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What is purchase protection for devices. Insurance company alfastrakhovanie - reviews

MegaFon together with AlfaStrakhovanie announce the start of sales of insurance policies for smartphones and tablets in MegaFon stores. New products will help protect the owner of the insured gadget from various major damages that lead to its partial or complete breakdown, for example, when unintentionally flooded with water.

To issue an insurance policy for a smartphone or tablet, only the full name of an adult client and a phone number are required. It is paid through cash desks at MegaFon sales offices. The policy comes into force the next day after the purchase and is valid for one year. The effect of any of the insurance products applies to one insured event.

The price of the product Purchase Protection Purchase Protection Plus Additional Warranty
up to 3,000 rubles 25% 35% 19%
3,000 - 4,999 rubles 15% 17% 10%
5,000 - 9,999 rubles 11% 16% 9%
10,000 - 19,999 rubles. 9% 12% 8%
20,000 - 39,999 rubles. 7 % 11% 7%
There are two plans available for the buyer to choose from - "Purchase Protection" and "Purchase Protection Plus", as well as an additional hardware warranty. The first two insurance products provide protection against breakage due to exposure to liquid, current surges, illegal actions of third parties, fire, lightning strike or gas explosion. In addition, the "Purchase Protection" policy includes such risks as natural disasters and write-off of funds from the SIM-card account in case of loss of the device. "Purchase Protection Plus" in addition to the basic protection insures against breakdowns of a smartphone or tablet due to falling from a height, damage in an accident and falling objects on the device. An additional warranty provides an extended warranty package for a year after the manufacturer's obligations have expired.

“Our subscribers have repeatedly asked questions about smartphone insurance upon purchase, this topic is especially interesting for schoolchildren's parents. We meet the needs of our customers and launch an unusual insurance product together with partners from AlfaStrakhovanie, which will help device owners to be calm about their device”, - said Denis MALIKOV, Director for Business Development in the Mass Market of the Siberian Branch of MegaFon PJSC.

“For most people, a smartphone is one of the most important daily accessories, theft or damage of which results in both domestic difficulties and significant financial losses. Our insurance will help compensate for these losses to MegaFon customers in the event of negative events, - comments Alina Sokolova, Vice President of AlfaStrakhovanie, Director of the Department for Work with Financial Institutions. “We are pleased to start cooperation with MegaFon and are confident that salon customers will appreciate our insurance product.”

Good afternoon! There was a trace. situation: 11/02/2015 bought a smartphone in Svyaznoy. At the time of purchase imposed insurance for 910 rubles. Promising unequivocally and not ambiguously that in case of damage, we will be repaired for free or replaced with a new one. If we do not use the repair within a year, then in a year the money can be returned.

A week ago, the child breaks the display, remember about insurance. I call fear. company - they say that I have to repair the phone at my own expense and only on the basis of the act of issue. works and documents confirming payment for repairs, I can apply for a refund, but on condition that the act is no. work must be no later than the validity of the insurance, i.e. 11/18/15 We contact Svyaznoy. They take 650 rubles from us. for the diagnosis and promise to repair in 3 days. We rent the phone, as always, we take our word for it (A week later I call, I’m interested in what’s wrong with the phone, they answer that they allegedly sent me an SMS about agreeing on paid repairs. We discuss with the girl that I agree to paid repairs, provided that the act of issuing works from I will be there no later than 11/18/15. The girl convinces me that they will give me an act of agreeing on the repair price on 10/30/15, with which I will go to the insurance. ONLY the act of issuance of work and no other.Moreover, I find in the insurance contract that damage is NOT subject to insurance compensation and that the insurance amount is not returned to me under any circumstances. means that I will be reimbursed for the repair.I am deceived at every step, but these are all words to my misfortune.I call Svyaznoy again, trying to refuse an expensive repair, and they tell me that I can no longer refuse, because they began to repair it (this is after three hours after discussing the terms of the repair) And the repair will last 60 days, min. 45 days. Please tell me, are Alfastrakhovanie and Svyaznoy right in their actions? Does it make sense to pay for expensive repairs? It seems to me that in the gateway the same repair will be many times cheaper. In a liaison, they convinced me that I should give it to them only for repairs. If the phone is not returned to me and I have to pay for expensive repairs, can I then recover it from someone?

Hello! Thank you for contacting the Human Rights Center.

You have the right to refuse to provide the service at any time, in connection with which you need to send an application to Svyaznoy as soon as possible to refuse the service and return the phone to you. The application must be prepared in two copies, on one of which the employee of the organization must mark the acceptance of the application. If the phone is not returned, this will be the basis for applying for the protection of the violated right in court.

The purchase insurance protection service has appeared in Russia recently, but has already become popular, especially among those who purchase rather expensive items.

Many banks now have this service, it provides additional protection for things bought on credit.

A bank client, after purchasing various things, can insure them for an additional fee, this is like an additional guarantee, but unlike the classic one, such insurance covers a larger number of insured events.

The essence of purchase protection

This insurance is a kind of conventional property insurance, if you bought a thing on credit, it will help a lot. Unfortunately, insurance in Russia is not as developed as in the West, especially voluntary insurance, such as purchase protection insurance, although it has many advantages.

If you issue it, you can receive a reward for the loss of the purchased property, which is important if it was purchased on credit, because if there is no insurance, you will be left without a purchase and with an outstanding loan, which is very unpleasant.

If the insurance is issued, it will be possible to save a lot on the repair of broken equipment.

  • Purchase insurance usually covers cases not covered by the product warranty, this may be theft or deliberate damage to the purchased product by third parties.
  • You can insure your purchase against breakage and complete destruction in the event of a fire, flood, man-made accident or other natural disaster, or any damage for reasons that are not covered by the warranty.
  • This insurance policy will cover almost all possible cases of damage to the goods, which again reminds, only here we are talking about credit property.

There are several ways to insure the purchased item. You can pay for insurance directly at the checkout of the store where the purchase was made. Brand stores of large companies almost always have such a service.

If the store does not have a partnership with the insurer, you can immediately contact the insurance company. Large retail chains often give an additional guarantee, for example, a breakdown of equipment due to a voltage drop can be compensated.

Insurance can be purchased immediately with the product. Many banks provide automatic insurance for goods if they were paid for with a premium card.

To obtain such insurance, you need to keep the insurance receipt and all documentation for the equipment, sometimes you need to keep the original packaging. If an insured event occurs, then you need to contact the insurance agent of the company that insured the purchase, you must have an insurance contract and a receipt for the purchase with you.

If the case is recognized as insured, then it will not be difficult to receive payment. If there are problems with this, you need to contact a lawyer and go to court, if necessary.

In general, any insurance contracts must be concluded together with a professional lawyer, this will be a good guarantee of your rights.

If you take out a consumer loan to purchase any property, it is better to buy it in those stores that have an agreement with your bank on insurance. These questions need to be clarified in advance so as not to be left without protection. Although this service is now available from most major banks and shops.

Now such a policy can be issued very quickly, in 5 minutes or less. At the same time, inspection and evaluation of the goods are not required, no applications for insurance, the policy is usually valid for a year after registration.

Usually there is a limit on the purchase price, things are usually insured with a price above $50. Acquisitions worth up to $ 1,500 are usually compensated as much as possible. Typically, such programs are valid for up to 2 years from the date of purchase. When applying for a policy, it is important to look at and thoroughly know them, this will help you in disputable situations.

The warranty extension does not apply to all products, for example, it does not work when it comes to boats, buildings, land, motor vehicles. Thus, perishable goods, plants, animals are not insured.

Over time, this program will expand, as it is the most convenient, beneficial for banks and loan recipients, it allows both parties to feel more confident.

If you take any loan to buy something, then it is important to understand whether your bank has such a service, and if so, then you must definitely receive a policy. In general, the more insurance contracts any person has, the better.

It is necessary to try to conclude contracts, both for compulsory and voluntary insurance, life, health and property insurance is very important, there are accumulative insurance programs, they will be an excellent investment in the future of children, and now there is much more. It is important to have more information about insurance and use it, it can give you a number of benefits.

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good afternoon, I have never written any comments anywhere on the internet, but here it is simply unbearable! I insured an iPhone 7 on the recommendation of a salesperson. Naturally, I did not read the VTB24 contract. everything turned out to be not that difficult, but not working at all !!! no phone will be quickly repaired for you, nothing will be quickly changed! Moreover, do not forget the franchise - they will deduct it !!! to my question why? read the contract! and I still don't understand why! I didn’t have a great death, but I broke the GLASS! further will wait for the term under the contract. moreover, in the statement of the messenger 60 workers and 90 calendar days of VTB are confused at every opportunity. throughout the entire term, I called several times in unsuccessful attempts to find out where the phone was. Today is 90 days! agreed to exchange the phone for a new one. How can I change my phone for 3 months? well crap! special tightening of terms so that the insurance was shorter in time. the insurance for the period of repair is not extended! all managers in both connected and vtb answer WAIT. how many? the answer is wait. among other things, God forbid you lost something from the phone kit ... so they may not be accepted for repair. Again, an important point - attention! - if you just drop your phone on the pavement, you will be denied! you need to write in the application exactly how it really was - someone was talking on the phone and pushed - the phone fell. write everything as it was! Hurry without giving details - they will refuse. this was explained to me in a liaison.
but that is not the whole point of what is happening at all. Of course I waited a week. I realized that without options and bought another seven realizing that this swamp is not passable.
as a result, I lost time on the order of an hour in a connected statement. I lost a couple of hours on calls, chimes when VTB sends to the connected one, and vice versa, they go back. Why do I need it at all? I wanted to file a claim, wait a reasonable amount of time and get a repaired phone. I have something to do other than hang on waiting!!!
one big negative. I wanted the best, but it turned out that we again drove around on a crooked goat.
it is clear what is written in small handwriting in the contract and of course you need to read it, but I limited myself to the seller's comments.
on paper THEY are right - but in life ... it's just a scam.
I'm not complaining. I don't care at all. Bought another and that's it.
and if someone insured and the phone is really needed? and if the last bought? Yes, it's just a utopia! insurance does NOT work in the normal sense! Of course, they will probably give it back ... but when and what is not clear.
Why am I waiting for a phone for 3 months and the term of the insurance contract is running out? what phone does it cover in this case? the one that died or the new one on the way? There is NO subject of insurance, but the term is coming)))) tin.
Otherwise, no comment. I just wrote how it all works in reality.

Alas, there are no truly effective ways to make your smartphone or tablet unsinkable, unbreakable and categorically unbreakable. A factory warranty protects you from manufacturer errors, not your own. However, there is a great opportunity to protect yourself from serious consequences, primarily in the financial sense. Gadget insurance will help get rid of the phobia of a tiled floor and a deep pool; the service in MTS retail is called “Purchase Protection”.

Insurance, unlike a guarantee, will allow you to eliminate a breakdown or compensate for the money spent on a smartphone if you can only blame yourself.

Where and how can I get insurance?

In the MTS store immediately when buying a gadget: just tell the seller about your desire.

What can I insure?

The "Purchase Protection" service is available only for electronic equipment that does not belong to the category of accessories. For example, a smartphone, camera or tablet can be insured, but headphones or an SD card cannot.

How can insurance help me?

In almost any variant of a breakdown that occurred due to your negligence, but at the same time, the broken gadget remained with you.

So, if you dropped your smartphone into the bath, smashed the screen of the gadget, or broke the case by dropping it, this is an insured event. But a device forgotten in a tram does not fall under the “Purchase Protection” service, and if you dropped your phone into the river and couldn’t get it, either.

What if my phone was stolen?

First of all, this is a crime, and therefore the police must first deal with it. However, you may well count on the return of the money spent on the gadget under the Purchase Protection insurance if the police close the criminal case, as a result of the investigation of which the loss will not return to you. In addition, if the phone fell into the wrong hands, this type of insurance provides for the return of funds criminally spent from your mobile account - up to 1000 rubles.

For how long can you get insurance?

Purchase Protection is valid for one year.

Who can take out insurance?

Any adult customer in an MTS retail store. You will need to provide your name, date of birth and mobile phone number.

How much does the service cost?

The cost depends on the price of the device. For example, for gadgets for 5 and 10 thousand rubles, Purchase Protection will cost 999 and 1,299 rubles, respectively. Protection of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge smartphone with 128 GB of memory, which costs 49,990 rubles, will cost 3,469 rubles, the iPhone 6S with 128 GB of memory will cost 5,349 rubles.

Taking into account the fact that the replacement of glass on the flagship models of Samsung and iPhone will cost you 10-13 thousand rubles, insurance will help you save a lot even in the first "emergency" case.

What will I get after taking out the insurance?

An insurance policy from VTB Insurance, a partner of MTS, as well as an annex to the policy describing all the conditions for the provision of the service.

How much is my insurance claim?

If the insured item is beyond repair, you will receive the full amount shown on the receipt confirming the purchase of the item. If, for example, the gadget has a broken display, then Purchase Protection will allow you to replace it for free. The very possibility of repair is determined by a certified service center.

What should I do in case of an insured event?

Contact the insurance company:

  • by phone 8-800-100-44-40, the call is free throughout Russia;
  • by phone 0544, the call is free throughout Russia;
  • by phone 8-495-644-44-40, for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Employees of the insurance company will advise you on the next steps. If we are talking about some ordinary trouble, after which the gadget that has become faulty remains with you, you will need to independently take it to any certified service center indicated by the insurance company - there they will either repair the gadget for free or give you a conclusion that repair is not possible. In some cases, you will be asked to repair the device at your own expense, and the insurance company will compensate for the money spent on this. The cost of repairs will be indicated in the conclusion of the service center.

What should I do after receiving the conclusion of the service center?

Contact the insurance company again. You will need an insurance policy, a conclusion from a service center and, very importantly, a receipt that you received when buying a gadget. If the check is lost, the insurance company has the right to refuse service to you.

Instead of a gadget that cannot be repaired, you will either get the same device, or a similar one from the same price category. If the proposed choice does not suit you, you will be refunded the purchase price.

How soon is the issue of reimbursement of funds for insurance or replacement of the gadget considered?

The insurance company makes a decision on payments within 10 days.

Whether there is a some other types of gadget insurance?

Yes. When buying any electronic equipment at MTS, you can also extend its warranty for a period of one to three years - the service is called Additional Service Maintenance (DSS). Such insurance will protect you only against breakdowns for which the manufacturer is responsible - their list is indicated in the factory warranty for the device. Having taken out such insurance at MTS, as a bonus for the first year after purchase, you will be insured against device breakdown caused by a power surge during charging - the usual guarantee does not cover these risks.

How much does a warranty extension cost?

It depends on the period of additional warranty and the cost of the insured device. For example, an increase in the warranty period from one year to three for devices worth 5,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles will cost you 949 and 1,199 rubles, respectively. The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with 128 GB of storage mentioned above will need to pay 2,699 rubles to get two extra years of insurance, and an additional one-year warranty on the iPhone 6S with 128 GB of memory costs 3,299 rubles.

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