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What does not delivered mean. Message not delivered

Nowadays, users react to unfamiliar messages and notifications with caution - they immediately suspect extortion, viruses, mailing from network marketers. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by the fact that SMS comes with text on English language. This material will tell you what the message means status message to delivered at, which Megafon subscribers receive and how it is translated.

What it is?

“Status message to delivered at” literally translates as “Message status: “delivered””, which slightly reveals the meaning of sending it. In fact, you should not be afraid of such a sudden notification - this is just a report on the status of a recently sent SMS message to another network subscriber.

SMS is sent automatically by the system of your telecom operator if the corresponding option is activated. By default, it looks like this:

"**Status** Message to [ full number phone] delivered at [date received / exact time final dispatch].

In fact, you are notified about the final receipt of an SMS message by the recipient. For other operators, this option is slightly different in text, such as "Message delivered".

Why did the message come?

The most frequent recipients of delivery reports are subscribers of the mobile operator Megafon. The fact is that the corresponding service is included in almost all tariff plans of the company as an additional one.

But this does not mean that users of other networks should worry - yes, it is not included in the list additional services at many sites. The reason for this is obsolescence, low demand for the service, which overloads the system automatic sending extra actions becomes simply pointless.

Some users do not understand the meaning this report in view of its suddenness - this really comes infrequently, perhaps even for the first time.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. The person to whom the SMS message was sent was not online / unavailable at the time of sending. final delivery text information only happened when the device was turned on, which is why you were notified about it.
  2. You have recently changed your tariff plan - the list of additional services accordingly includes "SMS delivery report".
  3. Your smartphone has been in an area with bad connection at the time of the first / subsequent attempts to successfully send SMS - typical for travel, recreation outside the city.

In fact, there are advantages to such care - you are sure that important information was reported to the subscriber, regardless of communication interruptions, technical problems. However, not all users are satisfied with a kind of "legal SMS spam", so let's clarify how to remove reports from the list of additional services.

Status message to delivered at - how to enable/disable?

If this state of affairs bothers you, you can try several ways to turn it off:

  1. We just dial the technical support of the telecom operator, explain the situation - the employee will disable the option online, in just a few minutes.
  2. We contact the nearest service center, if for some reason it was not possible to get through / find mutual language with support for short number.
    We approach a free specialist, he should be aware of the situation.
  3. If you have a Megafon SIM card, dial special number+79272909090 and send a message "Mute" (disable / block). After a successful operation, you will receive an SMS report about the removal of the option from the list of additional services.

In order to connect this option again / for the first time, the same actions will be needed. In the case of a call to a special number, dial the same +79272909090, change the text of the message to “ack” (connect / activate).


We hope given material helped you figure out what the message is in a message with the text “Status message to delivered at” - it’s always safer to just call! As for me, the option is useful, because you will always be informed about the connection.

The current database of customer numbers is one of The most important rules sending SMS!

SMS message statuses "delivered", "pending", "not delivered"

After several mailings, you may notice that a number of SMS messages received the status - not delivered. The number of SMS messages that have received this status depends on the quality and relevance of your database of numbers and some other factors.

However, Christmas is the busiest essay exchange between 10 am and 2 pm. On New Year's Eve, the hours from 22 to 03 are overloaded. The company says in a statement. However, everything is more insidious with Emze. Everyone New Year operators report that more than millions of letters have been sent. Sent 2-3 times for technical reasons.

Not because the user wanted it. You send it a second time, a third time, multiple times. Then your friend says that he received the same message from you several times. When a user sends an entity and doesn't receive a so-called report that indicates the message was sent, it doesn't mean it wasn't delivered, mobile carrier experts say. It can be delayed, and during busy hours, not only that, but the report is delayed. Only during business hours are sent messages queued on the system and start arriving when it can send them.

If there are such phone numbers in your Address Book, then after the first mailing of the message to these numbers will not be delivered. In the telephone database of customers, numbers can be disabled and not active. SMS messages to such numbers will receive the status not delivered almost immediately.

Some part of SMS messages will receive the pending status. These are messages that could not be delivered to the subscriber immediately. Reason - the subscriber's phone is temporarily disconnected. The system will attempt to deliver such messages during the lifetime of the SMS. By default, 4320 minutes are set in the personal account. After this time, if the messages cannot be delivered, they will receive the status not delivered.

When on New Year's Eve a user releases a message for the second, third or more times, as if it has been released several times, it takes several times in the queue and starts arriving one by one. As a result - filled the neck of the mobile operator. It's not a small penny.

After the message is sent, the message "traveling" is displayed, the telecommunications companies explained. However, the explanation is not satisfactory. Because many users do not receive their so-called "jokes" at all, even if the network is not congested. And they send the same message 5-6 times until the message "message sent" or "message sent" appears on the screen. And then they realize that the person for whom they are intended has received it several times.

100% delivery of SMS messages to subscribers

It becomes clear that the telephone number base needs to be refreshed periodically and then the delivery of SMS messages will be high, up to 100%.

Why up to 100%? Because there are also some other factors that can affect the delivery of SMS messages. For example, SPAM filters of operators big three, intermediate gateways, etc. (we will devote a separate article to this).

But on New Year's Eve, most people don't stand in front of a computer. You can get 11 to 4 cents cheaper on an axe. Just remember to write your name at the end of the message, reminded advanced users. Congratulations come immediately where the recipient is on New Year's Eve. But one of the biggest misconceptions about holidays.

If the essay sender does not write the name at the end of the message. Because the person who receives it may not have their phone in their device directory and they don't know who they receive. Getting signed without a signature can cause problems and scold people for the holidays. However, mobile operators are busy in the New Year as most people are away from home and rely on them as a means of communicating with friends and family. This year we have invested heavily in capacity building, our network is capable of serving more than 6 million subscribers, Matl said.

The function of clearing the number base of customers

The function of cleaning (refreshing) the number base of customers in our system is provided and it is very easy to use.

For this you need to go to Address book. Click "Address book" in the main menu.

which will enable us to serve better big traffic in holidays, said Matl. If a user cannot call for an hour or two at midnight, despite the praise of the operators, he should be aware that he can claim a refund under the law. At midnight, many parents are separated from their children, and the relationship with them is important not only for congratulations or appointment arrangements, but also for their safety. Benefits in such cases can range from hundreds to thousands of leva, plus legal costs. However, in our country there is no tradition to hold companies liable for service defaults or create problems and risks for the client.

You will see a list telephone bases subscribers (on the screen, for example, only one database is loaded).

You can first find out how many phone numbers will be removed from the database. To do this, select the "Get preliminary statistics" menu item and click the "Continue" button.

"Delete number" - when cleaning, the numbers will be completely removed from the Address database.

"Blacklist" - when cleaning, the numbers will be blacklisted, while in the future, if necessary, it is possible to carry out reverse operation, - transfer from the blacklist to any Address Book.

After all the settings - Click the "Continue" button.

Save for memory :)

Other news

  • Additional rate where you can work without a contract
  • Already so familiar short sms messages allow:

    • Send and receive messages in uncomfortable situations;
    • Send information to several recipients at once;
    • Save money on communications.

    When connecting to Beeline tariffs, the service of sending and receiving SMS messages is provided automatically. None advanced settings not required.

    Before you start using short messages, you need to configure the SMS center:

    • go to the SMS menu item;
    • go to settings and find the SMS center number tab;
    • write down the number +79037011111 there and click Save;
    • restart your phone and try to send a text message.

    After the successful completion of the operation, the subscriber can begin to exchange messages with other Beeline subscribers. To do this, go to the corresponding menu item and select the Create message tab. A window will open in which the text for transmission is typed. After that, you can send a message.

    What numbers can you send SMS messages to?

    Short SMS messages can be sent to the numbers of any operators - Beeline, MTS, MegaFon, Skylink, YOTA. SMS messages can also be sent to numbers of foreign operators. For those who like to save money, messages can be sent from the Beeline website.

    How to choose the number of the recipient of the SMS message?

    The number must be dialed in international format: +7903ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. We recommend that our subscribers be careful to avoid sending a message to the wrong addressee, because in this case, the message will still be sent, and the funds will be debited from the personal account, since the fee is charged for the fact of sending the SMS.

    What is maximum length sms messages?

    It all depends on how you type an SMS message: transliteration (Latin) or Cyrillic. For transliteration, the maximum message length is 160 characters, for Cyrillic - 60 characters. If, when typing a message, the subscriber goes beyond the specified threshold, then the message is divided into two, three, etc.

    Can I use SMS while traveling and how much does it cost?

    When staying abroad, the subscriber is served according to international roaming tariffs. Their cost depends on the specific tariff plan and the host country. You can always clarify the information on the Beeline website or at service offices.

    Is it possible to reduce the cost of SMS messages?

    You can, if you use special message packages, as well as take part in various operator promotions aimed at increasing subscriber loyalty.

    Can I prevent the display of my number when the recipient receives an SMS message?

    No, your phone number will always be visible. Even the AON and antiAON programs from Beeline will not save.

    What determines the delivery time of an SMS message and for what reasons it may not be received by the addressee?

    After the subscriber has typed an SMS message and pressed the Send button, the message is sent to the SMS center for further transmission to the subscriber. The message is stored in the SMS center for 1 day, after which it is completely deleted.

    Among the reasons why the letter may not be delivered to the addressee, the following can be distinguished:

    • the recipient's machine is turned off or out of network coverage;
    • address number blocked;
    • phone memory is full - delete unnecessary messages;
    • addressee's number is incorrect;
    • malfunction of the mobile device or SIM card;
    • there is no possibility of transmitting messages due to problems of carrier networks.

    How can I find out if the sent SMS message was delivered?

    In order to find out about the delivery of a message, you need to activate the special option Delivery report, which is completely free and is already included in the tariff. In order to use it, you need to go to the settings menu of your smartphone or phone and agree to receive delivery reports.

    I can't send SMS messages, what could be the reason?

    When similar situation, check your phone settings to see if messages are blocked or blacklisted. Also go to the settings of the SMS center and check that the phone number indicated there is correct. It would be useful to clarify telephone number addressee - it must be in international format. Check the type of text sent in the message - Standard, Tex, SMS, as well as the SMS transmission channel - GSM.

    Undelivered message sent to the subscriber's number foreign network, why?

    A similar problem often arises in the absence of special international agreements between operators regarding SMS messages. You can always check the list of operators by calling the free short number 0611 or by calling 88007000611.

    Where can I receive SMS messages from?

    Receiving SMS messages is available from the numbers of any domestic, as well as foreign operators. At the same time, you can receive messages from various Internet services.

    Why, when opening an SMS message, I can’t read it, instead of text there are incomprehensible characters?

    First of all, this may be due to the lack of support for the Russian language on a mobile device if, for example, it was purchased abroad. In this case, exchange messages in Latin. This also happens when sending a message containing music and other multimedia content.

    I accidentally deleted an incoming SMS message, how can I restore it?

    It will not be possible to restore an SMS message, since all incoming messages are erased from the memory of the SMS center immediately after it is delivered to the addressee.

    I need to send an SMS message to a direct phone number

    There is nothing easier. To do this, you need to know which operator the number belongs to. Just add a prefix desired operator before the seven-digit number and the message will go away:

    • Beeline, via prefix 903: +7903ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ
    • MegaFon, via prefix 925:+7925ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ
    • MTS, via prefix 985:+7985ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ

    When sending an SMS message, there should be no errors or failures. They rarely occur in cases technical work on the side of the operator or in the absence Money on the subscriber's balance. Sometimes the user receives a report on the phone: Message not delivered Short message not delivered. In this case, the mobile balance can be positive. Let's consider in what cases you can get such a report and how to successfully send a message.

    A similar delivery error message can be received when the network uses transit or indirect carrier networks for forwarding. This way does not guarantee SMS delivery to the subscriber, as they can use special spam filters to filter out various viral mailings on the network. Somehow, your message most likely fell into such a filter and could not reach the addressee.

    If the message was divided into 2 parts (a lot of text in SMS), one part of it may be lost in the network, for example, if the buffer was full. In this case, even if the second part gets to the specified subscriber, you will receive a message that it was not delivered. Sometimes a report comes up that the SMS has been delivered, but in fact, only the first or second part of it will come to the recipient's phone.

    At the moment, there are a lot of programs in the app stores that filter spam and other messages of this kind. Their work algorithms are known only to the developers of this application. Therefore, your SMS may be stopped by a spam filter if it is installed on the recipient's phone. Mistake "Message not delivered. short message not delivered" can come when you try to send a message to a switched off phone, to a non-existent number, and also when you dialed the wrong number (there are more characters in the number than it should be, an invalid character). Sometimes you can get an error in the report when sending SMS to the number of another operator.

    How to fix a message delivery error

    The recipient's phone may simply not support the language of the message you sent. In response, you will receive a report that it was not delivered. Short message not delivered. Try typing a new SMS using transliteration and resending it. If it has not reached desired subscriber, then the error was caused by the lack of a language in his device.

    Each device has a certain amount of memory that is allocated for SMS messages. If a long time do not delete the archive, sooner or later it will become full. Then audio message will notify the user about the received SMS, but the message itself will not be displayed. In this case, you need to clear the phone's memory and delete all messages that came earlier.

    The “Message not delivered” error can also be caused by the phone’s firmware. A malfunctioning device can not only block incoming messages, but also have common problems with connection. If you notice some oddities regarding your phone, contact the service center for a flashing or repair.

    SMS delivery report

    Most popular mobile operators have special function, which provides a detailed report of the delivered message. Usually it is not installed by default, but is activated separately. This service does not require any additional features or technology. It works on any phones. Consider how to connect delivery messages using the Megafon operator as an example.

    To activate the service, type in the text of the message the phrase "ack" and send it to the number +79272909090. To disable it, you need to send a message with the text "mute" to the same number. The delivery report will work for all outgoing messages on this number. After a successful connection, you will receive a transliteration message. Reports also come in transliteration.

    For some devices, this can be done through the settings.

    1. To do this, enter SMS messages and click "Settings".
    2. Select "Delivery Report" here and activate it.

    How to send a message so that there are no errors

    If you sent a message, and in response you received a report that it was not delivered "Short message not delivered" - restart the device. Turn on the delivery report in the settings, how to do this is written above. If you are sure that the recipient will understand, then type the message in transliteration, preferably Latin characters, for example, "Zdravstvujte. Vstretimsja zavtra v 17 chasov v kafe. The message is desirable not to create more than 160 characters. With a larger volume, the message is divided into 2 parts and is already charged as 2 messages. But the chances of getting an error or that the messages will not reach increase.

    When the text is ready, carefully enter the recipient's number. Be sure to enter it with the country code. For Russia, this is +7. It should only contain numbers. In this way, you will minimize receiving a report that the message is not delivered. Short message not delivered.

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