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What's going on at the Russian Post? The Russian Post is an active exhibit of the times of the USSR. What are the advantages of Russian Post

In early July, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications did not renew the contract with the head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" Dmitry Strashnov, who served as the general director of the national postal operator the last four years. At the same time, rumors about his imminent resignation surfaced every quarter, and since 2015, Strashnov even walked under the threat of criminal prosecution. What was the reason for his departure and why does the future of the Post now depend on the president?

Bonus as an offer

When the now former CEO of the Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov, began to be threatened with criminal prosecution for receiving a bonus of 95.4 million rubles. (Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika called Strashnov's refusal to return the money "outright impudence", the FSB seized documents in central office enterprises, and the Investigative Committee was preparing to launch the case), many rushed to take the side of law enforcement agencies.

The siloviki tried to present the situation as if an “effective manager” was pumping out budget money from an unprofitable state structure, literally ruining an already “sick” economy. Indeed, the amount of bonuses in the Russian Post was not coordinated either with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications or with the government, which is subordinate to the service. But also on subsidies from federal budget in 2014, the "Post" no longer counted - state subsidies ended, and the goal was set: to transform from a state-owned enterprise Post service into a financially autonomous and successful business. Since that time, the company has been improving its work and financial performance before our eyes, but the fact remains that Strashnov did not see more bonuses.

Naturally, payments in excess of the contract became an instrument of apparatus warfare. After all, there are privileged companies in the same oil and gas sector, whose management not only freely lures FSB officers into their service so that they prepare provocations at the level of arrests of government members, but also with light hand writes out bonuses for 1.5 billion rubles. four months of work. And even in the State Duma they believe that shaking the air on this occasion is, in general, a pointless exercise. At the same time, “national treasures” are increasing borrowing and getting more heavily indebted, while Russian Post, around whose CEO a “premium” scandal flared up, showed growth and profit. But the “real Igor Ivanovich” is in charge of oil and gas - he is much more than a typical top manager; he, unlike Strashnov, has his own political resource, and free "access to the body" of the first person. Therefore, where the head of the Post stumbled, he was not used to noticing rough edges, and even if he breaks the largest state-owned company into private holdings by 2022, he will not meet with serious objections.

Abbreviations and extensions

However, for Strashnov, such maneuvers on a more modest scale and in a collapsing company were simply impossible. He came to the post of head of Russian Post in April 2013 from the private telecommunications sector, Tele2 Russia. His predecessor, Alexander Kiselev, left at the time of an acute crisis that paralyzed the work postal service- about 500 tons stuck in the terminals international shipments and to cope with the situation, it was necessary to impose a moratorium on the receipt of new parcels.

The collapse occurred when the post office handled 22 million postal items a year. Due to the construction of modern sorting centers, Strashnov achieved not only the uninterrupted movement of parcels, but also increased their number to 230 million a year, unthinkable a few years ago. Despite the “difficult past”, according to Strashnov, the Post faced the same challenges as its foreign counterparts: the global market postal items for a long time is steadily falling, and reforms are lagging behind everywhere. However, according to the results of the first quarter of 2017, Russian Post ranked 6th in terms of EMS express delivery speed out of 198 global operators, while a few years ago it did not rise above 140th place.

Strashnov's other two achievements are the appearance of his own cargo aircraft TU-204S, which fly to China and will make regular flights to Europe, as well as the opening together with the VTB Group of Post Bank, which already showed a profit of 1.2 billion rubles in the first year. For a company that has lost subsidies from the federal budget and has completely switched to self-sufficiency, these are real breakthroughs, which, unfortunately, few people will appreciate: the commercialization of Post, obviously, is perceived negatively by many customers.

Along with the reduction in delivery times, the average age of employees also changed under Strashnov - from 54 to 41 years. also grew average salary- from 15 to 20 thousand rubles, that is, by a quarter. Nevertheless, Strashnov did not solve the problem of an overabundance of post offices per population - Post Office has 42 thousand of them, while the same Sberbank, in the past no less popular "savings bank", has 19 thousand (and even this a lot, says the head of the bank German Gref).

"Political sponsorship"

In the bottom line - an inert and passive structure was able to save social functions and bring profit to the state. But Strashnov strove for more intensive development and set himself the task of achieving corporatization of the enterprise. Apparently, the "guards" in Russian authorities they suspected that they were going to privatize the Post of Russia under the guise of entering the stock exchange and take it out of state control. The whole subsequent story with pressure on the head of the "Post" and his team did not allow the adoption of the law "On postal service” and eliminated the possibility for management to borrow funds on the market for development and further reforms. Strashnov himself believes that he lacked "political sponsorship". Such recognition says a lot about the political and economic structure modern Russia and its state capitalism, especially since it was made by a manager who had not previously worked for the state.

Despite the obvious successes of Strashnov, who counteracted external attacks and an inertly aggressive environment within the company, the staff did not want to change, in December 2016 the government once again had to repel it from the security forces. Law enforcement officers squeezed out the head of the Russian Post from the company under the pretext of the same "illegal" bonus, but Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees telecom, managed to extend Strashnov's powers for another six months - until July 1, 2017.

At the same time, the government offers two deputy ministers to replace him economic development- Stanislav Voskresensky or Nikolai Podguzov. But the clan that has formed around Rostec is betting on its man - the top manager of the state corporation Sergey Kulikov. It is promoted by the head of the presidential administration, Anton Vaino. For the Chemezov clan, expanding influence on the Post means both additional resources and, of course, a strengthening of the apparatus positions. The struggle for the asset is such that without an arbitrator the dispute cannot be resolved - the next head, the sixth in 15 years, should be chosen by President Vladimir Putin.

But if the president makes the final decision about who will lead the strategic venture for the next four years, does that mean he will bear some of the responsibility for the future of the national postal operator? Naturally, no. The failed corporatization was not the only thing Strashnov regretted. The head of Russian Post never once met with the president to discuss the development of the postal service. Probably, his career would have turned out completely differently if he had not been an outsider, but a member of some cooperative or his entourage. Because even a successful and efficient manager from the private sector public service at some point, he realizes that without access to the first person, fundamental issues cannot be resolved. But does Putin have a position on what the Post Office should be like? And why should everything in the state depend on the position of one person?

Nowadays, online shopping has become very common. And any such purchase is accompanied by postage. The Russian Post most often provides us with this service, but, as experience shows, often the recipient of the parcel simply does not reach. After all, the accidental loss of a package can still be understood, but when it comes to outright theft, then this is something out of the ordinary. With all this, the post office employees insolently send you to hell with your complaints. Today we will talk about how the Russian Post is simply wrong and meanly robs people.

Work with clients

Russian Post is famous for its "impeccable" service and "respectful" attitude towards customers. You can stand in line for several hours in order to find out that your parcel is not there, although you have the notification in your hands. And if you ask to look more closely, then there is a high probability that they will be rude to you. The most appropriate decision on your part should be to ask for book of complaints where you can fully express your claims. But this notorious book in many branches of the Russian Post only exists so that visitors can relieve stress and quickly get out of the office.

It's no joke, but not all people who receive packages know what the notification of her arrival looks like. The only thing that saves is the mail tracking service on the mail site. Also, responsible employees can call you and inform you that the package is waiting for you. But there is no stability.

Thank you for this notice

Ancient computers and software incomprehensible to operators is one of the reasons for long queues at Russian Post offices. Indeed, new software, which seems to be to optimize the process of customer service, in fact, exacerbates everything. old computer production in the early 2000s does not always show promptness, which, coupled with untrained personnel, greatly slows down the process. "Computer freezes"- a phrase that sounds like a sentence for people who have stood in line for several hours. And this, alas, is the reality ...

Russian Post carries one relic of the Soviet era - payment utilities in branches. This is in demand mainly by pensioners who are not accustomed to banks. Probably work in large departments separate windows for receiving, sending and paying utility bills, but on average - everything is with one operator and in one queue. And in combination with a slow computer and numerous bills in the hands of every second person in line ... in general, you will have to wait a long and even longer time. Unfortunately, even if some pensioners start going to the bank with a communal apartment, the majority will still visit the post office, if only because it is closer to home. But for people who can and have the opportunity, it is high time to refuse to pay bills at the post office, because paying online is more convenient for you and the people standing in line.

It happens that your letter or parcel is given to another person with the same or similar last name. This often happens with parcels from China., because many of them do not require filling out documentation confirming their receipt.

Has no one ever experienced that you could not send a package because the department simply does not have a box of the required size? In city departments, this problem should not occur, but in settlements it is less relevant. The sender has to look for the box on his own, but such that there would be no inscriptions on it, although it is then still pasted over with a branded film. Again, if the film is ...

Statistics don't lie. Go to any site with reviews and you will see something like this:

The employees themselves motivate the low quality of service and disrespectful attitude towards customers as follows: “We are paid a penny, what do you want from us?”.

The notorious modernization affected only some departments of large cities, in most other places even repairs have not been done since Soviet times.

And if the Yarovaya package still works, then postal operators will be required to check the parcels using various means for the presence of items prohibited for shipment. How convenient, because now the Russian Post will know exactly what they will appropriate by opening your parcel.

If serious damage or traces of an autopsy are found, in theory, you have the right to request a waiver from receiving on the spot, but if you're lucky, tk. you may be told that there are simply no forms for the act.

By the way, in case of problems, you can call room hotline: 8-800-2005-888 . In some cases, they can really help in resolving your issue.

Well, for a snack - a post with a bunch of proofs:

What are the advantages of Russian Post?

Indeed, it is not in vain that, despite all the shortcomings of the Russian Post, many continue to use its services. Let's try to be objective.

As mentioned earlier, among postal employees many competent and responsible employees. Here, for example, some postmen call customers, informing them of the presence of a new parcel.

Problem branches not all over Russia. Despite the heavy workload and low pay, operators continue to remember that they are working with people. Unfortunately reviews about good attitude many times less than those described above, but they do occur.

Compared to numerous transport companies, Russian Post offers relatively low cost of services which is attractive to the public.

Postmen deliver pensions. It really makes life easier for the elderly.

Among the advantages can also be noted enough branches in all corners of our country.

PR visit - an opportunity to nostalgic for Soviet times. Then the queues at the post office were justified, because for many it was the only way to communicate with other cities and regions. Today, with the development communication networks the load in terms of communication has shifted to the Internet and mobile communications.

Convenient site many also call the dignity of the Russian Post. But this is a standard requirement for modern service delivery. Although let's look from the position that for the Russian Post, compliance with at least some standards is already an achievement. On the site you can find out about all postal services, types of parcels, you can track the location of your shipment, and even get help from an online consultant.

There are also mobile app , in which it is convenient to track, find the nearest branches and arrange home delivery of parcels.

Easy to find the nearest branch

Do you know what the most common advantage of the Russian Post is distinguished by Internet users? We quote: "Sometimes letters reach!". Comments are superfluous.


Article compiled exclusively according to customer reviews of the Russian Post which can be found on specialized Internet resources. We do not aim to slander or insult any of the employees and representatives of the Russian Post. In the comments to this article or through you can express disagreement with the entire article or a certain paragraph of it. In the case of reasonable arguments, we undertake to remove the article or its fragment.

Note that this article is more about the branches of small towns and villages, of which there are a myriad in our country and their residents also deserve a human attitude and quality service.

Let's strive for it to be like this everywhere

Director General of the Russian Post Dmitry Strashnov promised that by the end of 2016 parcel from China will reach in 7 days (!)

I propose to talk honestly and openly about where the Russian Post is going and what recent times was done. Of course, we will also talk about employee bonuses. Numbers and other indicators are many, many plans. But first things first.

The current leadership of the Post is the team CEO Dmitry Strashnov, started work in the spring of 2013, that is, 3.5 years ago. The numbers of what has changed during this time, I confess, amazed me.
Remember the New Year's collapse in 2012, when millions of items accumulated in the international sorting center, mostly New Year's greetings and gifts? People then received their overdue gifts for months. Then the media made a lot of noise about it. It seems that this was the starting point for a change in the leadership of the Russian Post, which was unable to establish logistics.

Here are the numbers of the mail flow at that time - 21.7 million items were processed by the organization in 2012 - a lot? Do you know how many shipments are sent now? In 2016, this figure should be approximately 260 million! Growth by 12 times! And have you heard of any collapses after 12 years? This despite the fact that already in 2013 the number of shipments was twice as much - 40 million.

The numbers are amazing, but they say a lot. This is confirmed by the number of claims from consumers - it has decreased by 9 times!

An important point in evaluating the work of mail is the delivery time. I think no one will argue with me especially - they have seriously decreased. 5 years ago, I went to the post office several times a week to receive and send parcels. From abroad, in a normal time, the departure came in 1 out of 5-6 cases (15-20%). Russia also went badly, not much better. Now I am almost not bound by shipments, but the last thing I received from abroad was headphones and they reached my office from Estonia in 5 days! This has never happened to me, no matter how much shipping costs.

By the way, there are also figures on how written items are delivered now. If a we are talking o within the city - more than 90% of shipments are delivered on time. This figure is the world standard. If the shipment goes to another region, then this figure has risen from 47% to almost 90% since the same 2012. Parcels are also not bad, if in the city, then 96% of shipments are delivered 2 days after dispatch. That is, you sent (we don’t count this day), and after 2 days the parcel should already be delivered. Not bad, right?

Thus, in almost all indicators, multiple growth. Yes, and if we talk about figures, they are certified by the supervising ministry - the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, and the indicators are verified by an audit company.

And now about the painful - about salaries. I already wrote about Strashnov's salary and bonus. The bottom line is that there is a formula for calculating it. The salary of the general is quite normal, at the level of a minister. But he receives an annual bonus according to the formula established by the government. The Ministry accrues it to him. Therefore, here we can only talk about the injustice of the formula or something like that. As they say, the law is the law (lex dura sed lex)

Here is the formula for calculating Dmitry Strashnov's prize:

At the same time, many compare the income of the Post's management with the salaries of ordinary employees. The difference is really big. But here we must understand that 350 thousand people work in the structure and there have always been small salaries. It will not be possible to take and increase them several times at once - there will not be enough money for this, because the funds still have to be allocated for the modernization of logistics, departments, and equipment.

At the same time, this order of things with salaries has been dragging on for more than a dozen years. Over the past couple of years, under Strashnov, the average salary of an employee has grown by almost 30%, and now this figure is 20.8 thousand rubles. Personally, my salary has not changed for 4 years, but here it is somehow growing. This was especially noticeable in 2014, when 11 billion were allocated for salaries, this year they repeated 9 billion. In percentage terms, this is almost 30% over the past 3 years. That is, there is dynamics. And this despite the fact that the Russian Post has ceased to receive subsidies from the state.

And now about plans for the future. Everyone understands that many services are unprofitable, although basically these are socially significant things - the Internet in sparsely populated areas at post offices, delivery of items in the North of the country, subscription to the press, etc. However, these costs can be outweighed by profit in other components, for example, to work more with the international network, not to pay everyone in a row for parcel delivery services to Russia, but to do it themselves, which is what the Post does. To do this, it is planned to launch the Beijing-Moscow-Berlin mail train, open representative offices and offices abroad. The income comes from Post Bank, which opened this year. At the end of the year, the Post will already receive dividends, which is extremely fast for a new business. There are many ways to cut costs. For example, for this purpose, the Post bought two aircraft and began to carry shipments itself (not all yet), and not pay airlines for it. The organization has several tens of thousands of objects on its balance sheet. Here, too, you need to look at what to leave, and what to give / sell / rent.

I thought - but everything is quite good. Somehow, such things are not told to us by the media, but there is clearly a light at the end of the tunnel. Therefore, if we talk about salaries, they should be compared with the results. There are results. Remains only main question- will they be a turning point and we will get a modern and successful Russian Post or will it all get washed out, everything will shake up again and we will slide back again. I would like this story to come to an end, then it will be possible to talk about the results. And now I just want to give the opportunity to work.


According to the Internet, Russian Post is an "evil corporation". Her creed is chaos. Break everything and lose for your money! One branch - one window. Got in line? Write a will. Yes, just in case. “There are many of you, but I am alone” is the most polite thing you can hear from a postal employee. And why don't they still hang the portrait of the "haml of the month" in a conspicuous place?

But maybe it's not all that bad? Not everything is lost?

Transferring responsibility is easy. But what if we create some of the problems with Russian Post ourselves? What if we just don't know the rules and download non-existent rights?

Calmly! Do not rush to be indignant in the comments: “They don’t know the laws! Stand up for Russian Railways!” Just read to the end. We will tell you how to interact with Russian Post without unnecessary expenses and hassle.

Learning to distinguish a parcel from a parcel

According to Federal Law No. 176 "On Postal Communication", postal items include:

  • letters;
  • postcards (postcards);
  • Money transfers;
  • periodicals;
  • small packages;
  • parcels;
  • parcels.

In the 21st century, many of them seem irrelevant. We do not read newspapers, but news agency tapes. We communicate and build business by email. We send money from card to card. But even geeks have to deal with small packages, parcels and parcels. What without them?

small package- international postal item containing small items. Maximum weight- 2 kg. Does not require special packaging.
Parcel- postage with an attachment in the form of printed publications (books, magazines, newspapers), business papers, manuscripts, photographs. The maximum weight is 2 kg. For parcels consisting exclusively of books - 5 kg.
Package- postage for sending things. Minimum dimensions: 114 x 162 mm or 110 x 220 mm.

All shipments are divided into simple and registered. Simple ones are accepted and delivered without any receipts and signatures. I bought an envelope with a stamp, sent a letter, and the addressee will look in the mailbox and receive it. In the second case, everything is documented: the sender receives a receipt, and the recipient receives a notification.

Registered postal items are:

  1. Custom(letters, postcards, parcels, small packages) - delivered against signature, if desired, you can order a notification of delivery.
  2. Valuable(letters, parcels, parcels) - when sending, an assessment of the cost of the investment is made, sometimes an inventory is drawn up.
  3. With cash on delivery- Shipping fee is charged from the addressee upon receipt.

Why all these details? It’s just that the conditions, terms and cost of shipping depend on the type of shipment.

Pechkin knows his stuff! That's just, as you understand, according to the current rules, you can’t send a poker with a parcel post (only written correspondence and documents), and the parcel can weigh less than a kilogram. For example, you decide to send your beloved grandmother a book (500 grams) and a box of chocolates (300 grams) as a gift. Due to the sweet content, the shipment will be considered a parcel: it will be packed in a special plastic bag or cardboard box. And if there was only a book, it would pass for a parcel post.

But sometimes “non-standard” attachments are also issued as a parcel. For example, magnets, cosmetic samples or seeds. This is done when the investment is not heavy and every minute counts.

First class vs EMS

Allocate the following ways mail forwarding:

  1. ground- letters and parcels are delivered by rail, road and other land transport.
  2. Avia- air delivery.
  3. Combined- part of the way the departure travels on the ground, and part flies.
  4. Accelerated- delivery times are reduced by a few days.

In the inner postal message Air travel is almost non-existent. As a result, shipments take quite a long time. The further, the longer. For example, the term for a simple letter from Ulyanovsk to Moscow is five days. Do you want to go faster? No problem! Choose first class.

First class mail- these are expedited domestic postal items, the delivery time of which is 25-30% lower than usual. In addition, the processing and collection of first class shipments is always a priority, and their delivery is not subject to seasonal restrictions. True, they cost more.

In other words, first class shipments are delivered quickly and anywhere. Main deadlines their shipments are in a special table.

But only letters and parcels are sent first class. Not parcels! And here comes the time for exceptions.

Solve the problem. You need to send seeds of rare plants to your forester uncle. But in autumn the road to his taiga village is washed away so that the only available transport is a helicopter. Arrives once a week. Question: how to deliver seeds to uncle without waiting for winter, when the thaw ends? Solution: ask the postal worker to arrange the package as a first class parcel. Uncle will get the seeds with the first helicopter.

First class should not be confused with EMS delivery.

EMS(Express Mail Service) is a service for express delivery of items. She is engaged in a branch of the Russian Post - the EMS Russian Post service. Domestic express delivery is carried out throughout the country, and international express delivery operates in more than 190 countries around the world.

EMS is door to door delivery. The courier will pick up the parcel directly from your home or office and deliver it to any point. EMS Russian Post has its own transport network, here they guarantee safety and make it possible to insure the shipment against damage or loss. Express shipping is more expensive than expedited shipping.

How to determine the cost

Shipping costs are affected by:

  1. Type of departure: letter / parcel / parcel; custom / valuable / simple / cash on delivery.
  2. Delivery method: regular or expedited.
  3. Value.
  4. Distance.

In the case of a registered parcel, the payment is taken only for the weight, the distance does not affect the cost. The cost of a valuable parcel, as well as other valuable items, depends on the distance, weight and the amount of the assessment plus 4%. So, if you valued the parcel at one hundred rubles, then four more rubles will be added to the tariff for distance and weight.

Passport and other documents are sent only valuable letters(parcels) with a mandatory description of the attachment.

Senders often deliberately underestimate the amount of the estimate. If there is no difference, why pay more? But there is still a difference. When a parcel is lost, the sender is compensated for the amount of the assessment, regardless of the real value of the investment. One hundred rubles is one hundred rubles.

Do not swear if the operator calls a different amount: this is not a whim. The calculator does not take into account the regional features of the shipment, the cost of packaging and others. Additional services(more on them below). It is unlikely that you will be "cheated": the calculation of the shipping cost is carried out by a computer, where the operator enters all the necessary parameters.

How to send

Step 1. Decide on the type of shipment

Parcel or small package? Custom or Valuable? Regular or expedited shipping?

Dance is worth what you want to send. Please note that some items are prohibited from shipping. individuals. Here is the list. For example, sending a humidor with Cuban cigars to a friend in a neighboring city is no problem. And the same set for a friend abroad is no longer possible.

Step 2. Making out

Parcels sent across Russia without a list of attachments can be collected at home - put things in a box, shift them with a pimply film. At the post office, they will check everything, glue the parcel with branded tape and put down the details. If you want to make an inventory, then it is better not to worry about packaging at all. It is more convenient to collect the parcel directly to post office: anyway, the operator will carefully check each attachment and enter it into the inventory.

Sending fragile breaking things, you can additionally secure. Ask the employee to put a “Caution!” label on the package. Then, according to the rules, it must be carefully packed and passed from hand to hand without throwing it away. You will have to pay extra for safety - plus 30%.

It is very important to write the recipient's address correctly. How to fill out the "where / to whom" form, read.

Packing mail, filling out accompanying forms, such as customs, compiling inventories of attachments, writing addresses and written communications All these are additional services. They are paid separately and are not available in all post offices.

In other words, the operator is not obliged to write the address or fill out the customs declaration for you. If you cannot do it yourself, they will help you, but you will have to pay extra.

How to track

You can follow the movement of registered mail items. In the international message, there are track codes for this, in the domestic one - a 14-character identifier.

It is on the check issued in the mail. By entering the identifier in a special form on the site, you can find out where the package is.

You can also track postal items using the Russian Post application. Yes, they have an app!

The application is very convenient. You can at any time find out where the package is located, and if its status changes (“Left sorting center”, “Received by addressee”), the application will beep. You can also find the nearest post office, find out the postcode by address, and even chat with the support team! There is also a "unique" service for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. But more on that later.

Russian Post has another service that few people know about. These are SMS notifications about the arrival of a registered postal item or its delivery. To activate this service, you need to fill out an application by mail, indicating your phone number. The cost of one SMS is 10 rubles. You can pay for the service upon receipt of the parcel. A fly in the ointment is a one-time service.

How to receive

Step 1. We receive a notification

If a registered mail arrives in your name and address, you will be notified. A piece of paper with good news - a notice - will be dropped into your mailbox. From it it will become clear what kind of shipment was sent to you, when, from where, and also how much it weighs.

Notices are primary and secondary. The primary is issued, as a rule, the next day after the parcel arrives at the department (let's take this type of shipment as an example). That is, if the parcel arrived on the 1st, then the notice will most likely be issued on the 2nd. This is due to the fact that correspondence usually arrives at the departments after lunch and it takes time to process it.

From the moment the initial notification is issued, the countdown begins, during which the recipient must pick up the parcel. This is five business days. If for some reason you didn’t have enough of them and you didn’t pick up the parcel (you left, fell ill, there was no time), then a secondary notice will be written out in your name. It also happens that a person did not come, because he did not receive the initial notification. After all, it can fall out of mailbox, it can be stolen, it can go unnoticed by sticking to the wall of the box.

If you come for the package on the day of receipt of the secondary notice or the next morning, then no storage fee will be charged. But if you show up only on the 15th or 22nd, you will have to pay 5 rubles for each day of “downtime”.

Step 2. Go to the post office

The recipient must complete reverse side notifications, indicating their passport data, surname and putting a date and signature. At the post office you will need to present a notice and a passport.

According to the law, the main document proving the identity of a citizen Russian Federation on the territory of Russia, is a passport (birth certificate). Equal legal force has a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form No. 2-P). Passport, driver's license, record book, pension certificate and the like are not identity documents.

The postal employee will check the correctness of filling out the notice and the correspondence of the passport data. Then he will bring the parcel, weigh it in front of you (permissible error is 70 grams) and hand it over.

Many mistakenly believe that they can open the package on the spot and, if something is damaged inside, immediately demand compensation for harm. De jure, you can open a parcel at the post office in two cases:

  1. Parcel with attachment description. In this case, the operator, with the consent of the client, must open the box and check if all the items are in place.
  2. The outer shell is broken. If there are “traces of hacking”, you can ask to open the package. In this case, the head of the post office is invited and a special act is drawn up. If it turns out that something is missing in the package, an investigation begins.

We write a power of attorney

You can receive a registered postal item in person or through a trusted person. But, of course, they won’t just give the parcel to the post office, even if it’s your wife / mother / son, and even if they come with your passport. You need a power of attorney.

The power of attorney must be in writing. Write: “I, such and such, residing there, passport data such and such, trust such and such, residing there, passport data such and such, to receive registered mail coming in my name.”

It is better to write exactly "registered mail". If you specify a parcel, then a small package or letter will no longer be given, and the power of attorney will turn out to be virtually one-time.

The power of attorney must be authenticated. You don't have to go to a notary! You can certify the power of attorney to receive mail at the place of work or study, the place of treatment. It is important that the document is crowned with the main seal of the institution (organization) and endorsed by the signature of the head with a transcript. A power of attorney with a “seal for reference” and a stroke of some accountant will not work.

Will they bring it home?

People who value their time and hate queues can use this paid service Russian Post, like home delivery. There are two options.

  1. Delivery of small packages. If the package weighs less than two kilograms, you can call the number indicated in the notice and order delivery. Delivery is made in working time postman at the address indicated on the item. The recipient must present a passport. The cost of the service is 100 rubles.
  2. Delivery of parcels by courier. Remember, we said that residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg who use the Russian Post application have a privilege? So, with the help of the application, they can order courier (!) delivery of the parcel. Delivery will be carried out within two days from the date of the application (every day from 9:00 to 20:00). The parcel is handed to the addressee upon presentation of a passport. The cost of the service is 199 rubles.

I will complain!

Lifehacker has already written about what to do, and. Detailed articles - read, do not be lazy. Today we will tell you how to complain about a postal employee if, for example, he was rude to you (oh horror!) Or provided services inappropriately.

Method number 1

Every post office has a book of applications and offers. You can safely roll the slander right there. According to the rules, this book should be checked daily. When new entry a copy is made and sent to the control and reference service of the Russian Post. The responsible person writes an explanatory note to the application.

Method number 2

Contact the Help Desk directly. Control and reference service Russian Post considers citizens' appeals, provides background information, and searches for postal items. Phone: 8-800-2005-888. Email: [email protected]

A little advice: before writing a complaint, remember that on the other side of the barricades there is a person with a very unenviable salary. But if your rights are really violated, be sure to defend them!

There is a great joke about Russian Post. But not everyone gets it.

Russian Post is more than just an organization. Nobody denies that there are problems. Big problems. But before scolding mail, try to make friends with it. As you can see, the rules there are simple. You will master and be able to save time, money and nerves.

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