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Cheap internet without a monthly fee. "Your country" - is it suitable for Internet connection

For the convenience of choosing from new tariff plans, we tried to compare tariffs from MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2, Yota, Tinkoff Mobile and Rostelecom without a monthly fee.

Do you need tariffs without a monthly fee?

Oh sure!No, they are not needed!

Comparison of tariffs for MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2, Yota, Tinkoff Mobile and Rostelecom without a monthly fee

The information was updated on December 11, 2018, due to changes in the "Classic" tariff from Tele2.
MTS Megaphone Beeline Tele 2 Rostelecom Yota **** Tinkoff Mobile ****
by clicking on the name of the tariff, a page with a detailed description will open
"Super MTS" * "Go to zero" "Per second" "Zero doubt" "Per second" "Classical" "Base" "0/0" "0/0"
Subscription fee 0.00 ₽
On-net cost per minute home region connectivity 1.50 ₽ 6,00 ₽ - the first minute, then it is free 2.90 ₽ 1.80 ₽ 0.05 ₽ per second 2.00 ₽ 0.03 ₽ per second 2.50 ₽ 2.90 ₽
Cost per minute to other operators in the home region 2.50 ₽ 2.00 ₽ 2.90 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 0.05 ₽ per second 2.00 ₽ 0.03 ₽ per second 2.50 ₽ 2.90 ₽
The cost of a minute within the network when making calls to other regions of the Russian Federation 5,00 ₽ 5,00 ₽ 5,00 ₽ 3.90 ₽ 3.00 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 2.90 ₽
The cost of a minute for calls to other regions of the Russian Federation 14.00 ₽ 12.50 ₽ 12,00 ₽ 12,00 ₽ 3.90 ₽ 9,00 ₽ 10,00 ₽ 3.50 ₽ 2.90 ₽
Cost of 1 SMS within the network 2.00 ₽ 1.50 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 1.50 ₽ 1.80 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 2.90 ₽
Cost of 1 SMS to numbers of other operators 3.80 ₽ 5,00 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 1.80 ₽ 2.50 ₽ 2.90 ₽
Cost of 1 MB. internet traffic 9.90 ₽ 25,00 ₽ / 100 MB. 9.90 ₽ 9.95 ₽ 1.50 ₽ ** 1.80 ₽ No access

Table notes

  • * - For the "Super MTS" tariff, the cost of calls, SMS and Internet access is indicated without activating the "All Super" option, which allows you to further reduce communication costs.
  • ** - Payment for Internet traffic on the "Classic" tariff is charged at 10 MB, the first 10 MB. cost RUB 15.00 per day.
  • **** - for comparison, Yota and Tinkoff Mobile have added packages without minutes and Internet access.
  • Be careful, all prices and tariff conditions are indicated for the "Moscow" region. Check the cost and conditions for your regions on the operator's website.

Approximate calculation of the cost of services

Considering that tariffs without a monthly fee are connected by people who do not use communications very often, let's try to calculate the monthly costs for each of the TPs from the above table.

We take as a basis for calculations:

  • Volume of calls - 5 minutes per day within the network;
  • 2 SMS messages per day;
  • For greater savings, we do not make long distance calls and do not use mobile Internet at all.

In total, we get expenses per month (30 calendar days):

  1. MegaFon "Turn to Zero": 180 + 120 = 300 ₽. - Winner!
  2. "Super MTS": 225 + 120 = 345 ₽.
  3. Beeline "Zero doubt": 270 + 90 = 360 ₽.
  4. Rostelecom Basic: 270 + 108 = 378 ₽.
  5. Tele2 "Classic": 300 + 90 = 390 rubles and MegaFon "Per second": 270 + 120 = 390 rubles.
  6. Yota: 375 + 150 = 525 ₽.
  7. Beeline "Per second": 450 + 150 = 600 ₽.
  8. Tinkoff Mobile: 435 + 174 = 609 ₽.
As a result: Even with such minimal parameters as 5 minutes of calls and 2 SMS per day, most TPs will be easier to replace with tariffs with monthly fee which operators offer a great variety. Is that "Super MTS" shows very "nice" numbers (it was 120 rubles before the changes from May 3, 2018). Now, “Turn to Zero” from MegaFon is becoming the conditional “leader”.

Video: Comparison of tariffs without a monthly fee with unexpected conclusions

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Look, analyze, choose what services you most often use, how many minutes, SMS and Internet you spend per day and select the most suitable and most profitable tariff without a monthly fee.

Tariffs from a monthly fee are good because they are ready to offer subscribers an impressive volume of services. Moreover, the package cost of these services is significantly lower than if they were provided on standard terms. But there are people who do not need such volumes - they need an economical connection. Especially for them, you can recommend excellent Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee, which will be considered in this review.

Call rates

Do you like to be short and to the point? Then it will suit you excellent tariff with a self-explanatory name - "Per Second"... Based on the name, we can quite correctly assume that the tariffication here is per second, which means that it is very beneficial for budget subscribers. The cost of all local calls, both to Beeline phones and to numbers of other telecom operators, cost only 5 kopecks / sec... No less profitable and long-distance calls - their cost is only 3.9 rubles / min... True, tariffication in all other directions, with the exception of local calls, is per minute.

How much will it cost international calls and what is the tariffication for other services? Calls to Beeline numbers in Georgia and the CIS countries will cost you 12 rubles per minute. If you need to call the numbers of other operators in countries such as Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia and in the CIS countries, then you will have to pay 24 rubles / min. Calls to Europe, Canada and the USA will be charged at 35 rubles per minute, while calls to Central and North America will cost 40 rubles per minute. All other calls will be charged at standard Beeline rates for international calls.

As for the mobile Internet, you will have to pay 9.95 rubles for 1 MB of received / sent data. The cost of local SMS is 2.5 rubles, within Russia, to the Beeline numbers of the CIS countries and Georgia, as well as to international numbers - 3.95 rubles, the cost of MMS is 9.95 rubles. Do you like to text messages for free? Then send SMS from the official Beeline website. Do you want to switch to the "Per second" tariff without a monthly fee? To do this, you need to call the number 0674100200. The transition is free, but if over the past 30 days you have already changed your tariff plan, then the cost of the transition will be 150 rubles.

A tariff from Beeline without a monthly fee called "Zero doubts" provides a single cost of local calls - 2 rubles / min... When replenishing the account in the amount of at least 200 rubles, the local intranet unlimited is included. International calls cost 30 rubles / min to Georgia, Ukraine and the CIS countries, 50 rubles / min to Turkey, China, Europe, Vietnam, Canada and the USA, 80 rubles / min to any other countries. Local SMS costs 1.5 rubles / unit, messages to other Russian numbers - 5 rubles / unit. To go, dial the number 0674000999.

Tariff without monthly fee "Welcome" is aimed at guest subscribers who need to keep in touch with their home countries. Everything local calls to this tariff cost 1.7 rubles / min, to regional Beeline numbers - 2.5 rubles / min, calls to Crimea - 7 rubles / min. In addition, using a special option, you can reduce the cost of calls within the tariff to zero. Now let's sign international calls:

  • Calls to the Uzbek Beeline will cost 3 rubles / min, to other numbers in Uzbekistan - 4 rubles / min;
  • 1st minute of calls to Tajikistan, to Beeline numbers - 7 rubles, all subsequent minutes - 1 rubles / min, calls to other Tajik numbers - 7 rubles / min;
  • For calls to Ukrainian Kiev, you will have to pay 2.5 rubles / min;
  • Calls to Beeline numbers in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan cost 2.5 rubles / min, to other numbers of the indicated countries - 7 rubles / min;
  • Calls to Turkmenistan will cost you 7 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to Moldovan numbers - 9 rubles / min;
  • Do you need to call South Ossetia, Abkhazia or Georgia? Your calls will cost 8 rubles per minute;
  • The cost of calls to Azerbaijan and Belarus will be 13 rubles / min;
  • Calls to distant Vietnam cost 3.5 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to Chinese phones - 2 rubles / min;
  • Calls to numbers in sunny Turkey will cost you 6 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to numbers in South Korea and India will cost 2.5 rubles per minute.

Calls to other destinations will be charged at standard Beeline rates. As for the cost of traffic, it is quite high - 12.5 rubles / Mb. The cost of local SMS - 2 rubles, SMS within Russia, CIS, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia - 2.95 rubles, MMS - 9.95 rubles.

Among Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee, there are also socially important offers. These include the "Mobile Pensioner" tariff plan, which assumes the following cost of services:

  • Calls to selected numbers (pensioners can choose up to 5 any numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region) - 1.25 rubles / min;
  • Calls to other local telephones will cost 3.95 rubles per minute;
  • Similar local calls, but made from the territory of the Moscow region - 3.16 rubles / min;
  • Calls to regional Beeline numbers - 7.5 rubles / min;
  • Long distance calls - RUB 14 / min;
  • International calls - as on the Zero Doubt tariff;
  • Mobile Internet - 9.95 rubles / min;
  • Local SMS will cost pensioners 1.95 rubles, other domestic SMS - 3.95 rubles, SMS to Beeline numbers in the CIS countries - 3.95 rubles, SMS worldwide - 5.45 rubles, MMS - 9.95 rubles.

The cost of switching to a tariff is 30 rubles, but if there were no transitions in the last 30 days, then switching will be carried out free of charge. This tariff plan has been sent to the archive, it is not possible to switch to it.

Beeline special tariffs without a monthly fee

Tariff plan "Communication" no less important than the Mobile Pensioner tariff. He targeted at people with hearing disabilities... Local calls are extremely unprofitable, but the target audience does not need them - calls to all local numbers cost 5.95 rubles / min, calls to favorite numbers (only in the Beeline network) - 2.98 rubles / min. As for the cost of other calls, they are the same as for the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff.

About cost mobile internet and SMS should be talked about separately. Since people with hearing disabilities communicate through text messages, the cost SMS from the 1st to the 1000th message to any local numbers will be only 0.3 rubles / piece... The rest of the local SMS will cost 1.95 rubles / min. Long-distance SMS within Russia and to the CIS countries will cost subscribers 3.95 rubles / piece, SMS around the world - 5.45 rubles, MMS - only 1.5 rubles. Please note that for the successful sending of MMS messages, the MMS settings for Beeline must be correctly set on your phone. This tariff plan has been sent to the archive, it is not possible to switch to it.

Another special tariff is called "Signal"... It is intended for use in various electronic devices - in GPS navigators, bracelets and key fobs, in security alarm systems and even in remotely controlled heating boilers. All local and long distance calls at this tariff cost 5 rubles / min, long distance calls - at standard Beeline rates. But the cost of Internet traffic has been significantly reduced - it costs only 2 rubles / MB... As for text messages, sending them to any Russian numbers will cost 2 rubles, to any foreign numbers and to the CIS countries - 5.95 rubles, MMS - 6.45 rubles.

The cost of calls to Crimean Kyivstar numbers is 12 rubles / min, to other Crimean numbers - 24 rubles / min (on all tariff plans presented in the review, except for the “Welcome” TP). All prices indicated in this review are valid only for Beeline subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region.

In conditions of fierce competition between mobile operators, each leading company strives to attract its customers with the most attractive tariffs and services. So Beeline has interesting options for subscribers, allowing them to save on calls and SMS.

Beeline offers without a monthly fee are designed for economical users, because knowing the cost of a minute of conversation, you can easily keep your communication costs under control. They will be in demand among schoolchildren, retirees and people who make calls only when necessary.

Cheap Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee

The most advantageous offers of Beeline are intended primarily for schoolchildren and students. Tariffs without a monthly fee are designed primarily for inexpensive calls and SMS. Mobile Internet and outgoing MMS are expensive - 9.95 rubles on almost all tariff plans, and it is impractical to use them without connecting additional services. Those subscribers who cannot do without the available Internet, but do not want to change the favorable tariff, can.


The cheapest tariff plan for visitors who need to be in touch with loved ones in a foreign country. The tariff offers profitable calls within Moscow and the region - 1.7 rubles per minute, as well as tempting conditions for long-distance calls. Outgoing calls to all numbers in Russia are 2.5 rubles. International communication services will cost from 3 to 15 rubles per minute, depending on the direction of the call. Internet traffic is the most expensive among the plans that do not have a monthly fee - 12.5 rubles per downloaded megabyte. The price of an SMS message is from 2 to 2.95 rubles. ... In some regions, there is a similar tariff plan with a similar name -.

"Zero doubt"

This offer will be beneficial to those subscribers in whose immediate environment there are many Beeline users. From the second minute of the conversation, on-net calls to numbers in your home region will be free, while the first minute costs only 1.3 rubles - this is an excellent offer. Outgoing calls to other numbers in Moscow and the region cost 2.3 rubles per minute. For 2.5 rubles per minute it will be possible to call Beeline subscribers throughout Russia, and for 5 rubles per minute - to users of other Russian cellular networks. SMS messages will cost 2.5 rubles when sent to local subscribers, and 3.95 rubles. - international. ...

Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee for pensioners

One of the most unprotected category of citizens is undoubtedly pensioners and they need special conditions for communicating with their children, grandchildren, and friends. Benefits, pensions and social benefits, unfortunately, are not large and the elderly have to save literally every penny. Considering all this, Beeline offers special tariffs to such subscribers.

"Mobile pensioner"

Tariff specially designed for seniors who find it difficult to constantly control their mobile phone costs. By connecting 5 favorite numbers, subscribers can make inexpensive calls to their loved ones, spending only 1.25 rubles per minute of conversation, the connection with other users in the home region will be 3.95 rubles. per minute while in Moscow, and 3.16 rubles per minute from the region. The cost of SMS is more profitable than that of other offers that do not have a monthly fee, and is 1.95 rubles. when sending within the Moscow region and 3.95 rubles to addressees of Russia and the CIS. ...

"Per second"

This simple tariff, just like the previous one, will suit older people. It will be the best option for those who speak only on business and for subscribers who dial the number of their loved ones only to ask them to call back. As the name implies, only seconds of the conversation are paid here, without rounding to the minute. A second of conversation with all subscribers of Moscow and the region costs 5 kopecks. Calls to other telephones in Russia are charged per minute and amount to 3.9 rubles. in a minute. SMS will cost 2.5 rubles. when sent to numbers in the home region and 3.95 rubles. to phones in Russia and the CIS. ...

Cellular operators offer a variety of fixed-price offerings, which usually include a specific service package. Most often, they are not completely consumed. But when choosing a tariff without a monthly fee, the actually spent services are paid. For many citizens, such offers are more beneficial.

Tariffs without monthly fees in 2018:

Tariff without monthly fee "Super Zero"

The MTS tariff without a subscription fee "Super Zero" is currently listed in the archive. It is impossible to connect to it.

Tariff without a monthly fee MTS "Posekundny"

The "Per second" tariff was first offered by MTS in 2015. Incoming calls are free of charge. Outgoing calls are charged for each second of the call, the cost of which is 5 kopecks.

You can send SMS within the region for 2 rubles, outside it - for 3.8 rubles. Prices for MMS are 9.9 rubles. 1 Mb of Internet traffic costs the same amount.

How to activate the "Per second" tariff

The MTS tariff without a monthly fee "Per second" is currently listed in the archive. It is impossible to connect to it.

Tariff without monthly fee "Super MTS"

The "Super MTS" tariff is a tariff without a monthly fee and without the Internet. There are 2 options, which are determined by the presence or absence of the "All Super" option:

  • No option
    subscription fee is free
    incoming calls is free
    calls to MTS for the home region RUB 1.5 / min (Moscow) RUB 0.5 / min (other cities)
    calls to MTS to other cities 5 rub / min (Moscow) 3 rub / min (other cities)
    calls to numbers of other operators in the home region RUB 2.5 / min (Moscow) RUB 1.1 / min (other cities)
    calls to other operators in Russia RUB 14 / min (Moscow) RUB 12 / min (other cities)
  • With the "Super MTS" option.

You can forward a text message for 2 rubles. in your region, across Russia - 1.95 rubles. The price of an MMS message is 9.9 rubles.

How to connect "Super MTS"

Switching to "Super MTS" occurs by the command * 111 * 8888 * 1 #, disconnection - when changing the tariff.

Attention! When the tariff is activated, the service is automatically activated, "All Super" to deactivate the service dial * 111 * 249 * 2 #

To reactivate the All Super service dial * 111 * 249 * 2 #.

Tariff without a monthly fee MTS "Red Energy"

The MTS “Red Energy” tariff is also free of a monthly fee. It will interest those who communicate in their region not only with MTS subscribers, but also with clients of other operators.

  • Calls... Calls are charged per minute and equal to 1.6 rubles. Incoming calls are received free of charge. Outgoing calls in Russian regions are charged at 5 rubles for MTS numbers and 8 rubles for all other operators.
  • Posts... The cost of sending one SMS within the region costs 1.9 rubles. When sending it across Russia, the cost doubles. If you need to send a message to an international mobile number, then its price will be 5.25 rubles.
  • Internet... As with all tariffs without a flat fee, Internet traffic is not included in Red Energy. You can get access to 1 Mb of the Internet for 9.9 rubles.

How to connect MTS "Red Energy"

Connection to the "Red Energy" tariff is made:

  • by USSD-command * 111 * 727 * 1 #;

You can switch to this tariff for free if there were no tariff plan changes during the current period. Otherwise, you will have to pay 150 rubles.

You can refuse "Red Energy" by changing it to any other valid offer of MTS.

How to find out the remaining traffic and minutes on MTS

It is important for any subscriber to know about the available remaining minutes when the options are connected. To do this, you need to dial the command on your mobile device: * 100 * 1 #.

MTS tariffs for intercity without a monthly fee "Your country"

The tariff without a monthly fee, offered by MTS, which is beneficial for long distance calls, is called "Your Country". Within Russia, all calls are charged at the rate of 5 rubles per minute, except for the Ulyanovsk region, where a minute of a call costs 1.5 rubles.

Each country has its own prices. For Armenia (to MTS numbers) they also depend on the duration of the call: up to 30 minutes all calls cost 3 rubles, over this time - 5 rubles. A minute of communication with subscribers:

  • China costs 3 rubles;
  • Uzbekistan - 6 rubles;
  • Abkhazia, South Ossetia - 12 rubles;
  • Turkmenistan - 10 rubles;
  • Tajikistan - 8 rubles;
  • Kazakhstan - 8 rubles;
  • Moldova - 11 rubles;
  • Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine (not to MTS numbers) - 20 rubles;
  • Belarus, Azerbaijan - 25 rubles

All SMS messages are charged at 2.5 rubles. for Russian subscribers and 6 rubles. for the CIS countries.

Connect tariff

Switch to the tariff "Your Country" by dialing * 111 * 182 * 1 #.

MTS tariffs for a modem without a monthly fee

The MTS Connect 4 tariff is optimal for active users of the World Wide Web. It is purchased with a router or modem. There are several options for further connection of services:

  • Internet 4 Mbps... For 750 rubles per month, unlimited Internet traffic is provided.
  • Internet Mini. For 350 rubles. 8 GB of Internet traffic is provided per month. Connection is made by command * 160 #.
  • Internet Maxi... This service costs 800 rubles per month. For this price, 15 GB of Internet and free night traffic are provided. You can install the service by dialing the command * 161 #.
  • Internet VIP... Over 30 GB included in this option, the subscriber pays 600 rubles. per month and has a 50% discount on MTS TV connection. The command to connect the Internet * 166 #.

A SIM card with a tariff is issued free of charge with the purchase of an MTS modem

If there are not enough funds on the balance sheet for a one-time write-off, then payment will be made daily. Remaining traffic is not carried over to the next month.

MTS tariffs for the navigator and devices without a monthly fee

The "Mayak" tariff plan has its own characteristics. It is focused not on communication, but on transferring data for different devices that require access to the Internet with little traffic. 1 MB is provided for 4.5 rubles.

The cost of fax calls for MTS customers is 1.5 rubles, for other cellular companies - 3 rubles.

You can get the "Mayak" offer only with a new SIM-card purchased in the showroom.

MTS tariffs for pensioners

There is no separate tariff developed by MTS without a monthly fee for pensioners. For each citizen of advanced age, the available proposals are individually considered. It is better to seek advice from operators who will help you decide:

  • contact center short number - 0890;
  • contact center - +7 495 766 01 66.

If the subscriber has decided to switch to tariffication based on the actual consumption of communication services, you can find out how to change your tariff plan to a tariff without a monthly fee in the MTS communication salon. They will tell you about all the available packages of cellular services and help you connect your favorite tariff plan.

There is a group of users who use only telephone communication from the whole range of services of mobile providers. They do not need bundled tariff plans, because in such cases MTS tariffs without the Internet and a monthly fee are much more profitable.

The desire to save on traffic is understandable, and in this article we will try to understand which MTS tariff without the Internet and a subscription fee in 2018 is the best. From the review, you will learn the specifics of each TP, its cost and how to disable the imposed services.

Super MTS

The operator considers this TP to be the most profitable. At first glance, you might think that you won't have to pay for anything here at all. In reality free SMS, gigabytes and minutes are available only with special options(the list and commands for disconnecting at the end of the article).

With all the services connected, the monthly fee will be 642 rubles which is not that cheap. If you want to make the use of the tariff completely free, after switching to the plan, you need to disable all services. Then you can use only 20 outgoing minutes for landline phones and mobile MTS in your region for free every day.

Without additional options or if the daily limit is exceeded, calls are charged according to RUB 1.5 / min(MTS) and 2.5 RUB / min(city). When making calls to other regions, conversations with MTS clients will cost RUB 5 / min, other operators - 14 rub / min.

The price of one outgoing SMS to subscribers in the home area will be 2 rubles, in other districts - 3.8 rbl.

USSD-combination to change the tariff for "Super MTS" - * 111 * 8888 # .

Red Energy

This tariff is notable for the uniform cost of calls to all numbers in the region where the SIM card is connected - 1.6 RUB / min... Intranet long distance calls are charged by RUB 5 / min, to the numbers of other service providers - 8 rub / min.

The tariff plan includes services "SMS Smart Package" and "SuperBIT Smart". If you don't turn them off, you will have to pay 585 rubles monthly for all options.

The cost of one SMS without SMS-package will be 1.9 rubles in the region of connection and 3.8 rubles- around the country.

Paid services

On all tariffs without the Internet, under the guise of "optimizing options", the provider includes a number of paid services in the initial package. In the first 14-30 days, services are provided free of charge. But if you do not get rid of them in time, the communication costs with the beginning of the new reporting period will greatly surprise you.

The table lists additional paid options for each TP without a monthly fee. Their cost per month of use is indicated in brackets, but in fact, the fee is charged every day.

You can unsubscribe from these services through USSD combinations:

  • Call for free on MTS Russia 100 - * 111 * 868 #
  • SuperBIT Smart - * 111 * 8650 #
  • SMS Smart package - * 111 * 9009 #
  • They called you! - * 111 * 38 #
  • GOOD'OK - * 111 * 29 #
  • First internet package - * 111 * 1431 #

Subscription fee

Until 2018, on tariffs without the Internet, it was possible to disable all paid services and use only free services.

For example, use a SIM card for calls within the MTS network. As a result, it was possible not to replenish the phone balance for months. In fact, subscribers used communication services free of charge, albeit in very limited amounts.

Now the operator is forcing users to use paid services at tariffs without a monthly fee. You have to take a paid action every two months: make a chargeable call, send an SMS or go online. If this does not happen, your tariff plan will be switched to "Basic" (you will not be notified about this), according to which a daily fee is charged in the amount of 3 rubles.

If you have already been switched to the "Basic" tariff plan, it is too late to call or send messages. You need to reconnect the tariff without a monthly fee. You will not be able to switch to the "old" TP if there is a more recent version among the operator's tariffs - with updated parameters.

Which of the tariffs without the Internet and a monthly fee is the best for calls?

MTS tariffs without the Internet and a monthly fee are replete with pitfalls. With a competent approach to the selection and preventive disabling of unused paid options, you will receive an optimal tariff plan.

What is the tariff plan of cellular communication without a monthly fee to choose for the phone? All the listed tariffs of MTS without the Internet can be considered profitable, based on which category of customers they are focused on:

  1. The cheapest- "Super MTS", but only on condition that all additional options are canceled. This option will not suit all subscribers, but you cannot find a better offer: you get 20 minutes a day for local calls for nothing.
  2. Call mainly subscribers of different operators, and the talk time rarely exceeds a minute? "Per second" is your choice. Red Energy is fine for longer conversations. Both tariffs are suitable only for beneficial communication with subscribers of the home area.
  3. If long-distance or international calls are important to you, the best tariff will be the TP "Your Country" or "Guest". The plans provide the most favorable rates for calls within the country and abroad.

    go to TP "Super MTS" and activate the option, calls to other regions will become even cheaper - at 3 rubles / min.

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