform various actions at the desired time interval or according to an approved turn-on schedule. The entire smart home system can work offline, that is, without human intervention, communication with it occurs in several ways through:

  • Computer network;
  • Mobile phone;
  • By radio transmitter.

The choice of controller must be made depending on the architecture of the control system. That is, the whole complex can be:

The principle of operation of the controller

The basic principle of operation of the entire smart home system is based on the automation and control of all processes occurring in it. Initially, all control is configured to independently turn on and off certain mechanisms that simplify a person’s life in the house. The smart home controller can perform and control tasks that are included in its program or have previously been set by the user. In this case, feedback is required between the person managing the house and the controller. All systems tied to work with the controller have one or a group of sensors, and therefore the user only has to choose the mode of their operation, or simply disable their automatic operation. But how useful is all the information supplied from the controller, this is already a question. Since some of them may be of no interest to the average layman who does not delve into the details of the system. Therefore, during the setup and installation of the entire smart home system, the owner must decide how automated it will be. Since, for example, not everyone needs to know the water pressure in the cold water line, or the voltage in the network.

Types of system communication

Communication to manage this rather complex system is an important component. There are several basic types of communication:

  • Wireless local. This type of communication has a limited range and is made using a radio signal, Wi-Fi, or in extreme cases Bluetooth. Management is carried out from anywhere in the premises or even the local area. However, if the house is multi-storey and is also made of a material that performs a shielding function (sheathed with iron or even consists of concrete slabs with reinforcement), then special devices are installed that amplify the wireless signal, or additional radio points;
  • Remote wireless communication. It is possible if the smart home controller is connected to global networks or communication expansion systems that provide constant access to them. These are networks such as GSM / GPRS, any mobile Internet. That is, even if there is no Internet, you can send or receive SMS to your phone about the status of a particular system controlled by the controller. The main communication devices are a phone (smartphone), tablet or laptop.
  • Wired local. This is one of the outdated and outdated methods, but still with good reliability. Communication occurs over cable, twisted pair or electrical wiring. Any central or regional smart home controller has such a connection. The expansion of communication and function occurs with the help of a switch, which creates several branches. Control is carried out by pressing the buttons on the control panel, it can be touch or mechanical. But sometimes you can also connect through a computer, but this is not very convenient, mobility in management is lost.
  • Wired remote method. This is a rather expensive method, as it involves laying a large amount of cable products. And the farther the control unit is located, the more problematic its connection with the controller. Most often, this method of communication is used not for private, but for state organizations and structures to manage simple processes of buildings and the surrounding area. It is rarely used for home use.

That is, devices due to which direct control takes place most often come in the kit. They are graphical control panels with push-button or touch action, they can also be remote controls tuned to the radio frequency of the transmitter. Control devices such as mobile phones, computers or tablets are, of course, purchased separately. Communication through them and management takes place with the help of a specially designed software control, which provides remote access via the Internet.

Basic configuration options

Constantly striving for perfection and automation, a person invents more and more new mechanisms for this. Also, this desire is aimed at reducing the size of devices without losing their functional features.

For the controller controlling the mechanisms and for the entire smart home system, there are basic requirements:

  1. automatism;
  2. self-control;
  3. precise control, without making mistakes.

The configuration options for any such system depend on many factors, which have already been mentioned above, here are the options for systems that can be connected to the controller:

  1. Adjustment and control of lighting both in the room itself and in the adjacent territory, and in places of architectural structures;
  2. Climatic installations (air conditioning, ventilation, heating);
  3. Closing and blocking doors, gates and windows;
  4. Audio systems, and television, home theater;
  5. Management of curtains, blinds and sun-protection rolleta;
  6. Water supply system;
  7. Feeding pets and aquarium fish.

That is, everything lies in the desire of the client and his material capabilities.

Common brands of controllers

The quality of command execution and the functionality of any smart home system directly depends on the controller and its manufacturer.


This 100 PLC modification smart home controller is the basic solution. A feature of which is the use of the Modbus protocol. It is he who organizes the exchange of information between communication channels. The controller "Aries" is designed for the use and creation of automatic systems for residential buildings and cottages with no more than two storeys, street lighting, floor heating, and alarm devices. The logic controller is connected to the operator panel and the I/O device via the RS-485 interface. Programming takes place by the owner himself, unless, of course, he has such a desire. The menu consists of six informative control blocks, each of which is responsible for a specific segment. There is a function of sending SMS using an element of the GSM controller. Notification occurs in case of emergency situations with power supply or malfunction of the supply circuits of individual key elements of the "smart home" system.


The model of the Vera family is distinguished by a large margin of user confidence, due to the use of their equipment in this industry for many years. The main advantages of this model are:

  • High performance;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Compactness;
  • Reliability.

The developers used here a new platform that gives high performance indicators called SoC, its frequency is 600 MHz, and the RAM is increased to 128 MB. The main innovation is implemented on the Z-Wave Plus chip, which is the fifth generation of these microcircuits. The user can simultaneously control and manage the mechanisms, the number of which has been increased to 200 devices. The VeraEdge controller is equipped with a Wi-Fi communication module. One of the drawbacks that still exists in any system can be considered the lack of an integrated uninterruptible power supply unit, which can be purchased and installed additionally.


The Arduino controller offers a rather unusual, but quite logical solution for controlling a smart home. Some craftsmen easily connect and install with their own hands, this is possible due to the ease of working with it. The logic controller has very small dimensions. And also in the kit there are sensors, sensors, as well as all kinds of indicators. The developers almost managed to bring the optimization of the device to perfection. All sensors have a wireless connection and are characterized by minimal errors in operation, and for control there are blocks that have an unusual appearance, with a convenient and unique web page. It is also available as a mobile application.


These systems of German quality are used not only for automation of systems in everyday life, but also in production, in industry. The controller of this company is expressed by the LOGO line involved in the creation of a "smart home". This is the traditional two-component model. One of which is made in the form of a keyboard with a display and is an input-output system, and the second allows you to perform manipulations and connect to the controller through a convenient and reliable wired interface. The company also offers independent development of certain operating modes, for which a special Soft Comfort program is attached. When LOGO is used as a central controller, it can be used to create entire algorithms for the operation of circuits. Constantly new introductions and modifications improve the performance of this apparatus.

Pros and cons of controllers

The indisputable advantage of using controllers to control a house or a room is aimed at effectively solving various problems, as well as at reproducing intellectual abilities, it would seem, for the most simple and elementary mechanisms. Homeowners really get rid of many routine activities. However, like every system, there are necessarily drawbacks. They should include:

  1. complexity of connection and introduction to work;
  2. expensive maintenance and the cost of all elements of the system.

However, development and technology do not stand still, and once every house or summer cottage will be equipped with a “smart home” system, just as a person literally did not know about electricity a century ago, and now it exists in every home.

The concept of arranging a "smart home" has long passed from the category of fantastic to the status of realizable. To one degree or another, this idea is embodied in many private cottages and apartments, facilitating the operation of equipment by users. However, at this stage, one can speak with great reservations about the mass dissemination of this ideology, since a full-fledged complex device of multifunctional control systems is not cheap and is considered by many to be very difficult. Actually, the heart of such systems is the smart home controller, the presence of which distinguishes the principles of this idea from the usual electronic automation.

What is a master controller?

Any controller is a means of controlling certain processes and is in conjunction with automated equipment. The arrangement of a "smart home" implies the presence of operated components that can be controlled by an intelligent system. Just it is represented by a small device in which the means of processing incoming signals from engineering and household equipment are concentrated. Based on the incoming information, the controller will make decisions. "Smart home" can have different content of operated devices. In particular, these can be security alarm systems, lighting equipment, multimedia, engineering utility infrastructure, etc. Depending on the number of objects subject to intelligent control, the controller’s work program is also determined.

It is important to note the multicomponent functionality of such controls. Their main task is focused on managing the above-mentioned user equipment. However, to maintain the function of the controller itself, a part of its resources is also allocated, not to mention auxiliary modules. In addition, special attention in the development of such systems is paid to communication methods. For example, GSM-controllers for "smart home" are equipped with special modems that transmit data on the status of serviced components directly to the user via cellular communication. If we are talking about the management of security complexes or engineering systems, then in the event of an alarm or an accident, the controller can be programmed to inform special services. Moreover, the GSM system is by no means the only one of those thanks to which remote communication with the owner of the house is realized.

Components of the controller

The basic set of functional components includes a central control cabinet, an additional control panel, a server computer, switches and modems. In the event of a power outage, an uninterruptible power supply is also provided, but most often it is calculated for a short-term shutdown, so you should not rely on it in continuous operation. The central cabinet, in turn, contains an energy meter, an introductory circuit breaker, an operator panel, power contactors and a programmable controller unit. Sometimes power line switches, input-output modules, the mentioned GSM modem, etc. are also used. In this case, the set may also have a reduced number of components - depending on what tasks the controller performs.

A "smart home" based on a small cottage, for example, may not have input-output modules, if the optimal work program is initially included in the control unit. Also, the reduction in the number of functional units may be due to the desire to optimize the resources required to maintain the operation of the complex. And this is not to mention the simplification of the system in order to ensure user ergonomics during operation.

Now it is worth considering the composition of the additional cabinet. As a rule, it includes either redundant redundant systems that are already present in the main cabinet, or auxiliary means of communication, as well as security systems. That is, its integration into the system increases the reliability of the functions that the main smart home controller implements. Equipment in this segment, for example, can be represented by means of network local communication, amplifiers and the same uninterruptible power supply unit.

What tasks does the controller perform?

The range of tasks that the controller can perform is very wide and is determined only by the desire of the user who equips his home. Of course, this primarily applies to the management of electrical engineering and engineering components. The very idea of ​​"smart homes" was once popular due to the desire of the consumer to use it with maximum convenience. Modern controllers allow you to control remotely and automatically home and street lighting, as well as power supply in general. Already in the basic configurations, the controllers for the “smart home” system are also guided by the regulation of power supply for gas equipment, refrigerators, boilers, ventilation systems, etc.

In this case, independent control channels can be programmed in a separate order. This applies to the most responsible objects. For example, to control the "warm floor" often provide a line of complex four-zone control in several rooms. The same can be said about the security infrastructure, which is usually served by GSM-controllers for "smart home" with the ability to send SMS messages to the user and security consoles. Moreover, the notification can be simultaneously made through the channels of wireless communication modules based on an Internet connection.

The principle of operation of the device

The general concept of intelligent control systems is based on the creation of automated control. That is, the complex is initially configured for independent control of the target components of the "smart home". It is important to note here what exactly is meant by such management. This can be setting the temperature of the boiler, "warm floor", turning on or off the lamps, adjusting the parameters of the operation of audio and video equipment, etc. At the same time, the "smart home" controllers can work, that is, make decisions based on a pre-set program , and based on feedback from the same equipment. In the first case, the user enters certain operating parameters indicating logical chains. A classic example is setting street lights to work at certain hours at night and turning off completely during the day.

In the case of processing feedback signals, the controller also acts according to the originally programmed program, but decisions are made on the basis of data that may vary depending on the current state of the serviced equipment. For example, a boiler must store water at a certain pressure in the water supply system. From the pressure gauge installed on the water supply line, a signal arrives with one or another indication, and on their basis the system already gives a reverse command to the boiler electronics. Another question is how useful the command that the controller gave to the user will be. "Smart Home" is an intelligent system, but it may not live up to expectations if the owner has incorrectly calculated the mode of operation in certain situations.

Aries controller

As a basic solution, the company offers a PLC100 modification controller, the features of which include the use for organizing information exchange channels. The system is designed to service private residential buildings with two floors, street lighting, underfloor heating, alarms, etc. The main element of the complex is a logic controller connected to the operator panel and input-output devices via the RS-485 interface. That is, the “smart home” on the Aries controller of this version can be programmed by the owner himself if he wishes. Input-output systems are represented by the MBA8 analog module and switching devices from the manufacturer INSYTE.

The main operator menu has 6 control units, each of which takes over one of the slave segments. In particular, these are power supply, underfloor heating system, lighting equipment, temperature controls in different parts of the house, dispatching and an event log. It is important to note that this is the same GSM-controller for managing a "smart home", through which SMS can be sent. Notification in this case will be performed in case of an accident in the power supply line of street lighting, in case of malfunctions in the supply circuit, etc.

Vera Controller

Today, a huge number of different controllers are available on the market, but experts recommend turning to products from manufacturers with extensive experience in this segment. And in this regard, the models of the Vera family have a huge margin of confidence, since the company has been on the market for many years. One of the latest solutions is the VeraEdge complex. Compactness, high productivity and ergonomics belong to distinctive features of this system. Moreover, the development stands out even against the background of other representatives of the Vera line. The "smart home" controller in this design is attractive and technological stuffing. The creators used a high-performance SoC platform, the frequency of which is 600 MHz. At the same time, the amount of operating memory was increased to 128 MB.

The main innovation implemented in VeraEdge is the Z-Wave Plus system chip. This is already the fifth generation of the microcircuit, while most of the competitive analogues are still working on the third generation platforms. What does this mean in practice? The user can use communication protocols with maximum load, simultaneously serving more than 200 devices. In addition, the unit is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, which eliminates the difficulties of organizing wired local communication lines. This is also a new solution that smart home controllers from other manufacturers cannot boast of yet. True, the system was not without flaws. Unfortunately, it lacks an integrated uninterruptible power supply.

Arduino controller

The Arduino system offers a rather unusual, but quite logical solution for controlling a smart home. It is rightly called a do-it-yourself complex, since the user's participation in the organization of the controlling infrastructure in this case is fundamental. So, what is offered in the Arduino kit? The basis of the set is directly a small-sized logic controller, and the remaining components are represented by sensors, sensors and all kinds of indicators. When it was said that the number of components could be limited, then it was a little about other principles for reducing elements, but the Arduino smart home controller brought the concept of optimization almost to perfection. Firstly, all its sensors operate on a wireless principle, which eliminates the need for laying numerous networks. Secondly, for direct control of the controller, not traditional blocks with operator panels are used, but a convenient and modern web page, which is also available as a mobile application. As for the sensors themselves, they are represented by devices that record energy consumption data, humidity and temperature parameters, door openings, etc.

Siemens controllers

German control controllers are mainly associated with process automation in industry. However, a very interesting LOGO line has recently appeared, in which systems for a "smart home" are presented. The company, when developing these complexes, adhered to the traditional direction, offering a two-component model at the output. The primary module forms the information input-output infrastructure and includes a keyboard and a display. The second module allows you to work with the controller via a wired interface, that is, download programs using a computer. For independent development of operating modes, the manufacturer also offers a special program - Soft Comfort. If the system is used as the central controller of a "smart home", then it is quite possible for it to independently create control algorithms and working schemes. In terms of performance and functionality, the models in this family are flexible. The fact is that each version of the LOGO controller can be modified by introducing new subsystems and modules, which will increase the performance of the equipment.

Pros and Cons of Smart Home Controllers

The indisputable advantages of this type of controllers include an effective solution to the problems of managing engineering, multimedia and other household appliances. Indeed, the intellectual abilities of even simple kits give a lot of advantages to ordinary homeowners, relieving them of routine actions. It suffices to give a typical Ethernet controller as an example. "Smart home" under its control using network interfaces is reduced to a single information panel, through which the owner can monitor all the necessary performance indicators and data on the components being operated. Of course, there are drawbacks to this kind of controllers. These include the complexity of technical implementation with connection and commissioning, often difficult maintenance and, of course, significant cost.


Although many potential users of “smart home” control systems are alarmed by their multicomponent and cumbersome nature, they have long been familiar with their individual elements. For example, electronics in modern boilers, refrigerators, acoustic sets and lighting fixtures often operate on the same principles. Moreover, many unknowingly make the same smart home controller with their own hands when they install a security system on sensors and a GSM module. Only if, in the case of security systems, the center is a panel that connects, for example, motion sensors and smoke detectors, then the controllers in question serve the entire range of household devices that, in principle, can be automatically controlled. Another thing is that the second option is more demanding in terms of energy supply, more difficult to implement and operate.

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