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CSS interesting effects. Original hover effects for pure CSS3 images

We need interesting and useful articles to publish our forum. We have a proofreader and an editor, so do not worry about spelling and text design. We will check everything and arrange it beautifully.

CSS3 has given countless possibilities to UX (experience) designers, and the best thing about it is that the coolest elements are really easy to implement.

Just a couple of lines of code will give you amazing transition effects that will excite your users, increase engagement, and ultimately, if used correctly, increase your traffic. What's more, these effects use hardware acceleration, which is progress - which you can take part in right now.

Here are 8 really simple effects that will bring life to your UI (user interface) and put smiles on your users' faces.

All of these effects (one rectangle) are controlled by the transition property. So to see how these effects work, we've created a div in the HTML page:

Once done, set its width and height (so it has dimensions), its background color (so we can see it) and its effect properties.

The transition property has three values: a transition property (in our case, all of them), a transition speed (in our case, 0.3 seconds) and a third value that allows you to change how acceleration and deceleration are calculated, but we'll stick with the default settings, leaving this the field is empty.

Now all we have to do is change the properties and they will create the animation for us.

If you want to continue on your own, then the demo files are for you.

1. Dimming

Making dimming effects is a fairly common request from clients. This is a great way to emphasize functionality or draw attention to a call to action.

The effect is encoded in two steps: first, you set the initial state; next set the change, for example on mouse hover:

Fade ( opacity:0.5; ) .fade:hover ( opacity:1; )

(Make sure you give your div the "fade" class to see how this works.)

2. Color change

In the past, animating a color change was incredibly complex, involving the math involved in calculating individual RGB values ​​and then recombining them. Now we just set the div's class to "color" and set the color we want in CSS:

Color:hover ( background:#53a7ea; )

3. Zoom in and out

Once upon a time, to make an element larger, you had to use its width and height, or the padding parameter. But for now, we can use CSS3 transform to make it bigger.

Set your div's class to "grow" and then add this code to your block style:

Grow:hover ( -webkit-transform: scale(1.3); -ms-transform: scale(1.3); transform: scale(1.3); )

Shrinking an element is as simple as expanding it. To increase an element, we specify a value greater than 1; to decrease it, we specify a value less than 1:

Shrink:hover ( -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); -ms-transform: scale(0.8); transform: scale(0.8); )

4. Torsion of elements

CSS provides a number of transforms, and one of the best is element twisting. Give your div the class "rotate" and add the following lines to your CSS:

We present to your attention a new course from the team The Codeby- "Web Application Penetration Testing from Scratch". General Theory, Working Environment Preparation, Passive Fuzzing and Fingerprinting, Active Fuzzing, Vulnerabilities, Post-Exploitation, Tools, Social Engineering and more.

Rotate:hover ( -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-30deg); -ms-transform: rotateZ(-30deg); transform: rotateZ(-30deg); )

5. Turning a square into a circle

Now the effect of transforming a square element into a round one and vice versa is very popular. With CSS, this is easy to achieve, we simply transition the border-radius property. We just use the border-radius property.

Give your div the class "circle" and add these lines to your style sheets:

Circle:hover ( border-radius:50%; )

6. 3D shadow

3D shadows were frowned upon for a year or so because they didn't fit flat design, you see, that's bullshit of course, they work fantastically well, making the user feel engaged in both flat design and pseudo 3D interface.

This effect is achieved by adding a shadow rectangle and then moving the element on the x-axis by changing the transform and translate properties so that the element appears to grow out of the screen.

Give your div the class "threed" and then add the following code to your CSS:

Threed:hover ( box-shadow: 1px 1px #53a7ea, 2px 2px #53a7ea, 3px 3px #53a7ea; -webkit-transform: translateX(-3px); transform: translateX(-3px); )

7. Rocking

Not all elements use the transition property. We can also create very complex animations using @keyframes, animations, and animation-iterations.

In this case, we'll first define CSS animations in styles. You'll notice that due to implementation issues, we have to use @-webkit-keyframes as well as @keyframes (yes, Internet Explorer is actually better than Chrome, at least in this respect).

@-webkit-keyframes swing ( 15% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(5px); transform: translateX(5px); ) 30% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(-5px); transform: translateX(-5px); ) 50% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(3px); transform: translateX(3px); ) 65% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(-3px); transform: translateX(-3px); ) 80% ( -webkit -transform: translateX(2px); transform: translateX(2px); ) 100% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(0); transform: translateX(0); ) ) @keyframes swing ( 15% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(5px); transform: translateX(5px); ) 30% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(-5px); transform: translateX(-5px); ) 50% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(3px); transform : translateX(3px); ) 65% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(-3px); transform: translateX(-3px); ) 80% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(2px); transform: translateX(2px); ) 100% ( -webkit-transform: translateX(0); transform: translateX(0); ) )

8. Paste a border

One of the hottest button styles right now is the ghost button; button without background and thick border. We can of course just add a border to an element, but that will change the position of the element. We could solve this problem with box sizes, but a much simpler solution is to transition to the border by inserting a shadow.

Give your case the class "border" and add the following CSS for your styles:

Border:hover ( box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 25px #53a7ea; )

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Of course, you have seen on some sites a ban on the use of the right mouse button. This feature primarily fights those who want to steal your content. This measure will not completely protect you from theft, but it will completely protect you from manual copying. Other options .
I do not recommend disabling the right mouse button if you post materials intended for copying on your blog. These can be codes, scripts, recipes, reference materials, and more. A copy ban in this case will turn away visitors from you, and your blog will become less useful for visitors. If plagiarism protection is important to you, then it is better to use adding your url at the end of the copy. Then you will be sure that if someone wants to publish elsewhere on the Internet, copied from you, then the copy-pastor is more likely to share a link to your blog.
This recipe is suitable for any website. You only need to paste the code on all pages of your blog:

IN Blogger add the code to the HTML/Javascript gadget in the Design tab. If you are using one of the latest themes on your blog (Emporio, Contempo, Soho, Notable), then don't forget to activate the visibility of the widget (tick "Visible to all", "Show "HTML/JavaScript" widget").
On the Wordpress add the code to the Text widget.

Author: Ivanova Natalia


The holiday is approaching - International Women's Day. Let's get ready for it. You can congratulate girls and women in an original way using the postcard services, which will be discussed below.

You can use the same services that we used for.

Ready postcard services

Create a postcard March 8 online

Use the following services to create a postcard from scratch.

  1. Canva is a well-known functional photo editor. Here you will find many templates. Registration required.
  2. Printclick If you have your own business, you can order a batch of postcards with the logo and contacts of your company. You can also use the princlick postcard generator. Great promotion and inexpensive.
  3. Crello is an editor that requires registration. Do not be afraid of the English language, in the settings you can switch to Russian.
  4. Online postcard - for those who have a well-developed imagination, as they will have to create a postcard from scratch.
  5. Mumotiki - prepare a beautiful picture and you can add a congratulatory text here. By the way, if you just need to add text to the picture, then you can check out.

I hope that using one of these generators, you will be able to adequately congratulate your ladies on March 8!

Author: Ivanova Natalia


The content of the article:

Google Plus is shutting down

The Google Plus platform did not live up to the hopes of the developers and will be completely removed on April 2, 2019. Together with it, the albums associated with it in Google Photos will disappear, and authorization on sites with a Google Plus account will become inaccessible. Since February 4, the function of creating Google Plus profiles, channels and pages has become inaccessible. If valuable content was stored on your account, then you can download a backup copy.
Most of the changes will affect bloggers running their blogs on Blogspot. Some G+ widgets, G+ comments, and your Google+ profile will no longer be available. This is stated in the notification in the Blogger admin panel:
Following the announcement of the end of the Google+ API scheduled for March 2019, there will be a number of changes to Blogger's integration with Google+ on February 4th.
Google+ Widgets. The +1 Button, Google+ Followers, and Google+ Badge widgets will no longer be supported in blog designs. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.
Buttons +1. The +1 and G+ buttons will be removed, as well as the "Share to Google+" links below blog posts and in the navigation bar.
Please note that if you are using a custom template that includes Google+ features, it may need to be modified. Seek guidance from the person who provided you with this template.
Google+ Comments. Support for comments using Google+ will be discontinued, and standard Blogger comments will be restored for all blogs that use this feature. Unfortunately, comments posted via Google+ cannot be transferred to Blogger, so they will no longer appear on your blog.

Deleting Google Plus Comments

Unfortunately, the comments that were published in the system will be deleted forever. You can only use the same tool to say backup comments from Google+ to your computer. Only a bootloader is not provided for it, and you can only restore comments manually in a rather crooked way. It's good that I'm in my time on time.

How to replace google plus profile with blogger profile

If you're blogging on Blogspot, it's a good idea to switch back from your Google Plus profile to your Blogger profile now (for those who switched to Google Plus in the past). I recommend doing this right now in order to avoid unforeseen situations that may occur when deleting Google Plus accounts.

How to get your Blogger profile back

This is easy to do in the Blogger admin settings:
Settings –> User Settings –> User Profile – select Blogger here

Save your changes.

Confirm the transition to and enter your name or nickname.

Don't forget to upload an avatar on your Blogger profile.

how to delete google plus profile

If you decide to get rid of your G+ profile once and for all, then go to your Google Plus page –> Settings –> scroll to the bottom of the page –> delete your Google Plus account:

Author: Ivanova Natalia

Today I will tell you what CSS3 is, what it is eaten with, where to look for it, how to write it correctly. I warn you, I will tell from myself, simplified for the general public, as I see it + examples. So, let's start from afar.
CSS is styles that describe the properties of an object. This means that they are in all existing engines, if you cannot find them, then either look in the wrong place, or they really do not exist ( curve site). Where are they usually found? Usually this is the root of the site, the name of the style.css file, although, in principle, the name is not as important as the .css extension if the file with such an extension is a style file.
See also on my blog.

Where to look for them?

The path to the file is attributed in the template between
" />
Blogspot is a little different, where styles are written right in the code, before the tag between
here styles

What do styles look like?

let's look at an example:
#header ( background: #fff; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: Georgia,"Times New Roman","Bitstream Charter",Times,serif; color: #333; ) .contacts ( position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 10px; )
website site author contacts
You can view the styles on any site, all you need is a browser. Now you can easily recognize them by reading how they look in this article.
As you can see, the styles are written differently. Styles that start with a pound sign have a specific block id in , styles with a dot have a specific block class. Otherwise, the styles will not work. You can come up with whatever names you want, the main thing is that they correspond to the written id and class in html. Style properties must be enclosed in parentheses and followed by a colon ( look at the example above), the parameter is written and closed with a semicolon. It is allowed that in the last property at the end you can not put a semicolon, just a closing bracket.
It happens that CSS is written immediately in a block, without outputting it to a separate file:
site header

CSS on Blogspot

Styles can be written differently, I will explain later because of what. Opening the code, we can see this (look at the styles carefully, and you will see the familiar blogging tags that set the styles):
As you can see, the style property .Header h1 listed separately above. How to understand and find a property? very simple, font there is a parameter header.font, that's what we're looking for. We find it in the "Blog Title" property group for the ".header h1" style, inside 2 properties "header.font" and "header.text.color". Here we are changing them. This is done to speed up the reading of styles by the browser, so it makes fewer requests. After all, the property header.text.color may be repeated elsewhere. There is more below header.shadow.offset.left and others, the meaning in them is the same, I will not repeat.
When they say to search in css (or styles), it means we are looking in blogspot between tags
and usually before the tag
unless of course they are written directly in html (example above, styles in blocks). In other cms, everything is usually placed in a separate file with the .css extension

Author: Ivanova Natalia


This latest article is written to provide up-to-date information on removing redundant links from Blogspot templates as well as new Blogger themes. As you know, there have been changes in the Blogger codes in 2018, so many code actions need to be done in a new way. Plus, there are new themes that are formed differently. In connection with these changes, we will analyze the topic of deleting links.
You can check your blog for external links on the services and Do not forget that you need to check not only the main page of the blog, but also the page of records (posts) and pages (Page). A large number of external links open for indexing hinder .

How to Remove Links from the Old Standard Blogger Template

Using the Simple template as an example.
Such templates give the most inbound links. In my test blog, when installing a simple theme, when checking, 25 external links were found on the main page, of which 14 were indexed.
I remind you that before making changes in the template code, make a backup copy!
  1. Remove Blogger Link - This link is wrapped in an Attribution widget. In the "Blog Design" tab, it appears as an Attribution gadget and . To remove it, go to the "Theme" tab-> edit HTML. By searching for widgets (list of widgets), we find Attribution1 and delete all the code along with the footer section in which it is enclosed. This is what the removed code looks like in collapsed form:

    And so the full code:

    We save the changes and check the blog for Attribution.
  2. You have certainly seen the “Wrench and Screwdriver” icons on your blog for quick editing of widgets. Each such icon carries with it an external link to Blogger. Now they are closed by the nofollow tag, but you still need to get rid of them. You will edit widgets in the Design tab.
    Here is an incomplete list of links that are encrypted in wrench icons (the blog ID will be yours)
    - HTML1 Widget:§ionId=header
    - HTML2 widget§ionId=header
    - Blog archive:§ionId=main
    - Blog Labels:§ionId=main
    - Popular posts:§ionId=main
    All these links are easy to get rid of. Find the tag in your blog template . It occurs as many times as there are widgets on your blog. Remove all occurrences of a tag .
  3. We remove links to quick editing of a blog entry (the “Pencil” icon). Makes it easier to edit posts, but carries the threat as an external link of the form:
    How to delete:
    Method 1. In the Design tab, edit the "Blog Posts" element and uncheck the "Show "Quick Edit"" checkbox.
    Method 2. find the tag in the blog template and delete it. Save your changes and check your blog for the icon and link.
  4. Delete Navbar. Search for widgets in the html template of the Navbar1 blog and delete all the code along with the section.


    Now the Navbar on the blog does not provide indexable external links, but I believe that this is an extra element that does not carry a functional load, and it is better to remove it.
  5. Remove external links to images. When images are uploaded to a blog post, a link is automatically embedded in them. To remove such links, you need to edit all blog posts. In the “View” mode and then to the “Link” icon. If the image does not contain an external link, then when you click on the photo in the post editor, the “Link” icon is not active (the icon is not highlighted).

  6. Remove the link to the blog author's profile. Delete the author of the blog under the entry. To do this, find the code trueand write false instead of true. It turns out false
  7. Close the link from the “ ” widget from indexing with the nofollow tag. If you use the “profile” widget in your blog, then use a quick widget search in the blog template to find the Profile1 gadget code. You need to edit the widget code, replacing rel='author' with in two places and adding to the two links. You should get something like in the screenshot:

    Made using the example of editing a Google Plus profile. As a reminder, Google Plus will be phased out on April 2, 2019. Accordingly, after this date, it will be necessary to make other changes in the code of the “About me” widget.

  8. Check for external links on any Blogspot post page that has comments. Find and delete the code in the blog template:

    In the Blog Settings along the path Blog Settings -> Other -> Site Feed -> Allow Blog Feed, apply the following settings:

Remove external links from the new default Blogger template

Using the Notable theme as an example
  1. Removing Attribution (link below - Blogger Technologies)
    We find Attribution1 in the widget search blog template (list of widgets) and delete the code along with the section by analogy with the old Blogger template (see above 1).
  2. Remove the link from the "Report Abuse" widget. This is the ReportAbuse1 widget. We find in the search for widgets:
    The whole code looks like this:

  3. We check the blog post page with comments and remove links by analogy with the old blog templates (see above - point 8).
  4. Remove links from blog posts that are embedded in post images (see point 5).

Author: Ivanova Natalia

First of all, for those who are not quite in the subject or not at all in the subject, I will briefly explain what hover- is. These are various types of effects (pop-up captions, tips, smooth transitions, transformation, rotation, increase, displacement, etc., etc.) applied to the elements of the website on them with the mouse cursor. These can be implemented both with the help of various jQuery plugins, and on pure .
Today I prepared a large selection of original hover effects for images created with CSS3, without including javascript libraries. I won’t talk about the advantages and disadvantages of implementing hover effects on pure CSS3, this is another topic, just look at the examples and, if necessary, use the one you like on your site. All effects presented in the review are provided with a demo and detailed documentation with source codes. The manuals are mostly in bourgeois, but everything is more or less intuitive.

Just want to draw your attention to the fact that all these examples will only work correctly in modern browsers that support CSS3 properties.

In order not to break the overall picture, I did not distort the names of the effects with machine translation (with the exception of some), I left the original titles as the developer called them.

Very interesting hover effect on image thumbnails, using thin lines in design and typography. Several different kinds of image caption effects, soft and non-obtrusive 3D transformations, and smooth pseudo-element transitions. Works only in modern browsers.

iHover is an impressive collection of pure CSS3 hover effects with Bootstrap 3 support. Built on Scss CSS (file), easily modifiable with variables. The code is modular, there is no need to include the entire file. 30+ different effects in one package. Everything is pretty well documented, the effects are very easy to use. All you need to do is to correctly build the HTML markup and include the CSS file to work.

Creates some simple yet stylish hover effects for image captions. The idea is that when you hover over the thumbnails, you can get the title, author name, and link button to show up effectively. Some effects use 3D visual transformations.

A very simple transition effect, without any bells and whistles, a completely round image in a frame, it transforms by changing the focus on hover and that's it.

for CSS3 thumbnails

The developer positions his work as an example of an image gallery with transition effects when annotations (captions) to thumbnails appear. Confident support is declared by modern browsers, including IE 9+. Of course, it is difficult to call it a full-fledged gallery, but the effect of the appearance of signatures is quite interesting.

Another set of CSS rules to create impressive hover effects on perfectly round thumbnails. The package contains 7 types of CSS3 transitions, very detailed documentation on setting up and using. The effects are supported by all modern browsers.

Rotate thumbnails on hover

A simple effect of rotating round thumbnails when hovering over them with the mouse cursor, you can see about the same on my blog, in the post announcements on the main page. It is implemented in a couple of lines of css code.

If translated literally: "Sex effect when hovering over". Of course, you are unlikely to notice something so sexy in this effect, unless you have a wild imagination, but the effect is interesting in its own way and it is worth paying attention to it.

Five different effects for images when hovering over them. Pop-up signatures in three variations, curtains in the form of changing the degree of transparency and rotation with horizontal movement.

4 Types of animation effects for image captions, implemented exclusively by means of CSS3. Different positions at the appearance and transition effects, quite a standard performance. To understand how the animation works, take a look at the source code of the demo page, I did not find any separate documentation.

Grid-lined thumbnail galleries with various caption appearance, rotation, fade, float, etc. effects. Documentation on use and configuration is rather scarce, but you can figure it out with a special desire.

This effect does not represent anything special, a banal change in the brightness of images on hover, except that animation elements are added. You will have to deal with the details of the implementation yourself by decomposing the demo source codes.

Another set of 10 hover effects for images, various modifications of thumbnails on hover, zoom, rotate, rotate, darken, etc.

Various frame animation effects around images, looks quite attractive, there is a detailed guide for setting up and using.

Original CSS3 hover effects used to make image thumbnail captions appear effectively on hover. The set of CSS rules includes 10 different effects that you can use separately for different images. The effects are truly impressive, especially considering that it's all done with CSS3. A detailed guide will help you figure out what's what.

The idea is to create an SVG that is a background shape for some text and turns into a different shape on hover. In this way, you can make many different options, but in the example, three types of transition effects are shown. The advantage of using SVG is that we can resize the form to match the size of the parent container.

Sliding images

The essence of this effect is that the image moves up and down to make the caption appear. If you work with the style parameters, I think you can achieve quite nice effects, and by default, everything looks very simple.

With this effect, everything is simple, the captions to the pictures slide out at the top right or bottom left, in the form of a ribbon with a translucent dark background, everything is very simply reshaped using the css properties.

An interesting solution, the thumbnails are presented in a darkened form, when you hover over them, the images appear and the signature pops up on a light background.

The caption for the image appears from the corner and expands diagonally to the entire area of ​​the image.

A few more interesting solutions for implementing pop-up captions for image thumbnails. In the online editor, you can experiment with the options and achieve more impressive results.

A set of beautiful effects when hovering over thumbnails, various types of appearance and design of captions for pictures. Thin lines in contrast with a slightly darkened background create easy-to-read information blocks.

Bizarre shapes and magnification effect in conjunction with the animated effect of the appearance of captions to image thumbnails.

Wonderful icon overlay effects on image thumbnails in various appearance variations. The example uses a (+) character outlined by a circle using border-radius: in CSS, you can also use an icon font to make the popup panel more informative.

An example of creating a visual slide effect for displaying voluminous image captions using only CSS3 and HTML5.

6 Picture Captions

6 Variants of appearance of pop-up captions for images on hover using CSS3. A detailed lesson on implementation and configuration, source codes available for download.

And finally, in the end, so to speak, I can’t help but mention the simplest way to create a pop-up caption for a thumbnail using CSS3.

I talked about this method in one of my previous lessons:.

With all respect, Andrew

Very often on sites you could see a change or buttons on hover. A special pseudo-class: hover in CSS allows you to implement the task. Today we will consider some tricks that allow you to make this feature, and below we will publish a list of the most interesting of them (with brief descriptions / explanations). All options are divided into:

These groups are very conditional, because. many examples intersect and are universal, that is, they can occur when designing different objects.

The hover effect in CSS styles is added to the right of an element like this:

a: hover ( color : red ; )

a:hover ( color: red; )

Most often, the mechanism is used specifically for links in order to change their color or add / remove underlining. However, it can be set to other blocks, buttons, texts, or used when creating .

button : hover ( background : rgba (0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; color : red ; ) .my-picture : hover ( opacity : 0.5 ; filter : alpha(opacity= 50 ) ; )

button:hover ( background: rgba(0,0,0,0); color: red; ) .my-picture:hover ( opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); )

Modern browsers handle the CSS hover effect equally well, although older versions of IE 6 and below only work on links. Plus, some sources said that this must be specified in the code.

By the way, when setting link styles, selectors can also be additionally used: link - for pages that have not yet been visited, : visited - for those where you have already been + : active determines the address that is currently active. It is important to place the hover effect in CSS after :link and :visited if they exist.

Let's move from theory to practice. Below is a list of useful materials and snippets - follow the links to view the source.

Hover effects for buttons and links

As we said above, this is the most popular category of objects on the site where this technique is found. Here are some options for you.

Simple Examples for Buttons

Sullivan Buttons

The trick is that when you hover over different buttons, in addition to changing the background color, a small animation with icons is also launched (each has its own).

CSS Icons on Hover

A selection of 5 simple options for implementing the task. In all cases, additional icons are involved that appear to the right / left of the text or replace it.

Button Hover Effects

Compared to the previous example, these 12 trigger functions look much more interesting: both visually and in terms of code. Not without JS.

Nav Hovers

A few tricks that allow you to do something more unusual than with the basic text-decoration property. The background of the button is additionally filled with different visual effects.

Info on Hover

The tooltip functionality is currently supported in all browsers, but you can customize it to suit your needs. In the current example, the pseudo-class is fired for the dfn tag, and it looks stylish. The code is quite compact HTML + CSS.

Mana Button

One of the most original variants of the hover effect in blocks - when hovering, it is like filling it with liquid. The implementation uses CSS, HTML, and SVG. In a certain theme of sites, this snippet will definitely be a godsend.

Hover effects for images

15 basic tricks

Despite the fact that the article was published a long time ago, the methods still work correctly. Here, probably, all possible typical transformations for graphics are collected: several types of zoom, rotation, blur, black and white, transparency, filters, shine, etc. Very useful material.

Beautiful hover effects images

A selection of 30 nice and smooth actions when hovering over a picture. Due to simple visual manipulations in the form of zoom, adding lines, a good complex impression is created. In some places, the title increases and the short description “pulls up”. Great option for a portfolio.

Barberpole Hover Animation

Not complicated at first glance, the animation, which in the end looks very cool and non-standard.

CSS hover effects with direction detection

An excellent selection of snippets and codes on the topic can be found in the article from All these examples are united by the fact that in the course of work the location and direction of the cursor movement is determined. This, in turn, allows you to create quite original reactions when hovering over page elements:

In many complex Javascript and jQuery solutions for hover effects, you can significantly diversify and improve the result.

Direction Aware Hover Goodness

Direction Aware Tiles using clip-path Pure CSS

Look for the rest of the chips in the original article.


This development has more than 100 simple ways to "animate" images or objects on hover. With the help of these functions, you can implement different appearance of buttons, titles, texts, social icons, etc. There are options with changing the display of pictures, translucent background overlays.

The link contains 7 CSS3 hover heading effects - when hovering over an image, the user will see an information block with a title, a brief description and a link to go. It cannot be said that the examples are very original, but they will definitely help diversify a static content project.

CSS Hover Libraries


The uncomplicatedly named Hover.css project contains a collection of CSS3 effects for links, buttons, blocks, and so on. You can use the ready-made code and / or add your own modifications to it. There are a lot of interesting things here: 2D/3D transformations, working with backgrounds and frames, shadows, icons. The solution is available in CSS, LESS and Sass formats.


Another library that sets hover effects for pictures - in the free version you will find 44 transformation options (the premium set contains 5 times more of them). LESS and SCSS are also supported here, this case weighs only 19kb. The site has a page with a demonstration of all working examples. It offers many unique features that have not been seen above.

The project has more than 30 different techniques for round and square objects. All of them are quite original, there are practically no simple “single-element” actions in the form of a regular zoom / fly-out. The task is implemented in pure CSS3 + HTML (plus Scss files are included). Excellent compatibility with Bootstrap 3, there is documentation.

Total. We hope these css hover effects on images, blocks, links and other page elements have helped you understand this topic. You can implement the most successful solutions, in your opinion, in your sites - whether it is connecting a full-fledged library or simply integrating a small version of the code.

If you know any other interesting features and snippets, please send URLs to them in the comments. And we will update the article in the future.

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