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What does it mean the package is waiting to be sent. Russian Post tracking - track the package of Russian Post

In order not to be mistaken in the estimated delivery time of the parcel, you should know what this or that status means. On this page, we will consider in detail all possible statuses so that you do not experience difficulties in determining the location of the package.

Postal statuses when tracking shipments from abroad


This status implies that the sender has completed all the required forms, including the CN22 or CN23 form (customs declaration), and the parcel has been accepted by the postal or courier service. Simultaneously with acceptance, the shipment is assigned an identification number, which will be tracked later.

Arrival at MMPO.

MMPO is a place of international mail exchange. At this stage, the parcel goes through customs control and registration. After that, the service employees prepare a grouped international shipment.


One of the longest delivery periods postal items. This is due to the fact that it is unprofitable to send a partially loaded aircraft, so you have to wait until a sufficient number of parcels are sent to one country.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, shipments can be delivered in transit through other countries, and this also delays delivery time.

It is impossible to name the exact duration of the parcel's stay in export. But on average, it ranges from two weeks to one and a half months. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, this period may further increase. But if more than two months have passed since the receipt of the "Export" status, and there are no changes, you should contact the postal service that performs the delivery with a statement about the search for the item.


This status is assigned to a shipment in the Russian AOPP (Aviation Post Office), where it arrives from the aircraft. Here, according to the service regulations, parcels are weighed, the integrity of the package is checked, a barcode is scanned to find out the place of departure, the flight number is fixed, and it is determined to which MMPO the parcel should be sent. Length of stay international departure in AOPP depends on the degree of workload of the department and its employees, but on average it is 1-2 days.

handed over to customs.

After sorting, the parcels are sent for customs inspection, where they pass through an X-ray scanner. In the event that employees customs service there are suspicions of illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, the shipment is opened and examined in the presence of an inspector and a responsible operator. After that (if the fact of transportation of prohibited goods was not confirmed), the parcel is packed again, an inspection report is attached and sent along the route.

Delayed by customs.

This status is optional. It is assigned to the shipment only in cases where customs officers detect a weight exceeding allowable rate, cost more than 1000 euros and other violations. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional fees. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel bypasses this status.

Customs clearance completed.

After receiving this status, the parcel is again transferred to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the branch staff. In some cases given status may be replaced by "left MMPO".

Arrived in sorting center.

From MMPO, the shipment arrives for sorting. There are postal sorting centers in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the center closest to MMPO, where logistics service employees develop optimal route delivery to the point of issue.

Left the sorting center.

This status means that the parcel went along the delivery route. The time it takes for it to arrive at the recipient depends on several factors, including traffic congestion, remoteness of the region, etc.

There are sorting centers of the Russian Post in all major cities.

Arrived at Sort Facility N.

Upon arrival in the recipient's city, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the goods are distributed to post offices or other points for issuing orders. Delivery speed is affected by: traffic congestion, weather, distance. For example, delivery in the city takes no more than 1-2 days, and in the region, the shipment can be delivered in about a week.

Came to the place of delivery.

After the shipment arrives at the nearest post office, it is assigned this status. Further, postal employees are required to issue a notice and deliver it to the addressee within 1-2 days. In fact, this period may be slightly delayed, so it is better to use the My Parcel tracking service. As soon as you see the status "arrived at the place of delivery", you can go to the post office. It is not necessary to wait for a notification, since postal employees are required to issue a shipment using an identification code (tracking number). Upon receipt, you must have a passport with you.

Delivery to the addressee.

This status is assigned to the parcel after it is received by the addressee and means the end of the journey.

Domestic Russian shipments are assigned the same statuses, with the exception of those related to the customs stage and MMPO. Therefore, the information will also be useful to those who make purchases in Russian online stores or expect a package from loved ones living in another city or region.

Now you know the interpretation of each status and you can not only determine the actual location of the parcel, but also roughly calculate the delivery time.

How to find out the status of a parcel from AliExpress

To check the status of an online order, you will need its track code - an identification number in a single database of international mail. You can find it on the completed purchase form, which is located in Personal account user.

Further tracking algorithm mail statuses is the same for all tracker services, including public ones:

1. Copy or write down the track number of your order on .

2. Paste or type it manually into the special field on the tracking site.

3. Click Track. Wait for the status of your package to be updated and downloaded (usually it takes no more than 30-40 seconds).

Why the status of the Aliexpress package is not tracked

Possible reasons why the statuses of the Aliexpress package are not tracked on tracker services:

  • you made a mistake when entering the track number of the order;
  • the seller provided you with a non-standard track code;
  • the seller gave you a fake tracking number;
  • 5-10 days have not passed since the registration of the sent order;
  • tracking on the service you have chosen does not work correctly;
  • mail databases are temporarily unavailable for technical reasons.

Why the status of the package with Aliexpress does not change for a long time

Did you receive a track code sent to you from the order started to be tracked, but stopped for a long time in the "Accepting" status? Perhaps this is due to the fact that you made a purchase during the annual sale or on the eve of the holidays. In such cases, tracking problems are most often attributed to overload Chinese mail and you need to wait a bit. If after 5-7 days the status remains the same, it makes sense to inform the seller about this or open a dispute.

If your package is in the status of "export" or "sent from the airport", and they do not change for a long time, you should not worry either. If tracking stops for 10-20 days, this is quite normal. On the way to the country of destination, most international mail items pass through several intermediate transit points. Some shipped orders are tracked in detail at all stages of movement. Others may "disappear from sight" after crossing the border of the Celestial Empire and reappear only after entering the place international exchange in the recipient country.

We recommend that you be patient, but do not forget to monitor the order protection counter. If there are 5 days left before the protection expires, and your package is still not tracked, it makes sense to request an extension of the purchase protection period. You can do this by contacting the seller or by clicking on the "Extend Protection" button on your order form.

We wish you happy shopping and hassle-free delivery of your purchases!

Deliveries are now in high demand. After all, people are increasingly using online services, in particular, ordering various kinds of goods on Internet sites, among which Aliexpress has become the most popular. At the same time, many people prefer to carry out tracking on their own throughout the entire stage of cargo transportation.

And this is very correct, because thanks to this option you will be able to find out in time what delays occur, what procedures and points, verification stages are being carried out or will only be carried out.

In general, thanks to tracking, you can get detailed information about delivery. However, to do this, you need to know what the tracking statuses mean. Only them correct understanding allow you to benefit from tracking.

At international deliveries you can often meet with the status "Export from the country of departure". many clients courier services I'm wondering what this phrase means. We will consider its meaning in the framework of this article. However, first you need to understand what the export of international mail itself means.

Export is

The word "export" itself comes from the Latin exporto. The same word, in turn, has the meaning of “export of goods and services from the port of the country”, if we talk about it. literal meaning. Buyers of these same services and goods will call the country an importer. That is, when tracking a package, it is important to correctly understand the statuses:

  • Export - this means that something has gone beyond the borders of the country.
  • Import - this means that something, on the contrary, arrived in the country.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

The meaning of the status Exported from the country of departure

This status is second in order. It is exhibited at the stage of delivery, when the goods are exported outside the country of origin. You can also understand the message in this way: there is still time before the goods are received.

To make it easier, consider an example: Ivan bought headphones from Aliexpress and ordered delivery. The product is in China, and it needs to be delivered to Russia. When Ivan sees “Export from the country of origin” when tracking, this means that the headphones were taken out of China.

Parcels from China to the CIS countries do not always go directly - sometimes they are sent through intermediate points. These points are transit countries located in Europe. While the parcel is at the airport of the intermediate country, its location is noted in the tracking separate messages. How to translate into Russian Arrive at transit country - the status that appears immediately after the export of goods from China, I will discuss further.

Understanding what the status Arrive at transit country means

How is Arrive at transit country translated into Russian?

The literal translation of the Arrive at transit country status into Russian is “Arrival in a transit country”.

Thus, it means that the plane from Hong Kong, Shanghai or Beijing arrived from China to one of the European countries, and then the parcel will go through customs checks to be sent to the country of destination. Where exactly is the item ordered? this moment, cannot be known until it is received in post office at the place of residence of the addressee - index transit country will be listed in the accompanying documentation.

It should be borne in mind that the Arrive at transit country status does not always appear - it, like the use of transit countries in general, is used only if there are no direct flights from China to the country of destination. There are almost always flights to major countries, so when ordering goods from Aliexpress to Russia, this status can only be encountered when heavy boot Chinese airports - for example, on holidays. More often, the parcel travels through third countries when sent to Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, etc.

Arrive at transit country status appears after the parcel has left China

Depending on the tracking service and shipping method used, alternative statuses with the same meaning may be used:

  • Arrival at transit country - can be supplemented with information about the specific stage of the procedures at the airport of the transit country (arrival, transfer to the airport, registration at a temporary storage warehouse, etc.);
  • Arrived at transferring country;
  • Parcel arrived at the regional hub.

After the parcel will pass all procedures at the airport of the transit country, and there is a suitable flight for it in the direction of the destination country, the tracking will display the following message - Depart from transit country. Knowing how the status of Arrive at transit country is translated into Russian, in the remaining stages of the parcel's stay in waypoint easy to understand.

What should I do if the Arrive at transit country status does not appear or does not change for a long time?

The absence of this status does not always indicate problems with the package - perhaps the package was sent directly to the country of destination, and after a while a message will appear indicating the arrival of the aircraft at a Russian or Ukrainian airport.

In some cases, the passage of the parcel through the transit point may take less than a minute

If the status does not change for a long time, this may indicate:

  • problems during the passage of the parcel customs control in a transit country;
  • the absence of suitable flights for the further movement of the parcel;
  • loss of the parcel during storage at the airport warehouse - unlikely, but possible.

The normal time for a shipment to pass through all transit points, if one of the states of Europe acts as an intermediate country, - 2-3 days. If the Arrive at transit country status is significantly delayed, you should contact the seller to find out which country the parcel is in and contact the local airport. If the buyer's protection period is coming to an end, you must either open a dispute with the seller or ask for an extension of the term, otherwise the package may never be received.

Now you know the translation of Arrive at transit country into Russian and you can easily figure out how to track your package. If you have any questions about other Aliexpress statuses, ask them in the comments.

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