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What does it mean to copy to the root of the game. Root directory


Today's short post will be devoted to completely novice web masters, and in it I will try to answer the question in as much detail as possible, what is the root of the site? And where is the root folder of the site?

To many of you, this topic will seem ridiculous and simple to disgrace, but nevertheless it is relevant and will remain relevant in the future, gaining more and more momentum, because. every day the number of users interested in blogging and site building is only growing.

When I first started out as a webmaster, expressions such as "site root", "site root directory", "ftp client", "file manager", etc., baffled me! I didn't understand what was going on? What is going on? Where am I? In a word, I was a beginner!

Try to remember yourself at the very beginning of the path to the world of the Internet? Remember those days when you were just starting to learn and get acquainted with the basics of website building? So, when publishing useful material on a blog, you often have to use words or expressions in your posts that seem common to many webmasters.

But often, such common phrases as “site root” or “site root folder” cause newbies to stupor! In my posts, I use this expression quite often, telling visitors how to move various files and folders to the root directory. And every time I have to explain to beginners where he is. Now, after writing this post, I will just link to it.

And in general, stumbling across many blogs and sites, you often see a picture that webmasters write for advanced users, forgetting about beginners. And I am no exception, although I try to reveal the topic in my posts to the end. Well, let's fix it.

What is the site root? Where is the root directory of the site

The site root or site root folder (directory) is a folder with all the content of your resource. It (the root) stores all folders and files uploaded to your hosting server. Depending on the services you use, the root directory of your site may be named differently.

The most common names for such sections are HTDOCS (httpdocs), public_html, www or , which is often located in the domains section, with a subsection present in it, in my case the site:

There are two ways to get to the root directory.

1. Using the hosting control panel. I think, since you are interested in the root folder of the blog, then you already have your own resource and, accordingly, you know what hosting is.

2. Take advantage of the convenience of ftp - the filezilla client, you can read more about the client in my article by going to .

If you use wordpress as a CMS (site content management system or in simple words, your resource engine), then at the root of the site you will find its system folders wp-admin , wp-content , wp-includes . If there are any, then there can be no doubt, you have come to the right place!

As you can see, everything is very simple! Well, if you don’t understand at all what is at stake, and everything said here is a dark forest for you, then ask your hoster a question and he will definitely tell you where the root folder of the site is located and what it is called.

Award for the most active commentators for December 2013

So here are the winners from last month:

  • Alexander (37), Alexander Ivanovich (9), Anna (7) - you receive cash rewards from me in the amount of 100 rubles.
  • Natalia (6), Alexander (4), Marina (3) - you receive cash rewards in the amount of 50 rubles.

Thank you for keeping an eye on my blog and actively commenting on it! Send me your wallet numbers and I will transfer the money to you.

Soon I plan to change the rules for rewarding the best commentators. Prizes will be much more interesting and significant, but the selection of the best commentators will take place a little differently. I will write about all the details just before the implementation of the new rules!

And that's all I have for today! Happy New Year 2014 to everyone! Bye everyone and see you soon!

Site Root Folder (Site Root)- a place where all site files are stored. You can find out the path (exact location) of the root folder of the site in the hosting control panel.

Let's use as an example. Instead of this site, you should substitute the name of the site (domain name) whose root folder you want to find.

Depending on which panel is used to manage your site ( ISPManager, Parallels Plesk or cPanel), and follow one of the instructions:

Go to the WWW-WWW-domains section. The path to the root folder of the site is displayed in the column Root directory:

You can also go to the root folder by highlighting the line with the name of the desired site and clicking the button Catalog.

Parallels Plesk

Go to the Websites & Domains tab. The path to the site folder is displayed below its site name:

Clicking on the path (marked with a red arrow) will take you to the root folder of your site.

In the Domains section, click on Additional domains:

The path to each site folder is displayed in a column Document root:

You can click on the path (marked in red in the screenshot) and navigate to the site's root folder.

Absolute path of the site root folder

The path to the site folder that is displayed in the control panel is relative. If you need absolute(full) path to the root folder of the site, before the path to site root folder path is set to root hosting. The path to the hosting root depends on the control panel:

Path to hosting root on Linux:

  • ISPmanager: /var/www/u1234567/data/;
  • Parallels Plesk: /var/www/vhosts/;
  • cPanel: /var/www/u1234567/;

Path to the hosting root on Windows:

  • ParallelsPlesk: C:\inetpub\vhosts\\

where "u1234567"- your hosting login. You can refine it using .

Thus, in our example, the absolute path to the site folder will look like this:

For hosting on Linux:

  • example with ISPmanager: /var/www/u1234567/data/www/;
  • example with ParallelsPlesk: /var/www/vhosts/;
  • cPanel example: /var/www/u1234567/ ;

For hosting on Windows:

  • Parallels Plesk: C:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\

Beginning computer players often face the problem of not knowing some of the technical terms that are usually used by computer game developers, professional gamers, programmers and other people familiar with information technology firsthand.

Why is knowing certain terms so important?

After installing a new game on your computer and going through it up and down, an inexperienced gamer gets bored and abandons the game. A few days later, he suddenly learns from his friend that for this very toy there are various free modifications that are freely available on the Internet and are waiting to be downloaded.

The overjoyed gamer runs home with the desire to add something new to the virtual world he has loved so much and immerse himself in it again. He opens the browser, finds these modifications on the network, downloads the archives with them, reads the installation instructions, which says: "Copy files from the archive to the game directory." Copying files from the archive is understandable. What is a game directory? And where is she?

Agree, knowledge of such technical terms can often make life easier for a person. In today's society, which is based on information technology, such terms are an important part of the modern spoken language.

This article should help all novice players, both those who want to install modifications for their favorite computer entertainment, and all those who do not know the concept of a directory at all. To do this, it will cover as clearly as possible such questions as:

2. How to find it?

3. Where is the game directory?

If you have ever asked one of these questions or are asking them now, then this article is definitely for you. So let's go.

What is this directory?

To understand what a game directory is, you do not need to be. In simple words, this concept can be explained as follows: a directory is a folder on a computer in which files of an installed application are stored. The directory is usually specified by the full address of the application's root folder, for example: "C:\Games\Application Name".

The first letter in the address indicates the name of the hard disk partition on your computer, after the first "\" is the name of the folder located in this hard disk partition (in this case, C: \) and so on. Roughly speaking, a directory is a folder where you once installed the game.

During the installation of any application, the installer asks you to select the desired directory, by default it is usually of this type: C:\Program Files\Name of the developer company\Name of the game (program). Most likely, you will have to copy the files of your modification to the folder with this address.

Where to look for it?

In fact, in the answer to the first question about games, lies the answer to the second question considered in this article. But just in case, it is worth repeating so that any inexperienced user does not have the slightest ambiguity.

So, since it so happened that the game directory is nothing more than the folder into which the gamer installed the game, then it can only be located on a hard drive or any other storage

How can you find it?

Having figured out what the game directory is, you can start searching for it. It is absolutely easy to do this. If you know the address at which your game was installed, then you can simply register it in any window of the Windows operating system.

You can also navigate through it manually. If the address is unknown to you, then you can use the Windows search engine by writing the name of the application you need there.

However, in Microsoft there is a function to open the directory of any application in a couple of clicks. Just right-click on the shortcut of the game whose directory you want to open and select the "Object Location" function. You will instantly be taken to the folder with your installed game.

Now you play and what it is. In fact, it is not so difficult, and the information presented in the article will help even the most inexperienced user understand everything.

And placing them on a server, about installing programs and games, or just about a computer, you probably heard the phrase “root directory” more than once. This term is often found in instructions, in help sections, in the FAQ and, unfortunately, is not always clear to the average user. What is a root directory?

Firstly, it is worth saying that the term itself is rather abstract, as it can denote phenomena that are completely different in their characteristics. But in any case, the root directory is understood as the folder in which the files that power the site / program / computer are located (or need to be located). In fact, the root directory is the main folder above which nothing can be downloaded or installed. It is in this directory that all other folders that exist earlier or created by the user in the future are located.

The root directory of the site is by no means the main folder of your hosting or server, but the directory where the site itself is located (its content) is usually public_html. Files installed in the root directory can be accessed from a browser. This is the engine, and the pages of the html site, and other files that you want to become available to everyone or only with a password. In any case, if you need to upload an engine, any text or html file, archive or sitemap, you need to upload them to the root directory of the site. You don't need to upload anything to the root directory of the server/hosting!

The place and role of the root directory in the file system.

Before we talk about the role of the root directory, let's remind readers that no file system can do without a clear hierarchy. The very word "system" implies a strict order in the location of files. If there is no order, no folder has been created, and all files are located directly in the root directory, it becomes impossible to work with them. Of course, such a file system, being the basis of a program or website, can work on its own, but searching for and working with individual files becomes a “monkey labor” for the user, in which a regular search takes a lot of time and, accordingly, site positions go down.

It is clear that the files must be sorted into the appropriate folders of different levels of nesting. The main folders can be accessed by looking into the root directory. Access to nested ones is in the folder where they are located.

Thus, it becomes clear to us that the root directory is essentially the most important folder, without which there would be no file system. It is clear that in such a situation, the concept of a role disappears by itself: any file system, be it a website, a program, a server, a computer's local memory, has its own root directory, which arises with the loading of the very first file.

As a rule, the root directory has its own restrictions on the size of files. These restrictions are dictated not by any features of the main folder, but by the technical characteristics of the available technologies, the tariff on the server or hosting, etc.

Root directories of operating systems.

Most existing operating systems are based on a hierarchical data organization scheme. In other words, there is a root directory that occupies the top rung of the hierarchy and unites all other directories of the file system.

Despite certain similarities, the root directories of different operating systems are organized differently.

For example, the number of Microsoft Windows root directories is determined by the number of user-created logical drives. Partition structures may differ, only the root directory of the boot drive C always has a strictly defined set of system files and folders that ensure the loading and operation of the Windows OS: Windows folders, Program Files, autoexec.bat, config.sys files, etc.

On the popular Unix-like Linux system, the root directory, denoted by "/", also contains a standard set of directories. These are /bin (system files, similar to those stored in the "Windows" folder), /usr (installed applications, like "Program Files"), /home (user files, like "Documents and Settings"), etc. Unlike Windows, Linux has only one root directory, from which data can be accessed from different media.

A similar structure is typical for Mac OS X. The root directory of the boot disk has a typical set of system folders (System - system files, Applications - application programs, Users - user folders), as well as the Volumes directory, where non-boot partitions are mounted.

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