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What does traffic arbitrage mean? What is traffic arbitrage and why is it needed

Traffic arbitrage is a popular, but very competitive way to make money online, which is generated by getting a positive difference between the cost of the traffic itself and the output after it is bought and redirected. “Traffic” means the Nth number of living people, and the whole point of arbitrage is to ensure that the final profit exceeds the cost of buying traffic.

Simple example:

You bought 1000 affiliate showcase clicks for $10, 3 people made a purchase, which brought you $20. Arbitrage was successful, net earnings - $10.

This niche has a lot of features. I will highlight the most significant:

  • You can arbitrage and even earn round sums without having your own website.
  • You don't have to have big budgets to get started. Of course, the amount of earnings depends on the investment, but to get no less valuable personal experience, you can start even with 50 dollars.
  • Arbitrage is theoretically simple. I would compare it to playing poker - the rules are simple, but the devil is in the details (daily routine tasks, drains at the start, the ability to build a process correctly, etc.).
  • Everything revolves around the correct work with three components: traffic sources, offers (offers from affiliate programs) and analytics.

More specifically, personal experience plays a decisive role in “arbitrage”. There are a lot of paid courses, manuals, training lectures and the like on the Internet. But the fact is that it is better to try to make money on your own by investing $100 to buy traffic than to buy any courses for the same money. You will always find the basics on the Internet for free, and someone's "learning materials" in 95% of cases will turn out to be a compact summary of public information and some irrelevant cases.

Where to get traffic?

You can even get a certain amount of traffic for free. To do this, you either need to have your own sites with traffic, or "promoted" profiles in social networks, or professionally engage in spam. The article on making money on your website describes in detail the basic principles of cooperation with affiliate programs, which is also relevant for affiliates.

The most popular ways to buy traffic are:

  • teaser networks– are distinguished by relative cheapness, large volumes, but low quality of visitors. Most often used for entertainment purposes (cosmetics, weight loss products, family history, etc.).
  • Social media– this includes buying promotional posts in groups or using automated software to spam communities, discussions, or profiles of real people.
  • contextual advertising- allows you to buy thematic, really targeted traffic. The price is not the lowest, but Adsense and YAN platforms allow you to find a solvent audience in any niche.
  • Rest– banner networks, popunders (floating windows), clickanders (new tab after any click), iFrame, Rich Media (flash videos with sound) and more.

It is important to understand that there are no “best” and “worst” traffic sources. On each of them you can both earn and merge. Everything is very individual and depends on a lot of factors: the offer, advertising campaign settings, the right choice of the target audience, etc.

Where to drain it?

First of all, you must decide on the model by which you will earn. Payment can be made for an action (30 minutes in the game, an application for a lawyer's consultation), for a sale (then you get your %) or for sending an SMS message. The latter, by the way, has lost its former popularity, because. mobile operators have tightened the rules due to the "dullness" of the scheme (SMS spam, fraud, spread of viruses, misrepresentation).

For beginners, it is best to start with affiliate program aggregators like Admitad or ActionPay. Firstly, it's simple - immediately after registration you will see several hundred offers that you can connect to directly inside the system (it acts as an intermediary). Secondly, it is efficient - such aggregators have a lot of built-in tools (ready-made landing pages, statistics and analytics functions, integration into other services) that allow you to work more efficiently.

After registering in the affiliate program (either directly or through an intermediary), you will receive an affiliate link where you need to redirect traffic. Often, promotional materials (banners of different sizes) are attached to offers - you can use them or create your own creatives.

Direct arbitrage (when traffic goes directly to an affiliate link) is in many ways (except for simplicity) inferior to working through landing pages, which allow you to study traffic in more detail and work on optimizing its quality. A landing page is a landing page, that is, a one-page site created for the sole purpose of pushing a person to a certain action.

Many beginners start with entertainment traffic and gaming offers - this is a great combination for getting experience, even if not very positive. I advise you not to adhere to such a rule and start with what you personally see as a prospect.

First steps in arbitration

As mentioned above, almost all paid courses with "private schemes" are an attempt by their authors to squeeze out the last money on something that no longer works or works, but not as well as it is written in the manual.

At the very beginning of the "arbitrage path" just read all the free information on the Internet. In each article you can find some really useful facts or tips, your task is to compile the knowledge gained in your head. It will not be superfluous to follow the news of CPA networks in order to feel the “trends” of the market.

Don't focus on one thing. Try different offers, traffic sources, advertising materials. It is very important to conduct testing in order to ultimately know exactly your target audience. For example, through trial and error, you must come to the understanding that your product is bought on weekdays from 13:00 to 17:00 by unmarried women aged 21-23 with one child.

And in order to get such data, you need to conduct your own experiments and improve the settings of advertising campaigns (targeting, blacklisting sites, the best promotional materials). Analytics helps to install bots (junk traffic), understand the typical behavior of the audience and, as a result, choose only income-generating topics.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about traffic arbitrage, where to start and how to make money on traffic arbitrage.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is traffic arbitrage;
  2. How to make money on traffic arbitrage;
  3. And how to start a beginner who knows nothing about arbitrage.

Traffic arbitration- one of the most interesting and complex species. To engage in competent arbitration is to find a real gold mine. Many teams that started with reselling traffic are now reaching the top with their projects, websites and companies that earn up to several million a year. So what is traffic arbitrage, and on this?

Basic concepts

Before proceeding to the main part of the article, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the terminology:

  • Traffic– website visitors;
  • Arbitrator (webmaster) - a person who earns on traffic arbitration;
  • CPA model- a model of work in which the advertiser pays for the target action of the visitor who came to his page. Most often it is: filling out an application, ordering, online purchase, registration.
  • CPA network is a resource that brings together webmasters and advertisers. Takes care of all financial and statistical issues, charging a commission for this;
  • Offer- an offer from the advertiser;
  • Landing- a one-page site that is used to sell one product or service;
  • Pre-landing(layout) - a site that is created by a webmaster as a means of increasing audience interest in the product and screening out bots;
  • Hold- the time between the completion of the target action by the site visitor, following the link of the webmaster, and the payment to his account;
  • Conversion- the ratio of the number of customers who performed the target action to the total number of customers.

What is traffic arbitrage

Let's start with an example to make it clearer.

Imagine that you are a webmaster. You have found, in which some company offers to attract one buyer (who paid for some goods, for example, for 2000 rubles) to pay you 300 rubles. And you are a good specialist in and you think that you can attract many customers of this company.

Example 2 A large firm wants to attract a large number of new customers. But almost all firms work more to sell some product or service with the help of their brand.

If we take, for example, the Internet, then this will be the sale of the Beeline brand (Megafon, MTS, Domolink, etc.), and not some specific tariff. But when working with webmasters, large firms sell their products and services, not their name. Firstly, this approach significantly expands the client base. Secondly, it can lure other customers who are dissatisfied with the company to a suitable product.

Working with webmasters brings companies additional customers, increases brand trust among various population groups. This significantly reduces advertising costs, but requires a competent miscalculation of all investments. After all, the profit of companies, as well as the profit of a webmaster, must be clearly calculated.

But why is traffic arbitrage attractive as a form of income?

There can be several answers to this question:

  • Sufficiently low entry threshold;
  • The ability to scale the business;
  • Fairly easy to learn;
  • Does not require constant attention.

How traffic arbitrage works

Now a little about the traffic resale mechanism itself. Affiliate programs have a large number of offers. The webmaster must choose what he would be interested in promoting.

Usually the offers already have some necessary materials, which should be enough for novice webmasters. The webmaster then drives traffic to the affiliate link, and when customers complete a pre-determined action, a reward is paid.

Experienced webmasters prefer to create their own promotional materials rather than take them from their advertisers. This is done because advertisers often do not know some of the “tricks” that can increase conversion, attract additional customers, make websites that are not very successful - in general, they make a lot of mistakes that filter out part of the traffic.

That is why an experienced webmaster will be able to attract much more customers for one offer than a beginner, due to additional, self-developed methods and promotional materials. That is why it is better for beginners to work with popular offers, with high-quality advertising materials, periodically reading blogs and forums of well-known affiliates.

The most important thing in traffic arbitrage is to decide on the target audience. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. The target audience is those who buy. These are not the people who look at the goods, not those who are interested in them. These are the people who buy.

Let's take an example from the video tutorial of one well-known website developer Alexander Chipizhko:

My wife has a fitness club and recently I did a landing page for her. The first thing we decided on was the target audience. I was very surprised when she told me which categories of people visit the site, and which ones end up buying her services as a fitness trainer.

About 80% of all visitors who are interested are young girls from 16 to 20 years old. Everything is fine with their figure, but they want to lose weight and improve something. They buy in 3-4% of cases. Next comes the category from 20 to 30 years. And these are girls who want to change something in themselves, but also rarely buy services. And the main target audience is already middle-aged ladies 40-45 years old, with cellulite and other problems with the figure. And they are the most solvent and buying. And accordingly, we did the main advertising on them.

This principle will also be important for an affiliate marketer, because companies buy clients. That is why it is so important to determine their target audience, for which you need to advertise. This is the first thing worth learning during the development of such a difficult profession.

Another important point is that at first you can deal with traffic arbitration alone. Take ready-made materials, post them on resources, monitor, analyze, think about how you can increase conversion, reduce costs and, in general, increase profits. But over time, the business scales up and then almost all webmasters recruit a good team that distributes responsibilities.

Of course, you can do all these things alone, but if you work with 4-5 offers, then test them all and update creatives in time, it will take a huge amount of time. And if you add constant analysis to this, then the hours in the day may not be enough. Also, teamwork helps to share all kinds of risks and brainstorm, which will allow you to create a truly original idea.

The main difference between beginners and professionals is that the former often use ready-made materials, while the latter create their own attractive creatives that work much better.

Over time, you will be able to create your own selling chips that you will use, be able to reduce costs, choose tools well, etc. This will be the development of an arbitrage specialist in his profession.

Types of traffic

In order to understand the methods of attracting traffic, let's talk about its types. This will allow you to understand what tools you can use to attract traffic, and what is the general resale mechanism.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising attracts a strictly targeted audience that is really interested in the product. So-called hot clients. Contextual advertising usually comes out in 1-3 places for any request to Yandex or Google, which immediately increases the popularity of links.

The main advantage of contextual advertising is “customer temperature”. It is displayed only for relevant queries, the subject matter of which coincides with advertising. In essence, we attract a client who knows about his problem and is interested in solving it. The main disadvantage is the price. The cost per click on an ad can range from 10 to 100+ rubles, depending on many factors.

Contextual advertising by brand

This is still the same contextual advertising, only attraction through it is not for a specific product, but for a specific brand. Some advertisers allow the use of a brand name to attract customers, while others prohibit it, arguing that webmasters are thus selling their own customers to them.

Using the name of the company greatly facilitates the search for customers, because large companies are trusted, they want to buy their goods and services, therefore it is much easier to attract customers.

Motivated traffic

Traffic with one of the highest conversions. Here the user is promised some kind of bonus for the perfect action.

There are two types of motivational traffic:

  • Visit for a bonus;
  • Visit for money.

Their main difference is that the bonus can be intangible, but useful to one or another category of people. Money is paid to everyone for performing a certain action. Such traffic is attracted extremely willingly, but it requires quite a lot of money.

Social media traffic networks

As an option to attract traffic - use social networks. At the same time, each individual portal has its own methods of advertising and pricing. These can be like impressions in the feed (VK, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), small promotional offers on the page, or sound clips when listening to music.


This is the case when attracting traffic using this method very rarely justifies its costs. Clickunder is a new tab that opens in the background. The conversion rate is extremely low, and often does not even justify its costs.

Pros: low cost. Of the minuses: low conversion.

teaser advertising

One of the oldest methods of attracting customers. Teaser can be translated as "teaser". Often these are small advertisements that contain flashy headlines.

Teasers can be compared to the yellow press in terms of the content of many pages - they release deliberately false information, motivate the client to take a certain action. The effectiveness of a teaser depends less on the image and more on the text. The more interesting the presentation, the more effective the teaser will be.

Teaser networks do not attract paying traffic. Often this is an entertainment topic, such as online games or gambling projects. But sometimes there are also news teasers that are just full of yellow headlines, like “Some star lost weight with the help of ...”, “I made a million on this ..” and other variations.

Of the benefits: wide coverage and average click-through rate. Of the minuses: low solvency.


The oldest, but nonetheless one of the most effective promotion methods. Banner - a static or dynamic image that contains information about the product.

For a good banner, the main thing is to choose a high-quality picture and make an attractive and motivating text that will encourage the user to click on the link. After clicking on the picture, customers most often get to the advertiser's website.


A rather new way for Russia to attract traffic, but, nevertheless, it has shown its effectiveness. Cashback - money back. That is, the client receives a percentage of the purchases made. Well suited for commodity traffic, but use in other areas is also possible.

It works like this: the webmaster receives 600 rubles from the attracted client, and in the ad he writes "Refund from the purchase ... - 200 rubles." As a result, both the client, who received a kind of discount, and the webmaster are satisfied - after all, his income, minus the cost of attracting the client himself - 400 rubles, and the advertiser - he sold his product.

Of the benefits: high conversion, great motivation to buy and re-attract customers using the service. Of the minuses: high costs, which at first can even lead to a minus for beginners.

Email traffic

Ideally, E-mail traffic has nothing to do with spam. These are simply promotional offers that the user voluntarily subscribes to. And after that, announcements about new types of goods, services, exclusive offers, and so on come to his mail. But often webmasters simply buy databases and send their offers to people who did not subscribe to it at all.

Of the benefits: a relatively cheap way to attract customers, requiring minimal time and effort.

Of the minuses: low conversion, and a dishonest method of attraction. You can increase the conversion by "individual offers" for each of the potential customers. Possible discounts, gifts and various bonuses can increase the conversion quite high, and when sending to the target base, you can increase the conversion several times.

Pop-up window

This is the same annoying ad that pops up when you visit some sites. To close such ads, you need to wait a certain amount of time. Often this is non-targeted advertising, the task of which is to convey to the user information that some product or service exists.


These are animated game banners. They are most often performed as a simple game in which when the user hover over a certain place, it turns into a sight or something like that. When clicking on such a banner, the user is immediately redirected to the site, and it is very important that it matches the theme of this game banner.

Pros: a large number of clicks. Cons: a small scope - most often on a gaming theme.

Adult traffic

Traffic from sites whose target audience falls under the 18+ category. Although the attraction method can vary from a banner to regular links or pop-up pages, this is a separate category of traffic. It is banned in many offers, but, nevertheless, some continue to cooperate with webmasters who attract exactly adult.

We organize this information using a table:

Now we will provide you with a real step-by-step instruction on how to start making money on traffic arbitrage right now.

Step 1. Choosing an affiliate program.

This is the most important step that needs to be approached with the greatest attention. It depends on it how much income you will receive, what offers you will be provided with, and how high the conversion of your leads will be.

First you need to look at the reviews of other webmasters, preferably on independent portals, or in groups on social networks. The main thing: payments, honesty, the number of offers.

Another point to pay attention to is the work of the call center. In some affiliate programs, operators who call potential customers can make gross mistakes and thereby lower the percentage of sales, casting doubt on the purity of the webmaster's traffic, while in others, on the contrary, they can even convince a potentially doubting lead to make a purchase.

Step 2. Choosing an offer.

After the affiliate program has been chosen, it is necessary to choose the appropriate offer. Beginners are advised to choose 2-3 offers to start with in order to share the risks, see what works best, in order to subsequently scale their income according to investments.

Professionals most often prefer to choose one direction and work it out completely. For example, it can be product offers, gaming, credit or others.

With a lot of experience, webmasters can narrow down their specialization and attract one category of clients. Beginners should try themselves in all.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Offer rating;
  • target actions;
  • Hold time;
  • Design of promotional materials;
  • Requirements for traffic sources.

Step 3. Drive traffic.

Also quite an important step. Right now we are determining the target audience, coverage, geo and other parameters by which we will select potential customers.

A few words about your site as a way to attract and resell traffic. The total costs can be several times higher than the income that a webmaster can receive for a certain period of time - the life of the site. If you do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of site building and promotion, you should not consider the site as your own source of traffic.

When you have decided on the sources, target audience and attraction method, you can launch an advertising campaign and move on to the next stage.

Step 4. Analyze.

The most interesting stage in the work of every webmaster. At this moment, various advertising sources are analyzed, calculations are made on the profitability of creatives, the most profitable one is selected, and the rest are turned off.

An important point: showing by time. You should conduct a small test in order to understand at what time the click-through rate and conversion rate for advertisements is better. This will allow you to make the right choice to turn off the display at unprofitable times, and thereby reduce advertising costs.

Step 5. Changing creatives.

Each creative has its own lifespan. And it shrinks over time. If earlier, a high-quality banner could attract customers for several months, now its life span is 2-3 weeks. It is after such a period that you need to create a new banner, write a new text, and make a new selection.

In fact, this item is a new repetition of the third step, but with new materials and additional statistics. At the same time, you should always take into account that you cannot slightly replace the image or text, this will not help and the quantity and quality of traffic will continue to decline.

This point also includes changing the offer, if it is already becoming obsolete. It is always worth being on the wave and following the market trends, slightly ahead of them. This will allow the first to receive the maximum income, and to leave unprofitable offers in advance.

TOP-5 best CPA networks (partnerrock)

Now let's talk about the best affiliate programs that are suitable for beginners as an ideal launching pad.

Ad1. It has just a huge number of offers that are constantly updated. Very friendly to beginners, as it has a good interface. That is why it is also interesting for many advertisers who are selected manually.

Of the pluses, you can still highlight the operational tech. support, which answers all questions very quickly, and a small payout threshold - 800 rubles, every week. With an increase in turnover of more than 5,000 rubles, you can withdraw funds more often.

Admitad is the next CPA network that will suit fans of statistics and analysis. Their own statistics service is a real bomb. Order time, click time, number of user actions on the site, call analysis, and so on.

Cityads– a real monopoly in the market of gaming offers. Ideal as a launching pad for those who are at least a little versed in the subject of online games. I personally use financial offers from here. The partner is very good!

There are more than 200 different gaming offers, the list of which is constantly updated. Why is it recommended to start with them? Everything is simple. Novice webmasters can most easily attract clients in this category than in all others. That is why it is worth starting your journey in online games arbitration with cityads.

M1 shop- leader of commodity offers. The largest number of products, fast technical support and excellent commission - that's how you can briefly describe the M1. Nothing superfluous - you need to select a category of goods, create an advertisement and attract traffic. Nothing more is required from the client.

Aleba one of my favorite affiliate networks! An active CPA affiliate that deals with financial offers, but now there are commodity ones. High-quality affiliate network with its own promotional materials. Most of them are of sufficiently high quality, which makes the work of an affiliate much easier.

It is also worth remembering that affiliate programs are interested in earning their affiliates. Since they take their percentage for each attracted client, it is in their interests that each party is satisfied with the cooperation.

That is why they create such favorable conditions both for advertisers who bring money into the system, and for webmasters who attract customers and bring their % to the system.

One important tip for affiliates: communicate with technical support in the selected CPA affiliate. They are paid money for consulting their clients. Before choosing an offer, be sure to contact them, and they will advise what is really profitable to work with. Just a few words will not only reduce time costs, but also help save money.

The main risks in traffic arbitrage

As in any business, traffic arbitrage carries certain risks.

Let's look at some of them in more detail:

  1. Mistakes with the selection of the target audience. There are often cases when, due to inexperience, a financial proposal was published for entertainment traffic. This led to the fact that the entire advertising budget was spent on showing ads, and there were no clicks on it.
  2. Fraud. This is low quality traffic. Some webmasters deliberately attract low-quality clients, or click through the ads of their competitors.
  3. long hold. One of the enemies of a beginner is a big delay in payments. Few people are ready to immediately pay large amounts for an advertising campaign, which is why everyone starts small, gradually increasing the volume. But a long wait for the withdrawal of funds can stop the advertising campaign, due to which the flow of customers will be lost, the creatives will quickly become outdated, and along with the expected additional income, you will have to spend again on creating and launching an advertising campaign.
  4. Lack of cash flow distribution. It is best to "push" to several offers, in each offer to several advertising platforms. This allows you to better analyze the information and leave only the most profitable advertising campaigns. Beginners, on the other hand, prefer to leave 1-2 offers, and one advertising campaign for each, which makes any of their unsuccessful decisions to attract traffic erroneous and fatal to their account.

How much can you earn on traffic arbitrage

So we come to the final and most interesting part of our article. Many are still tormented by the question, how much can you earn on traffic arbitration.

To answer this question, you can go to the website of any CPA network and see the TOP earnings. Daily turnover on some accounts will amount to millions of rubles. This is the level to which you can and should strive. And these are far from drawn figures. But how much can a beginner and an average arbitrator earn?

Let's start with affiliates with an average level of knowledge, skills and experience. Those who do everything alone can earn from 10 to 200 thousand rubles a month, depending on investments and performance. In other words, you can freely make 50-60 thousand alone, working in arbitration for one to three years.

Teams of experienced arbitrageurs can reach a turnover of several million rubles on an account. The total profit per person in such projects is 50-400 thousand rubles, with high employment, a competent approach and constant work.

Top studios that have several of their traffic sources can increase volumes to tens of millions of rubles per month, due to large investments and work in different areas of offers at once.

But now about the most important thing. A beginner in the first few weeks, or even months, cannot count on profit. Here the situation is similar to trading in the stock market. At first, the main task is to learn how to go to zero.

- one of the most important stages that affiliates go through. Depending on knowledge, work, ability in analysis and luck, they pass it in the first week or month. Due to the fact that at first the turnover on the account will be quite small, you will have to wait for payments for a very long time, which will only slow down development and profit.

Summarizing all of the above:

  1. Experienced teams receive from 1 to ... million rubles per month.
  2. Arbitrators with experience - from 10 to 200 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Beginners - from 0 to 30,000 rubles per month.
  4. It all depends on the skills and desire to develop. There is no quick money in arbitrage, and this should be remembered.


Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a few simple conclusions. Traffic arbitrage is the resale of visitors to various Internet portals. Large companies that do not want to engage in advertising and attracting new customers are interested in this. In order to engage in traffic arbitrage, you will need skills in copywriting, design and advertising. There is no quick money, but with sufficient perseverance, earnings on traffic arbitrage can reach several million rubles a month.

Traffic arbitrage has appeared as a form of income recently and is a redirection of received traffic (often purchased) to other resources in order to obtain financial benefits. There are many articles and disputes about the effectiveness and dangers of traffic arbitrage. Expert opinions often differ.

To get started with traffic arbitrage, you should find the answer to the question “what is it?”
Traffic arbitrage is a profitable resale of traffic purchased at a low price. Such traffic may represent the actions of users on various Internet sites. Previously, traffic arbitrage was considered a risky way to promote Internet projects and a good way to make money for webmasters. The second statement remains today.

The development of the Internet space, the emergence of competition among webmasters and the emergence of many competing Internet sites give rise to strong competition, which forces out weak or unscrupulous resources from this market. The risk is reduced for both traffic sellers and potential buyers. Traffic Sellers guaranteed to receive payments for services rendered, and customers receive the required planned benefit for your resource.
Traffic arbitration requires a clear plan from both the webmaster and the customer. The customer must initially analyze the goals of the upcoming traffic arbitrage, draw up a plan and calculate the benefit. A WEB-master must have a large traffic base for the quality performance of the tasks. Otherwise, you can get low conversion your resource.

Traffic arbitrage should be ordered only on trusted sites and sellers with good reviews. Otherwise, you can get low quality traffic, which includes bots that do not perform the required actions. Such an acquisition is a waste of money.

Where to buy traffic for arbitrage?

WEB-master, having received a certain task, begins to search for profitable and high-quality sources of traffic acquisition for its subsequent profitable resale. The effectiveness of such advertising, the future conversion of the promoted resource depends on different sources and methods used.

Buying and selecting traffic is the main task of the WEB-master, on which the result of all further actions will depend. There are many resource methods for buying traffic. Let's take a look at some of them:

teaser advertising

Teaser advertising - pictures, ranging in size from 80x60 to 250x250 pixels with a brief text description. This is the source of low-quality traffic, but even from it can benefit. Through the use of teaser advertising, you can successfully achieve a high conversion of entertainment projects. This is due to the low cost of a unique click on the link and human psychology, which delays users on interesting entertainment projects, forcing them to navigate the site, acquiring the services offered, if possible.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is a text string with a description of the object of advertising. This type of advertising is provided by Google and Yandex search services, as well as various third-party projects. The acquisition of this traffic is much more expensive. This solution is suitable for monetization narrowly thematic projects on the topic of business, construction, medicine ...
The use of contextual advertising for the purpose of buying traffic for arbitration requires a WEB master to have a clear plan for its further use. Achieving the conversion of such advertising is the hardest thing.

Advertising in social networks

Advertising in social networks is the youngest and most effective type of advertising that allows you to effectively buy traffic for a variety of broadly and narrowly thematic projects. Using the Vkontakte service as an example, you can sort the list of necessary people by gender, place of residence, age, language, education, etc. Ample opportunities and low cost per impression allow you to achieve good results in further arbitration.

banner networks

Banner networks are an old way of acquiring traffic, losing their popularity due to growing competition from other types of advertising. This is due to the high cost of displaying banners on large and popular projects. However, banner networks are one of the best options for good conversion of large projects. Working with banner networks requires the study of resources used for advertising.
There are many other methods of acquiring traffic for further arbitrage. The above methods are the most profitable, relevant and competitive solutions that allow you to get the greatest financial benefit from traffic resale. The success of traffic arbitration and the conversion of a certain resource entirely depends on the individual approach of the WEB master.

How much do you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Earnings on traffic arbitration entirely depend on the experience of the WEB-master, the sources of traffic used and the ability to use this traffic as efficiently as possible to complete the task set by the customer. Earnings can reach 10-200% of the invested funds for the purchase of traffic.

To obtain the greatest financial benefit, analyze the task, the advertising market and the resources on which you acquire traffic. Protect yourself and the customer from cheating views and transitions by bots and inactive users. The ability to get the maximum profit from traffic arbitrage comes with experience WEB-masters and developed base to buy traffic.

Traffic arbitration example

Traffic arbitrage is a new type of traffic monetization, which is in demand both among novice WEB-masters and large projects. The use of traffic arbitration is equally beneficial for both the customer and the contractor. High-quality performance of the assigned task guarantees good mutual profit. You can verify this by looking at a few real examples of successful traffic arbitrage:

Using traffic arbitrage and an affiliate program with the sale of souvenirs*

*Souvenirs can mean absolutely any product.

For example, we will take a themed gift shop that pays 10% of the goods sold by attracting your traffic. Let's say you use advertising on the social network VKontakte and post an advertisement with information about the sale of souvenirs. 300 people follow your links and 25 of them order goods for themselves with an average cost of 500 rubles. You get 10% of the affiliate program, which is 1250 rubles. Ordering Vkontakte advertising will cost you ~500 rubles. In total, the net profit is 750 rubles, which in 150% pays off invested amount. And this is just an example of the simplest use of traffic arbitrage.

The network is arbitrating traffic. This method of earning is quite complicated, and that is why, an income of 250,000 tr per month is far from a chapel for him. In the article, we will try to cover all the features of online arbitrage as simply and clearly as possible, and also give some advice to novice users.

You should also know that this type of earnings is one of the most profitable on the Internet. With a serious attitude to educational material, you can earn really serious money.

For example, the statistics of medium-sized arbitrageurs show numbers from 300,000 to 750,000 rubles. net income monthly. As will be shown in the article, my numbers ranged from 5000-11000 rubles. income daily. For more information write in the comments.

For a better understanding of what traffic arbitrage is and why some people earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month on it, these two concepts should be analyzed separately:

Traffic- This is the number of people who visited a particular resource in a certain period of time. Usually, traffic is calculated per day, much less often - per month.

Often you can find ads like: “I will sell 4k traffic for $8”. This text “in translation” means that a person is ready to attract 4,000 unique users to your site per day at a price of $8.

Arbitration- a term that in this case we will consider from an economic point of view. “Buy low and then sell it high” is the main principle and essence of arbitrage.

By combining the two terms, one can characterize the general concept.

Traffic arbitration is the acquisition of visitors at low prices and their subsequent resale to other sites at a higher cost. Arbitrage, in Internet slang is often called "traffic drain".

Arbitration types

Many beginners are wondering! How to start traffic arbitrage? The answer to this question is obvious - study the entire list of its varieties.

There are several ways to redirect users to another service. Let's look at them:

If you have your own website, the best choice would be to use the Landing Page without registration, because. not every user is ready to register and leave his contact information on an unfamiliar resource. Even if he really wants to make money on traffic arbitration. But those who are serious about making a million, these little things do not stop.

Options and ways to get traffic

Traffic through banner networks

This advertising method appeared one of the first in the network. At the moment, it loses its relevance for a number of reasons. Firstly, banners “scare away” current users, they are associated with intrusive and unnecessary advertising. The second factor is too high a price that does not justify the end result. And bodyclick- banner advertising systems, in case you are still interested in it.

Traffic exchanges

Exchanges are one of the cheapest ways to buy traffic in order to do well on it. It is characterized by low traffic quality, almost complete absence of target customers. However, the price is tempting. On average, on traffic exchanges, 1,000 attracted visitors costs only $5.

Below is a list of the most popular exchanges:

  1. KupiTraff;
  2. popunder;
  3. Wizard Traffstock.
  4. Directions of "draining" traffic

Income generation algorithm

Now that we have dealt with all the nuances of buying traffic, it is worth moving on to the question of how to sell it. You can draw up an approximate principle-algorithm for generating income.

  1. You need to find a partner network for business cooperation and register in it. When choosing a network, it is better to go to the forums of experienced affiliates, rely on their reviews and stories.
  2. Get referral links for further promotion among users
  3. Send the maximum amount of traffic to these links (preferably high-quality, because only in this case you can get a good income)

Choosing an affiliate program

When choosing an affiliate program, you should also consider in which areas you are interested in working. The fact is that there are different models for earning.

  1. CPA affiliate programs. The abbreviation Cost Per Action stands for "fee for action." In this case, the customer pays not only for the fact that you brought visitors to his site. To receive your reward, visitors must be active on the affiliate page. Such an action can be registration, ordering goods, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.


  • We recommend cooperating simultaneously with several affiliate programs at once, but you should not collect too many offers at the same time;
  • The topics of these affiliate programs should be varied (it is impossible to guess in advance which offer will “shoot” and turn out to be profitable);
  • - At the very beginning of work, do not invest too much money in arbitration. Allow yourself to risk large sums only when you gain experience


Finally, it is worth noting: traffic arbitrage can become a truly profitable business. But for this you need to seriously try. In such activities, people who are well acquainted with marketing, who have a streak of entrepreneurship and creativity, can succeed.

And despite the fact that traffic arbitrage often only brings losses to beginners, it is important not to give up in the event of the first failure. Do not be afraid of the work of affiliates, and then, perhaps, you will be able to join the ranks of the best of them.

You can also watch the video instruction, which tells you how to start traffic arbitration. Highlights on work, tips, recommendations.

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