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What does distributor mean? Creating an installation distribution package of the program

Initialization of the hardware, loading a stripped-down version of the system and launching the installer), the installer (for selecting modes and installation options) and a set of special files containing individual parts of the system (so-called packages).

The availability of distributions is a consequence of the fact that the form of software used to distribute it is almost never the same as the form of the software on a running system.

Software distribution

Software for Windows OS is distributed in the form of EXE or MSI installers, for Mac OS - most often in DMG images, for Linux - either in common RPM or DEB packages, as well as in the form of source code archived in the format tar. or tar.bz2 . When distributing a program over the Internet, the distribution is often packaged into a single file system image or archive file.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Distribution" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., number of synonyms: 4 installer (6) program (5) program (114) ... Synonym dictionary

    distribution kit- 3.3 distribution: A form of software distribution, usually containing an installer program (for selecting installation modes and options) and a set of files containing individual parts of the software. A source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    M. Program for installation on computers in the form supplied by the manufacturer. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    distribution kit- distribution of willows, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    distribution kit Terms and concepts of general morphology: Dictionary-reference book

    distribution kit- A type of quantitative aspectuality, denoting an incomplete repetition of the situation, in which there is a sequential enumeration of individual representatives of a certain actant: He tried all the dishes ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    distribution kit- at, h., spec. Installing software, which should be replaced by a version of the program and a set of components ... Ukrainian glossy dictionary

    - (also Linux distribution, Linux distribution) a general definition of operating systems that use the Linux kernel, ready for final installation on user equipment. In addition to the kernel and, in fact, the operating system, distributions usually ... ... Wikipedia

    It is a form of system software distribution. The presence of distributions is due to the fact that the form of software used to distribute it almost never matches the form of software running ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Pardus. Pardus ... Wikipedia


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Consider a very important topic for beginners: how to use the update site, as well as download and install 1C distributions. I propose to immediately "rush into battle" and go to practice. We open the site and go to the "Software Updates" section, or immediately go to the site. If you are asked for a login and password during the transition, but you don’t know where to get this data, you can read the article, or contact your 1C service organization and request this data there. After going to the update site, a table with program files available for download will open. Here you are interested in the sections with the technological platform and the names of your configuration.

The second column of the table shows the version of the latest release at the moment, the third column shows the release date of this release. The remaining columns contain information about upcoming releases.

We install the technological platform 1C

Let's start the debriefing from the Technology Platform. At the moment, the current version of the platform with the prefix "8.3". Older versions of "8.2" and below are no longer supported, "8.4" is still in deep alpha testing. And so, if you have a need to update the platform, then do the following. Click on the line "Technological platform 8.3". You will see a list of all available versions.

Click on the latest version. A window will open with distributions for different operating systems. Select "Technological platform 1C: Enterprise for Windows".

We press the only line "Download distribution kit". The download will start. After downloading, unpack the downloaded archive by right-clicking on it (if you do not have WinRAR to unpack, you can use the free program).

In the unpacked folder, run the "setup" file.

The installation wizard will open. Click "Next".

You can leave the list of installed components by default, click "Next" again.

Click "Install" and wait until all the necessary files are installed. The process usually takes several minutes.

Then you will see a window prompting you to install a protection driver, uncheck this box. Click "Next", then "Finish".

Your technological platform has been updated. You can verify this by going to your database and clicking the icon in the upper right corner

The platform version will be displayed at the very top of the window that opens.

Installing update distributions for 1C configuration

Update distributions are downloaded and installed in the same way as the platform. The only thing is, let's immediately specify the folder for updates. The fact is that by default, updates are installed in a user folder, which is not very convenient. You can name the folder whatever you like and create it in any place convenient for you, in our example the path will be "D:\1c\1c updates". We launch the 1C shortcut on the desktop and click on the right "Settings".

Click on the green plus icon in the "Configuration templates and updates directories" section and specify the path to the update folder "D:\1c\1c updates". After adding the path will be displayed in the same section. We press "OK".

The preparatory stage has been done, now let's look at what updates you need to download. We return to the site and click on the name of your configuration.

Let's look at the example of "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" (naturally, you will have the name of your configuration). Click on this line, you will see a list of all available releases.

At the moment when a novice user comes to mastering the process of installing and removing programs. The word "distribution" itself comes from the English "distribute", which in translation sounds like "distribution", "distribute". In relation to a computer, the concept of a distribution kit means the distribution of a program for its installation (installation) in the form of packaged files (or a single file). You need to understand that the program itself and its distribution kit are two different things.

What is the difference between a distribution kit and a program

The distribution kit of the program is a set of files (package) of the program itself, in a certain way, files with instructions for the operating system (where and what to install) and an installer file, which is a kind of instruction for the user, the so-called installation wizard, which will guide you through the entire process step by step program installation.

When you run the installer, your computer is checked for compliance with the program being installed (is there enough space, speed, the presence of the necessary additional software, operating system version, etc.). If all conditions are met, the process itself begins, where the installation wizard will guide the user through messages and prompts until the end of the installation. During the installation process, all settings of the program being installed are recorded in a special database of the operating system, the so-called "registry". Without entries in the registry, the program will either not work at all or will work with errors.

Based on this, the folder with the installed application cannot just be taken to another folder or to another computer - it simply cannot work normally or will not work at all. Although there are exceptions in the form of so-called portable programs that work without installation, complex and multifunctional applications require a full installation from the distribution.

For a better understanding, we can give an example of cabinet furniture, which is sold (distributed) disassembled and packaged. For example, packaged cabinet items can be called distribution files. To install the cabinet, you unpack its structures, after which, referring to the attached assembly instructions (installation wizard), assemble the furniture for installation in the right place. Moreover, you previously determined the installation site and accordingly chose the dimensions of the cabinet, on the basis of which it will be problematic to move the assembled structure to another place due to the inappropriate dimensions of the place or cabinet itself (by analogy with transferring the installed program to another place or computer).

Novice users only comprehend all the wisdom of the computer. And for many, the slang used by advanced users, various "gurus", developers, programmers and hackers is just a silly letter. Some words can baffle even a very educated person. For example, "distributor". What kind of animal is this anyway? Many people have no idea, although they use this thing quite often. What is it? Let's try to understand this issue.

The concept of "distribution"

In a professional environment, a distribution is a set of files prepared for installation. Such a set includes all the necessary components, the installer itself and additional content. It can be both program installers and operating system installers. In modern realities, the concept of a distribution kit is most often used to refer to an image of some operating system prepared for installation. It all started with the light hand of the authors of numerous OS builds.

So, there are distributions of Linux and Windows. Often, distributions are also called special OS builds in which something has been changed to ensure the best performance or in the name of privacy. However, applying the term solely to installation images of operating systems is not correct. However, everyone is already accustomed to this interpretation of the concept. We will also not go into the subtleties of the interpretation of this term and will consider it in the context of the OS.

Software distributions

In the software segment, a distribution kit is a set of files and a program for installing some complex packaged software. Products like Photoshop, Pinnacle, AutoCAD just have their own distributions. They differ in version, feature set, edition ("Pro", "Initial" and so on) and much more. However, if you look more deeply, then the installation file of any program (even the smallest one) can be called a distribution kit. After all, any installer has all the features of the complex we are considering: the necessary set of files and a script for installing the application. However, the best distributions are those that install without errors and have no problems in further work. Now let's move on to operating systems.

OS from Microsoft

Windows distributions are currently the most popular. They break all download records. The official MSDN images hosted by the Redmond company are also distributions. But no changes were made to them. They are a pure operating system. The main difference between these versions and those distributed on disks is that the latter are not distributions in any way, since this is a form of software distribution in electronic (digital) form. At the moment, there are a bunch of Windows distributions on torrent trackers. But there are often laid out assemblies in which crooked enthusiasts have dug. Therefore, the performance of such images is a big question.

Current Windows distributions

The most interesting thing is that there is no longer a full-fledged distribution of Window 7 on the official Microsoft servers. The company considers this OS obsolete. And therefore does not allow users to download it and install it, promoting the notorious "top ten". Poor users can only download the "seven" from torrent trackers. The same fate befell Windows 8. But the Windows 10 distribution can still be downloaded officially. Probably, it will be so, since the "ten" is the final OS from Microsoft. Nevertheless, many users are still sitting on the "seven" and actively downloading images of this operating system from dubious sites. In general, "ten" is a pretty good Windows distribution. The video driver is often present in it. But it is good only in terms of structure.

Free OS

These include Linux distributions, of which there are innumerable. They are subdivided into "ubuntu-like" and "arch-like". The former are based on the Ubuntu package base and support only DEB packages. The latter are derived from Arch Linux and use RPM and Yahourt as a package manager. As for comfort in use, "ubuntu-like" operating systems are more user-friendly. Their interface is more suitable for the common man. As is the installation process. As for systems based on "Arch", here you need to have remarkable knowledge even during the installation process. Not to mention setting up the operating system and installing drivers.

The difference between Windows and Linux

The main difference between these images and the Window 7 distribution is that GNU Linux is distributed under a free license. This means that the user will not be asked for a penny for using this operating system. Also Linux is more secure than Windows. This has been proven by all sorts of tests. Do not forget about privacy. Windows 10 distributions have built-in spyware that relays all information to Microsoft. According to company representatives, this is necessary to improve Windows. And in "Linux" this is not even close. Therefore, the best distribution is Lin. Previously, ordinary users could not use "Linux-like" operating systems, since their installation and configuration required specific skills. But now it's in the past. More and more people are thinking about switching to Linux. Its popularity is steadily growing. And this means that there is less and less trust in Bill Gates' company.

"Distributor" in the general sense

The most interesting thing is that in our time even mobile operating systems can be called distributions. For example, versions of the Android OS are called so. But this system is based on Linux. So there is nothing unusual about this. But to call it iOS is already wrong. However, such cases are not uncommon. However, this is done by people who are unfamiliar with the definition of this concept. Mobile systems are not supposed to be called that, since they are devoid of an installer and are installed on the gadget exclusively by the firmware method. This is the difference between the firmware and the distribution. And these concepts must be separated. This is the only way to become a competent user. After all, one who confuses concepts will sooner or later make a mistake that will leave the user without a computer at all. And all because he simply mixes up the terms and, say, instead of thermal paste, smears some other substance on the processor. But this is just an example. And now we will analyze another type of distribution kit.

Distributions of products from Apple

It's no secret that Apple's laptops and all-in-ones have their own ecosystem. These products use the macOS operating system. It belongs to the "Unix-like" and is distinguished by exceptional closeness. However, this OS has its own software. By the way, quite adequate. It is worth considering that software products for designers ("Photoshop", "Sketch" and others) are initially released for "Macs". And only then migrate to Windows. And this means that specialized products for Macs have their own distributions. They are distributed in DMG format images. A feature of this format is that you can only see its contents under MacOS. In "Windows" or "Linux" such images will not open. Although specialized applications are capable of this. But there will be no particular benefit from this, since it will still not work to run programs packaged in these distributions.


So, a distribution kit is a set of files and an installation script packaged into an image of a certain format for subsequent installation on a computer. This form of installer is typical for products distributed electronically. The most familiar distributions are images of operating systems prepared for installation. These include both Windows and Linux images. Programs for MacOS have their own distributions. This is especially true for serious products. However, mobile operating systems cannot be called such a term. Now you all know about this concept and will not make annoying mistakes when defining this or that installer. And the word "distribution" will no longer confuse you.

Let's say you once heard a word like distribution kit, no matter where - whether on the Internet, or from users, but the fact is that you do not know the meaning of this word. We will talk about this in detail today.

So what is a distribution?

Distribution- this is a file or several files that carry various instructions for installing the program. In simple words, this is an installation file or program files.

For example, it might look like this: You downloaded some program that was packaged in rar or zip archive, then you unpack all the files in this archive and get a folder in which there are many different files. All together it can be called a distribution kit. Also, there are distributions packaged in ISO formats, which are also quite easy to unpack.

And anyway, why all these difficulties with distributions and a bunch of files?

And everything is really simple. When installing the program from the installation file (distribution), the files are distributed to certain folders, data is also written to the registry, so when installing the program, distributions are very important.

And by the way, the distribution kit and the program itself are two different things.

When we run the installation file of the distribution, most often the installation window is launched, which helps with the installation of the program. The installation wizard can check if all the conditions are met to install the program. This can be a check of computer resources for the application to work, as well as a check of system requirements.

Therefore, with the help of the distribution kit, we can configure, for example, the program language, interface, some additional files that need to be installed.

The distribution usually has the extension exe or msi and consists of one file. They can be downloaded from the Internet, they weigh a little from a few megabytes or more. This file has installation instructions and by running it, all the necessary files will already be downloaded from the Internet.

For example, Google Chrome browser distribution weighs almost 1 MB and all other files are downloaded from the Internet, and then installed.

Another example. Existing operating systems, various programs such as Photoshop or 3D Max have a large number of files - all this is called a distribution. In these folders with many files, there is usually a file install.exe or setup.exe, which launches the distribution's installer.

How to run the distribution?

As I said above, the distribution has a file called Install.exe or Setup.exe. Run it and the installation will begin.

At the moment, there is a new interesting format for launching programs, called Portable. It is good because when you run the desired file, the program will already work, and nothing needs to be installed. This is very convenient, because such a program can be uploaded to a USB flash drive and used on any computer directly from a USB flash drive.

In the end, I want to say an important thing. When installing the program, it is advisable not to move the installed files or folders to another location, because of this, it most likely will not work. And all because the entries in the registry will not be found, therefore, you should not only not move files to another location, but also copy, for example, an already installed program from one computer to another, so most likely it will not work either work, but there are exceptions.

This is where I think it should end. I also advise you not to delete the distribution after installation, because it may come in handy, but it's up to you.

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