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What are the responsibilities of a system administrator? What is a "system administrator"

Nowadays, when it is difficult to decide which professions are needed and which are important, a large number of people are interested in how to become a system administrator. Taking this crucial step, you need to decide who it is and what duties will have to be performed.

Many are dissatisfied with the situation around the name of this specialty. The state of affairs is reminiscent of how, at an early stage in the development of computers, all those who knew how to use them were divided into the following categories: user and programmer. If you have the skills to turn on and you can press with one finger, then you are a user. When you understand the "insides" - already a programmer. At the moment, everyone who is "not a programmer" is a sysadmin!

Let's dot the "Yo" and find out who is a system administrator. So, employers believe that this specialty should take into account such responsibilities as managing various information systems in the enterprise.

Speaking in a professional language, a system administrator is considered a person whose duties are based on:

To begin with, on the creation of policy and planning in the enterprise of various information systems, as well as networks in the company;

In practice, on the implementation of this task - the selection of "iron", software configuration, selection of hardware configuration, modernization, monitoring the state of networks, identifying random errors, preventing attacks and other possible dangers;

In the future, on development planning, identifying new opportunities and potential.

This position is only half technical. Most of it in some cases is allocated to politics. Therefore, a system administrator can be considered a top IT manager. The employee must determine in which direction the development of IT technologies will take place in the company. As a result, simple and convenient benefits for IT users will be available. Junior employees of this link can be considered "narrow" administrators (who deal with information bases), technical support workers, as well as programmers creating local modules (questionable). A higher level is not only for technical leaders. Let's not forget about top management and company managers. For example, the director, due to the lack of the required technical data, cannot know what device is needed to create an Internet network, where there are weaknesses, what impact this or that equipment has on business development, etc. Chiefs, in general, should only have information about the specific cost and time of performing such work. Also, the list of job responsibilities includes simplifying the technical process, increasing quality. Which technologies to use, what the working staff will receive as a result, what needs to be done and what not - all this falls on the shoulders of the system administrator!

A large number of people under the word "admin" mean "enikey". This is the so-called systems engineer, that is, a shift worker of the technical support service. The tasks of this specialist are to fix buggy Windows, configure printing equipment and other small user junk. It is clear that in a company with several hundred employees with a computer space there is no point in a separate system administrator. Basically, the above conditions are absent. Because of this, it turns out that there is an enikey worker who, depending on experience and free time, is engaged in performing tasks related to setting up hardware and servers. The enterprise will not have problems in such a situation. It is known that most system administrators started out as enikey workers. However, they cannot be compared with real system administrators.

Experienced people who have held the position of system administrator several times in huge companies with thousands of employees say that their duties were spread over a wide area. For example, an employee of one of these companies in two years of work did not have to deal with end users, only talked to these people on the phone several times.

It is the administrator who should be responsible for creating the network, planning purchases aimed at further development, ensuring the operability of software information systems with servers, and being responsible for the safety of information. Enikeyshchik will not be to blame for the theft of information or the breakage of any highway. In this case, the system administrator will be shown a “red card”, since he did not provide backup ways for uninterrupted operation in the event of failure of certain nodes, as well as quick ways to restore each structure. All decisions that relate to the competence of the system administrator are reflected in each employee of the enterprise who deals with computers. The system administrator tells programmers about the need to create this or that module. Also refers to company-wide software policies. You can watch his work in the following video:

Video 1 (one day in the life of a real system administrator 16+)

Let's look at an analogy. For example, sewerage in the city. The system administrator is the chief engineer of the locality, who deals with the laying of pipes, builds and connects various substations. A man with a beard and a wool sweater is most likely a plumber who replaces pipes in a house and distributes to apartments. Given the need for each profession, we are talking about different levels of knowledge, the necessary education and the tasks performed.

It is impossible to divide employers into core and non-core. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact whether there is a demand for creating a professional IT structure for a particular business. For example, if trade is taken into account in general, computers are not required for working personnel. Having installed the cash register, you can start making money. However, the most interesting and most developed IT infrastructure can be seen in a large trading network. Here they do not spare funds for development, as they themselves realize that the business has “blood” and if the network ceases to operate, then sales will cease. As a result, large losses (direct and even indirect) can be expected.

People with experience over a large number of years have accumulated several points inherent in the profession of a system administrator. We are talking about a maniacal desire to streamline the various things that are in the subordination of the worker. This can be equipment configuration, and documentation of infrastructures, and laying patch cords in specialized switching cabinets, and putting things in perfect order at your workplace. And yet, bearded in a woolen sweater among the representatives of this profession come across very rarely. The average sysadmin is more like a manager.

To sum it up and clearly formulate my own thoughts, the task of a system administrator is to build a system that anyone can use. We need to make it as simple and understandable as possible. Also be sure to document it. If the list of tasks includes direct work with various users, a person has no choice but to take on two professions.

Finishing the article, I would like to note that three tasks fall on the shoulders of the system administrator - architecture, CIO and, in fact, administration. In large companies, one good specialist should cope with this work.

Recently, almost no large company or organization can do without it. He - System Administrator, "king and god" of computer hardware. Some consider the profession of a system administrator to be prestigious and highly paid, while others do not know what, in fact, system administrators do.

A system administrator, usually referred to simply as a system administrator, is one of the most sought-after employees in any organization that has a large fleet of computer equipment or a more or less organized network of computers. To ensure the operability of the company's computer network, the serviceability of all computer equipment and software, as well as the company's information security - this is the work of a system administrator.

Some heads of enterprises and organizations “far” from computer technology consider the professions of a system administrator and, for example, a programmer to be identical. In a number of other cases, a system administrator is "equated" with an advanced PC user who knows how to install the right software.

System administrators are also considered equally as "geniuses" whose actions are inexplicable from the point of view of an ordinary person, and hopeless "lazy people" in stretched sweaters who do nothing but sleep in the workplace ...

Due to the very ambiguous attitude towards the profession of "system administrator", the position of a system administrator is paid differently. As a rule, in small companies, the system administrator is an “enikey worker” (i.e., a computer specialist for all occasions) and does not receive a very high salary.

Large companies, on the other hand, cannot do without one "enikey worker". The staff of such companies may include a web server administrator, a database administrator, a system engineer, and a network security administrator. Each of these specialists has his own clearly defined range of tasks, deep knowledge in the field of his activity.

I want to be a system administrator!

According to a survey conducted recently by the Research Center of the recruiting portal in Russia, the profession of a system administrator is considered prestigious by 47% of respondents. The opposite opinion was expressed by 21% of the polled Russians.

Many in the profession of a system administrator are attracted by non-standard tasks, the need to think creatively, the ability to improve yourself and constantly learn something new.

About 3% of respondents who participated in the survey value the profession of a system administrator for the amount of salary, another 3% - for freedom of action. The same number of respondents appreciate the free time that a system administrator has if the computers and networks entrusted to him are working normally.

System administrator - such a specialty does not yet exist in domestic universities. Basically, future system administrators receive education in related IT specialties in technical universities or in technical faculties and departments of classical universities. As a rule, the graduate diploma of one of these specialties will include "engineer", "computer technology engineer", "system programmer".

A system administrator must possess a set of certain qualities in order to become "professional". For a system administrator, technical thinking, the ability to quickly and clearly respond in extreme situations, and a high degree of responsibility are required.

It goes without saying that you also need relevant knowledge in the field of computer technology in accordance with the chosen work profile. So, for example, a web server administrator needs knowledge of Unix systems, experience in configuring web servers, mail servers, deep knowledge of the TCP / IP protocol stack, etc. But a database administrator needs completely different skills and abilities: knowledge of systems database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle), knowledge of operating systems on which databases work (Windows Server, *nix-systems), knowledge of the information and logical language SQL.

The profession of "system administrator" is very difficult, but also very interesting. A good system administrator with a high level of professional qualities is in demand in the labor market. If you are ready to embark on this thorny path - boldly go for it and may good luck accompany you!

Many have heard that there is such a position, such a profession as a system administrator. But to be completely frank, not even all employers understand what kind of person this should be and what duties should be assigned to him. But, as practice shows, those who have achieved some heights in this area are sought-after specialists, and good big companies are ready to pay very good money to an intelligent system administrator, because a real master of business today is worth its weight in gold.

How did this profession come about...

Ten or fifteen years ago, no one could have imagined that in the future there would be such a profession as a system administrator. Then computer users were divided into two large categories: ordinary users (to become them, it was enough to learn how to turn the computer on and off on their own, and even understand a little the essence of the simplest programs) and real programmers (these are those who already knew how not only to open programs, but also understood what processes are going on in the computer).

Today, such a classification is absolutely inadequate, since even a child can understand the simplest programs. Instead of simply understanding the processes, the first step of important characteristics is the ability to use and manage them so that the company in which the specialist works is completely confident that all information stored in electronic format will be stored and confidential. A good system administrator can be compared to a conductor who has to set up his orchestra in such a way (that is, the computer network of an enterprise or firm and its equipment) that there simply could not be any failures in sound and work.

Responsibilities of a system administrator - step by step

As it has already become clear, today in all large companies and enterprises you can meet a system administrator. Smart managers of small firms, who cannot yet afford such a full-time employee, use the services of external specialists, thereby guaranteeing the uninterrupted operation of the entire management system for the enterprise.

The duties of a system administrator include many tasks, the most important of which are:

  • maintenance, installation and reinstallation of office equipment, ensuring its highly productive activity;
  • search for good software, its installation, adjustment of its activities;
  • ensuring continuous uninterrupted operation of the company's network, guaranteeing data confidentiality;
  • data copying (backup);
  • fast and complete data recovery in case of loss of part or all of the information due to the fault of any of the employees;
  • assistance to users-employees of the company for whom a computer or other office equipment is difficult to understand (the human factor is very important here, such duties of a system administrator should be performed calmly and as intelligibly as possible for the user);
  • formation of reporting documentation for management.

The first requirements that will be presented to the applicant for such a position

A system administrator must not only know his duties, but also fulfill them, therefore letters of recommendation for many companies are one of the main characteristics of the skill level of a potential employee. Experience is what any manager wants to see in his employee today. That is why more than one young and purposeful system administrator began to study his duties at small enterprises, for a nominal fee, so that later he would be able to get the desired job in a promising company.

It is also important to understand how the technology itself works. That is, if necessary, the system administrator must fix the malfunctions in the operation of certain devices. The duties of a system administrator in the office will include replacing cartridges in a printer, setting up a scanner, and repairing a poorly functioning computer power supply in the accounting department.

It is necessary not only to understand what network protocols are, but also to be able to build local computer networks. The functional responsibilities of a system administrator in large enterprises will necessarily include the construction of such a network and its modernization as necessary.

Without education today - nowhere

As practice shows, in order to work in a good company in such a position, one cannot do without an appropriate education. Despite the fact that today there are many online trainings that help you understand the basics, this is not enough to be a real specialist.

Although there are exceptions - real nugget talents who have not even completed courses, perform the duties of a system administrator, but these are still exceptions that are possible only with vast experience and a baggage of self-acquired knowledge.

Big cities - this is where sysadmins need to look for work

As already mentioned, the duties of a system administrator include installing office equipment and software. Therefore, large enterprises and organizations need sysadmins. Most often they live in megacities and cities in which there are similar organizations. The higher the demand for specialists in the region, the more realistic it is to find a job that will be suitable both in terms of pay and scope of duties.

Today, sysadmins are also needed in hospitals ...

Many organizations that are not related to the economy and business still have their own system administrator. This is due to large volumes of information that need not only be systematized and stored for a long time, but also be able to use it as soon as necessary without lengthy fuss and searches. This is how positions such as system administrator began to appear in the hospital. His duties are slightly different from the duties of, for example, a system administrator of a trading enterprise, because here special attention will be paid to archival information databases that need to be made as mobile as possible.

Great prospects

Today, a system administrator is a profession in demand, the relevance of which is only increasing every year, so the decision to become a real specialist in this field is very correct and will bring prosperity in the future. In order to become a good system administrator, you need to be prepared for the fact that the usual duties of a system administrator in an enterprise will include the ability to manage and change computer networks, a desire to learn new things and the ability to communicate normally with people. The system administrator must understand what his immediate superiors want, and be able to put it into practice.

Let's see who are system administrators. Indeed, in recent years, this is the name of almost everyone who works in the computer field. They used to be called programmers, now they have learned the new fashionable word “sysadmin”.

Enikeys, not administrators

Who works in thousands of small firms? Anyone, but not admins, but rather enikeys. That is, handymen, only in the IT sphere.

Their work is as follows:

  • Give-bring;
  • replace cartridge;
  • install Windows;
  • install office and configure the program.

At best, such small companies have a file sharing service within the network, and a domain controller, perhaps. In a slightly larger organization, there may be a mail server and a corporate website that are running on a local machine (I don’t presume to judge whether this is good or bad).

After all, you don’t think that all this thousandth army of enikey workers from small firms can be called “system administrators”? Otherwise, there would not have been a “personnel shortage” in this country and would not have begun to independently prepare administrators for themselves almost from scratch, just out of boredom. A lot of money was allocated for this and a huge amount of time was spent on this, an entire independent department was created to communicate with students, many of whom did not even have work experience. Recruiting was in full swing, Yandex was looking for all competent specialists in order to later grow them into professionals who certainly do not communicate with users and do not change their cartridges.

Definition of a system administrator

The phrase “system administrator” itself was formed from the fact that there are information systems, and there are, accordingly, people who somehow administer these systems. Pay attention, it is Information Systems.

Information system is a computing system (networks, software, hardware) and information. The IS user is really a user, not an object to which the work of a system administrator should be directed.
System Administrator- the person who maintains the system. Maintaining its working state, working on its architecture, optimizing its operation, and so on. But not a person who communicates with users and sets up a computer or printer for them.

By this I want to say that if an employee includes connecting keyboards, mice, monitors and everything else, then call him whatever you want, but not an administrator. If the person who manages the system installs and configures workstations on a daily basis, then he is already an engineer. At the same time, the most important task of a system administrator is to build such a system that anyone can work with. It should be clear, concise, documented.

IT specialists appointed to the position of a system administrator must have the appropriate specialized education, experience in repairing and maintaining computer systems and office equipment, experience in installing and debugging software, know network protocols and be able to build and debug local networks.


Depending on the type of activity and the size of the enterprise, the duties of a system administrator and the knowledge required for him can vary greatly. In small firms, this is one person who has to deal with all the problems that arise. Large enterprises have entire departments, where each specialist works on solving certain problems.

Until 2000, there were no educational institutions teaching the profession of a system administrator.

Network administrator - development and maintenance of local networks. Knowledge of network protocols and network design is required;

Database administrator - it is necessary to know the languages ​​of the operating systems on which the databases work, protocols and the database device;

Server administrator - in a hosting company, he installs software and maintains the hardware of the server economy. Knowledge of relevant programs and protocols is required.


The main responsibilities of a system administrator are as follows:

Installing and debugging software - programs are installed and modified for specific tasks. It is also necessary to monitor the availability of updates and install them on time, monitor the system's performance after they are installed;

Timely repair and modernization of computers and office equipment - the system must correspond to the tasks performed, fast and troubleshooting should contribute to this;

Solving network security tasks - install anti-virus and other security programs and monitor their updates. Prevent unauthorized access and hacker attacks;

Restoring the network after failures and illegal actions - it is necessary to make a backup in order to quickly restore the system in case of fatal failures;

The most common failure is the ingress of liquid on the computer keyboard.

Setting up a local network and ensuring its regular operation - the normal operation of a modern enterprise depends on the reliable operation of the local network and all its components. Therefore, the timely elimination of failures and disruptions in the network becomes a priority;

Consultation, assistance and training of employees in working with software and local network - for the normal course of the work process, it is necessary to quickly resolve emerging difficulties and problems of users, who are often unable to solve even elementary issues on their own.

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