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Decimeter TV channels. List of TV channels of digital and analog broadcasting

First digital multiplex (RTRS-1)

The first digital multiplex or the first package of digital channels of the Russian television and radio broadcasting network (RTRS-1) is a package of all-Russian, publicly available and free for the population television and radio resources.

The list of all-Russian channels that should be available throughout the country was approved by the Decree of the President of Russia "On All-Russian Mandatory Public Television and Radio Channels" on June 24, 2009. The decree notes that the list of channels was compiled to preserve the common information space of Russia, as well as to provide citizens of the country with socially significant information. The law emphasizes that all radio and TV channels from this list should be available to all Russians absolutely free of charge.

The State Commission on Radio Frequencies approved in 2009 the frequency-territorial plan RTRS-1. Broadcasting of the digital package in Russia is carried out in the decimeter range from 470 to 862 MHz.

In 2012, the Government of Russia determined that the optimal standard for broadcasting the digital package RTRS-1 is DVB-T2, the format is standard definition SDTV. It should be noted that before 2012, some regions had already been transferred to digital broadcasting, but in a different format. As a result, it was decided to transfer all subjects of Russia under one DVB-T2 standard.

The terrestrial digital package is broadcast free of charge, it cannot be encrypted, because the multiplex must be accessible to everyone.

For commercial or non-terrestrial broadcasting, the concept of RTRS-1 is not defined, however, the law states that all operators are obliged, at their own expense, to broadcast in their networks of public channels without making changes to them.

In Moscow, the first multiplex is broadcast on 30 TV channels at a frequency of 546 MHz in the DVB-T2 standard.

LogoNameFormatFrequency in MskOwner
First channel16:9 546 MHzOJSC "Channel One"
Russia 14:3
16:9 JSC Gazprom-Media Holding
NTV16:9 JSC NTV Television Company
Channel Five4:3 OJSC "Teleradiocompany "Petersburg""
Russia-K4:3 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company"
Russia 2416:9 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company"
Carousel4:3 CJSC Karusel (FSUE All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and OJSC Channel One)
Public Television of Russia16:9 ANO "Public Television of Russia"
TV Center16:9 JSC "Telecompany" TV Center ""

The second multiplex of digital television in Russia (RTRS-2)

The second digital multiplex or the second package of digital channels of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS-2) is the next package of all-Russian, but not mandatory, digital TV channels. The list of channels of the second package was compiled based on the results of the Roskomnadzor competition. If the TV resources of the first RTRS-1 are obligatory for distribution in all networks free of charge, then commercial operators decide on their own whether to distribute the second package for free.

In 2009, the State Commission on Radio Frequencies assigned the decimeter range from 470 to 862 MHz to the second digital TV package. Broadcasting is carried out by FSUE RTRS, standard - DVB-T2, format - standard definition SDTV.

The second multiplex, like the first one, is distributed free of charge and also its signal is not encrypted. All channels of the second package are known to subscribers of satellite, cable and IP-television. Channels did not receive special advantages when they were included in the RTRS-2 list, since these resources are not mandatory. In addition, analogue broadcasting of most of these resources is already on the air of large cities. Operators provide subscribers with access to these channels in the cheapest subscription package or free of charge.

In Moscow, the second multiplex is broadcast on 24 TV channels at a frequency of 498 MHz in the DVB-T2 standard.

REN TV16:9 498MHzLLC "Accept"
Saved4:3 Financial and economic management of the Russian Orthodox Church and SPAS-Media LLC
STS4:3 CJSC Network of Television Stations
Home4:3 CJSC "New Channel"
TV-34:3 Profmedia TV LLC
Friday!4:3 Profmedia TV LLC
Star16:9 JSC "TRK AF RF" Zvezda ""
Peace16:9 CJSC Interstate TV and Radio Company Mir
TNT4:3 JSC "TNT-Teleset"
Muz TV4:3 Muz TV Operating Company LLC

The third multiplex of digital television in Russia

The third digital multiplex is only a planned package, which will include federal and regional TV channels. The decree on the formation of RTRS-3 was signed by the President of Russia in 2013.

Currently the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

In January 2015, the third multiplex began broadcasting from the capital's Ostankino TV tower in trial mode. The launch is associated with the active introduction of digital television in our country. To continue watching channels, it is enough to make changes to the TV settings: operating frequency 578 MHz, TVK number 34, DVB-T2 standard. The resource for 10 positions was distributed in an unusual way for Russian broadcasting. Roskomnadzor has issued a license to 40 TV channels, but they work alternately with a certain schedule: each has a certain time to go on the air. The main reason why the broadcast is not carried out in full is the new Federal Law “On Advertising”. It banned advertising on paid or encrypted channels, and free-to-air broadcasting is needed to get out of this restriction. Even if the program was shown for one or two hours a day, it has the right to include advertising in its entirety in the allotted time. Below are the positions, and the broadcast schedule of the channels with the time indicated.

Position Channel logo Name Number Frequency Broadcast time
1 34 578 MHz around the clock
2 34 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 06:00-12:00 (42 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-18:00 (42 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 18:00-00:00 (42 hours/week)
3 34 578 MHz 00:00-05:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 05:00-10:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 10:00-15:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 15:00-20:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 20:00-00:00 (35 hours/week)
4 34 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week)
5 34 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week)
IQ HD (SD quality) 34 578 MHz 06:00-09:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 09:00-12:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-15:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 15:00-18:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 18:00-21:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 21:00-00:00 (21 hours/week)
6 34 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week)
7 34 578 MHz 08:30-01:30 (119 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 01:30-02:30 (7 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 02:30-04:30 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 04:30-06:30 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 06:30-08:30 (14 hours/week)
8 34 578 MHz 00:00-02:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 02:00-04:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 04:00-06:00 (14 hours/week)
HD Life (SD quality) 34 578 MHz 06:00-08:00 (14 hours/week)
STV 34 578 MHz 08:00-10:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 10:00-12:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-14:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 14:00-16:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 16:00-18:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 18:00-20:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 20:00-22:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 22:00-00:00 (14 hours/week)
9 34 578 MHz around the clock
10 34 578 MHz blocked

The information was obtained from open sources and is current as of the beginning of 2019. As the grid changes, the data will be updated.

Article 37. Erotic publications

Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on July 13, 2015)
"About the media"

Distribution of releases of specialized radio and television programs of an erotic nature without signal coding is allowed only from 23:00 to 04:00 local time, unless otherwise established by the local administration.

For the purposes of this Law, a media outlet specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature means a periodical or program that generally and systematically exploits the interest in sex.

Retail sale of media products specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature is allowed only in sealed transparent packages and in specially designed premises, the location of which is determined by the local administration.

As you know, the third digital terrestrial multiplex is expected in Russia for a long time. In the FTP "Development of TV and radio broadcasting for 2012-2018" it is written that the decision to launch it should be considered in 2018. And now this year has come. Is there any progress on this?

One of our regular readers asked this question and decided to write an official request to the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. We must pay tribute, despite the fact that the question was asked not by a media representative, but by an ordinary viewer, an official answer was received. Frankly, he personally puzzled us a little. What did the ministry say?

Before we quote the text from the official letter, it should be recalled that the third multiplex was previously planned to be given to regional TV channels. But in the end, this issue was postponed due to the fact that it is not clear how regional television broadcasters will pay for all this, because. the amounts for RTRS services were announced, to put it mildly, considerable. And this is against the background that not all channels can pay for their presence in the second multiplex, and some of them do not pay for it at all. But more about that later, but for now, let's listen to the official response of the Ministry of Communications regarding the launch of the third on-air "trunk":

“In connection with your appeal, received by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia on public electronic systems, we inform you the following.
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Television and Radio Broadcasting on October 27, 2014, the expediency of determining the principles for the formation of the third multiplex no earlier than 2018 was noted.
However, the current experience of introducing the second multiplex shows that even large commercially successful TV channels that are part of it are not able to pay for communication services via digital broadcasting in full.
Therefore, before making a decision on the prospects and procedure for the formation of a regional multiplex, it is planned to assess the economic conditions for the functioning of the second multiplex TV channels at the start of their broadcasting to the entire territory declared in the license, which will be possible
no earlier than 2020.

Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Region
mass media
G.M. Trubitsyn"

Thus, from the text of the letter, it can be concluded that the consideration of the issue of the third multiplex is postponed “backdating” until at least 2020.

And now our OPINION.

If we discard sentiments about small regional TV channels, then the issue with at least one regional television in the "terrestrial figure" is actually completely solved. And there is no need to tell everyone here about the budget and economic feasibility. I have nothing against the Spas channel, which is broadcast in the second multiplex, but information has been repeatedly voiced earlier that this channel pays absolutely nothing for its presence in the second ten channels. Also, not the best financial prospects for several more channels that are still forced to leave analogue television, because the main "feds" will not leave it and will not "drag" the viewers who remained on the "analogue" with them. As a result, the budget pays for all this trouble with broadcasting. So why not include the 21st regional TV channel in the second multiplex, for which let the regional budget pay, for example? But while in high circles they pretend that they are determined with a “development strategy” ...

But sooner or later you will still have to decide. But so far we see that responsible officials prefer to simply play for time. It is possible that in this case, too, they expect that someday President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will become seriously interested in this problem and give instructions on what needs to be done?

In fact, the problem with analog TV and the third terrestrial multiplex is solvable. Especially now, when the most important elections in the country were held and nothing threatens the political course in the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to act and solve many long-standing problems. And we once again observe from responsible officials their principle of work, which lies in the lines of the once popular song performed by Alexander Barykin - “Attention! The TV program for tomorrow is postponed to tomorrow.

After the advent of digital television, many users wanted to switch to its reception. It's not just about frequent discussions and the desire to try something new. Signal quality is an order of magnitude higher, and ease of access increases attractiveness. It is possible to connect digital TV to outdated kinescope models with the help of additional devices, and to modern TVs.

Ways to receive a digital signal

There are several ways to connect a high-quality signal to a TV:

  1. Cable TV. Reception is carried out via a common cable. The downside is the subscription fee and not ubiquitous availability;
  2. Satellite television. Signal transmission is carried out through satellites, and reception is carried out using an individual dish. You also need a monthly fee plus the purchase of special equipment;
  3. Broadcast television. The digital TV signal is distributed from terrestrial repeaters, you can receive it from an antenna, indoor or outdoor. This is a completely free method of watching TV shows in a modern format. It has disadvantages: often a low signal level, the quality of the picture can be affected by the weather, the location of the tower, etc.

The least expensive way is to receive digital television through an antenna installed and configured by the user.

How digital television works

The transmission of picture and sound for digital television is carried out by encoding the video signal and sound over digital channels. Digital encoding differs from analog in immunity to interference (external obstacles). A blurry, fuzzy picture, stripes are impossible here. The image is either clear or completely absent.

If the reception is uncertain, then perhaps the picture will break up into squares, disappear and reappear from time to time. It depends on how you set up the antenna. Alternatively, you can install a different antenna or raise and deploy the existing one, pointing at the TV tower.

Required viewing equipment

  1. Antenna;
  2. A separate set-top box with a DVB T2 tuner that supports the MPEG 4 standard and can operate in Multiple PLP mode.

Antenna can be used conventional analog. If the TV was released relatively recently, then it may have a built-in tuner of the desired format (the outdated DVB T format is no longer supported). Then you don't need to buy anything else.

To find out if there is a built-in DVB T2 tuner, you can look at the data in the data sheet. It is even easier to find a TV model on the Internet and get a comprehensive answer.

Selecting a digital tuner

At first glance, all TV boxes are the same. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the main technical characteristics. But there are other features that affect the further operation of the equipment and the breadth of functions covered:

  1. The absence of buttons on the external panel of the set-top box will oblige you to use it only with the remote control, which is not always convenient;
  2. If the tuner does not have a USB port, this technique cannot be used as a media player. If available, you can record TV shows and play photos, videos.

Important! A good choice is a set-top box with a separate power supply. It is usually built in. The most common cause of tuner failure is a power supply failure. If it breaks, you need to repair or replace the entire prefix, and the remote power supply must be replaced separately without problems.

Many hang the TV on the wall, and quite high. Then it is inconvenient to use the usual design of the prefix. There are equipment modifications - compact set-top boxes that are attached to the back of the TV with adhesive tape. The strength of the attachment must be considered. Such a receiver is controlled by a remote control through a separate sensor attached to the same adhesive tape on the outer panel of the TV. Power comes from the TV's USB port.

The set-top box can also be used in conjunction with a computer monitor (if there is an HDMI port). Then you can watch digital TV from a conventional antenna. If the built-in TV tuner fails, it can be easily replaced using the receiver.

What channels are available to watch

To watch free digital channels through a conventional antenna, the 2017 list contains two multiplexes:

  • the first RTRS 1 - frequency 546 MHz, channel 30;
  • the second RTRS 2 - frequency 498 MHz, channel 24.

Technical data are valid for Moscow and the region. They may differ in other regions. A total of twenty television channels and 3 more radio programs are available.

Important! TV does not pick up additional channels. Antenna tuning will not affect the number of received channels, but only their quality.

How to locate a TV tower

Users living in the city, in the signal reception area from the TV tower, are not puzzled by such questions. But for the inhabitants of remote towns and villages, the information is relevant. What knowledge is needed for the best choice and proper tuning of the antenna:

  1. The exact location of the tower and the distance to it;
  2. Technical parameters (channels and broadcasting frequencies), using which you can catch a digital signal in a given area. This is necessary for the user to manually tune TV channels on the set-top box;
  3. Is the entire list of channels available for reception. There may be one or two packages.

Full information about the TV towers is on the official website of RTRS. There are maps where you need to enter the name of a particular settlement in the search bar. A map of the area will immediately open, on which all transmitting TV towers are indicated (green - operating, black - under construction). If you click on the cursor hovering over the selected village, information will be available on where and for how many kilometers operating transmitters are installed, channel numbers (TVK), broadcast frequency, number of packages).

The active menu includes a function that allows you to find out the coverage areas of individual repeaters.

Now, armed with knowledge, it is necessary to determine whether it is enough to install an indoor antenna or whether an outdoor, more powerful one is required.

Antenna types

The analog signal is received at the MV antenna. DVB antennas are more compact. There are combined samples capable of receiving both ranges. From such a combined design, unnecessary elements can be removed, and you get an excellent UHF antenna. For example, if there is a long whisker (an element for the MV signal), they can be removed.

All antennas are divided into:

  • active;
  • passive.

Active devices are those in which amplifiers are used. The antenna with the amplifier must be connected to a power source. If a receiver is used, the 5V power for the amplifier is supplied through it. This is done in the menu settings. The option is called Antenna Power.

An amplifier does not always mean better reception, in some cases it will even hurt:

  1. In the area next to the TV tower, turning on the amplifier can lead to the complete disappearance of reception due to too strong a signal;
  2. The amplifier is the weakest element of the antenna, often failing. Plus a power supply and additional wires, which also require repair and replacement;
  3. The intensity of the TV signal itself is provided by the design of the antenna. And the amplifier in parallel increases the level of noise and interference;
  4. If you want to connect another TV to a passive antenna, this is easier to do.

Passive structures do not have additional amplification, they are usually used in areas with a stable signal.

Antenna selection and installation

An old antenna may be suitable for receiving a digital signal if it consists of short elements or combined. If there are working serviceable antennas, it remains only to find out whether they will effectively catch the "figure" in local conditions.

The decimeter signal does not have an extensive coverage area. Therefore, for its distribution, it is necessary to build a network of transmitters. The surrounding landscape, the presence of high-rise buildings, mountains, forests, the power of the repeater greatly affect the quality of the signal. Antenna installation must take into account all these factors.

Reception zone

A stable and reliable signal zone is an area within a radius of no more than 10 km from the television tower. Here, a simple indoor antenna will do a great job of receiving. If you have an amplifier, you can not use it.

If the signal disappears, the image breaks, then you need to connect the existing amplifier through the set-top box, using the appropriate menu item. Power will be supplied via the antenna cable.

Multi-story buildings can become a problem due to the reflection of decimeter waves. But the same reflection can be used. Let's say the antenna does not catch when it is oriented towards the TV tower. Point it at nearby tall buildings, the reception of the reflected signal will probably be much more effective.

It is necessary to check the presence of electrical appliances near the room antenna (third-party power supplies, etc.), as well as metal blinds on the windows. They can significantly weaken the signal.

Short circuit

There are times when the set-top box suddenly stopped responding to the use of the remote control, buttons, the image and sound disappear, and “Antenna short” is displayed on the screen. The problem does not mean that digital television does not work. There is simply a short circuit in the antenna cable or in the receiving device itself.

Why did the closure happen? There may be several reasons:

  1. The presence of a short circuit in the cable associated with careless installation, in all likelihood, at the connection points. The antenna plug can only be damaged by manufacturing defects;
  2. The active receiver is in operation, power is supplied to the amplifier. The amplifier is sensitive to lightning and can be damaged during bad weather;
  3. A passive antenna is connected, and the power to the amplifier is turned on in the receiver's menu. Passive devices are often short-circuited.

In the latter case, you need to disconnect the receiver from the network, separate the antenna from it, then turn on the power again, on the connected tuner, in the menu settings, turn "Antenna Power" to the "Off" position.

Important! The search for and elimination of the causes of a short circuit is carried out after the attachment is separated from the mains.

Remote area from TV tower

Distance is considered to be more than 30 kilometers from the repeater. With a powerful transmitter and direct visibility, we install a small receiving device such as a wave channel or a log-periodic one. You need to direct the antenna to the TV tower. In such conditions, it is even possible to use an indoor unit with an amplifier.

With increasing distance and when a settlement is located in low places, the requirements for the antenna increase. More powerful samples are needed. A good receiving device necessarily includes an amplifier, and its arrow is long enough. There are samples with several arrows, but they will only be needed under extremely poor conditions.

Many users have a Polish antenna, since in the recent past it was popular because of its affordable cost. Its other name is the lattice. Can this design be adapted for digital television?

It is quite functional, but some changes are required. The antenna amplifier does not contribute, but interferes with signal reception. Therefore, it must be taken out of work. Simply disconnecting the power supply is often ineffective. It is more reliable to dismantle the television cable on the amplifier board and connect it there to the two upper bolts: to one - the central core, to the other - the shielding braid. Thus, the amplifier is excluded from the circuit, and the antenna becomes passive.

Antenna and TV setup

There are several ways to properly set up a digital signal. The choice depends on the conditions of admission.

Auto search

This method is the easiest, but it requires a strong stable signal. The equipment is installed, turned on, digital channels are selected in the settings menu, and auto search is turned on. The TV automatically finds and stores the entire list of channels.

Manual mode

Suppose, in the auto-search mode, the TV cannot catch anything. Or found channels with interference. These pictures are not digital. Perhaps the TV at the same time went through the entire frequency range and caught several analog channels.

Now it will be useful to know the numbers of TV channels (TVK), through which the signal is transmitted for each multiplex. Information about the location of the TV transmitter will also come in handy to direct the antenna in the right direction. If the house is surrounded by other residential buildings, you can navigate by neighboring receivers, but not by satellite dishes that "look" at their satellite.

  1. In the menu, you need to enter the manual setting, after selecting DTV (digital television);
  2. Enter the channel number or its frequency by typing from the remote control;
  3. Two indicators will appear at the bottom of the menu, displaying the intensity of the television signal and its quality. Sometimes there is one indicator;
  4. In the presence of even a slight signal, you can begin to turn and move the antenna in order to achieve its amplification. An instant reaction when changing the position of the receiving device is not worth waiting for. It will show up in a few seconds. The search should be carried out stepwise, with pauses. When the antenna is outdoor, it is difficult to do it alone, it is better to take an assistant;
  5. Immediately after the appearance of a stable signal with a good level, you can start searching for channels and saving;
  6. Channels of the second multiplex are tuned in the same way, if its reception is technically possible in the given area.

Important! If the signal disappears, then reappears with the scale filled to 100%, and this continues in turn, this means that there is no reception.

Complete lack of signal reception

This situation is typical for particularly unfavorable conditions, in low places, closed by mountains, next to high-rise buildings, with low-power towers located far away.

The search for a TV signal must be manual. At the same time, for its primary display on the indicators, you need to show patience and endurance, having tried different methods:

  1. Purchase a powerful active antenna;
  2. If there are other towers nearby, you can sometimes try a manual search on the TV set to alternate repeaters. Perhaps the signal passing conditions will be better;
  3. A good effect is to raise the antenna to a height using a mast;
  4. When the TV tower is located close, and the house is located in the center of a densely built-up area with high-rise buildings, one should not rush to buy an expensive powerful receiving device. It is better to experiment with the reflected signal by alternately directing the antenna in different directions to neighboring buildings or placing it on the roof.

Tuning via receiver

Old TVs, models without built-in tuners with DVB T2 support, require tuning through the receiver.

CRT TVs are connected to a digital set-top box with RCA cables, LCD models with an HDMI cable. In the first case, the AV mode is selected during setup, in the second, HDMI. The mode is selected from the TV remote control. On the remotes, the choice of modes is located under different buttons: INPUT, SOURCE, VIDEO, just a rectangle with an arrow.

Subsequent setting is carried out using auto-search or manually using the set-top box. The antenna must be connected to the set-top box.

Receiving a digital television signal on a conventional antenna is an easy way to provide yourself with a high-quality picture, requiring minimal financial costs and physical effort. With the development of the network of TV towers, the signal reception conditions will improve.


The specialists of our company will quickly and efficiently connect and configure free tv channels analogue and digital terrestrial television broadcast by the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network from the Ostankino TV tower.

TVs and television receivers are connected - tuners (set-top boxes) of terrestrial television. Our service covers all areas of Moscow.

Broadcast television. How to watch TV channels for free

On the territory of Moscow and the region with "Ostankino" Russian television and radio network RTRS. rf transmits 19 analog and 3 packets (30 units) digital free terrestrial tv channels. This makes it possible to receive Russian television programs without registration and payment of a subscription fee. Reception is carried out on individual, located in the room, or outdoor television antennas. The receiving antenna can be a simple wire, the length of which reaches 1-2 meters. Broadcasting is carried out using meter and UHF waves. The TV channels that are being broadcast can be watched for free.

A list of suggested frequencies for free terrestrial TV channels will help you set up your TVs. If the broadcast frequency of one or another terrestrial television channel is indicated, this will speed up the tuning of TVs that do not have the function of automatic sorting of TV channels. With such information, it is easier to tune TV channels on outdated TV models with incorrect operation of the APCG local oscillator automatic frequency tuning systems. The table has analog frequencies that are needed to watch TV channels on TV for free. Our site site allows you to download a list of free TV channels on-air TV in Moscow.

List of free TV channels - terrestrial television.

1 First 49 C1
2 Russia 1 215 C11
3 TV Center 77 C3
4 NTV 191 C8
5 Russia Culture 567 C33
6 Match TV 175 C6
7 Pepper 483 C23
8 Moscow region 503 C25
9 STS 519 C27
10 Disney 535 C29
11 Home 551 C31
12 TNT 583 C35
13 Friday 607 C38
14 Channel 5 655 C44
15 TV channel TV 3 671 C46
16 Ren TV 695 C49
17 YU 711 C51
18 Star 759 C57
19 2x2 783 C60

Digital terrestrial television

Free digital channels coming from the television tower, receives a special antenna for digital TV. To view such channels, you need to have:

  • access to a common external antenna (installed on the roof of houses);
  • access to an individual (external or small internal UHF antenna);
  • in the presence of a TV, as well as a standard digital tuner DVB-T2;
  • providing MPEG 4 video signal compression standard and Multiple PLP mode. This may be a special device connected to the TV.

Initially, digital broadcasts were conducted by rtrs.rf using the DVB-T system. Some regions still use its services. Everything goes to the fact that this system will be replaced by a new one. DVB-T2 digital broadcasting system. It was she who was accepted as the standard. TVs with set-top boxes that have a DVB-T tuner will not make it possible to watch TV programs in the new terrestrial television system.

1, 2, 3 digital terrestrial television multiplex - list 2016

We publish a list of free digital terrestrial TV channels received in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Essential digital television Frequency digital channels Digital terrestrial television Frequency digital channels
Russia's first digital television multiplex RTRS-1
1 First 546 C30 6 Match TV 546 C30
2 Russia 1 546 C30 7 Carousel 546 C30
3 TV Center 546 C30 8 Channel 5 546 C30
4 NTV 546 C30 9 OTR 546 C30
5 Russia Culture 546 C30 10 Russia 24 546 C30
The second multiplex of digital television in Russia RTRS-2
11 Ren TV 498 C24 16 Sport plus 498 C24
12 Saved 498 C24 17 Star 498 C24
13 STS 498 C24 18 Peace 498 C24
14 Home 498 C24 19 TNT 498 C24
15 TV channel TV 3 498 C24 20 Muz TV 498 C24
The third multiplex of digital television in Russia RTRS-3
21 Sport 1 578 C34 26 Euronews, Trust 578 C34
22 My Planet Science 2.0 Fight Club 578 C34 27 Music of the First 578 C34
23 Story Cartoon Russian detective Russian bestseller 578 C34 28 La Minor, Kitchen TV, Auto plus, India TV HD Life, S TV 578 C34
24 Country Sundress 578 C34 29 lifenews 578 C34
25 Mom, 24_DOC, Amusement Park IQ HD 578 C34 30 Our football 578 C34

V first multiplex includes a set of 10 free-to-air TV channels broadcast at the frequency of the 30th TV channel 546 MHz using the DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television system. The second multiplex includes a set of television channels received on the 24th frequency channel 498 MHz in the DVB-T2 system. Third multiplex aired in 2015. The third multiplex of digital terrestrial television is transmitted in test mode on the vacated frequency of 34 television channels, which previously broadcast in the outdated DVB-T digital television system. In the latter, you will find HD channels.

Digital television format dvb-t2 coverage area of ​​the Moscow region

The entire Moscow region will soon be covered with DVB-T2 digital television. March 2016 digital TV coverage area on the map includes the following digital terrestrial television transmitters:

1) Moscow, Ostankino - RTRS-1 546 MHz, broadcasts; RTRS-2 498 MHz, broadcasts.
2) Moscow Region, Volokolamsk - RTRS-1 778 MHz, broadcasts; RTRS-2 754 MHz, standby mode.
3) Moscow region, Zaraysk - RTRS-1 778 MHz, broadcasts; RTRS-2 770 MHz, standby.
4) Moscow Region, Shatura - RTRS-1 730 MHz, broadcasts; RTRS-2 754 MHz, broadcasts.
5) Moscow, Butovo-RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 498 MHz, under construction.
6) Moscow Region, Istra district, Davydovskoye - RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 498 MHz, under construction.
7) Moscow Region, Ruza district, Morevo - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
8) Moscow Region, Naro-Fominsky district, Pozhitkovo-RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 498 MHz, under construction.
9) Moscow, Troitsk AD, Rogovo-RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 498 MHz, under construction.
10) Moscow Region, Chekhov - RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
11) Moscow Region, Stupinsky district, Alfimovo - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
12) Moscow Region, Voskresensky district, Bogatishchevo - RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
13) Moscow Region, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Likino - Dulevo-RTRS-1 730 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
14) Moscow Region, Shchelkovsky district, Petrovskoe-RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
15) Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad district, Mishutino-RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
16) Moscow Region, Dmitrovsky district, Podcherkovo - RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
17) Moscow Region, Dmitrovsky district, Novoselki - RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
18) Moscow Region, Mozhaysky district, Otyakovo - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
19) Moscow Region, Shakhovsky district, Zhilye Gory - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
20) Moscow Region, Stupino - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
21) Moscow Region, Ozyory - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
22) Moscow Region, Yegoryevsky district, Kuzminki - RTRS-1 730 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.
23) Moscow Region, Serpukhov - RTRS-1 546 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 770 MHz, under construction.
24) Moscow Region, Klin - RTRS-1 778 MHz, under construction; RTRS-2 754 MHz, under construction.

How to watch DVB-T2 digital TV for free?

The main task is that we need an ordinary decimeter antenna aimed at Moscow, and not a house antenna. As such, it can be a regular antenna cable. If the signal is not caught on the cable, you can buy a UHF antenna - there are many different ones and the price is from 300 to 1000 rubles.

If your TV does not support DVB-T2, you can buy an external tuner. It connects to any TV and costs around 1000 rubles.

In order to watch both analog and digital channels, you will need a signal mixer - it is on the video.

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