How to set up smartphones and PCs. Informational portal

Digital, unique library. PhD thesis topic

Toolkit contains recommendations for conducting informatics lessons in grades 7-9 according to the teaching materials of L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova for grades 7-9. The detailed lesson-based developments are given, including the planned educational results (subject, metasubject, personal), solved learning objectives... Recommendations for the use of materials are given electronic application to textbooks and electronic educational resources of federal educational portals, as well as answers, instructions and solutions to problems in textbooks and workbooks.
For informatics teachers and methodologists.

Working with the database. Data sampling requests.
Planned educational results:
subject - the simplest skills of creating and using a single-table database;
metasubject - insight into application areas information systems and databases;
personal - understanding the role of information systems and databases in the life of a modern person.

Solved educational tasks:
1) expanding the understanding of the functions of the DBMS;
2) familiarity with the possibilities of ordering (sorting) records;
3) acquaintance with the basic technological methods for the formation of requests; the use of the apparatus of mathematical logic for the formation of queries;
4) familiarity with the basic technological methods for generating reports.

The basic concepts discussed in the lesson:
DBMS functions;
DBMS interface;

Introduction 3
Author's curriculum in computer science for grades 7-9 7
Explanatory note 7
Contribution academic subject in achieving the goals of the main general education 7
general characteristics subject 9
Place of the subject in curriculum 10
Personal, metasubject and subject results of mastering computer science 11
Content of the subject 14
Section 1. Introduction to Computer Science 14
Section 2. Algorithms and Programming Beginnings 16
Section 3. Information and communication technologies 17
Curriculum plan 19
Thematic planning with the definition of the main types learning activities 20
Recommended lesson planning. Base model 32
Recommended lesson planning. In-Depth Model 39
The list of educational and methodological support in informatics for grades 7-9 52
Planned results of studying computer science 52
Section 1. Introduction to Computer Science 53
Section 2. Algorithms and Programming Beginnings 55
Section 3. Information and communication technologies 57
How to make an approximate curriculum working 60
Formation of universal educational actions in the process of studying computer science in grades 7-9 65
Electronic educational resources in informatics lessons in grades 7-9 73
Methodological recommendations for conducting lessons in grade 7 87
Lesson 1. Objectives of studying the course of computer science. Safety and workplace organization 87
Lesson 2. Information and its properties 89
Lesson 3. Information processes. Information processing 92
Lesson 4. Information processes. Storage and transmission of information 95
Lesson 5. The World Wide Web as an information repository 100
Lesson 6. Presentation of Information 103
Lesson 7. Discrete presentation of information 106
Lesson 8. Units of Information Measurement 110
Lesson 9. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Information and information processes"116
Lesson 10: Basic Computer Components 118
Lesson 11. Personal Computer 123
Lesson 12. Computer software. Systemic software 127
Lesson 13. Programming Systems and Application Software 129
Lesson 14. Files and file structures 131
Lesson 15. User interface 135
Lesson 16. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Computer as universal device to work with information "136
Lesson 17. Formation of an image on the monitor screen 139
Lesson 18. Computer graphics 141
Lesson 19. Creation graphic images 146
Lesson 20. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Processing of graphic information" 148
Lesson 21. Text documents and technologies for their creation 150
Lesson 22. Creation text documents on computer 152
Lesson 23. Direct Formatting 156
Lesson 24. Style Formatting 157
Lesson 25. Structuring and visualization of information in text documents 159
Lesson 26. Text recognition and computer translation systems 161
Lesson 27. Estimation of quantitative parameters of text documents 163
Lesson 28. Making an abstract "History of development computer technology"167
Lesson 29. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Processing text information"169
Lesson 30. Multimedia Technology 171
Lesson 31. Computer presentations 173
Lesson 32. Creating a Multimedia Presentation 174
Lesson 33. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the chapter "Multimedia" 176
Lessons 34-35. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the course 178
Methodological recommendations for conducting lessons in grade 8 179
Lesson 1. Objectives of studying the course of computer science. Occupational safety and organization 179
Lesson 2. General information number systems 182
Lesson 3. Binary system reckoning. Binary arithmetic 189
Lesson 4. Octal and hexadecimal systems reckoning. "Computer" number systems 195
Lesson 5. The rule for translating integers decimal numbers base q 198
Lesson 6. Representing Integers 201
Lesson 7. Representation of real numbers 204
Lesson 8. Statement. Logic operations 207
Lesson 9. Building truth tables for logical expressions 212
Lesson 10. Properties logical operations 216
Lesson 11. Solution logical tasks 220
Lesson 12. Logic gates 224
Lesson 13. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Mathematical foundations of computer science" 227
Lesson 14. Algorithms and Executors 232
Lesson 15. Methods of Writing Algorithms 242
Lesson 16. Algorithm Objects 247
Lesson 17. Algorithmic construction "following" 251
Lessons 18-19. Algorithmic construction "branching". Full form branching. Incomplete Branching Form 256
Lesson 20. Algorithmic construction "repetition". Loop with a given condition of continuation of work 265
Lesson 21. Algorithmic construction "repetition". Loop with a predetermined end of work 277
Lesson 22. Algorithmic construction "repetition". Loop with a given number of repetitions of 283
Lesson 23. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Basics of Algorithmization" 294
Lesson 24. General information about the Pascal programming language 296
Lesson 25. Organization of data input and output 298
Lesson 26. Programming linear algorithms 300
Lessons 27-28. Branching Algorithm Programming. Conditional operator... Compound operator. Variety of ways to write branches 308
Lessons 29-32. Programming cyclic algorithms 323
Lesson 33. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Beginning of programming". Verification work 340
Lessons 34-35. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the course 342
Methodological recommendations for conducting lessons in grade 9 344
Lesson 1. Objectives of studying the course of computer science. Occupational safety and organization 344
Lesson 2. Modeling as a method of cognition 348
Lesson 3. Iconic Models 355
Lesson 4. Graphic information models 359
Lesson 5. Tabular Information Models 367
Lesson 6. Database as a Model subject area. Relational databases data 371
Lesson 7. Database Management System 376
Lesson 8. Working with the database. Data Fetch Requests 380
Lesson 9. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Modeling and formalization" 386
Lesson 10. Programming as a stage in solving a problem on a computer 388
Lessons 11-14. Programming One-Dimensional Arrays of Integers 393
Lesson 15. Designing Algorithms 410
Lesson 16. Writing auxiliary algorithms in Pascal 420
Lesson 17. Control algorithms. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Beginning of programming". Verification work 428
Lesson 18. Spreadsheet interface. Data in table cells. Basic modes of operation 431
Lesson 19. Organization of calculations. Relative, absolute and mixed links 434
Lesson 20. Built-in functions. Logic Functions 437
Lesson 21 Sorting and Finding Data 441
Lesson 22. Building charts and graphs 442
Lesson 23. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the chapter "Processing numerical information v spreadsheets". Verification work 444
Lesson 24. Local and Global computer networks 446
Lesson 25. How the Internet works. Computer IP address 448
Lesson 26. Domain system names. Data transfer protocols 450
Lesson 27. World Wide Web. File Archives 452
Lesson 28. Email... Networked collective interaction. Netiquette 455
Lessons 29-32. Website development 458
Lesson 33. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the chapter " Communication technology"459
Lessons 34-35. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the course 461.


The tutorial you have opened is called Computer Science. Most likely, your acquaintance with this subject has already taken place in primary school and in grades 5-6. But right now you will begin a systematic study of computer science as a scientific discipline that is of great importance in shaping the worldview of modern man.

Example from the tutorial

Some questions and concepts that will be discussed in the pages of this tutorial. This is not surprising, because many of you in school or in extracurricular activities have already gained some experience of working with computer technology... The material in the textbook is presented in such a way as to lead you to systematization.

Introduction 3
Safety 6
Chapter 1. Information and Information Processes 7
§ 1.1. Information and its properties 7
1.1.1. Information and signal 7
1.1.2. Types of information 8
1.1.3. Properties of information 9
§ 1.2. Information processes 13
1.2.1. The concept of the information process 13
1.2.2. Gathering information 14
1.2.3. Information processing 14
1.2.4. Information storage 18
1.2.5. Communication of information 19
1.2.6. Information processes in wildlife and technology 20
§ 1.3. World Wide Web 23
1.3.1. What is WWW 23
1.3.2. Search engines 25
1.3.3. Search queries 26
1.3.4. Useful addresses World wide web 28
§ 1.4. Presentation of information 31
1.4.1. Signs and sign systems 31
1.4.2. Language as a sign system 32
1.4.3. Natural and formal languages ​​33
1.4.4. Presentation forms 34
§ 1.5. Binary coding 37
1.5.1. Converting information from continuous to discrete 37
1.5.2. Binary coding 39
1.5.3. Versatility binary encoding 42
1.5.4. Uniform and non-uniform codes 43
§ 1.6. Measuring Information 45
1.6.1. An alphabetical approach to measuring information 45
1.6.2. Information weight arbitrary alphabet characters 46
1.6.3. Information volume messages 46
1.6.4. Information units 47
Test tasks for self-control 51
Chapter 2. The computer as a universal device for working with information 56
§ 2.1. Major Computer Components and Their Functions 56
2.1.1. Computer 56
2.1.2. Computer devices and their functions 58
§ 2.2. Personal computer 63
2.2.1. System unit 63
2.2.2. External devices 65
2.2.3. Computer networks 66
§ 2.3. Computer software 70
2.3.1. Software Concept 70
2.3.2. System software 71
2.3.3. Programming systems 74
2.3.4. Application Software 75
2.3.5. Legal regulations for the use of software 77
§ 2.4. Files and file structures. 81
2.4.1. Logical device names external memory 81
2.4.2. File.82
2.4.3. Catalogs 84
2.4.4. Disk file structure 84
2.4.5. Full name File 86
2.4.6. Working with files 87
§ 2.5. User interface 90
2.5.1. User interface and its variations 90
2.5.2. Essential elements graphical interface 94
2.5.3. Organization of individual information space 97
Test items for self-control 101
Chapter 3. Processing graphic information 106
§ 3.1. Image Formation on the Monitor Screen 106
3.1.1. Monitor spatial resolution 106
3.1.2. Computer representation of color 107
3.1.3. Video system of a personal computer 109
§ 3.2. Computer graphics 112
3.2.1. Fields of application of computer graphics 112
3.2.2. Ways to create digital graphic objects 114
3.2.3. Raster and Vector graphics 115
3.2.4. Formats graphic files 118
§ 3.3. Graphic Creation 123
3.3.1. Graphic Editors Interface 123
3.3.2. Some techniques of working in a raster graphics editor 126
3.3.3. Features of creating images in vector graphic editors 129
Assignments for practical work 133
Test tasks for self-control 140
Chapter 4. Processing Text Information 143
§ 4.1. Text documents and technologies for their creation 143
4.1.1. Text document and its structure 143
4.1.2. Technologies for preparing text documents 144
4.1.3. Computer tools for creating text documents 146
§ 4.2. Creating text documents on a computer 150
4.2.1. Typing (entering) text 150
4.2.2. Editing Text 152
4.2.3. Working with snippets of text 156
§ 4.3. Formatting Text 159
4.3.1. Understanding Formatting 159
4.3.2. Character Formatting 160
4.3.3. Formatting paragraphs 161
4.3.4. Style Formatting 163
4.3.5. Formatting Document Pages 164
4.3.6. Saving a document in various text formats 166
§ 4.4. Information visualization in text documents 168
4.4.1. Lists 168
4.4.2. Tables 170
4.4.3. Graphics Graphics 172
§ 4.5. OCR and Computer Translation Tools 174
4.5.1. Programs optical recognition documents 174
4.5.2. Computer dictionaries and translation software 176
§ 4.6. Estimation of quantitative parameters of text documents 178
4.6.1. Representation of text information in computer memory 178
4.6.2. Information volume of a text fragment 181
Practical tasks 185
Test tasks for self-control 199
Chapter 5. Multimedia 204
§ 5.1. Multimedia Technology 204
5.1.1. Multimedia technology concept 204
5.1.2. Media Usage Areas 205
5.1.3. Sound and video as components of multimedia 206
§ 5.2. Computer presentations. 210
5.2.1. What is presentation 210
5.2.2. Creation of a multimedia presentation. 211
Tasks for practical work 214
Answers and solutions to questions and tasks for self-study 218
Keys to test tasks for self-test 219

Along with this, they also read:

Doctorate: Institute of Education Informatization Russian Academy education, 2009.
Postgraduate studies: Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education, 1999.
Belorussian State University, 1985,

PhD thesis topic

"Propedeutic training of rural schoolchildren in the field of computer science and information technology" (2000)

Doctoral dissertation topic

"Development of a methodological system for teaching computer science and information technology junior schoolchildren" (2010)

Courses for the current academic year

Informatics teaching methodology

Master's degree
Theory and methods of teaching computer science for primary schoolchildren

Postgraduate studies
History and Philosophy of Science (module "History of Science")
Information technologies in education and pedagogical sciences
Informatics in extracurricular activities of students


Bosova L.L. How programming is taught in the 21st century: domestic and overseas experience teaching programming at school // Informatics at school. 2018. No. 6 (139). S. 3-11.

Bosova L.L. School informatics in Russia and in the world // Informatization of education and science. 2018. No. 3 (39). S. 134-145.

Bosova L.L., Mironchik E.A. Sets in problems with the analysis of bit chains // Informatics at school. 2017. No. 7 (130). S. 44-47.

Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. About information security in a comprehensive school // Computer science in school. 2017. No. 7 (130). S. 5-9.

Bosova L.L., Sivkova E.O. Elements of set theory in school course informatics // Informatics at school. 2017. No. 8 (131). S. 11-15.

Bosova L.L. Informatics at school: yesterday, today, tomorrow // Pedagogical informatics. 2016. No. 1. S 3-12

Bosova L.L. School computer science in China: ideas that can be useful to us // Science and school. 2016. No. 1. Pp. 112-120

Bosova L.L. ICT as a tool for individualizing learning in modern school// Teacher XXI century - 2016. - No. 4, part 1.P.108-116

Bosova L.L. On the presentation of the subject results of studying the course of informatics at school // Informatics and Education, 2015, No. 7 (266), pp. 46-50

Bosova L.L. Parallel algorithms in primary and secondary schools // Informatics in school, 2015, No. 2 (105), p. 24-27

Bosova L.L., Sorokina T.Yu. Method of application interactive environments for teaching programming to younger students // Informatics and Education, 2014, No. 7, pp. 61-68.

Bosova L.L. Electronic textbook: issues of development and quality assessment // Remote and virtual learning... 2014. No. 04 (82). S. 47-57.

Bosova L.L., Zubchenok N.E. Electronic textbook: yesterday, today, tomorrow // International electronic journal « Educational technologies and Society (Educational Technology & Society) "East European. section, 2013. T. 16, No. 3. - P. 697–712.

Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Approaches to effective use means of ICT and ESM in informatics lessons in the context of the introduction of federal state educational standards // Open and distance education. Tomsk, 2013. No. 4 (52) .S.56-63.

Bosova L.L. Continuous course in computer science at basic school. UMK "Informatics" for V-IX grades // Informatics and education. - No. 6.– 2013. - P. 25–31.

Bosova L.L. , Mamontov D.I., Kozlenko A.G., Terenin V.V. A typical model of an electronic textbook // Open and distance education. Tomsk, 2012 No. 2 (46). S.58-65.

Bosova, L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Organization issues educational process using electronic educational resources of a new generation [Text] // Open and distance education - 2012 -V.4 - 48 - P.72-89.

Bosova L.L. On the goals, objectives and results of teaching computer science and information technologies for primary schoolchildren // Bulletin of the Yaroslavl regional branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: scientific and practical journal. Volume 6. No. 1. 2012.S. 10-14.

Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Zubchenok N.E. Creation and use of electronic educational resources for general education: monograph. Moscow: MGPU, 2014 .-- 192 p.

Bosova, L. L. Training of junior schoolchildren in the field of informatics and ICT: experience, state of the art and prospects: Monograph. L. L. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009, 2012 .-- 271 p.

Bosova, L.L. Teaching informatics in grades 5-7: textbook.- M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2009, 2010 - 342 p.

Bosova, L. L. Moscow textbook. Computer Science: A Textbook for Grade 6. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2005 .-- 191 p.

Bosova, L. L. Informatics. Grade 6 (in Armenian). - Ed. "Zangak-97", Yerevan, 2006. - 159 p.

Bosova, L. L. Informatics lessons in grades 5-6: Methodological guide. [Text] / L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova - M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2004-2006. - 324 p.

Bosova, L. L. Informatics and ICT. 5-7 grades: methodological guide. [Text] / L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2009. - 464 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: textbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 184 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: textbook for grade 6 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 212 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: a textbook for grade 7 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 222 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: a textbook for grade 8 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 212 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: a textbook for grade 9 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 184 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: workbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 144 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: workbook for grade 6 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 194 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: workbook for grade 7 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 160 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: workbook for grade 8 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 160 p.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: workbook for grade 9 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M .: Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2014-2016. - 160 p.

State and departmental awards

Badge "Honorary Worker of General Education Russian Federation"(2002)
Honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" (2007)
Medal of K. D. Ushinsky (2016)

Achievements and promotions

Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2008)
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the cycle of works "Informatization of general, professional and additional education Russia in health-preserving conditions "(2009)
Certificate of honor of the Russian Academy of Education (2010)

Professional activity

1985-1986 - work at software "Integral" (Minsk), mathematician-programmer

1986-1991 - VEI them. V. I. Lenin (Moscow), software engineer

1991-2001 - teacher of informatics of the Municipal Educational Institution "Ivanovskaya Secondary School" of the Istra district of the Moscow region

2001-2011 - Leading Researcher, Head. laboratories, deputy director for scientific work Institute of Informatization of Education of the Russian Academy of Education (IIO RAO)

2011-2016 - Deputy Head, and later Chief Researcher of the Center for Educational Information Technologies, Resources and Networks of the Federal State Autonomous Institution FIRO

2012-2014 - Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical, Natural Science Education and Informatization of the Scientific Research Institute of Moscow Education (NIISO), Moscow State Pedagogical University

2014 - 2017 - Head of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics at the Primary School of the Moscow State Pedagogical University

2017 - 2018 - Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Informatics, Moscow State Pedagogical University

2018 - Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Informatics, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Since February 2016 - Member of the Expert Council on Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

This collection of computer science programs for grades 5-6 and 7-9 is intended for use in preparing educational program educational institution for the main stage of general education in accordance with the federal state educational standard (FSES). The collection contains all necessary materials for planning, organizing training in the new information environment of the school and preparing reporting documents that are required in the work of a teacher and methodologist in computer science.

Algorithms and start of programming.
The concept of the performer. Informal and formal performers. Instructional performers(Robot, Draftsman, Turtle, Grasshopper, Aquarius) as examples formal performers... Their purpose, environment, mode of operation, command system.
The concept of an algorithm as a formal description of the sequence of actions of the executor for given initial data. Properties of algorithms. Methods for writing algorithms.

Algorithmic language is a formal language for writing algorithms. Program - writing the algorithm to algorithmic language... Direct and program control performer.

Linear algorithms. Algorithmic constructions related to checking conditions: branching and repetition. Development of algorithms: splitting a task into subtasks, the concept of an auxiliary algorithm.

The concept of a simple quantity. Types of values: integer, real, symbolic, string, boolean. Variables and constants. Acquaintance with table values ​​(arrays). The algorithm for working with values ​​is a plan of purposeful actions to carry out calculations for given initial data using intermediate results.

Basic General Education Program in Computer Science
Explanatory note
Contribution of the subject to the achievement of the goals of basic general education
General characteristics of the subject
Place of the subject in the curriculum
Personal, metasubject and subject
results of mastering informatics
Content of the subject

Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities
5-6 grades
7-9 grades
Recommended lesson planning
Grade 5
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
Grade 9
Logistics and educational and methodological support educational process
Author's educational and methodological kit for the course of computer science for basic school
Planned results of studying computer science
Section 1. Introduction to Computer Science
Section 2. Algorithms and the beginning of programming
Section 3. Information and communication technologies
1. Compliance of textbooks with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation and development of universal educational actions (UUD)
2. Compliance of textbooks with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of subject results
3. The content of textbooks and requirements for the level of training, the fulfillment of which is checked at the State (final) certification of graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions in computer science
4. List of skills that characterize the achievement of the planned results.

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Informatics. Methodological guide for grades 7-9. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu.

Moscow: 2015 - 472 p.

The methodological guide contains recommendations for conducting informatics lessons in grades 7-9 according to the teaching materials of L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova for grades 7-9. The detailed lesson-less developments are given, including the planned educational results (subject, metasubject, personal), the educational tasks to be solved. Recommendations are given on the use of materials of the electronic supplement to textbooks and electronic educational resources of federal educational portals, as well as answers, instructions and solutions to problems in textbooks and workbooks. For informatics teachers and methodologists.

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The size: 21.6 MB

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Introduction 3
Author's curriculum in computer science for grades 7-9 7
Explanatory note 7
Contribution of the subject to the achievement of the goals of basic general education 7
General characteristics of the subject 9
Place of the subject in the curriculum 10
Personal, metasubject and subject results of mastering computer science 11
Content of the subject 14
Section 1. Introduction to Computer Science 14
Section 2. Algorithms and Programming Beginnings 16
Section 3. Information and communication technologies 17
Curriculum plan 19
Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 20
Recommended lesson planning. Base model 32
Recommended lesson planning. In-Depth Model 39
The list of educational and methodological support in informatics for grades 7-9 52
Planned results of studying computer science 52
Section 1. Introduction to Computer Science 53
Section 2. Algorithms and Programming Beginnings 55
Section 3. Information and communication technologies 57
How to Make a Sample Curriculum Work 60
Formation of universal educational actions in the process of studying computer science in grades 7-9 65
Electronic educational resources in informatics lessons in grades 7-9 73
Methodological recommendations for conducting lessons in grade 7 87
Lesson 1. Objectives of studying the course of computer science. Safety and workplace organization 87
Lesson 2. Information and its properties 89
Lesson 3. Information processes. Information processing 92
Lesson 4. Information processes. Storage and transmission of information 95
Lesson 5. The World Wide Web as an Information Repository 100
Lesson 6. Presentation of Information 103
Lesson 7. Discrete presentation of information 106
Lesson 8. Units of Information Measurement 110
Lesson 9. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Information and information processes" 116
Lesson 10: Basic Computer Components 118
Lesson 11. Personal computer 123
Lesson 12. Computer software. System Software 127
Lesson 13. Programming Systems and Application Software 129
Lesson 14. Files and File Structures 131
Lesson 15. User Interface 135
Lesson 16. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Computer as a universal device for working with information" 136
Lesson 17. Formation of an image on the monitor screen 139
Lesson 18. Computer graphics 141
Lesson 19. Creating Graphics 146
Lesson 20. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Processing of graphic information" 148
Lesson 21. Text documents and technologies for their creation 150
Lesson 22. Creating text documents on a computer 152
Lesson 23. Direct Formatting 156
Lesson 24. Style Formatting 157
Lesson 25. Structuring and visualization of information in text documents 159
Lesson 26. Text recognition and computer translation systems 161
Lesson 27. Estimation of quantitative parameters of text documents 163
Lesson 28. Making an abstract "History of the development of computer technology" 167
Lesson 29. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Processing of textual information" 169
Lesson 30. Multimedia Technology 171
Lesson 31. Computer presentations 173
Lesson 32. Creating a Multimedia Presentation 174
Lesson 33. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the chapter "Multimedia" 176
Lessons 34-35. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the course 178
Methodological recommendations for conducting lessons in grade 8 179
Lesson 1. Objectives of studying the course of computer science. Occupational safety and organization 179
Lesson 2. General information about number systems 182
Lesson 3. Binary number system. Binary arithmetic 189
Lesson 4. Octal and hexadecimal number systems. "Computer" number systems 195
Lesson 5. The rule for converting decimal integers to base q 198
Lesson 6. Representing Integers 201
Lesson 7. Representation of real numbers 204
Lesson 8. Statement. Logic operations 207
Lesson 9. Building Truth Tables for Boolean Expressions 212
Lesson 10. Properties of logical operations 216
Lesson 11. Solving logic problems 220
Lesson 12. Logic gates 224
Lesson 13. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Mathematical foundations of computer science" 227
Lesson 14. Algorithms and Executors 232
Lesson 15. Methods of Writing Algorithms 242
Lesson 16. Algorithm Objects 247
Lesson 17. Algorithmic construction "following" 251
Lessons 18-19. Algorithmic construction "branching". Full branching form. Incomplete Branching Form 256
Lesson 20. Algorithmic construction "repetition". Loop with a given condition for continuation of work 265
Lesson 21. Algorithmic construction "repetition". Loop with a predetermined end of work 277
Lesson 22. Algorithmic construction "repetition". Loop with a given number of repetitions of 283
Lesson 23. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Basics of Algorithmization" 294
Lesson 24. General information about the Pascal programming language 296
Lesson 25. Organization of data input and output 298
Lesson 26. Programming Linear Algorithms 300
Lessons 27-28. Branching Algorithm Programming. Conditional operator. Compound operator. Variety of ways to write branches 308
Lessons 29-32. Cyclic Algorithm Programming 323
Lesson 33. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Beginning of programming". Verification work 340
Lessons 34-35. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the course 342
Methodological recommendations for conducting lessons in grade 9 344
Lesson 1. Objectives of studying the course of computer science. Occupational safety and organization 344
Lesson 2. Modeling as a method of cognition 348
Lesson 3. Iconic Models 355
Lesson 4. Graphical Information Models 359
Lesson 5. Tabular Information Models 367
Lesson 6. Database as a domain model. Relational Databases 371
Lesson 7. Database Management System 376
Lesson 8. Working with the database. Data Fetch Requests 380
Lesson 9. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Modeling and formalization" 386
Lesson 10. Programming as a stage in solving a problem on a computer 388
Lessons 11-14. Programming One-Dimensional Arrays of Integers 393
Lesson 15. Designing Algorithms 410
Lesson 16. Writing auxiliary algorithms in Pascal 420
Lesson 17. Control algorithms. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Beginning of programming". Verification work 428
Lesson 18. Spreadsheet interface. Data in table cells. Basic modes of operation 431
Lesson 19. Organization of calculations. Relative, absolute and mixed references 434
Lesson 20. Built-in functions. Logic Functions 437
Lesson 21 Sorting and Finding Data 441
Lesson 22. Building charts and graphs 442
Lesson 23. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the chapter "Processing of numerical information in spreadsheets." Verification work 444
Lesson 24. Local and global computer networks 446
Lesson 25. How the Internet works. Computer IP address 448
Lesson 26. Domain name system. Data transfer protocols 450
Lesson 27. World Wide Web. File Archives 452
Lesson 28. Email. Networked collective interaction. Netiquette 455
Lessons 29-32. Website development 458
Lesson 33. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the chapter "Communication technologies" 459
Lessons 34-35. Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the course 461

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