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What is a hf request. High and low frequency keywords and expressions

I thought it would be useful and interesting to many. Information taken from the Internet.

The tweeter is also a tweeter, it is also a tweeter, the smallest in your car. Typically installed in door pillars. The size is about 5 cm in diameter.

MF speaker - midrange speaker.

woofer - subwoofer (bidbass)

One of the mandatory stages of sound tuning in the car interior is the selection of the optimal frequency separation between all radiating heads: LF, LF/MF, MF (if any) and HF. There are two ways to solve this problem.

Firstly, a restructuring, and often a complete redesign of a regular passive crossover, and secondly, connecting the speakers to an amplifier operating in multi-band amplification mode, the so-called Bi-amp (two-way amplification) or Tri-amp (three-way amplification) options.

The first method requires serious knowledge of electroacoustics and electrical engineering, therefore, for independent use, it is available only to specialists and experienced amateur radio electronics engineers, but the second, although it requires a larger number of amplification channels, is also available to a less trained motorist.

Moreover, the vast majority of sold power amplifiers are initially equipped with a built-in active crossover. For many models, it is so developed that with success and sufficiently high quality it allows you to implement multi-band speaker switching with a large number of speakers. However, the absence of a developed crossover in an amplifier or head unit does not stop fans of this method of scoring the interior, since there are many external crossovers on the market that can solve these problems.

First, it should be said that we will not give you one hundred percent universal recommendations, since they do not exist. In general, acoustics is a field of technology where experiment and creativity play a big role, and in this sense, fans of audio technology are lucky. But to conduct an experiment, so that it does not work out, like that crazy professor - with explosions and smoke - certain rules must be followed. The first rule is do no harm, but others will be discussed below.

Most of all, the inclusion of midrange and (or) high-frequency components causes difficulties. And the point here is not only that it is these ranges that carry the maximum information load, being responsible for the formation of the stereo effect, the sound stage, and are also highly susceptible to intermodulation and harmonic distortion if the crossover frequency is set incorrectly, but also that this frequency directly depends and reliability of the midrange and tweeters.

Turning on the tweeter.

The choice of the lower cutoff frequency of the range of signals supplied to the HF head depends on the number of bands of the speaker system. When a two-way speaker is used, then in the most typical case, i.e. when the woofer / midrange head is located in the door, it is advisable to select the cutoff frequency as low as possible to raise the level of the sound stage. Modern high-quality tweeters with a low resonant frequency FS (800-1500 Hz) can already reproduce signals from 2000 Hz. However, most tweeters used have a resonant frequency of 2000-3000 Hz, so remember that the closer to the resonant frequency we set the crossover frequency, the more stress is placed on the tweeter.

Ideally, with a filter attenuation slope of 12 dB/oct, the separation between the crossover frequency and the resonant frequency should be greater than an octave. For example, if the resonant frequency of the head is 2000 Hz, then with a filter of this order, the crossover frequency should be set to 4000 Hz. If you really want to choose a crossover frequency of 3000 Hz, then the steepness of the filter attenuation characteristic should be higher - 18 dB / oct, and better - 24 dB / oct.

There is another issue to consider when setting the crossover frequency for a tweeter. The fact is that after matching the components over the reproducible frequency range, you still need to match them in level and phase. The latter, as always, is a stumbling block - everything seems to be done correctly, but the sound is "not the same". It is known that the first order filter will give a phase shift of 90 °, the second - 180 ° (opposite phase), etc., so during tuning, do not be too lazy to listen to speakers with different switching polarities.

The human ear is very sensitive to the frequency range of 1500-3000 Hz, and in order to transmit it as well and cleanly as possible, one should be extremely careful. It is possible to break (split) the sound range in this area, but you should think about how to properly eliminate the consequences of unpleasant sound later. From this point of view, a three-way speaker system is more convenient and safer for tuning, and the midrange speaker used in it allows not only to effectively reproduce the range from 200 to 7000 Hz, but also to solve the problem of building a sound stage more easily. In three-way speakers, the tweeter is turned on at higher frequencies - 3500-6000 Hz, that is, obviously above the critical frequency band, and this allows you to reduce (but not eliminate) the requirements for phase matching.

Turning on the midrange head.

Before discussing the choice of the frequency of separation of the midrange and bass ranges, let's turn to the design features of the midrange speakers. Recently, installers have been very popular midrange speakers with a dome diaphragm. Compared to cone midrange drivers, they provide a wider radiation pattern and are easier to install because they do not require additional acoustic design. Their main drawback is the high resonant frequency, which lies in the range of 450-800 Hz.

The problem is that the higher the lower cutoff frequency of the band of signals fed to the midrange speaker, the smaller the distance between the midrange and bass heads should be, and the more critical it is where exactly the woofer stands and where it is oriented. Practice shows that dome midrange speakers can be turned on with a crossover frequency of 500-600 Hz without any problems with matching. As you can see, for most of the items sold, this is a fairly critical range, so if you decide on such a division, the order of the separation filter should be quite high - for example, 4th.

It should be added that dome speakers with a resonant frequency of 300-350 Hz have recently begun to appear. They can be used starting from a frequency of 400 Hz, but so far the cost of such instances is quite high.

The resonant frequency of midrange speakers with a cone cone is in the range of 100-300 Hz, which allows them to be used starting from a frequency of 200 Hz (in practice, 300-400 Hz is more often used) and with a low-order filter, while the woofer / midrange speaker is completely freed from the need to work in the midrange. Reproduction without separation between the speakers of signals with frequencies from 300-400 Hz to 5000-6000 Hz makes it possible to achieve a pleasant, high-quality sound.

Turning on the woofer/midrange speaker.

Gradually we got to the low-frequency range. Modern mid/bass speakers allow you to work effectively in the frequency band from 40 to 5000 Hz. The upper limit of its operating frequency range is determined by where the tweeter (in a 2-way speaker) or midrange driver (in a 3-way speaker) starts to work.

Many are concerned about the question: is it worth limiting its frequency range from below? Well, let's see. The resonant frequency of modern woofer/midrange speakers with a size of 16 cm lies in the range of 50-80 Hz, and due to the high mobility of the voice coil, these speakers are not so critical to work at frequencies below the resonant one. Nevertheless, the reproduction of frequencies below the resonant one requires certain efforts from it, which leads to a decrease in the return in the range of 90-200 Hz, and in two-way systems, the quality of the transmission of the midrange range. Since the main energy of the bass drum strikes falls on the frequency range from 100 to 150 Hz, the first thing you lose is a clearly defined punch (punch - hit). By limiting the range of signals reproduced by the low-frequency head to 60-80 Hz from below with the help of a high-pass filter, you will not only allow it to work much cleaner, but also get a louder sound, in other words, a better return.


It is better to entrust the reproduction of signals with frequencies below 60-80 Hz to a separate speaker - a subwoofer. But remember that the sound range below 60 Hz is not localized in the car, which means that the installation location of the subwoofer is not so important. If you have fulfilled this condition, and the sound of the subwoofer is still localized, then first of all it is necessary to increase the order of the low-pass filter. You should also not neglect the infra-low frequency suppression filter (Subsonic, or Finch). Remember that the subwoofer also has its own resonant frequency, and by cutting off frequencies below it, you achieve comfortable sounding and reliable operation of the subwoofer. As practice shows, the pursuit of deep bass significantly increases the cost of a subwoofer. Believe me, if the sound system you have assembled with good quality reproduces the sound range from 50 to 16,000 Hz, this is quite enough to comfortably listen to music in the car.

Head pairing methods.

Quite often the question arises: should I have the same order of low-pass and high-pass filters? It is not necessary at all, and it is not even necessary at all. For example, if you installed a two-way front speaker with a large speaker separation, then in order to compensate for the dips in the frequency response at the crossover frequency, the bass / midrange head is often included with a filter of a lower order. Moreover, it is not even necessary that the cutoff frequencies of the high-pass filter and low-pass filter coincide.

For example, to compensate for excess brightness at the separation point, the woofer / midrange head can operate up to 2000 Hz, and the tweeter - starting from 3000 Hz. It is important to remember that when using a first-order filter, the difference between the cutoff frequencies of the high-pass filter and the low-pass filter should be no more than an octave and decrease with increasing order. The same technique is used when pairing a subwoofer and midwoofer to attenuate standing waves (bass booming). For example, when setting the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter of the subwoofer to 50-60 Hz, and the high-pass filter of the LF / MF head to 90-100 Hz, according to experts, unpleasant overtones due to the natural rise in the frequency response in this frequency region due to the acoustic properties of the cabin are completely eliminated .

So if the quantity-to-quality rule works in car audio, it only holds true in terms of the cost of individual components and man-years, which determine the experience and skill of the installer, who will force the system to reveal its sonic potential.

The keywords that are included in the semantic core of any project have keywords that may change the priority of their promotion or use in their materials. One of these characteristics is the frequency of the request.

What is Request Frequency?

Query frequency is the number of times a user entered a given query into a search engine string in a certain period of time. One of the most popular and affordable services for checking the frequency of search queries is the Yandex service - Yandex.Wordstat ( Accordingly, the more frequent requests we use in our materials and articles, the more traffic we will receive. However, not everything is so simple, and first you need to understand the types of frequency requests and their application.

Types of request frequencies

In SEO, it is customary to classify queries by their frequency. It is believed that the higher the request frequency, the more traffic it will bring(If you look purely at the numbers).

The frequency types look like this:

    High-frequency requests, they are also HF requests.

    Mid-frequency requests, they are mid-range requests.

    Low-frequency requests, they are low-frequency requests.

This classification is used by SEO specialists in their work. For example, when communicating with colleagues, in order to indicate the traffic potential and the difficulty in promoting a particular group of requests.

Request frequency as a relative value

Frequency is not an absolute value. She reflects user demand for certain goods or services in a specific niche. It turns out that if we take all queries in the "laptops" category and sort them by frequency, then the first place will be a one-word query with a frequency of 5,295,645 impressions per month (conditionally). If we are talking about the "cat food" niche, then the upper threshold there can be much lower, about 249,968 impressions per month.

From this it follows that we will assign the type of request based on the upper threshold of frequency in the subject. As a result, we will get 3 groups, for each of which a frequency threshold will be assigned for the phrases that are included in this group.

For example, for the theme "trampoline for children" the borders will be as follows:

  • HF - anything above 20,000 impressions per month
  • MF - from 3,000 impressions per month
  • LF - up to 3,000 impressions per month

You should not be strongly attached to the boundaries and spend a lot of time classifying queries by type, because this segmentation is rather conditional and has no practical value.

High frequency requests (HF)

High-frequency queries (HF) are queries that have the highest frequency rates among all queries in our chosen niche. As mentioned above, RF query can be either 5,295,645 hits or 27,811 hits, as shown in the example below. In some topics, for example, a request less than 5,000 is no longer high-frequency.

Almost alwayshigh-frequency queries are marker queries, single-word, or the so-called .

An example of such requests can be “computer”, “car”, “apartment” and other general requests.

Photo 1: An example of a super-HF request for a niche with stable, heated demand.
Photo 2: According to statistics, cars are the second most popular topic for discussion among men.

An example of narrower, but high-frequency queries could be the following phrase (only if our niche is express weight loss courses):

Photo 3: Weight loss, weight loss - this is perhaps the most urgent problem for women. The frequency of the request signals that there is a clear demand in this topic.

The request is not one-word, but the semantic meaning or intention of the user is clear from it, in contrast to the request “car”, when it is not known whether to show him a site for car repair, washing or sale.

High-frequency queries have the advantage of potentially high traffic. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is unrealistic competition in high-frequency queries and it takes a lot of time and effort to break into the top for them.

Important! Do not try to promote a young resource exclusively on high-frequency requests, it will be much more profitable to focus on the promotion of mid-range and low-frequency requests for the rapid growth of the project.

As practice shows, high-frequency queries make up no more than 5% of the semantic core of the project. There are times when one common (HF) request covers 50% of the frequency of all other phrases from the core. This is a normal situation.

We can understand the relative difficulty in promoting a particular keyword by looking at its competition index. You can create the index yourself by analyzing the issue, or you can use the Mutagen service, which will calculate the index using its own formula. For example, if we see that according to Mutagen the competition of the phrase is 25, then we will not advance along it soon and it is better to focus on other, less competitive phrases.

Mid-Frequency Requests (MF)

Mid-frequency requests (MF) are a group of requests following the HF requests. For different topics, midrange requests can start from 1,000 or 50,000 impressions per month.

Mid-range requests are usually (but not always!) less competitive than high-frequency requests. In them it is possible to find requests with a longer “tail” and less competition. In addition, the midrange query in most cases contains more words. Thus, it is easier for us to understand the intention of the user who entered this request and show him an article with a solution to his problem or offer a product.

Photo 4: Such requests make up about 10% of the semantic core of the project.

MF requests are easier to promote than high-frequency ones (for the most part) and it can take less effort and time. However, in this case it will also be relevant to look at the competition of requests in order to build the right strategy for promoting documents (pages) on the site.

Low frequency requests (LF)

Low-frequency queries are queries whose frequency is less than 1000 or 100. It is this type of queries that is most interesting to SEO specialists and semantics, because they can make up 80-90% of the entire semantic core.

Why are there more such requests? Everything is simple. Many people, when they drive a search query into a line, for example, Yandex, know in advance what they need.

Interesting fact! People are learning to work with search. According to a study conducted by Yandex, in 2016 people entered 30% more phrases consisting of 7 words than in 2015. Thus, the "tail" of requests will continue to grow, and the user will detail his request more and more.

Example. There are 2 people - Petya and Masha, both want to buy a slow cooker. Petya is an amateur in this business and does not know what types of multicookers are, so he wants to see all possible options. Therefore, his request may look like a high-frequency one - “multi-cookers”.

Photo 5: As a first step Petya decides to just see what he has to deal with.

Masha, on the other hand, consulted with her friends and knows what kind of goods to take. Therefore, her query might look like “polaris pmc 0347ad crock-pot”.

Photo 6: Masha found out everything from her friends a long time ago and immediately went to compare prices.

Moreover, in this case, there can be several options for writing a request - “polaris multicooker”, “polaris pmc multicooker”, “buy polaris multicooker” and so on. If we assume that each person tries to find the multicooker model he is interested in, then at least 100 requests will be collected.

In some topics, requests may appear due to lack of knowledge or names of any things, diseases, products. Differences in knowledge, vocabulary, experience of people who enter queries into the search bar generates a large number of low-frequency queries.

For example, one user drives in a query: “How to grow a money tree?”, And the second user, who has more knowledge, writes “How to grow a fat woman?”. In fact, these requests are about the same thing, however, the second request will have lower competition and frequency than the first one.

The competition for low-frequency queries is usually small and it is not difficult to advance on 95% of them.

In no case should you ignore low-frequency requests. It is not uncommon for a large number of low-frequency requests to account for 80% of the project's traffic due to quantity, while HF and MF requests the remaining 20%.

Another characteristic feature of low-frequency queries is the "long tail" of the query - that is, a query of a large number of words. For example:

Photo 7: And also + free + without registration + without SMS.

Having collected groups of similar low-frequency queries led by the 1st marker

Photo 8: Tails "do it yourself" and "home conditions" are twin brothers. Usually, if you see one in a request, then sooner or later you find the second :).

We will get a full-fledged group of requests and will be able to write good material that will advance in low-frequency requests and gradually, increasing the trust of the project and document, will rise to the TOP and in high-frequency requests.


We have considered the main types of HF, MF and LF requests. Summarizing the main part, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

    Do not focus on RF requests. If our core consists mainly of high-frequency queries, then there will be difficulties with its implementation and promotion. It is better to supplement it with mids and lows and then implement it. In this case, it will be much easier to promote the project.

    If we want to move on high-frequency requests, then it is better to first evaluate the competition of each of them in order to better understand where the result will be faster.

    Do not ignore low-frequency requests. It is they, due to the number and total frequency, that help to cover all the semantics and desires of users and, as a result, get traffic to the site.

    Before the introduction of the SA, it should be analyzed for the number of HF, MF and LF - this will help determine how complete the core is in front of us. If HF requests are 50%, MF - 30%, and LF - 20%, then there is a potential for expanding SA at the expense of MF and LF. .

LF, MF, HF are abbreviations that mean low frequency, midrange And high frequency requests accordingly. That is, how many times the query was asked in search engines per month.

The lower the frequency of requests for some key phrases, the easier it is, as a rule, to promote the site. But this is not always the case, since a lot still depends on the contention of the request.

It is difficult to name the exact gradation of how many requests per month a high-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency should have. Everything depends on the topic. Approximate numbers are as follows:

  • LF - less than 150 requests per month
  • MF - from 150 to 5000 requests per month
  • HF - from 5000 requests per month

These figures are approximate and, as already mentioned, everything depends on the subject. Those. in some topics, it is possible that 500 requests per month will be considered low.

How to check the frequency of requests in Yandex

You can check the query frequency in Yandex at (free). However, you should not trust 100% the data that is shown there, since these are Yandex Direct query statistics. These values ​​can be used mainly for approximate calculations. For example, if query 1 was requested 100 times, and query 2 - 200 times, then we can safely say that the frequency for the search will also differ by about two times.

I advise you to check the request frequency in the following format:

The rule is very simple: write the query in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark "!" before each keyword. So you can determine the frequency of exactly the phrase you are looking for (with exact endings). However, even the information that you received will be based on data from the direct. But this method will help track relative competition.

You can read more about the syntax in Wordstat in the articles

In today's article, we will talk about search queries. And, as you may have guessed from the title ;-), there are 4 types - long tail, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency.

You will also learn what are the advantages and disadvantages of these queries, and what keywords are best to rank for.

Types of search queries:

A long tail is a search query that is very rarely requested by the user (1-10 times a month). In another way, a long tail is also called a Long tail query. Here is an example of such requests:

  • buy a laptop in an online store inexpensively on credit;
  • how to create a website yourself for free step by step instructions video;
  • buy Chinese phones wholesale in Odessa;
  • buy samsung tv 22 inches in moscow;
  • how to make money online without a website.

I checked each of these queries on It turns out that Yandex shows them to visitors no more than 10 times a month.

Despite such a low number of impressions, I believe that it is a must to use them when selecting keywords.

Firstly, if a visitor gets to the site on a request, for example, "buy Chinese phones wholesale in Odessa", then he will buy Chinese phones in bulk, and in Odessa: smile :. For such keywords, the most targeted visitors come, who, in most cases, become buyers.

Secondly, there is practically no competition for long tail queries, and it is very easy to reach the TOP. To do this, it is enough to enter such a request once into the article and put several internal links with such a .

Well, and, thirdly, 60-90% of all visitors come to the site for such requests. Yes, yes, you may be surprised and disagree with me, these dummies, as many people call them, provide more than half of the search traffic.

I'm not saying that you need to create a special page to get to the top. You don't need to do this. But such a tail can be added to the main request. For example, you are advancing on the request of how to make money on the Internet. So why not write once in an article how to make money on the Internet without a website. This is very easy to do, and there will be a lot of sense from it. I also advise you to read the article: "?" In this article, you will learn where to look for such queries and how to correctly enter them into the text.

Low frequency requests (LF)- These are requests that have low competition and are rarely requested by users. For example, here are a few low-frequency queries:

  • buy a Chinese tablet online store;
  • plastic windows in Moscow cheap;
  • buy oil for a chainsaw Stihl;
  • repair in the apartment with your own hands where to start.

Do not confuse low-frequency requests and a long tail. Low frequencies differ from the long tail in that they have more impressions per month. In most cases, it is very easy to get to the top for such queries. To do this, you need to create a special page and write a large article tailored to this request. Then you can also put down a few links from other internal pages, or buy a few links on other thematic sites.

But there are also situations when low-frequency requests are highly competitive. This sometimes happens in highly competitive commercial niches. Therefore, you should always analyze each request and look at the sites that are in the top for it.

The advantage of these queries is that the visitors go to the target site and in most cases become buyers when it comes to commercial niches. The main disadvantage is that very few people come to them and bring the site only for low-frequency queries, it is very difficult to get high traffic from search engines.

Mid-Frequency Requests (MF) are requests that are requested by visitors approximately 1,000 to 10,000 times a month. For each niche, this number will be different. Here are some examples of mid-range queries:

  • how to make money online without investment;
  • kitchen knives;
  • buy plastic windows;
  • what is music;

Many people think that mid-frequency requests are necessarily medium-competitive. In most cases it is, but not always. Here, for example, take two queries: “what is music” and “buy plastic windows”. Although these requests are mid-frequency, but still, it is much more difficult to move to the top in the second one than in the first one. This is due to the fact that the first request is informative, and the second is commercial. And since commercial requests bring money, then the competition for them is great. This once again suggests that, first of all, you need to take into account the competition, and only then the number of impressions.

Mid-frequency requests are like a golden mean and you need to move along them. They will bring a lot of visitors, and it is also quite possible to reach the top.

High frequency requests (HF)- These are the queries that are requested by users the most times. As usual, I will give an example of such requests:

  • a laptop
  • music
  • plastic windows
  • Yandex

The main advantage of these queries is that they are able to bring the largest number of visitors to the site from . But here is their disadvantage - they are very competitive, and in order to reach the top of them, you need to spend a lot of time and money.

Also, I don't like to rank for high volume keywords because they have very low conversion rates. For example, a visitor enters the word "laptop" into a search engine. I don't understand what he is looking for. He wants to buy a laptop, or look at prices. And can read the information or see photos of laptops: smile :. Thus, the page can be one thing, and the visitor is looking for something completely different. Also, which is in the top for a high-frequency query will be larger than, for example, a page that is in the top for a low-frequency query.

What are the best keywords to rank for

In short, it is best to move on all requests at once, and it does not matter if the site is one day old or 10 years old. I will now explain why I think so. See, for example, we have 4 requests.

  1. Long tail - how to create a website yourself for free without registration; (6 impressions)
  2. Low-frequency request - how to create a website yourself for free; (370 impressions)
  3. Mid-frequency request - how to create a website yourself; (2022 impressions)
  4. High-frequency request - site. (15,859 impressions)

It makes no sense to create a page for the long tail, since we will receive very few visitors. Our site Yandex will show only 6 times a month, believe me, this is very little: smile :.

It is also not worth promoting on the request “website”. Firstly, there is a lot of competition, and secondly, this is not a targeted request and we will get a high bounce rate. It remains to choose a low-frequency or high-frequency request. Both of these options are good, but it's best to move through all of these queries at once.

To do this, we can simply combine all these requests into one phrase - “how to create a website yourself for free without registration”, and write this phrase in the headlines, several times in the article and in the link url. For a complete set, you can also add some subtitle to the ALT tag. You can put down internal links with the anchor of this key phrase.

After a while, the long tail and low-frequency query will be in the top if you write a good article. Mid-frequency query can be forgotten in the top external links. As for the tweeter, you need to look at what position it is. If it is at least in the top 30, then you can also promote it with the help of external links. Only such links will need much more: smile :.

If you use this keyword selection scheme, you will get much more visitors to your site from search engines. Many may ask: “What if it doesn’t work to combine all the queries?” If it doesn’t work out, then you can combine at least mid-frequency and high-frequency or low-frequency and long tail queries, etc. Sometimes I manage to combine 6 queries into one phrase that can be easily entered into an article. The main thing is to spend more time on the selection of keywords and it is better to select words for a separate article, and not for the whole site at once, because if you select for a site, you can get confused :smile:.

That's all for me. I thought to briefly describe the types of search queries - long tail, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency, but it turned out, as always, much more ;-).

(4 ratings, average: 4,25 from 5 )

Search frequency and competition for key phrases - in detail

On my blog, I write all over the place about the importance of low-competitive queries. In general, the core of my methodology is exactly work with NK keys. Not everyone has reached this point yet, but time will put everything in its place, believe me. So, today I would like to talk in more detail about the frequency and competition of requests, about the immediate importance of choosing NK requests, about their advantages and make a detailed classification.

It is noteworthy that in the minds of many, the axioms of the form are densely embedded - the HF request must have a frequency of more than 10,000. Damn, well, this is nonsense! HF can have a frequency of 1000, and sometimes less ... These are the cockroaches that I will try to eradicate today. Read on.

Such different key phrases or classification of the frequency of requests

Each of you heard that there are requests with different frequencies:

  • high frequency or HF
  • midrange or midrange
  • bass or midrange

Let's briefly look at each of them.

High frequency (HF)

For the most part, these are single-word queries, sometimes two-word queries, and in very rare cases three-word queries. What does it depend on? - only from the topic. If your subject is the installation of air conditioners, then for you HF requests will be air conditioners. If your subject is insect extermination (service), then for you the HF request will be the destruction of insects, and if your subject is sewing motorcycle seats, then the HF request in your case is a three-word request ( although in this example it is debatable, but not the point). And the bottom line is that the frequency is inextricably linked with your topic, unless, of course, we are talking about targeted traffic. Indeed, in the last example, we can take both the request for seats AND the request for motorcycles. And in each case, a handful of traffic will be in the subject) Well, or request a motorcycle seat. I think you got my train of thought.

The frequency of the request should always be correlated with the topic, and a high-frequency speaker of one subject may well be a low-frequency speaker for another.

That is, the frequency is most directly connected to the theme of the site. It is impossible to say from which bar the tweeters start - each topic will have its own bar. And the owner of each site knows his tweeter. Therefore, the expression - " tweeter in my subject«.

The generally accepted rule - HF from 10,000 in the vast majority of cases works, but, as you could see above, not always!

Mid-Frequency Requests (MF)

Average frequency queries are those queries, the frequency of which, as a rule, is 10 times lower than the frequency of the main keywords, which we talked about in the paragraph above. Sometimes they have a structure like high-frequency + word, and sometimes they have nothing in common with the main query (jargon, for example).

Low frequency (LF)

These are all other requests that did not fall into the HF and MF group.

When evaluating the frequency of requests, it should be taken into account that there is also a seasonality factor, which introduces a considerable admixture and often leads you away from finding the most interesting keywords for promotion.

That's not all

In the seo environment, it is also customary to single out microwave and ultra-low frequency queries, that is, super-high-frequency and super-low-frequency ones. But this classification is rather jargon and you will not find it in widely known manuals, except perhaps in communication on forums.

A separate and most interesting group of queries, about which there is also practically no information in free sources - random requests. Have you heard of these? Random queries are search questions that appear once and may never be requested again . As a rule, these are verbose queries in which the user most fully addressed the search engine. These queries have 3 characteristic features:

  1. these are the most obvious of all groups of requests (that is, the user’s thought is fully disclosed and there is no doubt that he wants. For example, guess what the air conditioners who entered the request want)
  2. as a rule, for such requests, the search engine results are of the least quality and you simply cannot find the answer to the question asked
  3. such requests make up more than 60% of the traffic generated by search engines

Particular attention should be paid to points 2 and 3. Yes, this is not a typo - most of the traffic of any search engine is just random requests that are initiated once and may never be repeated. It's funny, but those requests for which everyone fights with each other and spends huge budgets make up a smaller part of the total SEO traffic. And I think it's the duty of every site owner to tame such requests, but we'll talk about that later. A distinctive feature of random requests is the complete absence of competition, but there is also a difficult barrier - you can’t prepare the page in advance (in terms of optimization) to receive such requests, because. you simply cannot know what these requests are, but these difficulties are solvable and I will tell you how in the future.

Another interesting kind of queries − empty requests, that is, requests with a frequency of 0. This group includes very interesting and useful flashing key phrases. Although all this sounds rather complicated, it is very easy to find blinking queries even with the basic Yandex Wordstat tools, and even the key collector allows you to fully automate this procedure.

I am sure that 90% of you, dear readers, simply cut off "zeroes" when you do this. But this is fundamentally wrong - among such zeros there can be a lot of blinking requests, which were not shown last month, but earlier (and later) can give a very good frequency, up to midrange. A distinctive feature of blinking requests is precisely low competition, because, as I said above, most optimizers and site owners simply cut them off at the very early stage of semantic core formation. But finding such requests is ridiculously simple - you need to press one button when analyzing the frequency in the kei collector:

So, let's summarize the first chapter by distributing requests into groups according to frequency:

  1. Random
  2. Flashing

But the frequency of requests is only the very beginning, the tip of the iceberg ... It's time to talk about the most important thing - keyword competition.

Query Competition - Introduction

What is, in essence, the competitiveness of the request - have you ever wondered? The number of competing sites that are promoted on it or their link budgets, or maybe Direct or the number of pages in the search engine index, as some people think? No no and one more time no!

The basis of the fundamentals is the quality of the issuance. A low-competitive query is a query for which the search engine does not have enough high-quality sites in the database. A high competition query is a query where there are many more sites relevant to this query than there are vacancies in the TOP. And then the dances with tambourines begin - in order for the search engine to choose ours out of hundreds of sites, it is necessary to pour a lot of dough into the development of the site, the link and social components, etc. In this vein, unfortunately, most promoters are used to working ... And what is the output? Budgets for SEO are leaving, there are no and no positions for the necessary queries, and the budgets are leaving again. A month passes, 2-3-4-5, a year, but the picture does not change! Is this familiar? And to the question - when to wait for customers, you will hear something like - you have to wait a couple more months and then ... Yes, then nothing will happen!

And the keys are good, beautiful and sound. And after all, if they are in the TOP, then those long-awaited customers will come to you. But not everything is so deplorable and sometimes the TOP still happens, but I would single out the word sometimes here. Here's a classic promotion for you.

Whatever the frequency of queries you use, whatever keywords you use to create content on the site, I recommend considering what it looks like. To find out how to promote your site in the Yandex TOP 10, I recommend reading the article, which is especially useful in the case of the so-called "young" site.

But everything can be fundamentally different. What is a low competition request? This is a request for which there are vacancies in the TOP of the issue. Crap - Yandex itself will be happy to put your site in the TOP, if it's not dull shit (your site). And competition with frequency has no connection. Very often, a request with low competition has an incredible frequency and vice versa. There is no longer a question of whether requests will reach the TOP or not. The site needs to be brought to a good technical condition, set up Yandex CF (there will be an article on this topic soon), prepare the right articles (there will be an article on this topic soon), purchase links and queries will go to the TOP, they will definitely come out, there’s nothing to talk about.

But that's not all...

There are also requests with ultra-low competition.

So, here's what we have - regardless of the frequency, requests should be divided into the following groups according to the level of competition:

  • Low-competitive - NK
  • Queries with medium competition - SC
  • Requests with high competition - VK
  • Requests without competition - snk
  • Ultra-high competition requests - sVK

Let's look at each group in a little more detail:

Extreme competition requests

As a rule, these are the most commercial requests containing a clear call to action, for example, buy an iphone. Sometimes these are requests - leaders, without action, for example - website promotion, and sometimes these are single-word requests like air conditioners.

A distinctive feature of ultra-high competition requests is the huge rates on clicks in Direct, the total presence in the TOP of the search results of muzzles (the main pages of sites) and crazy budgets for promotion, but most importantly, there is a surplus of high-quality documents worthy of being in the TOP of a search engine. As a rule, all such requests are concentrated in the Moscow region. Yandex itself knows all sVK requests and it is on them that new algorithms are tested. These are the most commercially interesting queries, and it is around them that the struggle is going on, new search algorithms are constantly being tested in order to minimize the impact of SEO optimization and earn as much as possible on the context (Yandex to earn).

It does not make any sense for the owners of simple sites to fight for these requests, and everything seems to be logical, but not everyone understands this, draining budgets into a pipe and not getting any effect from such a promotion.

High competition requests

This group mainly includes classic high-frequency queries without a clear commercial focus, for example, SEO. The situation is almost the same as with the previous group, except that the rates in Direct are not so high here, but these requests also primarily affect changes in search algorithms. There is still a surplus of quality documents that fully respond to the request! Promotion for such requests is sometimes really justified, but only if you already have a lot of traffic and orders, but this path is still far from ideal, because. the cost of 1 client here remains high, and the promotion itself is rather shaky and it is difficult to predict the future position of the site.

Medium competition queries

Medium competition requests are not remarkable in any way. The TOP 10 results already contain internal pages of sites, clicks on Direct already have adequate value. The output quality is already noticeably weaker. This group of requests is not bad at all for promotion, but still, I do not consider it appropriate to promote the SC requests, because. the difference in traffic quality between SC and NC requests is negligible, and the cost of a lead still remains high. But the basis of SEO is to bring customers and the cheaper each of them, the more effective SEO is in the long run..

Low competition requests

This is my favorite group of requests, which allows you to get high-quality targeted traffic quickly and inexpensively. Among the NC requests, as a rule, there are medium and low-frequency requests, with rare exceptions, even high-frequency ones can be found here. Progress on this group of requests is always predictable and minimally dependent on changes in search algorithms. The basis is just such requests, but that's not all, because there is another group of requests that is most interesting from the point of view of search promotion.

Ultra-low competition requests

SNK queries are the holy grail of SEO. This is a special cast of requests that do not need anything at all to reach the TOP, except for a one-time mention on the page. Moreover, this does not have to be a correct article - just enter the key into it 1 time and use it in the Title of the page. And I must say that there are such requests in any subject and in plastic windows and air conditioners - in general, everywhere. The main difficulty is to find these very SNK requests. If the technique has been worked out, then in any topic you can find hundreds and even thousands of them, and then, based on them, draw up a content plan, dividing them into groups.

As a result, we get a plan for placing hundreds of articles that, once on your site in 3-4 months, will themselves be in the TOP and bring a lot of traffic. It looks something like this:

In the screenshot above, we see a 5x increase in search traffic over a 3 month period!

In the screenshot above, we see a 4x increase in search traffic over a period of 5 months!

I will not describe in detail the methodology for finding such keys now, but I can only give you directions for further thought. The basis here is the same frequency, or rather zeros, because zeros are essentially zeros or were not before. In addition to zeros, we can ask Yandex itself about such requests (but this will already be wild fawn ...). Who in the subject will understand me!

At the very beginning of this article, I wrote that the majority bypass blinking requests, and many have not even heard of random requests in general. Working with this group allows you to increase high-quality website traffic at the lowest possible investment! This is how effective SEO should be! And it is these requests that I help my clients find by preparing a content plan for SNK requests.

You can order an effective promotion that will bring a lot of traffic to your site, just like dozens of other sites that I have promoted, you can at.

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