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What does a public page in VK mean. Group, public page or Vkontakte event: which is better

Each user, before thinking about what to choose: a public page (public) or a group. What is most suitable for the chosen topic?

In fact, this issue is very important and should be approached very seriously. The fate of the community depends on this.

In this article, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of community. You will also find out to which topics the group is applicable, and to which - the public page.

Public page(public) - an official platform for an organization (company), brand, personality or a separate topic. The direction of the public page is the promotion of the brand or personality itself.

Advantages and disadvantages of a public page (public):

  • All materials are open for access - any user can view them;
  • Only admins of the public page can post posts on the wall, but users can either leave a comment on the post if they are open;
  • Blocks "", "Photos" and "Audio recordings" are located on the right side of the public page;
  • In a public page, you can ;
  • There is no section in the public page "Latest news", but you can;
  • You cannot store in a public page, since there is no corresponding section;
  • There is no function in the public page "Invite Friends";
  • Each subscriber on the page under the "Friends" section has a block "Interesting pages", where the logo of the public page is indicated, which attracts the attention of other users;

Group- a community where users can exchange information among themselves. The direction of the group is an association of people with the same interests. The group is popular due to privacy (): you can group your friends, fellow students, classmates into a group. Although you can not less than in public.

Advantages and disadvantages of the group:

  • The group can be open (anyone can view the news), closed (to view records, an application for entry is submitted) and private (applications for entry are sent by admins);
  • If open, then users can publish their entries. Also, the wall can be limited (it is possible to leave comments on the post) or closed (you can only view the posts);
  • Blocks "Discussions", "Photos" and "Audio recordings" are located in the upper part of the group (under the news);
  • You can't create events in a group;
  • In the group, you can publish the latest news in the appropriate section;
  • The group has a section "Documents", where you can store files of various formats;
  • You can join the group through a special function (any subscriber can invite his friends, which greatly affects promotion);
  • Each subscriber on the page has a list of groups under their personal information, but this does not really attract the attention of other users (compared to the public page);

Influence on promotion

As already mentioned, there is no function in public pages "invite friends", in this regard, the group wins. But on the day you can invite up to 40 people, so for a competent approach to this function, you need to have many friends.

Group list can be found under the personal information of subscribers, but no one pays attention to them and the user can at any time :

As for activity, there is still less of it in the group, since the public page is directly aimed at promotion and mutual PR. Although with the right approach, you can not give in to the public.

There is a psychological moment: users join public pages more willingly than groups, especially when it comes to entertainment topics. The era of groups is passing and many consider it fashionable and relevant to join public groups.

In any case, it all depends on the leaders of the community. It doesn’t matter if it’s a group or a public page, if you don’t take any action to promote, nothing will happen.

Some time ago, a new type of community appeared in VK - a public page. What is the difference between a group and a public page? Let's find out.

A group is an official platform, a community where people communicate with each other. This is the oldest type of community that VKontakte has.

A public page or public is an official platform for a person, brand, organization, company, etc. Accordingly, here is information about the company itself or the person to whom the public is dedicated.

What are the differences?

A public page is called such for a reason - it is really public and you cannot hide it from others. So, if you can make a group private, say, for your friends, then such a trick will not work with the public. Moreover, the public page cannot be hidden in the list of communities on the user's page, which many people use - this way more users are attracted. And what do you say to the fact that it is impossible to hide the public even from users who are not registered in VK?

Another important difference is that only administrators can publish all posts on the public wall. In groups, users can do this if the administrator grants such rights. At the same time, users can comment on posts in the public, as well as offer their news by clicking on the button of the same name. Comments can be left both there and there, while they can be turned off.

Groups have the ability to design menus on their own, which is a big advantage for some administrators.

It is believed that there is more activity in publics than in groups, since this is due to the fact that publics are set up to promote the group. This is partly true, but not in all cases.

What to choose?

If you've decided to create a community and don't know which one to choose, just take a look at the main differences between communities. It is worth noting that more and more administrators choose public pages.

VKontakte is one of the most popular Runet sites today. This resource was created to bring together people who have similar interests. Let's try to figure out how the page differs from the VKontakte group. The need for this article is ripe, because at the moment most sources already contain outdated information - the network is developing very quickly, one change follows another. So let's go!


Pages "In contact" also called business cards, where the user tells about himself and according to the information provided, he can be found by friends and acquaintances. Moreover, by creating a public page "VKontakte", you can share company news, brand novelties, products, thereby attracting an audience from the social network, interacting with it.

Groups "VKontakte" are formed on various topics and unite like-minded people. In this case, the group can be created simply for communication. However, most of the creators of VKontakte groups aim to advertise a product or service and make money on it - and there is nothing wrong with that, right? The group is the very first interesting feature of social networks. The number of groups is constantly growing, so the VKontakte management introduced the pages. Groups appeared much earlier than pages.

Feature Comparison

The main difference is that the pages are available to everyone, including those who are not registered on the social network. The group can be closed from other users.

Design. It can be changed only for groups, for example, by issuing the “News” block. The pages can only change the logo, and the design is unified. The page interface is subjectively a little more convenient than that of groups.

Main difference

Each Vkontakte user under his profile photo can see the "Interesting Pages" menu. It is there that the five most frequently visited pages are displayed. If the page created by you is in such a Top among users with the largest number of friends, then, accordingly, there will be an opportunity to receive additional traffic to the page. Groups don't have that option.

Findings site

  1. The groups came before
  2. The page is visible to everyone, and the group can be made private
  3. In groups, you can change individual design elements using wiki markup
  4. Pages show up in the interesting pages menu, but groups don't.

If you remember, when creating a new Vkontakte community, you are prompted to select its type (see). The two main types are group and public page. What to choose?

First you need to figure out How does a public differ from a group in VK. And then make a decision.

, you press the button "Create a Community", you will be prompted to specify its type.

Can it be changed later?

Yes, you can. Go to the community, open the menu, and select the item "Transfer to group"(for public pages). Or "Translate to page"(for groups).

Here is a step-by-step instruction -.

So what is the difference between a group and a public?

One of the main differences lies right in the name. If we are talking about a group, then we have the opportunity to make it closed (see). And with a public page, such a trick will not work. That's why she's public.

Remember the list of interesting pages (see)? Here is a group that can be hidden from this list. A public page - will not work. This feature is used by administrators (see), transferring their groups to public. So more people see them, and accordingly more new members (see).

An important difference is that on the wall of a public page, only the owner or moderator can publish materials. Any user in the group can do this unless this feature is disabled. But at the same time, in public pages, participants can offer entries for publication (see). Groups do not have this feature.


Now you can decide which community type to choose. Paying attention to the above, the main difference is the ability to make the group private. This is useful if you want to create a community for a limited number of members.


In contact with

When creating their own VKontakte community, almost everyone asks themselves the following questions:

  1. How do the types of VKontakte communities differ?
  2. Which is better: a group or a public page?
  3. What type of community should you choose for your business?
What types of communities exist on VKontakte
  • Group
  • Public page
  • Event

What is the difference between these three types of communities? Let's figure it out together.

Public pages (public)

  • All materials are open and you cannot close the page.
  • There is no "Invite friends" function, which makes it difficult to advance at the very beginning of the development of the project.
  • There is no News block, the so-called MENU (however, it can be created in workarounds).
  • There is no main album above the news feed.
  • A discussion block cannot be pinned above a community wall.
  • Users can leave comments on posts and topics in discussions, but they do not have the ability to leave their posts on the wall.
  • Public readers can offer their posts using the "Submit News" button.
  • The public page is reflected in the "Interesting pages" block on the user's pages.

  • The group can be opened and closed. If you have plans to create some kind of closed interest club, then create a group.
  • The functionality of the group makes it possible to invite friends.
  • The discussion block can be pinned above the group wall.
  • There is a MENU block and you can use wiki markup to create your own mini-site. This is especially true for those entrepreneurs who do not have their own website. Many entrepreneurs do not even suspect that the functionality of VKontakte allows you to do this.
  • There is a location line, but there is no date the community was created.

This type of platform is great if you are going to organize an event - a webinar, master class, meeting or concert.

The event is always tied to a specific date and before it is held, all participants receive a reminder of the upcoming event.

Creating an event is almost the same as creating a group. A huge plus is that in order to promote it, it will be enough for you to fill the event group with the necessary information about the upcoming event and use the "tell friends" button to notify your friends about it.

The disadvantage of this format is the loss of the audience after the event itself. Of course, there are ways to “drag” subscribers from the event to the main community, but part of the audience will still be irretrievably lost.

So what to choose? Professional opinion is divided

Here, as they say, how many people - so many opinions. For example, Damir Khalilov, one of the most famous SMM specialists in our country, believes that it is the group that is best suited for business, and he writes about this in his book Social Media Marketing.

At the same time, Dmitry Rumyantsev is a true professional in promotion on VKontakte and the author of the book “Business Promotion on VKontakte. New practices and technologies”, on the contrary, recommends creating a public page.

So what to choose? My personal opinion

I will also express my opinion on this matter. In my opinion, you should choose a group if you want to focus on communication between subscribers.

Simply put, if you consider communication in the community to be very important for the development of your business, create a group. Since it is in the group that the discussion block attracts the attention of users and it is possible to organize active, high-quality communication in it.

In a group "BUSINESS Online" I have 12 discussion topics created and I want the discussions to be the ones that catch the eye of people who enter my community.

If content is more important to you, then feel free to choose a public page. Thanks to the "Interesting Pages" block, your community will be easier to promote and gain new subscribers faster.

My little secret

And at the end of the article I want to reveal a little secret. Even if I understand that a public page is more suitable for the project, I still create a group. Why am I doing this?

Everything is simple here. When a community is created from scratch, it is usually problematic to get the first subscribers. I do not recommend launching paid advertising if there are only 10 people in the group. People are very reluctant to join such small communities.

This is where I actively use the "Invite Friends" button. And I must say, she helps me a lot. With the help of this button, in 7-10 days I easily gain the first hundred subscribers to the community.

If your community has less than 10,000 members, then you yourself can. But remember that a technical limitation allows you to change the community type no more than once a month.

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