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Claws Mail plugins installation and configuration. Claws Mail - free email client

I showed you how to work with multiple mailboxes and accounts in Claws Mail. Now let's move on to more fine tuning programs.
This article will show you how

  • install plugins
  • examples of configuring the three most widely used plugins
  • automatic spell checker
  • work with LDAP address book
  • customize the header of X-Face emails

Installing plugins in Claws Mail

As I already wrote, some plugins are built in source Claws Mail, and the so-called extra plugins can be downloaded and installed separately. Here is a list of standard plugins

  • trayicon - shows the tray icon
  • spamassassin - detects spam, requires a configured spamd daemon from the spamassassin package
  • bogofilter - another spam detector, requires a configured bogofilter package to work
  • pgpcore - basic signature plugin electronic keys and / or encryption of letters, requires GnuPG AND GPGME packages in the system
  • pgpmime - signs and / or encrypts messages, verifies email signatures, decrypts emails, depends on pgpcore plugin and GnuPG AND GPGME system packages
  • pgpinline - signs and / or encrypts messages, verifies email signatures, decrypts emails, depends on the pgpcore plugin and the GnuPG AND GPGME system packages
  • smime - signs and / or encrypts messages, verifies signatures of letters, decrypts letters
  • dillo-viewer - Shows html emails using Dillo web browser... Requires a browser on the Dillo system

You will most likely need to rebuild Claws Mail to build one of these missing plugins. You may be able to find a separate plugin, but make sure it is for your system and matches your version of Claws Mail.
To install Extra plugins, try searching the repositories for a package called claws-mail-extra-plugins or download required plugin separately. Plugin sources are available on the program's website. Be careful when loading plugins, each plugin only supports certain versions Claws Mail. When updating Claws Mail, you need to update extra plugins and vice versa
Installing from source is very easy.

$. / configure $ make and from root or sudo #make install

Then open up Claws Mail Preferences-> Modules, press the "Load" button and select the required module. In my system, plugins are in / usr / local / lib / claws-mail / plugins

Disabling plugins is carried out in the same way through the "Unload" button.

Configuring plugins.

1. Trayicon plugin
Informative plugin. After loading, an icon will appear in the tray.

When new letters arrive, the icon will inform you about it. Automatic check letters must be set in Settings -> Options -> Receiving.
After the plugin is added, its settings can be seen in Settings -> Options -> Modules

2. Extra plugin Gtkhtml2 Viewer
Unfortunately, Claws Mail does not have html viewers by default. This plugin fixes this flaw. In my opinion this plugin more correctly processes html letters than the dillo-viewer plugin and does not require additional browsers.
The settings for this plugin are in the module settings, as well as Settings -> Options -> Text parameters also affect the display of html letters

As a result, we get correct display html emails

3. Extra RSSyl plugin
This plugin allows you to receive RSS subscriptions via regular letters... After installing the plugin, you will have RSS feeds. By default, "Planet Claws" is connected with the plugin

Describe from the stream - right click mouse over the stream and select "Unsubscribe from stream". Subscribe similarly - "Add a new stream"

Now we will always be aware of the latest news from the sites

Update settings and other stream parameters can be viewed as usual through Settings -> Options -> Modules or by right-clicking on the main RSSyl folder and select "Stream properties"

Automatic spell checker

Spell checking is automatically enabled in Claws Mail. To check spelling in Russian, the package must be present in the system aspell-ru.
In Settings -> Options -> Spell Checker, you can set an alternative check language. Then the spell check will be checked in two languages ​​at once. For alternative language the aspell package must also be installed-<название_языка>.

We connect the address book via LDAP

If you use Claws Mail at work and you have a domain controller on your network, you can connect the global catalog address book via LDAP. Claws Mail must support the LDAP protocol. Find out what's in this moment supports your assembly Claws Mail - select the menu item Help -> About Claws Mail -> Features

Open the Address Book and add a new LDAP server

If you have any idea what a snap is " Active Directory- users and computers ", then you shouldn't have any problems with the connection parameters of the LDAP server. If you are an ordinary ordinary employee, then ask the network administrator to configure these parameters

  • set an arbitrary name as the LDAP account will be displayed in the address book. I would advise to name by domain name (DOMAIN)
  • ip address or dns name the domain server itself
  • the path to the base to search for users. Check out Claws Mail for a hint or on the internet.
  • port number 389 usually does not need to be changed
  • tick TLS if necessary

After setting the parameters, be sure to click the "Check Server" button and make sure that the settings are correct

On the next tab, set the search variables. I asked mail, cn, givenName, sn, proxyAddresses and ticked all the boxes.

And on last tab"Extended" requires the full path to the domain user in the distinguished name format and his password. This is required for LDAP authorization.

Now, when writing a letter in the "To" field, it is enough to write the first letters of the surname or email addresses and press TAB, you will get a list of users that match this request

X-Face email header customization

And finally, a great option in Claws Mail. This option is for those who have nothing to customize. The X-Face parameter transmits an encoded black and white picture 48x48 pixels (for this Claws Mail must be compiled with compface). It's a pity that only users of those mail clients who have support can see this picture. compface.
Preparing the X-Face header

  • find a black and white picture 48x48 pixels in gif format
  • we run the picture through the script.

The output of the script should get something like this

) D ~>) * OSLw] f1p] 2H3? F5CIt * fRfbtqfE \ I "$ - 6Hf: =, [email protected] _i) j (Qt] =. RD`ENiH UG1uW4: 0vFYb66irtY! 7cP> vut3xKbTRm $ 2oZ = Qn "F (." o% i8 ~>; aE8fH; HV; W # d! bR [`) k9

Go to Settings -> Edit Accounts. We select the account in the headings of which we want to include X-Face. In the Send settings, select the "Add selected title" checkbox -> the "Edit" button. Select the X-Face header, paste in our resulting code and hit the Add button, then OK. You can also see what the picture is.

Now, when viewing your letters, your personal logo will flaunt in the corner

That's all for now. Because to describe all the possible functions of Claws Mail it is possible to write a book If something is not clear leave comments, I will try to help.

The article was viewed 15 415 times

Claws mail- cross-platform mail client available for both different platforms Unix-systems and Windows... Differs in speed, stability, versatility, has IMAP and POP support. The program has the ability to check spelling, filtering, encryption support OpenPGP... Default mail client Claws mail included in the distribution TAILS, based on Debian, and is designed to ensure privacy and anonymity. Distribution kit TAILS used Edward Snowden to expose PRIM.


  • Easy setup, intuitive controls and interface.
  • Fast, light, complete GUI customer Email and reading the news.
  • Provides spam filtering.
  • Supports major mail exchange protocols: POP3, SMTP, IMAP4rev1, NNTP, SSL.
  • Full encryption support GnuPG.
  • Plugin system, including antispam, browsing PDF, HTML, PGP.
  • Multilingual support including CJKV.
  • Multiple Database Support: SQLite and QDBM.

V Debian 8.6 mail client Claws mail can be installed using package manager Synaptic... In this case add the package bsfilter , it is a spam filter that can distinguish spam from other emails and the packet sylfilter which is very popular as a spam filtering algorithm. Sylfilter also supports multilingualism.

In addition, the program has a large collection of plugins that extend its functionality. Some of them are included in the package claws-mail-plugins .

This is what the Claws Mail email client looks like

In the repository Debian a large number of plugins for Claws mail

Open the program and select in the main menu Settings → Modules ... If you originally downloaded additional plugins using your package manager Synaptic , then on the left side of the window you will see their names. To install any of them into the program, you must mark the module and click on the button Download(although it would be more correct to call it Install). After you download the required module, its description can be read in the same window, so there is no point in talking about them. Do you want a built-in antivirus or a notification system for new mail- all this can be connected in the form of plugins, which, in turn, can be easily installed from the repository.

Account setup

When you start the program for the first time Claws mail will be launched Setup wizard account , which, however, does not automatically recognize which email service you are using. Therefore, there is no sense. Execute the menu command Settings → Edit Accounts ... In the window that opens, Edit accounts, depending on the tasks, select the button Create , Change etc.

In the next window Options for a new account eight tabs with different parameters.

In the tab The main set an arbitrary account name , enter your name and email address - Mailing address ... Information for the section " Server information "You will find in the section" Help»Your email service. Either, Я,,,

As a living example, install the Claws Mail mail client on the server

Server for receiving mail: for the record IMAP -, port: 143 for the record POP3 -, port: 110 Outgoing server SMTP mail:, port 25 or 2525 Outgoing mail server ( SMTP) requires authorization: Yes

In the tab Receive no settings to consider. Here are the options that are responsible for the convenience of working with incoming letters. For example, you can automatically delete messages after a certain time if the protocol is selected POP3... Or you can turn on the traffic saving mode if IMAP... The authorization method is usually automatic.

In the tab send in most cases you need to enable SMTP authorization and enter a login with a password. But we set up differently.

Tab Drafting contains options to facilitate the process of writing a letter. For example, you can enable the insertion of a prepared signature. By default, the signature text is stored in a file at:

home / username / .signature

It can be changed by clicking on the corresponding button. It is also possible to activate dictionaries to check spelling.

In the tab Templates you can set the text for the same type of response. For example, if you are constantly writing about the same question, you can send out pre-prepared answers.

Tab Security will help to enable encryption of correspondence, sign messages, and also choose a security system.

In the tab SSL encryption is configured.

Finally, in the tab Additionally check the boxes for SMTP port and IMAP4 port ... There is no need to change the default ports, usually the parameters are already set correctly. If not, adjust them to meet the requirements of your mail service... When installing the module, you will get another page.

Additional features - address book

Claws mail has its own address book, which has nothing to do with your contact list from the mail service. Here it is possible to add addresses of acquaintances to make it easier to write letters in the future.

Claws Mail is a free email client available on all popular operating systems. Claws Mail email client occupies a leading position in its class, since the functionality and scalability of the program are more than sufficient for a comfortable and comfortable work with email.



Strengths of Claws Mail:

  • Works with POP, SMTP and IMAP protocols.
  • Convenient interface.
  • There is a version for all popular operating systems.
  • Claws Mail capabilities can be expanded with additional modules (modules can be downloaded from the official website)
  • In Claws Mail, you can change the interface theme. New themes can be downloaded from the site.
  • Claws Mail has a handy address book.
  • Automatic encoding detection email, when sending and receiving.
  • In Claws Mail, you can create an outgoing email template.
  • Automatic spell checker.
  • Support for integration with an LDAP server.
  • In Claws Mail, you can customize hotkeys.

Weaknesses of Claws Mail:

  • Interface language: Russian and English
  • License: GNU GPL
  • Homepage:
  • Useful information:


  1. Windows / MacOS / FreeBSD / source code:
  2. To install Claws Mail on Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu:

    # echo "deb` lsb_release -cs` main "| sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

    # echo "deb-src` lsb_release -cs` main "| sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

    # Connection additional repository

    # sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 5ED1D082 && sudo apt-get update

    # sudo apt-get install claws-mail claws-mail-extra-plugins

    # Installing Claws Mail.

    Probably each of us dreamed of opening his own cafe or restaurant, but in fact, only a few can do it. Opening your own catering is a little easier, but in the harsh Russian realities it is also very problematic.

    Choose for yourself where to direct your forces. The many-mile road starts from the first mile ... (Confucius)

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    Comments (1)

    1. Denis
      2 December, 01:37

      Weaknesses not anymore! there are 2 plugins, one TrayIcon and the other Notifications 0.22 (you will find it in English without problems - you are too lazy to look, it contains the same TrayIcon and something else). Everything is clear - it collapses both when closing and when minimizing - everything is configurable. I just did not understand one thing - you can minimize it at startup - but this only works for TrayIcon, for some reason it did not work with the Notification - although such a setting is present there. I even installed 2 modules by mistake - I got 2 tray icons. Everything is configured in “settings-> parameters-> modules”.

    2. Denis
      2 December, 01:42

      And ... figured it out. Check the SHowTrayIconNotif ... checkbox in the Tray notification on the icon in the properties. even at the start, it began to fold. In general, I am very glad - I am tired of the wretchedness of TundroBirds about others. By the way, Notification 0.22 is

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