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What is vpn service. VPN - what is it, server setup

Technology that creates logical network on another network, received the abbreviation "VPN", which literally means English language stands for “ Virtual private Network ". Speaking simple language, VPN includes different methods communication between devices within another network and provides the ability to apply different ways protection, which significantly increases the safety of information exchanged between computers.

And this is in modern world very important, for example, for networks of large commercial corporations and, of course, banks. Below are detailed guides on how to create a VPN, instructions on the procedure for making a VPN connection and how to make competent setting created VPN connections.


To understand more easily what a VPN is, you just need to know what it can do. VPN connection allocates a certain sector in the existing network and all computers located in it, and digital technology have constant communication with each other. But most importantly, this sector is completely closed and protected for all others in big network devices.

How to connect VPN

Despite the initially seeming complexity of VPN definition, its creation in Windows computers and even itself VPN setup will not present much difficulty in the presence detailed guidance... The main requirement is to strictly follow the strict sequence of the following steps:

Further, the VPN setup is performed, taking into account the various accompanying nuances.

How do I set up a VPN?

It is necessary to configure it taking into account the individual characteristics of not only the operating system, but also the operator providing communication services.

Windows XP

To have a VPN in the operating room Windows system XP has successfully carried out its work, it is required to perform the following sequential steps:

Then, when operating in the created environment, you can use some convenient functions... To do this, you need to do the following:

Note: The parameters are always entered differently, as they depend not only on the server, but also on the service provider.

Windows 8

In this OS, the question of how to set up a VPN should not cause any particular difficulties, because here it is almost automated.

The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

Next, you need to specify the network options. To this end, perform the following actions:

Note: Entering the settings can vary significantly depending on the network configuration.

Windows 7

The process of making settings in Windows 7 is simple and accessible even inexperienced users computers.

To produce them Windows user 7 requires the following sequential steps:

Note: with a view correct work a careful individual selection of all parameters is required.


To configure the normal functioning of an Android gadget in a VPN environment, you need to do a few steps:

Connection characteristics

This technology includes different types delays in data transfer procedures. Delays occur due to the following factors:

  1. It takes some time to establish a connection;
  2. Goes ongoing process encoding of transmitted information;
  3. blocks of transmitted information.

The most significant differences are present in the technology itself, for example, for VPN you do not need routers and separate lines. To function effectively, you only need to enter the world wide web and applications for encoding information.

VPN (Virtual Private Networks) - virtual private networks. VPN is one such technology, about which it is not known where they came from. However, when such technologies take root in a company's infrastructure, everyone is surprised how they used to do without them. VPNs allow you to use the Internet like your own private network... Thus, the spread of VPN is associated with the development of the Internet. The technology itself uses the TCP / IP protocol stack as a basis for its operation.

In order to understand what a VPN is, you need to understand two concepts: encryption and virtuality.

Encryption is a reversible transformation of a message to hide it from unauthorized persons.

Virtuality is an object or state that does not really exist, but can arise under certain conditions.

Encryption converts a message from one kind, for example, "Hello!" in another form "* & 878hJf7 * & 8723". On the other hand, there is still reverse transformation, which are called decryption, i.e. converting the message "* & 878hJf7 * & 8723" to the message "Hello!" The VPN security approach assumes that no one other than the intended recipient can perform the decryption.

The concept of "virtuality" refers to the "as if" situation. For example, a situation where you access remote computer using a tablet. V in this case the tablet simulates the operation of a remote computer.

VPN has a precise definition:

VPN is an encrypted or encapsulated communication process that securely transfers data from one point to another; the security of this data is ensured by strong encryption technology and the transmitted data passes through an open, unsecured, routed network.

Since VPN is encrypted, the communication between nodes, data is transmitted securely and their integrity is guaranteed. Data travels through an open, unsecured, routed network, so it can have multiple paths to its final destination when transmitted over a shared line. Thus, a VPN can be thought of as the process of sending encrypted data from one point to another over the Internet.

Encapsulation is the process of placing a data packet inside an IP packet. Encapsulation allows you to add an extra layer of protection. Encapsulation allows you to create VPN tunnels and transfer data over a network with other protocols. The most common way VPN creation-tunnels - encapsulation network protocols(IP, IPX, AppleTalk, etc.) in PPP and subsequent encapsulation of the formed packets in tunneling protocols. The latter is most often the IP protocol, although, in rare cases, ATM protocols can also act, Frame relay... This approach is called Layer 2 Tunneling, since the passenger is the Layer 2 Protocol (PPP) itself.

An alternative approach to encapsulating network protocol packets directly into a tunneling protocol (such as VTP) is called Layer 3 tunneling.

By purpose, VPNs are divided into three types:

  1. Intranet - used to unite several distributed branches of one organization into a single secure network, exchanging data via open channels communication.
  2. Extranet - Used for networks to which external users (such as customers or clients) connect. Due to the fact that the level of trust in such users is lower than in the company's employees, special protection is required to prevent access external users to especially valuable information.
  3. Remote access- created between central corporate offices and remote mobile users... In the presence of software encryption downloaded to the remote laptop, the remote user establishes an encrypted tunnel with VPN device in central corporate offices.

There are many options for implementing a VPN. When deciding how to implement a VPN, you need to consider the performance factors of VPN systems. For example, if the router is running at the limit of its processor power, then additional addition VPN tunnels and the use of encryption / decryption may cause the entire network to stop working as the router will not be able to handle normal traffic.

VPN implementation options:

  1. VPN based on firewalls. Firewall ( firewall) is a software or hardware-software element computer network, carrying out control and filtration passing through it network traffic in accordance with the given rules. Most vendors' firewalls today support tunneling and data encryption. Everything similar products based on the fact that traffic passing through the firewall is encrypted.
  2. VPN based on routers. Since all information coming from local network, first arrives at the router, then it is advisable to assign encryption functions to it. Cisco routers, for example, support L2TP, IPSec encryption protocols. In addition to simple encryption they also support others VPN functions such as connection authentication and key exchange.
  3. VPN based on a network operating system. On Linux for VPN connections technologies such as OpenVPN, OpenConnect or NetworkManager are commonly used. VPN creation on Windows uses PPTP protocol which is integrated into the Windows system.


Virtual Private Network is a virtual private network that is used to provide secure connections within corporate connections and Internet access. The main plus of VPN is high security due to encryption of internal traffic, which is important when transferring data.

What is VPN connection

Many people, when faced with this abbreviation, ask: VPN - what is it and why is it needed? This technology opens up the opportunity to create network connection on top of the other. VPN works in several modes:

  • node-network;
  • network-network;
  • node-node.

Private organization virtual network on the network layers allows TCP and UDP protocols... All data that passes through computers is encrypted. This additional protection for your connection. There are many examples that explain what a VPN connection is and why you should use one. Below will be covered in detail this question.

Why you need a VPN

Each provider is able to provide logs of users' activities upon request of the relevant authorities. Your internet company records all the activities that you have taken online. This helps relieve the provider of any responsibility for the actions taken by the client. There are many situations in which you need to protect your data and gain freedom, for example:

  1. A VPN service is used to send confidential company data between branches. It helps to protect important information from interception.
  2. If you need to bypass the geographic location of the service. For example, the Yandex Music service is available only to residents of Russia and residents former countries CIS. If you are a Russian-speaking resident of the United States, then you will not be able to listen to the recordings. A VPN service will help you bypass this ban by replacing the network address with a Russian one.
  3. Hide website visits from the provider. Not every person is ready to share their activities on the Internet, so they will protect their visits with the help of a VPN.

How VPN works

When you use a different VPN channel, your IP will belong to the country where this secure network is located. When connected, a tunnel will be created between the VPN server and your computer. After that, the provider's logs (records) will contain a set incomprehensible symbols... Data analysis special program will not give results. If you do not use this technology, then the HTTP protocol will immediately indicate which site you are connecting to.

VPN structure

This connection consists of two parts. The first is called an "internal" network, you can create several of these. The second is "external", through which the encapsulated connection takes place, as a rule, the Internet is used. There is still a possibility to connect to the network separate computer... A user is connected to a specific VPN through an access server connected simultaneously to an external and internal network.

When VPN software connects remote user, the server requires passing two important processes: Identification first, then authentication. This is necessary to obtain the rights to use this connection. If you complete these two stages completely successfully, your network is empowered with the empowerment that opens the door to work. Essentially, this is an authorization process.

VPN classification

There are several types of VPNs. There are options for the degree of security, the way of implementation, the level of work according to the ISO / OSI model, the protocol involved. Can be used paid access or free VPN service from google. Channels can be “secure” or “trusted” based on their level of security. The latter are needed if the compound itself possesses the right level protection. To organize the first option, the following technologies should be used:

  • PPTP;
  • OpenVPN;
  • IPSec.

How to create a VPN server

For all computer users, there is a way how to connect VPN yourself. Below we will consider the option in the operating room Windows system... This manual does not provide for the use of additional software. The setting is carried out as follows:

  1. To make a new connection, you need to open the preview pane network accesses... Start typing the word "Network Connections" in your search.
  2. Click on the "Alt" button, in the menu click on the "File" section and select "New incoming connection".
  3. Then set the user who will be given a connection to this computer via VPN (if you have only one Account on a PC, you must create a password for it). Install the bird and click "Next".
  4. Next, you will be asked to select the type of connection, you can leave a checkmark in front of "Internet".
  5. The next step will be to enable network protocols that will work on this VPN. Check all boxes except the second. You can set specific IPs, DNS gateways, and IPv4 ports if you want, but it's easier to leave the automatic assignment.
  6. When you click on the "Allow access" button, the operating system will create a server on its own, display a window with the name of the computer. You will need it to connect.
  7. On this creation home VPN server completed.

How to set up a VPN on Android

The above described the way how to create a VPN connection on personal computer... However, many have long been performing all actions using the phone. If you do not know what a VPN for Android is, then all the above facts about this type connections are also valid for a smartphone. Configuration modern devices provides a comfortable use of the Internet on high speed... In some cases (for launching games, opening sites), they use proxy substitution or anonymizers, but for a stable and quick connection VPN fits better.

If it is already clear to you what a VPN to your phone is, then you can go directly to creating a tunnel. This can be done on any Android-enabled device. The connection is made as follows:

  1. Go to the section with settings, click on the "Network" section.
  2. Find the item titled " Additional settings"And go to the" VPN "section. Next, you will need a pin code or password, which will unlock the ability to create a network.
  3. Next step- adding a VPN connection. Specify a name in the "Server" field, a name in the "username" field, set the connection type. Tap on the "Save" button.
  4. After that, a new connection will appear in the list, which you can use to change your standard connection.
  5. An icon will appear on the screen to indicate that there is a connection. If you tap on it, you will be provided with statistics of received / transmitted data. You can also turn off the VPN connection here.

Video: Free VPN Service

Imagine a scene from an action movie in which a villain escapes from a crime scene on a highway in a sports car. A police helicopter pursues him. The car enters a tunnel with several exits. The helicopter pilot does not know from which exit the car will appear, and the villain escapes from the pursuit.

VPN is a tunnel that connects many roads. No one outside knows where the cars entering it will end up. No one outside knows what is happening in the tunnel.

You've probably heard of VPN more than once. On Lifehacker about this thing too. VPNs are most often recommended because the network can be used to access geo-blocked content and generally improve Internet security. The truth is that going online through a VPN can be just as dangerous as going directly.

How does a VPN work?

Most likely you have a Wi-Fi router at home. Devices connected to it can exchange data even without the Internet. It turns out that you have your own private network, but in order to connect to it, you need to be physically within range of the router signal.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a virtual private network. It works over the Internet, so you can connect to it from anywhere.

For example, the company you work for might use a VPN for telecommuters. WITH using a VPN they connect to working network... At the same time, their computers, smartphones or tablets are virtually transferred to the office and connected to the network from the inside. To enter a virtual private network, you need to know the VPN server address, username and password.

Using a VPN is pretty straightforward. Usually a company sets up a VPN server somewhere on local computer, a server or in a data center, and the connection to it occurs using a VPN client on the user's device.

All current VPN clients have built-in VPN clients. operating systems including Android, iOS, Windows, macOS and Linux.

VPN connection between client and server is usually encrypted.

So VPN is good?

Yes, if you are a business owner and want to secure your corporate data and services. Letting employees go to working environment only through VPN and over accounts, you will always know who and what did and is doing.

Moreover, the VPN owner can monitor and control generally all traffic that goes between the server and the user.

Do employees sit on VKontakte a lot? You can close access to this service. Gennady Andreevich spends half his day on sites with memes? All his activity is automatically recorded in the logs and will become an iron argument for dismissal.

Why VPN then?

VPN allows you to bypass geographic and legal restrictions.

For example, you are in Russia and you want. With regret, you learn that this service is not available from the Russian Federation. You can only use it by going online through the VPN server of the country in which Spotify operates.

In some countries, there is Internet censorship that restricts access to certain sites. You want to go to some resource, but it is blocked in Russia. You can open a site only by going online through the VPN server of a country in which it is not blocked, that is, from almost any other than the Russian Federation.

VPN is useful and required technology, which copes well with a certain range of tasks. But the security of personal data still depends on the VPN service provider's integrity, common sense, attentiveness, and Internet literacy.

The number of no-one understandable concepts and abbreviations related to the emergence of new and modification of old technologies is growing exponentially. VPN is one of them. This publication aims to deal with this obscure acronym and determine the reason for its frequent mention in relation to network connections.

VPN, what is it?

Basically it is regular network(The "N" in the abbreviation stands for "Network"). But it has its own subtleties. Firstly, it is virtual, and secondly, it is private. That is, "Virtual" and "Private" (the first two letters of the abbreviation).

Shortening VPN

It is called virtual because it exists at a certain level of abstraction from the hardware. This means that it does not care through which channels the communication is carried out, which devices are connected at the same time, and other conditions. VPN uses all available resources for its functioning.

But main feature VPN is that it is private. Although she uses common channels and communication protocols, most often the Internet, cannot be entered by an “uncle from the street”, but only a trusted participant who has the right to do so.

Operating principle

To understand how a VPN works, one must consider simplest case communication of two points (computers). In the unprotected part of the path (most often the Internet), a tunnel is created connecting them. The difficulty lies not in organizing such a connection, but in protecting data that is vulnerable on an unprotected part of the network. Information passing through a public channel can be stolen or distorted by intruders.

VPN device

To prevent this, use different kinds its encryption. Hence, main task VPN connection is to ensure the uniformity of encryption and decryption in its nodes, as well as the interface of network protocols, if it comes about different server systems.

Why you need a VPN

The main reason for the creation of VPN was the desire, even the urgent need to create secure networks, access to which could be obtained regardless of georeferencing... Remote access of employees to the network of the headquarters from a business trip, for example. Further more. There is no way for multinationals to run a wire between their offices in different countries or continents. VPN technology comes to the rescue in this case too. A simpler example would be VPN organization based on the local network of the enterprise to restrict authority different groups, departments, workshops and the like.

How to create a VPN network

For creating VPN networks there are a number of applications, TeamViewer or Hamachi, for example. Although it can be done and by standard means Windows, but with less efficiency, security, and convenience. To do this, you need to enter " Network connections"Computer through the" Control Panel ".

Hamachi program

In the "File" menu, select the "New Connection" item, where you indicate that the created connection is a VPN. Next, you need to add or specify a user who will be allowed access. Then indicate that communication will be carried out via the Internet and select the TCP / IP protocol as the connection protocol. In the last dialog box, you must click "Allow access" and VPN server Windows ready to work.

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