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What is Yandex.Browser. The eternal question: which is better - Google or Yandex

Fight of giants. Why is it impossible to be in the TOP of 2 systems at the same time? What is the difference between Google promotion and Yandex promotion? What are the features of each of the search engines?

The search engine and information processing in Google differs from the same parameters in Yandex. Many optimizers are interested in these differences, as these data allow success in .

First you need to understand the features of the distribution of information in the search engine.

First of all, it is necessary to give a decoding of the concept - Seo?

In English, it sounds like “Search Engine Optimization”, translated as “search engine optimization”, these are ways to promote the position of the site, as well as methods for eliminating the imperfections of its algorithm.

Update frequency

An important indicator is the frequency of updates.

An update in search engines is a change in the algorithms for distributing sites when issuing, as well as adding new objects to the index. Due to the fact that when updating the algorithm, the position of the site can change significantly, parameters such as frequency, understanding of the purpose and type of update are of great importance.

The Google system works using the Caffeine algorithm, in this case the change in the issuance is carried out in real time. Yandex search results are updated after updates are changed.

The Yandex system uses three types of main updates:

3. Update of behavioral factors.

After analyzing search engines, we can conclude that despite the use of updates, Yandex search results are updated much faster than Google.

It is possible to track changes in Yandex search results using the site, Google - You can also use programs such as SeoLib and Seobudget to perform change analysis.

Use of links

The Yandex search engine is more loyal to the use of links, while Google is actively involved in the fight against the use of purchased links: manual and automatic mechanisms are used for this.

In the world of search engines, a strange fact has become known: Google representatives say that they are not going to turn off link ranking, while Yandex representatives talk about the gradual abolition of link distribution. This is a kind of contradiction. What search engine should optimizers refer to in this case in order to succeed in ?

Link anchors.

At the moment, links are also used in Yandex. To achieve the maximum benefit from the introduction, it is necessary to use a certain number of direct occurrences of keywords in link anchors. Anchorless links are ineffective for this search engine, in practice they are used to increase the weight of the page.

If we talk about the Google search engine, non-anchor and branded links function wonderfully in it, and the introduction of anchors leads to a huge risk in .

Promotion under different PS

Priority in the choice of PS

How to achieve success in promoting a network resource in both search engines?

If the site was created recently, it is worth giving priority to Google, as it perceives the appearance of new sites faster, unlike Yandex. It is easier to take a successful position in the shortest possible time. As soon as you achieve good results in Google, you can switch to Yandex, as it will already rank the site.

In any case, in order to achieve success in any search engine, it is necessary to optimize it competently and enrich it with high-quality links.

Distribution of reference masses by regions.

The regionality of a link in Google search results is almost irrelevant. Links created in the US domain zone have a great effect on the distribution of sites in the CIS countries. However, the same cannot be said about the Yandex search engine, here regionality plays an important role. In no case should this indicator be forgotten.

Snippets management.

The snippet may contain the following information: links from the site; the date of creation of the information of interest or the number of comments to it; a preview of the video, if any, and other necessary information.

In the modern world, network competition is developing every day. The optimizer has to fight for each visitor to the site. This is the main reason why the search snippet should be especially informative and interesting for users. If your site has a high-quality and interesting snippet of site visitors, there will be plenty of site visitors, even if the position of the site is not the best.

However, not everything is so simple, managing snippets is quite difficult. Google selects the snippet from the description meta tag.

The use of rich snippets is allowed only in a limited number of topics. This applies to both one and the other search engine. In the Google search engine, several types of microdata are used in practice. Yandex has developed and plans to use its own platform "Islands" in the near future, the functionality of which is approximately the same.

Age category of the site.

It is quite difficult for new sites to take a good position in the search results of the Yandex system. Analyzing requests in Yandex for VK requests, it is clear that young sites practically do not occupy successful positions, but this does not mean at all that old sites contain better and more unique answers to the question posed. It's just that Yandex has known them longer.

The frequency of updates and the age of sites in Yandex play the most important role in website promotion.

Google, on the other hand, is not interested in the age of the site, it is important for it to be informative and useful for visitors. In Google, it is easier for a young site to get a decent position and development.

Content update frequency

The more often the content on the site is updated, the higher the authority of this network resource in the Google search engine. Yandex in this case prefers older resources, but takes into account their uniqueness.

In principle, both search engines respond well to new and unique content. However, when it comes to Runet, Google takes into account the frequency of site updates with new ones, and Yandex takes into account the importance of the posted information. Yandex is well acquainted with Russian morphology and easily determines the quality of the hosted resource.

behavioral factors.

The creators of Google never talked about the importance of behavioral factors in the distribution of sites in search results.

Opinions often differ about behavioral factors, and no one can determine the importance of their influence on ranking. However, those who have personally experimented with behavioral factors in the search results of systems claim that Yandex is much easier to influence by changing the behavioral factors of a site.

Google, on the other hand, knows how to deal with manipulation by changing behavioral factors. And, as a rule, in Google there is no way to influence the ranking results in this way.

Request regionality

In Yandex, the search region, unlike Google, has a more important role. In a domestic search engine, it is quite difficult to increase the ranking due to geo-dependent queries, being in a different region. Since the search results of different regions differ markedly, especially after the installation of the Artemovsk algorithm in the Yandex search engine.

In Google, this indicator plays a secondary role, it takes into account the trust of the site.

Promotion in card issue.

Both search engines have a card issue used for geo-dependent queries. Google card distribution algorithms are popular and very easy to manage, while influencing the Yandex card is very difficult, almost impossible.

Content uniqueness.

Yandex surpassed all search engines in recognizing Russian words and texts. In this, no one can compare with him.

In online resources, it is often mentioned that for Google, the query for the words “Doors” and “Door” are different queries. This is not true and it is easy to prove. You just need to enter a query for these words in both search engines and compare the result. It will be practically no different.

The fact that Yandex recognizes the Russian language better was confirmed by the percentage of sites affected by Yandex AGS and Google Panda. These algorithms were created to fight spam. Panda is a threat only to those sites that host too many non-unique texts or their complete absence. Even a site that hosts texts after a simple rewrite can suffer from ACS. Cm.

Content re-optimization

There are several types of basic spam sites.

Re-optimization of content in this case consists in re-optimization of texts. The spam filter is much more commonly used in Yandex. This search engine pessimizes texts for the frequent use of keywords.

Google is not so strict about the frequent use of keys.

Internal linking

Using internal linking in Yandex, as a rule, does not bring any result. In Google, properly used linking will increase the position of the site and traffic for low-frequency and high-frequency queries.

Internal optimization.

Yandex strictly takes into account the quality of pages. If a young site contains non-unique content, Yandex is unlikely to add it to the index. Google counts these pages either in the main index or in supplemental results.

Yandex presentation on the topic: "Solving the problem of site indexing".

The Google search engine always recognizes only one link to a URL from a page, while in Yandex the weight is redistributed between all links, which can lead to reaching one page after several queries.

In the Yandex search engine, it is quite difficult to glue the site's mirror (with www and without www). For this, a separate Host:- directive has been created in the robots.txt file.

Ranking by informational/transactional requests

In the Yandex search engine, transactional requests are carried out through the introduction of the new Spektr technology. It allows you to take into account the needs of users and add various types of requested information to the issue. In Google, the distribution of transactional queries occurs due to the priority of documents in the search engine. Also, Google sometimes assigns a different type to these kinds of requests. Can display it as informational.

The disadvantage of Google is that it quite often incorrectly determines the type of request. For this reason, it is quite difficult to increase the position of commercial requests. When it comes to the Yandex search engine, the situation changes, here often the information request contains commercial links.

Machine learning

In Yandex in 2009, a machine learning algorithm was introduced, which allows the search engine to independently build models that can train and build their own work algorithms. This algorithm is called Matrixnet. Such training is carried out according to the statistics of assessments of assessors. Assessors are people who evaluate the usefulness of using certain search results. Google does not encourage the use of machine learning.

Time for

In Google, sites are moving much faster than in Yandex. The reason for this, as mentioned above, is the age of the site, the frequency of updates, and the popularity of the resource for the Russian search engine.

If some key differences in the ranking of Google Yandex search engines were not mentioned in this article, comments and questions can be asked here

This story is as old as the world. A person invents a search engine, after a while it ceases to meet his requirements, and he goes to another system. Seriously, for many years the Russian-speaking population of our planet has been arguing about which is better - Google or Yandex. The great battle of the titans is still going on. It should be noted that both systems work very well, and if we talk about the quality of the search, then the results of the search engines are relevant.

Which is better - Google or Yandex: how can it be without criteria?

Let's try to determine the criteria according to which the capabilities of these search engines are evaluated.

However, when choosing Google or Yandex, there are few universal signs for evaluation, and enough subjective ones. We single out the two most significant types of features in terms of scale - the quality of the search and ease of use.

In each group, you can find many criteria that are important for people when using a particular search engine. If we talk about how Yandex differs from Google, then first of all - by search engine promotion methods, but this topic should be discussed in more detail.

Let's take a look at the points

First of all, a certain number of users, first of all, need convenience in the location of buttons and visibility when displaying results. In this case, you can give the palm to Yandex. The fact is that for many users, the numbering of search results positions is of great importance, which Google simply does not have - answers are displayed there without serial numbers.

The search query string is more convenient in Yandex. Google has a shorter input field. At the same time, buttons for additional services are more located on the main page of Yandex, and they cannot be found immediately in Google.

If you put the question like this: “How is Google better than Yandex?”, There is no definite answer here, since the first service was created for a different audience. If we consider the problem from the position of a Russian-speaking user, then, as far as convenience is concerned, we can recognize the leadership of Yandex.

Which is better, Google or Yandex, in terms of search quality?

Regarding the quality of these services, not everything is so clear. Yandex was originally created for the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, and it is constantly changing (in the best sense of the word) and growing. The Google search engine began to transform only over time. At the same time, the company's programmers are constantly working on improving the search, improving its quality. Among the important innovations, the implementation of regional search should be noted. Issue updates in the Yandex system are not as frequent as those of Google, but they are of higher quality.

The constant experiments of Yandex employees lead to the fact that the positions of certain sites change their location all the time, making the search process not always stable, but we believe that this is all done for the benefit of users.

From this point of view, Google can be defined as a more stable search engine.

As you can see, it is difficult to unequivocally determine which is better - Google or Yandex. Everything depends on the point of view. One can only cite statistics that show that 70 percent of the Russian population use the Yandex search engine. This is probably no accident. But there are also disadvantages: many call the issuance of Yandex commercial. Of course, there are reasons for this, but the system imposes serious requirements even on fully commercial sites, determining their relevance to search queries.

There are several theses that can neither be confirmed nor refuted, so let's just give them. It is widely believed among some experts in the field of website promotion that Google indexes new pages and newly created sites faster, since it is “more experienced” due to age. In addition, Google pages also load faster. received a more responsive support service, or people who think so were simply unlucky with Yandex.

As for website developers, they are completely embarrassed, since Yandex is much more likely to refuse partnership with an advertising network than Google. In addition, the reason for the refusal, as a rule, is not commented on.

So we decided on how Google is better than Yandex. Few people know, but any user actions on the Internet are tracked by both search engines, in fact, based on this data, a search takes place.

"Yandex" has long supplanted its once strong competitor "Rambler" and almost completely absorbed the service "Mailru". A similar situation is happening in the global market, where Google left far behind the undervalued Bing from Microsoft and the original DuckDuckGo.

Search engines "Google" and "Yandex" are practically the only services in demand on the Russian-speaking Internet. Domestic service, registered for some reason in distant Holland, still holds the bar of leadership in Russia, but the American world leader of the World Wide Web is already breathing down his back.

If we consider both search engines superficially, answering the question of which is better: "Yandex" or "Google", then the inexorable statistics take the side of the latter. The domestic service is the undisputed leader for desktop computers in Runet, while the American one is not only system units and laptops, but also a huge audience with mobile gadgets.

Of course, the question of which is better: "Yandex" or "Google" for ordinary users of "android" devices is not so acute, because all the "American" services are already preinstalled for them. Even the Federal Antimonopoly Service recognized the fact of discrimination against other market participants and punished Google for violating competition law.

So, the two largest services in Runet. We find out which is better: "Google" or "Yandex"? Let's outline the main differences, notable features, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both search engines.


Let's meet by clothes and figure out which is better: "Yandex" or "Google" in terms of interface usability. The American search engine attracts with its classic simplicity and asceticism. On the main page of Google, you can see only a search bar and a couple of buttons to go to other sublevels.

Having opened the domestic search engine, we see a whole pun from the news, intrusive additions and a lot of links to Yandex services. Moreover, all this motley vinaigrette is richly flavored with advertising links and blocks. Literally, without exception, Russian companies, including Rambler and Mailru, distinguished themselves by a similar interface. Apparently, this is just some kind of feature of the Runet.

Some users consider such a busy start page to be quite appropriate, where you can immediately find out the latest news, get information on traffic jams and weather forecasts. There are a minority of them, so here everyone decides for himself what is closer to him and what is better - Yandex or Google.

If you like minimalism and search is a priority, then the American service is your option. Well, for those who like to linger on the page and look through interesting (and sometimes not very) information, looking for it among the ad blocks, a domestic search engine is quite suitable.


Consider how Yandex differs from Google in terms of functionality. The capabilities of both search engines are about the same. Both there and there you can find a similar set of tools: news, roads, maps, videos, music and other related entourage.

As for ease of use, here Google is worse than Yandex, although not by much. The latter has an advanced search, as well as other functionality, looks more understandable and beautiful. A pleasant visual component of the Yandex advanced search allows you to quickly navigate in all columns, drop-down lists and markers. While with Google, you have to work hard to find the right tool. But here, again, this is largely a matter of habit, and everyone decides for himself which is better - Yandex or Google.

It is also worth noting that the American search engine has a competent voice search for stationary systems, and not just for mobile ones. "Yandex", although it launched its own similar service - "Alice", but it is still too damp to compete with the Google lady.


Let's figure out which is better: "Yandex" or "Google" in terms of the abundance of advertising and its aggressiveness. If you haven't taken care to hide ads with third-party browser add-ons like AdBlock or Privacy Badger, then the following picture emerges.

In Google, there is much more PR of everything and everything. Even without taking into account the explicitly commercial requests of the user, there will be at least three advertising lines in the issue itself, and the entire right side will be literally littered with banners and text ads.

In "Yandex" with this case a little better. Directly in the search results on demand, you will find three clearly marked advertising lines, and on the right side there will be a nice media-contextual banner without too much “noise”. But, as mentioned above, if you install additional browser plugins on Yandex and Google, then all kinds of PR will become noticeably less, or even disappear altogether. Similar add-ons can be found on the official resources of browser developers, and in large numbers, so there should not be any special problems here.

Search Engine

This is one of the main parameters that determine who is cooler - Google or Yandex. The search engine is honed by each service daily. It is quite complex and confusing, but nevertheless allows you to give the user the most relevant answer to the question asked in a matter of seconds.

The capacity of the servers of the American search engine is quite enough to process the request in real time. Issue updates occur every day, so if you compare the Internet as such with Yandex and Google, the latter has the most up-to-date information.

For example, for a hot query "Syria", an American search engine provides current news on the Syrian conflict. While "Yandex" first of all offers to get acquainted with "Wikipedia", some geographical features, and only then, somewhere in the middle of the page, displays a news feed.

Also, Google is an international product, so it's great for foreign language searches. But in this case, there is also a downside. Why is Yandex better than Google? Because the latter tries to cover everything, but it does not always succeed, and the domestic search engine binds itself to the regions and gives a really high-quality and relevant result for a regional query.

If Google copes with the actual issue due to its numerous servers, then Yandex's capacity is not enough for such efficiency. The domestic search engine simply caches a good part of the requests, and the user receives a pre-prepared response. Such a solution allows you to instantly get the necessary information, but the latter will not always be relevant.

So if your queries can be called standard (weather, movies, music, Wikipedia sections, etc.), then you will not notice the difference between Google or Yandex. If you need more specific and up-to-date information for some professional needs, then it is better to give preference to an American search engine.


For many, the determining criterion that will allow you to choose between Google or Yandex is search engine services and some additional applications. Among the latter, branded browsers most often flashed. Just as in the case of web versions of search engines, let's start our acquaintance with interfaces.


Here we have a similar situation as described above. "Google Chrome" is characterized by minimalism and the absence of "extra" buttons. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the classic look of the browser, then in the settings you can always add a couple of panels and other "chips".

In addition, the browser is not at all against integration with its competitors, so you can always make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome. We also mentioned the dominance of the "American" on all mobile gadgets running the Android platform, so many users simply "forced used" to Chrome.

The Yandex Browser interface is very similar to its American competitor. But unlike the latter, it is more understandable and any beginner who discovers the Internet for the first time can deal with it. Here, the specificity of the domestic audience certainly played a significant role: it is easier for us to understand “ours” than to study “them”.


As for speed, there is almost no difference between Google or Yandex browsers. They work on the same code, so the differences in bench tests showed minimal. The only thing worth clarifying is the presence of some features of the browsers.

So, Yandex has a special "Turbo Mode" that allows you to compress streaming traffic on the search engine's servers, thereby saving its consumption. For owners of USB modems, this functionality came in handy.

Google does not have such a "chip", but when it comes to opening serious and "heavy" web pages, it succeeded here with its caching. But such a decision greatly affects the RAM. Many users have repeatedly called Chrome the most voracious browser. Therefore, if you have less than 4 GB of RAM, then it is better to install a domestic browser.


If you are a professional web developer or a specialist of a similar plan, then the choice between browsers from Yandex and Google is quite obvious. The latter has a lot of plugins and add-ons that greatly facilitate the work with specific content and codes. Yandex, alas, cannot boast of such a variety.

The domestic search engine is good in many ways, but only if you are an ordinary user: it is beautiful, convenient, understandable and seems to be native, but it is not suitable for some serious business enterprises.

cloud services

Consider cloud services from a domestic and American search engine - Yandex-Disk and Google-Disk. Both options are a great alternative to flash drives and memory cards, so let's figure out how they are good or bad.

The Yandex service provides its users with 10 GB of free storage for any information. The Disk web interface is distinguished by clear and convenient menu branches, as well as its attractiveness. In addition, the speed of uploading data to the "cloud" is slightly higher than that of a competitor from Google. The only critical drawback that users often complain about is the lack of at least some built-in tools for working with the office environment from Microsoft.

Google Drive already offers 15 GB of space for storing files against 10 for Yandex. The storage interface may not be as clear as in the first case, but you can still figure it out. One of the main advantages of the "cloud" from Google is the built-in editors of everything that is possible: documents, spreadsheets, photos, etc. It should also be noted that there is excellent synergy with office products from Microsoft.

If you need cloud services only for storing files, then you can, in principle, choose any "Disk". For more versatile work, the product from Google is still more attractive. As for the security of your data, there are no differences here: both there and there are strict with this, so no one will steal anything.


Another fairly popular service is maps. Let's start, as usual, with the interface. A good half of users liked the Google version of the design: everything is in its place, at hand and with clear prompts.

But this is where the benefits of the service from Google, one might say, end. The capabilities of Yandex Maps are much wider and richer. Some call the domestic service the real Runet ecosystem, because there is almost everything here.

Yandex Maps are especially useful for drivers:

  • excellent and clear navigation;
  • information about traffic accidents;
  • site work and detours;
  • cameras;
  • online functionality "Conversations";
  • important marks and markers.

And this is not a complete list of all the features of the service. So here the choice is quite obvious in favor of the domestic search engine.


Compare "Yandex" with "Google" seems to be simple, but at the same time difficult. Each search engine and related service is good for its category of users. Yes, they are both leaders and universal in almost everything. Analogies of services can be traced both there and there. It is difficult to choose and single out someone separately, and it is impossible.

If your activity is related to web development, codes, processing of a mass of information, and diverse, then it is better to adopt an American search engine. It produces more relevant and flexible data for user requests. In addition, Google Chrome has a lot of tools in the form of plugins and add-ons that will become indispensable for specific and professional needs.

If you consider yourself an ordinary user of the Web and you like the comfort and pleasant colors of a domestic search engine, then Yandex will be your excellent assistant in all your endeavors. He will quickly tell you about the latest news, show traffic congestion, explain the solution of incomprehensible school problems and tell you what is on at the cinemas now. Domestic services from Yandex are distinguished by an intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as a pleasant appearance.

In general, it is impossible to say something definitely good or bad about our and foreign search engine. Both have advantages and disadvantages to about the same extent.

, Yandex

Search engines Google and Yandex

Each of the search engines is unique in its own way and has a number of features that you need to consider when creating sites for them. Google is one of the most popular search engines in the world. Can process a request in any language. Yandex is the No. 1 Russian-language search engine in the CIS countries, which is better adapted to the peculiarities of the Russian language. Of course, Yandex is inferior in scale to Google, but its goal is different - to maximize the satisfaction of the search needs of the Russian-speaking audience.

Search query statistics is an opportunity to see who, how often and for what particular queries visits the site. The search query can be a phrase, a word, or even an image. Such statistics are an invaluable treasure trove of information about what users are looking for on the Internet. If you are engaged in query statistics, then for Yandex they are in, and for Google - in For SEO specialists, this is the main tool of work.

The main differences between the Google and Yandex search engines


Geography is primarily important for Yandex. Of course, Google also knows how to determine the location of the user, but in general, the origin of the link mass is of little importance to him. Yandex, on the contrary, aimed at the region of the Russian-speaking audience, initially differentiates all user requests on a regional basis. Therefore, users from different cities can get completely different results for the same query. Behavioral factors can also be added to geography. So, for the Yandex search engine, this is one of the latest “chips” that allows you to differentiate the behavior of visitors on the site (where they come from, how they perceive content, the frequency of clicks on pages, etc.). Of course, all this is done with reference to the region. The Google search engine does not have such a service.


For Google, the main role is played by the content of the site (content): its textual and graphic content. For a website to rank at the top of the search results, the content must be informative, useful, and unique. Sites filled with low-quality and duplicate content are the first to be filtered by Google.

In Yandex, search queries are strongly influenced by the uniqueness of topics and texts. For Yandex, keyword-optimized content is important. However, texts containing an excessive number of keys can be blocked (re-optimization). Therefore, when compiling content for Yandex, you need to observe almost jewelry accuracy, using the optimal frequency of using certain keywords.

Yandex is very positive about structured content. Ideally, one topic should fit on one page. Yandex values ​​content with subheadings in articles, bulleted lists, enumerations, and links to other thematic articles to a greater extent. Google is not very sensitive to such moments.

Text volume

Google "likes" rather long texts containing 4000 characters or more. In Yandex, smaller texts up to 2000 characters are popular. In this case, the truth is somewhere in the middle: it is worth creating texts from 2000 to 4000 characters. From the point of view of the uniqueness of the content, voluminous texts are much more preferable, since with an increase in the number of words in the text, its uniqueness increases.

Promotion time

Different search engines need different time to promote a site. So, “newbies” need a lot of time to get promoted in Yandex, because only after the stage of active link building, the site will begin to improve positions for the selected keywords. As a rule, it takes up to a couple of months to promote a site in Yandex. Google, unlike Yandex, perceives “young” sites well, and they get into the search results much faster.


Filters are an automatic check of the site by search engines. They play the role of "cleaners" of the Internet. Indeed, without them, the online world would turn into an ocean of unnecessary content. So, the site falls under sanctions (for example, exclusion from the issue) if it does not meet the conditions of a particular filter. Filters are often mentioned when it comes to Yandex. The main weapon in Yandex is the formidable AGS filter, which is aimed at identifying search spam. Google filters also exist, although they are much more difficult to identify and their impact on sites is weaker than Yandex filters.

In order to achieve results in both search engines, the first step is to determine which one has priority and focus on it. So, to optimize a young site, it is better to start with Google, and having received a return, redirect your gaze to Yandex, in which, with the correct use of the principles of search promotion, it will be much easier to achieve a leading position.

Habit is a terrible thing. Some things are taken for granted only because you are used to them. Often asking people like: “Why are you looking for Yandex?”, I get the answer: “Yes, I got used to it somehow.” Today we want to compare the popular products of Yandex and Google side by side and evaluate the real value of the Russian sworn friend of the American world bully.

The parameters that are of interest to us in the first place: the integration of company services, mobile use, the need for additional steps to install this or that software, as well as design and enjoyment of use.

start page

You can talk about taste, or you can just look at the screenshots. Google has a focus on search, there is a voice search right there. No banners, tickers, exchange rates, news and other informational noise that the national search engine literally packs the Russian.

Probably, this is some kind of feature of Russian consumption (or are they just used to it?), since the same for the world has a completely tolerable appearance and ... bagel-parallax.

But we remember about and continue to test the performance of the Internet to them.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:1

Search results

We asked the search engines about Lobachevsky. Personally, I like Google's listing more, but I'm just used to it. In terms of utility, they are all the same. The only thing is that the strangest issue is in the project of the future Yandex - the Islands. Judge for yourself and don't judge for taste.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:1

Voice search

Google is looking for better voice. You can verify this on your phone and tablet. I have not yet figured out how to search by voice on a computer with Yandex. For fun, my son (6 years old) and I recently tested the Yandex browser and compared it with Google Chrome, namely the voice search of this couple. Live test results below :)

Here is how Google understands the little balabolka (for which Russian is not native at all):

And here is how Yandex understands it:

And here and there the language was set in advance to Russian.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:0


I know Yandex employees who use Gmail for personal purposes, but I have not seen Google employees who use Yandex.Mail.

Yandex mail has cute themes and an interesting interface, a lot of space and good Russification. Gmail has a modern interface, pluggable web plugins (such as Any.DO) and custom scripts. Gmail is integrated with Google Drive and Google Docs.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:0

Board cards

In cards, the main thing is not beauty, but functionality. Giving in to the deep analysis of the map, it is easy to get into a mess and we will not do this. Let's just pay attention to the sense of beauty of those who made these products, look for an arbitrary address in Moscow and pay tribute to the cork functionality.

look and feel

Google maps look modern and it's not even clear what to add to them. Yandex Maps - from the Stone Age.

Address search

"Russia, Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 12s4" where is this? Both products are well aware of this, and Yandex also suggested the nearest metro. It's useful if you're a pedestrian, right? But Yandex does not know how to build pedestrian navigation.

Traffic jams

Yandex is the king of traffic jams. Drivers say that they have no equal. It's useless to compare.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:1

Mobile cards

Visual comparison:

On iOS 7 looks very "in theme" product Google. The Yandex product is still in the past. It is worth noting that maps for Kyiv are no longer pixelated, although they were still like that probably a month ago. Thanks. And yes, there is no foot navigation in Yandex maps either. But both support transport and very well.

It is worth saying that Yandex maps cache better, for example, a city. But on the same Android, this is easily solved by simply uploading the location you need in Google maps, which can be a city.

Well, if you travel a lot outside the CIS, then you can simply delete Yandex maps and use a single solution for the whole world - Google Maps.

And of course, Yandex is the king of traffic jams. And therefore a draw.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:1


Today, the Google.Music service for Russia was officially launched, and one can no longer forgive the design of Yandex.Music from the Stone Age. See for yourself:

As for the price, the offer from Google is cheaper: 199 rubles. Yandex against 169 rubles. Google and the latter also have a month free. Additionally, you can drive up to 20,000 of your tracks to the Google cloud and use its cloud to synchronize between all account devices.

If we talk about mobile applications, then Yandex has them for iOS and Android, while Google has them only for Google.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:0

Work in the domain and with office tasks

If you have a domain and need to raise mail on it and all that is needed for work, then there are two suitable products: Google Apps and Yandex traffic rules. Yandex gives you only mail. Google gives (other than third party apps):

  • mail
  • calendar
  • cloud drive
  • simple office suite
  • Hangout chats
  • and much more!

Account: Google:Yandex 1:0


Before talking on this topic, you need to understand one fact - both Google and Yandex need the browser you have installed for a lot, but the main thing is to monitor your behavior. Everyone is watching and doing it so much that it's better not to even think about it.

Personally, I consciously choose a browser from Google only because it does not have Yandex's obtrusive branding and involvement in a Google product is determined only at the time of installation and entering account data.

If you use Google services, then you'd better stay on Chrome. If you use Yandex services, then you can conveniently do this from the same Chrome.

Account: Google:Yandex 1:0

Mobile devices

Another beauty of the iPhone and iPad is that you don't get something from your carrier or national search engine that jumps out at you. You get a bare system and put whatever you want on it. The same Yandex will be imposed on you only in the search (you can cut it down) or at these points on the map (you can’t cut it down). Everything, then only your choice. On Android, the choice starts with you accepting that Google is in charge. Even if you buy a Nexus and there are no whistles and fakes of the operator or phone manufacturer or alternative search engine, then you are still at the mercy of Google services. Leave it there. Why do you need to build another layer of services on top of an unhappy processor and a battery-goner, if from the examples above it more or less follows that everything will be fine with you anyway? Namely: an excellent Google Chrome browser (many people use it and on iOS!), excellent Google Maps with global coverage (and the farther from Russia, the better it will work), excellent Gmail mail, Google Drive, documents Docs of your domain, for example, you will have all the music in the cloud, even funny gifs will be thrown at you through Google+ :)

Account: Google:Yandex 1:0

Is the locality of Yandex services in the modern world worth building another service layer on a computer or mobile phone? Our answer is no, it doesn't. And if you need traffic jams or habits, features of issuance or the beauty of Yandex mail, then leave everything as it is.

But on the subject all eggs in one basket we can talk in the comments. Although I personally do not think that one basket, two or three is of great importance in general. Either eat a basket or “carry” your “eggs” yourself without “baskets”, if there is enough education :)

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