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What does the network security key mean. Configuring Security Key and Encryption Methods for a Wireless Network

The Wi-Fi network security key is a password that can be used to connect to network equipment. The security of a user or a group of users as a whole directly depends on this key.

So what is a network security key? This is a combination of letters and numbers, without the knowledge of which it will be impossible to connect to Wi-Fi. When there is a possibility of unauthorized connection to the network, the network key is especially important.

No matter how complex and intricate the network security key may be, the degree of overall security also depends on the type of data encryption: transmitted within a particular network, they are certainly amenable to encryption.

This approach to data transmission makes it possible to protect equipment from connecting unwanted devices or other users, which means the following: without knowing the password, no matter what combinations are entered by fraudsters, it will be impossible to gain access to the transmitted data.

To date, it stands out:

  • WPA2;

The differences between them lie in the availability of certain characters for setting a password, as well as in the degree of reliability and a number of other characteristics.

So, the first type is not particularly common at the present time due to its unreliability. This option can be considered a “lived stage”. Users who actively use devices with the type of WEP encryption and use such networks are much more susceptible to hacking from ill-wishers.

Fortunately, most modern routers do not support this type of encryption.

As for WPA and WPA2, they are characterized by a sufficient level of reliability and in practice they are most common. An additional benefit for the user is the choice of the security level.

The named types of encryption support 2 types of security checks:

  • Designed for ordinary users and containing a single password for all types of connected devices. That is, to connect, it is enough to enter the specified combination of letters and numbers, and access will be open for the device from which the input was made. WPA or WPA2 key as a method of protecting equipment from connection and a method of data encryption has become widespread today;
  • The second type of check is used in practice mainly by large enterprises or organizations in order to increase the reliability and security of a Wi-Fi network. The essence of the security verification method is to create a unique password for individual devices or groups of devices that allows them to connect to network equipment.

A distinctive feature of the overwhelming number of routers is support for WPA and WPA2 at the same time, which is especially important when it comes to reliability when choosing equipment.

The next point is also important - how to find the security key.

The key to wi-fi: how to find out

Let's touch on one of the key topics of the question raised at the beginning of the article: how to find out the security key of a wireless network? In order to view the current preset key for your equipment, you can use the options below:

Go to the router settings and check the box "Show network key" (in the screenshot, the interface of the Zyxel keenetic router)

  • The easiest way is to access the router's settings menu. Standard data for access to the interface is extremely simple - password and login "admin". Just enter them in the appropriate boxes. All that is required from the user further is to enter the equipment interface and access the “wireless mode” menu, then “protection”. This is where your PSK key or password can be found;
  • You can also refer to your computer's control panel. We are interested in the Network and Sharing Center. From it you need to go to the "Wireless Networks Management" tab and, having found your own network there, select its properties. On the "security" tab, you must put a check mark in the column for displaying the entered characters, thereby gaining access to the password;
  • Another answer to the question of how to find out the network security key is the following - you can turn to the device connected to the network. It is enough to select the name of the network to which an active connection is being made or has already been established, and in the "properties" section, select the menu "display entered characters".

Summing up

In conclusion of the material reviewed, I would like to once again note the advantages of introducing such a measure to protect equipment as security keys and highlight the types of WPA and WPA2 encryption. Choosing them will protect the user or many users of the equipment from unauthorized access and threats associated with the likelihood of hacking.

Anyone knows that when trying to connect to secure wireless networks, the message "Enter network security key" is often displayed. What this key is, what it is for, how it is used, where to find it and how to determine it by various methods, will be discussed further. Actually, each user already knows what it is, but, perhaps, simply does not know about the true state of affairs. In fact, after reading the material presented below, any user will no longer have any questions related to understanding the term itself and the methods used to define such a key.

What is a general network security key?

So, what is the understanding of this term? If anyone does not know, the security of wireless networks is ensured by protection against unauthorized access to the network and encryption of transmitted and received data.

In this case, the concept of a key is in no way related to the type of encryption used, but refers precisely to ensuring a secure entrance. As many have probably already guessed, the question of what is a network security key has the only correct answer: this is the most common access password, which is entered when requested from the router. It can consist of any set of Latin letters, numbers and symbols.

How it works?

In the question of what a network security key is, it is impossible to ignore some aspects related to how it works. The fact is that the request does not come from the wireless network itself, but from the used router (router or ADSL modem).

When you try to connect to a network defined by your computer, laptop or mobile device, a request is made from the device, which is recorded on the router. In turn, it ensures the security of wireless networks and gives you a kind of invitation to connect, but with the obligatory confirmation of the access password, which in most cases, except for the use of programs that allow you to calculate the key, provides protection against unauthorized connections. We will dwell on the programs a little later, but for now let's see how you can find out such a password in different systems and on different devices.

How to find the network security key in Windows?

And first, let's look at Windows desktop operating systems in relation to users who, for whatever reason, have forgotten or lost their passwords to access Wi-Fi. What to do if a computer or laptop connects to the network without problems, but you need to access from another device (for example, from a mobile device). Where can I get the network security key? This problem can be solved quite simply.

First, you need to go to the properties of the established connection, using the "Network and Sharing Center". You can call it either through the RMB menu on the connection icon, or go to the appropriate section through the "Control Panel". In the properties window, the security tab is used, in which the network name and password are written. But it only displays as dots. How do I find my network security key? Yes, just check the box next to the display of the entered characters, and the password will appear in front of your eyes.

Why is this happening? Yes, only because any operating system, even with a one-time connection, saves the entered names of networks and the password to them, not to mention the connection, which is used by default.

Getting the key on the router

In principle, if this option does not suit the user with something, you can go a longer way, using the web interface of the router to obtain it. To do this, you need to enter the settings through any web browser by entering combinations starting with 192.168, after which either 0.1 or 1.1 is added (for non-standard router models, the addresses can differ quite a lot).

After that, go to the Wireless section, and then in the Security subsection, find the field labeled PSK. What is inscribed in it is the desired key. If for some reason you cannot enter the router settings, enter the ipconfig combination in the command line and look in the field of the default gateway. This is the address of the router itself.

Finding a security key in Android

We figured out what a network security key is, and how to find it in Windows. Now let's see how to perform similar procedures on Android mobile systems. Everything is somewhat more complicated here.

If the password is not displayed in its normal form in the connection settings, you will have to look for it in the system files, but to access them on the device you need to have Root rights and any file manager. In the manager, sequentially go through the Data / Music / WiFi directories, and in the latter, open a text document with the name wpa_supplicant.conf, and then find the name of the desired network in the text. The corresponding key will be entered next to the name.

Use of specialized programs

On mobile systems, you can use the free WiFi Password Hacker utility, which, after launching, scans all connections that have ever been made, and after selecting the desired network, displays the access password used for it on the screen.

If you have a need to find out the password for someone else's network, you will have to use a somewhat illegal technique called brute force. For Windows systems, the Aircrack-ng utility is the most suitable, and for Android systems, WIBR. It is quite simple to use them, so there is no point in focusing too much on this. But keep in mind that their use, if not illegal, is at least beyond the bounds of decency.

Instead of a total

That's all there is to addressing issues related to the concept of a security key. Regarding the concept itself, only one conclusion can be drawn - this is the most common access password. As for how to recognize it, I think that there should not be any special questions, since this is done quite simply in any operating system. With mobile devices, in the absence of access rights to the system catalogs, there may be problems, however, to obtain the appropriate rights, you can use, for example, the Kingo Root computer utility, which is first installed on a PC, and then installs its own driver on a mobile device, after which you will have the rights superuser.

Apparently, it makes no sense to say that most users have encountered a situation when, when trying to connect to a wireless network, the system prompts them to enter the so-called network security key.

What it is, what it is used for and how to find it out, then the conversation will go. Let's consider several options for basic actions that will help even those who have forgotten the set combination for connecting via Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi security key: what is it and what is it used for?

Let's start with the definition itself. network security, absolutely all users of computers and mobile devices know. Looking at the abstruse name, not everyone can figure out what it is about.

In fact, this is a password that is set in the wireless settings so that someone else does not use it and does not gain access to confidential data, for example, when organizing home wireless networks with sharing files and folders.

Where to get the network security key: options

Many users, entrusting the settings of the wireless connection to the provider's specialists or outsiders, often forget to write down the created password. And only then, for example, when restoring the system after critical failures or when completely reinstalling it, they bite their elbows, remembering the desired combination for accessing the connection and painfully figuring out how to find out the key.To do this, you can try the following actions:

  • network tools for Windows-systems for stationary computers and laptops;
  • configuring router parameters;
  • third-party programs;
  • brute force (use of brute force) to calculate the password of someone else's connection.

If the first three options are standard and are used in all Windows systems, and the key is determined through a mobile device, then the use of brute force, from the point of view of legality or moral and ethical considerations, can be classified as illegal. Consider all options, including gross interference, but solely for general information purposes.

Using connection settings

So, how do you find out the network security key that is installed for the connection configured on the user's computer or laptop?

In the simplest case, when working with operating systems Windows 7 and below, after calling the properties of the current connection, the necessary section with the security tab will immediately open, where below the password entry field, which is shown by default as asterisks or dots, you must check the box to display the entered characters ... After completing these steps, the network security key can be written down, copied, or saved, for example, in a text file.

Similarly, you can access the necessary parameters in the "Network and Sharing Center", which is located in the standard "Control Panel" (in Windows 10, it is easiest to invoke the control command in the "Run" console). Here you simply select your connection, go to the wireless properties and use the same security tab.

Security key information in router settings

Equally simple, the security key of the Wi-Fi network can be found in the settings of the router. To do this, first, through any available browser, enter the router's web interface, enter a combination like or 1.1 at the end in the address bar, enter the login and password (usually admin for both fields), and then go to the wireless security menu (Wireless Security).

Here, a special field will be shown, designated as PSK Password or something else in this spirit, where the desired access combination will be highlighted.

How can I find out the access password on mobile devices?

As for mobile devices, you can also use the activation of the password display field. However, it is far from always possible to determine the network security key in this way. In Android operating systems, the password is hidden deep enough, it can be quite problematic to find it without root rights. Nevertheless, if you install them, for example, using the installation of the Kingo Root driver and provide yourself with superuser rights, there will be no problems.

In this case, you will additionally need to install some file manager like Root Explorer, go to the data \ music \ wifi path on the internal storage, find the wpa_supplicant.conf configuration file there, open it with any program for working with text documents (browser or built-in manager tool) and find the desired network name (SSID). Next to the name and will indicate the desired network security key used for access.

You can also use special applets like WiFi Password, after calling which absolutely all connections that have ever been made from this device will be shown. Further, it remains only to activate the field of displaying the network security key and view the necessary data.

Note: on mobile devices, similar to Windows systems, you can enter the settings of the router used through the browser and see the password in its parameters. But this is quite inconvenient.

Calculating a password for someone else's connection

As for brute-force, in most cases specialized programs are used to crack passwords.

For Windows, the most popular utility is Aircrack-ng, and for mobile devices running Android systems, the WBR program. For obvious reasons, questions related to their use, and detailed instructions are not covered.

Usually, before connecting to the Wi-Fi network based on the Internet of Rostelecom, you need to find out and enter the security key. The security password set on routers allows you to avoid connecting unauthorized persons to your network, so you can come across it quite often. The security key is set exclusively by the owner of the equipment and cannot be changed without his knowledge (except in cases of a hacker attack).

How to find out the security key of the Wai Fi network of Rostelecom

If you are thinking about how to find out the security key from Wi Fi Rostelecom, first you should understand the types of networks. There are internal networks, for example, home or work networks, where the Internet goes to the router, and then it is distributed to devices using Wi-Fi technology. There is also another type of Internet connection, namely, those established by Rostelecom itself. If the first option involves the choice of the key by the owner himself, then using the second, you will need to obtain a password for access from the operator. Wi-Fi hotspots are now becoming especially popular in suburban areas where there is no wired connection to the network.

Let's take a closer look at the first option - a personal wireless router. To install the security key, you will need to enter the device settings menu. On most models in entry-level, intermediate and even professional grades, you can change the parameters using an intuitive web interface.

Here, depending on the manufacturer and the firmware, the menu may differ, but there will always be basic items, among which you will need to find the wireless network settings. In this tab, you can both change or set, or simply find out the already installed security key.

If you want to find out the network key in an easier way and have a Windows device that is already successfully connected to the Internet from Rostelecom via Wi-Fi, then you can do this directly in the operating system:

  • we go to the network control center;
  • go to the tab for changing the adapter parameters;
  • select the desired Wi-Fi adapter and double-click on it with the left mouse button;
  • here we go along the path of the tabs "wireless network properties - security";
  • check the box to display the entered characters and see the set password.

Attention! When choosing an adapter, do not confuse the settings opened by the right mouse click and double left. In the "Properties" tab, which can be accessed using the left button, it will not be possible to find the item responsible for the access point password.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find out the security key of Rostelecom's Wi-Fi network on mobile phones with Android and IOS by standard means.

Where and how to enter the network key to the Rostelecom router

If you have a question about how and where exactly you need to enter the network key to the Rostelecom router, then you should familiarize yourself with the more detailed connection instructions. First, you will need to find out the manufacturer and model of the router. The most common for home and office Internet are now entry-level and mid-range routers. In the Russian market, the most popular routers are represented by companies: TP-Link, Asus, Tenda, as well as some other brands hidden behind the Rostelecom logo.

The second step is to determine the IP address of the router. The most common combinations are and In order to find out which IP is used by default in the router, you need to find the printed instructions for the equipment or download a PDF document from the official website of the device manufacturer.

After that, go to the browser on a computer connected to the network by wired or wireless method, and enter the IP in the address bar. By pressing the enter key, we will be taken to the main page of the router settings. Take the TL-WR1043ND router as an example. In the TP-Link interface, you need to select the "Wireless" tab located in the left sidebar. Here you can configure all the parameters of the Wi-Fi hotspot. If you are only interested in the security key, select the "Wireless Security" subcategory. With the selected parameters WPA2-PSK or another version, except for cases when protection is disabled, the desired combination will be indicated in the field with the signature “PSK Password”. When changing parameters, do not forget to save them with the corresponding button.

You can find out and enter your own Internet-based network security key from Rostelecom in the parameters of your own router. For users who, for some reason, do not have access to the web interface of the equipment (a public device in an Internet cafe, etc.), there is an option to check the password using their operating system. But this method can be used only if you already have a device connected to the network.

Before you find out the security key of the Internet-based Wi-Fi network from Rostelecom, you need to find out what equipment is used to distribute the wireless connection. Each router manufacturer offers a different way to customize the software. Most often, parameters are edited through the web interface of the network device.

How to find out the security key of the Wai Fi network of Rostelecom

In cases where the question arises of how to find out the security key of a wireless home or office network, you need to go to the parameters of the router or modem, regardless of whether the Internet is used from Rostelecom or another operator. Setting up network equipment in most cases is done using.

To access the software, you need to enter the IP address of the modem or router in any browser installed on your computer.

Different standard address values ​​are used depending on the equipment manufacturer. The most common brands with their corresponding IPs can be viewed in the table.

Network equipment manufacturer

Information about the company

The IP address for accessing the web interface and the default login / password values.

Taiwanese company cooperating with leading Russian organizations. D-Link routers and modems are not expensive, but at the same time they are reliable and easy to use.

A Chinese company that is a leader in the field of networking equipment all over the world. TP-Link routers and modems are present in most countries of the world. Prices for equipment from this manufacturer have a wide range, allowing you to find the right model for any home and business.

Tenda equipment is manufactured in China. The company's routers and modems are in demand both in the Middle Kingdom itself and in Russia (about 40% of the network devices market). The manufacturer's pricing policy is very friendly for end consumers and Internet providers, which is why it is very popular.

The company is a Russian manufacturer of network equipment. It is often used by providers under their own logo. The equipment is optimal for home Internet from Rostelecom, allowing you to use not only a wired connection, but also a Wi-Fi network with a dongle.

Upvel network equipment is manufactured in China. The company offers customers a wide range of devices. Models designed for creating a home network have an intuitive interface, easy to set up and use.

The company is a leading manufacturer of machinery in the world market. The manufacturer's routers and modems are of high quality and beautiful design. Networking devices from Asus are a great choice for discerning users. Such equipment will allow you to enjoy high speed of work without any failures. The cost of routers and modems is usually not targeted at budget buyers.

The list of manufacturers given in the table is not complete, but it contains all the main brands that are most often used with the telecommunications operator Rostelecom. These IP addresses may differ for certain models, but in most cases they will have the specified values.

Where and how to enter the network key to the Rostelecom router

You can familiarize yourself with configuring Internet parameters on Upvel routers by.

To connect a computer on an operating system, you need:

  • click on the internet icon in the lower right corner (tray);
  • select an access point;
  • enter and confirm the password.

Before you enter the Rostelecom network key into the equipment settings or just find out it, you need to determine the IP address of the router. This will allow you to access the device settings and specify the security combination for the access point.

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