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What are virtual private networks vpn. Setting up a VPN connection and VPN server Windows

In the 21st century, information technologies occupy an integral place in the life of almost any person. Even an 80-year-old grandmother from the village, who does not know how to turn on the computer, is indirectly connected with them. Databases, bank accounts, messenger accounts - all this requires a high level of security. The Internet, which has grown to a global scale, like any other mechanism, becomes more vulnerable as the design becomes more complex. To protect sensitive information, VPN technology was invented.

VPN connection (from the English. Virtual Private Network - virtual private network) - a technology that allows you to artificially form a local network from participants in the Internet that are not physically connected by a direct connection. This is an add-on to the global network, providing between nodes a connection that seems direct from the client side.

How a VPN connection works

A VPN virtual network works on the principle of establishing a fixed connection. Communication can be established directly, between two nodes of the same level (on the principle of "network-network" or "client-client"), or (more common) - between the network and the client. One of the elements (server-initiator of the connection) must have a static (permanent) IP address by which it will be found by other network nodes. An access point is created on the server in the form of a gateway with Internet access. Other network members join it, the connection is made in the form of an isolated tunnel.

For all switching nodes through which data packets pass, the information is encrypted. It is transmitted in the form of an indecipherable stream, the interception of which will not give hackers anything. Encoding-decoding keys for many protocols (for example, OpenVPN) are stored only on end devices. And without them, attackers cannot do anything with the intercepted data. For maximum security, the archive with certificates and keys (without which it will not be possible to raise a secure VPN) can be sent in encrypted form, or manually transferred on a USB flash drive. In this case, the probability of unauthorized penetration into network computers is reduced to zero.

Why you need a VPN

direct connection

On the Internet, the physical distance between the participants and the complexity of the route along which they exchange data does not matter. Thanks to IP addressing and DNS nodes, you can access another computer on the World Wide Web from anywhere in the world. Much more important is the level of connection security, especially when exchanging confidential information. The more switching points (routers, gateways, bridges, nodes) data passes through, the higher the probability of their interception by intruders. Having the physical parameters of a PC or server (for example, its IP address) - using vulnerable connection methods, hackers can get into it by breaking password protection. It is from such encroachments that the VPN protocol is designed to protect.

Unlock access to resources

The second function of VPN networks is to open access to blocked resources. If the country, in one form or another, has Internet censorship (as in China), its citizens may be limited in access to certain resources. Access to the network through foreign VPN servers allows you to avoid the threat of reprisals against representatives of the opposition forces in totalitarian countries. State. bodies that hinder freedom of speech (as in China or the DPRK) will not be able to bring charges of viewing "ideologically harmful" resources, even if providers provide them with a backup of all intercepted data.

Some online services may block access to customers from countries and regions where they are not officially represented. This is sometimes done by online games, international payment systems, trading platforms, online stores, online distribution systems for digital content (music, movies, games). A VPN server based in a country where access is open removes such restrictions and allows you to make purchases.

Protection against hacking of private resources

Another reason why private clients need a VPN connection is remote administration. If you want to protect the server as much as possible from outside interference, you can create a "white list" of IP addresses that have access to it. When one of them (addresses) belongs to a private VPN server, you can securely connect to the administered server from anywhere in the world using an encrypted connection. The administration object will assume that it was connected to from an authorized terminal, and the administrator may not worry about the risk of hacking.

Trade secret protection

VPN protocols are in demand in commercial structures that work with money and economic secrets. A secure virtual network prevents hackers from hacking into accounts or extorting industrial secrets and technologies. Employees who, on duty, need to learn access to company network resources from home or on a business trip, can establish a connection through VPN without exposing the corporate network to the threat of hacking.

Let's get to know VPN a bit, find out the basic questions and use these three letters to our advantage.

VPN what is it?

See how information passes between my laptop and the smartphone that lies next to it, the so-called route tracing. And there is always a weak link where data can be intercepted.

What is a VPN for?

To organize networks within networks and protect them. Let's understand that VPN is good. Why? Because your data will be more secure. We are building secure network over the Internet or other network. It's like an armored car to transport money down the street from a bank to another bank. You can send money in an ordinary car, or in an armored car. On any road, money is safer in an armored car. Figuratively VPN is an armored car for your information. And the VPN server is an agency that provides armored cars. Briefly speaking, VPN is good.

For data security:

Use a virtual private network (VPN connection)
With a VPN connection, when connected to a public Wi-Fi network, you can effectively use encryption technologies for data passing through the network. This can prevent cybercriminals monitoring your network from intercepting your data.

Still not convinced? Here, for example, is the title of one of the tenders:

Provision of services for the provision of communication channels using VPN technology for organizing data transfer between departments of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Kazan

The police care about their safety, state-owned companies and corporations are concerned about this and demand the existence of such channels, but why are we worse? We are even better, because we will not spend budgetary funds, but we will set everything up quickly, simply and free of charge.

So let's go. We protect accounts, passwords using VPN when using open Wi-Fi networks. This is usually the weakest link. Of course, intelligence agencies around the world, criminal gangs can afford equipment that replaces and intercepts traffic not only from Wi-Fi networks, but also from satellite and mobile communication networks. This is another level and beyond the scope of this post.
The best option is when you have your own VPN server. If not, then you have to rely on the honesty of those who provide you with these services. So, there are paid VPN versions and free ones. Let's go through the second. Yes, a VPN server can be configured on a home computer, but more on that in a separate post.

How to set up a VPN

Consider Free VPN for Android on the example of Opera VPN - Unlimited VPN.

Download a free VPN client. The settings are minimal and boil down to enabling VPN, selecting a country, the default is nearby, and a network testing block. There are also settings to keep the VPN on.

After installing the application, the VPN item appears in the Android settings menu. This switch brings up the Opera VPN main screen (if you only have one way to connect VPN).

To control turning VPN off and on, you can enable app icons in Android settings.

Settings->Notifications & Status Bar ->App Notifications-> Opera VPN

Be prepared for the fact that some applications in VPN tunnel communication mode will ask you to confirm your status. So, the VKontakte application, with the VPN turned on, will ask for your phone number, as it considers that an attacker from Germany or the Netherlands is trying to enter your account, which you usually log in from Moscow. Enter the number and continue using.

Here is the easiest way to use a VPN on your Android device. You can also set up a virtual private network based on your router and connect to your home computer from anywhere in the world via a secure channel, freely exchanging private data. But I will talk about this more complicated method, as well as about the settings of paid applications and services, in other posts.

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VPN is a network connection technology in which a virtual subnet can be organized in an existing network.

To understand what a VPN is, let's look at an example. For example, you need to send a parcel to another city and do it anonymously. At regular mail, you will be asked to provide an identity document, that is, sending a package anonymously will not work. Yes, and there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the contents of the package will remain secret and will not be opened. But you can use the services of special companies that will transfer the package without asking who the sender is, and they also guarantee complete confidentiality of the content, its integrity and safety. VPN performs the function of such companies.

What is a VPN for?

VPN allows you to transfer data securely without distortion.

You need to use this type of connection for:

  1. Working with applications and downloading them when the IP address belongs to another zone.
  2. Convenient and easy connection to the global network.
  3. Creation of a secure channel, protected from hacker attacks.
  4. Opportunities for anonymous work.
  5. High connection speed without interruptions.
  6. Ensuring the level of security when working in corporate networks.

How a VPN connection works

If you connect through a VPN, information about the remote route and the server IP used is sent in the message. This information that passes over the network is in an encapsulated state, the data is encrypted, so it cannot be intercepted. The stage of encryption via VPN is carried out when sending, and decryption is already performed by the message header on the recipient's side (the encryption key must be shared). If the decryption was performed correctly, the correct type of connection is established.

If we talk about the level of security, then today the Internet cannot boast of a high level of protection. But if you use a VPN along with protocols, you can achieve the security and security of information.

How to use

You need to set up a connection. Let's analyze the steps using the example of the most common OS - Windows: open the control panel and select the "Network and Internet" section. Next: "Network and Sharing Center" - "Setting up a new connection" - "Connect to a workplace". Click next to "No, create a connection" and click "Use my connection".

When logging in via the Internet, enter the IP of the router or router (provided by the provider during initial setup), and when logging in via VPN, enter the local IP.

Then we configure the account settings (given when registering the Keenetic / Wi-Fi router, located on the back of the device), which are necessary to connect to the PPTP server, these are the username, password and domain (the domain is not required). We have created a VPN and now for subsequent logins we can optimize the whole process to reduce the connection time:

  • Open "Network and Sharing Center".
  • Click "Change adapter settings".
  • We look for the connection we made and view its characteristics (security, properties and type of VPN).
  • Install the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

If you do not do this, each time you access the global network, Windows will go through the available options in turn until it finds the PPTP protocol.

This completes the setup, feel free to connect.

How to connect a VPN using a browser

The connection setup for each browser is different. Let's analyze each of them:

  1. Opera. This browser has a built-in unlimited VPN, which you can use for free. To enable it, you need to open the "Menu", then go to "Settings", select "Security" and "Enable VPN".
  2. Chrome. Here you can not do without the help of special extensions. Open "Menu", then "Additional tools", then "Extensions" and "More extensions". Enter "VPN", view the results and click on one of them. In the tab that opens, click "Install". After that, the extension will be automatically installed and its icon will be displayed in the Menu bar. When you need to use VPN, click on the icon and enable the extension. Best extensions: "Hotspot Shield", "Touch VPN". All of them are free.
  3. Yandex browser. Install the add-on - VPN service. Open the "Menu", then "Add-ons", then select "Extensions directory". In the search, we set "VPN" and select any of the proposed options. Further, the mechanism of action is the same: install the extension, its icon appears in the "Menu" line. Before each use of the VPN connection, enable the extension. The following extensions have proven themselves well: "TunnelBear", "Hola Better Internet", "Zen Mate".
  4. Mozilla. According to the above scheme, we install the extension. Best add-ons: Hotspot Shield Free VPN Proxy, Hoxx VPN Proxy, Zenmate Security.

Today, Internet users are increasingly using the term VPN. Some recommend using it more often, while others recommend avoiding it. Let us consider in more detail what is hidden behind this term.

VPN connection, what is it

VPN(Virtual Private Network) is technology, which provides communication closed from external access in the presence of a high connection speed. Such a connection is carried out according to the principle dot - dot". In science, this connection method is called tunnel. You can join the tunnel at PC with any OS, wherein VPN client installed. This program "forwards" a virtual port using TCP/IP to another network.

To implement such a connection, you need a platform that quickly scales, ensures the integrity and confidentiality of data.

In order for the PC to ip address connected through the gateway to the external network, you need to register connection rules on the router. When a VPN connection is made, the address of the remote PC is transmitted in the header of the message. The message is encrypted by the sender and decrypted by the recipient using a shared key. A secure connection is then established between the two networks.

How to connect a VPN

Previously, a brief scheme of the protocol was described. Now we will learn how to connect the client on a specific device.

On computer and laptop

Before setting up VPN connection on Windows 7 PC, follows check IP address or server name. For this, in Network Control Center" on the " Control panels" need " Create a new connection».

Select item "" - " (VPN)».

The next step is to specify name and server address.

You need to wait for the connection to complete.

Let's check the VPN connection. For this, in Control Panel" In chapter " Network connections»Call the context menu by double-clicking on the shortcut.

On the tab " Details" need to check IPv4 address. It must be in the IP range specified in the VPN settings.

On your phone, iPhone or tablet

Now let's look at how to create a VPN connection and configure it on gadgets with Android OS.

For this you need:

    smartphone, tablet; login, network password; server address.

To set up a VPN connection, you need to select the "" item in the phone settings and create a new one.

An icon with a new connection will be displayed on the screen.

The system requires a username and password. You need to enter the parameters and select the option "". Then at the next session you will not have to confirm these data again.

After activating the VPN connection, a characteristic icon will appear on the toolbar.

If you click on the icon, the connection details will appear.

How to set up a VPN to work correctly

Let's take a closer look at how to automatically configure VPN on computers with OS Windows 10.

Go to PC settings.

In chapter " Options"go to the subsection"".

... and add a new VPN connection.

On the next page, specify the VPN connection settings:

    Service provider - Windows;Connection name;Server address;VPN type;Username and password.

After the connection is established, you need to connect to it.

How to create a VPN server

All providers record the activities of their customers. In the event of a request from law enforcement agencies, they will provide full information about which sites the offender visited. Thus, the provider disclaims all legal responsibility. But sometimes there are situations in which the user needs to protect their data:

    Companies transmit their data over the Internet over an encrypted channel. Many services on the Internet operate on a geo-referenced location. For example, the Yandex.Music service operates only on IP from the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. A Russian, being in Europe, will not be able to listen to his favorite music. Access to social networks is often blocked in offices.
You can, of course, clear your browser history every time after visiting the site. But it's easier to create and configure a VPN server. To do this, call the command line ( Win+R) and then enter the query ncpa.cpl and press Enter. In a new window click alt and select "".

Next, you need to create a user and give him limited rights only to the VPN. You will also have to come up with a new long password. Select a user from the list. The next step is to select the connection option " Through the Internet". Next, you need to specify the connection settings. If, when working with VPN, you do not need access to files and folders, then you can uncheck all the boxes and click on the "" button.

How to use a VPN

After a new connection has been created, it is enough to open a browser and load any page. Beginners may not create a connection, but immediately download a VPN client from the Internet or install a special browser extension. After downloading the program, you need to run it and click the " Connect". The client will join another network and the user will be able to view sites prohibited in his region. The disadvantage of this method is that the IP is issued automatically. The user cannot select a country. But the connection is configured very quickly, by pressing just one button. The option to add an extension also has disadvantages. Firstly, the user must be registered on the official website of the program, and secondly, the extension often crashes. But the user can choose the country through which the connection to the external network will be made. The connection process itself also does not raise questions. Just press the button " Start” and the browser will reload on the new network. Consider how to install the extension using an example ZenMate VPN.Download the program from the official site. After installation, an icon will appear in the browser:

Click on the icon. The extension window will be displayed:

If you move the mouse cursor to Russian flag icon, then the screen will display current IP. If you move the cursor over the icon with the flag of Romania, the IP of the selected server will appear. If desired, the country of connection can be changed. To do this, click on the globe and select one of the automatic addresses.

The disadvantage of the free version of the program is the small number of available servers and the imposition of advertising.

Most Common Mistakes

Various antivirus programs as well as firewalls can block the connection. In this case, an error code is displayed on the screen. Let's analyze the most popular problems and how to solve them.
Mistake Cause Decision
678 The OS does not allow encryption. You need to open a command prompt and check the "ProhibitIpSec" parameter in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\ Parameters" registry. It must be equal to 0. If the provider itself uses an encryption channel to provide services, then changing this setting will affect Internet access.
691 Invalid username/password entered You need to login again
692 Firewall error Turn off the firewall
720/738 User already connected Error 720 occurs only on Windows 7. Code 738 is reflected on all other operating systems. If you have to work from different PCs through one client, then you need to create several usernames.
734 Automatic VPN It is necessary to change the type "Automatic" to "L2TP IPSec VPN" in the connection properties. If the error persists, then you need to re-create the connection.
766/781 Key not saved/entered Open the VPN properties, on the "Security" tab, select the "Advanced options" item and in the new window enter the key
768/789 (Windows 7, Vista, XP) IPSec not working RMB on the label "My Computer" - "Management". In the "Services" section, select "IPSec". Set the connection type to Auto.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) or translated into Russian virtual private network is a technology that allows you to combine computer devices into secure networks in order to provide their users with an encrypted channel and anonymous access to resources on the Internet.

In companies, VPN is mainly used to combine several branches located in different cities or even parts of the world into one local network. Employees of such companies, using VPN, can use all the resources that are in each branch as their local, located at their side. For example, print a document on a printer located in another branch with just one click.

For ordinary Internet users, a VPN will come in handy when:

  • the site was blocked by the provider, but you need to go;
  • often you have to use online banking and payment systems and want to protect data from possible theft;
  • the service works only for Europe, and you are in Russia and don’t mind listening to music on LastFm;
  • want the sites you visit not to track your data;
  • there is no router, but it is possible to connect two computers to a local network to provide both access to the Internet.

How a VPN Works

VPNs work through a tunnel they establish between your computer and a remote server. All data transmitted through this tunnel is encrypted.

It can be imagined as an ordinary tunnel, which is found on highways, only laid through the Internet between two points - a computer and a server. Through this tunnel, data, like cars, rush between points at the highest possible speed. At the input (on the user's computer), this data is encrypted and sent in this form to the addressee (to the server), at this point it is decrypted and interpreted: the file is downloaded, a request is sent to the site, etc. After that, the received data is encrypted again on server and through the tunnel are sent back to the user's computer.

For anonymous access to sites and services, a network consisting of a computer (tablet, smartphone) and a server is sufficient.

In general, data exchange via VPN looks like this:

  1. A tunnel is created between the user's computer and the server with the VPN software installed. For example OpenVPN.
  2. In these programs, a key (password) is generated on the server and computer to encrypt/decrypt data.
  3. A request is created on the computer and encrypted using the key generated earlier.
  4. Encrypted data is transmitted through the tunnel to the server.
  5. The data that came from the tunnel to the server is decrypted and the request is executed - sending the file, entering the site, starting the service.
  6. The server prepares the response, encrypts it before sending it, and sends it back to the user.
  7. The user's computer receives the data and decrypts it with the key that was generated earlier.

Devices included in a virtual private network are not geographically bound and can be located at any distance from each other.

For an ordinary user of virtual private network services, it is enough to understand that accessing the Internet via VPN means complete anonymity and unlimited access to any resources, including those that are blocked by the provider or are not available for your country.

Who needs a VPN and why

Experts recommend using a VPN to transfer any data that should not be in the hands of third parties - logins, passwords, private and work correspondence, work with Internet banking. This is especially true when using open access points - WiFi at airports, cafes, parks, etc.

The technology will also come in handy for those who want to freely access any sites and services, including those blocked by the provider or open only to a certain circle of people. For example, is only available for free to residents of the US, England, and a number of other European countries. Using music services from Russia will allow connection via VPN.

Differences between VPN and TOR, proxy and anonymizers

VPN works globally on the computer and redirects all software installed on the computer through the tunnel. Any request - via chat, browser, cloud storage client (dropbox), etc. before reaching the addressee passes through the tunnel and is encrypted. Intermediary devices "muddle the trail" through the encryption of requests and decrypt it only before sending it to the final destination. The final destination of the request, for example, a website, captures not user data - geographic location, etc., but VPN server data. That is, it is theoretically impossible to track which sites the user visited and what requests were transmitted over a secure connection.

To some extent, anonymizers, proxies and TOR can be considered analogues of VPNs, but they all lose in some way to virtual private networks.

What is the difference between VPN and TOR

Like a VPN, TOR technology involves encrypting requests and transferring them from the user to the server and vice versa. Only TOR does not create permanent tunnels, the ways of receiving / transmitting data change with each access, which reduces the chances of intercepting data packets, but does not have the best effect on speed. TOR is a free technology and supported by enthusiasts, so you can't expect stable work. Simply put, it will work to go to a site blocked by the provider, but the video in HD quality will be loaded from it for several hours or even days.

What is the difference between a VPN and a proxy

Proxies, by analogy with VPNs, redirect the request to the site, passing it through intermediary servers. Only it is not difficult to intercept such requests, because the exchange of information takes place without any encryption.

What is the difference between a VPN and an anonymizer

Anonymizer is a stripped-down version of a proxy that can only work within an open browser tab. Through it, you can enter the page, but you won’t be able to use most of the features, and no encryption is provided.

In terms of speed, the proxy will win from the methods of indirect data exchange, since it does not provide for encryption of the communication channel. In second place is VPN, which provides not only anonymity, but also protection. The third place belongs to the anonymizer, which is limited to working in an open browser window. TOR is suitable when there is no time and opportunity to connect to a VPN, but you should not count on high-speed processing of bulk requests. This gradation is valid for the case when unloaded servers are used, located at the same distance from the tested one.

How to connect to the internet with a VPN

Dozens of services offer VPN access services in Runet. Well, there are probably hundreds around the world. Basically, all services are paid. The cost ranges from a few dollars to several tens of dollars per month. Specialists who have a good understanding of IT create a VPN server for themselves on their own, using servers provided by various hosting providers for this purpose. The cost of such a server is usually about $5 per month.

Whether you prefer a paid or free solution depends on your requirements and expectations. Both options will work - hide location, replace ip, encrypt data during transmission, etc. - but problems with speed and access in paid services happen much less often and are solved much faster.



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