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  • How much can you earn on your website? Finding partners is complicated by this. Option # 3 - Paid placement in directories

How much can you earn on your website? Finding partners is complicated by this. Option # 3 - Paid placement in directories

Making money on information sites is one of the fairly widespread and old ways of online business (namely business - because in this business you will have to hire someone). A properly made project can bring its owner tens of thousands of rubles of net income, or it can be sold for an amount that will be enough to buy an apartment in a Russian millionaire.

Below Reconomica will consider in detail internal organization industry: one of the webmasters shared his experience with us. Sites are a competitive environment, webmasters do not like to show their property, so our expert asked not to mention the names and exact topics of the sites he is developing. You will learn how to start earning money on your website at 10 thousand rubles of passive income per month without investments, and how much such a project can be sold (or bought) on the open market.

How I came to site building and where did I study it

Hi, my name is Denis. Since about 2010-2011 I have been practicing. This occupation quickly became a source of stable income - I write quickly, I do not experience problems with perseverance and literacy, and since childhood I have read and read a lot (and not only fiction).

I didn't know much about information sites until about the end of 2013 - at that time one of my regular customers was a guy who was doing this. He created articles, putting this business on stream: when we got to know him, he had about a dozen projects, mainly on construction topics. The total attendance was about 200-250 thousand a month, if my memory serves me.

How much can you earn on your website

Depending on the aggressiveness and methods of monetization (I did not understand this at that time, and did not delve into it), it could bring from 60-80 thousand rubles a month (according to very rough estimates). The question "how much you can earn on your site per month" is actually not entirely correct. First of all, you need to clarify. what it comes about information sites, not online stores. That is, earnings come from the advertising campaign, not from sales; traffic is attracted for free, not bought. It is customary in the industry to calculate the profitability of a project per thousand unique visitors.

If you are interested, how much does the site bring from 1000 visitors per day, you can roughly estimate by these numbers, it turns out about 311 rubles per thousand of uniques every day. But a beginner should not count on such a figure. "Construction" is considered a competitive and "bold" topic. A simple niche where it is easy to get traffic is entertainment sites, but there it is often unrealistic to increase the profitability of up to 100 rubles from 1000 unique visitors. Typically, the profitability is in the range of 100-200 rubles per 1000 unique items, depending on the topic.

In general, for this industry and for our time, this is an above average result. Single webmasters often hit the ceiling of about 30-40 thousand. Since in this niche it is impossible to simply stop at what has been achieved (after six months, a year, or a couple of years, traffic from the created sites will begin to fall, and with it, income), he constantly had to continue making new sites and replenishing the old ones. That is, the content is needed in huge numbers, and stable.

Making money online requires professional growth, just like offline

This person became my main customer: he could provide any download, even for work 24/7. Initially, I worked with him as a copywriter - I only wrote texts. Prices, by the way, were at the average level (for 2013): about 40 rubles per 1000 characters. For information sites, this filling price can be considered the lower bar of the mid-price segment: it is already difficult to find cheaper, more expensive if you search.

After working in this way for a couple of months and getting to know better, later I began to receive Additional tasks... In short, then my "career growth" looked something like this:

    First, just writing the text.

    Then, sometime in January 2014, I also began to publish my texts on the site (on the WordPress engine). I needed to add design elements for the article: title and description (ready-made), H1 (I wrote), as well as add pictures (~ 3-5 pieces for a text of 6-7 thousand characters) and Youtube videos.

    Somewhere in February 2014, I started looking for "colleagues". Most of the searches were carried out through the copywriting exchange Contentmonster: I sent a template proposal to copywriters, inviting them to work with us. It took a little time for this, up to half an hour a day. Much more - it took away further selection and communication: answers to various questions and distribution of TK. Every day I had to communicate with at least a dozen new people (and send proposals to about 30-40 copywriters). In the end, I was also supposed to check and publish their texts.

What do you need to make money on the creation of information sites? Key webmaster skills

It turns out that at this stage I completely mastered the process of working with a direct performer - from searching to collecting and checking ready-made tasks.

Delegating copywriting

In my opinion, in information sites delegation- this is the most responsible, but also the most tedious and difficult process that requires maximum attention and accuracy. Didn't notice the error? Haven't you checked the uniqueness of the text for the author? Haven't you read the article for informational content and meaning? All of this can harm the site as a whole.

So I realized that the main thing in creating articles is to find a reliable and good (competent, knowledgeable in the subject, responsive to comments, observing deadlines) author.

At this stage, I practically stopped writing my texts - my main job was to control the team of copywriters. But I planned my schedule in such a way that at least 2-3 hours (and ideally about 5-6) every day I had to spend directly on copywriting. First, to change activities: communication with big amount people on "small" issues are very annoying and exhausting, and the brain needed to rest, doing quieter work. Secondly - for diversification: so as not to get addicted to one source of income (albeit stable at that time).

Collecting semantics and working with keywords

Closer to the middle of spring, it was the turn of the launch of the next site. Since we had a team of authors at that time, and some of them independently published their texts, I was transferred to the collection of semantics. This task was absolutely new for me - before that I had no idea what it was, how and why it was being done.

I mastered the process itself as follows:

    Video tutorials. They sent me a good enough and detailed manual, in which the beginners were told what to do and how to do it.

    Making trial small parts of the core (separate sections of the site).

The work was carried out through Yandex.Wordstat and Key Collector - a paid program that was provided to me.

In general, I mastered the work in it in about a week - from the stage "what is it?" and to the level of "no, you did it wrong, you need to like this." I liked this process much more than working with copywriters, and I completely switched to it. The team of authors (we had 5-6 people) was supervised by another person, whom I myself taught.

Drawing up technical specifications and checking the quality of content

In the summer, I began to take a direct part in preparations for the start of new projects: I collected and analyzed competitors, "evaluated" the quality of the content of the main ones, collected semantics, and made ready-made technical specifications (with a list of keys, titles, structure). I also supervised the final work of the authors: I checked the already published texts, and then handed over the reports "up" - for payment.

How to learn these skills from scratch

It turns out that in about six months I have completely mastered the work of filling information sites "from and to".

My way

To summarize, I learned something like this:

    First, I "honed" independent writing of texts, focused specifically on information sites... This also applies to mechanical parameters (nausea, uniqueness), and the semantic completeness of the text. The most complete understanding of this point allowed (and allows now) to create quality content, which is "loved" by both search engines and site visitors.

    Then - worked with a team of authors... This gave me the ability to work with people, organizing, optimizing and controlling the implementation of tasks. I haven’t had such experience before, and it’s very cool that I didn’t get it on my own, but under the guidance of a person who was already experienced in this. I cannot single out any sensible manuals-lessons - either they simply were not there at that time, or I did not come across. Therefore, I just did what I was told, and as I gained experience, I improved and optimized some stages myself.

    Next - work on semantics... Along with writing texts, this is the most basic stage of the work. Bad (incorrectly or incompletely collected) semantics will lower even the largest budget, greatly underestimating the possible result. A scrupulously and competently composed kernel will allow even with small investment give a cool start, even if there are many competitors in the niche, and they are old and not bad (in terms of content quality). I learned from video tutorials + my work was checked by another person.

Then for more full understanding of the entire scheme, I looked through the material, which turned out to be, probably, the most useful for a beginner. It was "Marathon Standard" for 2014 by Roman Puzat. In the field of information sites, this is probably one of the most famous people... This man has enough a large number of(more than a dozen) of their projects, and conducts annual courses on their creation. It was this course that allowed me to fully understand what this business is, how it looks in stages, which stages I understand and which ones do not.

After a complete review and analysis of each stage, I created my first project - a site dedicated to engineering systems.

Introductory lesson of one of the marathons of Roman Puzat (video)

What is the effectiveness of writing texts for your projects compared to copywriting?

This is very interest Ask... Let's say you want and decide to start with the easiest - copywriting. Here you have found a task with a payment of 40 rubles per 1000 characters. Let's say for great article, which you wrote almost all day out of inexperience, someone paid you 500 rubles. Seems to be easy money. Have you ever wondered why the webmaster did it? Why doesn't he save some money and write this article himself for such and such money?

Payback period of content

Every serious webmaster has internal statistics, he knows how long it takes for one article to pay off. As a rule, costs for copywriting are added to the costs of semantics, layout, proofreading, design of the site itself, comment moderation, link promotion, etc. All this increases the final cost of the article at least twice. And all the same, one separately taken article usually pays off within a year, give or take a few months. She will bring the same amount next year. Then the traffic to it will most likely decrease. But in any case, for 2 years it is 100% profitability.

That is, a person buying an article from you knows in advance that they are investing these 300-500 rubles in copywriting at 50% per annum. Why isn't everyone doing this? Because here you need to work and understand. Bandwidth one webmaster is finite, but if you want to do well - as you know, do it yourself. So do not confuse this active work with passive investment money to the bank.

How much volume can you draw yourself?

Suppose a copywriter working with information project, gets 45 (actual average cost for 2018) rubles per 1000 characters without spaces. The average volume of 1 text is 7000 characters (or, if you round it up a bit - 320 rubles).

Below is the calculation that is relevant for me.

    I spend about 8 hours a day on a job that brings me money for living. I usually do 1 day off a week, but I often work on it.

    Additionally, I try to allocate about 1-2 hours for my projects (now there are 2 of them). On weekends - I can spend up to 4-5 hours. It turns out that I spend about 12-14 hours a week on my website (or about 50-55 hours a month, or 600-660 hours a year).

How long will it take to build a money-making website

To create an information site, you need to spend about the following amount of time:

    Installing and configuring WordPress, choosing-buying a domain, paying for hosting... All this, if you know what to do and how to do it, will take about 1-2 hours. If you get confused with choosing a domain, you can spend a little more.

    Choosing a topic (niche)... There is no strict framework here - I chose my first theme right away: I just knew what the site would be about, without any analysts and comparisons. If you have a margin, you can spend up to 10 hours at this stage. In my opinion: if you do not understand the chosen topic, it is better to take another one. Otherwise, you will have to hire a specialist who understands - specialized knowledge will be needed for the formation of the structure, and for collecting semantics, and for its grouping, and for creating technical specifications, and for checking texts.

    Topic analysis, structure formation... The amount of time and effort you spend depends on how large the topic is (roughly how many articles you can write on it) and how well you know it. It took me about 10 hours in total, but if you count by day - I spent more than a week. My niche is average in volume - about 600-650 articles cover it completely. I made several options, rechecked so that each section had at least 10-15 topics for articles. Then I redid the result several times until I got what I liked. Competitors, by the way, did not have anything similar and close - the main sites in my subject matter were like a blueprint, with minor differences.

    Collection of topics for articles... For most of the tutorials, it is advised to first build a "common" pool key phrases through Key Collector, then group it, highlighting topics for articles. According to this scheme, I worked as a hired contractor. For my projects, I choose topics only through Wordstat. I focus on the number of requests, on the presence / absence of material from competitors, on the general relevance of the topic (for example, whether it is worth writing a separate text about it or not). For my 600 articles, I spent about 40-50 hours of total time at this stage.

    Collecting keys... Most webmasters first collect keys for each topic, and only then start filling. I did it differently: I collect the keys directly for the selected topic. One topic takes about 10-20 minutes (the larger - the more time). It turns out that for 600 articles I will need to spend about 150 hours on average.

    Writing texts... On average, 1 text of 6-7 thousand characters takes me up to 3 hours (if the topic is simple and well-known, then up to 2). It turns out that writing 600 articles will take up to 1800 hours. The most stressful and longest stage. That's already 225 net work days, almost a year with two days off. As a result, there are no guarantees of the exact number that the site will bring to you, it may be 50 thousand per month, or maybe 5 - how lucky, how high-quality the material you write. Is it worth it, or is it better to work for hire for money - you decide.

    Publishing text to the site... Depending on the number of pictures, it takes about 20 minutes. For example, there are instructional articles for which you need to search for a large number of "narrow-profile" images or videos - in this case, it will take more time. It will take about 180-200 hours to publish 600 articles.

It turns out that to create 1 site with a volume of 600 articles completely on your own and without investments, you will have to spend about 2200 hours of your own time, according to rough estimates. This is about a year and one month in the equivalent of the Labor Code. This is given that you will do everything yourself, and you are at least superficially versed in the subject. Based on this, you can calculate how much you can do on your own, according to your amount of free time. Not surprisingly, many webmasters admit they work seven days a week.

In my opinion, in 1 year, spending 12-14 hours a week (that is, 1.5-2 hours daily), it is quite possible to create a small article book for 200-300 texts. At the right approach this is enough to gain experience and go to passive income 5-15 thousand rubles monthly.

What is passive income? There is nothing eternal under the moon. In this context, this is the income that will be kept after the publication of all the planned articles at the same level without additional investment of time and money from one year or more, until the articles suit or are knocked out of the top of the search results by new articles of competitors.

Where to find partners and why are they needed

I created my second site in half with a partner. It was my first customer - the one who taught me how to work with information sites. It happened simply: at the beginning of 2016, when we worked together for more than 2 years without interruption, I directly offered to make a website for two.

I fully understand all the stages that are related to content - from choosing a niche to checking and linking texts. Since these tasks have been my main job for a long time, I understand this well, and much better than my partner. Therefore, I completely took over the entire process related to content.

However, I practically do not understand anything about the "technical" side of the work. Install WordPress and install a few plugins - I can. But even changing the font on the site is already a challenge for me. Therefore, my partner took over the entire "technical" side of the issue. He is also engaged in monetization - in this I also have no experience.

Of course, it's good to be a generalist, but all human possibilities have their limits. If I was just studying all the time, when would I have time to work?

Finding partners is complicated by the following:

    Ideally, a person should be versed in site building - so that he can take on some part of the work. Otherwise, it will not be a partner, but an investor. Working with an investor is more difficult, because he does not fully understand the specifics, complexity and risks, does nothing and is only interested in the result (income).

    The person should be fairly familiar to you. Building a website is not a quick process. Even if you invest about 50-100 thousand rubles, and write out all the semantics in a month or two, the site will need at least another six months for all the texts to gain weight and start generating income. Therefore, you need to do such projects with people who are familiar to you for a long time, and with whom you are guaranteed to communicate in the same language and work without scandals in a few months (ideally, years).

In my opinion, the ideal partner is the person you are already working with long time ... This can be your customer, or vice versa - the performer.

An important nuance: on initial stage it is very important to fully describe:

    Responsibilities - who is responsible for what.

    How income and expenses will be divided.

    What expenses are you willing to bear. This can be either a “total” amount that you can allocate for the creation of a project, or some stable amount that you will spend per week / month.

    What and how to do if one of you wants to "quit" the project (or cannot continue working).

About my projects: what I am working on, what income and results are there now

On this moment(before New Year 2018) I have 2 projects, with general traffic 60 thousand per month:

    Engineering systems (construction)... A site that I created in 2015, and which I am doing on my own. Published 75 texts, of which I wrote about 60 myself. The monthly attendance is about 30 thousand. The average income is 8,000 rubles per month.

    Joints (medicine)... Site created with a partner in early 2017. Published about 350 texts. All content is written by one copywriter, I am engaged in the preparation of technical specifications and semantics. The partner is involved in all work on the site and monetization. The monthly attendance is about 25 thousand. Every month, 5-7 thousand rubles are invested, monthly income (starting from autumn) - from 5000 rubles (total, that is, divided by 2).

The growth of traffic on the website about engineering communications 2015-2017, on which I worked only on my own.

You can also buy and sell information sites on the exchange.

In 2016, we also had a common project on medicine (with the same partner), which we sold at the beginning of 2017. It existed for about 12 months (but the site itself in the form of a stub and domain was old, that is, the site began to grow rapidly, immediately after the start of filling). In total, about 75 thousand rubles were invested. In total, monetization brought about 100 thousand rubles (in about 10-11 months), and the site was sold for another 250 thousand.

That is, if you sum up the investment of money and profit:

    Invested: 65 thousand (content), +10 thousand (design) = 75 thousand rubles, for 11 full months.

    Got: 100 thousand (monetization), +220 thousand (sale for 250 - exchange commission) = 320 thousand rubles.

    Net income: 320 -75 = 245, / 2 = 122500 rubles for each.

Such income was received for 1 year of work. In terms of time, I spent about 1 hour every day: about half an hour on the preparation of new TK, and another half hour on checking the published texts.

Advice: If you want to buy or sell a virtual source of passive income in the form of an information site - for this there is the Telderi exchange, the largest platform of this kind in the Russian Internet. As a rule, sites are sold in 16-30 months of payback, the standard for a good article site is 2 years of payback.

In general, for site building, my results are conditionally the middle entry level... We already have experience, we already have a normal result and income, but it is still impossible to live on this income alone. Firstly, it is not enough (in total, it comes out a little more than 10 thousand rubles a month). Secondly, for normal growth, you need to reinvest. Moreover, for rapid development, you need to invest everything that is now obtained in a month.

What are my goals for 2018

Initially, I did not have specific goals - I began to work on both projects in parallel with my main work. When the tangible income went (exceeded 5-6 thousand rubles), I approached this more carefully.

Now for myself I see 2 options for the development of events, between which I have not yet decided:

    The development of these projects, scaling and creation of new ones - to increase income.

    Selling projects (not right now, but in the foreseeable future) - if there is not enough time / energy / desire to deal with them.

WITH how to monetize articles

My projects use the following monetization methods:

    Mediavenus (teaser network).

From time to time requests for paid placement of links come to the mail. For sites with current performance, the minimum cost of 1 link is from 3000 rubles. However, we do not use this method: the income is a one-time (1 time received money for placement, and that's all), and the link should hang forever. If their number is small, this is not a problem. But if you post them often and in large quantities, then in total amount they can negatively affect the "health" of the site. However, this is a matter of approach, it is important for someone to “squeeze out” the site to the maximum, quickly recover their costs and sell it on the stock exchange.

As you can see, you can quite safely go to an income of 10 thousand rubles a month without investment. And with such passive income, you can already take out a mortgage, for example. As a result, you will have your own apartment, bought with income from the site (after all, they will grow over time and close the payment completely). Now you no longer need to run around the banks as before. ... Here is such tricky way buy an apartment from scratch in our difficult times.

Passive income market. What you need to know when buying a website on the exchange

As I said above, we already have experience in selling a site: we sold one site common with a partner. I didn’t plan to sell current projects, but I don’t exclude this possibility.

Sites for sale on Telderi.

Search engine filters are the main problem for webmasters

At the end of 2017, there were problems with this: Yandex rolled out new filter"Few useful content, spam and an oversupply of advertising ", which knocked down a fairly large number of articles.

In 2012-2015, sites of this kind were mostly made with an emphasis on quantity: create more projects, upload more articles to them. Naturally, because of this, the quality suffered: it was necessary to look for a large number of performers, to control their work normally - it was difficult. And even with large volumes of investments, rather big investments were needed - which is why copywriters were looking for the cheapest.

These factors became the main reasons that a large part of content sites went under this filter. As a result, the market of information sites, which was quite lively until mid-autumn, dropped and froze. Those who bought the projects began to fear that they would come across a site that could fly away under the filter in the near future.

As a result:

    There are fewer deals.

    The number of projects being sold has decreased.

    Buyers have become much more careful when choosing a "product".

    The average cost of projects has decreased. According to rough estimates, before, almost any more or less normal article could be sold for ~ 2 years of payback. That is, if a site brings in 10 thousand rubles a month, it could be put up for sale for 240 thousand. Today, this bar has dropped slightly, to about 14-18 months of payback.

Separately about buying and selling sites (video)

Delegation Basics

As for delegation - I will not argue from my own personal experience(as an owner), but from the experience that I got in a hired job.

What to delegate

    What you don't understand. For example, I know absolutely nothing about monetization, about setting up WordPress, about installing and configuring plugins.

    What you don't like.

    Something that takes a lot of time and is on the stream. In information sites, this is primarily about writing texts.

If a person invests not the only free money in the creation of an information site, he, in principle, can delegate the entire chain of tasks in general, from choosing a niche to monetization. On the one hand, it is profitable: the investor always remains free, and all tasks are solved by specialized specialists. On the other hand, the monetization of the project is greatly extended, and investments increase.

In my opinion, full delegation is relevant for investors with a large budget - relatively speaking, if a person can safely spend from 30-50 thousand or more per month. In principle, you can find a team with less capital, but this will be more difficult, since in this case they will combine work on your project with other tasks.

When to delegate

    When the potential profit is greater than the "value" of the time spent. Example: if you translate the investor's monthly income into hourly wages, he gets 400 rubles per hour. If he writes complex text himself, he will spend 3 hours of time (or will not earn 1200 rubles). He can order the same text from a copywriter for 400 rubles. That is, it is much more profitable for an investor to order content from a copywriter than to write it on his own.

    When work on a project interferes with other tasks. Example: you spend time working on one site, but you have the opportunity (knowledge, money) to create another one.

How to delegate

    For content sites, the most important thing is to put the writing of texts on stream: find smart copywriters who understand your subject matter, work stably and at a price that is acceptable for your budget.

    Next, you need to decide what you will delegate besides writing texts. The best option: find a person who will control the work of copywriters: send them TK, collect them, check, edit, publish on the site (if copywriters do not publish themselves). This is a content manager. If the volume of work is small (say, up to 10 texts per day), then one person can cope with the entire list. If the volume is large (from 10 texts per day or more) - it can be 2-3 people (one checks and corrects the texts, the second publishes and draws up on the site, the third draws up the technical specification and sends it to copywriters).

What always remains with the owner of the site

Monetization... If you yourself do not understand perfectly, it is definitely worth delegating. A person who does not understand monetization is likely to lose a significant part of the possible income. There is also such a service. usually the webmaster loses nothing. A monetization specialist works for the difference in income from a site in 1-2 months. However, for big projects the amount for consulting on monetization is horse, can reach up to a million rubles.

Website development(design, usability, invention and implementation additional services). It is almost always delegated - here you need to have specialized knowledge, and a lot of time is spent on this.

NS potential topics for creating information sites in 2018

For those who plan to start engaging in content projects, I will give the topics that will be relevant in 2018 (in my opinion):

    Automotive... An experienced webmaster may say that there is no breath in it, and the competition is huge. At first glance - yes, but only if you take the most hackneyed topics (like repairing a VAZ). New car models are released every year, so a promising niche can be found in this direction.

    Construction theme- almost all. In 2011-2015, a huge number of people climbed into this topic, and hundreds of sites managed to create. But, as I wrote above, Yandex knocked out a huge part of them. Therefore, construction directions have become vacant, and it is quite possible to enter them. Plus niches - it's easier to look for smart copywriters.

    Medicine... The same situation as with the construction site - there were many sites, but many - Low quality, and went under the filter. The main disadvantage of a niche is that it is more difficult to find a good copywriter. The posikoviks have a very tough approach to site trust. It is important to prove that the text is written by a person with medical education, so that your site does not harm the readers, then he will be given traffic.

    Legal subject... In 2016-2017, interest in it began to increase: the price of advertising here is higher than in other topics, and there was little competition before. This topic has additional monetization through the Lydia affiliate program, which brings more money than contextual advertising. A significant disadvantage is that good copywriters will cost at least around 60 rubles per 1000 characters (and you will have to look for this for a long time).

    Hobby... This includes all kinds of fishing, hunting, tourism. The direction is promising - the competition in many niches is small, the topics themselves are relatively simple, but you definitely need to look for a person who understands.

With other areas (travel, vacation, family, cooking) - you can also work if you have experience and budget. The profitability in them is significantly lower than in the listed ones. The 100,500th travel blog with photos from Thailand will definitely not make you a millionaire.

On the net you can find a lot of theoretical reasoning about how and how much you can earn on sites. But with concrete examples, the trouble. Webmasters really don't like talking about their earnings.

If the income is small, they prefer to be silent and not disgrace. And if the income is large, they do not want to "burn" their gold niches, so as not to grow competitors. And in this article we will consider a few real examples of how much you can actually earn on your site today.

And at the end of the article I will show you one interesting example how I make money on a site with a traffic of only 40 people per day. And he brings me more money than most sites with daily traffic of 9-10 thousand people. So you, too, can start making money quickly literally from scratch.

And first, let's look at the three main options for earning that website owners have today. Let's see how it should be - with examples and screenshots.

Three main ways to make money on the site

In general, there are a lot of ways to make money on websites.

For example, you can trade links from your site. Or just create niche sites, promote and sell them a little. In the end, you can create a thematic forum and periodically collect donations "for the development of the project." There are many options.

But here are the three main options for making money on sites today:

  • Advertising
  • Partnership programs
  • Selling your goods and services

In this article, we'll take a look at contextual and direct advertising separately. That is, technically, there will be four ways. And let's start with a concrete example of advertising.

contextual advertising

But how much time and money will it take? How much will this advertisement bring later? “To the maximum” is how many visitors per day are needed in order, for example, to calmly leave permanent work and not be afraid for the future? Most people do not know the answers to these questions. And when they find out the whole truth, they are very disappointed.

Here's a concrete example.

An example of a site with an income of 30,000 rubles. per month on contextual advertising

This example I "borrowed" from one very famous expert in the field of promotion of information sites. He puts it in open access and, I hope, will not be offended at me that I will retell it here =)

He shows this case as an example of the fact that you can really earn money on "content workers". So, most likely, this is not his worst site in terms of indicators.

So, - there is a site on the topic "Construction tools". This site, you can watch and read if interested.

This site has been untwisted for a long time. The domain was purchased and designed as a website in early 2014, and only in the middle of autumn began work on its promotion. The site was promoted by writing articles by copywriters for the given key queries, and also bought incoming links to the site.

The main ways of making money are contextual advertising and teasers (also advertising, only more impudent =) Average earnings from a website - 30,000 rubles a month. Attendance is about 300,000 people per month (9-10 thousand per day).

Here is a screenshot of the costs of writing articles, which are given by the author of the case:

As we can see, 900 articles were written with an average length of 6500 characters with spaces. All this was spent 209,000 rubles. Plus, add hosting, domain, article posting, design and layout costs here. It took (according to the author) 18,000 rubles to buy links. Total costs are about 250,000 rubles for 2 years or more.

The main income item is contextual advertising from Google - Adsense. The screenshot shows how much the site is earning from this ad.

From October 2014 to December 2016 (for 27 months), only 360 657 rubles were earned. And now the site is in passive mode continues to bring about 30,000 rubles a month (but I can no longer verify this).

That is, about 10 kopecks are earned from each unique visitor to the site. How do you like this result? Someone will say little, but someone is fine.

In fact, usually, sites that work with contextual advertising earn a little more. On average in the market today, contextual advertising brings 50-60 rubles from every 1000 unique visitors. That is 50 - 60 kopecks per person.

And I brought this case solely so that you plunge into reality a little. To reach an income of 30,000 rubles (not a great result, let's face it) - you first need to persistently promote it for a couple of years, invest money.

And it will take you much more money than the author of the given case, believe me. Because out of 5 chosen niches only one will "shoot", and money and time will have to be spent on all projects.

Thank God, you can make money not only on contextual advertising.

Direct advertising - how to make money?

You do not need to contact Yandex or Google in order to earn money from advertising. You can easily take money from direct customers. Here are some options.

This is the most profitable option. For one "ordered" article, you can safely take from 10,000 rubles. But for this you need to be sure that people will read the article. That is, you can write it in such a way that it will occupy any positions in search results on the required queries... Then you don't even need to have a lot of traffic on the site - all the same, a potential advertiser will gladly pay you.

By the way, many large sites make money just like that. For example, the AdMe site mainly specializes in writing custom-made advertising articles. And he takes about 200,000 rubles for one article. Not bad, agree?

This is where size matters. Nobody wants to advertise on your website if it has a traffic of 100-200 people per day. According to my observations, the market is now about the following order of prices - you can charge 50 - 70 rubles per day for showing an ad unit in the sidebar of your site. If you have an attendance in the area of ​​3 - 5 thousand people per day.

If you hang a banner in the header of the site or in a special fixed block (like mine on the right), then the price per day of "hanging" can be 120 - 150 rubles.

Option # 3 - Paid placement in catalogs

You can write thematic articles and promote them to the TOP, and separately attach a list of companies that do something from this area to the site.

For example, a website about tourism and a directory of travel companies (or hotels and restaurants in a specific region). Or - a site about furniture and a catalog of furniture companies. And many other options.

Here, the level of earnings will also strongly depend on how much your site is promoted. If you have several thousand hot "uniques" a day, you can take 2,000 rubles a month from each company. And if 100 - 300 people a day, then the same amount will be paid to you in a year.

An example of earning on direct advertising - 100 thousand in 4 days of work

I know the figures for this site, because its owner wrote to me himself. Alexander is a member of ours. He leads blog about the sights of Kazan.

This is what his site looks like now.

Pay attention to the banner at the top of the site and the review article, which is pinned to the very top of the post feed. This is what direct advertising is.

As for the earnings, Alexander himself shared his successes with me. He sold in his article place for ads hookah bar for 6 thousand rubles. Plus 26 thousand - one excursion company. Then they bought ads from him for 45 thousand rubles. And all this in 4 days of not the most stressful "work".

Please note - Alexander writes articles himself, so blog readers trust him. Advertisers get from his recommendations good traffic... Accordingly, they do not mind paying that kind of money.

If you give people interesting and useful content, then another option for making money opens up for you. You can collect site visitors to your subscription, and then give direct advertising on your subscription for separate money.

If you have a warm and loyal audience, then even for one letter of 1000 people, you can safely take 10-12 thousand and more.

Earnings on affiliate programs on the site

Affiliate programs are risky and volatile. You can earn hundreds of thousands a month, or nothing. The essence of affiliate programs is that you earn only at the moment when a visitor from your site goes to the partner's site and buys a product.

I personally see two negative aspects in making money on affiliate programs:

  1. Affiliate programs must be constantly monitored (enable profitable and disable unprofitable);
  2. You do not have control over the entire sales process. That is, you can catch up with a lot of traffic, but sellers will not perform well and you will not earn anything.

Plus, good affiliate products don't exist in all niches. Therefore, you need to think about this in advance when you are just choosing a topic for your article site.

Good point - we get our traffic for free. There are such people - affiliate marketers. They buy traffic through contextual advertising in order to forward it to partner product and earn more. So they have to constantly think about how much they paid and how much they earned.

We are in a better position. Even if there are few clicks on our offer and not very good purchases, it doesn't matter. All the same, we do not pay or lose anything.

Concerning concrete examples earnings on affiliate programs, that's what I can show you.

Affiliate Programs - How Much Do I Earn With One Click

I must say right away that I am engaged in affiliate programs not for the sake of money, but for the sake of sports interest. Therefore, I cannot give you some stunning cases here. Just general order digits.

The first affiliate program that works on my site is a sale information product on cryptocurrencies. I have an article about bitcoins, and a decent amount of traffic comes to it every day.

This link is followed by approximately 10% of all visitors to this article. Between November and December, I had a total of 175,000 visits to this page. There were 16,500 clicks on the link. The total income was 15,300 rubles.

That is, from each click on this affiliate link I earn about 1 ruble (plus or minus). As you can see, the result is quite funny. But I wrote this article not for earnings, but for the soul. And I didn't plan to monetize it. Therefore, it suits me and so.

It is also a service with monthly payments. That is, they collect monthly payments, and I earn monthly commissions. Accordingly, here I manage to get as much as 3 rubles from each click on my affiliate link.

It's a pity that the topic is very narrow and there are very few clicks of these =)

To summarize, I will say this. If you just post ads for some affiliate program, and do not actively follow trends, then your income will not differ much from the income from contextual advertising. With a visit of 5,000 people per day, you can earn 20-50 thousand rubles a month, depending on the type of affiliate program and options for placing links.

For "sweet things" - my favorite way to make money on sites.

Selling your goods and services

If you do not want to wait several years for your site to reach 5-10 unique visitors per day, but want a lot of money and quickly, then your option is to make money on your products and services.

If you are well versed in a topic, then you may well:

  • Conduct paid consultations;
  • Sell ​​records of your info products;
  • Conduct online trainings on the topic;
  • Sell ​​products of your own manufacture;
  • Provide turnkey services;

The main thing is not to be afraid. You write quality feature articles that people come to. They see that you understand the topic, which means you can be trusted. And they see that you can offer something else, but for money. Why not? (as one business consultant I know says).

You can make hundreds of thousands a month, even if you have a very narrow blog topic, and you can never get thousands of "uniques" a day (simply because your topic does not have that many queries).

Of course, there is a complication here. You have to sell your products. And then also provide services (or create these products). That is about passive earnings we are not talking.

But here's an example of one of my sites, where I make money just on full automatic. And the traffic to this site is just ridiculous. You can do this in a couple of months.

How I make money on a site with 40 visitors a day

In general, I am a translator by profession. And at the dawn of my Internet activity, I made a special training course for those who want to start making money with translations.

To advance the course, I did dedicated site... There are now only 10 articles on it, which in total bring about 40-50 visitors per day.

As a result, on average, I earn 25-30 thousand rubles a month from this site.

That is, from each visitor to the site, I get an income of about 23 rubles. Remember when we talked about contextual advertising and affiliate programs, there we had 10 kopecks per visitor. And we needed 9-10 "uniques" a day to get the same 30 thousand a month.

As you can see, this is very simple circuit that you can easily repeat.

Hope this honest review how much you can earn on the site was useful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I reveal the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (personal experience).

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novosyolov

"How much can you earn on your site?" - this question is of great interest to beginners who are just starting to study the sphere of making money on the Internet. Young webmasters hope to "cut" a big jackpot here. Let's discuss the issue from a more sober and real point of view. What kind of profit can which site can count on and using what methods of monetization.

Themes and purposes of sites

To begin with, all sites are completely different. Naturally, it is difficult to speak and generalize everything. One site with a traffic of 100 people per day can bring in 100 times more than a site with the same traffic, but from a different subject.

It is worth breaking down all sites into at least several topics. I would highlight the following:

  • Entertaining (cinema, humor, free pictures, software, etc.)
  • Useful sites (for such sites, almost all requests and articles begin with "How to ...", "Why ...", etc.). Main focus on advice for life
  • Useful sites with about commercial inquiries(for such sites, requests are close to commercial ones, but are informative and recommendatory in nature: "how to choose a refrigerator", "where to get a loan", etc.). Such sites are aimed at a specific action, for sale
  • Commercial sites

1. There is not much good to say about the first group of sites. Basically, the entire audience, which does not want and cannot pay, but is only ready to "consume" everything for free. It is not difficult to get traffic in such topics. As a rule, sites in this group have a decent traffic (you can achieve traffic from 1000 per day in just 6-12 months with almost no investment). Naturally, you can make very little money on such traffic (relative to other topics).

2. The second group of sites contains useful content, but also not very effective. Content costs are much higher here, because the requests are already more serious. But, as a rule, there will not be much money here. The cost per click in contextual advertising will be in the region of the minimum values ​​of 3-7 rubles. Most of the sites on the runet relate to this type of site.

You can achieve attendance here without investment, but you need more long term and efforts than in the first group.

3. The third group is the most profitable. Here the cost of clicks in contextual advertising can already reach 30..100 rubles per click. On such sites, links are actively bought even at inflated prices (if the site sells them). Having an attendance even in the region of 300 people per day will already be an excellent result.

The difficulty of creating such sites lies in the fact that the queries are in many respects related to the selling ones, and therefore one has to deal with sites with "monsters" from commercial topics. Naturally, it is not always possible to win such an unequal battle. Articles on such sites must be flawless and aimed only at conveying benefits to users.

4. Commercial sites are rarely monetized on the Internet, because they were created for real sales... More often than not, they can only sell links. Moreover, links on such sites will be sold out much more willingly than on all other categories.

Here is a list of the most highly profitable topics

  • Business
  • Finance
  • Construction
  • Real estate
  • Tourism

In such topics, you can count on the maximum possible income from each visitor.

Let's get down to the numbers more specifically.

Figures: how much money can you get from sites

Consider different directions earnings and give detailed figures in each direction.

1. Contextual advertising

The greatest income can be achieved by making a targeted site for a group of offers. For example, on the topic financial transactions and loans. The competition in this area is very strong, but the profit will be appropriate. Therefore, there is something to try for.

Hi. Denis Povaga is in touch.

Today there are several cases about making money on the site. I found the first case on the Internet, which shows how the site became a passive source of income, with a profit in the region of $ 3,000, but with a traffic of 10,000 people per day. Of course, there are more visitors ... But do not worry, there are personal cases from myself, where I will show everything using my projects as an example. Sit down more comfortably))

The model for the site below is simple. These are reviews and news in the field of smartphones. You can find this site if you want. Keyes spied on the blog of Alexander Shuvalov, who in turn was inspired by Alexey Glyzhev, the owner of the resource.

So, now we are analyzing everything with you))

Profit on autopilot, from a site that is visited in the region of 10,000 per day: case study
Attendance: 10,000 unique visitors in the region.
Profitability: 1500 $
Maintenance costs per month:
- RUB 500 hosting
- 6000 rubles. journalist

Main sources of monetization:
Yandex Direct - 30,000 rubles per month

Google Adsence - 950 euros = 42 750 rubles.

affiliate program- 22,000 rubles. per month!

In total, we consider:
Affiliate program - 22,000 rubles.
Google Adsence - RUB 42,750
Yandex Direct - 30,000 rubles.

Hosting costs: 500 rubles.
Costs for a journalist: 1000 rubles.

Total: 89,500 rubles!

As Alexander writes, this site operates on full autopilot, and no more than 1 hour a day is given to it. And a profit of more than $ 3,000 is passive income (at the current exchange rate, this is already 180,000 rubles per month). And what is interesting, at the initial stage, not a single ruble was spent. Only painstaking work on filling the site with copyright articles.

Ask where to get articles? It's simple - either do your own reviews, or redo it from other sites in your own way. There are a lot of options. The main desire!

Continuing Case ...

Also, for the wealth of the article)), I want to show my results from sites, and this blog. Thus, to provide a clear picture of this business for you.

By the way! Yesterday, just over 1600 visitors went to the blog:

500 of which are for direct calls. Screenshot below ...

On this topic, there was a small report in the last article:

As for the blog on electrics (Blog of Victor Povag), the level of 2000 thousand has also been exceeded:

As for other projects, the traffic is unchanged. For more than 3 years, one has kept the attendance at the same level, and I don’t come close to him. By the way! I talked about one of these sites not only in the book, but also on the selling page, right after the subscription (video clip). If you haven't read or seen it, I recommend you watch it!

And now in terms of income ...

How much can you earn on a website with 1000 visitors per day

Well, I want to say right away that there is no definite answer on profitability per thousand daily visitors. Because there are many factors influencing here. Firstly, the topic, and secondly, how the visitors pay off. It's one thing when you create a website specifically to make money on contextual advertising.

And in this case, it is not necessary to open a mailing list - the main thing is to fill the site with articles, and then it becomes constant source income. If you wish, you support it by publishing new content. So, it turns out on autopilot there are clicks on advertising, and, accordingly, profit.

One site has shown the following results in terms of clicks and profitability over several years:

The average website traffic is around 3000 visitors per day. Hmm ... again not a thousand))

In addition to earning on contextual advertising, you can place other ads. For example, a teaser or banners. Or maybe selling your courses. But about the courses, I will show this blog separately. When it was visited by only 500 visitors a day. And thereby you determine how much you can get from a blog that sells courses. Because this is the most profitable model. Lead a blog with the aim of collecting subscribers, and further monetization. Here, the profit does not depend on blog traffic, but on the number of subscription base.

I highlighted the number of clicks on teaser blocks in yellow. Here's an example of these ad units:

Plus, for an entertainment site, contextual advertising is placed. One from Yandex, the other from Google.

It turns out that the total income increases.

Here is a screenshot of one of the blogs, which is visited by a little more than 1300 people per day:

The top screen from Google in 30 days turned out to be $ 42. At the current exchange rate, this is 2,500 rubles per month.

Here, too, it turns out about the same as from Google. RUB 2732 in the past month.

So we consider:

50 rubles from teasers = 1500 rubles per month.

1500 from teasers + 2500 from Google + 2700 from Yandex = 6700 rubles per month on full autopilot. Do you write to the site or not. Month after month - you get this profit.

If you want more, increase your traffic from 1000 to 10,000. The math is simple))

How much do they earn on thematic blogs with few visitors?

Now the results are not from an entertainment site, but from a niche blog. On the example of the blog that you are currently reading. In his book, he described his earning model, how he managed to earn 600,000 rubles from a blog in the first few months of blogging, with only 500-1000 visitors per day. The model is far from new, and you can repeat it from time to time. I still use it!

Here are the results from the first 2 years of blogging:

Everything is much more interesting here. You can earn more every year. Because the base of regular readers is growing. And with an attendance of 1000 visitors per day, you can do more than 50,000 rubles every month.

If you have questions about what and how to do, or what points are not clear ... Or maybe you just want to ask for advice, then ask my dears. Always happy to help!

Hello friends and subscribers of my blog. Now I want to tell you about how much you can earn on your site. I'll tell you about the types of advertising, what methods can be used, and how much you can "squeeze" out of them :).

I will say right away that I will not discuss the topic of illegal receipt of money from sites. But I will focus on five white, the most popular and legal types of income.

Let's imagine that you already have a small website, say, with a culinary theme. You write all sorts of articles, post delicious recipes and want to start getting at least some money from your site. I will help you with this. Go!

Types of earnings

1. Banner advertising

Banner example:

Banner on home page Yandex

How much pay? Price per banner advertising rigidly tied to the topic of your site. The size of the banner also directly affects the price. The larger it is, the more expensive it is. For example, if you have a website with a culinary theme, then the price per 1000 impressions will be 20-30 rubles.

But you have a highly specialized site, and even better a commercial one, for example, "forex", or medicine, or auto. Then the price for 1000 impressions can be from 100-200 rubles and more, up to 500 rubles.

We count

Each user looks on average 2 pages on the site. That is, 1 user makes 2 views.

3000 people visit your site a day. 3000 * 2 = 6000 views per day. 6,000 * 30 days = 180,000 views.

Also, do not forget that you can put 2-3 banners on the site (no longer needed). The main difficulty of monetizing with banners is that you have to look for a direct advertiser yourself, prepare offer, prove that your site is the best and the client should be accommodated with you. Plus the hassle with contracts, taxes, etc.

2. Contextual advertising

These are text ads that are shown in a special block on the site. Ads are selected based on what queries you previously made in the search engine.

For example, if you searched for “where to buy a Gibson guitar” an hour ago, you may notice that now on almost all sites you see ads for Gibson guitars.

How to make money on it?

  1. Register and add your site to Advertising network Yandex;
  2. Create ad unit in the constructor of the code;
  3. Install the code on the site and start making a profit.

Take on the site special places where the advertisement will be displayed. For example, you will have 3 ad spaces: before the article and after the article (if you have an article site or blog), and 1 block inside the article, under some important element.

We count

You only get money when your website visitors click on the ad. And your earnings depend on how many people clicked on the ad (by the link in the ad).

- A reasonable question, how much will I earn from one click? Let's say I put a block of contextual advertising, my friend came to me and clicked on the advertisement, how much will I get?

The answer is: the cost of a click directly depends on the subject of your site and on what queries your friend entered earlier in the search. Average cost of one click: from 3 to 50 rubles.

There are topics where the cost of a click can reach 100-500 rubles and more!

- How many people on average click on ads?

On average, out of 100 visitors who come to your site, 3 will click. Here everything depends very much on the place where you placed your ad, on CPM. If you put it at the end of the site, closer to the "footer", then naturally, it will be noticed less and less clicked on.

But you can't go to the other extreme, you don't need to advertise everywhere, before the article, inside, at the end, and so on. Remember, people come to your site for information, not for advertising. Spammed advertising sites are filtered by search engines. You risk losing positions and traffic from search engines, do not overload the site with advertising. 3-5 blocks per page will be enough.

Let's say you have the same culinary site with 3000 visitors per day. If 3 out of 100 people click on the ad, then out of 3,000 people get 90.

90 clicks for ~ 5 rubles. = RUB 450 per day. Quite good 🙂

Per month comes out: 13,500 rubles. Also, do not forget that traffic on the site varies greatly during the week, and usually on weekends, site traffic drops, on Monday-Tuesday it grows.

You can register here:

  • Contextual advertising from Yandex:
  • Contextual advertising from Google:

UPD 2018. I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new Yandex technology - RTB.

3. Affiliate program.

Or simply “affiliate program” is a type of cooperation, when the seller shares the profit with you, and in return you supply clients to him.

Example: There is a certain Vasya Pupkin-Nevsky and he sells his super-course “100 Chicken Breast Dishes”. Course is in electronic format and on DVDs... And Vasya tells you that if you bring me a client and he buys a course from me, I will pay you 30% of the purchase. In the end, and I will earn you. Everyone benefits, everyone is happy.

There are a lot of types of affiliate programs. You can advertise the services of an Air Company and make money on ticket sales. You can advertise the services of cosmetic companies, and also receive a percentage of their sales. You can advertise books from an online store and the owner will pay you a commission.

Almost everyone has "affiliate programs" large store, service, company or course. So, no matter what site you have, you will find a suitable "affiliate program" for it.

How much can you earn on it?

The range of prices here is also very large. There are hundreds of sites on the Internet that offer their affiliate programs. I'll show you an example on a very popular affiliate program of info-products (training courses on DVD, popular not so long ago).

Example: You still have a culinary site with 1000 visitors.

  • Find on the internet paid courses on your topic;
  • Register in an affiliate program;
  • V personal account You are given banners or links for advertising with a unique identifier (your id);
  • Place banners or links on your website.

Now, when users of your site click on the course banner, go to its owner's site and buy it, you will receive your commission.

We count

So, the best part. Let's say the course costs 3000 rubles. The standard commission percentage is 30%. 3000 * 25% = 900 rubles.

That's exactly 900 rubles. You will receive if someone collects a course by clicking on your link or banner.

As a result, the more traffic to your site, the more people will buy the course or other product that you are promoting.

4. Placing articles and reviews for money

The method is suitable for almost all sites, and it consists in the following. You can PAY ONLY place on YOUR website advertising materials of others.

It happens as follows: a certain Vasya Pupkin-Nevsky turns to you and offers to place his advertising article on your website.

For what?

  • Thanks to such advertising articles, people can advertise their site, company, service;
  • As a rule, such articles contain links that have a good effect on the ranking of the promoted site.

How to determine what price to ask for an article posting?

It's simple, search through the same Yandex similar sites (your competitors), and find pages that are dedicated to advertising. And compare how much money they charge for similar service, and put it just below.

Most An important factor, when assessing the cost of an advertising article is the traffic to your site. As well as its subject matter and its SEO-indicators (TCI and PageRank). The higher they are, the more expensive you can sell your ads.

P.s. you can find out SEO-indicators in the service. You can also add your site to the system. I advise you not to get carried away too much advertising posts, it can lower your site's search engine rankings, and users will not like it very much.

How much can you earn?

For a culinary site with a traffic of 1000 people per day, the average price will be 300-500 rubles. for placing 1 advertising article. On average, you will place about 5-10 advertising posts per month.

Total: ~ 3000 rubles. per month.

Recent STREAM on the topic of making money on their sites.

5. Paid section

You can create a special paid section on your website, or blog, or forum. And you will only let people go there for small fee... For example, $ 5. Or $ 20 or $ 100. It all depends on what you offer.

For a culinary site, the price may be small. And in fact, you sell copyright material on commercial topics (for example, how to increase site traffic by 2 times, or how to increase the cost of a click in contextual advertising on your site by 3 times). You can take much more money for such information. The main thing is that it is useful and relevant.


And for dessert, let's calculate how much you can earn on the site.

  • Topic: Home / Children;
  • Attendance: 3000 per day.

We use all 5 methods and get the sum:

1. Placing banners: 9,000 rubles;

3. Affiliate program: ~ 5 sales, that's RUB 4,500;

5. Paid section: ~ 10 purchases, that's $ 50 (3,000 rubles).

Total: 33,000 rubles.

Quite a good salary 🙂

Just do not flatter yourself, and do not think that nothing needs to be done and money will flow like a river. Do not forget that the site needs to be developed, optimized for search engines. You need to order unique articles, and this is the salary of copywriters. You need to pay for hosting and a domain, you need to invest in promotion and advertise in every possible way so that its attendance does not fall, but only grows.

And God forbid, you will have half of this money clean. But, no one forbids you to create 10 similar sites on different topics 😉

p.s. If anyone is interested, write in the comments, I'll tell you about the rest, less popular types of earnings on my sites.

  • My .

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