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What is a text editor? Features of working with text processing programs. Review of free alternative text editors Text editor MS word

MSWord. Basic techniques used when creating text. Creating and printing text

Goal: To study the structure of the MS Word office application window, learn how to enter text, copy and move its fragments, work with built-in fonts, save, close and open a document. Master entering/exiting TR Word. Learn how to create a new document, set page parameters, format text, work with several documents at the same time and print text.

LITERATURE: Computer science: Basic course/Ed. Simonovich S.V. – St. Petersburg, 2002.

EQUIPMENT: Pentium PC, Windows software.

Work assignment (sequence of actions with general information and recommendations for implementing task items)

1. Launch the Word text editor.

Start„ Programs„ Microsoft Word (May be, Start„ Programs„ MicrosoftOffice„ Microsoft Word) or 2 clicks LMB on the label Microsoft Word on the desktop .

2. Studying the structural window of TP Word.

Find the title bar with the system (control) menu button on the left and window control buttons on the right, the main (horizontal) menu bar, the pictographic toolbar Standard ( with images of a blank piece of paper, floppy disk, printer, etc.) And Formatting (with images of symbols AND, TO, H and other tools), the application work area (document area), horizontal and vertical centimeter coordinate bars, horizontal and vertical document scroll bars, the status bar (note the row of indicator windows in the center of the line) and the Windows taskbar. At the bottom of the window, above the status bar, there will probably be an icon toolbar displayed. Drawing .

The required icon toolbars can be displayed on the screen through the main menu View„ Toolbars„ followed by clicking LMB on the birds to the left of the name of the desired panel. You can remove unnecessary icon panels from the screen in the same way by clicking on the bird in front of the panel name. If there are no coordinate bars, you can adjust their appearance in page layout mode ( View„ Page layout), through the main menu item View, 1 LMB before the word Ruler, and also through the main menu Service„ Options..., tab View, check the box Vertical ruler. Please note that on this same tab there are checkboxes for showing (and hiding) the status bar and scroll bars, you may find this useful. Next, let's explore some of the capabilities of TP Word

3. Copying (replicating) text fragments using the drag-and-drop technique.

Type a word on the keyboard, such as "Document", and copy it four times (make copies of it in four other places, without typing). For this:

· pre-press the key 4 times Enter to prepare space for copies;

· select the word “Document” (one way: make two quick LMB clicks on this word; another way is to drag over the word with the mouse while LMB is pressed). If you did everything correctly, the word will be painted black;

· “grab” the word by moving the mouse cursor to it so that it takes the form of an oblique white arrow pointing to the left, and by pressing and holding the left mouse button (a blank rectangle appears near the arrow) and the key Ctrl(in addition to the existing one, a “+” sign appears), drag it to the next line. Release the mouse button first, then the key Ctrl. The word “Document” was copied into the second line using the drag-and-drop technique.

· Do the same thing three more times, copying the word “Document” into the previously created empty bottom lines. Please note once again that when copying in this way (by dragging with the key pressed Ctrl) a blank sheet sign with a plus sign (+) appears at the mouse cursor.

4. Moving text fragments from one area of ​​the document to another (using drag-and-drop technique). Using the existing 5 lines with the word “Document”, move this word from the 2nd line to the 6th and from the 4th to the 7th:

· to do this, first add two new empty lines (place the input cursor at the end of the last of the existing lines and press the key twice Enter);

· then highlight the desired word, grab it with the mouse, and drag it to the desired line below (without pressing the key Ctrl), and note that when dragging in this way, the mouse cursor takes the form of an oblique white arrow with a rectangle of a blank sheet of paper without the “+” sign;

· do this again (from the 4th to the 7th line); Please note that the 2nd and 4th lines did not disappear, but simply remained empty.

5. Changing the font typeface and font sizes of typed words. Find on the panel Formatting window Font and next to it is a window Size, which are expandable lists (with attached buttons with a black triangle pointing down, i.e. buttons for expanding lists). Having expanded the lists of possible options, set the font (font) for the first word Arial and give it a size of 12 points(1 point=0.35 mm).To do this:

· highlight the word;

· click in the window Font follow the black arrow and select a font from the list provided Arial;

· click in the adjacent window Font size follow the black arrow and select a size in the list 12 points;

· do the same with other words: assign a font to one of them Courier New and size 48, for others - leave the font Times New Roman, but give me the size 18;

· In other words, choose any font and size you like. It is possible that after choosing a new font, symbols that bear little resemblance to Russian letters (or letters in general) will appear on the screen instead of your word. Not all fonts support Cyrillic (i.e. Russian letters). In this case, look for and use a different font.

6. Changing the style of characters.

Give your words different styles: bold, underlined, and italic. For this:

· select the first word and click on the panel Formatting by pictogram with letter AND;

· highlight the second word and click on the icon with the letter H;

· highlight the third word and click on the icon with the letter TO.

You can remove these settings by clicking on the same tools again while first selecting the desired word (text fragment). Please note that when using these (and a number of other tools on the panel Formatting ) to fragments of text, their icons take the form of pressed buttons.

7. Studying the possibilities of automating error correction. Type any word after making a mistake in it, for example “ titration" and press the key Enter. Word underlines your word with a red wavy line. This means that the word is misspelled. If the erroneous word is not underlined, this means that automatic spell checking is not installed, and you would need to install it yourself, through the main menu: Service„ Options, tab Spelling, check the box Automatically check spelling. If this is done, then Word will help you correct errors in this way:

· place (position) the mouse cursor (vertical line with bars) on the misspelled word and right-click (RMB);

· in the drop-down window, select (by hovering the mouse cursor and then highlighting) the correct word and click on it with the left mouse button. The error has been fixed.

Experiment for yourself with other examples of errors that have several different fixes.

8. Saving the created document on any storage medium.

Save the document you created to drive A:. For this:

· insert the floppy disk into the drive;

· in the drop-down menu item File(Word main menu) select command Save(or click on the floppy disk icon on the toolbar Standard) ;

· in the dialog box that opens Saving a document Open the window Folder(which is a drop-down list of available folders), click on the black arrow next to it and select drive A:;

· then in the window File name type the title (file name), for example P31;

9. Closing the document. To do this in the menu File select item Close. The document will be closed, but Word will not exit.

10. Opening a document(using the example of your just closed file):

· on the menu File select item Open;

· in the dialog box " Opening a document" in the window Folder the name of the desired disk must be set (in your case this is the disk A:, and if it is not installed, then expand the list of folders and select drive A:);

· select the highlighted folder in the work area of ​​the window on drive A: the name of your file ;

· click on the button Open.

11. Exit the Word editor.

To exit the editor, you must first save (if they are important and necessary for you) and close all the documents you were working with. But even if you forget to do this, Word will remind you by asking: Save changes to document? To this you will have to give one of the answers: Not really or Cancel. If you answer Yes, then a dialog box for saving the document will open and then you will have to work similar to that described in paragraph 8.

Exit the Word editor in any of four possible ways:

– select a command from the main menu: File„ Exit;

– press the key combination Alt+F4;.

– click the close window button located in the upper right corner of the window (in the title bar) ;

– double-click on the icon in the upper left corner of the application window (at the beginning of the title bar, control or system menu button).

12. Exit Windows. (Please note, but do not comply!) Correct sequence:

· chain Start„ Completing work...„ Shutdown, click on the button OK;

· turn off the display.

13. Typing and formatting text documents.
Launch Word again and create a text document in it, following the recommendations below:

A) To ensure a good document appearance, set reasonable text boundaries. To do this in the menu File select Page settings and in the tab Fields set the top, bottom and right margin - 1.5 cm, left (for filing) - 2.5 cm. On the tab Paper size select orientation Book. Press the key OK. Via the main menu Service„ Options… tab View check the box text borders.

B) Set the paragraph indent (red line) to 1.5 cm. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the top tabulator of the horizontal coordinate ruler (light triangle with the vertex down), click on the left mouse button and, without releasing the button, drag it to 1.5 cm to the right. Release the mouse button - the paragraph indent (first line indent) is set. When you press a key Enter the cursor will move to the beginning of a new line at the paragraph indent position. Please note that there are other controls on this line. These are the lower triangles on the left and right with their vertices up, for setting by dragging the protrusion on the left and the indentation on the right for individual text fragments inside the work area of ​​the sheet. This is a rectangle under the left triangle (left indent), for synchronously moving the positions of the left indent and paragraph indent (first line indent). In addition, on both the horizontal and vertical centimeter rulers there are controls for setting margins (left, right, top, bottom) using the mouse using the dragging technique - these are the dividing lines between the dark and light parts of the rulers, and the moment of grabbing the line for dragging is indicated on the screen by the appearance of a black bidirectional arrow, horizontal or vertical.

B) Install the font Arial and font size 12 points.

D) Set up automatic hyphenation in the text when the right border of the text is reached. To do this, follow the chain of commands from the main menu Service„ Language„ Hyphenation..., check the box next to the item Automatic hyphenation And OK.

E) When typing text, follow these rules: after punctuation marks (period, comma, semicolon, colon, ellipsis, exclamation and question marks), be sure to put a space, otherwise Word will consider the continuous spelling an error. Before punctuation marks (period, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation point and question mark), before a closing bracket or quotation mark, after an opening bracket or quotation mark, before and after a hyphen - you cannot put a space, otherwise formatting the text according to the width may lead to unwanted effects. A space must be placed before and after the dash.

Enter the following text using the keyboard, using the icon to automatically number the list Numbering on the toolbar Formatting ( you can first type all the texts without numbering, then select the block to be numbered and click on the icon Numbering panels Formatting convert it to a numbered list ) .

Text to be typed (in larger bold font)

The word "document" comes from the Latin dokumentum - evidence. The Dictionary of the Russian Language explains the meaning of this word as follows:

1. A business document that serves as proof of something, confirming the right to something.

3. A written act, document, drawing, any work, etc., which has the value of historical evidence, testimony.

As you can see, Word automatically knows how to number a list. At the same time, if you insert additional items inside the list (or delete unnecessary or erroneous ones), Word will automatically renumber the list.

14. Text formatting.

Text looks especially good when all lines are the same length, i.e. the text is aligned both left and right (this does not apply to the ending lines of paragraphs and the first lines, which have a red or hanging line indentation) . To get this (i.e. a flat left border) do the following:

a) select all the typed text ( Edit„ Select all or on the keyboard Ctrl+ A);

b) click on the panel Formatting button Width(five horizontal stripes of equal length are drawn on it). Analyze the result.

15. Saving documents. Save your text to disk A: under the name Educational text . For this:

a) insert the floppy disk into the drive;

b) click on the panel Standard button Save(with image of floppy disk) ;

c) in the field Folder expand the list and select the drive A:, in the text field File name dial Educational text and press the button Save. Before doing this, make sure that in the text field File type(which is below the field File name) there was an installation Document Word ; if there is something else there, then expand the list of possible types and select by clicking Document Word .

Please note that the name of your file appears in the title bar.

16. Selecting parts of text with the mouse. Highlight arbitrary You can drag fragments of text over them with the mouse while pressing LMB from either end of the fragment. If the mouse is not working well, selection can be made using the keyboard. In this case, you need to set the text cursor using the arrow keys to the beginning of the fragment (or to its end), and then make the necessary selection using the necessary arrow keys to control the cursor when the key is pressed Shift. If a piece of text consists of several full lines of text, then the selection can be made faster - with the LMB pressed, drag it from the first line of the fragment to the last (or vice versa) along the selection bar (the left margin on the sheet, opposite the desired lines). But for certain other cases, there are other individual methods for quick selection, a number of which are given below.

Highlighting a sentence– position the cursor anywhere in the sentence of your text and, while holding down the key Ctrl, left click. Deselect– click the mouse anywhere in the text.

Selecting a paragraph– place the mouse cursor to the left of the paragraph (on the so-called highlight bar) so that it looks like an oblique white arrow pointing to the right, and make two quick clicks. You can also select a paragraph by triple-clicking inside the paragraph. Check it out!

Selecting multiple paragraphs– position the mouse cursor to the left of the beginning of the selection, make two quick mouse clicks and, without releasing the mouse button, drag the mouse to the end of the selection and release the button.

Select all text– move the mouse cursor to any place to the left of the text (the cursor will look like an oblique white arrow pointing to the right) and make three quick clicks with the mouse (the same effect will occur as when using a keyboard shortcut. Ctrl+ A or when using the main menu Edit„ Select all, but faster).

17. Creating a new document and copying part of the text from an existing document into it(we do it using our old file Educational text ) . For this:

a) select a fragment of text from its beginning to point 2;

b) copy the selected part to the clipboard by clicking on the panel Standard according to the pictogram - Copy;

c) create a new document - click on the icon with the image of a blank sheet Create. A blank new document window will open;

d) paste into a new document from the clipboard part of the text that you previously copied there using the icon - Insert.

18. Save the new document to disk A: under the name Text 2 (on one's own).

If you did everything correctly, the title of your document will appear in the title bar: Text 2.

19. Go to document Educational text. To do this, click sequentially on the menu item Window, then in the vertical menu along the line Educational text.

20. Print your first document Educational text on the printer (if you have a printer!) For this:

a) put the printer in a ready state (turn on, load paper);

b) click on the button with the image of a printer Seal on the panel Standard;

21. Print the same document Text 2 on the printer. To do this, first go to it using the main menu item Window, and then print (see point 20).

Control questions

1. How to launch the Word text editor?

2. How to highlight a word?

3. How to copy a word?

4. How to transfer a word?

5. How to change the font?

6. How to fix an error using Word?

8. How to close a document? How to open a document?

9. How do I exit the Word editor?

10. How to set page parameters?

11. How to automatically hyphenate text?

12. How to format text according to width? to the left? on the right side? in the center?

14. How to highlight a sentence, paragraph, entire text (list different ways)?

15. How to create a new document?

16. How to copy a block of text from one document to another?

17. How to move from one document to another?

18. How to print a document on a printer?

19. What appearance does the mouse cursor take on the screen when working in Word in different situations? (List verbally and draw.)

20. What controls are there on the horizontal coordinate ruler above the document sheet in page layout mode, how to use them, and what do they control?


Educational computer practice is carried out upon completion of the 1st year of study by a student in specialty 220501.

Goals of computer practice:

Consolidation and deepening of practical skills and theoretical knowledge acquired while studying the discipline of computer science;

Familiarization with software tools used later in the process of training in the specialty;

Gain an understanding of static data, organization and collection when monitoring production processes, and processing methods using computer programs;

Consolidating the rules for formatting text documents in accordance with regulatory control requirements.

Practice objectives:

Study of modern operating systems;

Gaining an understanding of computer networks and their models;

Familiarization with the concept of expert systems, means and methods of information security;

Mastering the basics of computer graphics.

After completing computer practice, the student should know:


Information security methods;

Possibility of using computer programs for quality control and static processing of received information;

Application of computer programs in product quality management, implementation of research work, registration and presentation of the results obtained.

After completing computer practice, the student should be able to:

microsoft office internet application

Work with basic MS Office applications: Word, Excel, Point;

Apply the normative control requirements established at the Q&A department when preparing educational works;

Solve static quality control problems using software (Excel, Statistic);

Use graphic editors;

Create electronic presentations;

Use Internet resources.

Text editor MS Word

Microsoft Word is a word processor (Word processor is a type of application computer program designed to produce any type of printed information), designed for creating, viewing and editing text documents. Produced by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office package and is the most advanced and most popular program in the class of word processors.

Launch and create a new document.

One way to launch MS Word is through Start - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Word.

The main Word window begins with a title bar. Here the program writes the name of the file that we downloaded. If you just downloaded Microsoft Word, then the name of the new file will be Document 1, the next Document 2, and so on. The program by default gives all new files the names Document with a number.

In the upper right corner there are window control buttons: minimize the window to the taskbar, minimize and expand to full screen, close the window.

Below the window title there is a line of drop-down menus. Below the drop-down menu bar there are toolbars - Standard and Formatting, and at the bottom there is another panel - Drawing. You can display it, or you can remove it so it doesn’t take up space.

If you right-click on the Word toolbar, you will see a list of toolbars, each containing a set of buttons that perform different functions. You can customize any toolbar at your own discretion by adding or changing the buttons it contains. By clicking on a particular line, you can display or hide the panel, and the displayed panel will have a checkbox and vice versa.

The most prominent place on the screen is occupied by the working window, where new text is entered or previously typed text is loaded from a file. The text cursor in the window looks like a blinking vertical bar, the size of which is determined by the size of the selected font.

Saving documents.

The document you created needs to be saved (Command Save on the File menu), if only so as not to waste time re-typing the information you need. When saving a new document, you must give it a name and indicate the folder in which it will be stored; by default, this folder will be My Documents.

You can save a document in several formats. Format. doc is Word's own format. If you do not specify a name for the new file, the program will assign the first sentence of the document as its name. The file name can be up to 255 characters long and can include letters, numbers, spaces, and the symbols: @ # $ % & () ( ).

Opening a document.

To open an existing document, use the Open command on the File menu or click the corresponding button on the toolbar. In the Open Document dialog box that appears, specify the path to the document in the Folder line and the document name in the File name line, and then click the Open button (or double-click on its name with the left mouse button).

Move through the document.

You can use scroll bars to move around the document. To move in the desired direction, click on the slider and move it without releasing the mouse button. If you click on the scroll buttons, the text will scroll a certain distance. By clicking on the bar itself, you can scroll through the document page by page (above and below the slider in the case of a vertical scroll bar). If you click on the slider and drag it while holding down the mouse button, a small window will appear indicating the page number that you will go to when you release the mouse button. If you need to go to a specific page in the document, press F5 and enter the page number in the dialog box that appears.

Font formatting.

To format the text font, you must first select

a word or group of words. Then select Format - Font and make the necessary settings (at the end click OK). Or, select a word or group of words, right-click, select Font from the context menu that appears and make the necessary settings.

Print the document.

To print a document, you can simply click the printer icon on the Standard toolbar (usually the fourth one from the left). In this case, the program will print all pages of the current document. If you have 100 pages, then 100 pages will print. If you want to print individual pages, you must first open the File - Print menu. And in it you can already set the print format. Before printing, you can preview what the printed document will look like: menu File - Preview.

Drawing in MS Word.

To draw in Word, you need to connect the drawing panel: "Working with Pictures" - "Drawing Tools" - "Format" - "Insert Shapes" - "Working with WordArt Objects". Then, select the necessary icons in the drawing toolbar to create a drawing. Also, in the “Insert” - “Drawing” tab, select the required image and insert it into the text, if necessary, cropping it to the required size (see Appendix A).

Working with tables.

To create a table in Word, you need to go to the Table menu - select - Insert Table, and in the "Insert Table" window that opens, specify the size of the table to be created. Next, fill in the data and format it according to the rules already described (see Appendix A).

Microsoft Word– one of the most popular text editors. The editor has large and constantly growing capabilities for processing and designing texts, with an average set of font types, their sizes, the ability to expand and use graphic information. Using this editor, you can quickly and with high quality prepare any document - from a simple note to the original layout of a complex publication.

The editor was developed by Microsoft and takes full advantage of the Windows user interface. There are many versions of this editor (MS Word 2000, MS Word 2002, MS Word 2003). Each new version is a further development of the previous one and maintains continuity. Therefore, using new versions of MS Word when working usually does not cause any particular difficulties for users.

Any text typed in MS Word is called a document. Each document gets its own name. MS Word has great capabilities when working with fonts. It is possible to change the style, size, color and style of fonts. A variety of fonts allows you to create different types of documents: business cards, letters, brochures, documentation, invitations, announcements, signs, books, etc. You can configure all paragraph parameters (indentation, line spacing, alignment).

MS Word allows you to create tables in text that can be modified, as well as carry out various operations with table cells. MS Word supports working with graphics. Graphics refer to hand-drawn pictures, photographs, and hand-created figures. It is possible to develop highly artistic inscriptions. Any graphic object can be adjusted (brightness, contrast, size, color, position, etc.).

Using MS Word allows you to perform many layout operations typical of professional publishing systems and prepare full-fledged original layouts for subsequent replication in a printing house. There is a system of ready-made templates and design styles, autotext and autocorrection functions, format brush, custom toolbars, macro language, etc.

MS Word allows you to realize the capabilities of the latest technologies for linking and embedding objects, which make it possible to include text fragments, tables, and illustrations prepared in other Windows OS applications into documents. Built-in objects can be edited using these applications.

Built-in formula editor allows you to write mathematical formulas. In addition to all of the above, MS Word has many additional functions that speed up and make working with texts easier:

    changing the document viewing scale;

    creation of headers and footers and automatic page numbering;

    creating borders around text and pages;

    developing your own style and using it in the future to quickly format text;

    working with macros;

    support for multiple windows;

    convenient help system;

    Spelling, grammar and syntax checking, support for multiple dictionaries to check spelling;

    spell checking, selection of synonyms and automatic word hyphenation;

    customizing toolbars (adding and removing buttons and commands);

    the ability to preview a document before printing;

    setting page parameters and supporting non-standard paper sizes;

    inserting special characters into text.

The MS Word editor has some disadvantages. There are some difficulties with file conversion when translating texts prepared using an earlier version to a later one and vice versa.

When preparing large blocks of relatively homogeneous text information (articles, brochures on humanitarian topics), it is quite enough for the user to use a basic set of operations (input, text modification, working with fragments, search and replacement). Simpler text editors perform these operations faster. A text file prepared in these editors is easily converted into a file in MS Word format, and then brought to the desired form using this editor, which can significantly save time.

Another disadvantage of the editor is the complexity of entering complex mathematical expressions and formulas.

In addition, it is not intended for the production of printed products with a particularly complex structure (atlases, albums, covers), or for editing high-quality illustrations.

Depending on the user's needs, you can select different options for this editor: minimal, custom, standard, full.


Rice. 4.3.

Let's look at the capabilities of this editor using MS Word 2000 as an example, the shortcut of which is presented in Figure 4.3.

When working in MS Word, the left mouse button is used, the right one is used mainly to call up the context menu with additional functions. Most functions can also be called using special hotkey combinations. This saves time and makes working with the program more efficient. All movements on the mouse table on the screen are repeated by the cursor (pointer). Its main shape is an arrow. In text, the cursor has the shape of a vertical bar. Any command is given by pressing a button. The button has two states: on and off. By “clicking” we mean placing the pointer over the button and single-clicking with the left mouse button.

The main MS Word window can be divided into five areas (Fig. 4.4):

    title line;

    menu bar;



    status bar.

Title bar in addition to the title itself, it contains a system menu icon and window control buttons.

Menu bar contains main menu commands. All commands are hierarchical. When you select one of these commands, its drop-down menu appears on the screen (Fig. 4.5).

Toolbars – a convenient tool for quickly executing commands and procedures. To use toolbars, you need a mouse or similar pointing device. In order to execute a command or procedure presented on the toolbar with the corresponding button, just click this button with the mouse. Toolbars are available at any time because they sit on top of document windows.

P Below the menu bar there are toolbars: Standard And Formatting(Fig. 4.6). In addition to these two panels, there are a large number of other panels, shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.


Composition, purpose



Controls for file operations, editing, screen display

Installed by default


Document Formatting Controls

Installed by default

Visual Basic

Access to tools for creating and editing macros and Web scripts

Macros are used to automate typical operations. Web scripts provide a dynamic nature of browsing Web pages

Controls for navigation in Web structures

The World Wide Web and corporate Intranet networks can act as Web structures.

Web components

A set of components for creating Web page controls

They are used to create feedback with the consumer of the document (questionnaires, questionnaires, order forms, applications, etc.)

Word – Art

Controls for creating artistic titles

Installed by default


Quick access tool for setting up the AutoText feature

At the same time, it provides quick access to tools for setting up the AutoCorrect and AutoFormat functions


Database-specific controls

Both MS Access tables and your own tables can act as a databaseMSWord


Clipboard Manager

The clipboard, unlike the standard Windows clipboard, can contain up to 12 objects

Image Settings

Controls for basic bitmap adjustment functions

Allows you to adjust the brightness, contrast, size, frame, text wrapping modes and other parameters of the selected raster object


Controls for creating frames

MSWord 2000 supports two types of frames: frames in electronic documents and frames in printed documents.


Controls for editing and commenting documents

Changed data is saved in the document as new versions. The author of the text can view the proposed changes, and then accept or reject them


Controls and tools for doing basic graphic work

Graphic objects created by the tools of this panel have the nature of vector objects

Tables and borders

Controls for creating tables

Provides tools for sorting data and performing final calculations in tables


Controls for developing standard forms

Allows you to create three types of forms: Web forms, MS Word forms, printed forms


ActiveX components for creating controls for Web pages and Web forms

Toolbar tools allow you to use about 150 ready-made components and install additional ActiveX components

Status bar located at the bottom of the main window. The left side of the status bar displays information about the current document (in accordance with Table 4.2) and operating mode indicators.

Switching on/off operating modes is carried out by the corresponding commands (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2.



Page 5

The serial number of the document page visible in the window

Section 1

Number of the section in which the visible page is located

Visible page number/total number of pages in document

At 19.1cm

Distance from the input cursor to the top edge of the page

Number of the line where the cursor is located

Number 1

Number of the cursor position in the line

Macro recording mode indicator


Editorial mode indicator

Marking extension mode indicator

Replacement mode indicator


Language indicator

Workspace is the main one for working with a document, in which windows for several documents can be open simultaneously.

Rulers allow you to visually assess the current position of the cursor in the text. However, in MS Word, rulers perform additional functions. The horizontal ruler allows you to visually change:

    paragraph indents;

    margins on the page;

    width of columns and columns of tables;

    tab stops.

As you move the cursor, the indent markers and tab stops on the horizontal ruler reflect the settings for the paragraph in which the cursor is located. A vertical ruler appears along the left margin of the page. With its help, you can quickly adjust the top and bottom margins of the page, as well as the height of the rows in the table. You can choose to display rulers on screen or remove them to free up more space for your document.

Document viewing modes

On the left side of the horizontal scroll bar there are viewing mode buttons (Fig. 4.7). MS Word supports several document presentation modes.

IN normal mode only the content of the document is presented without requisite design elements related not to the text, but

to printed pages (headers, footers, footnotes, footnotes, etc.). This mode is convenient in the early stages of document development (text input, editing, reviewing), as well as in all cases when the content of the document is more important than its external presentation. In this mode, operations with large documents are faster, which is important when working on low-performance computers.

IN Web document mode The screen representation does not match the printed one. This display is typical for electronic publications on the World Wide Web. The concept of a printed page is meaningless for electronic documents, so assigned page settings are not taken into account, and formatting of the document on screen is relative.

IN markup mode The screen representation of the document fully corresponds to the printed one, right down to the assigned parameters of the printed page. This mode is useful for most jobs that involve formatting text for printing.

IN structure mode the document is displayed with exaggerated highlighting of its structure. The mode is useful in cases where the development of a document begins with the creation of a content plan. When enabled, a sub-panel automatically opens on the toolbar Structure, whose controls allow you to edit the structure of the document.

Selecting one of the four above document presentation modes is performed using command buttons located in the lower left corner of the application window, or menu commands View.

Via the menu View special view also available (fifth mode) Document outline, in which the application window has two working panels. The left panel shows the structure of the document, and the right panel shows the document itself. This mode, which combines the advantages of the layout and structure modes, is useful when navigating through a large document.

Two more document presentation modes are available through the File menu, used for previewing. For electronic documents use the command FilePreviewWeb pages, and for printed documents – FilePreliminaryviewing. In the first case, the created document is displayed as a Web page in the browser window registered by the OS as the default one.

IN can be changed during operation image scale: Enlarge the image up to 200% for detailed work or zoom out to view the overall view of the page. In addition, any of the above modes can be displayed Full screen(command from menu View), allowing the experienced user to make the most of the screen area.

Context menu allows you to perform many of the commands without accessing the menu bar, which speeds up common operations.

The context menu is called by right-clicking in the document window or using the keys Shift+F10 on keyboard. The content of the menu is determined by the nature of the work in MS Word. For example, if you press the right mouse button while the pointer is located within the text, a context menu will appear on the screen (Fig. 4.8).

Creating a document

The main stages of creating a document are shown in Figure 4.9.

In the Word 2000 word processor, it is common to use two methods for creating a new document: based on a ready-made template or based on an existing document. The second method is simpler, but the first is methodologically more correct.

When creating a document based on an existing document, open the finished document FileOpen, save it under a new name FileSaveHow, then select all the contents in it EditSelectAll and delete it by pressing the key DELETE, after which they receive an empty document that has its own name and retains all the settings previously adopted for the original document.

Creating a document based on a ready-made template is done as follows. Team FileCreate open a dialog box Creationfile, turn on the switch Create document and select a template (Fig. 4.10). If there are no preferences, you should select a template new document on the tab Are common.

WITH the created document acquires a name Document1, accepted by default. It is advisable to immediately save it under the “correct” name by selecting the appropriate folder for it and giving the command FileSaveHow. Dialog window Preservationdocument(Fig. 4.11) in the word processor MS Word 2000 suggests saving not only to a folder My Documents, but also to other folders.

On the left side of the window Preservation There are five buttons that allow you to quickly select the location of the saved file.

Magazine– logical folder. If you need to save a document to one of your most recently used folders, this is a convenient access point.

M oi documents– a traditional folder for storing copyright documents in Windows.

R desk- not a very convenient place to store documents. However, if the document will be used very often and must always be “in sight”, it can be saved here.

Favorites– a special logical user folder intended for storing shortcuts to Web pages. It is not advisable to use it for saving text documents.

Web folders– special folders stored in Web structures, for example, on the World Wide Web or on a corporate Intranet. In general, when using Web folders, the document is saved not on the local computer, but on a remote Web server.

Special text input tools

Let us dwell on the features of the MS Word 2000 word processor that allow you to automate text entry.

All operations of entering, editing and formatting text are logged by the word processor, and therefore the required number of recent actions can be undone. The last action is canceled with a key combination CTRL+Z. This command has a cumulative effect: a series of commands undoes a series of recent actions. Other similar tools - command: EditCancelaction and button Cancel action on the toolbar Standard. Long sequences of actions can also be canceled using the action list (a button that expands the list is attached to the button Cancel action).

After canceling a number of actions, it is possible to return to the state before the cancellation. The command for this is EditReturn action or button Return action on the toolbar Standard.

Clipboard. When compiling a document by using fragments of text taken from different primary sources, it is convenient to use the clipboard. The controls you need are on the Clipboard toolbar ( ViewPanelstoolsBufferexchange).

P Toolbox Clipboard(Fig. 4.12) has three rows of four cells for storing data (the next row opens only when the previous one is filled). The contents of a particular cell can be inferred from the tooltip that appears when you hover your mouse over the cell. When the clipboard overflows, the cells are shifted down, the next element goes to the last cell, and the contents of the first cell are lost.

Money box is a multiple cut and paste tool. A fragment of a document can be placed in a piggy bank in no other way than by cutting it out. You can place individual fragments of text, graphics, tables and other objects from various places in the document into the piggy bank. Objects placed in the piggy bank are stored there in the order they were received. Elements are separated from each other by paragraph characters. To place text or a picture in the piggy bank, select it and then press the keys CTRL+F3.

The contents of the piggy bank can be inserted into the required place in the document as a single whole. In the future, you can change the order of the piggy bank elements in the document.

Inserting the contents of a piggy bank into a document can be done while preserving the contents of the piggy bank or clearing it if its contents are not needed.

To insert the contents of the piggy bank while clearing it, use the keys CTRL+SHIFT+F3.

To insert the contents of the piggy bank without clearing it, in the menu Insert choose a team Autotext, and then the command Autotext, then into the field Element name choose Money box and press the button Insert.

To view the contents of the piggy bank, select the command Autotext on the menu Insert, and then the command Autotext, after which select from the list of autotext elements Money box. The contents of the piggy bank will appear in the field Sample.

Autotext– this is a mode for automatically entering text fragments. It is represented by two functions: autocompletion and autotext itself. Their operating principle is as follows.

The text editor stores an AutoText dictionary consisting of words and phrases that appear quite often in documents. When you enter the first four characters of a dictionary element, a tooltip appears on the screen with the full text of the word or phrase (Fig. 4.13). If this option suits the user, he completes the entire entry by pressing a key ENTER. However, the user can independently select the required text element from a list with a hierarchical structure. The list of AutoText elements is opened using the toolbar Autotext(ViewToolbars – AutoText, rice. 4.14 ) .

N The AutoText dictionary is configured in the dialog box AutoCorrect(Service – AutoCorrect – AutoText). The simplest way to fill a dictionary with new content is to highlight the text on the screen and click on the button Autotext on the toolbar Autotext, and in the dialog box that opens, use the button Add.

Use AutoCorrect as you type.

The latest versions of the MS Word word processor can effectively reduce the amount of entered text by using the tool AutoCorrect. It allows you to replace the input of long sequences of characters with an arbitrary combination of other characters. For example, if the phrase “dialog box” appears frequently in the text, it can be replaced with the short combination “ .before" The period in front of the symbols allows them to be distinguished from two-letter prepositions or conjunctions.

Setting up the tool AutoCorrect performed in the dialog box ServiceAutoCorrect. To do this, check the box Replace as you type, enter the combination to be replaced in the field Replace, and the replacement combination in the field On, then add to the autocorrect list by clicking on the button Add ( rice. 4.15 ) .

Entering special and arbitrary characters. When entering text, there is often a need to enter special characters that do not have a corresponding key in the standard keyboard layout, as well as characters for which the layout is unknown. A tool for entering special and arbitrary characters, as well as for assigning them to favorite keys, is the dialog box Symbol(InsertSymbol). This window has two tabs: Symbols And Special symbols.

On the tab Special symbols there is a list of special characters, such as “long” (“printing”) dash, “copyright”, “trademark” and others. To insert such a symbol, just click on the button Insert.

IN However, for most special characters there are keyboard shortcuts listed in the list. There are buttons in the same window AutoCorrect And Key, allowing you to either enter special characters with regular characters and automatically replace them, or assign a special character to a selected key combination.

On the tab Symbols controls for entering arbitrary characters are presented (Fig. 4.16). The central position in the window is occupied by the table of symbols of the current set.

Font selection is performed in the drop-down list Font. If the font belongs to the category of universal fonts UNICODE, then it is also possible to select a character set in the corresponding drop-down list Kit.

If you need to insert a symbol only once, just click on the command button Insert. If you intend to use this symbol multiple times, you can assign a permanent key combination to it (button Key) or create an element for the list AutoCorrect using the button of the same name.

WITH special text editing tools

Modes for inserting and replacing characters. The word processor allows you to choose between two text editing modes: insert and replace. In insert mode, the text you enter “expands” existing text. In replace mode, new characters replace the characters in the previous text at the insertion point. The insertion mode is used when developing the main content blocks of text documents, and the replacement mode is used when editing standard forms and elements (headers, footers, requisite elements in letters, memos, forms).

The current text editing mode is indicated on the screen by an indicator Replacement. In replacement mode, the indicator is on DEPUTY in the status bar of the program window. Double clicking on this indicator allows you to switch modes. The editing mode is configured on the tab Edit dialog box Options(Tools – Options – Edit).

UsageThesaurus. A thesaurus is a dictionary of semantic synonyms. When preparing technical documentation, semantic synonyms for the verbs used play a special role. For a selected word, it is convenient to call the thesaurus through the item Synonyms context menu. However, this technique is not used for all words (mainly for verbs in the indefinite form). A general technique for calling a thesaurus is to use the menu bar command Service – Language – Thesaurus.

Window Thesaurus has two panels (Fig. 4.17). Its peculiarity is that the search for a synonym is two-level. The replacement synonym can be selected in either the left panel or the right panel. Replacement is done by clicking on the command button Replace. In addition to synonyms, in some cases the thesaurus allows you to find antonyms of words and related (usually the same root) words.

WITH spell checking automation tools. Spell checking automation tools include spelling and grammar checkers. The word processor allows you to implement two spell checking modes - automatic and command.

To work in automatic mode, you need to check the boxes Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar on the tab Spelling dialog box Options(Tools – Options – Spelling). In automatic mode, words containing spelling errors are underlined in red, and expressions containing grammatical errors are highlighted in green. In order to find out the nature of the error, you need to right-click on the marked fragment. Depending on the nature of the error, the context menu contains the item Spelling or Grammar. With their help, a dialog box opens, which contains controls for obtaining more accurate information about the nature of the error, as well as suggested options for correcting the alleged error.

The built-in automatic spell checker is essentially an expert system and can be customized. So, for example, if the recommendations of the expert system are inaccurate or unacceptable, they can be rejected with the command Skip.

The built-in dictionary of the spell checker cannot be edited. All additions and changes are made to a special plug-in user dictionary. Each user can create several specialized user dictionaries focused on different areas of knowledge (law, economics, finance, computer technology, etc.). Connecting the required dictionary for working with a specific document is done by selecting the dictionary file in the drop-down list Auxiliary dictionaries on the tab Tools – Options – Spelling. Gradually filling with specific content, the user's auxiliary dictionaries become a powerful tool for increasing the productivity of his work.

Text review tools

Reviewing can be understood as two processes: editing the text with registration of changes and commenting on the text. Unlike regular editing, when reviewing, the text of the document is not completely changed. The new version and the old “coexist” within the same document as different versions.

The main review tool is the panel Review(View - Panelsmanagement – ​​Review). It presents four groups of controls (Fig. 4.18) intended for:

To create a note, use the button Add a note. When used, the last word of the text is highlighted in a specified color. An additional panel opens for entering note text. Once a note is created, it can be viewed as a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the highlighted word. Information about who contributed it is displayed along with the note text.

To register changes in the text, use the button Corrections. All text editing in the correction registration mode is considered non-author and is highlighted using a special method (the highlighting method can be set on the tab Corrections dialog box Service – Parameters). Other controls in this panel allow you to navigate between revisions and accept or reject them.

If a document undergoes multi-stage editing, there is often a need to store intermediate versions. MS Word 2000 allows you to store multiple versions of a document in one file. What makes this handy tool different is that saving multiple versions (as opposed to multiple copies) effectively utilizes disk space. When saving the next version, the entire document is not saved again - only the differences between the current version and the previous one are saved. To save the current version, use the corresponding panel button Review, and to download one of the intermediate versions - the command FileVersions.

Text formatting

Text formatting is carried out using the menu Format or the Formatting panel. Basic formatting techniques include:

    selecting and changing the font typeface;

    font size control;

    control of font style and color;

    leveling method control;

    creating bulleted and numbered lists (including multi-level ones);

    managing paragraph parameters.

Font settings. The choice of font typeface affects the selected text fragment. If no fragment is selected, it affects all entered text until the next typeface change.

The peculiarity of MS Word word processors is that they are designed to work with multilingual font sets. The selection of other font sets is valid only until the next switch of the keyboard layout from the main (English) to the additional (Russian, Ukrainian), after which an uncontrolled automatic return to using one of the fonts occurs UNICODE.

N Font settings are made in the Font dialog box ( Format - Font), which has three tabs: Font, Spacing and Animation(Fig. 4.19).

On the tab Font choose:

    font typeface;

    its size (measured in points);

    typeface option;

    symbol color;

    presence of underlining;

    nature of the modification.

When choosing a font typeface, keep in mind that there are two categories of fonts: serif and sans serif (sans serif). Typical representatives of the first category are fonts from the family Times, and the second is the fonts of the family Arial. Serif fonts are easier to read in large blocks of text and are recommended for body text.

Most fonts are proportional. This means that the width of individual characters and the distance between adjacent characters are not constant values ​​and change dynamically so that the pairing of characters is most favorable for reading.

A special group is represented by the so-called monospace fonts. In them, each character, together with the intervals bordering it, has a strictly defined width.

Such fonts are used in cases where it is necessary to imitate a typewriter font, as well as when entering texts representing program listings. Typical representatives of such fonts are fonts from the family Courier.

When choosing a font size, you are guided by the purpose of the document, as well as the vertical size of the printed sheet. For documents in a typical book page format, font size is typically 10 point (one point equals 1/72 of an inch). For documents prepared for printing on standard A4 sheets (210x297 mm), choose a size of 12 points. When preparing documents intended for transmission by fax, an increased size is used - 14 points, etc.

The spacing is set by selecting one of three values ​​(Normal, Sparse, Dense) on the tab Format – Font – Spacing.

Animation effects are used very rarely and only when preparing electronic documents distributed in word processor format. Setting the alignment method. MS Word supports four types of alignment:

    on the left edge;

    in the center;

    on the right edge;

    in width.

The alignment type is selected using the corresponding buttons on the Formatting toolbar or from the drop-down list Format – Paragraph – Indents and spacing – Alignment(Fig. 4.20).

N Setting paragraph parameters. In addition to the alignment mode, the following paragraph parameters can be configured:

    the amount of indentation to the left (from the left margin);

    the amount of indentation to the right (from the right margin);

    the amount of indentation of the first line of the paragraph (“red line”);

    the amount of spacing before and after the paragraph.

For printed documents, the amount of indentation for the main text, as a rule, is not specified (the required position of the text is determined by the width of the margins). For Web pages, the amount of paragraph indentation is of great importance. This is one of the very few formatting options allowed for Web documents, so it is used very widely.

The usual practice for assigning a format is that for documents of a simple structure (fiction) the first line is indented (this is especially important for texts in Russian and German), and for documents of a complex structure (technical) and documents in English, spacing is used between paragraphs . An intermediate position is occupied by documents related to natural sciences and humanities.

Tools for creating bulleted and numbered lists. Special design of bulleted and numbered lists is rarely used in artistic documents and personal correspondence, but in official documents and, especially, in Web documents, it is used quite widely. In Web documents, the design of bulleted lists is especially enhanced through the use of special graphic markers, the style of which should be thematically combined with the content and design of the documents.

D To create numbered and bulleted lists, you first need to set up, then enter the list, and finally exit the list. Settings are made in the dialog box List opened by the command Format – List. This window has three tabs: Bulleted List, Numbered List and Multi-Level List(Fig. 4.21) Examples of list design are presented here as controls. To select the one you need, just click on the selected sample.

To create a list by command, use the buttons Numbering And Markers presented on the panel Formatting. Both bulleted and numbered lists can easily be turned into multi-level ones. To move to new levels (or return to previous levels), use the buttons Increase Indent and Decrease Indent on the panel Formatting.

For lists with very deep nesting levels (more than three), you can customize the design style of each level. The command button is used for this. Change on the tab Multi-level dialog box List.

A characteristic feature of the MS Word 2000 processor, associated with its focus on creating Web documents, is the ability to use graphic markers. Use the command button to select graphic markers Drawing on the tab Marked dialog box List. It opens a dialog box Hand-drawn marker, in which you can select the desired marker, including an animated one (on the tab Movies).

Working with styles

A paragraph is the simplest design element of any document. Each document heading is also treated as a separate paragraph. On the menu Format - Paragraph There are quite a few different controls for customizing each paragraph individually through the use of styles.

Design style is a named set of settings for font, paragraph, language, and some paragraph design elements (lines and frames). Thanks to the use of styles, it is easy to format paragraphs and text headings, as well as the unity of their design throughout the entire document.

A special feature of MS Word word processors is that they support two types of styles: paragraph styles and character styles (character styles). Paragraph styles format paragraphs, and iconic styles allow you to change the formatting of selected text within a paragraph. Having two types of styles allows you to implement quite complex formatting techniques.

Style settings. Style settings (Fig. 4.22) are performed in the dialog box Style (Format – Style). The custom style is selected from the list Styles(while on the panels Paragraph And Signs examples of application of this style are displayed).

D To change the style use the command button Change, which opens a dialog box Changing the style. Each style component is configured in a separate dialog box. The component is selected in a menu opened using the button Format.

When customizing a style, it is important to select the correct source style. It should be as close to what is desired to minimize the number of adjustments needed.

Creating a style. To create a style, use the command button Create in the dialog box Styles and Formatting(FormatStyles and Formatting).

In the window Creating a style follows:

    enter the name of the new style in the Name field;

    select the style type (paragraph style or character style);

    select the style on which the new style is based;

    indicate the style of the next paragraph;

    start setting up style elements by clicking on the Format button.

An important feature of the program is the principle of style inheritance. It consists in the fact that any style can be based on one of the existing ones. This allows, firstly, to reduce style customization to a minimum, focusing only on its differences from the base one, and secondly, to ensure the principle of uniform design of the entire document as a whole.


The set of style settings is saved along with the finished document. These settings can be used to prepare new documents using template technology. At their core, templates are preparations for future documents. An example of a template for a letter is shown in Figure 4.23.

Sh The templates are supplied with the word processor and are installed on the computer along with it. Templates differ from ordinary documents in that they take special measures to prevent them from being damaged. When you open a template, you create a new document by making changes to the contents of the template. When saving, the created document is recorded, and the template used as its basis remains unchanged and is suitable for further use.

Using a template to create a document. By command FileCreate a dialog box opens Creating a document, in which you can select a template on the basis of which the document will be developed. In this case, the document immediately receives several ready-made design styles contained in the template.

When formatting characters, you can set the following options:





effects - superscript and subscript,



To format several paragraphs or the entire document, you need to select them and set formatting options:



position on the page.

The Formatting toolbar contains buttons for character and paragraph formatting.

By the active button you can determine what alignment is set for the current paragraph.

A bulleted or numbered list is a sequence of lines containing data of the same type. Lists make text easier to read and understand.

Word allows you to put paragraphs in list form, with each paragraph marked with a specific bullet or number.

Bulleted lists list items related to one topic. Numbered lists list items that follow each other in a specific order.

Each list item is a separate paragraph and has its own bullet or number. From the Edit menu, select Copy or right-click.

7. WordArt Text

WordArt - artistic design of text.

In order to turn regular text into WordArt text, you need to:

1. Select the text that you want to convert to WordArt text, for example, the title of an ad.

2. Click on the "Add WordArt Object" button on the "Drawing" toolbar, or select the "Drawing / WordArt Object" command from the "Insert" menu.

3. In the "WordArt Collection" dialog box that appears, select a text style and click OK.

In the "Edit WordArt Text" dialog box that appears, you can change (edit) the text, select a font and set its characteristics (size and style).

4. As a result of clicking the OK button, the selected text in the document will be converted to WordArt text.

The WordArt Shape button allows you to select the shape of your WordArt text. The appearance of the icons on the buttons that appear as a result of clicking on the "WordArt Form" button tells you what form the WordArt text will take as a result of REC - an indicator of the click mode on the corresponding list button.

8. Working with text fragments

8.1 Selecting text fragments

Using the mouse: Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the section you want to highlight. Press the left button and, without releasing it, move the mouse to expand the selected area in the desired direction. As soon as you release the button, the size of the selected fragment will be fixed.

Using the keyboard: With the cursor in the desired location, press the Shift key and, while holding it, press any keys that move the cursor. The selection will extend across the text to the point where the cursor moves.

8.2 Actions with a fragment

Press the Del key and the selection will disappear.

Move to a new location.

Point to the selected fragment with the mouse cursor and press the left button. Without releasing it, move the arrow to the desired insertion location and release the mouse button there - following the cursor, the entire fragment will move to the new location.

Cut out.

Press Shift+Del, or Ctrl+X, or the scissors button, or give the command "Home / Cut". The fragment will disappear from the text, but will be moved to the buffer, from where it can then be easily retrieved.


Press Ctrl+Ins, or Ctrl+C, or the copy button on the toolbar, or give the command "Home / Copy". The fragment will remain in place, and a copy of it will be placed in the buffer.


The contents of the pocket can be inserted into text using the insert button, Ctrl+Ins, or Ctrl+V, or the Edit/Paste command. This can be done many times, since the text in the pocket is stored until another fragment takes its place.

9. Working with tables

In order to insert a table into a document, you need to place the cursor at the place in the document where the table should be, and on the "Home" tab, select the "Table" command.

The "Insert Table" dialog box will appear on the screen, in the fields of which you need to specify the number of rows and columns of the table. Numbers in the Number of Columns and Number of Rows fields can be entered in the usual way (clicking in the field with the mouse and typing the value on the keyboard), or using the "Increase" and "Decrease" buttons.

Clicking the "Increase" button increases the field value by one, and clicking the "Decrease" button decreases it.

As a result of clicking the "OK" button, a table with columns of the same width will be inserted into the document.

Formatting a table refers to the process of changing the appearance of a table.

Formatting is done by:

font changes;

changing the way cell contents are aligned;

drawing cell boundaries;

changing the cell fill color.

9.1 Paste and formatting

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, you can format a table after you create it in several ways. Using table styles allows you to set the format for the entire table at once, and you can also preview it to see in advance what the table will look like with the selected formatting style.

Tables can be modified by splitting or merging cells, adding and removing columns and rows, and drawing. When working with large tables, you can set the table header to appear on each of the pages on which it appears. To prevent unexpected breaks in the data flow in a table, you can specify where page breaks should appear.

Use table styles to format an entire table

After you create a table, you can format it using table styles. By hovering your mouse over one of the predefined table styles, you can preview what the finished table will look like.

1. Click the table for which you want to set the format.

3. In the Table Styles group, move your mouse over the table styles one by one until you find one that suits you.

9.2 Adding and removing boundaries

You can add or remove borders to give your table the look you want.

Adding borders to a table

In the Table group, click the Select button and select Select Table.

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

In the Table Styles group, click Borders and

Select one of the built-in border sets.

In the Borders and Shading group, click the Borders button and choose an option.

Removing borders from an entire table

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

In the Table group, click the Select button and select Select Table.

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

In the Styles group, click the Borders button and select the no border option.

Add borders to individual cells

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Hide/Show.

Select the required cells along with the cell ending marks.

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

In the Table Styles group, click the Borders button and select the border type you want.

Remove borders in specific cells

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Hide/Show.

Adding a line

Click the cell in the row above or below which you want to add a new row.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

Perform one of the following actions.

To add a row above the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click Insert Above.

To add a row below the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click Insert Below.

Adding a Column

Click a cell in the column to the right or left of where you want to insert the column.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

Perform one of the following actions.

To add a column to the left of the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click Insert Left.

To add a column to the right of the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click Insert Right.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Committee of Education and Science

Administration of the city of Novokuznetsk

Municipal evening (shift) educational institution

"Open (shift) secondary school No. 4"

Course work

MSWORD text editor

Completed by: group student

"Computer operator" Ageeva Y.V.

Checked by: teacher

Vertysheva E.A.

Novokuznetsk, 2009

Introduction. 3

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification. 4

2. Working with a text editor... 5

3. Working with text... 7

4. MSWord text editor interface. 8

5. Display the document in a window. 9

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord. 10

7. WordArt text. 13

8. Working with text fragments. 14

8.1 Selecting text fragments. 14

8.2 Actions with a fragment.. 14

9. Working with tables. 16

9.1 Insertion and formatting. 16

9.2 Adding and removing boundaries. 17

9.3 Adding a cell, row or column. 19

10. Working with pictures and diagrams. 22

11. Print the document. 24

Conclusion. 25

References.. 26


In the process of its development, human society learned to manage various types of energy and entered the era of information.

Until the middle of the 19th century, when the processes of collecting and accumulating information were dominant, the means of information were a pen, an inkwell and paper; The primitive means of informatization of technology of the late 19th century were replaced by mechanical ones.

Only many years later, the information processes of remembering and transmitting information were supplemented by processing processes. This made possible the emergence in the second half of the 20th century of information technology as a computer, which laid the foundation for information technology.

MSWORD owes a lot to "Bravo" - a word processor with an original graphical interface.

The first release of WORD for MS - DOS took place at the end of 1983, it was poorly received by the market.

However, the version released in 1985 became widespread.

WORD for DOS was the first text editor that was capable of displaying text markup as it was edited.

The first version of WORD for WINDOWS, released in 1989, used standard keyboard shortcuts.

Subsequent versions added features that went beyond a simple test editor.

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification

A text editor is an application program that allows you to create text documents, view, edit, print, and edit them.

And also a text editor allows you to:

view the contents of documents on the screen

print a document

change document format

A modern text editor is a software product that provides the PC user with the means to create, process and store documents of equal complexity.

Recently, text editors have been replaced by word processors, which allow not only typing “clean”, unformatted text, but also formatting it: placing it randomly on the page, highlighting it with fonts, and so on.


1. Text editors - designed for editing simple texts and program texts.

2. Document editors - designed to work with documents that are structurally composed of nested sections, pages, paragraphs, and so on.

3. Editors of scientific texts - provide preparation and editing of scientific texts containing a large number of mathematical formulas, graphs, etc.

4. Publishing systems - used for preparing large complex documents (books, albums, magazines, etc.).

The word processor is always in one of two modes - insert or replace.

2. Working with a text editor

Input is the main mode of operation of a text editor, produced by

using the keyboard.

Basic operating modes of text editors:


text editing

spelling control

search by context and replace

working with files

text printing

The text typed on the keyboard is displayed in the editor's desktop on the screen. The place of active influence on the working field is marked by a cursor moving across the screen.

Cursor - a short, usually blinking line indicating the position of the working field in which the entered character or text element will be placed.

Editing is making changes to the typed text.

Editing is performed when the user issues text editor commands.

To delete one or more characters, use the Del and Backspace keys.

The selected fragment can be:



Formatting is the ability of a word processor to format a document.

A paragraph is a piece of text whose input process ended by pressing the Enter key.

3. Working with text

When working with a text editor, the screen contains information about its current state - the “Status Bar”.

Any text editor is characterized by the presence of editor controls on the “Command Menu” screen. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

Operations performed on a document include:

1. creating a new document

2. assigning a unique name to the document

3. typing all text on the keyboard

5. saving the document

6. copying a document from RAM to external memory

7. deleting a document

8. Deleting a created or downloaded document from the screen

9. document printing - creating a hard (paper) copy of the document.

Save operation - writes the edited document located in RAM to disk for permanent storage.

Powerful word processors have the ability to merge documents.

To perform this procedure you must have:

the main document containing permanent information;

source document for storing variable information.

4. MSWord text editor interface

MSWORD is an efficient and full-featured text editor that provides all the tools you need to create various types of documents.

Microsoft Word interface

Scroll bars are located at the right border and at the bottom of the Microsoft Word window.

The status bar is the horizontal bar located below the document window. It displays information about the operations being performed, the cursor position, and other contextual information.

Standard toolbar buttons make it easier to create, open, save, and edit a document.

The formatting bar buttons allow you to format characters and paragraphs.

5. Displaying a document in a window

Word allows you to view a document in a window in several modes. "Normal" mode is set by default when opening a window.

The "electronic document" mode is the optimal mode for viewing electronic documents on the screen.

Layout mode - allows you to see a page with pictures, multi-column text, footnotes, headers and footers and margins as it will be printed.

To simultaneously view two parts of one document, divide the window into two areas. In each area of ​​the window, you can scroll the document independently of the other area; you can use different scales and viewing modes.

To see all open documents at once, select Arrange All

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord

Editing means making any changes to the typed text.

There are several ways to change the text color:

Select the text you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Text Color and select the color you want.

To perform most text processing operations, the edited fragment must first be selected. After selecting a fragment, the operation can be performed in the following ways:

1. using menu commands;

2. using context menu commands;

3. using the buttons on the "Standard" toolbar;

4. using the left mouse button;

5. using the right mouse button;

In order to copy a piece of text to another point in the document, you must:

1. Select a piece of text.

2. On the "Home" tab, select the "Copy" command or click on the "Copy" command button. As a result, a copy of the selected fragment will be placed on the Windows clipboard.

3. Using the cursor keys, place the cursor at the point in the document after which the fragment copied to the clipboard in the previous step should be pasted.

4. On the "Home" tab, select the "Insert" command or click on the "Insert" command button.

The format of printed text refers to the arrangement of lines, size of fields and pages.

Format parameters are set before entering the test, and are subsequently automatically maintained by the text editor.

It is also possible to change the text format. To do this, you need to set new parameters and select the "Reformat Text" command.

Formatting text involves changing its appearance by changing alignment, using different fonts and their styles.

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