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Critical Communications Russia - Innovative digital technologies to ensure the security of the state, society, business. Digital technologies are the future of mankind

The production of security documents is the most important traditional activity of JSC Goznak, in which the company has achieved great success. For many decades, paper was the main material for the production of documents. But the requirements for the production of this security product have undergone significant changes in recent years: (1) more and more plastic is used in the production of documents; (2) documents are equipped with electronic information carriers. These trends have presented the company with new research and development challenges.

Today, one of the most important activities of JSC Goznak is the development and implementation of new generation products and services. And above all, a full range of production and personalization of identification documents.

Documents on a plastic carrier, new generation security products assume the presence of a machine-readable tool - a barcode, a QR code, an RFID tag, which are used as an element of additional authentication control and for access to external databases. Our company has a successful experience in creating products using bar and QR codes. Among other things, the specialists of FSUE Goznak produced the first circulation of postage stamps in Russia with a two-dimensional barcode. The stamp depicts the official logo of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi and a matrix code (QR-code), with which you can quickly get to the official website of SOCHI-2014 using a mobile device.

The next stage of digital technologies is electronic information carriers - microcircuits, which in fact are microprocessors of varying complexity. The market is increasingly using electronic media - contact, non-contact, with a dual interface.

Goznak managed to develop, implement and master the production of new generation documents in a short time. The company has successfully mastered the technology of producing ID-1 documents (identification cards) and ID-3 (passports) with digital media. Using a contactless microchip, JSC Goznak manufactures new generation passports. When making an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (POMS), a contact microcircuit is used. When developing and creating the Universal Electronic Card (UEC), a dual interface was used.

This required research and development work in the field of selection of materials, methods for attaching microcircuits to an antenna, methods for fixing microcircuits in a plastic product. As part of the development of protective elements for plastic products, the following items were created: an element made by a laser with a personalized image (“Glare”); cards with a transparent window; color-changing elements based on embossing.

Our company not only produces electronic documents, but also personalizes them using graphic and electronic technologies.

The main personalization center, established in 2006 at the Goznak Moscow Printing Factory, produces up to 5 million international passports with an electronic data carrier per year.

In 2012, the Multifunctional Personalization Center at the Goznak Moscow Printing House was put into commercial operation - an important segment of the state system for the production, execution and control of new generation passport and visa documents (GS PVD NP). On this platform, the process of personalizing passports with a domestic-made microchip, the Universal Electronic Card, compulsory health insurance policies, and payment cards has been organized and mastered.

The multifunctional personalization center is certified for compliance with the requirements and standards of the MasterCard international payment system for physical and logical security. Earlier, GOZNAK certified the infrastructure for manufacturing bank card blanks in accordance with the requirements of MasterCard and Visa international payment systems.

Goznak JSC has the opportunity to increase production volumes and personalize electronic documents for a wide range of purposes.

In the production of personalized documents with an electronic data carrier, the subdivisions of JSC Goznak work with personal data. This means that the company is obliged to ensure a high level of safety of production processes, create a secure system for processing and storing data. And this is another task successfully solved by Goznak.

The complex of the state system for the production, execution and control of new generation passport and visa documents (GS PVD NP) also includes the Center for processing and storing electronic data. JSC Goznak offers public authorities and state non-budgetary funds the placement of external information systems on the company's technological sites, services for long-term and guaranteed storage of electronic documents and information, as well as the provision of electronic services on its basis.

One of the developments of Goznak specialists in the field of digital technologies is already protected by a patent.

The education sector, along with a number of other industries (such as healthcare and telecommunications), is undergoing significant changes due to the increasing spread of digital technologies. As usual, trends in the implementation of digital technologies in educational and research activities are set by commercial organizations - private universities, business schools, corporate universities. But public universities and institutions are starting to think more and more about digital transformation.

Have you ever wondered what the university will look like in 20-50 years? Will universities have campuses or laboratories? Or will education and research activities move completely into virtual reality? May be. Let's try to figure it out.

The impact of digitalization and new technologies on all spheres of modern life

Modern digital technologies provide new tools for the development of universities and other educational institutions around the world. Digitalization provides opportunities for the exchange of accumulated experience and knowledge, which allows people to learn more and make more informed decisions in their daily lives.

Among the interesting digital innovations, one should note the rapid adaptation of online learning, which is expressed in the form of the development of blended learning and the active development of MOOC (Massive on-line open course) online courses. The dynamics of the development of online learning is demonstrated, in particular, by the growth of available online courses, the number of which has doubled annually in recent years. There are now over 4,200 courses offered from over 500 universities.

The emergence of a burgeoning online educational services segment could completely change the landscape of the field: in addition to doubling the number of courses offered and the number of listeners annually, the projected consolidated revenue of the MOOC market will increase by more than five times by 2020, according to some estimates.

Additional areas for the use of digital technologies in education are the development of digital libraries and digital university campuses, which have already been implemented by many universities in America, Europe, and Russia.

Thanks to digitalization, today everyone can access information that was previously available only to experts and scientists. The world of education and science has become global, now it is almost impossible to find a student, teacher or scientist who has not visited foreign universities as part of academic mobility programs. In the course of unprecedented changes, many universities are trying to adapt and find their place on the global scientific and educational map, while maintaining their unique qualities and competitive advantages.

The questions that universities are now facing come down to choosing a strategy for further development and choosing the direction on which they plan to focus. It is obvious that a digital transformation program should already be developed to move to a competitive educational and research model in the future.

Why is digitalization important for universities right now?

Universities seeking to maintain their positions in the global education market are faced with the task of entering the international scientific and educational space. In particular, some of the criteria in the QS World University Ranking assess the degree of university globalization in terms of the share of foreign students and teachers. THE ranking takes into account the share of foreign students, the share of foreign teachers and the number of articles published in co-authorship with foreign research groups.

Among the strategies of universities for integration into the international educational space are the creation of open international campuses in other countries, the attraction of foreign scientists, teachers and students, the support of academic mobility programs for their own scientists and the organization of foreign practices for students.

Trends in globalization are clearly confirmed by statistical data on the dynamics of the number of international students. The dynamics for OECD countries shows an annual 5% increase in the number of foreign students. In addition, according to ICEF Monitor by 2020, it is planned to increase funding for the Erasmus + academic mobility program by 40% - up to 14.7 billion euros.

While countries with traditionally high quality education, such as the US and the UK, remain attractive to international students, new countries and regional educational centers are emerging in this field, competing for educational income and the intellectual capital of international students. Russia may become such a center in the future.

Every university, regardless of the chosen strategy, must undergo a digital transformation. Such a transformation consists not only and so much in the implementation of IT solutions, but in general is a significant cultural and organizational change at the university. The transition to a digital university involves the introduction of more flexible and seamless processes, a change in corporate culture, and process optimization.

The urgency of the transition is due to several factors. Firstly, at present, almost all students belong to the generation of digital natives, they demonstrate a much greater propensity to use new technologies in their daily lives. Especially it concerns IT and Internet technologies, as well as their application not only in the professional sphere, but also for socialization and communication. Thus, the digitalization of the university will make it more adapted to the target audience. This will definitely lead to an increase in the competitiveness of the university in the education market, creating additional value and attracting students.

The second argument is the increase in competition among universities, especially the top universities. Due to the globalization of the market, the struggle for a student will no longer take place within one country or a cluster of countries, but at the international level. Thus, the creation and preservation of the competitive advantage of the university will be determined by the timeliness of the introduction of new technologies and, as a result, the readiness for fundamental shifts towards a new generation educational system.

The third argument comes from the need to digitalize the internal processes of the university in order to increase the efficiency of interaction between departments at the level of the entire educational institution. This is necessary to carry out all the innovative and cultural transformations that are required from the university in the transition to a new educational model.

What does digitalization mean for universities? What areas of university life are most susceptible to digitalization?

In the course of many years of work with Russian and foreign universities and business schools, we have formed a conceptual model of a digital university, which consists of five levels, etc. supporting platform.

First level the most important, it is represented by scientific and pedagogical workers (SPR), students, industry and academic partners of the university, graduates and applicants. The first level is, in fact, the internal and external stakeholders of the university.

Second level represented by basic information services. Their task is to create a single information space for digital interaction within the university using flexible tools. Examples of such services are video screens for lectures and seminars, wireless communication throughout the university (including dormitories), cloud storage for data storage and exchange, professional printing, etc.

Third level includes services that greatly facilitate the life of students and faculty at a modern university. For foreign teachers and students, they are already an obligatory element of the university; in Russian universities, a number of services are still at the initial stage of implementation.

The digital library provides student or teacher access to scientific literature from any device, regardless of location and time of day. Many modern universities are merging traditional and digital libraries in terms of end user experience. So, for example, in a traditional library, you can find and read a book or a magazine from the library computer, while at the same time, any user can find a book in the library's electronic catalogs and get it when they come to the campus. This convergence of traditional and new technologies provides a higher level of comfort for students and teachers and positively affects the image of the university.

The digitalization of scientometrics consists in monitoring, accumulating and analyzing scientometric information using modern methods of storing and processing large data arrays. This direction is extremely important for universities, as it serves two purposes. The first goal is to identify promising research areas that are now the most relevant for the university. The second goal is to determine the current indicators of the publication activity and citation of the university.

Fourth level is the most resource-intensive in terms of implementation, but at the same time allows the university to get the highest added value. It consists of services such as digital marketing, research project management, procurement management, interaction with applicants and students.

Digital marketing is a new area for Russian universities aimed at solving the following tasks:

organization of interaction with teaching and support staff, academic staff, students, applicants, graduates using the entire modern range of digital communication channels;

monitoring changes in the perception of the university brand in target markets based on the results of research and monitoring of social networks; carrying out preventive and reactive measures to form a positive image of the university;

stimulating the creation of new digital communities and innovations at all stages of the educational cycle, as well as communication of the content of educational programs and features of student activities for applicants;

· development of personalized marketing materials for target audiences based on the analysis of data from different sources.

Interaction with applicants and students includes the following tasks:

· the use of digital technologies to interact with applicants and inform them about the stage of processing applications for admission;

use of analytics to identify the most promising applicants and increase their enrollment rate;

· the use of various communication channels - both digital and traditional - to provide applicants with the most complete information about the university. This task is most relevant for foreign applicants who cannot visit the university and want to form an idea about it using information from the Internet;

using analytics to identify the most successful and least successful students;

automation of the so-called. student office.

Fifth level consists of digital technologies that are highly likely to become widespread in the university environment from 2018-2019. Such technologies, for example, include drones (unmanned aerial vehicles). A recent PwC study estimated that the global market for potential applications of drone solutions was $127 billion in 2015. Of course, it seems logical to us that universities, especially technical universities, would want to participate in the development of this market. In this context, as a first step, universities will actively introduce drone technology into the domestic educational and research space, purchasing equipment, setting up laboratories, encouraging students and researchers to test and work with new technology. This trend is already being seen in several American universities.

The transition to a digital university is impossible without support activities aimed at introducing changes in the university. Such activities may include:

· development of optional or mandatory modules within the framework of training programs aimed at increasing digital literacy among students;

· supporting academics who set trends in the development of digital skills and develop innovative teaching methods;

· Encouraging the advanced use of learning platforms by the NDP in order to ensure better student learning outcomes and improve the efficiency of the university as a whole;

· providing assistance to those CPD who have less advanced skills in the use of digital technologies.

In our opinion, in order to move to a modern level, a university must adequately cover all levels of the digital university model described above and constantly maintain feedback with key stakeholders - students, academic staff, industry and academic partners, graduates, applicants.

Strategy for the transition to a digital university

While transitioning to the rules of the digital age can be a huge challenge, universities that develop the right business strategy to embrace digital technologies can take advantage of a wide range of new opportunities to work with students, faculty, administrative staff, and external stakeholders. .

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to achieving concrete results through the use of digital technologies. But by listening to the opinions of end users, you can get valuable information and use it as a basis for further actions.

The university, by providing carte blanche to individual employees to implement new methods of working with digital technologies, as well as providing support in solving these problems, can receive a powerful impetus to transform into an educational institution of a new format with optimized internal processes.

We believe that a university digital transformation project should be initiated by top management and supported at the level of institutes/faculties/strategic academic units/departments. The latter should take personal control over the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the required results, and link their action plans with the overall development strategy of the university.

Improving the IT service should be carried out both in the technological direction, within which it is planned to use new IT methods and approaches, and in the direction of simplifying the interaction of interested parties with these technologies. We see the following priority tasks of the IT service in the context of the digital transformation of the university:

· tracking technological innovations and advising on options for their possible use to achieve the goals set for the university;

· improvement of policies and procedures aimed at stimulating the use of innovative digital technologies among the administrative staff of the university, students and scientific and pedagogical workers;

Providing maximum open and convenient access to information resources and systems in order to ensure the possibility of using data through new technologies;

· optimization of the use of cloud solutions to stimulate innovation and rapid turnover of new digital functionality, products and systems.

The role of the personnel management service in the course of digital transformation is to develop a comprehensive program for training personnel for the introduction of new technologies:

· development of employment contracts and continuing education programs to ensure continuous development of digital literacy skills;

· giving learning processes, along with the processes of scientific activity, an important role in promoting innovation in the development of new methods and ways of learning with the maximum use of the potential of digital technologies.


We live in an interesting time, when the concentration of new digital technologies is greater than ever. These technologies are already affecting universities. We believe that universities still need to transform significantly in order to realize the benefits of digitalization and provide more opportunities for applicants, students, faculty and partners. Transformation is impossible without the development and implementation of a conscious digitalization strategy that would take into account the peculiarities and specifics of the university's activities. What strategy will you choose?

Innovative technologies have become perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world. Risk is never without risk, but positive technological breakthroughs promise to provide innovative solutions to today's most pressing global challenges, from resource scarcity to global environmental change. (…) By highlighting the most important technological advances, the Council seeks to raise awareness of their potential and help close gaps in investment, regulation and public perception.

− Noubar Afeyan, Entrepreneur, Contributor to the Report

Now let's look at the innovations themselves.

These innovative technologies are practically invisible. These include in-ear headphones that monitor heart rate, sensors that monitor posture (worn under clothing), temporary tattoos that monitor the functioning of vital organs, and tactile soles that show you the way using GPS using vibration.

The latter, by the way, want to use as a guide for the blind. And the well-known Google Glass glasses, innovative technology, is already helping oncologists in carrying out operations.

Google Glass is an innovative technology

2. Nanostructured graphite composite materials

Automobile exhaust polluting the atmosphere is the scourge of modern environmentalists. It is not surprising that increasing the working efficiency of transport is one of the priority technological areas.

This will be facilitated by carbon fiber nanostructuring methods for the latest composite materials, which will help reduce the weight of cars by 10% or more. For what? A light car needs less fuel, which means it will pollute the environment less.

Another problem of an ecological nature is the decrease in fresh water reserves and the associated desalination of sea water. Desalination allows you to increase the supply of fresh water, but it also has disadvantages. And, serious. Desalination requires a lot of energy and also produces concentrated salt water waste. The latter, returning to the sea, has an extremely negative effect on marine flora and fauna.

And the most promising solution to this issue may be a fundamentally new look at this waste. They can be considered as a raw material source of very valuable substances: lithium, magnesium, uranium, ordinary soda, calcium, potassium compounds.

Energy problems are an inexhaustible source of questions. But some of them seem to be quite solvable, thanks to new innovative technologies. For example, it is proposed to use flow batteries to store chemical energy in liquid form and in large quantities. This is similar to how we store coal and gas.

They will allow you to save quite large amounts of energy and all kinds of solid batteries, moreover, in cheap and affordable materials.

Recently, high-capacity graphene capacitors have also been invented, with which you can charge and discharge batteries very quickly, making many tens of thousands of cycles. Other potentials are also being considered by engineers, such as kinetic energy in large flywheels and compressed air storage underground.

Molecular structure of graphene

5. Nanowire lithium-ion batteries

These innovative batteries will charge to full capacity faster and generate 30-40% more electricity than today's lithium-ion batteries. All this will help improve the market for electric vehicles, and will also allow you to store solar energy right at home. Experts suggest that even now and over the next two years, silicon anode batteries will also be used in smartphones.

A real leap forward in this area occurred last year. That is why it is highly likely that in the near future we will have important breakthroughs regarding the use of innovative screenless display technology. What is it about? About the virtual reality headset, bionic contact lenses, the development of mobile phones for the elderly and the visually impaired, video holograms that do not require glasses and moving parts.

Glyph: a futuristic virtual reality helmet

7. Medicines for human intestinal microflora

Recently, it has become clear that the intestinal microflora affects the development of many diseases - from infections and obesity to diabetes and inflammation of the digestive tract.

Everyone knows that antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora, causing complications such as infections from the bacterium Clostridium difficile, and sometimes life threatening. Therefore, today clinical trials are being conducted all over the world. As a result, it was possible to detect groups of microbes in a healthy intestine. These microbes will help create next-generation drugs, which, in turn, will help improve the treatment of human intestinal microflora.

These are also new generation medicines. Advances in the study of ribonucleic acids (RNA) will allow them to be obtained. With the help of these preparations, it will be possible to dilute the natural protein present in excessive quantities and it will be possible to produce optimized medicinal proteins in the natural conditions of the body.

RNA-based drugs will be produced by already established private firms, but in cooperation with large pharmaceutical companies and research centers.

9. Predictive analytics

Smartphones are innovative technologies that contain an incredible amount of information about the activities of people, both owners of these smartphones and their acquaintances (contact lists, call logs, GPS, Wi-Fi, location-based photos, download data, applications we use etc.) will help build detailed predictive models about people and their behavior.

All this, according to experts, should serve a good purpose - for example, urban planning, the appointment of individual drugs, medical diagnostics.

Innovative technology Controlling a computer with just the power of thought is not a fantasy at all. Moreover, it is much closer to reality than we used to think. Brain-computer interfaces (where a computer reads and interprets signals directly from the brain) are already in clinical trials. And most importantly, there are already good results. They are needed, however, not for entertainment, but for people with disabilities. For example, for those who suffer from quadriplegia (paralysis of the arms and legs), isolation syndrome, people who have had a stroke, and who use a wheelchair. The brain-computer interface is capable of many things. With it, a person will be able to control, say, a robotic arm in order to drink, eat and do much more. And yet, brain implants can partially restore vision.

Information systems have entered all spheres of life. The development of digital technologies opens up a huge range of opportunities. Progress in everyone and industry is proceeding at a tremendous speed, never ceasing to amaze and delight.

The essence of the phenomenon

Digital technologies are a discrete system based on the methods of encoding and transmitting information that allows you to perform many diverse tasks in the shortest possible time intervals. It was the speed and versatility of this scheme that made IT technologies so popular.

Business and production, everyday needs and the greatest discoveries - new techniques are applied in all areas.

Home use

The number of digital devices in every home is constantly increasing. Computers, smartphones, consumer electronics - it's hard to imagine modern reality without such gadgets. Digital technologies are a unique phenomenon that over the past decades has completely changed the way of life of every inhabitant of the planet.

The researchers argue that the introduction of technological innovations every year will take place at an ever faster pace. It took 30 years for the ubiquitous distribution of electricity in the 20th century, and tablet computers came into use in 3-4 years.

Society is getting friendlier. Huge flows of information that anyone can receive from the Internet make education more accessible. Realize your creative potential or just earn money without leaving your home - earlier one could only dream of such opportunities. Today it is a reality.

saving lives

The introduction of new digital technologies in medicine saves millions of lives a year. Modern developments help to create high-tech equipment for the diagnosis, analysis and treatment of various diseases. Clinical research, which can be carried out using unique empirical methods, opens up great opportunities for the production of hitherto unknown drugs.

Improving the methods of pharmacology, therapy and surgery helps to reduce mortality and improve living standards.

Virtual methods of communication allow diagnosing diseases remotely as soon as possible. 3D printers that make it possible to produce prostheses are the future of such developments.

Breakthrough in the industry

The increase in production volumes with the growth of the population on the planet is becoming a priority in many industries. Digital technology is the way to speed up any industrial process using ultra-precise measurement methods.

The introduction of information systems into the methods of interaction between various parts of the enterprise makes it possible to increase the efficiency of an industrial organization. By creating more and more products in the shortest possible time, industrialists are able to sell products around the world.

Expanding the boundaries of possibilities, modern digital technologies help to increase the pace of economic development.

Reducing the need for human resources in production makes it possible to release the creative reserves of society, directing them to the development of spirituality and culture.

Business promotion

Business corporations are at different stages of implementing IT methods of management and communications. However, it has long been clear that digital technologies are the most correct direction for the speedy development of entrepreneurship.

Automation of work processes within companies allows you to keep financial records based on real statistical data. Using the experience of management optimization allows diversifying production and making more rational decisions in the process of activity.

Business models are undergoing significant changes. Now any large organization has the opportunity to expand the scope of its activities using the global network. Quick access to any geographic point makes business management as efficient as possible.

Investing in digital helps to get an objective assessment of real markets and customer needs.

The world is changing

Promising developments of the world's leading experts are already ready to conquer the whole world. Augmented reality is no longer just a theoretical project. Virtual mirrors are already installed in the fitting rooms of expensive clothing stores. Similar technologies are being tested in cars and on the streets of large cities.

Virtual reality has long migrated from science fiction films to the entertainment industry. Special helmets and suits allow you to experience 100% interaction with the virtual world, guaranteeing complete immersion in another reality.

The Internet is becoming more than just a way to exchange information. Digital technologies allow you to create a kind of copy of the physical world. Each object connected to the global network is under the full control of the owner. can report a forgotten iron, the washing machine will signal a possible breakdown of the mechanism.

The development of IT communications involves the creation of interaction not only between a person and an object, but also between two mechanisms. Information exchange between different elements of the conveyor line, simple maintenance methods, logistics management - these are just a few of the amazing benefits that digital technologies can bring.

Information and publishing group ComNews invites you and your colleagues to take part in the VI Federal Conference "Critical Communications Russia - Innovative digital technologies to ensure the security of the state, society, business."

Date and venue: April 5, 2018, Marriott Hotel Novy Arbat, (Moscow, Novy Arbat st., 32).

The conference will be held with the support of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, TETRA and Critical Communications Association (TCCA).

Innovative digital technologies and services, integrated control, management and security systems that retain key functionality in any emergency have become the most important guarantee of the sustainable development of the state, society and business. Modern systems have a number of advantages: they have a high connection speed, high quality of information transfer, they are well protected. Therefore, in the past few years, the Critical Communications industry has expanded its field of activity and tasks, covering many areas of ICT.

The main task of Critical Communications at the present stage is the creation of complexes of digital intelligent objects and systems that provide round-the-clock control, instant and effective response to ensure the safety of people and organizations.

An integral part of such systems has become innovative digital technologies and services that allow you to collect, transfer, store, and process critical information. The new paradigm of digital intelligent objects and systems for professionals is the main topic of discussion in the critical communications industry. The Critical Communications Russia conference will discuss significant issues of ensuring public safety at large events and industrial facilities, creating situational centers for governors, transmitting alerts and emergency information about dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, and implementing a call support system emergency operational services by a single number "112" in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc.

The main topics of the conference:
Innovative digital technologies and services in the service of the state, society, business
Centralization of critical communications between special services as a driver for the development of the digital ecosystem
Intelligent video surveillance and image recognition systems for the security of citizens and businesses
The system of distributed situational centers as the basis for the digital transformation of public administration
Warning systems: integration and interaction of warning systems of various levels, prospects for the development of KSION
Development of the systems of the hardware-software complex of technical means "Safe City" until 2020
From system 112 to a safe region, optimization of the processes of creation and development of integrated security systems
Situational center as a universal tool for managing and monitoring the life of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Digital PMR Solutions for Public Safety and Industry
Satellite systems in the service of emergency response systems and for organizing communications in places of emergency situations and man-made disasters
Prospects for the introduction of LTE technologies in Russia and the world to solve critical problems

ComNews invites all interested representatives of Russian corporations, Critical Communications market participants, representatives of regulators in the field of innovative development, telecommunications and information technology, civil protection and emergency response, operational medical services, unified duty dispatch services (UDDS), situational centers, etc. to take part at Critical Communications Russia 2018 to discuss topical issues of development and application of innovative digital technologies that are critical for the state, society and business together with leading professionals.

More about the project on the official website

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